View Full Version : Feat starved

2014-02-09, 01:36 PM
Is it just me or is every non fighter class feat starved? Every topic/guide i have read recently has said the class if feat starved.

2014-02-09, 02:31 PM
I don't know about feat starved per se. I do know you can never get too many feats. The main issue as I see it is that you get 7 feats in 3.5 before bonus feats & there are HUNDREDS of options. It's only natural to want to be able to do any & everything. In D&D 3.P though, you generally should specialize which cuts down the number of feats you want by a lot. To counter this, you get the prestige class which usually involves a feat tax of some sort. Combine NEEDED feats with feat taxes & you wind up with feat starvation.

(As an aside, my group implemented the house rule wherein you cannot take more than one prestige class in any build unless you finish said prestige class. This helps with the traditional 8 class builds somewhat.)

If you look at Pathfinder, they tried to fix it & then went back & broke it by adding feats & then making the feat chains longer. We allow their feat progression but allow picking & choosing as to which version of what feats to use.

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-02-09, 02:33 PM
Well, there's the druid, which needs at most three feats to function (spell focus: conjuration, augment summons, and natural spell). Wizards and sorcerers are in a similar boat.

It's also possible that certain concepts require more feats than others. Two-weapon fighting is one such example. Combat reflex builds that abuse AoOs are another set.

2014-02-09, 02:41 PM
Well, there's the druid, which needs at most three feats to function (spell focus: conjuration, augment summons, and natural spell). Wizards and sorcerers are in a similar boat.

Actually, the druid needs at most zero feats to function. They are full casters, after all. Natural spell is definitely a necessary thing if you want to break out full fledged druid awesome, instead of pretty crazy druid awesome, but augment summoning definitely isn't, and there's a good chance that you just shouldn't take it on a non-core build. It's a good feat, certainly, but druid feats are just crazy sometimes.

2014-02-09, 02:49 PM
I usually play a homebrewed version of 3.5 with one feat per two HD instead of one feat per three HD.