View Full Version : Chronicles of Equilibrium Rune

2014-02-11, 05:48 AM
The last year has not been kind to your company. The company has lost most of it's members, one way or another, and there hasn't been any real work for a very long time. Luckily, Leona still remember how great the company was, and to honor this memory, she keeps your tab opened, never asking any questions. Still, you start to feel uncomfortable, waiting for that one big job to pay all your debts. In the meantime you spend your time in her tavern, carefully listening, making sure you don't miss any opportunity.

As you sit in your corner of the tavern you notice an unusually costumer enter the tavern. His clothing and demeanor clearly state that he is not a native, but as much as you try you can't pinpoint his homeland. One thing stands out the most, his clothing are too blue, and there is a mystic aura that surrounds him. It both disturbs in some way, but it still draws your attention.

The walks straight towards the bar, not paying attention to anyone. He shares a few words with Leona, leaving the impression that he already knows her. He is too far for you to understand, but in the end he raises his voice enough for you to understand.

"So, are there any mercenaries that you can recommend me? I have a... situation that need to be taken care of."