View Full Version : Frost Mage: Spells and Feats

2014-02-11, 04:20 PM
So, as I mentioned in a previous thread, I recently started playing a frost mage (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=793101). I'm playing as a BFC specialist with a side of blasting, and an obvious emphasis on Cold spells, but a side focus on stormcasting, including electricity, air, and water spells.

Essentially, the character is wicked smart (24 base Int, 28 with the headband), despite being only 16, and having been possessed for the past 11 years of his life. I play the intelligence through his BFC tactics, and his rather quick temper through the blasty spells (and Defenestrating Sphere, which I've always wanted to use).

My current spell list is as follows:

All 0s

Glaze Lock
Ice Dagger
Lesseer Orb of Cold
Path of Frost
Ice Skate (DM let me have this one)
Snilloc's Snowball
Cutting Hand
Bigby's Tripping Hand
Greater Mage Hand
Conjure Ice Beast I

Ray of Ice
Zone of Glacial Cold
Darsson's Chilling Chamber
Leomund's Tiny Igloo
Conjure Ice Beast II

Ice Burst
Control Temperature
Crack Ice

Orb of Cold
Column of Ice
Defenestrating Sphere
Wall of Ice

Boreal Wind
Cone of Cold
Freezing Fog
Ice Shape

I'm planning on finishing Frost Mage (mostly for flavor, my DM let me have the Cold subtype on a refluff of Air Genasi), then going Archmage. Unless someone can think of a 5 level Icee-themed prestige to replace Archmage, or a 10 level one for me to progress from current state. I don't want to lose any casting (first time playing a full caster, having fun with it).

My planned spell list additions are (unlabeled means through level):
Flesh to Ice scroll
Ice to Flesh scroll

Freezing Fog
Ice Rift scroll
Move Snow and Ice scroll
Extract Water Elemental
Chain Lightning
Animate Snow Class Feature

Greater Glacial Ward
Ice Claw
Ice Castle
Control Weather

Polar Ray
Field of Icy Razors
Lightning Ring

Frostfell Class Feature
Burst off Glacial Wrath
Summon Elemental Monolith

House Rules:
LA buyoff allowed ((and assumed if 2 or less)
RHD ignored
Mid OP: Nothing infinite, but we're allowed to do some silly BS (see last party member)
Monk and Ninja AC bonuses stack (for Wis, mentioning this to prevent comments about that guys build)
Anything allowed with DM permission
Stealth = Hide + MS
Perception = Spot + Listen
These. Always these. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=275054) Edit: Specifically, the changes to warmage and general. I forgot that the Wizard change is one of the only ones at our table that's unpopular, and no one else really needed/wanted the buff up.

The rest of the group consists of:

Halfling Warmage 10 (his first time playing a caster, and he wanted to be blasty; his advanced learning spells are Grease, Fly, and Solid Fog)

Mineral Warrior Half-Minotaur Human Bard 3/Fighter 2 (exoticist)/War Chanter 5 (30 Str and 26 Con, not too bright but very well roleplayed)

Human Ninja/Monk/Ninja of the Crescent Moon (not sure about his levels, but he is TWF with Shadow Blade and getting 3x his Wis to AC. And he's crit on more than half hist attacks. Without using a crit fish build)

Thri-Kreen Whirling Frenzy Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 1/ Clawlock 9 (he has superior unarmed strike and a monk's belt. Probably the highest OP, but he hasn't actually been to a session yet, so not sure)

So, what feats does the playground recommend? What spells have I missed for a Ice based BFC/secondary blaster? Anything better than Archmage coming to mind?

Also, as far as Evoker, I wanted the Energy Affinity (Cold) ACF from UA to help with CL boosting on my cold spells. I currently cast Cold Conjurations at 14th level. 15th or 16th if it's cold enough. I banned Enchantment because it's weak, and Necro because it doesn't fit the character (I know necro has some really good cold spells).

2014-02-11, 04:54 PM
Sleet Storm at level 3 and Ice Storm at level 4 are nice double threat BC/Blast spells with the cold descriptor. As far as feats, Cold Focus and Greater Cold Focus seems very powerful for you (probably more-so than Spell Focus:Evocation.)

2014-02-11, 05:59 PM
Spell Focus right now is more for future entry into Archmage. I'm going to ask the DM if I can use Cold Focus for the second one.

2014-02-11, 07:58 PM
Piercing Cold (http://dndtools.eu/feats/frostburn--68/piercing-cold--2161/) is a good feat for your blasting spells. It deals with cold resistance and immunity from spells, so your only concern will be creatures with immunity from their subtype. And while it's nice to have a theme spells, you probably should consider learning some other, like Time Stop or Dispel Magic and it;s greater version (you really should take this one, it can be party savior)/

2014-02-11, 08:47 PM
Earth Dreamer is a 5 level prc which progresses full spell casting, and it even suggests converting it into other elements. See if the DM would allow some switched abilities to make it snow/ice/storm (as desired) focused, and see if the DM will let you switch the required feat into something like Frozen Magic, Snowcasting, or Storm Magic.

2014-02-11, 11:34 PM
Frost Mage gets an upgraded version of Piercing Cold.

I think we may have the warmage pick up Dispel, since he can on-demand it. Time Stop is pretty early on my list once I clear my actual list.

Refluffing Earth Dreamer is an interesting idea. I like it. I'm thinking:
Termorsense = either blindsight or the ability to see through Fog spells
Earth Sight = Ice Sight. Great synergy with my Walls of Ice
Earth Glide = Ice Glide/Permanent Ice Skate

2014-02-14, 12:35 AM
Shivering Touch isn't on your spell list?

If you pick up energy substitution [cold] you would add a lot of options. Look at Firestride Exhalation (Dragon Magic) and tell me that wouldn't be awesome as a cold spell.

2014-02-14, 01:14 AM
I banned necro.

Sounds like an interesting spell, but I have other mobility, and we have a Warmage for blasting.

2014-02-14, 05:09 AM
you'll get great joy out of energy gestalt, a tactical feat from complete mage. as other posters have said, you should really get some other spells besides just cold spells, even with your piercing cold class features. some utility spells (fly, dispel magic, etc) are vital with a wizard.

since you've already got the cold subtype, the last level of frostmage is a complete waste, so don't take it. this'll give you another lvl to play around with. air genasi are LA 3 iirc, leaving you with a total of 1 after buyoff. this means if you entered frost mage on time, you'll have 4 levels left over when you complete it.

one option for you is master specialist. it's got some goodies for you (greater spell focus for free and some bonus spells known) and is generally acknowledged as a good stopgap for wizards.

as far as feats that people haven't mentioned yet, definitely check out flash frost spell from PHB2. coats an entire area of an aoe cold spell with slippery ice, forcing a balance check. lasts for 1 round. plus it deals an extra +2 cold damage per lvl of the spell, all for an adjuster of +1. not too bad.

2014-02-14, 11:00 AM
Really, Air Genasi is +3? We've run it as a +1 in the past (specifically, I let the DM of this campaign run it as a +1, so he's unlikely to press the issue).

Discussed in another thread, I'm receiving the Half Ice Elemental template as a capstone for frost mage.

Our warmage picked up Fly with Advanced Learning, and I'll probably snag a scroll of Greater Dispel to burn (literally) once I'm high enough level.

Flash Frost is an interesting idea. Might pick it up.

Same for Energy Gestalt, although that would have to wait until I grabbed Chain Lightning. Also, I'll recommend it to our warmage.