View Full Version : Newb with questions.

2014-02-11, 12:16 AM
My friend has offered me a seat in his Pathfinder game. I'm starting at level 6, starting with 10,000gp. 25 point buy.

In this world, there is no magic of any kind, only spellcasters are rangers, and the Druid I plan to play. I'm going to be the only caster in the party, a Boggle Tinker, a Grippli Deductionist, a Hobgoblin Gunslinger, and one that's likely going to be a Rogue. It is also likely there will be large amounts of nautical goings on in this game.

Now, I've only read about pathfinder online, so I'm fairly certain that I've misconceptions aplenty. I'm working on the basic concepts of the character, but I'd like advise from people with actual experience.

Game restricted races, half-elf and half-orc look the best to me. Given that I plan to be casting as much as possible, then beasting when I run out of spells, stats are more important than physical abilities. Also, given that I'm the only caster, I'm strongly considering a domain instead of a beast companion to have a few more slots.

Does Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 10 sound like a good stat array?

I'm also curious about spells and wild shapes, what are good ones, what aren't. As a rough outline, mostly interested in support, buffings, and control. I'm also a big fan of throwing lightning and turning into various arthropods.

So, playground, what can you tell me? 3rd party stuff is available upon approval.

2014-02-11, 12:22 AM

There are three links to druid stuff that may help you.

2014-02-11, 12:31 AM
I've read over those, very helpful. But without actual gameplay experience, I'm pretty sure that my understandings are likely to be off in several ways.

2014-02-11, 11:11 AM
Well druids are one of the most powerful classes in the game. You take natural spell, you turn into something huge, you cast spells to buff you and the animal companion, you summon more animals, and you kill everything while the party sits around and watches.

How powerful do you want to be here? I wouldn't worry about spells since you can switch them out as you go, day by day. Similarly, you can switch out animal shapes, wildshape by wildshape.

You might want to get a feat that lets you change into vermin, since you like arthropods. I imagine one is out there somewhere.

Generally lightning damage is not the most effective thing you can do with your actions/spells (monsters have too many hp, and too many of them haver resistance or immunity to electricity), but if you have fun with that go for it.

2014-02-11, 04:09 PM
I'm fine with changing things around if lightning is weak and arthropods are a hassle. Bear, bat, snake, wolf, elephant, all fun for me, as is throwing any kind of offensive energy from my hands.

I'm also the only source of healing for the party. No wands, no clerics. Maybe potions, but I figure I'll be the groups healbot, which changes the dynamics of the Druid a bit I believe.

2014-02-11, 04:17 PM
throwing any kind of offensive energy from my hands.

This is probably going to be the biggest trap for you. Especially since offense is all the rest of the party is going to be able to do, your job will be to conserve your spell slots for buffing/healing. There are reserve feats in both Complete Mage and Complete Champion that will let you do some blasting/healing (and I think even minor summoning?) without using up your spell-slots, but as a Druid your offense will likely be more along the lines of buffed Wildshape or Summoning, depending on how you pick your feats.

2014-02-11, 04:28 PM
Then I'm fine with that. As cool as it is would be, I want to be powerful without making an ally pointless. I doubt I can use Complete Mage, because "nature" magic is the only kind allowed, but I'll ask.

2014-02-11, 05:50 PM
Our party druid has always been a fan of things like Warp Wood and Shape Stone which have a lot more possibilities than Call Lightning. For example; break the bow in someone's hand, spring a leak in a ship, turn the wall into a bunker for your allies, block the other doors so that the bad guys can only come at you from one direction or bypass pits by molding your own bridge.

2014-02-12, 01:47 AM
Given that this is going to be about going from island to island, being able to sink a ship in a few rounds will be fantastic.

If there an energy type that monsters are less likely to resist than electric? Fire, Ice? I've never played, so I've literally no idea what the common resistances are.

Also, in regards to feats, I've looked over the guide and at racial feats, and these four stick out to me. Any thoughts on how useful they are?

Ironhide, when comboed with Half-Orc druid NAB boost in Wild Shape, this looks good to me.
Born Alone, I heal when I kill, yes please.
Natural Spell, cast strength of bear as a bear, this sounds good.
Extended Spell, this sounds like a good way to make my control and buff spells even better.

2014-02-12, 08:13 AM
Given that this is going to be about going from island to island, being able to sink a ship in a few rounds will be fantastic.

If there an energy type that monsters are less likely to resist than electric? Fire, Ice? I've never played, so I've literally no idea what the common resistances are.

Sonic is generally the least resisted, followed by electricity and acid tied, then cold, then fire.

2014-02-12, 11:42 PM
I'm also the only source of healing for the party. Maybe potions, but I figure I'll be the groups healbot, which changes the dynamics of the Druid a bit I believe.

Well you can memorize some cure spells, but be ready (if need be) to drop them for Summon Nature's Ally spells (and I would suggest having some stats of your favourite monsters to summon at each spell level, just to save time).

Spontaneous casting is one of the many, many things that makes druids quite powerful.

2014-02-12, 11:57 PM
I am very strongly considering using the Tempest variant. We already have one minion master in the party. That way I can prepare heals and drop them for damage, inverting a Cleric, if I understand things.