View Full Version : A magical disease / curse

2014-02-07, 09:02 AM
I had an idea today and I was hoping the forum could help me flesh it out a little. I have kids and they're watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates, I was only paying half attention but I saw a character who keeps sneezing and random magical things happen, a character turned into a monkey, another time a bunch of bubbles appears and they all floated away, etc.

So I was thinking it would be interesting to have some kind of magical disease where a character regularly goes off like a rod of wonder. But how do I infect a PC with a magical disease?

I figure this is good for a session or two, if I could find a way to introduce this magical disease I'm sure it wouldn't take long for my players to find a cure and some fun will be had in the process.

I'm thinking there should be a dungeon crawl, the macguffin at the heart of the dungeon is what will cause the trouble. My players are smart so I have to trick them into activating the macguffin somehow, whatever it is. If they know it's in any way cursed they won't touch it with a ten foot pole (literally).

Any ideas?

2014-02-07, 10:53 AM
Depending on your campaign and how active Gods maybe in it, you could have a God of trickery(or a sect of their faith) running around spreading it through food/water. Or "infecting people" with pollen or something similar.

You could also have some crazed Wizard going about in the late hours of the night tricking people by giving them magical potions.

Maybe a God of Death wants to start branching out into trickery and at the end of this particular disease, while all these funny little wonders are going off, really you have only but 3 or 4 days to purge the disease or die.

Hope some of these help.

If you meant in a mechanic kind of way, contact/inhalation for a spore type disease. Ingestion for the food/water/potions. Should get afew people infected.