View Full Version : HELP! Custom Magical Item

2014-02-11, 05:58 PM
I need help creating level appropriate, unique abilities for magical items.

Here is the premise - in my game, each character was given a item that is designed to grow with the character. In other words, it gains powers as the character gains levels.

I want these powers to scale with the character and be somewhat unique from level 1 to 20.

Items include: Ranged Weapon, 2-hand weapon, Finesse weapon, item for sorcerer, item for favored soul, item for ranger.

ideas for powers would be great
ideas for powers with appropriate level would be awesome
full 20 level list of powers wins you a cookie :smallamused:

2014-02-11, 06:29 PM
Well, for a Ranger...

How about a Torch (made using Craft Rod) that activates on command and won't go out barring either the ranger's say so or a dispel attempt from a caster level equal to the ranger's hit dice?

At level two, have it grant the ability to grant a +2 to Track checks while allowing the Ranger to track at full speed at no penalty. This +2 can be improved by favored enemy bonuses. (So a ranger with a +4 favored enemy bonus to goblinoids would get a +6 bonus with the torch.)

At level five, perhaps some sort of warding ability? Like an aura of Hide From Undead that protects anyone the ranger chooses (up to half of the ranger's hit dice plus him or herself) as long as they remain within the light of the torch.

At level 6, the torch can grant the ranger a bonus to Heal checks equal to 1/2 his or her hit dice.

At level 7, the torch can be used as a magical weapon, dealing 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 flaming damage. Adjust these dice as needed (I'm horrible at that kind of thing). At a higher level (maybe 12?), consider making it a burst weapon.

At level 10, let the ranger choose an energy type other than fire (cold, sonic, acid, electricity). When activating the torch, the ranger can choose for the torch to burn with "fire" that does one of those other energy types instead. Every other level after that, let the ranger pick yet another energy type.

At level 11, the torch can let the ranger cast Remove Curse once a day and Delay Poison once a day.

At level 15, let the ranger cast Pyrotechnics with the torch once per day. As a side benefit to Pyrotechnics, the dark shadows created by the stark light or the clouds of swirling dust can allow the ranger and a number of friends to escape a location as if through the spell Shadow Walk.

At level 17, the torch can let the ranger cast Break Enchantment instead of Remove Curse once a day.

At level 20, whenever a ranger is in a natural environment the torch can allow him or her to enter a semi-real path generally known only to fairies or woodland creatures at will. This path is a demiplane that can go nearly anywhere, so long as the beginning and ending of the path are both in natural settings. The ability is functionally identical to Shadow Walk, but the path has a slim chance of natural, fey or elemental creatures guarding it who may choose to attack or ignore the ranger (and the ranger's companions) as they see fit. Leaving the path before the trip is over is strongly discouraged as the guardians of the path will almost certainly turn hostile in that case.

2014-02-12, 08:26 AM

That is not a bad idea :smallsmile:

...Here is your cookie...::cookie::

2014-02-12, 08:42 AM
Sorcerers would probably like something like a runestaff. You could make the staff an intelligent item forged by the same creatures that the sorcerer heritages from (Dragons, Fairies etc.). Expanding on the intelligent part, the staff could provide small skill bonuses to knowledges or other mental actions.

2014-02-12, 08:50 AM
for that Torch ... maybe make it animated (not permenently, but x rounds per day ... or maybe throw 'Immovable Rod' at it so it can just hang in the air) at some point ... then its not a hassle to have around if he's a archer :smalltongue:

2014-02-12, 09:05 AM
Item familiar. Adding that will make it semi easy and fun.

But for a unique one

Monk, i would say a circlet that would add different visions as passives the higher level.
1 adds low light vision 30
2 adds Bonus to search spot and listen
5 adds darkvision 30 arcane eye 1day
6 low light extends to 60
9 blind sense 15 Detect magic at will
12 Darkvision 60 blind sense 30 clairvoyance 3day
13 identify at will probe thoughts 1 day
15 true seeing 3/day constant forsight
17 all seeing range increases to 120 ft
20 all at wills become constants.

A fighter would have a sword and shield that fold up easily giving bonus periodically.

A thief would have a hand that would give him daily thiefish at wills like mage hand/open lock/ alter self ect.

A sorcerer would have a cape or scarf or mask that would give him some bonuses like flight at will and such.

wizard might have a grimoire that would have random effects that would grow as he did

Defiled Cross
2014-02-12, 09:37 AM
For the Two-Hand Weapon..

Nuru ne Isilme(Death by Moonlight):

- Bastard Sword, +2 to DMG when blade has bathed in the light of the
- At level dictated by DM, the sword grants owner Nightvision (60ft).
- Moon Domain Spells (offered at level dictated by DM)

1 Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.

2 Moonbeam[For]: Creates a cone of moonlight that causes lycanthropes to assume animal form, penetrates darkness spells of equal or lower level.

3 Moon Blade[For]: Touch attack deals 1d8 damage +1/two levels, more to undead, plus scrambles spellcasting.

4 Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

5 Moon Path[For]: Grants sanctuary to 1 creature/level.

6 Permanent Image: Includes sight, sound, and smell.

7 Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.

8 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal.

9 Moonfire[For]: Cone of moonlight deals 1d8 damage/two levels (max 10d8, magical auras glow blue for 1 round/level, illuminates as full moon, negates electricity for 1 round/level).

Source: Player's Guide to Faerūn

2014-02-12, 03:10 PM
Item familiar. Adding that will make it semi easy and fun.

Nothing really preventing them from taking the feat and choosing the special item to be their familiar

2014-02-12, 03:12 PM
For the Two-Hand Weapon..

Nuru ne Isilme(Death by Moonlight):

- Bastard Sword, +2 to DMG when blade has bathed in the light of the
- At level dictated by DM, the sword grants owner Nightvision (60ft).
- Moon Domain Spells (offered at level dictated by DM)

1 Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.

2 Moonbeam[For]: Creates a cone of moonlight that causes lycanthropes to assume animal form, penetrates darkness spells of equal or lower level.

3 Moon Blade[For]: Touch attack deals 1d8 damage +1/two levels, more to undead, plus scrambles spellcasting.

4 Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

5 Moon Path[For]: Grants sanctuary to 1 creature/level.

6 Permanent Image: Includes sight, sound, and smell.

7 Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.

8 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal.

9 Moonfire[For]: Cone of moonlight deals 1d8 damage/two levels (max 10d8, magical auras glow blue for 1 round/level, illuminates as full moon, negates electricity for 1 round/level).

Source: Player's Guide to Faerūn

These are a good platform - thanks :smallamused:

and have a cookie...::cookie::

Defiled Cross
2014-02-12, 03:17 PM
Sweets are bad for you..

..but glad to help.


2014-02-12, 04:47 PM
For the favoured soul, how about a Hand of Glory? That is, a murderers hand turned into a candle holder, mythically with the power to keep the sleeping under and extinguish all lights but its own. Very churchy. Maybe focused on support and control, with occasional direct spellcasting boosts. Start with something like fog or haze a few times a day, developing into things like the Darkness line. Spice up the line with a small but growing turn undead pool usable only on divine metamagic(For which it provides the feats.) Ideas for filling in spaces... Invisibility, sleep, maybe augury.

More information on the finesse weapon user would be handy. If its a rogue the ability to call illusions or shadowclone flanking buddies for a few rounds per day would be cool-maybe a two-bladed rapier that, when split, splits the wielder as well.

2014-02-12, 05:26 PM
Sorc and favored soul's best friend will let them expand their spell list. Letting them spend slots to cast other spells, the type that they need only once a day or less, is perfect. Maybe limit total uses of the item to Level/2 per day. Something like:

Level 1 - Access to Mending // Amanuensis
2 - Backbiter // Hide from Undead (Deathwatch if you strip [Evil])
3 - Identify (still need components) // Bless Water,Curse Water
4 - See Invisibility // Align Weapon
5 - Reflective Disguise // Sense Weakness


Anyway, if you do this for your spontaneous casters, then the melees will need somethimg significantly more powerful than a torch that gives +2 to some skill checks and access to 5th level spells at level 17, so keep that in mind. For instance, the ranger could take a composite longbow that:

Starts masterwork, Scales with a + bonus equal to 1/3 levels (+1 at 3rd level, up to a max of +5 at 15th)

Gets various bonuses, like Precise at level 5, and Splitting at level 13 (bringing it to a +9 item at 15th level). Cancel this if you want the user to spend their own money on additional upgrades. However, if you do, don't penalize them for waiting (i.e., you just hit level 12, now you're adding a +1 to a +4 item so it costs more!).

Increase its chassis. Becomes an Elvencraft bow at level 2, letting the user wield it as a quarterstaff. The quarterstaff gets the same magical item scaling as above (+5 at 15th). Every time it gets a magical +, let the user increase its composite strength rating once as well.

One side of the quarterstaff get some offensive kick, like with Impact (Doubled threat range), Collision (+5 Damage), and the like. The other end gets Eager (Draw as free action, +2 Init), Warning (+5 Init), Spellstrike (Convert its enhancement to a bonus on saves vs. spells), etc. This way it can be wielded while Two-Weapon Fighting with a "primary" and a "secondary" hand.

Obviously, this item breaks wealth-by-level over a barrel, costing the equivalent of three +9 weapons, but it's roughly on the same scale as expanding a spell list by ~20 utility spells over 20 levels. It needs a kick past level 15, unless you want to just slow the progression down, which I don't recommend. Something like... At level 17 it gets coated in Kaorti Resin, increasing the crit multiplier of the staff to x4. Meanwhile, the bow side gets some buff like granting an archery feat while wielding it (which one depends on the ranger's build at the time, of course). Maybe round off the +9 to +10 at level 20.

2014-02-12, 05:31 PM
Read weapons of legacy, I'm sure it will give you quite some ideas while having a lot of examples...if you haven't. ;)

Years ago I made a bow for the party archer that worked something like this:
Level 1 - masterwork composite longbow mighty +2
Level 3 - after a specific ritual, the bow string becomes magical energy, appearing only when the bow is being fired and granting infinite arrows. Only the PC may use it from this point onward and the bow loses all value in gp. Mighty bonus +4
Level 4 - +1
Level 5 - Functions like an elven doublebow, the PC can use it without penalty and doesn't need exotic weapon feat
Level X - +2...adjust the rest accordingly
Level 7 - intuitive manyshot (manyshot penalty reduced by -1 for all attacks). Mighty bonus +6
Level 10 - smart elemental arrows (choose a better name), spend a standard action to attune your bow to your enemies weaknesses, only works for enemies you can physically see. After attuning, the bow will shoot all effected enemies with the arrow type it's most vunerable to (fire, ice, lightning, sonic, silver, adamantite, etc etc). You can adjust this and split this ability in two levels so it mimics the monk ki strike for overcoming DR and stuff.
Level 13 - If the instant kill d20 roll fails, you can roll again (once per encounter). The player actually managed to instant kill a purple worm once, but didn't need this ability :P. Mighty bonus +8.
Level 15 - 2nd level of smart elemental arrows or/and something that fits your world :)
Level 20 - Weapon gains splitting arrow ability. Mighty bonus +15

2014-02-12, 06:57 PM
The two handed weapon:

The Dwarven King's Gnome Hooked Hammer
Lev 1 - +2 to Intimidate
Lev 2 - +15 feet to darkvision
Lev 3 - +1 on attack and damage while fighting underground
Lev 4 - Double weight carrying capacity while carrying hammer
Lev 5 - +1 Powerful Charge Ability
Lev 6 - Tremor Sense
Lev 7 - Cast "DOOM" once per day.
Lev 8 - Cast "Detect Secret Doors" once per day
Lev 9 - Endurance Feat while held
Lev 10 - Cast "Knock" once per day
Lev 11 - Iron Will Feat while wielded
Lev 12 - +2 attack and damage vs. Demons
Lev 13 - Cast "Bull Strength" once per day
Lev 14 - Cast "Slow" once per day
Lev 15 - The hammer has the attributes of a Thunderstone
Lev 16 - Cast "Reverse Gravity" once per day
Lev 17 - Toughness Feat while wielded
Lev 18 - Cast "Call Lightning" once per day
Lev 19 - Cast "Stoneskin" once per day
Lev 20 - Cast "Earthquake" once a week

2014-02-12, 11:10 PM

Living Crystal of Knowledge.

lvl 1: Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

lvl 3: +3 knowledge History

lvl 5: +4 knowledge Arcana

lvl 7: +6 knowledge The Planes

lvl 9: +8 Survival skill

lvl 11: +2 Intelligence bonus

lvl 13: +2 Wisdom bonus

lvl 15: +4 Charisma bonus

lvl 17: Dimension Door 3/day as a spell-like ability

lvl 19: Teleport 3/day as a spell-like ability

lvl 20: +30 to Bardic Knowledge

2014-02-12, 11:52 PM
For the weapons, check out the legacy weapons in the book Weapons of Legacy, as well as The Nine Swords in Chapter 6 of ToB.

The Favored Soul's item would probably depend on what deity he worships.

The Ranger's item would really depend on what he wants the character to do and what role he fills in the party.

For a Sorcerer's item, this trick (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267805#4) is a must-have. Either make him aware of that, or make his special item do pretty much the same thing (let him pick extra spells known of certain levels, but only usable 1-3 times/day). If he does to that trick and you need something else for him, I'd make it a rod that can add various metamagic effects depending on his level, though without increasing the casting time.

Give the rod a number of daily charges equal to his character level, each use takes one or more charges depending on the metamagic cost and the spell level, with certain metamagic feats available from it depending on his level. I'd make it Extend Spell at 1st, add a +2 metamagic like Split Ray or Fell Frighten Spell at 5th, add a +3 metamagic like Maximize at 9th, add a +4 metamagic like Twin or Split Ray at 13th, add any +4 or lower metamagic of his choice at 17th, and add Persistent Spell at 20th. To use a metamagic feat from it, he spends a number of daily charges equal to the metamagic cost, plus one extra for a spell of 4th-6th level, or plus two extra charges for a spell of 7th-9th level. For example, at level 20 he'll have 20 daily charges, a Persistent Foresight costs 8 charges, a Quickened Freezing Fog costs 5 charges, Split Ray Enervation costs 3 charges, etc.