View Full Version : Adventures in the service of demons

2014-02-11, 12:24 AM
So I've been Dming with a group of people fairly regularly for the past few months. One of the characters is a malconvoker that after suffering the deaths of his family members in a war, found a demonic ritual which he then used to summon a glabrezu, hoping to gain power. Hower, to save himself from the wrath of the demon he gave it his true name, and at some point the demon will return to claim him. I think that this is a really cool story and want to use it at some point in my game (somewhere around tenth level), but I'm having trouble thinking of reasons why the demon would come get him at that point, and subsequent adventures that he would have in its service. Any ideas?

2014-02-11, 03:02 AM
Why a demon would use human (or whatever usual player race) ?
Two possible answers :

1) A demon want to do something, but don't want to be accused of being the investigator.
Maybe he wants to assassinate a rival demon, but can't trusts demons to do the job

2) He want to do something in a place he can't enter because of magical protection.
Exampe : a powerful evil artifact is kept in the temple of Pelor. Because of magical protections, demons can't enter the temple, but an adventurer, even evil, can enter and steal the artifact.
And if paladins of Pelor start a holy crusade against the adventurers, that's not the problem of the demon :smallsmile:

Sir Pippin Boyd
2014-02-11, 03:23 AM

Enguebert made some good suggestions.If you wanted this to develop into a larger part of the story than a small sidequest, you might have him try to use this favor to drive the PCs farther into his service. What alignment is the party? If they're good, he could try to corrupt them.

For example, checking the organization entry on the MM, their Organization listing aside from Solitary has them grouped with a succubus and 2-5 vrocks. If the succubus were a partner or servant of his, he could use her as a plant in the party to manipulate them. He'd need to present her as potentially trustworthy or relateable to the party, though. I'd probably have him explain that she, too, bargained with him for a favor, but its something small-time so he's sending you guys to deliver instead of bothering with it personally. This would introduce her as someone in a similar position to them -- potentially well meaning but calling upon demonic entities out of some form of need. Then this succubus could attempt to work the whole party into her service (which means indirectly into his service). Eventually, she could even have the party help her try to kill her master (demons are all about that backstabby stuff).

2014-02-11, 12:24 PM
The party consists of the malconvoker/wizard who is chaotic neutral (though he leans towards evil sometimes) and a chaotic good barbarian. There is also a true neutral rogue who comes in from time to time. The party does not know about m's pact with the demon, but they do know that the player planned on binding a succubus when he reached level 10 (for roleplaying reasons). I like the idea of the glabrezu having a lieutenant that attempts to have the party come under the wing (or claw) of the glabrezu. If the glabrezu planned this before hand he could have sent the succubus to respond to his summoning, thus leading the rest of the party into a trap. For M's adventure i like Engueberts idea of having him sent into an area where demons cannot go. This is especially useful considering I already know of an in game area in the abyss known as the blood rift that cannot be entered by greater demons. It holds the tombs of dead demon lords. So what could happen is the glabrezu could use M to find the location of his former lords tomb, hoping to absorb his latent power. The tomb could be guarded with a ward that requires the "blood of innocence" to open (aka blood of a virgin). While this seems like a fantasy cliche (it is), I chose it specifically because the barbarian is a virgin. He then sends the succubus to collect the barbarian. The party is not powerful enough to take on a glabrezu, but there is an ancient spell (both in game, and in the actual d&d rules) that was made to defend oneself from powerful demons.