View Full Version : [PF] Intro to Pathfinder, The Dragon Empire IC

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2014-02-09, 02:20 PM
Chapter 1: Uncharted Waters

Stalling, the capital of Rhedris, is a bustling coastal city where fishing and art flourish. Painters often stand upon the piers with their canvas, rendering idyllic images of the sun reflecting off of the water or awful storms whipping the waves into a frenzy. The farms throughout the wide prairies of Rhedris provide much of the food for the Empire, but bread and vegetables get old after a while. The fish from the city of Stalling are a luxury dish, usually accessible only to merchants and nobles, for the ocean provides a menagerie of shapes and flavors for the fishermen to catch.

Today the painters are back on the docks as usual, but not to render the ocean's majesty. The majesty of artifice and romantic thoughts of adventure capture their hearts today, as they immortalize an image of soldiers and sailors embarking on sailing vessels far larger than any fishing boat on a quest to battle evil at sea. The gnomish ships themselves are a sight to behold, something at the same time an art and a science. With designs based on the pirate ships seen during raids on Rhedran fishermen, the massive wooden shells of these vessels are larger than any vehicle anyone in the Empire has seen before, rivaling Emperor Maeleachlainn himself in size. To the common people, and even most educated folk, it's a miracle that these hulks can float on the water at all. At the bow of each boat is a figurehead in the likeness of a Silver Dragon, frozen mid-roar in a proclamation of war against the raiders who harried the Empire's people from the empty blue expanse. The ships' hulls are all painted blue to blend into the backdrop of the ocean and sky, making them more difficult to see from afar. Above the lookouts' nests fly two flags, that of the Dragon Empire flapping in the wind next to that of the Kingdom of Rhedris. Although the five ships lined up at the docks are far from a fleet, they are all the nation has.

I'll try to draw these flags eventually, despite being terrible artist, and put them in this spoiler tag.

You are among the soldiers and sailors at the pier, preparing to embark on a hunt. The quarry are the orcish pirates who have troubled Rhedris and the rest of the Empire for four years now. One of these five ships is that to which you have all been assigned, the fourth in line at the pier.

General Koloman Grimace, now Admiral Koloman Grimace of the Rhedran navy, is gathered with the Captains of the vessels in a fisherman's tavern at the docks. The establishment had been cleared out aside the assembled commanders. On the table between the six of them was a map of the island, with five paths outward marked upon it. Three had already been briefed on their objectives, and Koloman now turned to his son. Edmund, captain of the fourth ship.

"Captain Grimace, you will be taking command of the Northeastern Fog. As the vessel's name suggests, you will be traveling around the island and to the northeast. Your primary mission is to discover the source of the orcish raiding ships, if any. Secondary tasks are the capture of enemy raiders for interrogation and their ships for our own research and use. Tertiary interests are exploration and mapping of the uncharted waters beyond the island. Any questions?" the Admiral looked to his son, face stern as usual. While Edmund's position was not due to his father pulling strings, his friend Malleus Reinardt was a different story. A former pirate, Reinardt was not a well-liked name in the Rhedran military, and Koloman had helped him into a position of influence. The actions of Edmund and Malleus had more than just their careers hanging in the balance.

Standing on the deck of the Northeastern Fog, the ship of which he was second in command, Malleus held a record of the ship's resources and crew. While Edmund was being briefed, Malleus' current task was ensuring that everything was in order and reporting to the Captain once he arrived.

The ship has two decks below, one containing facilities such as bunks, chamberpots, three barebones prison cells, the sick bay, and the galley. Below that level is cargo and supply storage. The ship is not large enough to feature private cabins, but there are chests and footlockers in the bunk room for the crew's personal belongings.

AC 2(+Captain's Prof: Sailor modifier); Hardness 5
HP: 1,620/1620 (sails 360/360)
Base Save +6(+Captain's Prof: Sailor modifier)

Max Speed: 90 ft. (wind propulsion via sails); Acceleration: 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8

Sailing Checks: Profession (Sailor)
Control Device: Steering Wheel

Human Captain: Edmund Grimace
Human First Mate: Malleus Reinardt
Human Sailors: 10 (1st Level Commoners, equipped with Daggers)
Halfling Sailors: 10 (1st Level Commoners, equipped with Clubs)
Human Soldiers: 15 (1st Level Warriors, equipped with Longswords, Light Crossbows, and Leather Armor)
Halfling Soldiers: 10 (1st Level Warriors, equipped with Longswords, Slings, and Leather Armor)
Gnomish Engineers/Siege Crew: 12 (11 are 1st Level Experts, equipped with Clubs and Leather Armor; there is a note here that the head of the engineers and siege crew has some ability as an arcane caster)
Human Cooks: 3 (2 of them are 1st Level Commoners, equipped with Daggers; there is a note here that the head cook also has military training)
Halfling Cooks: 3 (1st Level Commoners, equipped with Daggers)
Human Doctor: Orrick Drummond
Halfling Lookout: Sani Stormeye

Total number of crew members: 65

The ship is equipped with two gnomish cannons each on the port (left) and starboard (right) sides, and two light ballistae each on the port and starboard sides, making a total of four siege weapons on either side. Inside the silver draconic figurehead at the bow (front) of the ship is a hidden Firedrake weapon, which spits great streams or cones of Alchemist's Fire at relatively close range. These blasts can be used to catch enemy ships on fire, and are nearly impossible to completely avoid, but there is only enough fuel for three shots right now.

Food: 42 days of food for the entire crew, equivalent to about six weeks. This can be rationed to halve the amount used per day, but the crew will begin to suffer from malnutrition if it is rationed for too long.
Ammunition: 20 Cannonballs, 40 Ballista Bolts, and 3 Kegs of Alchemist's Fire
Sick Bay Supplies: 20/20

The two of you are caught in the bustle of the docks and are trying to find your way to the correct ship when both of you see a gnome with neon blue hair standing on a pile of crates and shouting in a shrill, nagging voice at human laborers as they push/drag several containers up a walkway onto one of the ships.

"Be more careful with that! Bump it again and it could set the whole ship on fire! Won't be anything left of you, neither! This stuff ain't beer, y'know."

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16955028#post16955028)

2014-02-09, 05:47 PM
A hooded figure struggled through the crowds, jostled to and fro by the passers by as they went about their work loading and preparing the five ships for their maiden voyages. Every bump elicited a series of clinks and clanks from the traveler and his trunk, along with a murmured excuse. Protruding from under the hood was a scrap of parchment, evidently clenched in the person's teeth: a hand-drawn map with the words "Northeastern Fog" hastily scribbled in the corner.

Orrick looked up from under the hood to catch his first real glimpse of the Rhedran vessels. They were marvels of engineering from the minds of the gnomes. Ever since he'd heard of their girth, his mind was racked trying to determine their function. Other boats, as he understood, simply sat on the water in some fashion, but behemoths such as these must be made from some extraordinarily light substance lest they sink. He had been assured that they floated by scientific means rather than arcane.

"Be more careful with that! Bump it again and it could set the whole ship on fire! Won't be anything left of you, neither! This stuff ain't beer, y'know."

The gnome's words caught Orrick's attention. Word was that siege weapons had been mounted in the ships. Apparently the intention was that two ships might duel each other, like some kind of mobile castles. The weapons made use of some very unstable chemicals, of which Orrick thought he would likely be in charge of maintenance, in addition to his other duties. He scurried over to the gnome and asked, "Pardon, sir, but are any of those barrels bound for the... -he consulted the parchment- ...the Northeastern Fog? I'm a passenger, you see, and hoped you might direct me to it."

No, her. Ships are hers for some reason. "Her."

H. Von Studley
2014-02-09, 06:00 PM
"A few questions sir," Edmund replied, his stern face and rigid posture betraying nothing of the flutter of nerves in his stomach.
"Which direction will the other ships be going? Do we have a resupply budget, or are we to use whatever we can plunder from the enemy? And if we do find the source of the raiders do you expect us to return for reinforcements or deal with them ourselves?"

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 22/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: None

Spells (CL2): (L1) 2/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 6/6, Destructive Smite 6/6.

Profession (Sailor) Modifer: +9

2014-02-09, 07:04 PM
When Orrick ran up to the crates, the gnome leaned down to better hear what he was saying over the noise of the crowd. Catching the words 'passenger' and 'Northeastern Fog', he hopped down onto a lower crate, putting him at about eye level with the alchemist. The gnome was wearing a garish outfit that looked like it would be more at home on a circus performer: a shirt covered in purple and white stripes, with blue frills on the collar and cuffs; a pair of breeches with spiraling purple and blue designs; and a silver belt buckle shaped like a frothing mug of ale. At his hip was a metal case the size and shape of a book, and there was a sheathed dagger strapped to his thigh. His eyes were the same striking neon blue as his hair.

"Excellent sense of direction you have there! This is she, the one and... well, one of five, to be honest. Real beauty though, ain't she?" The gnome turned to face the ship and put a hand over his heart as though pledging an oath, "Installed her cannons with my own two hands, I did, so you needn't worry any. With a couple good loaders on hand, she'll fend off any scrapped together raft those ruffians can piece together."

Spinning on a heel to face Orrick again before there was a chance to reply, the gnome held out a hand, "Pomutiki, Siege Mage of the Northeastern Fog! Pleased to make your acquaintance...?" The gnome left the sentence hanging, waiting for the man's name.

"Four of the ships will be exploring to the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. The final ship - that's you, yes, I'll get to you in a moment -" Admiral Koloman caught the question of the Captain who'd yet to be addressed before it could even leave his lips, "- will remain to guard the fishing vessels. We can't very well stop fishing until the raiders are gone, so we'll need a deterrent to ward off attack."

"We've outfitted the ships with everything they should need for now. King Mariner has granted monthly funding of five thousand gold pieces to be set aside for each vessel's Captain to do with as they see fit. If you end up salvaging enough to make do, feel free to put the extra funding towards whatever you feel will help. Bonuses will also be granted for outstanding performance," taking a moment to look each of the exploratory Captains in the eye, the Admiral continued, "We don't know what we're going to find out there, so for now I'll leave it up to each of you to figure out what's best. Just try to exercise caution. We need success, not glory hounds, got it?"

The gathered Captains all saluted and replied in the affirmative.

"Good. Was there anything else unclear?"

The Captain of the second ship (the Mountain Rider) spoke up, "What happens to the funding if we're gone for more than a month?"

"We'll hold the funding for you, and you will receive the total once you return. If you're gone for more than three months, we'll assume you are either stranded or dead and send another to find you. On prolonged disappearance or confirmation of death, the unused funding will be put towards replacing your ship and crew." Koloman looked around for any more questions.

2014-02-09, 08:23 PM
Malleus Reinardt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789864)
Mal had spent the earliest years of his youth on pirate vessels, roughshod things of mismatched lumber, pieced together by thieves and brigands. The Northeastern Fog was no such thing. Bigger by half and elegantly designed, the naval vessel he stood on now was an instrument of awe-inspiring engineering might. It fascinated him.

Papers in hand, Mal wandered the ship, poop deck to storage supply. He was supposed to be taking stock of the provisions, but he was continually distracted by the sheer size and splendor crafted by the King's engineers. He noticed barrels being hauled in and delivered to the bow where he was told some fire-spewing weapon had been installed in the silver dragon's head. Everything about the ship seemed to be in order, Mal's only concern was that it seemed too big to be able to avoid attack with much success. Hopefully it was as swift and sturdy as it looked.

The crew seemed to be avoiding him, at least those he had not previously served with in the military. He hated how everyone held his past over his head. "I'm not a pirate!" he often thought heatedly. He had spent over two-thirds of his life in Stalling, and was only a boy when they took him. Did they think he bore them a grudge? They could have killed him as well as his parents, but instead he had been cared after, trained, and given a place to call home if he would. He hadn't taken the death of his parents lightly, but it isn't as though they had been murdered. He was old enough even then to know the stakes his parents had taken upon themselves. He wouldn't blame the navy for defending themselves and the kingdom's property. It wounded him to be treated always as an outsider. Instead of speaking with the crew, he approached the gnome engineer receiving the barrels.

"Those are for the... firedrake, it's called isn't it?" he asked, "I've studied siege weaponry as a hobby, but I've never heard of anything like it. How does it work?"

H. Von Studley
2014-02-09, 09:23 PM
With nothing left to ask of his father, Edmund's eyes drifted out the window to where the Northeastern Fog was moored. She certainly is a beautiful ship, he thought to himself. The hardworking engineers and shipwrights had worked something special from those plans and he ought to know. Edmund had spent countless hours poring over the ships blueprints. Ever since learning of his mission he had immersed himself in study of the ship. He knew every curve of the hull, every coil of rope and every inch of canvas.

He knew that he understood this ship better than any man in his crew, but still he worried, nervous anticipation working itself into a knot inside him. He had no practical experience with a ship of this size, and too little experience with ships in general. How could he? Life in the Rhedran army had prepared none of them for the sea. All his father could do was pick from the best commanders in the army and hope that those skills would translate.

Looking back around the room at the other Captains, he was grateful for one advantage though. Having Mal aboard would be a huge help in running the ship, and on a personal level Edmund welcomed the companionship of his old friend. Having Mal aboard would definitely be worth the difficulty Edmund and his father had faced having him approved for this mission.

With one last look back his father, Edmund sighed, impatiently but imperceptibly. He was eager to be underway.

2014-02-10, 12:37 PM
Orrick took the gnome's hand and shook it gently, saying, "Orrick Drummond, alchemist by trade, but I'll be serving as your physician for this voyage." He was about to produce his papers when another figure strode up to the pair. Orrick could tell immediately that he was of some import, as he bore the symbol of the Rhedran military on his garb. Aside from his clothing, he looked like many of the other sailors moving about on the decks: tanned from the sun, and rough from months at sea. Perhaps he was the captain.

He asked about the firedrake. Orrick had studied its application as well, and he probably knew enough about incendiary components to describe its function. But interrupting would not be his way, and Pomutiki was clearly the master of these devices. He shyly took a half step back and lowered his head, allowing the mage his answer.

2014-02-10, 02:00 PM
"Aha, an alchemist! Good to have, good to have, a respectable profession. I'm not one, myself - my specialty is the delivery of explosives, rather than the brewing of them," Pomutiki laughed and emphatically shook Orrick's hand, then hopped down from the crate and started to make his way over to the ship. He stopped short as Malleus approached, looking up and grinning. "The Firedrake! Marvelous, isn't it? First one was invented by my mother, y'know. The family's always had a knack for pyrotechnics. C'mon, both of you, I'll give you a rundown of how it works. We can use some water for a demonstration."

The gnome continued past Malleus, marching up the walkway onto the ship and making a beeline for the figurehead, where a few members of the siege crew were double checking everything. He seemed to assume the two of them were following without bothering to look back.

The Admiral gave directions to the Captain who would be guarding the fishermen, showing him the patrol path along the southern part of the island as it was marked on the map. After everyone was ready and had no more questions, he dismissed everyone but Edmund.

Walking up to his son, Admiral Koloman placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder. His stern voice and expression softened a bit, but Koloman was still a serious man by nature. "I told you as an Admiral, now I'm asking you as a father: Don't take any unnecessary risks. You and your friend don't have to prove anything to anyone, so I don't want you playing hero. Get the job done and get home in one piece, alright?"

Opposite Day
2014-02-10, 02:20 PM

"You see anything up there, Soar?", a soft voice calls out to a circling hawk. It is one thing to find your way to your location, quite another to get there when surrounded by people nearly twice your height. Bumping into thighs and pelvises as the halfling makes her unsteady way through the crowd, she takes a moment to let the scene set in as she finally gets an open view of the sea, the hawk gliding down before settling on her left shoulder, rustling its feathers.

"oh WOW, Soar, I TOLD you it was a great idea to sign up for this!", Sani exclaims as she spots the ship-looking thing they'd been assigned to, nearly jumping off the dock in excitement and only regaining her balance due to the hawk grabbing her shoulder and flapping madly in the opposite direction. "The Northeastern Fog, huh? Well, we are going to be like a sitting fog bank if we don't get going and board, chances are they would miss us otherwise on something like that!"

"Be more careful with that! Bump it again and it could set the whole ship on fire! Won't be anything left of you, neither! This stuff ain't beer, y'know."

..setting the whole ship on fire? This kept getting better and better. Chances are the hunting would be great as well with a beacon that big, Old Deadeye would definitely agree. Maybe she could convince the captain to bombard a random place to see what it would be like..

Sani turns and adresses the gnome with the ancient greeting of the petite people (which surprisingly has seemed to gather quite the little crowd of interested fellows while he is at it); "Hi there, fellow head-butter of the tall folk! Are those things being loaded unto all the ships?"

2014-02-10, 02:28 PM
The gnome waves back at the halfling as he moves up onto the ship, "Yes indeed friend, everybody's been armed with plenty of firepower. I'm giving a demonstration right away, so come on up if you want to see!" Skipping ahead before he could get a reply, the excited gnome shouted to the siege crew, "Get me a keg of distilled water, boys, and let's give the crowd a show!"

2014-02-10, 03:17 PM
Mal strode along with the gnome, keeping pace despite the gnome's exuberance. He was eager to see this weapon in action, and not only to determine its viability as a tool for naval combat. He smirked to himself and waited only somewhat impatiently for the gnome to begin the demonstration.

"Malleus Reinardt," he turned and extended his hand to the stranger who waited alongside him, "Will you be boarding with us?"

Opposite Day
2014-02-10, 03:31 PM

Putting up a wide grin at the thought of the slight mayhem to ensue, it doesn't take much to have the halfling darting after the gnome. "Don't mind if I do!"

Boarding the ship and admiring it even further on close hold has Sani as impressed as ever. Usually it takes a lot to leave her tongue-tied, but this is not exactly usual either. Soar does not share the excitement, however, and after clinging uneasily to her shoulder for a few seconds decides to take off instead, soaring into the sky where he feels a lot safer about explosions. "Ah, fine, you daft chicken - just leave me here as a damsel in distress, will you?", she laughs up at the circling avian, only getting a scree in response as she patiently waits for the gnome to show off his craft.

"Ready whenever you are - light 'er up!"

Realizing that she quite rudely ignored the others the gnome were entertaining, however, Sani rapidly darts around before adressing the pair of humans that gathered on the dock;

"Oh, pardon me, I don't think we've met. Sani Stormeye, both halfs halfling, at your service! I trust that you all belong to this vessel? 'believe I'll be serving as your lookout, so you better get used to my voice!", grinning even wider with the last statement.

2014-02-10, 04:01 PM
Orrick followed the gnome up the gangplank alongside the other man. They reached the deck shortly, whereupon the sailor introduced himself. Orrick recalled that the ship's captain was certainly not named Reinardt, but he nevertheless accepted the hand and murmured, "Indeed, Orrick Grummond, ship's phys-" He was cut off suddenly by a hawk flapping past his head, causing an involuntary flinch. He watched it wing away between the masts of the ship, then turned to find its source, an excited halfling with a loquacious streak.

She introduced herself as a designated lookout for the ship, which worried Orrick to no end. Was that hawk her's? Was it going to be...staying? On the ship? Below decks? Certainly not ideal, having some disgusting bird always flapping around. What if it got into the medical supplies?

Orrick did his best to hide a grimace as he softly offered his name and position.

2014-02-10, 04:35 PM
Three gnomes came running by them carrying a keg full of sloshing water from the supplies. It would be easy enough to replace, of course; the ship had equipment to distill the salty seawater into drinkable fresh water, meaning it wouldn't be in short supply. Pomutiki pressed a hidden switch on the back of the dragon's neck, popping open a hatch with a hole in it. The gnomes attached the keg to the hatch, filling up the loading chamber. Pomutiki was rubbing his hands together excitedly. Once they filled it up and closed the hatch, he continued speaking.

"Don't worry none about the water fouling up the mechanism, we clean her regularly," the siege master assured Malleus before turning his attention back to the device. Opening up another hidden hatch in the floor next to the figurehead, he lifted out a set of levers that must have been the controls. Fiddling with one of them he explained, "This here changes the barrel we're using. It can shoot short and wide, or long and thin, depending on what we need. This next one shifts the angle, but she only turns about forty-five degrees. The last one is the firing mechanism. Just like water, Alchemist's Fire can't be compressed, so this heats up and squishes out whatever's in the loading chamber and forces it out the barrel. With Alchemist's Fire it ignites, but here we're just gonna get a cloud of steam." Setting the barrel to a stream and the aiming back to center, Pomutiki nodded to his colleagues and pulled the firing lever.

From inside the dragon's mouth came a loud hiss, as a sixty-foot long spray of scalding steam shot out in front of the ship. The hot water vapor hung in the air briefly before fading from view. Not as impressive as a giant spout of fire, but with a bit of imagination one could see how it would work. The gnome engineers cheered, excited to see the siege weapon working perfectly.

"The other one she can do is a wider, shorter cone. The Firedrake isn't effective as far out as the other weapons, but she's deadly in her own right! Ships are floating castles, but you can't really do much with a floating castle when she's burning down around you," facing the gathered crew members, Pomutiki bowed as though finishing a performance. "We can load her with other alchemicals, too, with a few modifications! I just don't have the talent to make the ammunition for this girl myself. Of course, our good friend the doctor here can fix that problem!" He gestured with a flourish towards Orrick. The other gnome engineers gave Orrick a round of applause, even though he hadn't actually done anything yet.

2014-02-10, 05:33 PM
The applause started before Orrick even realized that he'd been mentioned by name. He quickly realized that he might be of some greater use though. "Well," he started, trying to speak up above his normal volume. "I think we could come up with some options. I know of a few poisons that might resist the heat of the firing mechanism. And this..."

He drew a glass vial out from a pocket in his vest. Inside was a clear, red-tinted fluid. He offered the vial to Pomutiki for inspection. "This is an incendiary accelerant with some interesting properties, though it is fairly dangerous."

H. Von Studley
2014-02-10, 05:52 PM

"Yes sir" Edmund replied, only a little reluctantly. He knew there was sense in his fathers words. Although some primal part of him itched for a fight, he was responsible for the lives of the everyone aboard the ship. He would restrain himself, for their sakes.

His train of thought was interrupted suddenly by a loud hiss and some scattered applause from outside. He turned back to his father.
"I will be careful. And you, father, you take care as well. You know as well as I do that not everyone was thrilled with your promotion to Admiral. Watch your back, and don't forget that there are more dangerous enemies than a few Orc pirates."

2014-02-10, 06:39 PM
"Orrick Drummond," their hands shook, "Miss Stormeye. A doctor and a halfling lookout. I am honored to have you both on board. I'm first mate of the Northeastern Fog. The captain should be along shortly."

The demonstration began shortly thereafter, and, perhaps impolitely, Mal utterly forgot about his two companions. He carefully noted the mechanisms, he would have to show the crew how to operate this later, and erupted into an ear-to-ear smile upon the weapon's activation. It may not have the most utility in a naval battle, those ranges were awfully close, but if it could be used, it would certainly be devastating.

What are the exact dimensions of the firedrake's attack? Should I make a Knowledge (Engineering) check to find out?

"Well, it certainly can't be used often," he said to the doctor, "but, gods! I hope I get to use it. We could do some serious damage to just about anything with a weapon like that!"

2014-02-10, 07:56 PM
Malleus may attempt a Knowledge: Engineering check to see if he recalls reading about the Firedrake anywhere.

Pomutiki accepts the vial of liquid carefully, peering at it through the glass and making a giddy giggling sound, "Oh my, that does look rather flammable, doesn't it? I wonder how potent it would be if we mixed some into the Alchemist's Fire? We wouldn't even need much modification, the chamber is already built to handle heat and force. Yes, yes... ah! My apologies," the gnome handed the vial back to Orrick and made a brief bow to Sani and Malleus, "In my excitement I neglected to introduce myself. I am Pomutiki, siege mage and head of the engineers here on the ship. Many of my fellows helped build these ships and can handle minor repairs even while we're at sea, and I am skilled in the manufacture and maintenance of siege engines. I can also make cannonballs and bolts for the more mundane weapons, if we salvage enough materials from enemy ships."

Koloman cracks the slightest of smiles when Edmund warns him to be cautious, "Your old man's been doing this job longer than you've been alive, boy. He knows how to sniff out vipers." With a pat on the back, he sends Edmund on his way.
"As the fishermen say: May the wind be at your back, and may fortune fall in your favor."

2014-02-10, 08:58 PM

Do I know the distance/area of the Firedrake's attack?


2014-02-10, 09:05 PM
The Firedrake can fire a 60 ft. line of fire, or a 30 ft. cone. You don't know much else about the device, aside what Pomutiki told you already.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-10, 09:13 PM

Edmund walked from the tavern, his father's words ringing in his ears. Looking out towards the Northeastern Fog, he saw a crowd gathering on the deck. He realised this would be a good a time as any to introduce himself.

2014-02-11, 11:42 AM
As the group spoke with Pomutiki and among themselves, a man walked onto the ship. Several of the sailors aboard the vessel saluted him as he passed, signalling that he was someone of import. The man approached those gathered near the figurehead, and Malleus would recognize him as Captain Edmund.

2014-02-11, 01:25 PM
Another approached and Mal turned to see. In thick layers of banded steel, Edmund Grimace, an old friend of Mal's, and newly-made Captain of the Northeastern Fog, was headed toward them. Smiling wryly, Malleus met his friend's eyes with a cocked eyebrow and took a single step back to allow the Captain his chance to address the crew.

Opposite Day
2014-02-11, 05:10 PM

Awed by the massive force behind the steam spout, Sani reasons that if this gnome is as good at crafting cannonballs and 'mundane bolts', as he calls it, he is probably pretty decent at fletching arrows as well. "Say, is there any chance that you'd be equally good at making arrows as well? Maybe even with arrowheads filled with fluids like alchemist's fire?", grinning wildly at the thought of being able to do something slightly similar to what the ship is capable of doing.

Turning to Orrick as he hands over the explosive fluid, she adds;
"Maybe if you speak up a bit, I'll let you help out with the exploding arrows as well! Don't worry about Soar, he prefers to stay out of the way and look for prey. Just make sure not to wear any fluffy hats, he'll be over you like eagles to a carcass within seconds"

As Malleus introduces himself, she starts feeling increasingly pleased. I'm starting to befriend the main members of the crew already, and he's honoured to have us here! I'm sure he says it to practically everyone, but it sure is nice to hear.

The officer walks on board, and Sani is not one to miss out. After Malleus' introduction, there is little doubt as to who this is - the captain of the vessel himself. Not wishing to be outdone by anyone, she snaps into a salute, trying to emphasize to Soar in her thoughts that he should do something similiar - you only get one attempt at first impressions after all!

H. Von Studley
2014-02-11, 06:43 PM

Edmund walked slowly up the gangplank, eyeing the crew as he did so. They seemed enthusiastic, excited for whatever lay ahead. That was a good sign. He nodded to Mal and moved to the front of the men. Holding his hands up for quiet, he began to speak, his loud practiced voice ringing out over the deck.

"Good morning men." He spotted a handful of women on board as well, including a little halfling he knew must be Sani Stormeye. He had studied the crew manifest almost as much as he had studied the ship's plans.
"And women. My name is Captain Edmund Grimace. I will ask certain things of you all on this trip. I will ask for your respect. I will ask for your obedience. I will ask for your help. In return, you will have my respect and my assurance that your lives are just as important to me as my own. This will be a dangerous mission. There will likely be casualties. But if you stand with me, we will prevail. We will bring peace and safety to the defenseless villagers of the coast and we will bring honor and glory to the Empire."

He eyed each sailor, approval beginning to register upon his stern features.
"We will be fast, we will be quiet, and we will be deadly. We will teach them to fear the name of the Northeastern Fog!"

"Now," he said, the barest hint of a smile spreading slowly across his face. "Lets hunt some Orc."

Stepping down, Edmund began to move through the crowd, introducing himself to the sailors. As he did so, he made his way towards a small group gathered by the Firedrake. Reaching them, he drew himself up and extended his hand to shake Mal's.
"Edmund Grimace," he said. "And you must be my officers."

2014-02-11, 11:15 PM
Edmund's speech elicits a cheer from the crew as it comes to an end, the lot of them clearly ready to set sail. Many likely had families threatened by the raiders, or had even survived an attack themselves, and so had a personal grudge to settle. The men and women eagerly shook his hand as he came by. Edmund and his father were well known, and his family's reputation for integrity preceded him. Pomutiki clapped when the Captain approached their group.

"Yes! Pomutiki, at your service. Siege Mage and head engineer." He leaned over to mention aside to Sani, "Not quite! Not familiar with the weighting of normal arrows. I can learn, though! I'll look into it and let you know what I know when I know, 'kay?"

H. Von Studley
2014-02-11, 11:33 PM

"It's a pleasure Pomutiki. You and your men have done a fine job with this ship. I have no doubt that she'll look after us well."

Edmund leaned over to inspect the weaponry. A hint of approval crossed his features. "I trust that everything is ready to sail? I intend to set off soon if we are to make the most of this fine weather."

2014-02-12, 12:47 AM
"Right," Mal finally found his voice, handing Edmund his papers, "I hope you'll find my report of the ship's logistics orderly and complete. Included are my own personal notes and observations found during my examination of the vessel. At this time I would like to complete a head count of our crew before we set sail."

Mal's notes included his misgivings about the ship's agility, the potentially problematic lack of personal quarters even for the Captain himself (especially with a crew of their size), and the regrettable lack of range of their powerful firedrake weapon.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-12, 06:53 AM

"Thank you Mal. It's good to see you. And a head count sounds like an excellent idea." Edmund gave him a nod of acknowledgement and quickly rifled through the report.

"Hmm... Our maneuverabilty and range could prove problematic, but we may be able to adjust our tactics to compensate. For example, by pretending to be crippled and ripe for the taking, we could lure a group of pirates close enough for the Firedrake and then take them by surprise. The opportunity to capture the Fog might prove tempting enough for a pirate crew to close within range. But I suppose we'll have to make that decision when it comes to it."

H. Von Studley
2014-02-13, 12:34 AM

Edmund turned to the two other officers and extended his hand to shake. "You two must be our lookout and doctor. Ms. Sani Stormeye and Mr. Orrick Grummond if I'm not mistaken. I must say its a pleasure to have you aboard. I have no doubt that we will have a great need for both your talents."

Sorry about the double post, I wasn't sure if you guys were waiting for me to say something first.

2014-02-13, 02:45 AM
Orrick made a delicate but respectful bow at the mention of his name and shook the captain's hand. "For my part, Captain, I certainly hope not," he said, though he did not clarify which of his skills he hoped not to practice. The obvious implication was a wish to avoid injury to any of the crew, but perhaps it revealed some amount of apprehension regarding this new life of adventure for Orrick. His time up til now had been spent mostly in the fields or in a dusty basement, studying the natural world. Recent training in healing and martial combat represented unfamiliar territory for an otherwise mild-mannered alchemist.

"Unless there is anything else, sir, I should like to settle in and stow my belongings. Madame Stormeye, Master Pomutiki," he said, nodding to each in turn. "I look forward to our further discussions in the coming days regarding your alchemical needs." Presupposing no objections, he made his excuses and went carefully below.

That's fine. Better than a post of "Orrick fidgets" or something. :smallsmile:

Opposite Day
2014-02-13, 05:57 AM

Reaching upwards towards the extended hand, Sani heartily shakes it. "Honored to be here, Captain! If I can't spot it, chances are it is either a figment of someone's imagination, or a wizard did it. Maybe even both, on special occasions"
Noting Orrick's desire to leave, she quickly adds;

"If we are making ready to set sail, let me just get a chance to store away my gear, and I'll be on duty ASAP. Wouldn't be good to miss out on the spectacular view from the crow's nest!" With that, Sani takes off, whistling shrill-ly to Soar, who plummets down and lands on her shoulder as she trails the good Doctor below deck. Provided nobody stops her afterwards, Sani climbs to the top of the nest and makes herself decently comfortable.

2014-02-13, 11:11 AM
Edmund and Malleus are able to get the crew together for a headcount. About half of the crew is trained for sailing, rather than combat, and many of the soldiers have only had basic naval training and swimming lessons to prepare them for this. A few were fishermen before becoming soldiers, and so are better prepared for sea travel. They would also find a folding desk and chair attached to a wall in the bunk room, which could be used for writing journals and letters. Another more portable desk was stored nearby.

Orrick finds the sick bay fully stocked with medical supplies and surgical tools. There are four beds in the sick bay for patients in need of intensive care, and a bedroll stored in one of the cupboards should he need to stay there overnight with a patient. There is a table with room for his alchemy supplies and lab to be set up in one of the corners.

As the five ships embark from Stalling, the crowd on the piers cheers for them. From the crow's nest, Sani has an excellent view of the city's farewell. To the populous they are heroes already, departing on vehicles never before imagined to face dangers unknown. Whether the captains would return as heroes or with their tails between their legs was yet to be seen. Edmund guides the ship to the east, another ship trailing some distance behind him. That would be the Miranda, the ship tasked with exploring to the southeast. It would be splitting off from the Northeastern Fog soon enough, but for now their course was the same.

It will take a day or two to reach the northeastern edge of the island, so everyone is free to interact among themselves or with NPC members of the crew. Let me know in the OOC when you're ready to move on to the next part of the voyage.

2014-02-13, 05:01 PM
Orrick made his way below decks as the ship departed from the docks to some not-inconsiderate fanfare. Below, he found his working quarters, the sickbay. He claimed a corner desk as his own by carefully settling his trunk nearby and unloading his alchemical tools. He carefully organized the various implements in his kit into his preferred arrangement. Soon enough, a variety of glass beakers, flasks, and other oddly shaped tools littered the table, and Orrick uttered a silent prayer that none of them would slide off in the pitching of the ship, of which he was only now becoming aware. It seemed that every tilt of the vessel might threaten to smash the more delicate instruments.

He set his pack under the table for safe keeping and sat for a spell, wondering what the journey would bring. His first patient came in shortly thereafter, a soldier with little seafaring experience complaining of seasickness. A pinch of ginger seemed to help, and Orrick took some himself just in case, hoping that these small troubles would be the worst of it.

2014-02-13, 10:43 PM
"All crew! Line up on the main deck!" Mal shouted, "Left to right, youngest to eldest!"

As the doctor and lookout began to follow suit, Mal added quietly, "Oh, no, you two report to your stations. This is mostly for appearances."

Mal led the rest onto the main deck where he determined how many serviceable warriors he had on the crew, and which of those he trusted best. He and the captain both ought to have a squire, he thought, so he picked two of the more able (but not most able) fighters of the group. He dismissed those who were unsuited for fighting.

"I will conduct regular combat drills every morning two hours after dawn," he addressed the remainder of his assembly, "You are all required to attend. I need to know what each of you is capable of should the need to defend our vessel arise. I expect it shall. Now you may go. Attend to your things and report to your stations, we will set sail as soon as possible."

Malleus himself set off, in search of the captain. He was hoping to find him without official matters to distract them from speaking candidly. It had been a long time since he could speak to his old friend and he was glad to have his company and the chance he and his father had afforded him on this ship.

2014-02-13, 11:51 PM
Looking over the crew members, Malleus obtains two slightly above average warriors that stand out, but are not particularly renowned or skilled. The two are brothers, Reed and Dean, sons of a blacksmith in Oakham, a trade town near the Rhedris-Aigodon tunnel. They are trained in the maintenance of weapons and armor, respectively, and would be able to repair any damaged equipment, making them ideal squires. Each also has basic military training and knows how to swim, a valuable skill in the navy. Both are eager to help out, and don't seem to care about Malleus' reputation.

Reed and Dean have the following stats:
Strength 13
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 9

Reed has 1 Rank in Craft: Weapons and Swim. Dean has 1 Rank in Craft: Armor and Swim. Both are armed with the standard fare for the crew's NPC Warriors.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-14, 02:12 AM

Edmund oversaw Mal's assessment of the crew with approval. These men seemed strong and brave, qualities they would need if they did manage to catch up to any pirates.
As Mal finished telling the crew about their combat drills, Edmund stepped forward.

"In addition to your regular combat drills, we will also be conducting seamanship drills. Twice a day we shall practice dropping sails, raising them, and running out the guns. The faster we can complete these maneuvers the safer we'll all be when we see combat. We may have the best ship in the Rhedran Sea but it won't be worth a damn if we can't sail her properly."

With that he nodded to the assembled men and turned away. As he passed Mal he paused.

"Perhaps you'd be so kind as to join me in my cabin once you're finished here Mr. Reinardt. We have much to discuss."

2014-02-14, 10:52 AM
The guns have been built and mounted right onto the ship, to ensure they don't roll around in storms and cause damage to the structure. The ammunition still needs to be brought out, however, since it's stored inside.

Opposite Day
2014-02-14, 11:18 AM

After being redirected back towards her station, Sani watches with glee as the crew lines up, only briefly considering the thought of having Soar practice sneak-"bombing" crewmates during the drill, before waving it away. Regardless of how fun it might be, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

Raising her spyglass to her left eye, she experiences a slight dizzy spell, not being used to the rolling of the boat together with her now-impaired eyesight. That doesn't stop her from being on the lookout as much as she deems necessary, alternating between looking in all directions every so often, and in the meantime studying "The parables of Erastil" - though he doesn't have too much to say about seafaring. Soar helps out too, his ioun stone orbiting around him, highlighting different parts of his plumage with the intense light.

Sani spends the next while practicing her archery, alternating between aiming almost straight up in the air, and aiming at gulls that dare to get too close, having Soar catching the arrows mid-air, or in the latter case, those that strike true as well as the body of her prey. She wasn't quite sure if gulls are very edible, but the hawk sure didn't seem to complain...

Which reminded her - she hadn't eaten all day. Food. Hungry. Stuck up here. Yelling down to anyone that might listen below; "Anyone down there willing to bring me a sandwich? I'm kind of stuck up here!"

2014-02-14, 11:56 AM
"Sure thing, I'll drop by the kitchen!" one of the halfling sailors shouts back up. He goes scurrying belowdecks. A couple minutes later, a human woman walks out onto the deck with a sandwich in one hand. She climbs the ladder to the crow's nest expertly despite using only one hand, and Sani gets a better look at the woman once she arrives in the nest. About half again as tall as Sani, the woman has short red-orange hair and tanned skin, with the edges of some burn scars visible on her neck. A cook's apron is worn conspicuously over leather armor, and a longsword is slung across her back.

"I heard you were feeling a bit peckish. Can't have our lookout getting dizzy from hunger up here, can we?" smiling, the woman hands Sani the sandwich, made with dried meat, magically preserved lettuce, and likewise preserved bread. Magically preserved food always has an odd aftertaste to it (people have only ever been able to describe the taste as 'blue'), but it makes sense on a voyage like this where food needs to keep for a long time.

2014-02-14, 12:33 PM
"Well, Cap'n, that's just it. See, the ship doesn't have any personal quarters. Not for the crew, nor even for you. Part of my concern is privacy, but another part is theft." Mal spoke softly with a grimace, "Something we'll have to handle if it comes, I suppose."

2014-02-15, 09:28 AM
"Master Pomutiki," Orrick called, catching up to the gnome on deck. He'd spent some time exploring down below, but quickly found that he'd seen nearly the entire ship. There just wasn't that much of it, and all the areas that he hadn't seen were filled with cargo and supplies. With nothing better to do (no amputations were currently needed), he decided to find the mage and discuss what if anything he should be doing. "If you have a moment? I thought we might continue our previous discussion, regarding my contribution to your device."

He gestured to the bow of the ship, where the regal dragon's head reared up, containing the firedrake.

How much Unstable Accelerant would we have to produce to noticeably increase the damage of the firedrake?
Knowledge (nature): [roll0]

How much of an inhaled poison would we need to create to say, poison another ship with the firedrake (likely cost prohibitive now that I look at the poisons page)?
Knowledge (nature): [roll1]

2014-02-15, 05:39 PM
"Of course! Always happy to help, and always room for improvement!" Pomutiki is excited to discuss the Firedrake with Orrick (especially the concept of bigger stronger flames, little guy is a bit of a pyromaniac). Together, the two of you do some calculations and guesswork to determine how much the accelerant should increase the intensity of the fire blast. According to your hypothetical results, each bottle of unstable accelerant added to a keg of alchemist's fire will increase its potency by roughly 16% of its normal strength and slightly increase the range, although you can't be certain with such a volatile substance. The chance of a catastrophic backfire will also increase by about 5%. These increases seem to be additive, rather than exponential.

Each dose of Unstable Accelerant increased the fire damage by 1d6, the range by 5 ft., and the misfire chance by 1. Pomutiki's Siege Engineer feat normally negates misfire chance of siege weapons, but cannot prevent this chance from increasing due to the highly explosive materials being used. Needless to say, such a misfire would rapidly result the ship missing a bow. And also being on fire.

So two doses of accelerant applied to a cone shot of the Firedrake would increase the damage to 8d6, the range to a 40 ft. cone, and the misfire chance to 2/20 (or 3/20 if Pomutiki is incapacitated at the time). A line shot would have 70 ft. range in this case.

You could hypothetically add 20 doses if you were feeling suicidal. A natural 20 would be needed not to die horribly in a massive fireball, but it would deal 26d6 damage in a 160ft. line or 130 ft. cone.

So there's just one question... are you feeling lucky?

Unfortunately, poisons aren't quite as promising. A large, expensive amount would be needed, and it's unclear if they would maintain potency after being vaporized by the heat and dispersed in the air. Other types of ammunition such as cardice oil or alchemical acid would require alterations to the Firedrake's mechanisms, since they wouldn't be compatible as is.

Pomutiki also suggests possible collaboration to create siege ammunition in the future, such as cannonball bombs with payloads of alchemist's fire or cardice oil, or exploding ballista bolts. Once he learns more about conventional ammunition, he could also help create special arrows for yourself and Sani.

If Orrick and Pomutiki both succeeded their crafting checks and had the correct materials available, they could create alchemical cannonballs or ballista bolts similar to the alchemist's fire, smoke shot, and liquid ice catapult ammunition. They would do less damage due to smaller payload, but would carry the special secondary effects of such ammunition.

If Pomutiki (or any other crew member) took ranks in Craft: Bolts&Arrows skill, special personal scale ammunition could also be made. Orrick can already do this in the middle of battle via Alchemical Weapons, but such effects don't survive long enough to be stored and stockpiled once the substance is exposed to open air and contacts other objects.

Orrick and Pomutiki discuss these ideas for most of an afternoon, losing track of time in their brainstorming and calculations.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-15, 06:39 PM

"Of course. Join me for a walk around the deck then."


2014-02-15, 08:33 PM
Mal put up no outward pretenses of familiarity with the Captain, staring ahead as he walked the deck with Edmund.

"So... heavy armor at sea, Captain?" his tone sarcastic in comparison to the serious look on his face, "you godly men are supposed to be wise aren't you?"

H. Von Studley
2014-02-15, 09:11 PM

Edmund appeared to ponder those words for a second.

"Hmm... Well, given the rank insubordination of my chosen First Mate, perhaps I am not as wise as I had hoped. But for now I'd prefer you concern yourself less with what I'm wearing and more with preparing these men for combat. I am worried that our lack of experience will hurt us against a more seasoned foe."

2014-02-16, 01:24 AM
Mal stopped and frowned. I guess, 'It's good to see you,' is the best I'm going to get, he thought to himself. It wasn't exactly the heroes' reunion he had envisioned. It seemed he and Edmund wouldn't be allowed to be friends on this voyage. They would be Captain and First Mate, nothing more. He didn't like that, but he didn't have to; he understood that. Nonetheless, he answered, "You worry overmuch, Captain. You just keep us on course and floating, old friend. I'll handle the rest!"

He smiled half-heartedly, clapped Edmund on the shoulder with his right hand, and walked off hoping he hadn't been overly familiar in front of the crew.

After grabbing a bite to eat from the fighting-woman turned cook, Malleus retreated to a lonely corner of the storage deck to rifle through his belongings and write a journal entry. As he grew weary, the engineering side of his mind began to wander over a fanciful weapon design, a longsword with a grip that could extend into long spear-like shaft. He played with a few designs, only vaguely grasping how such a thing could be devised to work. It would be advantageous in both close quarters and against a charging foe... He should ask the cook woman's name and get to know her. She seemed to be more than meets the eye.

2014-02-16, 05:19 AM
Creeping down into the depths of the ship, Malleus finds the storage deck dark and unlit at the moment. The crew typically brings a lantern down to navigate it, as having a lit lantern placed there permanently would be a major fire hazard should it fall in a storm and set off the alchemist's fire and black powder stores. As the First Mate is no doubt about to turn around and retrieve such a lantern from a crewmate, he notices two shapes moving slightly in the dim light from above. One is smallish, though larger than a halfling or gnome would be, while the other is large and is definitely not human-shaped. Whatever they are, they don't seem to have noticed Malleus.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-16, 08:19 AM

As Mal walked away, Edmund sighed softly. It pained him to be so abrupt with his old friend. But he had to maintain discipline in front of the crew. It would not do to be overly familiar.

As he continued to walk the deck, inspecting the crew as they went about their duties, doubt began to cloud his mind. Perhaps he had been too harsh with Mal. A lifetime of rigid military discipline left little room for kind words, but perhaps he could relax his rules slightly. The crew already knew they were friends, and Mal was an excellent officer. He would know how to retain a sense of decorum.

That settled it. He would go find Mal and apologise. Their friendship could survive the rigors of the chain of command, but Edmund would have to work for it.

Edmund will search for Mal. He'll ask the cook if she has any idea where he went, and if she doesn't he'll search the ship, asking other crew if they've seen him. Either way he'll end up down in the storage area, though if no one knows where Mal went I imagine it will take longer.

2014-02-16, 12:28 PM
The cook and crew direct Edmund towards the entrance to the storage, that being where Malleus was last seen heading. The hatch was open and Malleus could be seen in the dim light at the bottom of the stairs. As Edmund made his way down, his clanking armor and heavy footsteps spooked the two shapes. The smaller one scrambled to its feet and fled deeper into the cargo hold, where there was near-pitch blackness, while the larger one followed behind in a snake-like slithering motion.

Edmund did not see them because of the angle of the stairs and hatch, but Malleus would see the movement well enough up until they vanished in the darkness.

2014-02-16, 02:53 PM
Mal was watching an odd movement of shadows in the distance, trying to work out what it was. It was a new ship and he had been years away from the sea, but he was still ill at ease. There was a raucous jangling of metal against metal which Mal assumed to be Edmund and the shadows skittered away. Malleus cursed in his head, slid his longsword carefully from its sheath, and stalked over to stop Ed before something worse could happen.

take 10 on stealth scratch that I think I'd rather roll a 1 instead.

Whispering once he'd reached the Captain, "Don't move, Ed. There's something down here."

H. Von Studley
2014-02-16, 06:35 PM

Edmund's body tensed for a split second as Mal whispered the warning, then without missing a beat he quietly drew his glaive and dropped into a combat stance.

"You go on ahead, see what it is. I'll cover the door. Don't engage unless you have to. One wrong move down here and we could destroy the whole ship."

Edmund touched Mal's shoulder and muttered briefly for a second.

"For what it's worth that should help a little. And let me know if you need some light. Now go. I'll be right behind you if I hear anything."

Edmund cast Guidance on Mal. +1 on one attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. Lasts one minute or until discharged.

2014-02-17, 12:13 PM
Mal set off, and turned to say, "Some light would be ni–" but then his foot careened into a bucket of nails. One of them even pierced through his leather boot into the soft flesh of his foot. The noise from the scattered bits of iron was bad enough, so Mal tried, and failed, to stifle a loud groan of pain. He clenched his fists, and his teeth, cursed aloud this time, and looked around quickly for his quarry.

"Light! Yes, light would be lovely!"

H. Von Studley
2014-02-17, 03:42 PM

Edmund winced as he heard the crash of the nails falling to the ground. So much for that plan, he thought to himself, before his battle-hardened reflexes propelled him into motion. He moved forward quickly, running towards Mal. As he ran he muttered something again, and lifted the tip of his glaive in front of him. The end of the weapon began to glow, illuminating the cramped cargo hold around them.

Edmund moves up to Mal's position while trying to stay in a good position to cover the door. He threatens all spaces up to 10' away. He will also cast Light on his glaive as he does so.
And just in case:
Perception: 1d20+2

Opposite Day
2014-02-17, 03:44 PM

Stomach refilled, Sani is all smiles as she gratefully compliments the chef on the taste of the sandwich, despite the 'blue' feeling in the mouth, being slightly off what she normally would expect. Getting the chef's name, she spends a bit of time together with the human, in particular talking about what brought her onto this vessel. It doesn't take long before Sani starts asking about how to magically preserve food either - that would be one thing her home village really could do with knowing.

The day passes, and with nothing notable on the horizon save for the ever-so-slight visible landmass that makes up the Dragon Empire, Sani is nearly ready to call it a day. She gets Soar to circle her general area slowly, creating the impression of a rotating lighthouse beacon as the ioun torch floats gently around the hawk, before gracefully descending down to the main deck. Heading towards the kitchen, still having more questions for her newly made friend, (including "what's for supper?" and "got any leftovers hanging around?"), she pauses for a brief moment on deck to take in the feel of the ship. After all, this was going to be her first night at sea, and if she didn't get used to the feel of the waves now, while it was relatively calm, she probably wouldn't get too much rest tonight either. Sani closes her eyes as she packs her left hand around her right wrist, creating a circle, and takes a few deep breaths as she concentrates on the motion of the ship - becoming part of a larger entity as she utilizes the meditation technique her father taught her;
Focus on your breathing.. breathe in the black smoke, breathing out the white..

2014-02-17, 08:05 PM
The voices Malleus heard go quiet at the sound of Edmund charging into the hold, and the Light spell illuminates the area. Crates, barrels, buckets full of spare tools, and straps attached to the floor are revealed around them. The straps are used to secure fragile or volatile cargo during storms; notable, the kegs of alchemist's fire are already secured. It seems the engineering crew didn't want to take any chances with those.

There are numerous nooks and crannies to hide in, and there's no sign the two can see of the strange intruders.

The woman (a human, rather than a halfling, I should have mentioned) introduces herself as Rebecca Sherman. She explains that she's been a soldier and cook in the army for four years now, and was assigned to the Northeastern Fog because she was one of the few inland soldiers who knew how to swim. Rebecca confesses she knows nothing about sailing, but the Empire was content knowing they'd have someone with some experience in and around water. Sani would need to speak with the King's court wizards back in Stalling about the preserved food, since they were the ones who enchanted it for the voyage, but Rebecca assures the halfling that she's doing her best to get rid of that weird aftertaste.

Should Sani head belowdecks, she would hear muffled stomping and clanking from the cargo hold below. It sounded like the captain's armor, unmistakable given he was the only one on board to dare wear heavy metal armor at sea.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-17, 09:11 PM

Seeing nothing but crates and boxes, Edmund steps in front of Mal and calls out to the seemingly empty room, glaive held high but at the ready.

"We know you're in here! You have nowhere to go. Show yourselves, submit to my authority and I give my word as Captain you shall not be harmed. But if we have to come looking for you I cannot promise that that will be the case."

Opposite Day
2014-02-18, 04:40 AM

As she clears her head, a faint thumping and clanging of armor catches Sani's attention; .. Is that the captain messing about on the lower decks, looking for leftovers as well? Didn't anyone tell him that armor is bad for that sort of business?

She considers the thought for a split second, before she concludes that he wouldn't make that much noise if he didn't want to be found. Maybe he's stuck or something, and can't get out.. might as well put the infamous halfling agility to the test (and if it is indeed lefties he is after, he'll probably be willing to share with his savior)! Whistling to Soar to get him to tail her, she crouches down and starts heading in the direction of the cargo, walking as silently as she manages, aiming to give him the startle of his life.

2014-02-18, 12:01 PM
You sneak closer to the hatch into the cargo store and see light down below. Once you arrive, you can hear Edmund (and likely Malleus once Ziegander posts) shouting at someone to surrender themselves. Another halfling woman, one of the ship's sailors, is nearby and seems to have heard the shouting. She removes her military club from her belt and creeps up beside you, giving you a nod of assurance that she's there to back you up.

Malleus and Edmund receive Perception checks to notice Sani and the halfling sailor as well. Needs to beat a Stealth roll of 16 for Sani and 14 for the sailor (who still hasn't rolled above a 6 by the way).

2014-02-18, 07:19 PM
"Come out slowly and quietly! We're not barbarians, we're Rhedran soldiers! You will be treated fairly as long as you behave!"

2014-02-18, 11:45 PM
There's some more arguing from elsewhere in the cargo hold, and two figures slowly begin to emerge from behind a stack of food crates, stepping into the light. One is a youth only slightly taller than a halfling with an ugly wrinkled face, a green-grey skin tone, and greasy black hair that easily denote him as a half-orc. He is wearing ragged peasant clothing and carrying a crude wooden shiv in one hand, with the other hand occupied by a magically preserved apple from the food stores. The youth has a glowing orange-red runic symbol on his forehead, resembling stylized fire. Next to the youth is a second figure, a black snake of impressive size. Even coiled it can lift its head nearly as high as a full grown man is tall. A matching rune is set upon its forehead, and dark green fractal patterns run down along its back. The serpent has a notable intelligence in its eyes.

Hiding behind the serpent as they move from behind the boxes, the half-orc boy calls out, "I want to fight. They would not let us into the boat fighters, so I snuck us here when it was dark." The serpent guardian does not speak, but watches Edmund and Malleus cautiously.

Sani can easily hear the conversation from the top of the stairs, but cannot see the youth or serpent unless she enters the cargo hold.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-19, 01:14 AM

Edmund visibly relaxed. Lowering the glaive slightly, he sighed and spoke sternly. "Alright, alright boy. Put down your weapon. What's your name?"

Opposite Day
2014-02-19, 06:46 AM

Hearing the words spoken downstairs, Sani decides to stay outside for the time being, motioning to the halfling behind her that they should hold their positions in case things worsen - it sounds like the captain and his accomplice have everything under control for now. Awww, shucks. Whoever this is better have snuck aboard the ship before I got on it, this is going to ruin my reputation..

If things go south, Sani will head downstairs as backup.

2014-02-19, 04:28 PM
"Let's everyone put their weapons away," Mal sheathed his sword as he stared intently at the large, black snake, "I've never met a Summoner before. What's your name, Half-Orc, and who do you want to fight? You are very gifted for one so young. You should be proud."

2014-02-19, 06:28 PM
The boy cautiously lowers the crude weapon, reluctant to let go of it despite being little more than a sharpened wooden stick. He doesn't seem to have anywhere to put it, so he just holds it at his side. "I am Amon. I want to fight orcs."

"Many warriors have prejudice against the orc blood, believe he will turn on them. Others believe him too young; reason in them, but misguided. Your military would not accept him," the serpent suddenly spoke, its voice raspy and with pronounced 's' and 'ce' sounds and lisps on 'th' sounds. Its eyes watched the soldiers' weapons, particularly cautious of Edmund whose weapon was still at the ready.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-20, 01:34 AM

As the boy lowered his crude shiv, Edmund lifted his glaive, casually letting it stand at his side like a walking stick. He intended for it to seem as though he was merely using it as a source of light, but he gripped the shaft tightly, ready to bring it back down again if the snake made a move. He knew how powerful an Eidolon could be. This time when he spoke, he addressed them both.

"I do not care who your parents were, nor do I care how old you are. I do not even care that our military refused you. The qualities I look for in my men are loyalty, skill, and trustworthiness. If you can prove to me that you possess these then you may find a place amongst my crew. But for now, you will come with me and we will find you something to eat. You must be hungry, and I am eager to hear your story."

Edmund gestured to the hatch behind him. He had meant what he had said, but he was also anxious to get the pair away from the powder magazine and stores of Alchemist's Fire. The sooner the two were out on the main deck, the easier it would be to control the situation. He knew the crew would be startled by their appearance, especially that of the snake, but he trusted in their discipline. They would not do anything rash while he and Mal were there.

"Come," he repeated, strength in his voice. "If you are to join us in our fight, you must first trust me."

2014-02-20, 11:29 AM
Amon looked up at the Eidolon as though asking for its opinion. Though it eyed the glaive with suspicion, the serpent reluctantly agreed, "Whether they speak truth or lie, we are outmatched here. Benefit of trust outweighs penalty of risk." The two slowly began making their way over. Now that the outsider's tail was uncoiled and visible, Edmund and Malleus could see a wicked barbed stinger at the end, clearly designed to tear flesh. It made no move to attack them with it, but kept itself between them and the boy, who waited for further direction. He looked at the apple in his hand and then up at Edmund, and held it out awkwardly as if unsure whether he was allowed to keep it.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-20, 06:26 PM

Edmund paused for a second, but then waved the gesture aside. "Keep it, but remember that from now you will eat when the crew eats. Stealing food is a serious offence."

Turning away, he led the party up the stairs and onto the deck, dismissing the Light spell and sheathing his glaive as he did so. He was momentarily startled to see Sani waiting there, but then nodded to her gratefully. She must have heard the commotion and waited, ready to assist. They were lucky it had not come to that. He turned to her and whispered.

"Sani, would you please go and find the doctor and bring him to join us in the galley. I think this boy may need some attention. And given that Orrick has some experience of arcane magic I would like his opinion of the boy's casting. I would also appreciate it if you joined us too."

Then if nothing happens Edmund will continue leading the group on to the galley, ignoring any stares. He will ask that something be prepared for the pair to eat, and then he will sit them down at a table.

"Now, tell me about yourselves. Where you've come from and how exactly you came to be here. And please, tell me more about your powers."

Edmund turns to Mal.

"Is there anything you wanted to ask them as well?"

Opposite Day
2014-02-21, 04:57 AM

Staying alert as the captain emerges from the storage room, Sani snaps into a quick salute as she scans the pair of creatures following. ..what are those? Man, the captain must be better at talking people down than I am if this is what he is capable of, heh!

With no change in expression as Edmund whispers to Sani, she quickly decides to do whatever she can about it - quickly. "You got it, captain!". Smiling and nodding slightly to the pair, as well as saluting goodbye to the halfling soldier, Sani makes no other efforts to introduce herself for the time being before she dashes off in direction of the doctor, racing Soar to get there before him. Heavens know, he'd get the startle of his life with Soar flapping about in his study..

If the doctor is still on deck, however, Sani speaks rather loudly in order to gain his attention;
"Hey, Doctor! Cap'n could do with your attention, seems like we've got a malnourished arcanist and some snake-creature as stowaways - follow me! Oh, and hi Pomtik!", cheerily waving at the gnome.

Finally, she settles in with the odd-looking quartett, leaning towards the fence at one side of the ship, as the tiredness from most of the day almost seems to catch up with her in an instant. Should've gone for the leftovers while I could.

2014-02-21, 12:05 PM
"Amon, your Eidolon. Can you send it away for now? The crew are not likely to react well to its presence."

2014-02-21, 01:22 PM
Orrick and Pomutiki were still on deck. The discussion had shifted from talk of the firedrake to something more like a discussion of exploits. "Well, it's funny you should ask that. You see the first troll's head was still in the jar, but I found the second-"

"Hey, Doctor! Cap'n could do with your attention, seems like we've got a malnourished arcanist and some snake-creature as stowaways - follow me!"

His head swung round at Sani's shout. Stowaways? Where would they have hidden? The ship wasn't that large, and it was practically crawling with men! Without another word, he shuffled off below decks. Rifling through his pack, he found the portable healing kit he'd brought aboard and swung it over his shoulder. He made his way then to the galley, where the others were gathered. He got quite a surprise when the "arcanist" turned out to have washed-out grey skin and a decidedly Orcish countenance, which only raised more questions. Orrick decided he would consciously avoid the large serpent that was also present.

"So, I presume this is the...patient?" he said carefully, keeping Amon between himself and the snake. He began to look him over, drawing out a magnifying glass.

2014-02-21, 04:25 PM
"Oh my!" Pomutiki exclaimed at the interruption by Sani, immediately showing interest in the stowaways. The other crew members exchanged confused glances and shrugs at what the hyperactive halfling was saying, though a few of the gnomes looked as intrigued as Pomutiki. "Hope you don't mind if I come along. I'd like to see this! Thanks for telling us!" The Siege Mage called back to Sani and followed closely behind Orrick as he went belowdecks.

Gratefully keeping the apple and taking another bite, Amon followed Edmund up through the hatch. "I will not do it again." There was a glance at the Eidolon and then back at Edmund, "Thank you."

As they moved up to the next level, the halfling sailor stepped back a bit, shocked by the appearance of the two creatures. Since the captain was vouching for them, she saluted and returned the club to her belt, then nervously went back to her duties.

The reaction in the galley was much the same. Most of the surprise and unease was directed at the serpent Eidolon, though some gave the Half-Orc suspicious looks. A clanging was heard as the galley's head cook got the others' attention by banging a wooden spoon against an iron pot. "You heard the captain. Everyone back to work, we've got a few more hungry mouths to prepare for than we expected this evening." At the prompting by their overseer, the cooks got hesitantly back to work.

"I do not require sustenance. The offer is appreciated," the serpent mentioned, when Edmund asked for food to be prepared for both of them. It coiled around the chair Amon was sitting in, directing a displeased look at Malleus. "Your concern is understood. I would prefer to remain for the exposition, however. The Summoner alone does not understand all things to speak of. Own knowledge is limited, but supplementary."

"I am from a small village. Nor..." Amon paused as though trying to remember a word. The Eidolon interjected, "North." Nodding, Amon continued, "It is called Dorbank. They did not want me, so I was left in the woods where the animals are. The power was always with me."

The Eidolon provided more in-depth explanation, "Desperation awakens potential. A gifted soul calls out, and a shapeless potential from the outside answers. The body is forged of memory and thought, and an Eidolon takes shape. My form took after small snakes in the woods, with no venom to harm the child. I was made larger to protect and provide."

"Father found us in the woods. Not orc father, I mean. Hunter of animals. He took us back to his home and taught us to speak," the story was continued by Amon. Before going any further, he took another bite of the apple.

At around this time, Pomutiki and Orrick arrived in varying degrees of excitement. The gnome engineer examined the serpent even as Orrick examined the boy, a distraction the doctor may have been thankful for. It kept the Eidolon's attention off of him for now, as it tried to discern what exactly the gnome was recording in his notebook. "I knew a Summoner back home, a dwarven one. His Eidolon was a big mountain goat, though. He had a lance - the dwarf I mean, not the goat - and rode it around like a knight. Not very good at magic though."

Knowledge: Nature and Heal checks for examining Amon.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-22, 05:29 PM

Edmund nodded, listening intently.

"Go on," he said.

2014-02-23, 12:09 PM
Amon shows signs of fatigue and lack of sleep, and doesn't seem to be the healthiest specimen overall, but you can tell that it's not from malnourishment (at least not at the moment). From what you know of orcs, you figure he should be taller than he is, even being somewhat young. It seems the boy is a bit of a runt. He still has impressive musculature, and could probably fare well in an arm wrestling contest with many of the sailors on board. It's clear he has been exercising to offset his natural weakness.

You're fairly certain that the boy is uninjured.

At prompting from Edmund, Amon continued his story, "Father taught me also to stalk prey. Kill small animals for food. When I was older he told me what I was, and why I could not go into town. I wanted to prove I was not going to help the orcs."

"I helped the Summoner practice in defending against an enemy. Most prey taught by the hunter did not fight back. It was necessary to learn."

"We thought I was ready, so we snuck out and came to the city. I did not know of the fighting boats, but when I did I tried to join. They would not let me, so I snuck in the night before. Hid behind boxes when people came down," Amon stops there, seemingly having summarized as best he could.

2014-02-23, 11:38 PM
Orrick poked and prodded as the half-orc continued his narrative, mentally noting his findings. No obvious injuries. Height and girth are low for a part-Orc, likely due to breeding effects. Pallor is consistent with known specimens, though pale. Musculature is well developed, firm, sinuous. Laboring background? Bags under the eyes, general sluggishness. No other obvious signs of illness. Diagnosis: fatigue.

"So your father is like us then? Human?" That would certainly be a strange situation, given the circumstances of the typical Orc-Human coupling. Orrick wondered if this atypicality might explain the boy's physical deficiencies. Hypothesis: Orc physical traits may be transmitted to offspring through the paternal line.

"Captain," he said, turning to Edmund. "I recommend bed rest and the ordinary supply of rations. He appears to be otherwise capable physically, if you deign him useful."

2014-02-24, 11:05 AM
The boy shook his head at Orrick's question and clarified, "Real father is orc. Hunter found me and became father. He lived outside of our village, so they did not know that I was there. Did not cause trouble for us." It seemed Amon had meant that he was adopted. It was tough to tell what he was saying at times, as he and the Eidolon both had a strange manner of speaking.

H. Von Studley
2014-02-25, 06:34 PM

Once Amon had finished, Edmund sat back with sigh. He wanted to trust the boy. It was a good story and his skills would no doubt prove useful, but Edmund just wasn't sure.

"Thank you Amon. Pomutiki, would you please take Amon and find him a bunk. Then take him up on deck and put him to work. I'm sure someone will be able to find him something to do." Edmund turned and looked at Amon. "No one travels for free. If you are with us, you will help run the ship. Go with Pomutiki. He'll get you settled."

After they've gone, Edmund will turn to the officers.

"I think we should let him fight, but he needs to be supervised. While we're sailing I think we should have another crew member with him at all times. And in battle, it should be one of us. If he can prove himself trustworthy then we can relax these rules.

"And one more thing. I should like for the hatch to the storage deck to remain locked. Given the nature of the cargo, I don't want anyone just strolling in as they please.

"Does anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions?"

2014-02-28, 10:45 AM
With a silent nod of agreement, Amon dismissed his Eidolon as Malleus had advised, much to Pomutiki's disappointment. The gnome didn't stay that way for long, quickly leading the new crew member up onto the main deck, "So have you ever seen a cannon? Marvel of firearms engineering. You see...." The excited rambling fades down the hall, replaced with Edmund's instructions to the team.

That night, as the ship slowly crawls along in the dark, and everyone is settled in...

Despite the darkness you spot a large shape on the water off the starboard bow. It seems distant at the moment, but is getting closer, and is definitely moving towards the ship. You cannot tell exactly what it is in the moonlight.

You are wherever you think you'd be on the ship. Anyone on deck receives a DC 17 Perception check to notice the shape (I rolled for Sani and the named NPCs already).

H. Von Studley
2014-02-28, 06:36 PM
Unfortunately, Edmund is probably belowdecks, poring over maps and charts. Unless there's a porthole nearby, I don't think he'll get a perception check.

2014-03-01, 02:34 PM
I'll go back to the journal entry I hadn't got to finish, and doodling some sort of extendable sword-spear thing. After, Mal is getting quite tired and will doze off unless interrupted.

2014-03-01, 07:48 PM
Orrick probably wandered the deck for a while after sunset, but then went below to dine and rest. If it's well past dinnertime, he's likely asleep.

2014-03-02, 01:16 PM

Blue: Edmund, at the folding desk in the bunk room.
Dark Red&Green: Malleus and Orrick, who are dozing/asleep on bunks.
Yellow: Sani, who is atop the crow's nest.
Purple: Pomutiki, who is inspecting the starboard ballista.
Brown: Rebecca (the head cook), cleaning up the kitchen in preparation to turn in for the night.
Dark Orange: Amon, who is cleaning a spot of vomit where someone lost control of their seasickness.
Grey: NPC Sailor steering the ship while the captain and first mate are away. He's mostly just making sure it doesn't swerve and crash into the island.

The comically misshapen things sticking off the sides of the ship are the cannons and ballista.
The thing next to the Grey Sailor is the ship's steering wheel.
The circles are the masts (Sani is on top of one, there is a ladder to the crow's nest)
The little nook with the square in it is the hatch to the cargo hold. The room next to it is the sick bay, and then the kitchen, and then the bunk room.

Sani still has an action before things start to happen.

Opposite Day
2014-03-02, 01:52 PM

Having nearly dozed off herself from atop the crow's nest, the slight hint of a shape closing up to the ship causes Sani to jolt upright. With no indication of the shape wanting to be seen or noticed, Sani quickly decides that two can play that game. She calls out to Soar, asking him to get the sleeping officers' attention, and as she watches the hawk dive, she yells out a quick warning to Pomutiki and Amon;

"Hey! Starboard, something's moving up close to the ship. Can you see what it is?"

Finally, she raises her tattooed left hand to the sky as she draws her bow with the right, calling on Erastil's aid in hunting down whatever is in her way, and shudders slightly as the wave of energy pulsates through her and her surroundings, somehow sharpening her senses. Whatever this was, she is ready.

Channel Energy |||||; Healing:[roll0] everyone in a 30ft radius around Sani gets a +1 on ranged attack rolls (ballistas are fun) until the next turn.

2014-03-02, 04:58 PM
Pomutiki and Amon look up from what they were doing when Sani calls out to them, as do several other sailors working the night shift. "Oh dear, that doesn't look good at all. What is it?" Amon moves up next to Pomutiki to look out to the starboard side, squinting into the darkness. His eyes go wide as his darkvision reveals exactly what's approaching, and he turns to look up at Sani, shouting, "A boat! Going at us!"

Amon ducks as the other ship comes around alongside the Northeastern Fog, the entire structure black as night, sails included. No wonder it managed to get so close before being detected. Hatches open in the side of the aggressive ship, and grappling hooks are launched out, snagging the railings of the Fog and slowly pulling it closer until the railings of the two ships are touching.

What follows is especially eerie... complete and utter silence. The deck of the (presumably) enemy ship is completely empty, and there are no sounds from within. It's just coasting along with the Fog, the two ships locked against one another. Pomutiki and Amon back away from the railings, not sure what to expect.

You hear a commotion in the hallway as Sani's bird goes flying past several sailors on their way to the bunk room, making a huge fuss over something. You feel the ship shift a bit, but nothing major.

You each receive a DC 13 Perception check to hear the bird screeching down the hall and wake up.


The Northeastern Fog has been grappled by the other ship. Once Edmund or Malleus gets back in command, they may attempt a combat maneuver check at -4 to direct the crew and maneuver away from the ship.

Until then... ominous silence.

2014-03-06, 09:48 AM
We're going to try going with normal initiative order for now. If it doesn't work due to slowness in waiting for people to post, we will switch to average initiative for party and enemy. In cases of a tie, characters will effectively act at the same time in the timeframe.

The Extras among the crew members will not act specifically in the initiative order, and will presumably be running around performing the captain's orders or fighting enemy mooks when ship combat happens. I'll roll some dice on their turn to see how well they're doing, and this will determine the number of injured/dead at the end of the battle.

- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20)
- Event Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Pomutiki (18)
- Sani (18) - Soar acts when Sani does (no +2, since surprise round is over. Your actions that round were sending Soar belowdecks and using your channel energy)
- Amon (10)
- Rebecca (6)
- Malleus (5) [ASLEEP]

Orrick is awoken by the screeching from Sani's bird, but Malleus seems to be sound asleep. Several crew members in the bunk room also wake up, though a few remain asleep.

Malleus will receive another Perception check whenever someone tries to wake him, with varying difficulty depending on the method.

All remains still and quiet, except the motion and sound of the sea.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-06, 05:28 PM

Not wanting to waste any time, Edmund will yell for the crew in the bunk room (including Mal) to get onto their feet and up onto the deck. As he does so he will make a full run action (60' in heavy armor) to get up to the deck. If he does make it up top, he will head for the tiller, looking to take control of the ship. If he sees the grappling hooks, he will yell for the crew to attempt to cut them away.

2014-03-07, 01:05 AM
Mal dreamt of dungeons and dragons, of fire and steel, of legends lost and treasures discovered. He crept through a ruined maze of weathered stone catacombs and rushing water canals. Something, someone had left him for dead, but he would not lay down and despair. Seeking was in his nature, seeking which should not be found - doubly so. And down here, in the depths of whatever ancient culture had wrought these timeless halls and devices, Mal would find his redemption. Edmund was with him, holding the torch so that Mal might see. And the gnome, Pomutiki too, showing him secret ways they might go. Mal put his hand to what seemed to be a wall of surest sandstone to find that it was, in fact, a thin cascade of water; an illusion to keep him wandering the corridors forever. The group passed under it, following Mal along, and each emerged inexplicably from their own standing coffins, holding cases of wood and metal aloft, the contents of which were...

Suddenly, from a deep sleep to near-full awareness, Mal sat up in his bunk, the shouting of his captain rousing him from slumber.

"Hegh! Huugh! Hurrgh, I'm up! I'm awake!" Malleus gasped, groaned, and shouted, "SQUIRE!! Reed, fetch me my armor!"

Mal got out from bed; though he had not his armor on, his sword was near by, and his clothes and shoes were still on. He at least had that much sense about him. He pulled his sword from its sheath and ran to the deck, trusting his squire, Reed, to follow him with his leathers.

2014-03-07, 11:21 AM

Orrick's eyes snapped awake at the screech of a bird. Before he could pinpoint the source, it screeched again. He found it at the end of one of the empty bunks, lit dimly by a pair of lanterns in the room. That damnable bird of Sani's! What was it doing down here? He had been assured that Soar would stay out of his hair! Orrick jumped up out of the bed, grabbing his bow as he skirted the edge of the bunk. Sailors, including the captain who was shouting, were also moving about.

At this movement, Soar gave a few strong flaps and took off back down the hallway. "Get back here! Orrick shouted. He gave chase, intending to rid himself of this annoyance before it became more a burden. "I'll teach you to ruin my sleep!"

Orrick is in a hurry to get that bird, so he's going to run if possible.
Reflex save to turn the corner:

2014-03-07, 08:03 PM
Everyone hears a loud crashing sound and the two ships rock as though from a heavy impact.

Sani sees several orcs run out from inside of the enemy ship. More are crawling out of a hatch on their ship's poop deck and have their eyes set on the civilian sailor at the wheel of the Fog. As the night crew is scrambling into action and readying for battle, the three orcs on the deck of their ship fire shortbows across. A few of the soldiers are injured, but none are dead.

Suddenly a speck of white appears in the previously empty crow's nest of the enemy ship. An arrow from that direction whizzes widely past her and sticks into the mast.

Perception check to make out what the small white shape is.

Below, Pomutiki spawns a sphere of flames in his palm and chucks it at one of the orcs on the enemy's main deck. The sphere goes flying past and over the other edge of the ship, fizzling out of sight in the water. The gnome makes a frustrated noise. Another flame appears in his hand to replace the one he'd thrown.

The smashing sound is much louder down here, and Orrick immediately sees why. Turning to look into the kitchen beside him, he sees a battering ram retracting into the enemy ship, and a pair of orc raiders leaping through one after the other. Rebecca has her hand on her sheathed sword and is preparing to confront them. Ahead, Soar can see the same thing happening in the sick bay, with one of the medicine cabinets knocked off of the wall in the attack.

Fortunately the holes are high enough that no water is rushing in, but some splashes in as the ships regain balance.


Light Grey dot next to Malleus is Reed bringing him his armor.
Dark Green dots are orcs. They are each carrying a heavy mace and a shortbow. The ones above have bows out, those below have their maces ready in both hands.
Yellow dot in the hallway is Soar.
The Dark dot on top of the enemy's front mast is the strange white shape.

Due to a smashed cabinet, 5 supply points have been lost from the ship's Sick Bay Kit.
No food supplies are lost, as those are kept in the cursed cargo hold.

3 Soldiers Injured.

Update Edit: Sani and Soar being botted due to absence.

Sani recognizes the shape on the opposing crow's nest to be an orc painted completely black with body paint, except for a white skull pattern on her face. She is aiming a shortbow across at Sani.

Lining up a shot, Sani lets fly a well placed arrow, which imbeds itself in the orc archer's eye. She falls backwards and down the hole in the crow's nest up which the ladder is positioned, landing on the deck with a thud. Her still body seems to fade away into the darkness.

My tendency to score max damage critical hits while botting other peoples' characters continues.

Amon, equipped with little more than a crude shiv, hides behind the mast to avoid being shot. He prepares to attack anything that attempts to climb up the ladder and reach Sani.

Soar flies up the stairs and out the door, now positioned just outside the door on the main deck.

Rebecca engages the orcs attacking through the kitchen. Drawing her longsword, she gives the one directly in front of her a nasty gash across the chest, causing him to snarl and clutch the wound, holding his mace threateningly in one hand.

It is now Malleus' turn. He may perform a single standard or move action, including beginning to don his armor.

2014-03-13, 12:24 AM
"Help me get this on!" Mal shouted to Reed, gazing toward the sounds of swords crossing and wood splintering.

Spends action beginning to don armor.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-13, 02:07 AM

Edmund bounced against the wall, momentarily stunned. Hmm... I suppose I still need to get used to these cramped corridors...The small voice in the back of his mind had barely registered the thought before he was shocked by a resounding crash in the room next to him. Spinning around the corner he registered the positions of the two orcs in the kitchen as his battle-honed reflexes propelled him forward. He drew his glaive as he quickly covered the distance between them, positioning himself on the left flank of the leftmost orc. As he ran he yelled at the orcs, hoping to bait them into attacking him instead.

"Two orcs against a single woman? Face me you cowards! Or is she all you ladies can handle?

And with that he swung his glaive through a deadly arc towards the leftmost orc's neck, calling upon the power of Gorum to add strength to his blow.

Edmund will move, staying out of range of the orcs. He will position himself 10' to the left of the leftmost orc (Or as close to that as possible). If either moves to attack him they will move through his threatened area. He will draw his glaive as a part of his move.

Then: Power Attacking and striking with a furious, destructive smite.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 22/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: None

Spells (CL2): (L1) 2/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 4/5, Destructive Smite 4/5

H. Von Studley
2014-03-13, 02:09 AM
Sorry, rolls didn't work for some reason. Trying again:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-03-13, 08:35 AM
Orrick was slipping around the corner toward the galley past the captain (with a murmured, "Pardon.") when it happened. The crunch of wood splintering and the surprised shouts of the crew members told him that something more serious than annoying birds was afoot. The captain pushed past him and entered the galley, shouting at someone.

Orrick approached the door. Inside were the captain and the cook, along with the only two live orcs he'd ever seen. What he did next surprised him. There was very little thought involved, and he supposed this was what real warriors called instinct. His hand flew to his belt, drawing out a tiny vial of milky red liquid. He flicked open the stopper and breathed into the open mouth. Milky red turned black, and he threw it.


Orrick will move into the galley right behind Edmund and throw a bomb at the leftmost Orc.
[roll1] fire damage
Plus 5 splash fire damage (Ref 15 to save for half damage) to any adjacent, but using Precise Bombs to leave allies out of the splash zone as necessary

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-03-13, 05:13 PM
- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Amon (Readied action moves initiative position)
- Black Orc Turn (19)
- Pomutiki (18)
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Rebecca (6) - Startled
- Malleus (5) - .5 turns until Armored
- ???'s turn (2)


The orcs begin to spread out on the deck of their ship, harrowing the crew of The Fog with arrows; one of them being the man at the helm, who is panicking and unsure of what to do. Being badly injured and a noncombatant, he leaves the wheel unattended and jumps down over the railing to the main deck to hide from the archers. Two of the orcs climb over the adjacent railings onto the poop deck of The Fog. Another exits the doorway onto the enemy main deck.

The crew fights as well as they can against the surprise attack, with noncombatants helping drag badly injured comrades out of the archers' view. Those human soldiers yet unharmed ready their crossbows and fire, the bolts missing their marks, while halflings armed with clubs attempt to stop the boarding orcs from crippling the ship's steering wheel.

Without warning, three nearly naked orcs in kilts and padded boots phase into existence on the main deck. Their skin is covered in warpaint black as the darkest hours of morning, except their faces, ornamented with a macabre painting of a skull. One approaches Pomutiki, swinging his mace in a horizontal downward arc into the gnome's chest. Reeling back, he manages to mitigate some of the blow, but still has the breath knocked out of him - in addition to the cracking of protest from his ribcage. A second black orc appears in front of Amon, only to find the boy prepared and wild-eyed, and receive a wound in the gut from the sharpened stick of the half-orc. Amon ducks under the retaliatory attack, which swings past and smashes into the mast instead, doing ineffectual surface damage to the sturdy wood. The third of the black orcs moves towards the door belowdecks while the others keep the main deck occupied, only to be cut off by Soar fleeing out the same door. Stumbling forward, the orc flails at the bird with his mace, but strikes only empty air.

Stepping back from his attacker, Pomutiki coughed - thankfully no blood, so no major internal damage yet. Still holding a magical flame in his hand, he shot it forward at the orc, leaving a wide scorch mark across its chest and eliciting a howl of pain. No new flame sparked into existence in the gnome's hand this time, the spell having run its course.

Edmund's clanking entrance draws the attention of the two orcs, the first of which is promptly beheaded by a swinging glaive. The second makes to raise its mace and attack, only to be blasted into the wall by Orrick's bomb and collapse to the floor, its comrade's body being flung out of the ship and into the water below. Rebecca had been about to give Edmund a nod of thanks when the bomb went off, causing her to cringe and shut her eyes tightly, making a frightened squeak. The precision explosive did not affect her, but she still remained in that position.

Edmund sees the hatch open in the enemy ship across from the hole in The Fog. An orc directly inside rapidly fires an arrow out at him, only to misfire and have it fall down into the gap, the ammunition lost to the sea. There is a thud from the hallway as a crewman is knocked aside into the wall, followed by another thump, this one slightly louder. They promptly hear loud, guttural shouting from the other side of the wall of the sick bay.

The two of you are able to make out bits and pieces of the orcish shouting, based on what you learned from records of captives: "Gather the [Unknown word 1] for labor, the weak are for [Unknown word 2]! [Unknown word 2] demands [Unknown word 3]! Do not waste their blood!"

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki Injured (44% HP)

Black Orc engaging Pomutiki seriously injured.
Black Orc engaging Amon moderately injured.
Orcs engaging Rebecca have both perished.
Total Dead: 3

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 1 Orc
On Enemy Ship: 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

Update: Continuing turn order with Sani botted.

Seeing the black orcs boarding the ship, Sani aims down at the one Pomutiki was fighting, as the gnome looked like he could use the help. The arrow digs into the orc's shoulder, causing him to snarl ferociously and nearly fall over. However, he remains standing.

Soar wildly scratches at the face of the one attacking him, the orc already squinting to see in the light cast by the ioun stone orbiting the bird. Recoiling, the orc clutches a slashed eye with one hand and winds up with the other in preparation to try attacking again.

Stumbling back away from where the bomb went off, Rebecca pushes past Orrick to go out into the hall, retrieving a buckler from the counter on the way out and strapping it to her free hand. She turns to the left and brandishes her sword, though her grip is a bit shaky.

Malleus spends his turn donning armor. He needs only one more standard action to finish next turn.

There are heavy footsteps in the hallway, and the sound of deep, mocking laughter. The voice speaks,

You are close enough to hear the orc in orcish: "What is this? You send [Unknown word 4] females to fight me? This one can [Unknown word 5] hold a sword."

A second voice joins him in laughing, this one similarly deep but distinguishably female. Rebecca just glares down the hallway, no clue what they're saying.

Only differences are: Rebecca is now behind Orrick in the hallway and ??? is now behind the green orc in the hallway.

Black Orc engaging Pomutiki staggered and bleeding out, but still standing due to Ferocity.
Black Orc engaging Amon moderately injured.
Black Orc engaging Soar moderately injured.
Total Dead: 3

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 1 Orc
On Enemy Ship: 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

It is now Edmund's turn.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-15, 05:38 PM

Hearing heavy footsteps and the harsh orcish tongue behind him, Edmund spun, still trying to keep a cautious eye on the orc that had fired on him. Seeing him still strugging to reload, Edmund turned away and ran towards the hall, glaive at the ready, passing Orrick and Rebecca as he did so. Using the momentum, he brought his weapon up and swung hard at the front orc, calling once more on Gorum's aid.

Edmund will move up, past the others and stop 10' from the front orc (15' from ??? I assume). He will then strike as before - PA with DS AND FS. Edmund threatens each square within 10' of him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 22/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: None

Spells (CL2): (L1) 2/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 3/5, Destructive Smite 3/5

2014-03-15, 07:16 PM
Edmund drops that one, and it's Orrick's turn. I'll give a more cinematic description once the long NPC turn comes up.

2014-03-15, 08:55 PM
After the pair of orcs in the galley were dead, Orrick drew and nocked an arrow, preparing to dispatch the archer on the enemy vessel. Guttural voices of a second pair in the hallway caught his ear, and apparently those of the captain and the cook as well. He said to the pair of them, "Go, I'll handle this." He made way for them as they hustled out of the room, then lined up his shot.

Orrick will shoot the orc archer on the other ship with his longbow.
+1 if he's within 30 ft (Point Blank Shot)
+1 if he's within 30 ft

Also, if Orrick needs to take a move action to get line of sight on the orc, he'll do that. If he already has line of sight, he'll step out into the hallway after the atack if there's room.

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-03-16, 08:06 PM

The two boarding orcs try in vain to bypass the halflings getting in their way, the nimble little soldiers ducking under and around their attacks. Another orc climbs up through the hatch, and one of the archers subtly climbs over to The Fog to sneak by the halflings guarding the wheel.

On the main deck, another archer discards his bow and dashes to the railings, hopping over and drawing his mace in a fluid action. He seems to have his eyes set on Sani, who is raining arrows from up in her perch. The rest continue their attacks against the crew, but fail to hit their marks. The crew of The Fog has learned from their mistakes; they are staying low and using what cover they can. Unfortunately, they are equally incapable of hitting the orcs across the two decks; the exception to the mutual incompetence is one of the two halflings guarding the wheel, who deftly strikes one of the orcs in the crotch with her club. Never underestimate a halfling man, they play dirty.

Amon almost misses, but manages to nick the orc fighting him in the arm. He seems to have struck a major artery, however, as the wound bleeds profusely.

The heavily injured orcs who had attacked Pomutiki and Amon each take a step back, melding into the night and fading from view. The one trying to get past Soar finally manages to get a hit in, clearly infuriated by his injured eye and the annoying light floating around the winged menace. The bird's supernatural durability leaves it relatively unscathed, much to the continued frustration of its opponent.

Pomutiki is still hurt, and wary of where the orcs have vanished to, but determined to help as best he can. He spawns another flame in his hand, flinging it across the deck at the black orc trying to get inside. It flickers out a bit before arriving, but leaves a small burn on the target's back and causes it to turn around just in time to spot and dodge the shot Sani had been lining up, which flies past and embeds itself into the woodwork of the enemy ship. This left his back turned to Soar, however, and the bird wastes no time in enacting its vengeance upon the orc's exposed flesh. Lurching forward as the talons dug into his shoulders, the orc looks to be barely standing, only spite keeping him from passing out.

The green orc in the hallway barely has time to regain her combat stance after laughing at Rebecca before Edmund appears and slices her stomach open with his glaive. Looking stunned and speechless for a moment, the orc falls over on top of the halfling she'd knocked out. Behind her is a tall orc with yellowish-green skin, more akin to the skin tone of a goblin than his own kind. He is completely bald with the exception of a long, braided black mustache. On his left hand is a strange wooden brace covering his knuckles, with wickedly barbed metal spikes sticking out of the structure. In his right hand he holds a simple weapon, a long silver spike with a black leather grip. He wears black brigandine armor accompanied by a protective leather kilt of the same coloration. Across the orc's forehead are three parallel, horizontal scars. Their perfect order and placement suggest that they are ritual in nature. He sneers at Edmund, holding out his arms mockingly and daring The Fog's captain to step forward and strike him.

The arrow from Orrick's bow only slows the orc down for a moment before he jumps across to The Fog, his bow tossed aside in favor of a mace. There is the telltale sound of another orc jumping into the sick bay. Rebecca speaks from behind Edmund, "Should I help you here or go help the doctor?"

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki Injured (44% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)

Black Orc engaging Pomutiki staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity). Faded out.
Black Orc engaging Amon staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity). Faded out.
Black Orc engaging Soar staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity).
1 Green Orc engaging halflings is seriously injured.
Green Orc in hallway is dead.
Green Orc in kitchen lightly injured.
Total Dead: 4

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 2 Orc
On Enemy Ship: 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

Talking is a free action; Rebecca's action depends on Edmund's orders. Will update map and continue the round pending the reply.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-16, 08:38 PM

Edmund spoke to Rebecca, his voice low and steady and his eyes never leaving the strange orc in front of him. "Stand in the doorway and cover the doctor, but don't expose yourself. Fight defensively: Orrick will provide the damage. Dont let that orc get past you."

2014-03-16, 11:45 PM
Malleus and Reed finished donning Mal's armor as fast as they were able, "Reed, I will have need of my bow and arrows, but keep them with you for now. Kill some orcs if you will until I ask for them."

Mal stepped out around the corner, his sword softly singing as he pulled it from its sheath.

"They're here for slaves, Captain. That one said something about gathering for labor and taking the weak for... well, something else. Something horrible if I were to venture a guess." Mal gestured at the black orc with the point of his blade, then continued in simple orcish, hoping he would not butcher his words too badly, "Let swords tell who is strong and who is weak. Let us, you and me."

Malleus Reinardt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789864)
Male Neutral Good Human Fighter, Level 2, Init +2, HP 24/24, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12, CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 2
Masterwork Longsword +7 (1d8+4 (+6), 19-20 (x2))
Composite Longbow (+2) (20 Common Arrows) +4 (1d8+2, 20 (x3))
Dagger (3 Daggers) +6 (1d4+2, 19-20 (x2))
Masterwork, +2 Diplomacy/Intimidate vs The Rhedris Prairie Parade Armor (+3 Armor, +2 Dex) (Currently only +2 Armor)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None

2014-03-17, 12:38 AM
"Got it, boss!" Rebecca seems calmer now, the shakes she got after the explosion gone. She moves up into the room, getting into a defensive position to keep the enemy off of Orrick.

The orc commander takes a combat stance of his own, a look of smug confidence on his face. He gestures for Malleus to step forward.

"You want to prove strength? Come forward, [Unknown word 6]. We will see who is strong."

H. Von Studley
2014-03-17, 02:09 AM

As Rebecca moved away to cover Orrick, Edmund turned, giving the orc his full attention. As his enemy moved forward to gesture at Mal, Edmund danced toward him and lunged, grateful for the opening. As he swung he grinned savagely.*

"I think you've got enough on your plate at the moment, orc."

Edmund will take advantage of the opening to make a 5 foot step forward and swing with another PA + FS + DS.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 22/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: None

Spells (CL2): (L1) 2/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 2/5, Destructive Smite 2/5.

2014-03-17, 07:50 AM
Orrick cursed under his breath, drawing another shaft as his foe leapt across. More were coming from each direction, evidenced by the harsh shouts in the hall. And then there was this fellow, the more immediate danger. There! A moment of imbalance*! He swiftly fitted the arrow to the string and drew it back, holding the the bow parallel to the deck. No need to aim at this range - just point and shoot.

*flat-footed, right?

Longbow again
+1 if he's within 30 ft (Point Blank Shot)
+1 if he's within 30 ft

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-03-17, 06:09 PM
- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Rebecca (Readied action moves initiative position)
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Amon (Readied action moves initiative position)
- Summoned Entropic Dog (Acts on Amon's turn)
- Black Orc Turn (19)
- Pomutiki (18)
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Malleus (5)
- Orc Commander's turn (2)


The orcish forces continue to attack the forces of The Fog, though the tables have turned. Of the orcs fighting the halflings, one is unable to strike his evasive target, the other overswinging so much in anger that he falls backwards over the railing back onto his own ship. His partner promptly has his leg crippled, and his face subsequently bashed in by the two little soldiers.

The boarding orc on the main deck moves across to the crow's nest ladder, where he finds Amon. Taking the chance to strike at the boy, he instead hits himself in the back of the head while winding up. The archers are likewise inaccurate, one of them even managing to shoot himself in the foot. The Fog's archers return fire, taking advantage of the failure to take out the wounded orc. Another archer finishes off the heavily wounded black orc attacking Sani's bird. Attempting to disable the wheel, one of the orcs manages to break off a chunk, but not enough to render it useless.

Amon carefully casts a spell, making certain not to give the orc attacking him an opening. Crackling, swirling energy coalesces behind said orc into a multicolored shape vaguely resembling a hunting dog; it seems like the energy forming it is barely held together. Lunging forward, it rips out the ankle of the distracted orc with its teeth, who falls down and can't get up. Nor will he get up again.

Soar retreats back inside, perching on a shelf to tend to its wounds; once the bird and its light source leave, the dead black orc fades away into the darkness. Taking aim at the orc attacking the wheel, Sani narrowly misses it as it winds up for another swing. Pomutiki joins her, however, with another flying fireball from his position. The orc receives a minor burn, distracting him from the wheel and turning his attention to the gnome.

Orrick quickly brings up his bow, confident in his ability to hit in close quarters. As Rebecca moves into the room, however, his shot goes wide and grazes her in the side before sticking itself into the wall (Critical Fumble). "Grah! Watch where you're aiming that thing!" The orc laughs and moves up to attack Rebecca, but finds her ready despite her injury. She slashes him in the arm as he swings at her, then parries his attack in the same motion. "No offense doc, but maybe you should stick to patching people up, not picking them apart."

Just outside in the hallway, Edmund's attack is deflected with ease by the orc commander, whose look of amusement quickly turns into one of disgust. An orc armed with a mace moves up next to him in the sick bay doorway.

"Unworthy cowards! We were to fight in single combat! [Unknown word 2] will feast on your blood, human filth."

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki Injured (44% HP)
Rebecca Injured (80% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620 (damage is the holes from the battering rams)

Black Orc 1 staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity). Faded out.
Black Orc 2 staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity). Faded out.
Black Orc 3 has perished, and vanished afterwards.
1 Green Orc engaging halflings has perished.
1 Green Orc engaging halflings falls prone and is stunned for 2 rounds (Critical Fumble).
Green Orc attacking the wheel is lightly injured.
Green Orc firing at crew shoots self in foot (Critical Fumble), and quickly perishes to allied crossbows.
Green Orc engaging Amon smacks himself in the head (Critical Fumble), and is then dispatched by the summoned Entropic Dog.
Green Orc in kitchen seriously injured.
Total Dead: 8

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 5 Orc, 1 B.Orc?
On Enemy Ship: 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

2014-03-17, 07:46 PM
"Reed, get in the kitchen, and help those two repel the orcs. Don't die." Mal stepped forward 20ft and continued in orcish, "You're keeping my Captain from important matters. Not my fault he's angry with you. Let him pass, we shall have our duel."

"Let him pass, Ed," Mal addressed his Captain, in the common tongue, "Let him come to die, then you can plow through his underling and get topside. We can handle things down here."

Made a Diplomacy check. Rolled a 9. Doubt that flies.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-17, 09:19 PM

Edmund stiffened, surprised by Mal's request. If he let the commander pass, Edmund would be flanked by the commander and the other orc. Not to mention that the others in the kitchen would be vulnerable to being flanked as well. He appreciated the need for haste, but he certainly wasn't going to expose himself and the others in order to get up onto the deck a few seconds faster. He trusted that Sani, Pomutiki, Amon and the crew could hold them off long enough.

"Sorry Mal, not a chance. Come fight by my side like the old days. We'll take the two of them together."

Free action speaking (sorry I'm off turn here).
Edmund will not let the commander through his square. If the commander tries anything, Edmund will make an AoO.

2014-03-19, 10:35 PM
The Orc Commander pays no attention to Malleus' words, eying Edmund for an opening. There is a fierce spark of intelligence in the orc's eyes, something rarely seen in their kind. Taking a quick step forward past the captain's effective range, the Commander gets right up in Edmund's face. The barbed cestus finds a gap in Edmund's armor, digging into his skin. The Commander unceremoniously rips the weapon back out, the barbs leaving a brutal, painful wound. Adding insult to injury, the orc spits in Edmund's eye as he returns to a defensive stance. Something tells Edmund it could have been much worse; this is only a flesh wound, and isn't bleeding too badly.

Orc Commander takes a 5-foot step into Ed's blind spot, avoiding an AoO.
Edmund takes 9 damage from the attack. Bullying Blow feat allows a free Intimidate check, which causes Edmund to be Shaken (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken) for 2 rounds.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-19, 11:12 PM

Edmund staggered back, teeth clenched in pain. He'd have to keep an eye on that cestus. He moved back, back to where his glaive would be useful, and lunged hard, aiming to drive the point of his weapon into the orc's throat.*

5 foot step backwards, same attack as before. Better land this one.*

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 13/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: Shaken

Spells (CL2): (L1) 2/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 1/5, Destructive Smite 1/5.

2014-03-20, 12:55 PM
Posting quickly in class to keep it moving.

Move action to get adjacent to the orc, drawing sickle in the same action
holding longbow with the offhand

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-03-20, 08:41 PM
- Edmund (21) - Shaken: 1 round left
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Rebecca
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Amon - Dying
- Black Orc Turn (19)
- Pomutiki (18) - Dying
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Malleus (5)
- Orc Commander's turn (2)


Stricken by two arrows, one of the halflings who'd defended against the boarding orcs drops to the ground, writhing in pain. A third arrow misses Sani, and a fourth... flies off into the distance. Not clear where that one was being aimed.

The human archers are joined by a pair of halfling slingers, who had been helping tend to the wounded, now joining the attack as they made their way to their fallen comrade above. Another orc on the enemy deck goes down under the volley, another is injured. Noticing the one attacking the wheel, the remaining halfling defender moves to intercept, striking the orc in the side. She is soon joined by Amon's summoned hound, which leaps up and rips out the orcs throat before disintegrating right in the air and vanishing without a trace. Whatever forces held it together, they were no longer in effect.

Feeling more courageous in the face of his victories, Amon rushes out from cover to fling a ball of acid at the injured orc on the enemy ship. The burning pain leaves the archer barely standing, trying desperately to stay conscious.

With little warning, the two vanished black orcs reappear next to Amon and Pomutiki, swinging their maces one-handed and sending both to the ground. One of the two orcs falls to the ground right after, completely expired. Calling upon the power of her god, Sani strikes down the remaining black orc with an arrow from above. The bodies vanish in the dark, just like the others.

Orrick takes a step forward and slashes at the orc with his sickle, but the curved blade is caught on the target's mace. Taking advantage of the opening, Rebecca makes a precise cut along the orc's arm, avoiding vital arteries. Orrick's trained eye can tell that the cut is designed to cause the most pain with minimal serious damage, and the orc soon after passes out from his many injuries and falls to the floor. "He'll live. We can take him prisoner, find out what these guys know." The woman moves up next to the hole, ready to defend against anything else that comes through.

The green orc in the hallway attempts to shoot past his commander to hit Edmund, but the arrow goes wide and clatters off of the wall, landing on the floor.

Reed moves up into the kitchen, ready to help defend against further intrusion.

Soar sits on the shelf and nurses his injuries.

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Halfling Soldier Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki is Dying (-4 HP, dies at -16)
Amon is Dying (-3 HP, dies at -8)
Rebecca Injured (80% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620

Black Orc 1 has perished.
Black Orc 2 has bled out.
1 Green Orc on enemy deck has perished.
1 Green Orc on enemy deck is staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity).
Green Orc who was engaging halflings is prone and is stunned for 1 round.
Green Orc attacking the wheel has perished.
Green Orc in kitchen is unconscious.
Total Dead: 12
Total Unconscious: 1

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 6 Orc, 3 B.Orc?
On Enemy Ship: 1 Orc, 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

It is Malleus' turn.

2014-03-20, 09:15 PM
Mal grit his teeth and said under his breath, "Have it your way, orc."

Malleus strode directly and purposefully between his Captain and the orc commander.

"Just like old times, eh, Cap'n?" he grimaced then faked a low thrust before he pivoted and danced a half step to the right to turn it into a wide, two-handed slash from thigh to shoulder. That was the intention anyway.


Malleus Reinardt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789864)
Male Neutral Good Human Fighter, Level 2, Init +2, HP 24/24, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 2
Masterwork Longsword +7 (1d8+4 (+6), 19-20 (x2))
Composite Longbow (+2) (20 Common Arrows) +4 (1d8+2, 20 (x3))
Dagger (3 Daggers) +6 (1d4+2, 19-20 (x2))
Masterwork, +2 Diplomacy/Intimidate vs The Rhedris Prairie Parade Armor (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None

2014-03-20, 09:42 PM
Ed and Mal both had their attacks parried by the Commander, using his silver spike and skilled footwork. He smugly swipes at Malleus with his cestus, the barbed spikes leaving a large, jagged wound across the man's cheek. It still seemed as though the orc was toying with them.

Malleus is hit by a Bullying Blow, and is Shaken for 2 turns. He takes 11 damage from the hit.

H. Von Studley
2014-03-20, 10:25 PM

As the commander expertly parried both his and Mal's attacks, Edmund knew they were going to need help. This battle was quickly turning against them. He stepped back, away from Mal, and spoke quickly, beseeching Gorum's aid. As he finished the spell a radiant burst of light expanded outwards from his body, washing over his allies and up through the ceiling.

Edmund will move backwards 10' and cast Bless. +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves against fear for the next 2 minutes. This affects the caster and all allies within 50'.

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 13/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: None

Spells (CL2): (L1) 1/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 1/5, Destructive Smite 1/5.

2014-03-21, 03:51 PM
Orrick felt a rush as a bright light radiated into the galley from the hallway. Judging from the sounds outside, the fighting was quite intense. He could peek out into the hallway and see the imposing orc the other officers were fighting, as well as at least one compatriot bringing up the rear. He glanced at Jessica, who by then was guarding the splintered gap in the hull of the Fog. She was wounded, and for a moment he considered seeing to her injuries, but the battle was still afoot. Orcs were likely swarming the deck, and their commander left no escape from the galley. Except...

He leapt. In mid-air, sailing over the splashing seawater below, he realized he had not fully considered the implications of this course of action. His feet touched the dark wood of the orc vessel, and his eyes caught the glimmering stares of a pair of green-skinned warriors to his left. With a frightened shout, he turned and ran. Two more were ahead (This was a bad plan!). And...a light. The sickbay! The battering rams had opened a gap in another part of the ship! He hustled toward the light, and sure enough the belly of the Fog, his own sickbay, awaited him. He gripped both sides of the orcish hull and flung himself forward, skittering to a halt in the midst of his own smashed medical supplies.

He smiled at his luck for a moment, until he saw the orc in the hallway.


Bomb attack on the orc immediately behind the commander. Because I need all the help I can get at this point, recall that this is a touch attack and I will account for Ed's blessing and Point Blank Shot (I think I'm in range, if not, knock off 1) in my calculations.

The commander will also catch 5 fire splash damage if this hits.
Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (4/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN, USE TOUCH)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-04-01, 12:54 AM
- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Rebecca
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Orc Officer
- Amon - Dying
- Pomutiki (18) - Dying
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Malleus (5)
- Orc Commander (2)

Sorry for the midget dots, I'm on the wrong computer, but didn't feel like booting up the other one just to do the map. The next map will be back to normal. I also forgot to remove the dead orc from the right side of the map, but that'll also be fixed next update. I need sleep now.


Another failed volley came across from the desperate orc forces, morale dwindling along with their lost numbers. The crew fired again, the heavily injured orc collapsing to the ground. As Sani climbed down the ladder to rush to the aid of Amon and Pomutiki, a black-painted orc appeared near the enemy's wheel, clearly having been invisibly steering the ship during the ambush. He raised his hands and cast his weapon to the ground, shouting to the others in the orcish language. The remaining three alive on the deck obeyed, carefully lowering their bows to the ground. The crew of The Fog kept their weapons trained on the surrendering orcs, some looking at each other, unsure what to do. They decided to hold the stalemate until the captain arrived.

Rebecca followed Orrick across to the other ship, only to see she was flanked on both sides by the orc siege crew. She moved out of the way of the battering ram in case somebody got the bright idea to use it, and took a defensive stance. The enemies drew their weapons and approached her, though none took a swing yet with their daggers. Lifting up his crossbow, Reed moved to the hole and took aim, hoping to help Rebecca defend against the attack. His bolt, sadly, went astray and stuck into the face of the battering ram.

Switching out her bow for her mace, the orc backing up the Commander moved to engage Orrick, but wasn't quite able to strike before he had a chance to react.

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Halfling Soldier Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki is Dying (-5 HP, dies at -16)
Amon is Dying (-4 HP, dies at -8)
Rebecca Injured (80% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620

1 Green Orc on enemy deck has perished.
Enemy forces on the main decks have surrendered.
Green Orc in kitchen is unconscious.
Total Dead: 13
Total Unconscious: 1

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 6 Orc, 3 B.Orc?
On Enemy Ship: 2 Orc, 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

It is Malleus' turn.

2014-04-01, 04:04 PM
Reeling from the orc commander's blow that had left his cheek a shredded mess of blood and flesh, Mal's confidence was shaken for the first time in a long while. This filthy, stinking orc with ****shod armor and spikes for weapons is going to kill me, he thought to himself grimly. But he managed to steel himself, and defiantly he swept in for another two-handed blow.


Malleus Reinardt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789864)
Male Neutral Good Human Fighter, Level 2, Init +2, HP 13/24, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 2
Masterwork Longsword +7 (1d8+4 (+6), 19-20 (x2))
Composite Longbow (+2) (20 Common Arrows) +4 (1d8+2, 20 (x3))
Dagger (3 Daggers) +6 (1d4+2, 19-20 (x2))
Masterwork, +2 Diplomacy/Intimidate vs The Rhedris Prairie Parade Armor (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Shaken, Bless

2014-04-01, 11:02 PM
Malleus' hesitance is clear to the commander, and he laughs loudly. Reaching across his chest, he backhands Malleus across the face with the flat side of the cestus, sending the first mate spinning to the floor. The orc holds out his arms mockingly and gestures for Edmund to bring it on.

Malleus is critically hit by a nonlethal strike for 20 nonlethal damage, knocking him unconscious. Very unconscious.
The orc taunts Edmund and drops his guard in arrogant confidence, and is treated as flat-footed this round.

It is now Edmund's turn.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-01, 11:39 PM

As Mal fell to the ground, Edmund felt a deep rage beginning to burn its way up from inside his chest. This had gone on long enough. This was his ship. His people. And this filthy orc was inviting him to strike. Edmund lifted the glaive to his side and charged straight towards the commander, bellowing in fury. As he reached the orc he stabbed the polearm forward, hard, putting all his weight behind the thrust and aiming to drive it up into his enemy's stomach.

Edmund will charge the commander and Power Attack with his last Furious, Destructive Smite. If I roll a 1 on this attack then I think you're well within your rights to kill Edmund.
Attack (+1 bonus from Bless, +2 from charge):[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 13/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: Bless, charging (-2 AC)

Spells (CL2): (L1) 1/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 0/5, Destructive Smite 0/5.

2014-04-02, 12:42 AM
Orrick raised his eyes from the wooden floor of the wrecked sickbay, meeting those of the approaching Orc. He was not unlike the others they had encountered thus far. As he approached, a mace appeared from behind his back. The alchemist gripped the wooden handle of the sickle a little tighter and glanced over his shoulder. Strike first and get away from the gap.

Orrick took a long step to one side, away from the mace. He raised the sickle and swung back across his body, attempting to plant the blade in his foe's neck, just below the jaw.

Orrick will take a 5-foot step, either east or west, then attack with his sickle.

[roll0] +1 from Edmund's blessing

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 20/20, Speed 30ft

AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN, USE TOUCH)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-04-02, 11:55 PM
- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Rebecca
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Orc Officer
- Amon
- Pomutiki (18) - Dying
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Malleus (5) - Unconscious
- Orc Commander (2)


The surrendering orcs are directed by gestures to line up on their deck, and begin doing so. Moving over to the badly injured gnome and half-orc, Sani first heals Amon, who is the most frail. Like most gnomes, Pomutiki is surprisingly durable for his size. Stirring from his slumped position, Amon weakly sits up with help from Sani, looking frustrated and embarassed. Soar senses from Sani that the fighting out there has stopped, and flies back outside to land on his partner's shoulder. Dean goes inside to find the Captain and figure out what's holding him up belowdecks.

Orrick swipes at the orc woman, nicking her on the bridge of the nose with the end of his sickle and leaving a painful, bloody, but mostly superficial wound. She angrily flails at him with her mace, smacking him in the arm as he moves out of the way of the attack. There is no crack of bone, but the impact will no doubt leave a large bruise. A second orc leaps across the gap, but falls short and drops into the water.

Orrick takes 7 damage.

On the enemy ship, Rebecca turns to attack the orc flanking her from behind, since he's now alone on that flank. Her well-placed nonlethal slash sends the enemy unconsciously to the floor. Reed attempts to help with his crossbow, but his lever jams and he has to clear it before he can fire. The orc next to Rebecca takes a jab with his dagger, but only barely nicks her through her tough leather armor. The one behind throws its dagger, which spins out of the hatch and down into the water below.

In the hallway, Edmund charges forward with the wrath of Gorum in his heart, thrusting with his glaive. The Commander attempts to sidestep, but is struck deep in the side. In his rage, Edmund manages to briefly lift the heavy orc off of the ground before unceremoniously dropping him back down, stunned and bleeding from a heavy wound. Humbled by the attack, the Commander scrambles back in the hallway and flings his silver spike at Edmund, but it goes clattering past down the hallway. Ed sees Dean run down the stairs behind the Commander and look down the hall, crossbow at the ready. He nods at Ed, ready to back the Captain up if he needs it.

Commander takes a 5-foot step backwards, but misses his attack.

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Halfling Soldier Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki is Dying (-5 HP, dies at -16)
Amon is Injured (28% HP)
Rebecca Injured (73% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)
Malleus is Unconscious (20 Nonlethal Damage)

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620

Enemy forces on the main decks have surrendered.
Green Orc engaging Orrick is lightly injured.
1 Green Orc on enemy ship is unconscious.
1 Green Orc on enemy ship fails to jump the gap, and falls into the cold water below.
1 Green Orc on enemy ship is unarmed.
Green Orc in kitchen is unconscious.
Total Dead: 13
Total Unconscious: 2
Total Overboard: 1

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 6 Orc, 3 B.Orc?
On Enemy Ship: 2 Orc, 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

Surrendered: 3 Warriors, 1 Officer

H. Von Studley
2014-04-03, 12:26 AM

A savage grin spread over Edmund's face as the blade dug deeply into the Commander's side. Without breaking his stride he darted forward again, chasing the orc down the narrow hallway. He ducked under the orc's thrown spike and lifted the glaive for another swing, bring the long weapon powerfully down over his head.

Edmund will take a 5' step forward and power attack with the glaive.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 13/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: Bless

Spells (CL2): (L1) 1/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 0/5, Destructive Smite 0/5.

2014-04-03, 02:34 AM
Orrick took the blow from the mace roughly on the shoulder. He could feign stoicism, but the grimace that spread across his face was unmistakable. It was the first time he had ever really been hit by something aside from the occasional open palm or falling book. It hurt. He shrank back against the wall of the sickbay. Over the shoulder of the she-Orc, he saw her commander. A blade on a long pole struck out from behind the doorway, cutting him deeply. Whether she was aware of it or not, she would soon be alone. Orrick's best chance now was to bide his time. The captain would come soon.

The sickle jumped out, striking again like an impotent scorpion. Orrick slunk to one side, guarding himself with the protruding wall to his left.

Orrick will fight defensively (+2 AC bonus noted in the stat block) and attack with the sickle (Ed's blessing included). He'll also take a 5-foot step toward the door if there's room.


Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 13/20, Speed 30ft

AC 17+2, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN, USE TOUCH)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-04-03, 04:30 PM
- Edmund (21)
- Orrick (20) - Unarmored
- Rebecca
- Green Orc Turn (20)
- Extras Turn (19)
- Orc Officer
- Amon
- Pomutiki (18)
- Sani/Soar (18)
- Malleus (5) - Unconscious
- Orc Commander (2) - Staggered, Dying


Things outside are calming down, the orc forces lined up and unarmed, with the crew's bows and slings trained on them. Sani next tends to Pomutiki's wounds, restoring the gnome to consciousness.

Relentless in his pursuit, Edmund presses the attack, his glaive scraping the roof of the hallway and slashing diagonally across the chest of the enemy commander, who is now barely capable of standing. Only the inner rage of his orcish blood keeps him from collapsing on the ground alongside Malleus. Stumbling forward in a last ditch effort to take the captain down with him, the commander swings his cetus with everything he can put into it. The spiked fist meets only air. Behind the commander, Dean tries to take aim, but isn't confident in his ability not to strike Ed in the melee. Instead he switches the crossbow for his longsword and prepares to move in to help.

Commander is Staggered and bleeding out, but still fighting due to Ferocity. He takes a 5-foot step forward and misses his attack.

Orrick continues to dance around his adversary, much to her annoyance. Her chance to attack is wasted in parrying Orrick's defensive strike, and she remains unable to take him out.

The orc attempts to attack, but Orrick's extra AC from fighting defensively repels it.

Across the gap between the boats, Rebecca continues to fight the orc engineers there. Spinning around to face the two on her other side now that one flank is down, she promptly drops another. The last, standing behind them, raises his empty hands in surrender. Rebecca nods to Reed, who directs the last orc into the gap where he can keep his crossbow trained on it. That dealt with, Rebecca moves over to the other hatch to help Orrick.

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Halfling Soldier Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki is Injured (16% HP)
Amon is Injured (28% HP)
Rebecca Injured (73% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)
Malleus is Unconscious (20 Nonlethal Damage)

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620

Enemy forces on the main decks have surrendered.
Green Orc engaging Orrick is lightly injured.
2 Green Orcs on enemy ship are unconscious.
Remaining Green Orc on enemy ship has surrendered.
Green Orc in kitchen is unconscious.
Orc Commander is Staggered and bleeding out (Ferocity).
Total Dead: 13
Total Unconscious: 3
Total Overboard: 1

Dead Bodies-
On Fog: 6 Orc, 3 B.Orc?
On Enemy Ship: 2 Orc, 1 B.Orc?
Overboard: 1 Orc

Surrendered: 3 Warriors, 1 Expert, 1 Officer

H. Von Studley
2014-04-03, 08:11 PM

Edmund knew it was over. The orc was bleeding heavily, his swings wild and easy to dodge. He jumped backwards, trying to prevent the commander from closing with him. Briefly, he considered giving him a chance to surrender, but as he stepped back he saw Mal, bleeding on the floor. Fury filled him anew. No. The orc must die.

5' step backwards and a PA with the glaive.
Damage: [roll]1d10+9

EDIT: whoops, rerolling damage sorry.

Damage: [roll]1d10+9

EDIT 2: Sigh. I'll roll damage in the OOC.

Edmund Grimace (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789267)

Chaotic Good Human Fighter/Cleric (ECL 2)

HP 13/22, Initiative +7, Speed 20, BAB 1.
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 18, CMB +6, CMD 16
Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+4
Masterwork Glaive +6 (1d10+6)
Throwing Axe +5 (Melee) +2 (Thrown) (1d6+4)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Masterwork Banded Mail +8 (Heavy)

Effects: Bless

Spells (CL2): (L1) 1/2, (D1) 1/1

Abilities: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 10

Special Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3, Ferocious Strike 0/5, Destructive Smite 0/5.

2014-04-04, 11:15 AM
Orrick glanced to and fro, ducking under a particularly violent swing of the orc's mace. The enemy commander lay bleeding on the floor just outside the sickbay, the captain standing triumphantly over him. Meanwhile, the cook was just arriving, following his circuitous path through the black ship to get to the sickbay. He looked back at his foe, who had caught her mace in the wooden wall, and made his play. In mangled, but guttural, Orcish he shouted over her panting and grunting and swinging, "Your fight is finished! Give up, or my crew will take your head!"

Orrick is using total defense (+4 to AC).

Orrick Grummond (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790225)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Alchemist, Level 2, Init +5, HP 13/20, Speed 30ft

AC 17+4, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1

Longbow, composite (Arrows) +4 (1d8+1, 20/x3)
Bomb (5/6) +4 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Sickle +2 (1d6+1, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) (NOT WORN, USE TOUCH)

Extracts (CL2) L1: 3/3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-04-04, 12:17 PM
The orc commander receives one last thrust of the glaive, this one piercing his brigandine armor to strike him directly in the heart. All fight is gone from him as the glaive is ripped back out, and he collapses backwards with a dull thud. In the med bay, the last fighting orc looks between Rebecca across the gap and the fallen commander. Reluctantly, she casts aside her weapon and backs off. Rebecca jumps across back onto the Fog, "Things were looking a bit grim there, but it's all wrapping up nicely now."

Dean steps over the orc commander's body over to Edmund, though he looks a bit cautious because of the Captain's fury. "Sir, what's left of the enemy forces seem to be surrendering. We have them lined up on their deck. Some of us have been badly injured, but nobody died. Are they okay?" The soldier indicates Malleus and the halfling sailor, who are slumped unconscious at Ed's feet.

"Got another surrendered over here," Reed calls from in the kitchen behind Edmund. "'Bec knocked a few out, too. What should we do with them?"

3 Human Soldiers Injured
1 Halfling Soldier Injured
1 Human Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Injured
1 Halfling Sailor Unconscious
Pomutiki is Injured (16% HP)
Amon is Injured (28% HP)
Rebecca Injured (73% HP)
Soar Injured (5/9)
Malleus is Unconscious (20 Nonlethal Damage)

Approx. Recovery Times (rounded up):
Injured Crew (6) - Each will take 3 days of total rest for full recovery, or 2 days if applied Long-Term Care.
(Unconscious Halfling is the exception, he will wake up in a few hours)
Pomutiki - 4 days of total rest, or 2 days if applied Long-Term Care.
Amon - 3 days of total rest, or 2 days if applied Long-Term Care.
Rebecca - 2 days of total rest, or 1 day if applied Long-Term Care.
Edmund - 3 days of total rest, or 2 days if applied Long-Term Care.
Malleus - 3 days of total rest, or 2 days if applied Long-Term Care. Will awaken in 10 hours.
Orrick - 2 days of total rest, cannot apply Long-Term Care to self.
Soar - 1 day of total rest.

Applications of healing abilities will speed these up as well. Orrick is only able to treat 6 people at a time with long-term care. Space in the sick bay is not required for total rest, since they can do so in their bunks. Normal rest and activity will take double the indicated times to recover.

Wheel HP: 16/20
Hull HP: 1560/1620, holes pose a problem if the weather turns bad.

Total Dead: 13 (8 Warriors, 4 Black (?), Orc Commander)
Total Unconscious: 3 (1 Warrior, 2 Experts)
Total Surrendered: 6 (4 Warriors, 1 Expert, 1 Officer)

There are no prison cells, but there is plenty of rope in the cargo hold to tie prisoners up with.

2014-04-04, 02:40 PM
The orc commander receives one last thrust of the glaive, this one piercing his brigandine armor to strike him directly in the heart. All fight is gone from him as the glaive is ripped back out, and he collapses backwards with a dull thud. In the med bay, the last fighting orc looks between Rebecca across the gap and the fallen commander. Reluctantly, she casts aside her weapon and backs off. Rebecca jumps across back onto the Fog, "Things were looking a bit grim there, but it's all wrapping up nicely now."

Dean steps over the orc commander's body over to Edmund, though he looks a bit cautious because of the Captain's fury. "Sir, what's left of the enemy forces seem to be surrendering. We have them lined up on their deck. Some of us have been badly injured, but nobody died. Are they okay?" The soldier indicates Malleus and the halfling sailor, who are slumped unconscious at Ed's feet.

"Got another surrendered over here," Reed calls from in the kitchen behind Edmund. "'Bec knocked a few out, too. What should we do with them?"

Orrick grinned broadly as the orc backed away, dropping her mace. Rebecca and Reed soon joined them, collecting the prisoner, at which point he had a chance to survey the damage to the sickbay. The orc vessel still floated just outside the gaping hole in the hull. One of the storage cabinets had been smashed to splinters, and the medical supplies within were unsalvageable. Bottles of alcohol were broken, and bandages and other supplies had been trampled underfoot. He gave a nod to Rebecca as she led the prisoner into the hallway and mentally reminded himself to apologize later for the arrow wound he'd given her.

Word came from Reed that there were other injured above, but judging from the relative lack of urgency in his voice, Orrick surmised that they were not in bad straits. He abruptly pulled his table out from the wall and began preparing vials of clear blue liquid. Into each one, he whispered an extended chant, which evoked a gentled glow from the liquid.

Orrick will mix up his three extracts for the day as Cure Light Wounds (3 minutes total). Anyone who drinks these will recover 1d8+2 hit points.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-04, 06:00 PM

As Edmund pulled his weapon from the commanders chest, his rage began to fade. Slowly, the rest of the room came into view as he realised that the battle was over.

Returning to the deck, he was pleased with what he saw. The crew had done extremely well, especially without him there to help. He allowed himself a moment to thank Gorum for the victory, and then snapped into action, handing out orders to those well enough to stand.

"Get all the wounded downstairs to the sick bay or their bunks. The doctor will begin treating them immediately. Tie up our captives, tightly as you can, and triple check those knots. We'll put them in the storage hold for now, but take all the weapons out of the hold first. I want two men watching them at all times. Search the bodies thoroughly and bring me a list of recovered belongings. Engineers, we need to begin patching up those holes downstairs. Take whatever you need from the hold, and if you need more materials we'll scavenge them from the orc ship. And I need 5 men to accompany me onto their ship. We need to see who's left aboard and if we can find anything useful."

Edmund will cast CLW on Mal, and when all the injured are assembled belowdecks he'll use Channel Energy 3 times. Heals everyone in a 30' radius, half of 3d6 hit points and 3 points of ability damage (if any). This will also heal orcs if they're in range, so he'll make sure they're tied up first.

He'll then go over onto the other ship and if he meets any orcs he'll demand their surrender. Once the ship has been cleared he'll order that it be searched as thoroughly as possible for anything useful or of value.

CLW on Mal: [roll0]
Channel Energy: [roll1] (this divided by two for total healing)

2014-04-04, 07:37 PM
Once the captives are tied up and placed under guard in the cursed completely mundane cargo hold, the bodies are picked clean of gear and disposed of. Dean returns to Edmund with a report of their findings:

After some searching with torches, the crew discovers that the bodies of the Black Orcs reappear when exposed to a suitable level of light. On the captives and the dead your crew gathers up...
From the Warriors:
-13 sets of Leather Armor
-13 12 Heavy Maces (1 taken by Amon)
-13 Shortbows
-78 Arrows
From the Black Orcs:
-4 Armored Kilts
-4 Heavy Maces
-4 Shortbows
-24 Arrows
From the Orchish Siege Crew:
-3 Armored Kilts
-2 Daggers (1 went overboard)
From the Orc Commander:
-1 set of Brigandine (Masterwork Studded Leather Armor)
-1 regular Armored Kilt
-1 Masterwork Cestus
-1 Masterwork Iron Spike (uses stats of a Wooden Stake), coated with Alchemical Silver (-1 damage)
-2 Unidentified Potions
From the Orc Officer (one of the strange Black Orcs you encountered):
-1 regular Armored Kilt
-1 Masterwork Light Steel Shield, with Masterwork Shield Spikes
-1 Masterwork Kukri
-1 Unmarked Iron Key

With that taken care of, a group is preparing to search the enemy ship for any more threats or items of value.

2014-04-05, 06:11 PM
Still and silent, Mal lay bleeding on the ground, his mind a fevered thrum of nightmares... he struggled to push himself from the deck, but the ruin made of his face was stuck to the wood. The whole left side of his face tore off as he drew himself up to his knees and turned to watch in horror as the orc commander smashed that metal stake into Edmund's right eye. Mal cried out, and rose in vengeance, attempting to slash the orc with his longsword, but he struck nothing but air. His blade passed through the orc's body as if through a patch of fog, and then came that wretched laugh again.

He awoke, groggy and ill-tempered, disturbed by his fever-dream, though glad to find his captain standing over him hale and hearty. His hand moved quickly to his face, and finding it whole as well, Mal decided to get himself up. He still didn't feel all the way right, but his wounds had closed and that was something.

"You killed him," Mal noted, staring at the orc commander with a half-hearted scowl, "That's good."

He was in a sour mood. He hadn't acquitted himself that poorly in a swordfight since he was a boy. And the cook woman saw the whole thing, too. He looked over at her despairingly. It occurred to him that he still didn't know her name. Such disgrace... he sighed as he bent to pick up and sheath his sword. I dropped my sword... is this what I get for returning to the sea?

2014-04-05, 07:25 PM
The Extras are restored fully after Ed's Channel Energy.
Malleus is restored fully after Ed's CLW and Channeling combined
Orrick is nearly fully restored, and will recover in a day without need of help.
Ed will receive Orrick's least effective healing extract, restoring him fully.
Amon is restored fully as well.
Rebecca is nearly fully restored, and will recover in a day without need of help.
Pomutiki was still moderately injured after the channeling, but Orrick's most effective extract is just enough to restore him fully.

Orrick may give the last extract to either himself or Rebecca, if he so chooses. Nobody is in need of immediate medical attention.

Pomutiki and his engineering crew are examining the damages to the hull, and gathering equipment to repair it. One of Pomutiki's colleagues approaches Edmund and Malleus, "A few of us checked out one of the grapple launchers the orcs used. Fascinating piece of technology, I never would have considered that application. Before we repair the holes, we wanted to know if we should install two of them in the ship while we're at it. Could use them to easily board enemy ships once we cripple them from afar." Peeking out of the kitchen, Pomutiki adds: "We could also try making a portable version! Maybe not so useful for sailing - oh who am I kidding, grappling hooks are never not useful - and mountain climbers would buy it up like hotcakes! Thieves too probably, but a bit an unsavory sort, them." The assistant hands Malleus a rough sketch of the portable grappling launcher. "Won't need black powder, either, so no risk of explosions. The orcs were using a spring-loaded mechanism to launch them. Won't work for firearms, but good at what it does."

2014-04-05, 07:56 PM
Mal frowned as he took a look at the papers so abruptly forced toward him. The design seemed sound enough. In fact, it was a stroke of genius. Now he almost wished the orc commander had lived so he could question him about it more thoroughly. Almost. Such innovation from the orcs was surprising, and definitely not something he'd expected.

"Now this is fascinating. I can think of half a dozen uses for this in the field. Let me know when you start work on it, I can help. And speaking of spring-loaded mechanisms..." Mal looked at Pomutiki, "I've been puzzling out a new weapon design myself. When the hard work here is done, I'll show you my sketches. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the crafting process."

2014-04-05, 09:39 PM
"Sure thing! Gotta get back to work though, or a storm will come and we'll take on water and sink, and that wouldn't be very good. Lemme know what you and the captain think of installing some grapples on the ship, and we'll either install hatches for them or seal everything up," the head engineer and his assistant go back to working on the repairs. Amon is looking unsure of what to do with himself right now. He keeps eyeing the hatch to the cargo hold.

Meanwhile, Rebecca seems to be trying to pull Edmund aside. "Can I talk to you for a sec, boss? Or, uh, captain? Sorry. I'm still getting used to the formal titles."

Dean comes down the stairs at the end of the hall, "The group of soldiers for searching the enemy ship are ready on the main deck, captain, whenever you are."

H. Von Studley
2014-04-05, 10:00 PM

"That sounds excellent Pomutiki, install the grappling hooks. Portable ones sound useful as well, but make sure the ship is watertight before you begin developing them. Dean, I'll be right up. Don't leave without me. For now, go fetch the doctor. I'll want him on the boarding party as well. There may be prisoners, and he's already proven that he can hold his own in a fight. Amon, summon your snake and join the boarding party. Go arm yourself properly first though. That little shiv isn't going to cut it, and we've got plenty of extra equipment now. Dismissed."

After they have left, Edmund steps to the side with Rebecca. "It's fine Rebecca. And good work earlier. You fought well. Now what can I do for you?"

2014-04-05, 10:58 PM
"Understood," Dean salutes and moves into the infirmary to find Orrick. "Doctor, the captain requests your presence on deck for the boarding party. He thinks there could be prisoners in there who need medical attention."

At Edmund's orders, Amon nods quietly and hefts up a heavy mace from the pile of looted weapons. He wobbles a bit from the weight, before heading upstairs onto the deck to prepare the summoning ritual.

Rebecca moves off to the side with Edmund, looking back to check if anyone is listening before continuing, "Ha, don't go giving me a big head now. So this Amon kid, I was thinking, what happens to him when we get back? If we report him as a stowaway, they'll probably arrest him. His kind aren't really well-liked, especially along the coast."

H. Von Studley
2014-04-06, 03:06 AM

"Yes, I'd been wondering that myself. I want to keep an eye on the boy, get a better understanding of his loyalties. So far he's impressed me, but I don't know enough about him. If he proves trustworthy we'll take him with us. No one at port has to know. If someone does find him, we'll tell them he was a prisoner on the ship we captured and he's staying on with us. As you said, he'd have a hard time if we left him ashore. I'm interested to hear your opinion though, and those of the other crew. We'd all be taking a risk by not turning him in."

2014-04-06, 08:22 AM
Orrick will leave the last extract to Rebecca.

Orrick busied himself tending to the minor cuts and bruises of the crew. Gnome engineers scurried about the sickbay, taking measurements here and there. "...anchors for the recoil.....a perfect fit.....consider space issues....." They were calling back and forth to one another across the water. Their colleagues were on the other vessel, taking similar measurements on the grappling projectiles the orcs used. Orrick made a few requests to them regarding the installment of any new implements in the sickbay, but for the most part left them to their work.

When a lull in the wounded came, he sat down for a brief respite. He rolled his shoulder, massaging it with his other hand. That orc's mace hadn't broken the skin, but the bruise was large and black, and the joint was stiff. Noticing a scrap of parchment on the floor, he bent to pick it up. Nothing on it, just more trash. As he held it, he began to notice that his hand was shaking. By some it might be seen as fear, but he felt he knew himself better than that. This was excitement. Only now realizing how thrilling the fight had been, a smile crept across his face.

In that moment of reverie, Dean appeared. "Doctor, the captain requests your presence on deck for the boarding party. He thinks there could be prisoners in there who need medical attention."

"Of course!" he replied, jumping up. "Just a moment!" He collected his things, including his chainmail shirt, which he hurriedly pulled over his head, with the brief assistance of a passing gnome. Then he followed Dean's lead to the rest of the boarding party.

2014-04-06, 11:43 AM
Rebecca smirks at the prisoner idea, "Hey, that's pretty clever. And here I'd mistook you for one of those stiff aristocratic types, hah! You're alright, boss." She gives the captain a boisterous slap on the back. "No clue how the others feel, but I agree we should give the kid a chance. Want me along on the boarding party or should I get to cleaning up the kitchen? Or, I think they're called galleys on ships? Aw well, technicalities."

On the main deck, a group of four soldiers are gathered for the boarding party; two halflings and two humans. The humans are recognizable as Reed and Dean (Oh, that was Dean that had gone to find Orrick. They have an uncanny family resemblance; maybe twins?), but the halflings aren't familiar. No, wait, that guy came to the sick bay for seasickness a day or so back. Orrick thinks his name was Sid?
With them is Amon, whom they're watching curiously (and warily). He's carved a circle in the wood of the deck, and is scratching runes along the outside of it. Some sort of arcane ritual by the looks of it. The shiv from before is being used for the carving, and a heavy mace from one of the orcs is lying on the floor a bit aside from where he's working.

Sani (along with her blasted bird) has returned to her perch in the crow's nest, keeping an eye out for any approaching trouble, though the night now seems peaceful. A gnome engineer is up on the poop deck making repairs to the lightly damaged steering wheel.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-06, 07:04 PM

Edmund tries to hide his amusement at the boisterous cook's reaction. "Thanks Rebecca, but you stay here. We have enough for the boarding party now. Keep an ear out for trouble though, and if you hear anything then I want you to lead a few men in behind us. I'm not expecting another fight, but you never know."

With that, Edmund nodded curtly, turned, and headed back upstairs to the deck.

2014-04-06, 07:40 PM
You see what Orrick saw, and also Orrick.

2014-04-07, 12:39 PM
Orrick followed Reed Dean up to the deck and approached the remainder of the party. He nodded to those gathered there and briefly inquired about Sid's ailment, finding that the halfling had been taking it upon himself to self-administer further ginger doses, much to his doctor's disapproval. Orrick politely asked him to desist and to inquire at the sickbay if the issues continued. Amon was also there, scratching something in the wood of the deck. Something...magical.

Does Orrick know what this ritual is for, without having to ask?
Knowledge (arcana) roll:

Captain Edmund also approached, which drew salutes and signals of acknowledgement from those gathered. Orrick hefted his bow as some of the sailors laid a plank between the two ships for the boarding party to cross.

2014-04-07, 03:29 PM
Having thoroughly shamed himself, Malleus Reinardt followed the party to the main deck in sullen silence. He was eager to put his failure behind him and attempt to salvage some scrap of his honour in the search of the orcish vessel. In fact, so shamed was he that he was sorely tempted to sneak off onto the ship without the others. Or failing that, go back to the shadows of the cargo bay and spend his time taking his frustrations out on the orc prisoners. Or sulking. Or both.

In the end, he did none of those things. Instead he put some distance between himself and the others, kept his mouth shut, and waited for Edmund to address the group. Part of him hoped they'd find more orcs stalking the surrendered vessel so he could put his sword in their bellies. He frowned at his dark thoughts, and held his tongue. Maybe I should've stayed ashore, he thought at last.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-07, 06:52 PM

"Okay men, chance are we've already seen the best fighters this old junker has to offer, but I'm not taking any chances. Keep your weapons drawn and your eyes peeled. We'll go room by room, clear out any remaining resistance, and then go back through searching thoroughly. Stay together. Any questions?"

If there are none, Edmund will draw his glaive and step out onto the plank connecting the two ships.

2014-04-07, 07:37 PM
Upon the completion and activation of Amon's summoning circle, streams of black and green flow out of appropriately colored objects nearby. Though the objects are left unchanged, the space inside of the summoning circle is not, as the strands of color coalesce into the shape of a serpent within the circle. The serpent's empty eyes light up with an orange-red glow, and a similarly colored symbol appears on the foreheads of Amon and his Eidolon, resembling fire. The soldiers take a few steps back, distrustful of the strange creature. Sticking the shiv he'd been using to carve out the circle into the drawstring of his pants, Amon picks up his new mace and follows Edmund, ignoring the onlookers. "We're ready." The Eidolon trails behind him.

The rest of the boarding party follows.

You all receive Perception checks while searching the ship to determine how thorough your sweep is. You may take 10 on this if you choose, since there are no immediate threats or distractions.

2014-04-07, 10:00 PM
Having taken the time to properly don his armor, Mal was ready for redemption. He drew his sword in a frustrated flash and wrung his left hand into a fist.

"Lead the way, Cap'n."

Roll=11 + 0.

2014-04-09, 01:04 PM
Within the hatch on the poop deck, you find that the area below the poop deck is the orc ship's bunkroom. There is a second hatch there allowing one to drop or retract a ladder into the second level of the ship, which contains the grapple launchers and battering rams. The battering ram and grapple hatches on the other side of the ship are sealed shut, preventing water from getting in should there be rough weather. The opposite hatches can likely do the same.

Through the corridor where the battering ram mechanisms are operated, there is another hatch leading down to the third level. Here there are several rooms: the room you enter, which seems almost like a warden or jailer's office. Down the hallway are several prison cells. A second cage door off of the jailer's office leads to the ship's cargo hold. While they have significantly less cargo space than the Northeastern Fog, their ship does not require gunpowder, cannonballs, or ballista bolts. Most of what is stored here is likely food and supplies. There does not appear to be either a kitchen or a sick bay on their ship. The orcs probably didn't care to build either. The cage doors into the prison cells and cargo hold are locked. There are several locked chests in the jailer's office, likely containing the prisoners' possessions. Orrick points out a compartment under the jailer's desk, which contains a brilliantly white metal puzzle box. There are several knobs, levers, and buttons on the box.

Within the prison cells are five elves, two male and three female, bound with ropes and gagged with pieces of cloth to keep them from speaking. There are also three strange, reptilian humanoids. In addition to being bound and gagged, one of them has been blindfolded. Their scaly skin consists of mostly browns and beiges, with occasional blotches of white or green. There are yellow ridges running down their backs and in the place of eyebrows. The ridges on the blindfolded one are blue instead. Their eyes are dark and reminiscent of snakes.

All of the prisoners are wearing some sort of military uniform, except the blindfolded snakeman, who is wearing white monastic garments. They seem to be made of silk.

2014-04-09, 05:20 PM
Malleus was a student of many languages, having paid quite a lot of attention during his diplomacy and tactics classes, and seeing the elf prisoners, he recalled these classes. Addressing them in their native tongue, he tried to assure them they were safe, "Be at peace, elf friends, the orcs who took you captive are dead or our prisoners. We are not pirates. You may recognize my uniform. We are Rhedran military. How did this happen to you?"

2014-04-09, 05:38 PM
Also, diplomacy check:

2014-04-09, 06:00 PM
The elves glance amongst themselves in confusion, exchanging shrugs with each other. Two of the women attempt to spit out the gags so that they can speak, but are unable to do so. In order to question the prisoners, they will need to be freed from the cell and unbound.

2014-04-09, 06:49 PM
Mal raises an eyebrow quizzically at the lack of response from the elves.

"Did anyone find a key? Get these prisoners unbound and un-gagged at once." He turned back to the prisoners, "Does any among you understand the Common tongue?"

If he gets a similar, or no response, then he finds his captain:

"Ed," he began, "I am fluent in the Elven tongue. These elves don't seem to speak it... or maybe they're simply frightened... Have you ever seen uniforms of their like in your life?"

2014-04-09, 07:16 PM
The boarding party asks around, and Reed remembers a key was found on the orcish officer who surrendered. Amon hurries back to the gathered items and retrieves it, then sprints back to the group. He hands the key to Dean, out of breath, and collapses against the wall to take a breather. Dean opens up the cells with the key, and has Reed test the cargo hold door while the rest of the boarding party unties and ungags the prisoners. Reed successfully opens the cargo hold door with the iron key. He looks over to Ed and Mal, "Should I look through this stuff? Looks like mostly dried food supplies, but who knows. Maybe they hid something."

Once freed, one of the female elven prisoners approaches Malleus. She holds up her hands to indicate she is unarmed, and speaks in a dialect of elven he is unfamiliar with. He's not sure he's making this out right...

"People talk about the strange man. You are where we were, I know. Rhedran is your home or your name, please?"

Malleus may attempt a Linguistics check to receive a clearer translation.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-09, 08:15 PM

"Yes, thank you Reed. Take your time and go through it thoroughly. Take Dean and Amon with you, and yell out at any sign of trouble."

Edmund turned around to face the prisoners and Mal again. "Can you make out what they're saying Mal? And Orrick, can you check them for injuries? Make sure to go slowly and show them you mean no harm."

2014-04-09, 09:42 PM
Dean takes out a journal and inkpen, "I'll make a record of our findings and present it to you afterwards." He and Reed get to work searching the cargo hold. Amon forces himself to his feet, he and his Eidolon following behind.

2014-04-09, 10:16 PM
"You okay, Amon?" Mal asks the young half-orc.

"I'm not sure, Cap. It's no form of elven I've ever studied, but a lot of the root words seem similar..."

2014-04-09, 10:17 PM
This was supposed to go in my post above, between talking to Amon and talking to Ed.


2014-04-09, 10:34 PM
Amon pauses before entering the cargo hold. He nods affirmatively. "I'm fine. Ran all the way to the key and back," the boy replies, gesturing towards the ladder up from the room. The boy is still a bit out of breath after the dash; considering his relative physical weakness and small size for his kind, it makes sense. If not stopped further, he goes to search the orc ship's cargo.

After some thought and reasoning, Malleus is able to make some sense of the seemingly nonsensical first two sentences. She was commenting that he was strange, and that she suspected he didn't come from the same land as her. The last sentence was more or less correct the first time he heard it; she's asking if he was saying where he was from, or trying to introduce himself as Rhedran.

2014-04-09, 11:22 PM

After some thought and reasoning, Malleus is able to make some sense of the seemingly nonsensical first two sentences. She was commenting that he was strange, and that she suspected he didn't come from the same land as her. The last sentence was more or less correct the first time he heard it; she's asking if he was saying where he was from, or trying to introduce himself as Rhedran.

"Ah, no," he replies to her in elvish, the elvish he knew anyway, "My name," he points to his chest, "is Malleus. Malleus Reinardt. My home is the Rhedris Prairie. All of us," he waves to the rest of the crew, "are from the Rhedris Prairie. We are Rhedran. What is your homeland?"

He turns to Edmund, "Communicating is going to be a little difficult, but I kind of understand her and she kind of understands me, so that's a start." He shrugged.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-09, 11:36 PM

"Okay, good. Good work Mal. We should take them back to the Fog and treat their injuries. Gorum only knows what these poor wretches have gone through. Once they're safely aboard we can find out where they came from and how they came to be aboard this ship."

2014-04-10, 01:45 AM
Although the woman has to listen carefully, Malleus' gestures seem to be helping get the point across. She gestures to herself, "Mossgandra." Then she indicates an emblem of a mountain with a flame at the top, on her uniform. She gestures next to the other prisoners, "Ulseland." She attempts to communicate something a bit more complex, though you can tell she's trying to use simple words. She gestures to her companions again...

"They are warriors, and I am commander. We were gone to illustrate the foreign allies surrounded by orcs. The enemy, your orcs. Let me help you achieve, if it is possible."

A clearer translation can be gained through a Linguistics check as before.

Edit: Malleus manages to get a slightly better translation, passing it along to Edmund and Orrick:

They were going to aid foreign allies under attack by orcs, not paint them. She seems to be asking if your people would ally with them to go and stop the siege.

2014-04-13, 02:22 AM
Orrick set about looking over the prisoners as the others freed them, one by one. He made a show of trying to be as non-intrusive as possible as he examined them. These people were from a foreign land, held in squalid conditions by a foreign enemy. The implications of disease on a confined vessel at sea were not lost on him. As he worked, he listened in as Malleus relayed what he could learn from the captives.

Orrick will check the prisoners, especially for any distinct signs of disease among them. Let's take 10 on both.
Heal: 20
Nature: 19

2014-04-13, 02:11 PM
To your surprise, the orcs seem to be taking reasonable measures to keep this place clean. They must be experienced enough with long seafaring journeys to know that illnesses on board are dangerous and debilitating to the crew. One of the male elves has had some of his foot cut off, a common treatment for 'Boot Soup', an infectious fungus that (as the name implies) slowly liquifies the victim's foot.

The elven commander and the monastic reptilian creature both seem to have been fed and cared for to some extend, though they are stiff and sore from days of being bound up in ropes. The rest of the soldiers show signs of malnutrition and beatings, though it's clear the orcs were careful not to kill them. You recall that the orc commander shouting something about taking the strong for slave labor, and the weak for... an ominous sounding word you didn't recognize. The two who were kept healthy were likely intended to become slaves; the rest were resigned to whatever else the orcs needed prisoners for.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-13, 09:43 PM

"Who is she talking about Mal? Who's under siege? I suppose any effort we make against the orcs is useful to our cause, but we need more information before we commit ourselves."

2014-04-13, 10:52 PM
Meanwhile, back at the mainland:

You see a short gnome, well, a gnome anyhow. His hair and mutton-chops are graying, light against his sienna skin. He's in decent shape and his motions are quick and fidgety.

He is dressed less ostentatiously than other gnomes you may have met. You'd recognize the white shirt and brown work pants anywhere - he's a craftsman. Practical and clean. A bandoleer and musket are slung over his shoulders, and he looks ready for travel. The musket appears custom-made, in terms of being sized for the gnome, and also having a fancy inlay on the stock and odd stubby fins on the business end.

Right now, he's at the end of the dock, scanning the horizon every minute or so and talking to himself. He paces for a bit, then, climbing on a small upright barrel to gain some height, pulls his little shaded goggles down to dim the morning sun - and then sighs and repeats the whole procedure again. You'd guess the little barrel is his, as he's not straying far from it. Plus, it has "Property of Azrin Bluestone" on it in big letters.

When the Northeastern Fog is spied, he will jump up and down excitedly, then exclaim a little in dismay as it comes closer and damage may be visible, and then hurry to call to the crew for news (especially from Pomutiki or the captain).

2014-04-13, 11:26 PM
A dockside tavern in Stalling has become a sort of barracks for recruits, reassigned professional soldiers, and mercenaries gathered to reinforce the newly formed Rhedran Navy. Robert Silver and Azrin Bluestone have been assigned to the Northeastern Fog, as their Lookout, Sani Stormeye, is being reassigned to the patrol ship in order to better spot approaching enemy ships - she is well known as the best eye in the available forces. With an enemy ship having slipped through to capture a fishing vessel and her crew, Admiral Koloman Grimace had decided they needed the best eye on the job to ensure it never happens again.

Each of the new members has been provided tools for their specialist job. Robert and Azrin are no different:

You received a free Spyglass, the stats for which can be found in the Lookout spoiler tag in the first post of the OOC thread.

You received a free set of Masterwork Tools, which grant a +2 bonus to Craft (Shipwright) checks.

Malleus passes along the questions to the elven woman, who tries to explain as best she can.

Made Malleus' Linguistics check myself, since he has limited net access right now. This is the cleaned up version of the response:

"Humans of the city. City is named Mirorhen, Ulseland are allies. Surrounded by orcs under siege. They need reinforcements."

H. Von Studley
2014-04-14, 01:33 AM

"We may be able to help you. We will need to return to our port first, to tell my superiors what you've told us and to drop off our prisoners. The orcs are our enemy as well. We were tasked with discovering the source of their raiding ships and stopping them if possible. Do you know where they come from? Tell me about Mirorhen. How many ships are blockading it? How many soldiers does it have to hold the city? Will it hold for a few more days?"

Hoping Mal can translate, and that the message isn't too complicated.

2014-04-14, 11:25 AM
Robert walks slowly across the dockyard, his rapier swings securely from his uniform belt as he stops to take a deep breath of the salt air. The hilt of the rapier shines brightly, displaying the quality of its construction. Beside the rapier is his pistol, also well-made and maintained with the meticulous care indicative of military attentiveness. The grip of the pistol is etched with carvings inlayed with silver. Both items are clear indicators of the proud and serious manner in which he conducts his profession. The small size of his coin purse in conjunction with the clearly superb quality of his weapons and armour makes his interests clearly evident. One glance at Robert identifies him as a man in the service. He is wearing a crisp uniform of the newly formed navy, and noticeably there is a spyglass also attached to his belt, engraved in its surface is the symbol of the naval coat of arms. Robert holds gunsmith kit and powder keg under his right arm. Neither item is very large, together totaling perhaps 7 or 8 lbs.

As Robert looks down the dock his eyes stop and rest on a gnome standing beside a barrel. He squints a little bit as he looks at the items slung over the gnome’s back. A smile works its way across his face and he begins walking down the dock toward the stranger.

As he walks up behind the gnome Robert says:
“Greetings stranger. I could not help but notice that firearm you have. Very intriguing, and obviously well made I might add. I don’t believe I have ever seen one like it. Where did you acquire it?”

2014-04-14, 12:28 PM
The elf woman looks confused at first by the large amount of words being translated, but eventually she and Mal are able to work out the meaning. She nods and answers,

"Three ships the Orc blocks the river in Mirorhen. The walls are strong and keeps, but supply delivery will die. We still have time before they feel desperate. If you have written a utility that I can left you a map?"

2014-04-14, 01:08 PM
(This can be a flash-forward two days or whenever the Fog has had a chance to send a bird back to land and head home, etc.)

"Oh! What's that? Sorry, I was distracted. I'll pass along your compliment about the firearm; a fellow named Azrin Bluestone made it for me himself.
"And coincidentally, I'm him. So thanks! And who might you be? You're with the Navy, then? Of course you are."

He speaks quickly and makes rather large gestures for such a small person. Robert's spyglass catches his eye:

"Oooh! Shiny! Perhaps you can help me keep a lookout for the Northeastern Fog, she's the ship I'm waiting for! They told me she's due back today or tomorrow, and I'm hoping nothing has happened. Actually scratch that, I'm hoping she won a great battle and has defeated all the orcs! But if she were still perfectly ship-shape I doubt they would have sent for me."

Azrin's shop, "Silver Mountain Specialties," is a converted building that used to be a Stables in the craftsmen's terrace of Stalling - a single-story square building with a courtyard in the middle, and a smithy in the back that used to make horseshoes but now occasionally turns out guns:

2014-04-14, 01:09 PM
Mal does his best to translate the message to the elf commander, all the while glancing sidelong at the strange little lizardman.


He had no idea what he was looking at. He'd never heard of lizardmen before, and certainly never seen one. It had arms and legs... and hands. Monkeys had hands, but they couldn't speak anything more than simple sign language. But then monkeys didn't wear clothes either... He'd studied ancient draconic over the years, it being a sentimentalist passion of his for as long as he could remember. It was the only language he knew that might possibly get through to the creature. Dragons and lizards both have scales, right? He decided to give it a try.

"Hello, my small, scaled friend. My name is Malleus Reinardt." he spoke in draconic and gestured to himself, "Can you understand me?"

2014-04-14, 02:25 PM
The strange scaled creatures are in fact about as tall as a man, though their stooped posture causes them to appear smaller than they are. They had been quietly looking around and stretching sore limbs, but when Malleus starts speaking draconic they became attentive. The elf woman looks at them, and exchanges a few words in a completely foreign language. After the brief exchange, the one in monastic garb steps forward to address Malleus. In a hissing voice, the creature speaks fluent Draconic,

"A greeting to you human, in the tongue of dragons. Fortunate that it is ever unchanging, like the great serpents themselves. This eases translation greatly. I am Hsmorjo of the Rsarri, warrior priests of Ulseland. Commander Mossgandra would have me translate in her place to avoid further confusion."

2014-04-14, 02:48 PM
"Very fortunate, yes, and well met Hsmorjo, warrior-priest of Ulseland." Mal replied with a smile, "So, you and the elves are allies?"

Mal turns to the captain and explains the new draconic development. He addresses Edmund in common, "I was expecting much more need of my swordplay than my wordplay. I'm glad to be of some use on our journey."

2014-04-14, 03:29 PM
"Oh! What's that? Sorry, I was distracted. I'll pass along your compliment about the firearm; a fellow named Azrin Bluestone made it for me himself.
"And coincidentally, I'm him. So thanks! And who might you be? You're with the Navy, then? Of course you are."

Arzin speaks quickly and makes rather large gestures for such a small person. Robert's spyglass catches his eye:

"Oooh! Shiny! Perhaps you can help me keep a lookout for the Northeastern Fog, she's the ship I'm waiting for! They told me she's due back today or tomorrow, and I'm hoping nothing has happened. Actually scratch that, I'm hoping she won a great battle and has defeated all the orcs! But if she were still perfectly ship-shape I doubt they would have sent for me."

“You made it?” Robert repeats half questioningly, clearly in an impressed tone. “I am Petty Officer Silver, Robert Silver. Would you mind if I had a look at it sometime? Perhaps you could teach me a thing or two. I am pretty handy shooting a pistol, but I only have a basic knowledge of crafting the weapons” Robert pauses for a few moments. “Hmmm, now that I think of it you do look familiar. I went to this shop about a week ago, it was run by a gnome. I don’t know why I had not been there before. It was pretty good. I don’t suppose you are the same fellow.”

When Arzin mentions the eyeglass Robert pulls it from his belt. “The Northeastern Fog,… You don’t say. I just received my orders not to long ago. I have been assigned as the Lookout for that ship. Are you planning on doing repairs, or are you actually joining the crew?”

He pulls the spyglass up to his eye in a smooth motion and continues talking, “I’ll take a look and see what I can spot out there. But I have learned not to stand at the dock like a widow waiting for he husband to return. The fastest way to have a ship reach port,… is to wait at the pub.”

Perception Check to look for any ships on the horizon. Looking through the spyglass. +1 DC/20 ft [roll0]

2014-04-14, 06:01 PM
"We nagaji have joined with the elves of Ulseland, to repel the orcs and their strix masters," Hsmorjo answers, the creature's inhuman facial expression difficult to read. The word 'strix' strikes Malleus as both strange and worrying. The strix were a bedtime story used to scare unruly children on the island he came from - winged shadow demons that would catch and devour disobedient young humans for sport. He has not, however, heard of these 'nagaji'.

You can see several fishing vessels in the distance, and the ship assigned to guard them patrolling the waters around Stalling. There is not yet any sign of the Northeastern Fog.

2014-04-14, 06:03 PM
"Well, I suppose there's some wisdom to what you say - here I am, eager like a schoolboy, though you can't really blame me, right? These new ships are far grander than anything else I've been on. We can head to the pub for a little breakfast, sure. If we're going to be crewmates and all."

He scans the horizon one last time, then tips the barrel over on its side gingerly, and proceeds to roll it back down the pier to the tavern. Thankfully, it's not too far, as Robert will have to walk slowly to keep from getting too ahead of him. Once inside, Azrin tips it upright again next to the entryway and has a seat where he can keep an eye on it.

"Now, to answer your question, I do have a little shop on Bay Street. Always glad to meet a satisfied customer! We do our own black powder mixing, and for special occasions I like to add a bit of color. Oh! You should come by and get your powder pre-weighed, too, if you haven't!" Azrin pulls what looks like a little stubby cigarette from a pouch on his bandoleer and shakes it to produce a characteristic powdery swish sound. "Saves time on the reload." He puts it back carefully.

"As for my little Orc Repellent here, I don't let just anybody play, especially not in a crowded place like this. Hmm, it's a little early for ale - I'll just have the Elven Toast." That last bit is directed at the bartender.

2014-04-14, 07:23 PM
Strix. It was a word, Mal hadn't heard in twenty years or more, and hearing it now chilled him to the bone.

"Why don't we move this along, and get everyone back aboard the Fog?" he said to the Doctor and the rest of the crew. On their way back to naval vessal, Mal spoke to the lizardman again, "Your kind, the nagaji, right? Where I come from... I have never heard or seen anything like you. Are you descended from dragons yourselves?"

H. Von Studley
2014-04-14, 07:50 PM

As the group heads back to Fog, Edmund will send a few men back to finish the sweep and search of the orc ship. Once they're back on the Fog, he'll send for writing tools for Mossgandra. "I believe you spoke of drawing a map for us?"

Edmund will also give orders to the crew to begin making the ship ready to sail back to Stalling, and to have a crew member take an orc from the cargo hold and separate him from the others. Edmund intends to interrogate the orcs before the Fog makes port.

2014-04-14, 08:58 PM
Robert moves the spyglass back to his belt and shakes his head. “All I see are some fishing boats, and an escort. The Northeastern is not in sight.”

Robert turns and begins walking slowly along with Azrin as he starts to push his barrel down the dock. “They certainly are impressive ships. I'm glad to see our navy start with something formidable.”

As the two approach the tavern Robert opens the door so that the gnome can push the barrel inside. He nods approvingly when he sees where Azrin sets his barrel, easily within eyeshot of the gnome. Robert sets his own powder keg and gunsmith kit on the table beside them. He sits with his back to a wall so he can look our across the rest of the pub.

Azrin says "Now, to answer your question, I do have a little shop on Bay Street. Always glad to meet a satisfied customer! We do our own black powder mixing, and for special occasions I like to add a bit of color. Oh! You should come by and get your powder pre-weighed, too, if you haven't! "Saves time on the reload."

Robert looks at the powder cartridges with interest. He has regular bullets and powder horns. “Saves time reloading you say?” He remarks with obvious interest. “Im afraid I do not have any money to purchase more ammunition, I spent it all preparing for the Northeastern Fog's arrival. However I would be very interested in this. Could I see one?”

Azrin Says "As for my little Orc Repellent here, I don't let just anybody play, especially not in a crowded place like this. Hmm, it's a little early for ale - I'll just have the Elven Toast."

Robert adds “I will have some bacon and toast please. And some water.” Turning back to Azrin and addresses the musket “Fair enough, I hope I can prove my competence with firearms enough that you may let me try it when we are on ship. I always like to appreciate ingenuity.”

2014-04-14, 09:19 PM
"Our kind have served many creatures of age and power, the dragons among them. We still pass down their language to our young, for it has spread as far as the dragons have - a wise sentiment, it seems," explains the serpentfolk, as the group is led back to the Northeastern Fog. Dean rejoins them on deck, with a compiled list of gains and losses from the battle and enemy ship, in addition to those looted from the dead orcs. While Edmund and Malleus look it over, Mossgandra begins working on a basic map of where the prisoners and orcs came from.

-5 points were lost from the Sick Bay Medical Supplies as a result of the damages, bringing the total to 15/20.
-Minor damage to the steering wheel
-Moderate damage to the hull of the ship, currently being repaired

Ship Weapons:
-2 Grappling Launchers being installed in kitchen and sick bay (medical storage is being rearranged to make room for new weapon)
-6 more Grappling Launchers that can be installed elsewhere, scrapped, or made into portable versions

Elven and Nagaji Prisoners' Belongings:
-1 strange bladed gauntlet
-2 Elven Curve Blades
-2 Short Swords
-2 Longbows, with 20 arrows each
-2 Ranseur
-2 Longswords
-10 sling bullets in a pouch
-A black stone pendant of a flaming mountain.
-2 Light Wooden Shields
-3 Agile Breastplates
-4 Chain Shirts

Cargo Hold:
-Two weeks worth of orcish rations, primarily dried and preserved meat, along with some citrus to prevent scurvy.
-A small package of unidentified reddish brown powder that Amon's Eidolon found hidden under some boxes.
-The puzzle box Orrick and Edmund found hidden under the warden's desk.

Other Notes: Using materials from some empty crates in the cargo hold of the orcish ship, the gnome engineers were able to patch the holes up well enough for now. More complete repairs will be made at port.

One of the halfling crew members goes down to the hold of the Fog to prepare an orc prisoner for Edmund.

The tavern is bustling with activity, as others with the same idea as the two of them wait for their ships to return. Admiral Koloman Grimace himself is there, drinking with a civilian man - a fisherman by the look of his outfit.

Soon after the orders are made, the bartender returns with Azrin's elven toast, a type of crispy bread sprinkled with cinnamon. A favorite treat among the dock crowd. Fish is well and good, but it's painfully boring on the tastebuds. He sets down a second plate of plain toast next to Robert alongside a glass of water. "The bacon will be ready soon. Not such a common order this time 'o the day, that one, sorry for the wait." The man is soon called over by another group of sailors in need of more alcohol.

2014-04-14, 09:49 PM
"The bacon will be ready soon. Not such a common order this time 'o the day, that one, sorry for the wait."

Robert nods in reply to the bartender “Don't worry I can wait.” He looks at the ale on a nearby table and with a hint of longing. Robert sips his water and turns his head causally across the table toward the Admiral and his friend. He inspects the admiral and his friend.

Preception [roll0] To notice any details about the Admiral or the civilian.

When the bartender returns Robert will say, “I would like a mug of Dwarven stout please.”

2014-04-14, 09:57 PM
"You got it. Just opened a barrel," the bartender sets down the plate of bacon and quickly retrieves a mug of dwarven ale for Robert.

Across the pub, the admiral and his friend are discussing the expected weather over the next few days. They seem to be calculating when the ships are likely to return.

2014-04-15, 02:39 AM
Azrin notices Robert noticing. "Do you know that guy? He seems important with that fancy hat. Ha! Just kidding, you're in the Navy, I'm sure you know the Admiral. Should we ask him about the Fog? Probably even he can't know exactly when they'll be back, though."

Azrin pauses uncharacteristically. "So have you Lookout-ed before? Looked Out? Looking outwards? One of those things, you know what I mean. I'm an early riser but I didn't get much sleep so you must excuse me.

"I do hope they've packed plenty of coffee on board!"

2014-04-15, 09:10 AM
Robert shakes his head, "I don’t know him, I just recognize the rank and uniform. As a PO you don’t just walk up to an Admiral and say hello. I was just interested.”

He turns his attention back to the gnome. “I have been on a ship enough, but most of my experience is working customs in port here. Eventually they did have me traveling between some of the local ports after smugglers. I have always had a fairly keen eye, and I am handy when climbing in the rigging. Part of their choice in me is that with my experience with the port authority I have developed a bit of an eye for what,… scoundrels tend to do in order to make their ship appear legitimate.”

Robert sips his ale and sets the mug down, picking up his knife and fork. He cuts a piece of Bacon and a corner of toast to eat with it. Then chews appreciatively then swallows.

“We got in a bit of a fight with some orc raiders a little while back, helped me land a job aboard the Northeastern. I’m only too happy to oblige, from what I have seen out there the navy is going to need all the help they can get.”

Robert grins maliciously with laughing tone “Some of those orcs are very nearly as unpleasant of fellows as I am.”

2014-04-15, 02:09 PM
Azrin raises an eyebrow. "Well, I'm fine with having you sitting across from me rather than some orc."

He's about done with breakfast and lays down appropriate coinage on the table. "And I'm not in any rush to meet them, don't misread my eagerness. I know it may end up being a messy voyage, but hopefully it'll be one quick day of dealing with orcs amidst two pleasant weeks of sailing."

He smiles and adds, "Overall, a nice vacation, eh?"

2014-04-15, 02:36 PM
The meal is only a few copper pieces, so don't bother keeping track of the itty bitty spending here.

2014-04-15, 08:04 PM
Robert snorts, “A nice vacation indeed.” He grins and finishes his own food. “Im sure we will learn just how easy 'dealing with orcs' is going to be when the Fog gets back.” Robert takes a sip of his Dwarven Stout, then pauses and looks disappointed at the bottom of his mug. Robert reaches and begins fishing in his coin purse. “Lets go back out to the dock and enjoy the ocean air.” After placing some coins on the table Robert stands and straitens his belt. Adjusting the rapier and pistol on his right hip. Robert walks up to Azrin's barrel and pulls his powder keg and gunsmith kit off the top, freeing it for the gnome to begin pushing.

“I have always traveled light.” Robert remarks. “But I supposed a tradesman like yourself can't afford that luxury.” He nods to the barrel. “Do you have the tools for your trade in there?”

2014-04-15, 08:57 PM
"Oh, this IS travelling light - for me, anyhow. Remember I've got a shop full of tools I wish I could bring as well. Thankfully the Fog should already have plenty of tools on board, so I just needed some particulars."

Azrin will walk back out to the dock with Robert, bringing his stuff.

"I've got lots of odds and ends, really. A kit like yours for the gun, tools for the ship, some fishing gear for those slower mornings..."

H. Von Studley
2014-04-16, 12:30 AM

As Mossgandra draws the map, Edmund will take Mal with him to interrogate the orc prisoners. As they walk down to where the prisoner is being held, Edmund stops Mal.

"I want you to try and be sympathetic with the orc. I'm going to be aggressive and intimidating, and if you treat him diplomatically he might be more inclined to give something up. I'm not going to actually harm him, but I don't mind if he thinks that I will."

As they enter the room, Edmund draws one of his hand axes and plays with it menacingly.

"You know, I can't decide if you're lucky or not. After all, of all the ships to attack, it's pretty unlucky that you managed to pick this one. Of course, after my crew slaughtered yours and I personally carved a hole in your useless commander's chest, you managed to be one of the ones who surrendered. Lucky, no? Then again, with you being my prisoner, I have the luxury of being able to take my time with you. That's certainly unlucky."

With a sudden fury Edmund lunges across the room and buries the blade of his axe into the wall next to the orc's head, before continuing to speak calmly, as though nothing had happened.

"But now you have a chance. I need to know a few things orc. And you're going to tell them to me. You're going to tell me right now, and you're going to tell me gladly. Because you are lucky. You have an opportunity. You can be the first to tell me what I need to know, and that's a good thing for you. Because orcs who tell me what I need to know are useful to me. And orcs who aren't useful go overboard, one piece at a time."

Edmund lets the threat hang in the air for a second before continuing, the questions coming quickly now.

"Where are the raiding parties coming from? Do you have a leader? How many other raiding ships are there? What do you know of the siege of Mirorhen?"

2014-04-16, 08:56 AM
Orrick crossed back over to the Northeastern Fog and settled down at his table in front of the strange puzzle box he had found hidden under the warden's desk. He removed the encumbering chainmail once again and examined the box. The material was certainly some kind of metal, though finding a mithral object in the presence of those foul creatures would be surprising. What other white metals were prevalent? Silversheen perhaps. A metallurgic test would confirm that if he could manage to chisel off a few flakes. The mechanism itself was hidden within the confines of the box. He only had the series of knobs and levers to work with, though he could peer into the gaps through which the levers traveled and observe some of the operation.

I presume there's no obvious keyhole. Is there anymore detail to this thing? Would Orrick have encountered a mechanism like this?

2014-04-16, 11:44 AM
The prisoner set up for you is the black-skinned orc. According to the crew, this is the orcish officer who commanded the others to surrender. As Edmund plays with his axe, the orc watches apprehensively, with a hint of confusion in his face. When the sudden lunge comes, the orc throws himself to the ground in his rope bindings, and attempts to roll away out of the torchlight.

Orrick has seen boxes similar to this one before. The most complex ones are usually used for recreation by intellectuals who want something to occupy them, but others are used for security. Usually those ones contain an item of value (such as a gemstone) or personal importance (such as incriminating documents). There are no obvious ways to get it open except to solve the puzzle, which seems to be the security variety judging by the simple design and number of options.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-16, 06:34 PM

Edmund grabs the tied up orc and wrenches him back towards the center of the room. "Tell me!"

2014-04-16, 07:11 PM
The orc shouts at Edmund in orcish, struggling to pull away, but failing because of his bindings.

It's difficult to make out because of the panicked shouting, but the orc doesn't seem to know what Edmund is saying.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-19, 04:52 PM

As Mal makes it clear that the orc doesn't understand, Edmund leans back in disgust and turns away.
"Damn stupid orcs" he growls, frustrated, "Can you translate what I just said?"

As Mal translates, Edmund will stare at the orc, still brandishing the small axe.

2014-04-19, 08:07 PM
Slumping to his knees, the orc seems to have given up trying to roll away. At this point it's probably more embarrassing than helpful. Once Malleus explains that this is an interrogation, and not an execution, the orc calms down a little. He is surprisingly forthcoming with general information, but is rather obviously avoiding the specifics.

The orc is from a continent to the east, in a land called Album. He informs Edmund that he did have a leader, but that leader is now lying among the dead here. He does not know how many raiding ships there are, because he never bothered to count, but estimates somewhere between ten and twenty. Though he is aware that there is a siege at Mirorhen, he is unaware of how it is going, because he is here, in your cargo bay, being interrogated.

While enraptured by the clicking knobs and trying with all your might to figure out what it could mean, Orrick feels a light tapping on his shoulder. Upon glancing back, he would see Amon and his Eidolon. The boy is carrying a small bag with a reddish-brown powder inside. The serpent explains, "This was found hidden among the orcs' possessions."

"Dean said to give you it," Amon adds, setting the bag on the table beside the puzzle box. He eyes the device curiously, giving Orrick an inquisitive look.

As the two leave the tavern, they see someone wandering the docks. The person wasn't there when Robert and Azrin went into the tavern, so they must have arrived recently. An unusually thin and gaunt dwarven man with a scraggly black beard and balding head, he wears a simple white wool vest and some beige cloth breeches. He appears to be expecting someone, and is looking around nervously.

2014-04-22, 12:29 PM
Azrin reaches up and tugs lightly on Robert's shirt to get his attention.

"Look at him," says Azrin, "A fellow traveler, perhaps? Though he's managed to pack even more lightly than you, if that's the case."

2014-04-22, 04:11 PM
"Look at him," says Azrin, "A fellow traveler, perhaps? Though he's managed to pack even more lightly than you, if that's the case."

Robert stiffens visibly as he spots the dwarf. And scans the crowd for any other individuals who look out of place. He speaks in a low tone, “I can’t say I like the looks of him, I have spent enough time dealing with lowlifes on these docks to not trust anyone without cause. That said he is a dwarf. As a whole dwarves tend to not be the worst fellows.”

Robert slowly sets his things beside Azrin’s barrel. “I was working the port authority not two weeks ago. If he is up to something my friends will have to deal with it eventually. If you don’t look out for your own, they wont look out for you.”

Robert straitens his belt and tries to smile in a friendly manner. “I will talk to him.”

Robert begins to walk toward the Dwarf. “Greetings friend.”

OOC: Robert will look for other suspicious individuals, and try to sense the dwarfs intentions. If he senses hostile intenstions he will ready an action to draw his pistol. If not he will do nothing.

Roll: Preception: [roll0]
Sense Motive:[roll1]

2014-04-22, 05:11 PM
"Ah, Amon, my thanks," said Orrick looking up from the puzzle box. He delicately pulled back the edge of the pouch and peered inside. The color of the fine-grained powder inside matched that of rust. Unfortunately, he found himself unable to concentrate fully on it as the serpent Eidolon coiled behind him. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before deciding to stand up and circle the table. He sprinkled a bit of the powder on the wooden table and leaned over it on his elbows.

Taking 10 on Knowledge (nature) to determine what the powder is: 19

His eye caught Amon's gaze, which was fixed on the box. "Ever seen one?" he asked. "They're used to protect sensitive documents and the sort. You work these controls like so-" he demonstrated the mechanism "-and if you know the right combination you can open the box. I gave it a...brief examination, but you can try it out yourself if you like."

2014-04-22, 09:51 PM
Upon closer examination, Orrick recognizes the substance as Flayleaf, a mildly hallucinogenic depressant. It places the user in a tired, dreamlike state, distancing them from the world around them. Users have described the state as similar to sleepwalking while awake. Side effects include dizziness, blurred vision, and dull thoughts. It is not particularly addictive, the side-effects are not severe or permanent, and the disconnected state makes one resilient to various mind-controlling effects; the drug is sometimes used by those who hunt criminal Enchanters who use their magic to manipulate people. The plant that produces these leaves grows in wet (freshwater) areas, such as swamps or sometimes riverbeds.

Flayleaf can be inhaled as a crushed dust, or ingested by making tea with it. For one hour after ingestion or inhalation, the drug grants a +2 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, but the user is fatigued. The subject takes 1 point of Wisdom damage per dose used, which heals at a rate of 1 point per day as normal. The Fortitude Save DC to avoid addiction is 12, and the withdrawal symptoms are minor.

The small bag contains three doses of the inhaled variety. It is faster to use and make than the tea, but the tea is said to be quite delicious.

Amon doesn't seem to need much invitation to try his hand at the box, and eagerly scoops it up while Orrick examines the Flayleaf. He fiddles around with the box's knobs and levers for a bit while his Eidolon watches. Despite his initial enthusiasm, the young half-orc quickly gets frustrated when it won't open. Eventually he just puts it back down on the table. "It does not work."

"The sounds are different," the serpent states from where it is idly watching the two. Amon looks confused, so it reaches over and flicks two of the levers into down positions with its stinger. As the Eidolon observed, each lever makes a slightly different noise. Retracting its tail, the serpent speaks to Orrick, "I do not enjoy riddles. Maybe this will help you solve it."

The Perception check was to notice the different sounds. Amon's Eidolon passed the check, so now Orrick only needs to pass the Intelligence check to find the pattern when he tries again later.

The squirrelly dwarf looks over at Robert as he approaches. It's difficult to judge his line of thought from his expression, though it isn't hard to discern nervousness and mild annoyance. Nobody else around the docks seems to stand out.

"Whaddaya you want?" the dwarf inquires in a harsh, grating voice, like a badger gargling nails. He turns from his pacing to face Robert, crossing his arms sternly. Looking him over the dwarf adds, "You some kinda soldier or guardsman? Ain't doing nothing here 'cept waiting for a friend, so you can leave me alone."

Your Sense Motive check perceives he is lying about waiting for a friend; the word 'friend' is spoken with even more irritation than his normal voice and a slight snarl.

2014-04-22, 11:47 PM
"Whaddaya you want?" the dwarf inquires in a harsh, grating voice, like a badger gargling nails. He turns from his pacing to face Robert, crossing his arms sternly. Looking him over the dwarf adds, "You some kinda soldier or guardsman? Ain't doing nothing here 'cept waiting for a friend, so you can leave me alone."

Azrin will also come and join in. "'Allo! So are you waiting for a ship, too, then? We're keeping an eye out for the Fog, and this big fellow here is even a professional lookout, with spyglass and everything! Can't get much sharper than that."
Azrin is going to try Perception and maybe a Knowledge Local, to see if he can figure out if the dwarf is from around here and/or his profession.
Perception [roll0]
Know (Local) [roll1]

Anyhow, he'll continue and say, "Name's Azrin, what's yours? I know it's a bit early to be so social but there's not much else to do out here while we wait, eh?"

2014-04-23, 11:44 AM
Azrin will also come and join in. "'Allo! So are you waiting for a ship, too, then? We're keeping an eye out for the Fog, and this big fellow here is even a professional lookout, with spyglass and everything! Can't get much sharper than that."

Robert nods toward the dwarf, “My good dwarf why are you so defensive?” A long grin slowly spreads across Robert face. “What is your friends name? Maybe I know him. Was he going to meet you here?” He gestures to the gnome “As my friend here has said, we are members of the navy. We are only too willing to enjoy the company of any law abiding citizen of Stalling.”

Robert's hand slowly moves casually to rest on his belt buckle, only a couple inches from his pistol.

Robert will ready the Draw action to draw his pistol. To be drawn at sign of aggression or criminal intent.

Anyhow, he'll continue and say, "Name's Azrin, what's yours? I know it's a bit early to be so social but there's not much else to do out here while we wait, eh?"

2014-04-23, 07:56 PM
Azrin notes that several dock workers nearby are wearing similarly loose, light clothing.

Looking down at Azrin, the dwarf snorts derisively, "I ain't waiting for no ship, not that it's any o' yer business."

The dwarf's eyes follow Robert's hand, drifting to the gun at his side. Swallowing, the dwarf spoke with a bit more fear in his voice this time, "No need to cause a scene now. I, ah, maybe was a bit hasty. Might o' caused you some... offense?" Stepping back, he glances from side to side into the crowd. He starts talking rapidly, spouting out an explanation, "It's nothin'. Just a guy I owe some gold, meetin' him here to pay. Personal loan business, no law trouble. Leave me be a'right?"

2014-04-23, 08:23 PM
"Oooooho, I see. Well, alright then, if you say so - although if you owe a fellow money, I'm sure you don't have to worry about finding him: he'll find you, creditors always do. We'll be right over thataways if you change your mind about shootin' the breeze." Azrin gives a slight smile and addresses Robert, "Come now, it's hard to be social in the morning and it's even harder when you're about to part with a bit of coin. Let's leave the fellow to his pacing."

H. Von Studley
2014-04-23, 09:01 PM

Sensing an attempt at deception, Edmund steps closer, his voice low and threatening. "You know exactly what I mean by 'leader'. I don't want to know that you answered to your dead commander, I want to know who he answered to. Who is in charge of the orc fleet? How many ships are there in total? And how many of those hold warriors or possess other combat capabilities? I warn you, if you attempt to deceive me again it will not go well for you. We already have more prisoners than I particularly want to drag back to port."

2014-04-24, 08:13 AM
Sense Motive [roll0] : On his claim he is waiting to pay someone who he owes. Reguardless of if he senses the dwarf is lying he will say what is below.

Robert chuckles trying to sound light hearted. “Relax friend. You are acting like you are guilty as sin.” He gestures around the dock with his free hand, leaving his pistol hand on his belt buckle, “No-one here is going to harm an innocent Dwarf.” His eyes widen for a moment then Robert lowers his voice to a whisper so only Azrin and the dwarf can hear. “If this person means you harm, or if you are in trouble. Just say so. We will leave you as the gnome suggests and stay at a distance. I will not stand by while law abiding citizens are harmed.”

Preception [roll1] : Robert is going to scan the dock for any members of the Port Authority. Possibly someone he knows or has worked with. He is also going to look for anyone who appears to be watching their interaction with the dwarf.

2014-04-25, 07:20 PM
At the pressure from Robert, the dwarf looks increasingly uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath and sighing, he pushes past Robert in a huff to continue walking down the docks, "Think yer friend there has the right idea. I got business t' get to."

There are three guards in view that Robert recognizes from his work here, two inspecting a crate and one watching the group from further down the pier. He is also able to notice the dwarf slip something into his pocket as he brushes past; a small note, it seems.

Malleus translates Ed's questions, and the orc shifts in his rope bindings. After a brief pause, he explains that the town he comes from is populated primarily by raiders who seek foreign vessels. They are officially sanctioned by the leader of his nation to bring back goods and slaves. To his knowledge, his nation's navy is not particularly powerful, but it has been able to keep its competition from building up. Malleus translates all of this to Edmund, then repeats the question about the leader. Opening his mouth, the orc looks visibly pained, lurching forward convulsively and smacking his head on a nearby crate. Falling backwards, he struggles to catch his breath, as though he had been strangled. The orc doesn't seem capable of talking any further at the moment.

2014-04-25, 08:48 PM
Robert nods as he notices the dwarf slip the note. He begins walking towards the guards he recognizes. He does not look back at the Dwarf. Once he is close to his old friends and clear and facing out over the water (Back to the dockyard) he discreetly slips the note out of his pocket and tries to read it without being obvious.

Slight of Hand 14

H. Von Studley
2014-04-25, 09:07 PM

Surprised at the orc's reaction, Edmund casts Detect Magic to see what might be having this effect on him.

2014-04-25, 10:44 PM
The folded piece of parchment appears to be a ransom note, and reads as follows:

"While I respect your conviction in withholding the location of the item, I have more important matters to attend to than arguing over our business arrangements. Your daughter will be returned to your home upon delivering the item in question to my representative at the Stalling docks this afternoon. You will recognize him by the red band on his wrist. Failure to comply will force drastic measures. Here is hoping we can put this trouble behind us.


2014-04-26, 12:20 AM
"What'cha got there, Robert?"


"Oh my goodness, it seems he's a dwarf in some trouble! Why do you think he would have given you the note? Does he want our help in dealing with 'LV', perhaps? Or could we potentially go and locate the daughter ahead of time and get her out of trouble?

"But mainly, what item is he giving up? He might be endangering one of our ships! This is so sinister! I'm sure LV is expecting him to not involve the authorities per se, but we should see what we can do."

2014-04-26, 12:41 AM
The orc has a definite magic aura around him, but you are unable to discern what school of magic or what sort of effect it is coming from. You can tell one thing from the scan, however; the aura exhibited by the orc is that of a magic item. Somehow, the entire orc is radiating magic as though he were a magic item.

H. Von Studley
2014-04-26, 12:57 AM

Edmund turns to the orc, surprised by the magical aura. "What's going on? What spell is this, and who cast it?"

2014-04-26, 09:42 AM
Robert nods, “Yes we have to help this man, but we can't just go running off dishing out vigilante justice. And I don't think we would be able to track down the daughter without further clues. Thankfully these two guards here are my friends. I have worked with them. They will listen to me.”

Robert walks up to the two guards inspecting the crate. He greets them in a hushed tone, voice firm and hard. Every soldier or guard recognizes that voice, the voice that says it is time for action. “Tom, Draven listen we have a problem and little time.” Robert knows the men, particularly Tom, he does not pause to have them return the greeting. Robert knows they wont waist time on him. “Don't be obvious but there is a dwarf over my shoulder. The one who looks like he is circled by a pack of wolves. I approached him because I thought something looked wrong and I did not want you guys caught unaware...”

Robert explains the note, and the hostage and the man with red band. “We have to be careful, we tip our hand too soon we will give up the whole game. This is what I want to do, when that man shows up and takes payment I want to tail him with the gnome. Having a couple guards follow him would be too obvious, and you are too loud in your armour. A sailor and a gnome might do a little better. You tail us far enough back that we can hardly notice you, and the man we are tailing wont have any idea. If the man meets someone else at a drop point we will follow the new guy, you arrest the old one. When we get to the building the gnome and I will sneak in. Don't come to close to the building, they will probably have a lookout. When we need backup you will hear it.” Robert nods at the firearms him and the gnome are carrying.

“Oh and whoever your having stay on the dock, I hope they can watch our things.” Robert points to Azrin's barrel. “Maybe take them back to the guard house. We can pick them up when this is all done.”

Robert looks at Azrin and Tom and Draven, “Any suggestions? Keeping in mind that guy with the wristband may show up at any moment.”

2014-04-26, 02:38 PM
The orc just shakily rolls his head from side to side on the ground, to indicate he's not trying that again.

Looking up from their inspection of the crate (now that he's closer, Robert can see that it contains fish), the two guards at first look surprised to see Robert, but their expressions change to serious ones as he quickly explains. At the end of the explanation, Tom picks up a fish from the crate and shows it to Robert, as though that were what they were talking about. "I've seen that dwarf before, he works as a manual laborer loading and unloading ships. Could be he slipped something out of a ship's cargo for this 'LV' character."

"What do you think it is, though?" Draven asks, glancing over Robert's shoulder at the dwarf, but quickly looking back to the fish. "Smugglers don't usually act this cloak-and-dagger. Least not unless it's something major, like deadly exotic poison for an assassin."

Tom looks concerned, "Assassin? Who would they be targeting?"

"Hell if I know. I don't mess around with politics. Wait, red band? Wasn't Stew...?"

Tom and Draven both can't help but look over at the third guard, leaning against a lantern post some distance away. Robert recognizes him as Stewart, though the two weren't well acquainted due to having entirely different shifts. Indeed, the guard is wearing a loop of red string around his wrist, and can see the other guards looking towards him. Like a bolt, Stewart is off running down the alley behind an establishment called 'The Maiden and the Rose'. Though Tom briefly looks a bit at a loss for what to do, Draven quickly draws his sword and charges after Stewart. Following suit, fish in one hand and longsword in the other, Tom looks back over his shoulder to Robert and Azrin, "C'mon, we've got to catch him before he warns 'LV', or that girl is toast!"

2014-04-26, 03:08 PM
"Get 'im! I'll try to keep up, but your legs are a little longer than mine, so don't pause on my account. Here-" Azrin pulls a piece of wire out of his pocket and mutters something, then waves it through the air over his head like he's shaking water off it.He's casting Message.
He doesn't wait for Robert to stick around, and as the distance between them widens, he'll point at Robert and say, "Now we can keep in touch - just point in my general direction and whisper and if I'm close enough I'll hear it. At least for the next half-hour or so, anyways."

Azrin is going to run as fast as his little legs can carry him after them.

2014-04-26, 03:53 PM
Robert draws his pistol and sprints after Stewart as fast as he can, following along behind Draven. As Robert sees Stewart head down the alley he looks quickly around for a shortcut that might be able to reduce the distance and cut off Stewart.

Perception: Robert is looking for a fence, or low wall that might be possible to use acrobatics to jump and save distance to catch Stewart. If Robert sees nothing then he will just keep following hot on the guard's heels down the alley. [roll0]

2014-04-28, 11:33 PM
Apologies for the wait. I wrote a post earlier just before my internet went out for a few minutes and lost it, then forgot to rewrite one until now.

Between Azrin's short stride and the guards' cumbersome metal armor, Robert pulls ahead of the group. There don't seem to be any shortcuts, but the fleeing guard is wearing armor just as heavy as the pursuing ones, and Robert is gaining on him. The alley runs through into another street, which the guard dashes through, only to crash into a couple walking past and send all three to the ground. After the mishap, Robert is able to catch up just as the man is standing. He reaches for his blade in desperation, but Robert has the advantage.

Robert and Azrin can roll for Initiative. Regardless of the results, Stewart's turn is delayed a round due to his failed Reflex save to dash through the occupied street.

Azrin and the guards are a bit behind, so they will arrive during the second round.

Essentially, Robert as a free solo surprise round.

Stalling port is clearly visible ahead, and The Northeastern Fog will dock within a few minutes. The trip back was relatively quiet and uneventful.

Orrick may make another attempt at the puzzle box, or seek help from the other crew members, if he wishes to do so.

2014-04-28, 11:56 PM
No worries on the wait. Azrin rolls initiative: [roll0]

Azrin huffs a little as he spies Robert already a ways up ahead. He points in Robert's direction and says, "Remember we need to find out from him where the girl is!"

2014-04-29, 12:34 PM
"Remember we need to find out from him where the girl is!"
As Robert approches he hears Azrin`s shout and lunges at the guard. He only needs to slow him down enough for support to arrive. Robert attempts to grapple Stewart and hold him until the other guards can catch up. “Give it up, if this comes to a fight I will kill you before I let you go you traitorous filth.” Robert growls.


Initiative: [roll1]

2014-04-30, 02:46 PM
-Stewart (nat 20)
-Robert (20)
-Tom (18)
-Azrin (9)
-Draven (8)

Robert grabs Stewart before he can grab his weapon, holding him fast and preventing him from drawing. Gritting his teeth, the man attempts to push Robert away, but is unable to escape his grip. The couple Stewart crashed into gets up and hurries away from the scene, not wanting to get involved.

It is Robert's action. Azrin, Tom, and Draven arrive afterwards, and will be able to act next round.

Upon docking and stepping off of the ship, the crew sees the peculiar sight of a ragged-looking dwarven dock worker charging into a back alley carrying a Gnomish Retractable Packing Knife and a crate lid. Some of the people around the pier are looking towards the alley in confusion or worry. Amon and the orcish prisoners, as well as the elves and snake people, remained aboard the ship so as not to cause a scene. Pomutiki is of course directing the repair crew, and a few gnomes go running past them down the dock to get proper materials for a full repair. Rebecca, Reed, and Dean accompany the crew disembarking.

Edmund's father, Admiral Koloman Grimace, steps out of a tavern nearby. Spotting Edmund having returned so soon, and seeing the damage to the side of The Fog, the Admiral approaches. "I take it your early return heralds either good or bad news. What happened out there?"


There are notes written in Draconic by Hsmorjo that Ulseland and Mirorhen are part of a mountain range traveling up and down the west coast, with the fortress city-state of Mirorhen being at the southernmost end. The border of Ulseland used to be adjacent to Mirorhen's territory, but Album moved in to cut off land support and trade. So far as Ulseland's scouts and spies can determine, Album's territory extends further east, but they don't have it well explored or mapped yet. The only reason Album's massive army hasn't crushed them yet is because of frequent infighting between orcish clans, and rebellions in the conquered territories. Between these problems, the Albumese army is becoming spread thin.

2014-04-30, 08:01 PM
“Hurry up!” Robert cries with a curse. “Help me take him!” Robert holds onto Stewart waiting for the others to arrive.

Robert will delay his action for the others to arrive.

2014-05-01, 01:04 AM
Stewart continues to struggle against his captor, but is held fast. Seeing the other three run up behind, he stops struggling. "Okay. Okay, I'll talk. But I assure you, I'm no traitor."

"What the hell, man? Not a traitor?! Since when are corrupt guards not traitors?" Tom spouts furiously, taking a step forward. Draven places a hand on his shoulder. With a frustrated sigh, Tom lowers his sword and moves to block the alleyway on the opposite side of the street, in case Stewart tries to bolt. In a calmer state of mind, Draven sheathes his weapon and moves up next to Robert, removing Stewart's weapons while he's restrained.

From the alley to the pier, they hear the voice of the dwarf from earlier, "Where'd the bastard get to? Did you get 'im?"

Combat is effectively over, with Stewart surrendering. No more grapple checks are required.

2014-05-01, 01:40 AM
Azrin walks up and tells Stewart, "You're a little too quick to protest you're not a traitor... makes us think the opposite, really.

"What do you know about this dwarf's daughter? Where has she been taken? And if your cause is so noble why were you threatening this family?"

Azrin will pause for another recovery breath, then add, "And who's this 'LV'? I don't care if he's the Emperor's nephew himself, he better hope we get to him before he does anything to hurt the girl."

2014-05-01, 06:31 AM
“Hold up fellas.” Robert says “Lets get this little discussion out of the open. If someone comes looking for him I don’t want them to stumble across us.” He grins viciously, “Besides I would not want to startle any of the good townsfolk if I have to… convince… Stewart to answer our questions truthfully.”

“Do any of you have something to tie him up?”

2014-05-01, 08:12 AM
“Do any of you have something to tie him up?”

Azrin offers up the coil of rope, though he adds, "Well, what would you guards normally do? Haul him back to the station? Don't you have manacles or something?"

To Stewart: "If you're going to speak I suggest you do it here and now - come clean, and it will go better for you, again, especially if we can use what you say in time to prevent any innocents being hurt."

Azrin eyes Robert evenly. "I'm not sure we have the time for a private interrogation; but lets at least walk Stewart back over to the docks where there are plenty more soldiers. We'll see what the Admiral thinks of this..."

The docks also have certain PCs milling about now, I hear (though Azrin may not have heard, in the excitement).

2014-05-01, 11:02 AM
For now, Stewart just looks between them as they try to decide where to question him. It is Draven who answers Azrin's question on where to take the prisoner, "We normally take them to the nearest guardhouse, yes. Put them in a cell until we can interrogate them."

"Under the circumstances, that may not be best. If he's in on this, there could be others," Tom adds nervously, not wanting to think about more people he called friends and coworkers being corrupt.

During the conversation, the dwarf arrives in the street. He's carrying a packing knife in his left hand and wearing a crate lid like a shield. "Where's she taken? Where'd yer boss take my daughter?" Draven stops the dwarf before he can approach Stewart, and he gestures to lower the knife. Begrudgingly, the dwarf complies, handing it to Draven. "She best not end up hurt. Or I'm gonna gut this pig whatever you do."

Finally Stewart speaks, "We aren't going to hurt the girl. We were never going to hurt her. It was leverage; a bluff to get Ronsk here to hand over what we needed. We're the good guys." It seems the dwarf's name is Ronsk.

2014-05-01, 12:51 PM
Robert nods in response to Todd “I don’t like to think the town guard has been compromised. But if it has maybe we can get my new Naval employer involved. This arrest would not have happened without Azrin and I.”
Robert turns his head to look at Ronsk “Well Dwarf it is time you tells us what is actually going on here. What is this item and where is it?” Robert looks back and forth between Stewart and Ronsk. He growls at Stewart “And who is this ‘we’ you are talking about?”

H. Von Studley
2014-05-02, 03:52 AM

Edmund nods in greeting to the Admiral. "I'm afraid it may be soon to tell sir. We were boarded by an Orcish raiding ship, but the crew performed exceptionally and we managed to repel the orcs and capture their ship without suffering a single casualty. The First Mate is sailing their ship into the harbour now. We've also gathered significant intelligence from captured orc officers and their prisoners. However from the sounds of it we may be dealing with a more serious foe than we thought."

Edmund takes his father aside into the tavern and relays what he has learned from the orc prisoner and Mossgandra and her crew, including the map.

2014-05-03, 01:12 PM
Edmund's father looks grave as he listens to the news and examines the map. "This is not at all what I was expecting. It seems are aren't even the main target of this; just a target of opportunity for these raiders from 'Album'." Leaning back in his seat, the Admiral frowns and runs a hand through his hair, before replacing his hat upon his head. "I will need to bring this matter before the King. Any further action, especially helping these Mirorhen people, could mean a full blown war. That's not saying I disapprove, but I can't authorize this myself."

Standing up from his seat, Admiral Koloman gathers up the map Edmund brought and his own notes on what he had been told. "Bring the representative prisoners from Ulseland to the castle. I'll meet you there. Best to cover up the snake-person, though. Don't want to get the city crowd in a panic."

Ronsk reaches into a pocket on the inside of his vest and pulls out a sphere vaguely reminiscent of a pearl. It is perfectly round, and gives off a sickly green glow. When the dwarf squeezes it, it seems to have a gelatinous consistency. "This is what I were supposed to deliver. Was smuggled in with some cargo from one of the islands. I don't rightly know what it does, but it don't look good to me, so I didn't give it to 'em."

"We're just trying to find out the truth," Stewart professes, "There are a bunch of us working together, here and in Aigodon. I can take you to LV, he'll explain everything."

"It could be a trap," Draven states the obvious, glaring down at Stewart, who only shakes his head.

Circling the traitorous guard like a vulture, Ronsk growls, "Can't say I care if it's a trap. If'n yer all too yellow, gimme my knife back and I'll go get my kid by myself."

2014-05-03, 02:13 PM
Azrin pipes up, "Well, if this was smuggled then this really IS official business for you Port Authorities. I still propose we find a few more trustworthy uniforms from the dock before Stewart leads us on; I'd prefer he talks a bit more, too - how many of you were there? and what is this about being the 'good guys'? Unless LV is the Chief of Police or somesuch I highly doubt it. Who do you think you are?"

"Can I see that, also?" Pointing to the green ball, Azrin will take it if Ronsk is willing, and study it briefly regardless.

Azrin's Craft Alchemy and Know Arcana are both +7. This can be for whichever you think more appropriate: [roll0]

2014-05-03, 08:43 PM
Robert nods at Azrin's suggestions. "Ok lets go see who else we can dig up." Robert turns to Tom and Draven. "If it is fine with you I would like to try and grab some navy types to help the four of us. Just in case the guard has been infiltrated."

When Azrin reaches out for the strange object Robert gives the Dwarf a long glance. Clearly expecting him to turn it over to Azrin.

2014-05-03, 10:41 PM
Ronsk hands over the sphere without much hesitation. He doesn't know what it is, and has no want or need for it. "You want to gather up some muscle, let's do it quick. I don't trust a word what this bastard says."

Tom and Draven grab Stewart by a shoulder each and start leading him back through the alley towards the navy tavern, with Ronsk follows behind. They come upon the entrance just as Admiral Koloman is leaving, and he looks over the group in confusion. "What's all this?"

2014-05-03, 11:14 PM
The voyage back to Stalling had been uneventful. For the most part, the crew of the Northeastern Fog set themselves about repairing the vessel or preparing for further encounters. Sani in particular was especially attentive to the horizon, tirelessly watchful for other potential raiding ships. Thankfully, none came. The Fog's surgeon spent much of the return voyage investigating the strange items found aboard the orc ship. The three weird coins that had materialized out of a special puzzle box jingled in his purse, still unidentified. Part of his business in port was to determine their function.

But Orrick Drummond's first priority was acquisition. That of the finest glass of Elven brandy to be found within three blocks of the harbor. The port tavern was his first stop. Unfortunately, the door was being blocked by some kind of commotion. There were guards everywhere. Men brandishing firearms. Haggard dock workers. And...the captain? And that admiral! This was quite a sight. Orrick approached the growing crowd from the rear, excusing himself toward the front to get a better look.

H. Von Studley
2014-05-04, 01:29 AM
Edmund nods in agreement at his father's orders. "Yes sir, I'll collect them and meet you there at once. Is there anyone else I should take with me to the castle?"

2014-05-04, 01:31 PM
When the Admiral addresses the group Robert snaps to attention with a salute. He acknowledges the unknown Captain with respect as well. But speaks to the Admiral who addressed him in a low voice so onlookers will have a hard time hearing. “Petty Officer Silver Sir.” He gestures to the prisoner and starts to explain. “This prisoner is being held by my friends Tom and Draven of the Stalling port authority with whom I was until recently employed. There appears to be a plot of some type Sir. And it involves at least one member of the port authority. People unknown have taken this Dwarf's daughter hostage.” Robert gestures toward the Dwarf. “Holding her ransom. I am about to help Tom and Draven question the prisoner, then we need more men in order to attempt to find and free the girl.” Robert grimaces clearly uncomfortable at the though that the Port authority has been compromised. “We are worried that there may be more bad apples among the town guard. We don't want to Tip them off that we are coming. I have not started my assignment on the NorthEastern Fog yet Sir, but we were hoping we might get some men from the Navy to help us.”

2014-05-04, 04:30 PM
Admiral Koloman examines the arrested guard with a severe gaze while Robert explains the situation. Once things are explained, he sternly addresses Stewart, "Whoever you are, neither I nor the guard force needs to deal with internal problems right now. You picked a poor day to get caught. Captain Grimace," turning to face his son, the Admiral continues, "This is Robert Silver. Due to some reorganization he has been assigned to The Northeastern Fog, replacing Sani Stormeye as your lookout. With him is Azrin Bluestone, another new crew member. I want you to take your crew and help with this mess. Bring the captives you rescued to the castle afterwards; in the meantime, I'll deal with getting us an audience with the King." With a nod of acknowledgement to those gathered, he makes his way towards the castle. As he passes through the gathering civilian crowd, he waves them away. "Get back to your business."

While the Admiral is giving orders, Tom and Draven take out a set of manacles and bind Stewart's hands, leading him into the tavern and out of the street. After a brief explanation, the bartender gives them the keys to the wine cellar, where the group can perform their interrogation away from prying eyes and ears. Ronsk is told to wait outside of the cellar, and so takes a seat at the bar to get a drink. He gets more than a few odd looks due to the crate-shield he's carrying around.

Stewart is placed on a stool in the cellar, Tom and Draven on either side. He may be safely questioned here.

2014-05-04, 09:18 PM
"This is Robert Silver. Due to some reorganization he has been assigned to The Northeastern Fog, replacing Sani Stormeye as your lookout. With him is Azrin Bluestone, another new crew member. I want you to take your crew and help with this mess. Bring the captives you rescued to the castle afterwards; in the meantime, I'll deal with getting us an audience with the King." With a nod of acknowledgement to those gathered, he makes his way towards the castle. As he passes through the gathering civilian crowd, he waves them away. "Get back to your business."

Azrin nods to the Admiral as his name is mentioned, and greets Edmund with a "Good morning, sir!" as they head into the tavern and get sorted. "Figures that the moment we get distracted here is the moment you finally arrive back - I'd been waiting all morning to see your sail coming into port! Anyhow I just wanted to say it's a pleasure to be joining your crew and I'm looking forward to keeping the Northeastern Fog shipshape for you."

Azrin is probably not going to be the one doing the interrogating; he's not very imposing. He'll take up a spot in the back of the room, though, seated on a stool if one is available, and dividing his attention about 50/50 between what's going on with Stewart and still puzzling over the green thing if nobody's asked him to give it back yet.

2014-05-04, 09:18 PM
Robert puts his pistol back in his belt and follows the guards to the wine cellar. Robert waits for the group to finish coming in, and ensures that the door is closed securely. When they place Stewart onto the bench Robert looks at him sternly. “Now we will be begin this pleasantly, you can tell these gentlemen everything we need to know. Answer all their questions truthfully...” Robert smiles, and it is not a warm or pleasant smile. “And hopefully you and I will not have to have a one -on-one conversation.”

H. Von Studley
2014-05-05, 12:10 AM
Edmund gives his father a quick nod before turning to the two men waiting before him. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm sorry it's under such difficult circumstances, but I expect you will make fine additions to the Fog nonetheless. I'm afraid you'll have some big shoes to fill, but I have no doubt you'll both serve admirably."

As they enter the tavern, he gives Azrin a nod of thanks. "Well, if our maiden voyage is anything to go by, I'm sure you won't be short of work Mr. Bluestone. Or do you prefer Azrin?"

Arriving at the cellar, Edmund looks the prisoner up and down coldly. "Yes. Thank you Mr. Silver. Now Stewart, I'm afraid I don't have much time to spare this morning. You see you've caught me in the middle of some rather more pressing business. So, in the interests of moving this along quickly, I'm going to skip the bargaining and threatening. Instead, I am simply going to tell you what will happen next. You will tell me exactly why you or your allies have captured the dwarfish girl, where she is, and who you're working with. Including any members of the Port Authority that may have assisted you. If you do, you will not be harmed.

"If for whatever reason you choose not to cooperate, I am going to clear the room and let Mr. Silver here do whatever he wants with you. And I assure you, he will not offer terms that are anywhere near as generous as my own."

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
Intimidate check: [roll1]
Please use whichever you think is more appropriate I suppose.

2014-05-05, 12:29 PM
"I'll talk," Stewart shakes his head forlornly. He sits up in the stool to look Edmund in the eye before beginning to explain, "We don't have a name yet. We're just a loosely associated group of individuals who want to know the truth about what's beyond our little island. LV is the man organizing us, if anyone knows how many there are it's him. And that there is the key to it all." He nods towards the glowing sphere in Azrin's hand. "I'm their only inside man in the Port Authority, but I was off duty when it was due to arrive and couldn't get a schedule change. That's why we paid Ronsk to pick it up; only he didn't hold up his end of the deal."

Tom gives the prisoner a nudge to remind him of the other questions. With a sigh, Stewart adds, "As I already said earlier, the dwarven girl is fine. LV is holding her with plenty of food and water. We just needed leverage to make Ronsk cooperate, we weren't going to hurt anyone. I can take you to his hiding place and you can see for yourself."

2014-05-05, 01:54 PM
Robert fixes Stewart with a cold hard stare. “I don’t know Sir” He whispers to his new captain to prevent Stewart from hearing. “It makes no sense, either he is a fool or he thinks we are. You don’t bribe guards and smuggle magic artifacts into the city just to find ‘the truth about what's beyond our little island’. Join the bloody navy if you want to learn that.” Roberts voice carriers an impatient and angry tone. He glares at Stewart, trying to sense the truthfulness of the man. “An even if he is a fool and he thinks this is the truth, we can’t have members of the Port Authority taking part in kidnapping.”

Sense Motive: Please roll a Sense Motive for me secretly so I dont know how high I rolled. More fun that way. I have a +3 ro sense motive.

Reguardless of if Robert senses that Stewart believes the story to be the truth, Robert questions that that could be the motive behind LV's actions. If he thinks Stewart is being honnest, he will simply not be as violent if Robert is allowed to... erm... 'question' him.

2014-05-05, 03:26 PM
It's unclear whether he's telling the truth. It's difficult to get a read on him.

2014-05-05, 05:58 PM
"May I?" Orrick's quiet voice inserted itself into a gap in the conversation. He had apparently been there the whole time, having slipped into the tavern and eventually the wine cellar behind the rest of the group without anyone much noticing. He gestured toward the green sphere that Azrin was holding and offered an open hand to receive it. His other hand was noticeably holding a wooden tankard of wine, which he had apparently filled from one of the bottles there in the cellar.

Knowledge (Arcana) trying to figure out what the green sphere is. [roll0]

2014-05-05, 06:11 PM
"May I?" Orrick's quiet voice inserted itself into a gap in the conversation. He had apparently been there the whole time, having slipped into the tavern and eventually the wine cellar behind the rest of the group without anyone much noticing. He gestured toward the green sphere that Azrin was holding and offered an open hand to receive it. His other hand was noticeably holding a wooden tankard of wine, which he had apparently filled from one of the bottles there in the cellar.

Azrin says, "Well hullo there! I'm Azrin Bluestone. You're on the crew too?" Which should be kinda obvious, given the uniforms and whatnot, but you get that Azrin is new to the whole Navy thing, and is merely curious who you are. He does hand the green thing over to you with a shrug and a "I can't seem to make heads nor tails of it. If I had a couple hours to examine it with some tools back at the shop, perhaps. But that might be a little boring and silly if you can just tell me what it does."

2014-05-05, 08:39 PM
Due to Orrick's extensive alchemical experience, he is able to recognize the sphere as a potion. Not only a potion, but the most concentrated he's ever seen. Enough that it's formed into this small, viscous mass. It would take magical identification to know more about its exact function, but this tiny dollop would have to have taken years to produce in order to achieve this degree of potency.

Whatever kind of potion it is, consuming it would likely be dangerous or even deadly to a living person. Its potency would completely overwhelm their body. Even if it were some kind of healing potion (which it doesn't look like), that concentration of positive energy would cause a human to literally explode.

H. Von Studley
2014-05-05, 10:26 PM
Edmund stares at Stewart for a long moment. "Well, we'll see I suppose."

Without warning, he turns and addresses the others in the room. "Follow me please. Tom, Draven, stay here and watch him."

Edmund turns on his heel and walks out of the wine cellar and back up to the tavern. He finds a quiet table in the corner and confides quietly in anyone who came with him.

"This isn't working. He's talking, but I can't get a good read on him. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or not. But I may have a way to know for sure. I have a spell that will prevent him from lying, but I'll need a few moments to prepare it. It won't hurt to make him wait though. Sitting there sweating, not knowing what is to be done with him may loosen his tongue further."

Edmund will sit in quiet prayer for about 15 minutes and prepare Touch of Truthtelling (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/touch-of-truthtelling) into his empty spell-slot. If anyone has anything that will lower Stewart's Will save that would be rad though, as the DC is only 13. Perhaps a fear effect?

2014-05-05, 10:57 PM
Robert follows his captain out of the room. And nods as the spell is explained to Robert. "Alright Sir, that sounds good. I'm afraid I don't have any knowledge of such things." Robert almost seems disappointed, although he could clearly not say so or explain why.

2014-05-06, 12:23 AM
Azrin ("Mr. Bluestone," to the Captain, I suppose) will accompany the group and listen, but can't offer much regarding the interrogation. "Oooh, magic! So long as we're getting all the cards on the table, I can do a little magic, too. That truthiness one would sure come in handy with some of my customers, though they might not appreciate it much. I've got nothing like that - my sort is more parlor tricks and fixing broken things. I've got one that I may use to help figure out what that green thing does, for instance, if we've got a few minutes and nobody minds. But Stewart, well, I'll leave him to you. The only weird part is he wants to show us the way in person; I'm not sure I want to have to babysit him while meeting LV. Can't he just give us directions?"

Azrin will consider Stewart's story thus far, though he's not the world's best judge of character - maybe he'll get lucky, haha: [roll0]

Regardless, he'll also cast Detect Magic on the green thing if we're sitting quietly a few minutes. He'll attempt to do so as discreetly as possible in the tavern, in their quiet corner. Assuming Orrick gives it back?

Edited to add: Azrin, after waving his hand over the green blob, whispering to it a little along the lines of "Now, now, dearie, how I wonder what you are" and kissing (for good luck?) the shell of a live turtle he pulled from, well, you're not sure exactly where, sits quietly for a minute or so. Then Azrin relays, "Hmm, maybe we should ask Stewart what he knows about this little thing, what he was going to do with it, and threaten him with making him eat it to find out. It seems to be a concentrated truth serum; at this dose it might kill a person, though. Maybe we could dilute it... it's nigh useless at the moment with how risky it'd be to use. Maybe if somebody just licked it..." He trails off, but you can almost hear the little gears turning in his head.

2014-05-06, 01:57 PM
"A potion of some kind, yes, that was my assessment as well." Orrick whispered even more quietly than usual, trying not to interrupt his commander's preparations. He covered the sphere with one hand at Azrin's suggestion. "However, I recommend that you not imbibe even a fraction. I can only imagine that this "LV" has some political machination at work. What other use could there be for such a substance?"

"Where did that Ronsk fellow say he got this, anyway? In all my studies I've never encountered such a thing. It could be from a foreign land. I suspect it is not a coincidence, this turning up as the kingdom rallies against the orcs." Orrick's brow furrowed, and he looked across the room at the dwarf waiting impatiently at the bar.

2014-05-06, 02:25 PM
Robert looks across the tavern at the dwarf. "He said that it was smuggled into the port on a ship. He did not provide any details." He shakes his head. "We wont be able to follow up on any information until after we free the girl. But we have the opportunity now we might as well ask him what he knows."

Robert crosses the tavern and sits beside the dwarf. “You said that that object was smuggled into the port on a ship. What was the name of the ship? What do you know about it, where did the ship bring that cargo from? Do you know who owns the ship? Anything you can tell us will help us find out what is going on.”

2014-05-07, 11:41 AM
Smuggled in on a ship. But from where? From another part of the Empire? From across the sea?

Orrick turned back to Azrin as Robert walked away, saying, "While we're waiting, perhaps you could help me with something. You seem to have some magic ability, at least beyond my own. You see, I've come across these coins..." He reached into his belt pouch and drew out a small, silver-white token. He laid it on the table, an equilateral triangle stamped into it facing upwards. "...while dealing with the orcs. I can tell that they are magical in some way. Indeed, if you hold it, you can feel a sensation of well-being that is unlike anything else. Perhaps you could determine their exact function?" He took a sip of wine from the tankard.

2014-05-07, 11:59 AM
Robert crosses the tavern and sits beside the dwarf. “You said that that object was smuggled into the port on a ship. What was the name of the ship? What do you know about it, where did the ship bring that cargo from? Do you know who owns the ship? Anything you can tell us will help us find out what is going on.”

"That I did. Small trading ship from one of them little isles 'round ours'. Prob'ly paid 'em off like they tried to do with me," taking a large gulp of mead, Ronsk belches before continuing, "Just a dock worker, so I dun know much. C'n show you and yer friends the ship, though. Still docked 'ere last I saw." The dwarf already seems a bit inebriated.