View Full Version : Opinions sought regarding Deafening Spell metamagic feat

2014-02-07, 11:27 PM
RelentlessImp at Brilliant Gameologists (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9876.0) described Deafening Spell as an "excellent option." I'm having trouble seeing it as that strong of an option, but I'm interested in the opinions of others.

On the positive side, the feat deafens anyone damaged by the spell it modifies, automatically, with no additional save. On the negative side, it lasts for just 1 round and deafened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#deafened) is not that debilitating a condition. The -4 penalty to initiative might never come into play if initiative has already been rolled. I'm having trouble thinking of a circumstance where auto-failing a listen check would be helpful; any character deafened is definitely going to be aware that there are enemies about. That just leaves 20% chance of spell failure if any deafened spellcasters happen to cast a spell. Since it's just 1 round, it's entirely possible that no spellcasters lose any spells.

Am I missing something? I might actually be interested in the feat if the deafened condition lasted longer, but I'm not seeing it as an "excellent option."

2014-02-08, 12:05 AM
I wouldn't even say it's a good option. I don't think I've ever seen it suggested in a build here in the playground.

2014-02-08, 12:29 AM
Maybe he confused it with Coercive Spell. What's your opinion(s) on that feat? That looks like it has possibilities.

2014-02-08, 12:43 AM
Again, it's not really that impressive to me. A -2 to one save isn't really worth using a feat on especially since you have to attach to a damage spell and suck up the higher slot with it.

2014-02-08, 12:43 AM
With so many things heavily resistant to mind affecting, I would not bothwr unless you NEED it.

2014-02-08, 08:42 AM
Deafening isn't a bad move tactically.

20% on spells that involve verbal components? That means that one out of every five spells they case still cost the slots, the components, and everything, just fizzle.

More importantly, it means they can't communicate. Every deafened foe fights until HE thinks it's time to run away. They can't change their plans, they can't communicate effectively, nor can they hear the dragon coming up behind them...

2014-02-08, 10:58 AM
Deafening isn't a bad move tactically.

20% on spells that involve verbal components? That means that one out of every five spells they case still cost the slots, the components, and everything, just fizzle.

More importantly, it means they can't communicate. Every deafened foe fights until HE thinks it's time to run away. They can't change their plans, they can't communicate effectively, nor can they hear the dragon coming up behind them...

But it's only verbal spells and it's only for one round. Any caster worth anything is going to know you can't cast verbal spells if you're deaf so it be almost totally wasted.

2014-02-08, 12:44 PM
But it's only verbal spells and it's only for one round. Any caster worth anything is going to know you can't cast verbal spells if you're deaf so it be almost totally wasted.

If a caster were to react like that then that would likely restrict their options quite severely, personally I'd just take to 20% failure chance unless I had a suitable spell available.