View Full Version : Flight/protection for a familiar

Jeff the Green
2014-02-10, 05:32 AM
I'm going to be playing a character with a beguiler familiar, but I'm a bit paranoid about getting him killed. He's too big to stick in a pocket like I've done with cats, and he has no native flight like many other Improved Familiar options.

First line of defense will probably be flight. The DM has approved two flaws for him and psyreforming out his useless Weapon Finesse, so I was thinking of giving him Mourning Mutate and Starspawn, but that only allows flight for Con+1 rounds, or 1, in his case. The best alternatives I could come up with is Shape Soulmeld (airstep sandals) or Animal Devotion, but those are less than exemplary options. Any other ideas?

What other things can I do to protect him? I've got Enspell Familiar, so spells with long duration could work, and I can cast from the lists of any arcane base class. I'm 9th level and get spells levels at the same rate as a sorcerer (so 4th now, 5th next level).

2014-02-12, 08:31 AM
Just out of curiosity... are you saying that you're playing a PC beguiler with another PC beguiler as your familiar? Is this something you can do in pathfinder or something?

Jeff the Green
2014-02-12, 08:35 AM
Ah, no, sorry. I'm a homebrew spellweaver (MM II) monster class, and my familiar is a beguiler, a creature from Shining South that's available with Improved Familiar. It's underwhelming compared to the standard imp except that it has continuous true seeing. And it's cute as the dickens. :smallsmile:

2014-02-12, 12:49 PM
Nifty! I'll have to look that up...

2014-02-12, 12:51 PM
Is he too big for the Familiar Pocket spell?

2014-02-12, 03:31 PM
Well, since you have 'share spells' with your familiar, and up to 4th level spells, you could cast the 3rd level 'fly' spell and you can both hang out in the air when there's trouble. Next level you could cast the 5th level 'overland flight' and do it for longer...

Unfortunately, it looks like beguilers are 'small', and the familiar pocket maxes out at 'tiny'.