View Full Version : All The Kingsmen

2014-02-11, 12:38 PM
For many long and prosperous generations the kingdom has prospered under the wise leadership of the Thrane bloodline. A bloodline so ancient it can trace its lineage back to the Nether Voyagers of the old ages. Under their leadership and tactical acumen the Camorian mility has always been able to stop any invasion to their land, to defeat any enemy and to stop many of the dark things of the world. In decades past as the Thrane Komoris Krullson sat upon the Ocean's Seat, the ancient capitol city of the Camorian kingdom peace reigned. The military had all but disappeared with a few scant garrisons to deal with bandits and the occasional monster horde. Lead by the Kingsmen, a group of the most dedicated and powerful warriors, sorcorers and rogues in all of the kingdom.
' As the years ticked down and the Kingsmen died or retired the new ones began to rise and to give rise. Until the day had come that there were only a few of them left, under the banner of the Thrane the Kingsmen were assembled. Thrana Komoris has fallen deathly ill with no successer, the ancient line of Thrane's is soon to end.
With his last breath he utters one simple phrase “ Rule her as if you were me, my Kingsmen” falling deep into a coma afterwards with little hope to rise. Dark tiding are abound, the Thrane is gone and for all intents and purposes dead to the world. Orcs move about the country and fell creatures have been sighted in the Wild Woods and the Storm Crags. Even more disturbing reports are coming in that Bathoria is marching south again, looking for new holdings and resources to wage its eternal war on the rebel wood elven clans of the Wailing Woods.

“ Greatings Kingsmen, I am Darroth Urr royal advisor to the Thrane, I have been instructed to advise you in your endevors. You rule jointly, as best as you can. We have limited funds, our military is a skeleton and we have few towns or resources” the old sage moves close towards the window “ We have little hopes to survive, even now Grimhold, our foes to the east move their forces to our borders. We need to begin recruiting soldiers and hero's. To do this we will need gold, facilities and resources to arm them with” he points towards the storm crags “ Legend has it that there was once a Dwarven Delve in those hills, rich in Iron. The dwarves abandoned it long ago to return to the Iron Peaks to fight against the Bathoria. But the Riches still remain, that could bea good place to start.” the old man looks for a bench and sets down.

" But ultimately the decision is yours, we have some gold stocks in the treasury if you would prefer expansion( 50,000)

2014-02-11, 03:26 PM
Fate was a funny thing, Elyne couldn't help but think. Not so long ago, she might have been tasked to find the best way to invade this country. Now, she had to defend it, to the best of her abilities. And those of the other kingsmen. She didn't really know them, truth be told, an oversight that should be adressed as soon as possible. But for now, there were more pressing matters.

Simply looking at the map, the situation looked grim indeed. Even if Bathoria decided to ignore them entirely (and there was little chance of that), Camorus existence hanged by a thread. Surrounded by enemies, unable to ensure its authority on its own lands, with a disintegrating army... How had the previous rulers let it come to this?

But Darroth Urr provided a good starting point. Even if the dwarves had took most of their valuable with them, reopening their iron mines would provide a solid basis to outfit the Camorus military, and the gods knew they needed that. And since they really had no surplus of men to spare...

"Well, it's been a while since I went on the field."

But there was still much to be done. And much to learn. While in the Bathorian army, it had been a common occurence to look down on the disparate kingdoms of the region, not seeing any value in knowing how they worked. Now it was crucial.

"Also, could you bring us anything you have on Dalh'us? And do they have an ambassador here? It might be useful to get in touch with them."

Having their northern neighbours as friends would be a good first step toward survival. Such an ally could provide a deterent to Grimhold aggression, and a buffer to Bathorian invasion. The only problem was that right now, Camorus looked weak. No, not looked, was weak. Few would consider allying themselves with such a feeble country.

2014-02-11, 06:29 PM
Caluria gestures toward the map, "If we do move to reopen the mines, that will also give us additional reason to move more forces east, which could be important. If Grimhold is moving towards us, we should be ready to fight back".

2014-02-12, 01:09 AM

What Caluria - hang on, hadn't she heard that name before? No, it couldn't be the same person - said made sense, but...

"The problem is, the eastern region is going to be a nightmare to defend. The forest would disrupt any large formation, but is a perfect way for enemy scouts to infiltrate our borders. And the plains provides Grimhold with an ideal terrain to invade en masse. A better place to regroup might be Three Rivers."

They simply did not have the strength to defend the whole border, and moving their few forces in that exposed area would be a risky move, who might leave them exposed.

"I'd suggest simply sending a small contingent of the core royal army to secure the mines and protect the civilians tasked with reopening them. The rest would probably best employed in Ocean's Seat training raw recruits. We should make a call for volunteers. We might not be able to equip them right now, but that will change if we succeed in our endeavor. And they'll need experienced soldiers to form them, if we want them to be more than canon fodder."

What wouldn't Elyne give for a system similar to the Empire and its soldier-citizens? But there was no time for that, and she was worried an attempt to promulgue conscription would lead to open revolt. The kingsmen were on shaky grounds, and their legitimacy was faint at best.

2014-02-12, 08:27 AM
Darroth Urr nods as he stands back up, the old sage's bones creaking all the while as he moved over towards a large bookshelf. " Dalelands, Darron, Daggoth, Darminia... Ahhh yes Dahl'Us" he said as he pulled the tome off of the shelf and sat it down on the table.

" dahl'us is a nation of men, it has a large population of non-humans in it that equal the number of humans. Mostly the populos of Dahl'us human's are Northlanders and Dhaktar, with a little smekling of Moss Folk. It has a large fishing fleet that provides its meat needs and is mostly rolling, hills dotted with farmlands.

They do have a military but it is unlikely we could count on them in our borders as they are mostly a militial force." he said as he shambled back towards the window" I have summoned their ambassador he should arrive shortly".

" We have three units at our disposal, the 12th Royal Brigade is a heavy infantry batallion numbering 120, they are lead by the minor noble lord Garakus Grimwoldt, the 1st Ranger Brigade is a group of woodsmen and hunters who are strong with bow they number 200 and their leader is a crafty half-elf Villus Twistwind and the 10th Star Runners, a light cavalry unit that normally patrols out roads for bandits, they number 50 and are lead by the minor noble lord Devon Millz. I could dispatch which ever one to secure the mines as directed, and most of the rest to Three Rivers.

If i may make a suggestion, the 12th Royals would be best for the task at hand" he said as the door opens and a man in finery enters.

" Ahhh may i present Ambassador Adam D'vonte".

2014-02-12, 06:00 PM
Elyne was not as convinced as Darroth that sending their finest in what amounted to guard duty was the best use they could make of them. The 12th Royal Brigade could provide the core of a new army, but they'd be needed to train recruits to do so. At the very least, she'd like to recommand to keep twenty or so men to serve as instructors. As for the other two squadrons, the 1st ranger brigade would certainly be useful, both as a reserve force and early sentries, while the 10th Star Runners could probably keep their usual duties by maintaining peace on the roads, at least. Perhaps they could keep a small platoon south to warn them if the enemy decided to try the difficult approach and attack from the Sweltering Woods. It was doubtfull, if only because it would give Camorus an excellent defensive position should they hold the Serpent pass, but you could never be too carefull.

Right now, though, there were other matters to attend.

"It is an honor to have you here, ambassador. Thank you for coming in such a short notice. My name is Elyne Sunrider, member of the acting ruling council of Camorus. May I introduce you to the other Kingsmen?"

2014-02-12, 07:15 PM
Caluria glances at Elyne, thinking the woman seems vaguely familiar. She speaks authoritatively to the newcomer, "I am the Lady Caluria. I also act as a member of the ruling council." Turning back to the map, she continues, reasoning the rest of the group can introduce themselves at their leisure. "If Lord Millz's unit is currently protecting the people from bandits, we should not remove it from that duty. As for the mines, do we expect to find resistance there?" After speaking, Caluria turns to examine the rest of the room.

Detecting Evil. Starting with the people, but scanning the rest of the room as well. Since it's a purely mental action, I'm assuming people can't tell I'm doing it.

2014-02-12, 07:33 PM
A small man, standing in the corner. Curious, nervous, confused. By some trick of fate he'd gone from a victim of bad penmanship to a bodyguard for a minor noble - things twisted from there to place him as a Kingsman, and now he was expected to act as a general? Most of this remains unseen, but his hand does shake noticeably for a moment.

"I might qualify as a champion for whatever military we set up, or a bodyguard for our leaders - which I suppose is us now, huh - but I think I'll leave the strategy to you."

He then tips the hat he does not have - it looks a bit like a salute - to the newly arrived ambassador.

"Sivo Bertan."

2014-02-13, 06:14 AM
The Ambassador nods at the three of you " It is a pleasure to meet you all" he said as he moved towards the table and took a seat. " I understand that you have serious business with me and my country".

2014-02-13, 07:03 PM
Since we kindda have two conversations going, I'll answer to both. We can always pretend the first one was done before the ambassador came.


"I agree on your assesment concerning lord Millz's men. We need peace on our roads. I'd like however, to ask to dispatch a few riders south, to give us any warning should the enemy move through the Sweltering Woods."

Which leaved the second problem.

"As for the mines, I suppose the place may have gained some new residents since the dwarves departure. Monsters, I suppose?"

The question was to the royal councelor.


@to the ambassador

Elyne nodded.

"That we do."

Offering the ambassador a cup of wine, she continued.

"These are dark times, for each of us. I'm sure you are aware of the perils Camorus faces, and surely Dahl'us realizes that once we are gone, they might find themselves next on the list."

The elf managed a dramatic pause.

"I do not, however, ask you for soldiers. That would be unfair to your people, and I don't intend to drag your country in a war. We would, however, value your friendship. A public declaration between our lands to say that even in those trouble times, and despite the usual egoism of nations, good relations can be found between us. I insist on the fact that such an act would in no way bid Dalh'us to do anything in our favor should they feel it would go against their best interests."

But sometimes, words could be enough. If such a declaration could make Grimhold hesitate, if only for a few weeks, force them to secure their northern borders before moving in against Camorus, "just in case", then it would have been worth it.

2014-02-13, 09:45 PM
Caluria glances at Elyne, "Undoubtedly possible. Have we magic to ascertain the nature of any such residents?"


I have nothing to say to the ambassador just yet.

2014-02-13, 10:33 PM
From the darkest corner of the room, a new faces emerges, A decently tall, yellow skinned female, with two massive blades hooked to her back, with ragged hair and eyes that resemble pools of tar, fixed on the one known as Caluria.

With no hesitation, the woman speaks.

If it's Magic you seek, Perhaps I could be of some assistance. If you find an individual capable of such feats, I may be able to persuade them to let us borrow that ability for a short while, If that would suffice, If that doesn't catch your fancy, I'd be happy to scout ahead, grab some intel on the mines ahead, perhaps evict the newly housed.

Her voice is harsh, her face emotionless, and her body still, her hands rest on her hips.

Knowledge Local & Knowledge Arcana for any... Diviners nearby, or someone who could perhaps cast divination magic, Their alignment or social status means little to me.

[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] Local

Use whichever applies.

2014-02-15, 06:08 AM
Darroth nods " There are always monsters and new denizens a stones throw away when something comes vacant it seems. It is almost like this is some kind of game of the gods".


The ambassador nodded " Such a delcaration is within my power, though i feel it will do little more then buy you the time you need to mayhaps prepare. War is coming, it will envelope both of our nations. Bathoria will come through Dahl'us why Grimhold goes through you. The best we can do is prepare for the eventuality".

@Crest ( Your rolls are messed up

2014-02-15, 03:34 PM
Caluria speaks to Darroth, "The gods have understanding beyond ours. We must hope that the righteous among them will triumph over the wicked. Perhaps our comrade can help ascertain the nature of any such threat." With her last statement, Caluria gestures toward Ezhelya.


Caluria laughs abruptly. "Time is the most valuable resource. If they try to go through us, they'll find they come out in hell."

2014-02-15, 07:25 PM
Elyne let out an audible sigh.

"As for me, I am afraid I lack any noteworthy divination spell that could be of use, right now. We will probably have to resort to more... mundane methods."

The elf pondered the situation.

"I think we kingsmen would be the best suited to deal with this. Hardly standard procedure, but we are working with limited ressources here. Our forces will simply have to clean up behind us. Also, it wouldn't hurt to gather miners and builders right now. No point in wasting time."

She then turned to Darroth.

"What would be the estimated cost of restoring the mines, and training new troops at Three Rivers?"


Elyne wished she shared Caluria's optimism. Right now, things looked rather grim to her eyes. But she couldn't let that bring her down.

"As my friend is saying, Time is the most precious thing to us now. We cannot worry about the Empire right now, not while Grimhold is breathing down our necks. Believe me when I say your gesture is appreciated."

2014-02-17, 11:10 PM
"We must hope more than that, Madam Caluria. Who knows how the gods may judge such things? We must hope, too, that they judge us among the righteous. Does anyone know why Grimhold is attacking? Is it a mere land-grab; do they claim a higher purpose?"


(Sivo continues to act the bodyguard - stoic, silent - while the Ambassador is present, after initial introductions)

2014-02-17, 11:24 PM
"Ha." Caluria laughs at Sivo's statement. "The gods are not so silent as you imply. Their judgments are made known to any who listen. Still, you raise a valid question. What do we know of Grimhold's greater goals?" She addresses the last question to the group, though she ultimately directs her attention to Darroth.


2014-02-18, 02:51 AM
@Mooreak My rolls seem fine on my half, I got a 23 Arcana and a 12 Local, Unless you want me to re-roll.

Ezhelya smirks at the comment, Indeed it seems this group has a good head on their shoulders, better than hers, and finds it best they do the talking and find where they're headed, and she'll put her usefulness where its meant to be, on the battlefield.

She steps back into the shaded corner, and leans up against the wall, arms crossed, listening intently.

[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] Local

2014-02-18, 10:57 AM

Darroth nodded at the young elf woman " I believe restoring the mines could not cost more then 10,000 gold and that would be to upgrade an old equipment as well. It is an old dwarf hold, no doubt there are forges and furnaces in place already.

As for training troops in Three Rivers, we would need equipment, facilities and such. 5,000 gold could get us going i believe, it wouldn't take to long to train up a local militia and start advanced training as resources become available" he said as he pulled out a dusty old ledger ready to right down instructions.


Darroth shrugs " For countless ages the men of Grimhold have coveted our resources, coveted what we have now. they follow a dark god of conquest who commands them to take from others".

@Crestfallen There are no diviners nearby but you have heard word that far to the south there is rumor of an old witch.

OOC: sorry about delay guys

2014-02-18, 08:16 PM
The elven woman nodded.

"Very well, this is well within our means. Also, I'd like to know the state of our navy, and what we can do to expand it, but that can wait until those mines are cleared."

She then looked toward the other kingsmen, searching for approval.

"No sense in delaying it, I suppose. Do we agree to ride there and clear a path for our men?"

2014-02-20, 07:30 AM
Caluria nods to Elyne, "Then let us go forth."


She nods to Darroth, "Then we shall stop them."

2014-02-20, 11:16 AM
Ezhelya nods in response, taking a few steps towards the door to follow suit with everyone else.

2014-02-20, 11:34 AM
"S-Seems necesese-"
He stops, collects himself.
"Seems necessary."
And follows.

2014-02-21, 08:57 PM
Since we seem to be done with the ambassador...

Caluria directs her gaze at the ambassador, "Your support is much appreciated. If you will forgive us, we have other duties which we must attend to."