View Full Version : Rise of the Bargainers OOC

Erik Vale
2014-02-12, 04:00 AM
And here is the thread for various OOC doings.
Here is Recruitment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16977702).
IC will be here soon. IC is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16979901)

OOC info/sheet linkage tomorrow. Please choose colours, yes you can choose purple if you'd like and I'll back edit Belor to have a different colour/font.

Belor is a medium sized town, built around a large old church built in worship of Waukeen as a rest for merchants and adventurers, which has been sectioned off a couple of times to serve different faiths, build alongside a major trade route to which is owes it's size and prosperity. It is next to the fey forest, which is a rather long thin stretch of forest, notable for remaining the same size despite not being logged.

The particular stretch near you often attracts gravelling druids and is rumoured to be particularly close to the fey plane, said to even be a place where the planes stretch thin, despite this, up until 3 decades ago it was only particularly notable for trade until Belor settled there. Shortly after a group of Theyan's started to pay a lot of attention to the town, which has dwindled to the point where it's only a couple of suspected Theyan traveler's each year, which has of course started all sorts of rumors. However attacks along the stretch of road basically stopped within a month of Belor beginning to make his tower on the outskirts of the town closer to the forest.

Other than animals, goblins are common in the area, except they've become rather weary of people. Normally they're considered pests, but now a days their near forgotten, causing the militia to decrease in numbers.

2014-02-12, 07:38 AM
I choose Red, and re-link my character's sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=664827).
Should I wait for the OOC to be sorted before posting IC?

Erik Vale
2014-02-12, 07:42 AM
Nope, I'm going to keep it to local Geo and some people that may be mentioned. Except for the local geo it will all be unimportant.

The only reason I'm not editing it in now is due to time, [near 12] I'm only staying up to chat with someone else and I know my brains going to hate me for it in the morning.

2014-02-13, 05:11 AM
Talia Vek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=784904) will speak in Blue.

2014-02-13, 04:03 PM
"Holding two books while taking a bit out from one of the books and hiding that book behind some other books because it wasn't the book he should get.

As soon as he gets out from the library (the bookroom), he'll book it.":smalltongue:

Edit: I'm assuming Terry got the text out undetected.

Erik Vale, you mentioned some local geography earlier, how is that coming along?

Erik Vale
2014-02-15, 06:23 AM
You did. It was in my head along with all the other thing I was juggling, now it's up.

2014-02-16, 06:33 PM
I am sorry for taking this long to post. I will try to not repeat that.
I didn't plan my time well enough yesterday.

2014-02-17, 03:33 AM
I am sorry for taking this long to post. I will try to not repeat that.
I didn't plan my time well enough yesterday.

Don't worry, we all have busy periods :smallbiggrin: And this is meant to be fun, not a chore.

2014-02-19, 07:59 PM
As the guest I defer the next post to you, MrE.

Erik Vale
2014-02-20, 09:38 PM
Editing in the book by sections in this post.
Edit: Int roll or Knowledge Arcarna may indicate that the writing style suggests a Sorcerer or Warlock over a Wizard. DC's 11 [Not Wizard] DC 15 [Sorcerer or Warlock Likely] DC [To high for you] [Info you can't get]

Section Foreword
Useful reminders for bargaining
Recalling previously conjured creatures
The Right Outsider for the Right Task
Ritual of Anathema
*List continues with various types of outsiders*

Whilst most rituals in this book would be considered useless by most, rituals of conjuration are seen of as the most useful, and the most powerful, however many forget they are the most dangerous. If you don't know or can't imagine why, call upon every ounce of folk-lore you know in relation to it, or ask around.
These rituals are not for the overconfident, and are for the more advanced novice, preferentially under supervision.

But now that that's out of the way, because I know your not going to pay any attention to it and have probably stolen this section from your master or the town sage looking for power that various creature can definitely grant you, let me continue by saying, I warned you, and I suggest you take a close look at the extra abjurations in the abjuration section of this book, even though those with a mind will note that the rituals include sufficient abjurations for the task without much expenditure, and should precautions be taken these abjurations will be enough.

You have undoubtedly bargained for certain goods in town markets. Bargaining with various creatures is... Very similar, almost identical, except that you could well be bargaining your and others souls for enough power to level several towns, the main difference is purely scope.
And things to remember for selling your soul, getting it back is near impossible, and means of extending your life to prevent going with whoever you bargain become slimmer, there's a reason there are very few lich warlocks.

So, what should you remember:
Be firm. Some beings need displays of power [particularly demons and certain types of elementals], however simple confidence can get you far should you watch for loopholes.
Be willing to walk away.
Be willing to walk away.
Pretend to be willing to walk away.
Know that the other guy is going to oversell his goods, and is expecting you to do the same.
Bargain from a point of power. This is hard as many of the bindings call ageless or really long lived creatures, however repeated or long duration callings may make them desperate to get back to whatever plan they had in motion... Of course, this will almost certainly earn the beings ire. Don't try this on elementals though, they tend not to care too much.
Understand that you are calling them, if you were that powerful you wouldn't need this text, be polite, it will help you with many breeds. For some it can also make you seem stupid.
Seem stupid, to other thinking they're talking down to you helps.
Don't seem so stupid as to break wardings, because then you are stupid.
Keep pets far away from the wardings, they tend to be fragile and readers tend to lack their own potency.
Whilst you can call an angelic being using these rituals [I have only figured how to do it with one myself through a simple ritual], note that they are more likely to be aggressive with you than any species when chained to another's purpose they disagree with other than demons, and they are less likely to forget and more likely to gain access to the material, which is where you live.
Most material species are crunchy and juicy, and go well with sauce, so I have heard.

Is surprisingly easy. In place of a kind or type, use the beings name.
Of course, constantly calling on the same one may generate annoyance, you should aim to make a working relationship where both constantly get something out of the deal, even if it's just talk and something the being often desires found most commonly on the material.
This of course excludes demons, daemons, angels performing evil deeds and such, those you should just tell what to do and send them back quickly while ensuring it knows you are the potent one in this situation. All the while guarding your back like you were exercising control over a zombie that seemed to always interpret your orders against you.

[[This section goes over various types of creatures. Look at various planar binding guides up to CR 3, the exception is it also makes note of the type of creature used for making various pacts, and it also includes fey/ghosts/spirits [spirit binding]. It also includes native outsiders, however it also notes that this is very much akin to kidnapping, and that they tend to come from Sigil, which is a plane that touches on all others, making revenge easier than normal, whilst noting that those summoned if bargained with appropriately can be the most powerful, if only weak natives can be called.

The following ritual is somewhat of of abjuration ritual, but being conjuration magic it is included here. This ritual is also one of the harders to supply parts for, as it require's the body part of a being of the same type or opposed to the being you are conjuring, making it only easy to do with daemons, as any material creature will do for them.

[[More details should you chose to summon a daemon]]

Final edit: Ok, that should be it for now. The list includes various creatures that can make pacts and can be of use, with rituals able to call anything you could rationally call, and it does include dragons [they can be extraplanar so I do include]

So, I need to know what you would like to call [yes you can call multiple], go by type [i.e demon, devil, fey [broken up by selie/unselie], giant [I do have rational. DC 12 planes check or DC 14 int check for the folk lore which doesn't usually exist], dragon, archon [and only archon for the angel/archon/CG angel like group], abberations, etc etc].

Eskil, you stated you wished to go warlock, would you like the standard class or one of the homebrews I have in the bottom of my extended sig, do note that you almost certainly will get the class slightly differently to what is presented, MrE I am keeping in mind that you wish to become a binder and I think I have a working method in my head.

2014-02-21, 07:40 PM
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1]

After looking at my options, I've decided on this warlock (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=324467).

As for what to summon...
I'm having a hard time deciding, but these groupings maybe?

Elemental Dragon Giant - Physical, Powerful

Devil Fey(Seelie) Archon - Alignment Spectrum

Abberation Undead Demon - Wrongness, Warlock

Erik Vale
2014-02-21, 08:02 PM
I did think that was the most potent personally, less personalization but it has flexibility and it makes bane blast useful, making virtrolic blast less vital, points to make though:

-Creator may not have added it in yet, but taking Extra Invocation, instead of granting you extra invocations known [which wouldn't normally work, because your supposed to know them all] add a extra daily invocation slot, this can be a EB one or a normal one... He didn't say you had to choose which type so I'll say it isn't a set type of slot either.
-Your invocation list will be altered somewhat with homebrew ones added/some main ones removed/altered/refluffed based on the pact. I will discuss with you any removals first though. [Similarly, MrE will gain access to some unusual vestiges, and quite possibly something beyond vestige bindings]
-You wont get homebrew invocations normally [in this case know all invocations is all main invocations], you will have to earn them. I will work on a feat that allows you to grab a number of approved [preferably linked thematically to main or just as the groupe] homebrew invocations to add to your list.
-DR and Fiendish resilience will change based on your type of pact, yes I know this is a biggie as a main class feature that you can normally expect, but I've always seen it as rather stupid that warlocks get fey resilience and infernal healing. If you go fiendish you'll get a DR more in line with fiends, if you go anything else, Fiendish Resilience will change for something, this something I am happy to discuss.

Anyhow for non-standard lore:

Giants are inherently magical creatures, all the way from the lowly ogre [which is pretty lowly] all the way to those colossal beings who take on ancient dragons. However, whilst one would simply think them huge if magical humanoids, they are actually a side branch of fey, where fey are creatures of trickery and grace, giants are creatures of near-elemental power, they don't 'slip in sideways', but break down the door and wall. The two types are close enough that they can get along, however much of the time the fight each other in a manner similar to elves and dwarves, leading giants to instead find connections with nature slightly differently in order to stay out of the others way. [You also know] Some also instead connect to other things, such as shadows, or rawer magic, having etched out their own sections of other planes rather than try to hold any part of the Fey Wylds.

So, Apparently the lowly apprentice knows a lot about fey/giants, at least as far as history/planar typing/etc goes.

Also, can summon as many or as few as you like.

2014-02-22, 06:04 AM
Rolling up some knowledge checks: Arcana [roll0] Religion [roll1]

Not sure what to with this next though :smallfrown:

Erik Vale
2014-02-22, 06:13 AM
Well, what would you like to boss around, an imp, some sort of elemental, a dragon [seriously, a dragon]?

Or more, what would someone who is powerhungry, when told that with little effort they can command the sort of creatures that are reknowned for being the bigger bada$$es on the block could be theirs to command, do? The dragons which raise farms out of boredom, the fey which are universally tributed, the demons that are slain only by the most valient of heroes, or angels that are shining beacons of light that could save a town from near on any threat, the giants that are watched for and one hopes to never find and the elementals, which are nature incarnate with all that says.

... The book does however suggest Elementals as easy to control once you have their attention, whilst being somewhat weaker than others, whilst still potentially incredibly dangerous.

2014-02-22, 07:30 AM
Well, what would you like to boss around, an imp, some sort of elemental, a dragon [seriously, a dragon]?

Or more, what would someone who is powerhungry, when told that with little effort they can command the sort of creatures that are reknowned for being the bigger bada$$es on the block could be theirs to command, do? The dragons which raise farms out of boredom, the fey which are universally tributed, the demons that are slain only by the most valient of heroes, or angels that are shining beacons of light that could save a town from near on any threat, the giants that are watched for and one hopes to never find and the elementals, which are nature incarnate with all that says.

... The book does however suggest Elementals as easy to control once you have their attention, whilst being somewhat weaker than others, whilst still potentially incredibly dangerous.

Well, Talia is pretty powerhungry... I think I'll try spirit binding first, as it seems most Binder-ish.

2014-02-22, 09:58 PM
I'll go for one each, of all nine that i posted, starting with Dragon.

Erik Vale
2014-02-22, 10:22 PM
Ok, this will take an hour. The nature of this invocation is such that it's more a sliding scale rather than success or fail, look if you want.

Arcarna: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
Planes: [roll2]
Diplomacy: [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]
Concentration: [roll5]

Edit: Knowledge Arcane or Planes to reveal dragon type DC 21. DC 18 Planes + DC 15 Arcane could be used instead. Assuming you don't wish to ask.

2014-02-23, 10:25 PM
I've got the skills, why not use them?
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1]

Edit: Because they'll do me no good, that's why.

2014-02-25, 07:21 AM
Knowledge Checks for dragon: Religion: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]

Erik Vale
2014-02-25, 02:15 PM
MrE: I just re-read my post, and realised I forgot to re-put in the part about him mocking you for thinking some random dude knows about some backwater in a huge multiverse [finicky post].

I'm going to do that... Soon. [Tired, morning posting/reading at the moment] Any chance I could get you to drop that last part.
Leaving the tab open to post shortly.

2014-02-25, 02:51 PM
MrE: I just re-read my post, and realised I forgot to re-put in the part about him mocking you for thinking some random dude knows about some backwater in a huge multiverse [finicky post].

I'm going to do that... Soon. [Tired, morning posting/reading at the moment] Any chance I could get you to drop that last part.
Leaving the tab open to post shortly.

Don't worry, edited it out. Could we get some more general knowledge about the world we're in? My difficulty right now is deciding what we can do with the dragon. Unless there is a city to conquer, or a king to overthrow, there aren't many targets for our summoned creatures.

Erik Vale
2014-02-25, 03:38 PM
The surrounding area contains some goblin and other 'monster' tribes, but goblins would be closest, there are other small towns along the trade road. The nearby cities are for the most part peaceful. I'm about to disapear and doing a last batch of posting, so more info this evening.

2014-02-25, 08:12 PM
Planes [roll1]
Religion [roll2]
Religion [roll3]
Religion [roll4]

...and a copy-paste template for later; [roll]1d20+1.

Making decisions and posts after check-results.

Edit: My plan was to conjure an entity to hear their best offer before dismissal.
Repeat eight times and then make a decision.

Should I roll Bluff to convey the covert message to Talia?

Erik Vale
2014-02-25, 08:40 PM
Only needed the first two, just to note.

Oh, Will be using Charisma check par Planar Binding.

Erik Vale
2014-02-26, 05:10 AM
Whilst I normally wouldn't say anything and let you be hoisted, I will remind you that you described your grandparents shuffling in a nearby room, so they would almost definitely closest [unless random chance has a bystander walking past the outside wall of your house, then one GP might be saved]

2014-02-26, 06:06 AM
Whilst I normally wouldn't say anything and let you be hoisted, I will remind you that you described your grandparents shuffling in a nearby room, so they would almost definitely closest [unless random chance has a bystander walking past the outside wall of your house, then one GP might be saved]

Ooooh, that's true (Talia's not super caring, so I'll chalk that up to her general disregard for other people). Now, putting them out of their misery s still better than killing two random people a year I think.

2014-02-26, 09:20 PM
It's way to late too be up, so I will make a post tomorrow, after sleeping. Sorry for the delay.

Edit: Hello? Everyone still here?

2014-03-05, 10:08 PM
It's been a number of days now, is the game still on-going?

Erik Vale
2014-03-05, 11:57 PM
It is... *checks IC again*
You may make a post controlling MrE's decision, I'll PM to request his presence or to let us know he's dropping out.

2014-03-06, 06:14 AM
Sorry guys, completely missed Eskil's post, so didn't think we were waiting on me :smallredface::smallfrown::smalleek:

2014-03-08, 09:29 PM
How do we dismiss Dev'horu?
And how do we ask for class features? Do we just say "give me warlock powers" or "make me a binder"?
Also the OOC-thread is located in the IC-subforum and vice-versa.

Erik Vale
2014-03-08, 11:26 PM
You could ask him to go or read the book.
The book says to tell him that you return him to his home existence, and that it's a very hard order to refuse.

And basically, it'd be grant me fiendish/fey/other powers, or 'grant me the power/knowledge to bind others/your kind. They'll tip you on it based on your line of questioning should you ask about what powers they'd grant and if you ask for slightly different ones.

As for that... Oops... I'd look to changing it but I don't think it should cause any problems. I'll fix it when/if threads go over to needing a new one.

2014-03-13, 07:23 PM
These posts take a lot longer to write than I would like.
I would like to say that my posting will pick up from now on, but I'll be away over the weekend.

2014-03-14, 07:57 AM
These posts take a lot longer to write than I would like.
I would like to say that my posting will pick up from now on, but I'll be away over the weekend.

As will I: I'm not back till Tuesday.