View Full Version : [DnD 3.5e] Aranea shapeshifting questions

2014-02-11, 07:52 PM
So I've been running a campaign in DnD 3.5e in a homebrewed world. In the next adventure I'm planning, the PCs are going to go through a series of caves and encounter an Aranea in a humanoid (elven) form. In the monster manual, it says that an Aranea's true form can be detected by True Seeing, but it doesn't say if the actual shapeshifting ability is considered magical. It does say that the change cannot be dispelled, so I have a feeling that it's non-magical, but I wanted to be sure that one of my PCs doesn't use detect magic on it and I say it's non-magic when it is.

2014-02-11, 08:26 PM
Change Shape (Su)

It is Supernatural, neither magical nor mundane.

2014-02-11, 08:31 PM
Thanks very much! Ha, they'll never see this one coming.