View Full Version : Need Evil/ Monstrous campaign ideas

2014-02-11, 06:27 PM
Hey guys,
so me and another one of my guys have been discussing doing a evil campaign likely where we play as some of the sub races (Goblins/ Kobolds/ Ratfolk ect ect). The problem i'm encountering though is ideas for the stetting or the big picture, so far we have thrown around a few ideas like "everyone play as goblin minions working your way up through goblin ranks", "everyones a ratfolk we live in the sewers of a city" (though I couldn't think of a big idea for that one, though I like ratfolk), or a campaign where everyone plays a different monstrous race, or maybe even one of your atypical races.....just evil in some way (but having a hard time figuring out why they would all be together let alone working together). There isn't really any constraints to what we are looking at doing these were just some ideas thrown around,any ideas you guys might have would be great, or maybe some ideas that could help improve what we have already thrown around might be nice too.

2014-02-11, 07:04 PM
In the Eberron setting you could easily build a campaign around monsters woking for one of the monster nations as spies or assassins.

2014-02-11, 07:14 PM
In the Eberron setting you could easily build a campaign around monsters woking for one of the monster nations as spies or assassins.

Forgot to mention its a pathfinder campaign, but the actual setting will be probably something we whip up rather than anything pre-existing, though that does sound like a good place to look for ideas. Thanks

2014-02-11, 08:00 PM
If you are starting low level, just start off in a village and raid caravans. I'd go with names like Fleshrippers and Babyeaters.

Ooo! No, make the village of mixed humanoids sort of like rednecks, and they are moonshiners who are trying to make a living selling Troll's Choke to the humans who live down in the good lands.

Sort of like the dukes of hazard, if Boss hog was a corrupt noble, and the duke boys had a cart that was powered by an air elemental.

2014-02-11, 08:19 PM
If you are starting low level, just start off in a village and raid caravans. I'd go with names like Fleshrippers and Babyeaters.

Ooo! No, make the village of mixed humanoids sort of like rednecks, and they are moonshiners who are trying to make a living selling Troll's Choke to the humans who live down in the good lands.

Sort of like the dukes of hazard, if Boss hog was a corrupt noble, and the duke boys had a cart that was powered by an air elemental.

It will likely be low level to start (1-3)....likely 1. Im ok with this ^ as long as Daisy Duke is an Abolith....its the tentacles.

2014-02-11, 11:46 PM
You had to go with the tenitical Joke didn't you lol. I like the Ratfold Idea. You could be Mooks or Spec Ops Squad for a invading Army, a Hord of some kind, Minons of some faceless Undead or Daisy the Abolith. Kolbald Orphans who where raised in a large city Monistary and hate the Nuns who beat you for being of "Evil" stock so down with the Huuuumans (said like Quark from DS9) "Hunting" Party from a Gnoll Villiage (by hunting i totally mean slavers).

2014-02-11, 11:52 PM
You had to go with the tenitical Joke didn't you lol. I like the Ratfold Idea. You could be Mooks or Spec Ops Squad for a invading Army, a Hord of some kind, Minons of some faceless Undead or Daisy the Abolith. Kolbald Orphans who where raised in a large city Monistary and hate the Nuns who beat you for being of "Evil" stock so down with the Huuuumans (said like Quark from DS9) "Hunting" Party from a Gnoll Villiage (by hunting i totally mean slavers).

I like the idea of being a squad for an invadeing army, and being slavers is always good for a laugh. I also had an idea for all the monstrous creatures being capture by a Lord who has a pension for hunting, he sets them all into the woods to hunt them down and kill them, only the players would turn it around or just escape then come back for revenge, I feel like revenge is always a good equalizer for evil characters