View Full Version : Everything dies before I get there.

2014-02-09, 01:12 AM
Playing in a 3.5 game as a paladin in a group that has 10 characters, and I'm the only melee character. Everything dies before I get a chance to swing. If we were not one fight from the end I would most likely abandon the quest.

Would anyone have any advice that could Possible help out?

2014-02-09, 01:17 AM
You need to tell us a whooollleeee lot more about things. ALL THE THINGS.

Your build, the build of the other characters, the monsters, the number of the monsters, your initiative, whether the GM is upping the number of enemies, if it is a module, etc. etc. etc.

2014-02-09, 01:21 AM
Boots of striding and springing. See if your DM will allow the ones from 3rd edition. The doue your movement and add 10 to jump. Don't let the monk get them. Gets stupid.

2014-02-09, 01:22 AM
Also are you moving or using charge actions to close?

2014-02-09, 01:25 AM
You need to tell us a whooollleeee lot more about things. ALL THE THINGS.

Your build, the build of the other characters, the monsters, the number of the monsters, your initiative, whether the GM is upping the number of enemies, if it is a module, etc. etc. etc.

Rise of the rune giants adventure path, so a massive amount of giants, nearly everything has reach, we are all lvl 15 to 16, I'm a paladin, the group has a witch, scout, knight that flies on a griffin, a priest, wizard that summons massive amounts of critters, a crossbow wilding gnome that's always invis, a druid and finally a shadow something class from ToB. The giants hit for around 6d6+32

2014-02-09, 01:27 AM
Well there's your problem. The GM isn't multiplying the number of giants by, like, three. Also, you're a weak class at high level playing in a game where powerful classes shine at this level.

2014-02-09, 01:38 AM
Well there's your problem. The GM isn't multiplying the number of giants by, like, three. Also, you're a weak class at high level playing in a game where powerful classes shine at this level.

Unfortunately I didn't get to my character, and I don't want to be settled with another character that feels useless when we start a new game. This time around I'll be able to create my own character from the start.

2014-02-09, 01:44 AM
Take off your armour? If you were wearing medium to heavy armour it would be a quick way to increase your movement rate from 20 to 30 (assuming you are human or another 30' move race).

Insist on taking point. Be 60' ahead of the party. Heck you could sell it as saying "I want to try talking first next time". You talk, bad guys go "hulk smash!" and strike you, you get to swing your holy avenger.

Talk to the other players. Ask the spellcasters to buff you so that you can do something in combat. Say, "Hey, help out the BSF here!" :smallsmile:

Talk to the DM. Maybe he can do something occasionally, like have the party be teleported away while you solo a monster, or have a new monster suddenly appear from nowhere in front of you while the party deals with other monsters.

Embrace the madness. Soliliquize on the unfortunate necessity of violence as bad guys die due to your friends.

2014-02-09, 10:03 AM
summon your warhorse and charge.

2014-02-09, 10:13 AM
That party could easily be split into 2 separate groups.

2014-02-09, 10:14 AM
I'd say the ridiculous group is the main problem.

2014-02-09, 11:09 AM
Ugh, why the hell would you run a party of 10.

2014-02-09, 11:12 AM
10 people in an adventure designed for 4. And you probably have the worst initiative. I think that about sums up the problem.

I hear the last fight is a real killer though. So maybe half of them will die and you'll get a chance to do something.

2014-02-09, 02:08 PM
I would advise simply asking your DM if you can change paladin into Prestiage paladin and start as a cleric. This way you can have the paladin feel to it, without being outshined by the rest of the party. They want to run ahead thats fine, you have a special mount to summon, use spells like spirtual chariot, and greater one mind. Share your righteous might and Greater visage of the deity+Divine power and go to town on your enemies while FA in a carriage.

Lord Vukodlak
2014-02-09, 03:43 PM
Get one person to agree to become a dungeon master and have him take four other players with him or her. Thus giving you a group of five players and a seperate group with four players.