View Full Version : Shadowdagger - Core Rogue Ezio? (Or close)

2014-02-10, 06:38 AM
Finally decided to give up on the foolishness of all of my other posts and just make the character that inspired my login name.

With a little twist...

Never even played the game, but I love the concept of the character. And it's exactly what I'm looking for.

Numbers: 17, 15, 15, 15, 14, and 11. Human. Level 10.

I am fully aware that 2wf is going to be the first one mentioned so other than that, I was thinking about crossbow sniper and agile athlete.

So that would be Weapon Finesse and Two Weapon Fighting @ 1st, Weapon Focus Dagger @3rd, Point Blank Shot @ 6th, & Rapid Shot @ 9th.

Not enough?
Should I just go Daggers so focus is on all my weapons?

Also want to maybe get some levels in Exemplar, so I will need Skill Focus next feat.

....And Go! :haley:

2014-02-10, 09:05 AM
What do you define as core? So far as I know Exemplar and crossbow sniper aren't core (PHB, MM, DMG).

2014-02-11, 05:29 AM
Hence, the (or close) part.

Still working on it, probably putting the 11 in strength, so, in no order I have weapon focus crossbow (haven't decided which, but I've never used the hand crossbow) crossbow sniper, weapon finesse, and possibly improved unarmed strike. One feat to go...

2014-02-11, 09:43 AM
Ok, well you could look into 1 or 2 levels of fighter for better BAB and feats, also look into urban ranger maybe. It'll get you two weapon fighting and some urban tracking abilities. There's also the brachiation feat from complete adventurer which you could ask to refluff for moving through city streets. You may want to look into the assassin PrC.... It's kind of hard to help meaningfully without guidelines on what "or close" means

2014-02-11, 12:23 PM
(Or Close) means that I haven't even played Assassin's Creed (any) but I love the idea of the character, the mechanics, and the like.

Solely going off of watching about 20 minutes of low level gameplay, I'd love to make a dagger rogue, single class with some of Ezio's mechanics in it.

On the fence about either a 2WF build or a single dagger high stealth (and lots of skill tricks) build.

Books - PHB, PHB2, DMG, "Completes" (no Champion, though), maybe some UA with a good argument, my DM (Stepson) is not very familiar with that one. Don't own Tome of Anything, and no Forgotten Realms is allowed in this game. So it's core (or close to it)


2014-02-11, 02:42 PM
Oh, yeah...

with lots of throwing....

re-did my numbers too

STR 11
DEX 18
CON 15
INT 16
WIS 15
CHA 14

1st - (2WF)

1st level is undecided, 9th level can change... either 2WF and throwing mundane daggers with rapid shot, or single dagger, probably keen and returning with rapid shot, or not. If not, then mulling over Einhander, Quick Reconnoiter or Acrobatic Strike

Good... Bad... Thoughts?