View Full Version : Revealing the traitor (spoilers)

2007-01-28, 04:59 AM
All played-out debate about whether or not Miko is going to fall as a Paladin, whether or not Shojo has done the right things, and how many of the major storyline characters are going to turn to the Dark Side and start following Darth Sidi... I mean Xykon aside, why do you suppose the 12 sent Miko where they did?

I prayed to the Twelve Gods to reveal unto me all who would betray us - and they delivered me to the throne room doorway just in time to hear your uncle confess his sins to his wretched accomplices.As I see it, there are three possibilities:
1) This is all religious claptrap and Miko just lucked out,
2) Miko herself is the traitor, and arriving when she did revealed that - paradoxically, turning her into the traitor in the process, or
3) Shojo really was the traitor. Though his intent was good, had he proceeded on his path he would have sent the Order of the Stick to Girard's Gate, inadvertantly betraying the city and the world by banishing the heroes who can stop Xykon.

The first seems unlikely, as the gods are real and Miko is/was their servant. The second seems a bit cliche to me. I suspect it is the third: the gods/GM are using Miko as their tool to keep the Order of the Stick around, because our beloved motley crew is still the best chance to stop Xykon... even with Miko now against them.

What are your thoughts? Please can we talk about something other than blackguards and political ethics as they relate to d20 alignments? :smallwink:

2007-01-28, 07:11 AM
From what I can tell of AD&D rules, the gods aren't omnipotent or omniscient. Their ability to directly know, control or communicate with the Material Plane is very tiny. Indeed, the gods use clerics and paladins to 'punch through' their powers and pursue their agenda for them. If you want divine guidance, you need to consciously cast the correct divination spell or summon one of his lackeys. In the OotS world, you get replies when praying for spells but that's it. The gods simply can't invisibly and subtley alter events so she turns up at the best time - there are far too many variables to control. The best they can do is make it rain at odd times and throw lightning.

Miko is just superstitious and got lucky.