View Full Version : Aldhaven: Playing the Odds

2014-02-10, 10:24 AM
Aldhaven: Playing the Odds

Welcome to the Aces. You know who we are. If you don't, you're in over your head already. Want out? Leave now while you can, if you think you can. We're family here. You don't get to pick your family. Family is for life.

You... people... *scoff* You're deuces. Newbies. Scum. You do what you're told. You don't ask questions. You obey. Maybe you'll live long enough to earn a promotion. Probably not.

So, you're a team. Yay. Get to know each other, because you're lives depend on each other. You've got 10 minutes, then you've got a job to do.

2014-02-10, 11:58 AM
Whiteclaw tries hard not to scoff at this attitude. But he needs the help, and integrating into this two-legs social structure is a necessary attitude to secure help for the People. He is in his talking form, even wearing clothes. See, he can pass in two-leg company. You may call me Whiteclaw. I am sure we will work well together. My ancestry gives me control over arcane energy, as well the ability to sneak and strike with precision. Please, introduce yourselves in the two-leg manner, though you all smell competent.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-10, 12:15 PM
Damn it, when did I join a gang? Humphrey mutters to Krark, the raven on his shoulder. It was sometime between getting drunk and passing out, the bird replies. Nobody else understands this, though. It's their secret language.

You can call me Humphrey. I think I've bought some "hard to find merchandise" from at least a few of you. Those ones might know me as "Plum." Unflattering nicknames seem to be part of working with petty thieves.

To be fair, he is short, a little plump, and always wears a knee-length purple coat.

2014-02-10, 02:46 PM
Devin shifts in his seat, not sure how he got here, where he is, how he got here, who these people are, but he also doesn't plan on letting anyone else know that, It'd shame him for others to think less of him, regardless of their social status in the world.

His stature is short, but his ego is large, he stands up on his seat crossing his gnomish arms.

"Nicknames ye say? Then I want'cha all t' call me Teeth, no if, ands, or buts about it. But more t' it, I'm hopin' ye all got some talents, cause when things get too hot, I dont want to be the only one dancin' with th' fire"

As he speaks, he emphasizes his thematic words, his voice is rough but about the norm from a Gnome.

2014-02-10, 02:58 PM
Okay, Teeth. I can dish out some arcane energy, no doubt. I fling out balls of ill energy at the foe, and I take their spells if they have any.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-10, 03:19 PM
Assuming the ceiling is no more than 20 feet high, Humphrey swiftly scales the wall, climbs across the ceiling, and drops down in front of Teeth.

spiderwalk invocation and boots of landing.

2014-02-10, 03:25 PM
A fellow thief of spells and an Acrobat of sorts, not too shabby, not at all.

And what of the rest of ye? What do ye bring about t' this table?

He waves his arm to the rest of the individuals in the room.

2014-02-10, 10:15 PM
Handsome Tom jolts awake in his chair, still slightly buzzed from the last time he had a drink. Was that five minutes ago, or five hours? How did he get here? He tries to ransack his memory to figure out if any of the women he's been with in the past mentioned anything about being a part of the Aces, as a probably cause for his presence, but finds himself even forgetting the name of the last woman from two days ago. As he looks around the room he takes a bit more of an assessment of Joey and Almasy than the others, but decides against flirting for now and rather figuring out how ending up in this "you're not trapped except you're totally trapped" scenario came up as work he would be open to at some degree of inebriation.

He grumbles at the others as he continues to wake up. "Ok, kids. Put your 'daggers' back in your pants, we're just figuring out what each person can do for our . . . 'team' when we're in a bind. I don't necessarily fight the best, but I can do my part and I expect you guys to let me do the talking if you don't want to walk away from a pool of blood every time we face some adversity. Try to make a contest out of being the best you can at what you do and you'll find yourself competing at who can be the best at being dead."

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-10, 11:01 PM
Well, I vote we listen to Snoozy here. He looks to be the tallest.

2014-02-10, 11:25 PM
Standing at ease, her hands folded behind her, the woman with shorn hair regards the others coolly, neither leaning against the wall nor appearing rigid as iron. That's just her attitude.

"The Adjutant fencing instructor for the Dietrich family stands before you. Almasy Wedrinn Dietrich. You may call me Almasy or Ms. Dietrich for I am no Lady at court and none of you are my pupils." Note that she doesn't even seem to actually have a sword, or even a poniard. Hell, her leathers aren't even armor....

"And I agree with this gentleman here, this towards Tom, "Though I myself wouldn't be here if words alone were enough, it's pointless to bicker amongst ourselves."

2014-02-10, 11:39 PM
As many a compelling argument are bounced back and forth, Teeth's head almost spins.

On one hand... He isn't entirely a fan of pools of blood, blood doesn't burn as well as flesh, on the other, Without violence we may never accomplish a thing, though one thing is for sure... The sleepy man was definitely taller than he, as much as he hated to admit.

"Aye fine, Valid points, Snoozy definitely has a point with not killin' everythin in our path, though It's quite clear I'd be th' champion of bein' th' deadest."

He pauses... realizing how stupid that just sounded and does his best to play it off as if he meant it.

"Cause I don't lose, That's fer true. However, Lady Brains has a point too, well, a valid opinion, I don't think I see a point on 'er though, Swordless fencer, More t' th' point, Sometimes a-knives gotta do th' talkin'."

2014-02-11, 12:00 AM
Wow, Whiteclaw had heard that managing big folk was easy, do to their group mentality and general mediocrity. This would be worse than herding the People. He sighs. it'd be no use explaining that he is their natural leader, since as a tibbit, he the most supreme of all beings, and he is the most supreme of all tibbits. as long as these big folk distract his enemies and help acquire the Ace's protection for the people, they can have their foibles.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-12, 12:20 PM
Humphrey chuckles to himself. He likes these people so far. And besides, his drunk self has never let ol' Sober down yet. He'll give the Aces a try. At the worst, the gnome would probably be willing to help him stage a coup d'état so they could leave.

So. Anybody know what the job is?

2014-02-13, 01:11 AM
The man who talked to you before steps out of the shadows.

"Alright, you scabs, that's enough. Shut it. You've got work to do. Right, now, here's the deal."

He reaches underneath the table, picks up a small crate about 3 feet square and sets it on the table with a heavy clunk.

"Deliver this package before nightfall, which is in about... three hours. Your contact is waiting at Sendungen Imports in the Docks. Remember, you scabs, the Docks are death, at least after sundown. Do well on this job, and the lot of you just might have a future with our courier service! Now get moving!"

He shoves the crate across the table towards you. Nailed shut, the wooden box looks rather heavy. The only identifying mark on it is a piece of paper about 6 inches across glued to the lid. The paper has an address on it and a logo proudly proclaiming the services of a courier company.



2014-02-13, 12:05 PM
I'll need one of you fine folks to help me don my armor once I assume my warrior form. Then I will take point and scout ahead. Few big folk ever notice the people when we are on the prowl. The figure known only as Whiteclaw outside the councils of the People produces a tiny set of barding, sets it down, and transforms into a housecat.

2014-02-13, 12:40 PM
Teeth hops up onto the table, eyeing the package... the box larger than himself running his hands across it.

I vote Snoozy carry this, I'm a... bit too short t' be carryin' this, I'll gladly sit on it though, If'n yer willing t' carry me too! I don't weight too much!

Teeth grins a bit, looking as if he's ready to jump onto the box.

He eyes Whiteclaw briefly.

I aspose I could help, If'n ye'd let me... If'n.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-13, 08:27 PM
I have a cart. Wait...

Krark, did I bring the cart here?

I have a cart, but it's at home. Which is in a delightfully dark and derelict part of the mages' quarter... where we are not, methinks. I'll carry the bloody box, assuming I can even lift the thing.

I can carry up to 129 pounds more. If it weighs 42 or less I don't even take any penalties.

2014-02-13, 08:53 PM
Upon trying to lift the crate, you realize that such a large box would weigh about 60 lbs when empty. This one weighs a good 103 lbs.

2014-02-14, 08:28 AM
Handsome Tom continues to sit, and of course appear handsome, as he casts an invocation. "Just because I'm the tallest doesn't mean I'm destined for heavy lifting. Muscle tone over bulk is really the best way to be." As he examines his readings (or recasts if spell failure kicks in) he speaks again. "And 'snoozy's name is Tom. But the ladies call me Handsome Tom." He winks to Joey and Almasy.

Casting the Magic Insight invocation and looking for auras. Spell failure (15 or lower fails) [roll0] [roll1]

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-14, 09:42 AM
As it happens, Humphrey too was analyzing the box's auras, in his case with a magic item involved.

warlock Detect Magic at will, plus an Artificer's monocle. Assuming the item works through a thin plank of wood. Sorry for the overlap, but Humphrey and Tom are like long-lost half brothers or something, if the powers they have are anything to go by.

2014-02-14, 09:55 AM
You detect nothing magical coming from within the crate. The crate itself, however, appears to have a single faint divination aura.

2014-02-14, 10:09 AM
"Here, I'll help you hold it." Tom says as he grabs on to the crate and expends his invocation. I guess I would be worried if they didn't have divination on their cargo.

Using the identify function of Magic Insight, ending the Detect Magic effect.

2014-02-14, 10:14 AM
The magic on the crate triggers a secondary effect, giving you the equivalent of a garbled string of symbols when attempting to identify it.

Your apparent employer, who has not left the room, clears his throat and looks rather displeased at your attempt to tamper with the shipment.
"Time's a tickin'..."

2014-02-14, 10:14 AM
Whiteclaw hisses in Feline Our job is to move the thing, not know what it is. I'll scout ahead now that I have my armor on. By the way, can any of you understand me?

2014-02-14, 10:21 AM
Whiteclaw hisses in Feline Our job is to move the thing, not know what it is. I'll scout ahead now that I have my armor on. By the way, can any of you understand me?Unfortunately, it appears no one else speaks Feline, and your statement effectively goes unheard.

2014-02-14, 10:52 AM
giving a quadrapedal shrug, Whiteclaw uses entropic warding on himself and ventures into the shadows.

2014-02-14, 11:08 AM
Teeth drifts off slightly ahead, to the side, using the shadows to veil him from any dangers ahead.

Quiet as a mouse, He lurks ahead.

[roll0] Hide
[roll1] Move Silently
[roll2] Spot checks in the Danger Zone.

2014-02-14, 11:10 AM
The two of you sneak out the only door and find yourselves on a street in South Market. In the hustle and bustle of the morning's business, no one appears to pay any more attention to the two of you than to anyone else. However, one man carrying a rather large sack of flour practically steps on the cat without ever seeing it.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-14, 12:31 PM
Humphrey puffs out a, Thanks, as Tom grabs the other end of the crate. He starts walking.

2014-02-17, 08:33 AM
The road outside remains quite busy as the two of you carry the large crate outside. You know that your destination is somewhere to the northwest, across the river.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-17, 09:22 PM
Humphrey considers recent events while walking northwest with Tom and the Box.

Knowledge (local) [roll0] about the Aces.

Also, Knowledge (Arcana) to see if those symbols that came up when the the box was identified meant anything. [roll1]

2014-02-17, 10:23 PM
Humphrey considers recent events while walking northwest with Tom and the Box.

Knowledge (local) [roll0] about the Aces.

Also, Knowledge (Arcana) to see if those symbols that came up when the the box was identified meant anything. [roll1]

The Aces are a local courier and delivery service. They are known to have reasonable rate, quick delivery, and to ask very few questions.

The symbols were total gibberish, at least as far as you could tell. It looked like a small child pretending to write in cursive.

2014-02-20, 06:34 PM
Teeth continues his stealth ahead to the north west, keeping a sharp eye for the note-able River.

2014-02-20, 06:38 PM
For reference, your party is approximately located at the southeast star. Your destination is the northwest star. I apologize, I thought that I had posted this sooner.


2014-02-20, 09:55 PM
Whiteclaw sniffs and scans for trouble

survival (scent) [roll0]+2
spot [roll1]+9

2014-02-21, 12:05 PM
It takes a moment for the swordless fencer to get going, the air around her imperceptibly shifts and you could swear an echoing noise, like that of a hammer striking sheet metal, surrounds her for a moment, too.

She doesn't deign to take hold of the crate, but Almasy hovers by Tom and Humphrey like a bodyguard ought, though with her fearsome buckler on one hand, it doesn't exactly make her seem all that intimidating.

Spot/Listen in that order to scan the area for clear paths, and Kn. local to see if Almasy might know a safe or short (but prioritizing the former) cut to our goal.


2014-02-23, 10:31 PM
No one seems to pay any attention to the two carrying the crate.

However, attempts to be stealthy and sneaky by certain others draws strange looks and the occasional stare. Trying to dart from shadow to shadow along the side of a busy street, dodging in and out of crowds and passing pedestrians is just odd behavior in someone older than 7 or 8 and is unusual enough to garner attention...

So far, all anyone has said is that they walk outside. So, I'm assuming you're just milling about outside the door waiting for someone to take the lead and actually go somewhere.

2014-02-23, 11:09 PM
Almasy knows that the safest way to anywhere in the city is on the main roads where people and city watchmen are plentiful. However, he also knows that navigating the crowds will be slow, but not unreasonably slow, particularly carrying such a heavy crate. Taking side streets would likely be faster, and not unsafe, provided you stay out of alleyways.

'Neath the Moon
2014-02-23, 11:41 PM
Nodding vaguely in a direction a bit to the right of the sinking sun, Humphrey says, Whelp, time's a'wasting. Let's press on, eh? with a friendly smile to Tom.
He starts walking backwards, in a nor'westerly direction. Just following the largest road available, at least as far as is applicable. He then addresses the raven perched upon on the crate, Krark, scout ahead. No jewelry-snatching, we're on a schedule. Oh, and have you heard anything about the Aces? I'm pretty sure the delivery thing is a cover for illegal doings. I'd like to know who I joined up with.

Familiars: I forgot, they give you twice the rolls for things like Knowledge. Not gonna bother with Arcana, but here's Krark's Knowledge (local) check: [roll0] Just anything about the Aces, beyond the cover. (Edit: Well, they do live in another part of town...)

And here's the spot: [roll1] She's looking for potential danger. Also jewelry. The shinier the better.

Just to clarify, the italicized text is always in Humphrey-Krark Mage-Familiar secret language. Nobody can understand it without comprehend languages and such.

2014-02-26, 11:29 AM
"Take this next right down this side road when we come to it," Almasy offers, trying to guide the 'porters' on the team without sounding too uppity, and more suggestive/helpful. "It'll cut down on this crowd, and we can move back to the main road before we lose too much light without worry.

While she's not helping to carry the box, as she seems concerned with keeping her arms free, Almasy does try to help clear a path in front and to the sides of Tom and Humphrey as they handle the load. She stays on point as the group finally moves on, but apart from directions she isn't very talkative...yet.

2014-02-26, 11:35 AM
Whiteclaw jumps in front, surprised at the sudden turn, and feeling a need to take point, rather than Almasy. He isn't very good at clearing a path, though.

2014-02-26, 11:57 AM
The road Almasy indicates is not only less crowded, but it's actually slightly shorter, if only half as wide as Mastiff's Road, the main thoroughfare.

You travel about a quarter mile, moving out of South Market and through most of North Market, running largely parallel to Mastiff's. Near the edge of North Market, you come to a fork in the road and must make a decision. Do you go back south a bit and rejoin the main road traveling through The Plaza, the heart of the city, which you know will be very busy this time of day, or do you take the smaller roads north through the Guildsman District and travel along the city wall, or do you skirt through narrow alleys making your own "road" to get there are quickly and directly as possible?

2014-02-27, 11:11 AM
Whiteclaw hisses for attention and attempts to lead the party through the alleys. That is where the People have lived since before their race began, and he is more comfortable there, anyway.

2014-02-27, 11:59 AM
Teeth looks around a bit before following behind, moving against one of the walls of the buildings, trying to stay in the shadows.

So, I'm gonna continue my stealth, now I definitely feel I have reason to do so, Not really making a spot check though, probably wont help anything anyways.

2014-02-27, 08:17 PM
Whiteclaw has some opposition as Almasy orders the porters to stop. "I'm not leading this down into the alleys. If we have to stay on these side roads for a while longer, so be it, but it's too risky to slink down one of those traps."

2014-02-28, 02:20 AM
Whiteclaw hisses, but isn't about to go back into talking form to explain how stupid Almasy is being. He gives a quadraped shrug and starts scouting the main road. He hopes no one steps on him.

2014-03-01, 01:39 PM
Teeth grinds his teeth a bit, keeping a sharp eye down the alley.

"Ifn' They didn't need me, Bah!" He mutters quietly under his breath, with a followed Shrug with Whiteclaw's he follows the rest of the group, dropping his guard.

Stealth off, Don't really need it right now, Teeth'll hang behind, Whiteclaw seems to have scouting down, Teeth'll hold the rear.


2014-03-03, 03:03 PM
You travel northward for awhile. The buildings shift from mostly wooden homes and shops into brick and stone workshops. The road narrows and comes to a sharp turn ahead. Strangely for the time of day, the workshops in the immediate vicinity are closed, and the road is empty. You spot two children peering at you out of an almost closed window on the second floor of one building, but they quickly dart away from the window when you look their direction.

2014-03-03, 04:05 PM
This is suspicious!! Whiteclaw perks up in alert.

2014-03-03, 10:14 PM
Noticing the odd shift in environment, Tom begins to look around warily while speaking to Humphrey in a low voice. "Stay close to the walls, if something goes wrong I'll take the full weight of the crate and keep it safe."

2014-03-05, 10:51 AM
Almasy couldn't agree more that something is awry.

Still standing to the side of her porter companions, she flexes her right hand (the one without the fearsome buckler) and prepares for trouble.


'Neath the Moon
2014-03-05, 02:41 PM
Humphrey mutters back to Tom, Sounds good. Say, sweep the area behind me for magic, and I'll check behind you. The blue of Humphrey's eyes brightens and intensifies, and he stares over Tom's shoulder.
He is using the Warlock detect magic class feature. It's just a normal SLA, rather than an invocation, so no somatic components are needed. He is scanning the half of the road behind and next to Tom, with the wall as one edge of the area, and a line which is perpendicular to the wall and bisects the box as the other. Since Humphrey is the one walking backwards, he's searching the area behind us. (Edit: to clarify, the way that the group came from.) If there's nothing there, he'll try through the walls next round.

2014-03-06, 08:36 AM
Whiteclaw also uses the warlock detect magic class feature, with similar external effects. unfortunately, he can't readily communicate any findings. He scans the front first, reasoning that if the enemy was behind us, they would have attacked already, or at least he would have smelled them with his warrior form's keen whiskers. He then proceeds to scan the whole area in a counter-clockwise circle, stopping only if he sees something that is likely to attack that round. This is because he is going to have a hard time explaining what he sees, and, lacking a common language to alert them instantly, he might as well get full intelligence with a minimum chance of setting off the ambush.