View Full Version : Alternate Frost Mage Capstone

2014-02-12, 06:41 PM
Alright, so I am currently playing a Frost Mage (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=793101), and I'm enjoying it. The class is solid and does what I want.

The problem I am facing is that, by virtue of my Frost Genasi race (Air Genasi trading Air for Cold subtype) I already have the Cold subtype, which is the capstone of Frost Mage. So, my DM said I could look for a template to replace it with.

So far, I've found the Boreal Creature (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/boreal-creature-cr-1) to backport from PF, but I'm a full caster who already has really good physicals. Boreal would give me 18/18/20on my physical stats

Does anyone on the Playground know of a good Cold/Ice/Air/Storm related template? 3.5 is the system, we backport from PF frequently, and I could probably talk in some homebrew if we can't find anything official.

EDIT: I suppose a quick explanation of my character would be helpful:

When he was 5, he got lost in a blizzard. Then the big bad ice witch of the area (who created the frostfell region) recast the Frostfell spell, turning him to ice. However, in the moment of transformation, something possessed the boy. The interaction of magic kept him alive, but also gave him aspects of the possessing thing (claws, the only physical aspect I took from the Draconic template). Recently, he acquired his talent for magic, and that process also drove out the spirit/demon/thing. So his body is made of ice.

2014-02-12, 06:47 PM
Psst. Wendigo. Fiend Folio. It's got some errata, I think, but is mostly as it is in the book. I'd be really interested if your DM would let you use it, because the flavor is triple-A, but there are significant role play and strategic drawbacks (just read it, you'll see what I mean).

If the DM would handwave ice beast, that would be pretty cool. That's also from Frostburn, and would have some cool flavor.

Finally, I have always been a fan of anything that grants transformation into an elemental. Just a simple type change would be pretty sweet, in-line with the flavor of the PrC, and awesome-looking to boot (you are made of elemental ice).

2014-02-12, 06:49 PM
I'd look to the elemental bloodline (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines-from-paizo/elemental-bloodline) for inspiration. The 20th level ability would probably work fine. As an alternative, I'd say that you could reduce the cost of the piercing cold feat to +0 as a the capstone.

Jeff the Green
2014-02-12, 07:02 PM
How about orglash from Unapproachable east, except gaining the air subtype since you already have the cold subtype?

2014-02-12, 07:04 PM
I looked at ice beast and wasn't really a fan. Same objection i have to Boreal Creature.

I took Easy Metamagic (Piercing Cold) already, making it a 0 adjustment.

Wendigo is interesting, but again, it's more a template for a brawler/melee class.

Originally I was going to apply orglash to the air genasi, but it was too op then (Cone of Cold 3x day) and is a bit underwhelming at the level I would get it (Cone of Cold 3x day and +4 Con as a capstone is a bit lame)

I suppose a quick explanation of my character would be helpful:

When he was 5, he got lost in a blizzard. Then the big bad ice witch of the area (who created the frostfell region) recast the Frostfell spell, turning him to ice. However, in the moment of transformation, something possessed the boy. The interaction of magic kept him alive, but also gave him aspects of the possessing thing (claws, the only physical aspect I took from the Draconic template). Recently, he acquired his talent for magic, and that process also drove out the spirit/demon/thing. So his body is made of ice (my frost genasi race).

I'll paste this in the OP as well.

2014-02-12, 07:12 PM
I'd argue that wendigo is straight up better for a caster than a combat-oriented type. Sure, as a caster some of what you get is less useful. But I'd argue that regeneration, Dex+8, wind walk at will as a move action, and Fly 120 (perfect), Cha-mod to AC as a deflection bonus are pretty much useful, period. Also, boost to Con. Really, aside from lacking an Int-bonus if a wizard, there really isn't much else you could ask for.

Finally, HD changing to d6 makes this template semi-suicidal for anyone engaging in direct combat, whereas it might be a good idea for a straight wizard or something.

But it might be difficult for the DM to swallow what appears to be a +4 LA template, lol.

2014-02-12, 07:25 PM
We've dealt with dread necro's before, and nothing can reach me anyways (I focus on walls for days).

I'll be honest, the dealbreaker for me is the loss of my ground speed. I currently combo Ice Skate with Path of Frost and Frozone it around the battlefield

Cha mod to AC isn't that useful when I only have a +2 (post template).

I'm not arguing that it isn't a good template, it's just far from what I'm looking for. Also, the nature of Wendigo is pretty evil (including a lot of the abilities), and I'm already on thin ice with the party (the character is mildly sociopathic)

2014-02-12, 07:49 PM
Then perhaps the Half-Water Elemental template from Manual of the Planes? Keep in mind, it was heavily updated in the conversion from 3.0 to 3.5. Still, grants some interesting abilities and useful SLAs.

2014-02-12, 08:10 PM
Actually, Manual of the Planes was barely touched in the updated.

Also, THAT is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Thank you Phelix!

2014-02-12, 10:04 PM
According to my source...

Half-Elementals: Half-elementals gain skills and feats as the
base creature. They gain the relevant elemental subtype (Earth, Air,
Fire, or Water), but no other special qualities. They gain the spelllike
abilities listed in the relevant table. They have a level adjustment
of +3.

Which is fairly the same for all substantive points, losing only the poorly written disease immunity and the bonus to Fort saves v poison. Sadly, the LA is increased by one.:smallannoyed:

2014-02-12, 10:24 PM
I took Easy Metamagic (Piercing Cold) already, making it a 0 adjustment.

I feel obligated to point out that this does not work. Easy Metamagic specifies that it cannot "reduce the spell-slot cost below one level higher than the spell's actual level."

That aside, could I suggest cribbing the capstone of Elemental Savant and applying it to a medium ice paraelemental? It would be less disruptive than a template and still extremely fun.

2014-02-13, 08:53 AM
Well, LA is ignored as it is a class feature (if that isn't normal it should be). I'll probably use half air elemental with a modified SLA list.

Also, where did you find that? I went to the WotC errata page and the only change in MotP was the usual Alter Self to Change Shape stuff for Dao and Marids.

@Zamiel: DM is letting me do this, since I'm playing a Frost Mage in a Frostfell campaign. Which, ironically, is where Frost Mages are weakest.

As far as stealing the Elemental Savant capstone, I looked it over, and again, it's just underwhelming. +4NA, an icicle attack (made in melee, where I already have claws), and Chill Metal.

2014-02-13, 08:39 PM
The update is part of the 3.5 update file for MotP. You should be able to find it online...I'm pretty sure that I got my copy from WotC's site.

Karnith would know. Incidentally, there were important updates to Fiend Folio, MM2, Epic Level Handbook, and one or two other books (like Deities and Demigods) that were 3.0 vintage. I can try to dig up some links for you, if you are still having trouble finding a source.

2014-02-13, 09:38 PM
Okay, it's the Update Accessory Booklet. I went to the Official WotC updates (where they do errata).