View Full Version : Reach weapon Clarification

2014-02-07, 12:01 PM
One of my players is attempting to use a reach weapon to hit someone ten feet away into a square that he threatens. However, there is another creature between him and that square. I argued that you cant hit the creature and thus, gave my ruling on it. However, I need to know, is that correct? Please refrence what you can in your replies.


2014-02-07, 12:04 PM
He can hit him.

In fact, unless his weapon states otherwise, he cannot hit the guy 5 feet away. Spiked chain is the exception, not the rule.

2014-02-07, 12:06 PM
It doesnt make sense to me that a character who has someone directly beside him, can hit using a ten foot reach weapon on the other side of that creature....Is there anything you can refrence me to?

2014-02-07, 12:10 PM
Normal reach weapons cannot attack creatures within your natural reach* creatures but can hit creatures beyond your natural reach but within twice your natural reach.

*Your natural reach (0ft for tiny creatures, 5ft for small-medium creatures, 10ft for large creatures, +5ft per size increase thereafter)

IF you have soft cover (say another foe) between you and a target, that target gets +4 AC from cover.


A is a PC wielding a normal reach weapon and B, C and D are Orcs.
A cannot attack B (within natural reach) but can attack both C and D (beyond natural reach but within twice natural reach). However B is providing soft cover for C so C gets +4 AC against attacks from A.

See nyjastul69's post for the rule citation

2014-02-07, 12:14 PM
This is where the Soft Cover rules can come into play - reach weapons do apply ranged cover modifiers in some circumstances. Few people understand them properly (I don't). At worst it would be +4 to the defender's AC from the cover.

2014-02-07, 12:14 PM
It doesnt make sense to me that a character who has someone directly beside him, can hit using a ten foot reach weapon on the other side of that creature....Is there anything you can refrence me to?

Per the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#cover) the creature can be attacked but should receive a +4 cover bonus to AC.

Edit: And ninja'd