View Full Version : Draeden Stats

2014-02-10, 07:40 PM
I remember the most ridiculous creature I managed to find was something called a Draeden that eats gods or whatever, but I can't for the life of me remember where I managed to find its stats. I'm pretty sure it was online somewhere... does anyone recall the source?

2014-02-10, 08:07 PM
I don't think there were ever any official 3.5 stats but they prempt the gods, might be responsible for the planes, one is a (trapped as) a layer of the abyss. Sorry, not an Anderson to your question, sounds like someone's homebrew.

2014-02-10, 11:52 PM
en world cooked up some stats for 3.5


2014-02-11, 04:40 AM
I. Sorry, not an Anderson to your question,

Autocorrect error or a joke I don't get?

The point of the Draeden was that it was ridiculously powerful and only Immortals could fight them. The conversion basically reduces them to mortals where they should have divine ranks, but that's the nature of d20 and the Epic rules for you.

Sir Pippin Boyd
2014-02-11, 05:19 AM
The issue with epic-level stuff is that its given arbitrarily massive stats in the thought that they should make it virtually invincible, until it eventually falls prey to that oldest of rules -- if it has stats, we can kill it.

If Wizards were to ever publish such a monstrosity, I'd give it 3 days before somebody figures out how to counter it with a level 4 chicken infested commoner and a 10-foot pole.

2014-02-11, 05:43 AM
Autocorrect error or a joke I don't get?

The point of the Draeden was that it was ridiculously powerful and only Immortals could fight them. The conversion basically reduces them to mortals where they should have divine ranks, but that's the nature of d20 and the Epic rules for you.

Autocorrect, should have been "answer".