View Full Version : Refluffing common magical items as technology

2014-02-13, 07:18 AM
I'm running a character in a tech-based game. I'm playing an Artificer, refluffed as using technology over magic in most cases. I've come up with several items converted over to technology, such as Boots of levitation being anti-gravity boots, helm of comprehend languages being a programmable helmet that translates using built in circuitry, not magic. Any ideas for popular or interesting items and how they could be converted to technology would be appreciated.

2014-02-13, 07:24 AM
Healing potions as Nanobots

Wands as ray guns

just about any see invisibility/true seeing item being a full spectrum analysis visor.

2014-02-13, 11:17 AM
Cold/Shock/Flame/and Burst versions of weapons all powered by battery pack attached to the weapon they are apart of.

Invisibility is a "cloaking device" or "light refractor."

Even mundane reach weapons could have a hydraulic extension mechanism to "give" them reach.

Mage hand or Telekinesis like spells cause items to be under a "controlled gravity modification effect" for "hand of the mage" like items.

Fireball or various "explosive" things could fall under a device that compresses the space in which the explosions are contained, then are released to detonate. "Stasis fields" work well here too. A infant explosion held in a field of stasis then released upon the desired point of impact. etc. As in necklace of fireballs.

Wand of Magic missiles (or any other magic projectile) could be a pistol. Staves could be rifles. (That only fire magic, etc etc.)

… okay, i'm stopping now. :/ I could go on all day. lol. I'm about to start running a game that is doing something kind of similar.

2014-02-13, 01:44 PM
Not that it strictly matters. Wizards, Clerics, and Druids are all just technology experts, and magic items are consumer technology. Wizard equals computer programmer, Fighter equals guy with a computer who can install and use off the rack software. The PHB/DMG/SRD are physics books. It's a nifty parlor trick that you can badly duplicate a cantrip by grinding some expensive glass, but it isn't really important and we learn a lot more from exploring the actual planes of the building blocks of reality and interviews with the entities that literally built the universe to begin with.

2014-02-13, 02:02 PM
melee weapons with force enchant = Lightsabers
Ranged weapons with force enchant = Laser pistols, phaser guns etc
fly spell is now a backpack, or better a Jetpack!
spells that summon mounts now summon motorbikes
bracelets of web/entangle/use rope = the bracelets spiderman uses (comics version)
craft sign pins of stone or marble and use Speaking Stones, permanency & a trigger (touch) to have Star treck "walkie talkies" .
a portable gizmo like that in star treck that doctors use in tv series (it casts status,detect magic/poison etc etc) and another gizmo that casts remove disease,cure spells,lesser restoration etc etc)
tenser's floating disk is now a hoverboard (Back to the future)

hmm.. i ll add more later.. maybe.. i think...

2014-02-13, 02:03 PM
Healing potions = med packs that release nanobots.
Ring of Protection = portable force field generator.
Bracers of Armor = bracers that expand into lightweight armored plates when donned (Iron Man style).
Brilliant Energy weapons = lightsabers.
Hat of Disguise = creates a very thin hologram over your body. Can apply to illusionists in general.
Brooch of Shielding = as Ring of Protection, but with added tech to neutralize incoming force projectiles.
Cloak of the Bat = Batman-style cape.
Bag of Holding = mouth of the bag produces an object shrinking/growing field; the bag can hold a certain amount of mass.
Dancing weapons = they come equipped with microthrusters that allow them to float and fight.

This is fun.

2014-02-13, 04:33 PM
How about some of the simpler ones :

Light spell + hollow tube = Flashlight.
Blindness spell = Can of Mace.
Shocking Grasp = Tazer
Bull's Strength = Steroids
Bear's Endurance = Shot of Adrenaline :D
Ice Storm = Snow Blower ? :smalleek: (ok, that's one a stretch ...)

2014-02-13, 04:41 PM
Keen - monoblade
Impact - pneumatic
Robe of eyes - multiangle camera suit?
Nipple clamps of exquisite pain (oh yeah we're going here! also I may have messed up the name) - neuro implant
Goggles of whatever - probably could just stay goggles of whatever actually.
Daern's Instant Fortress - Transformers....,sorta.
Apparatus of Kawalsh (sp?) - uhh.....doesn't really need it.

Deck of many things - Deck of many things. Something are perfect just the way they are :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-13, 04:55 PM
Pyrotechnics -> Flashbang.
Everburning Torch -> Fusion-powered Lightbulb?

Fireball or various "explosive" things could fall under a device that compresses the space in which the explosions are contained, then are released to detonate. "Stasis fields" work well here too. A infant explosion held in a field of stasis then released upon the desired point of impact. etc. As in necklace of fireballs.

I'd just fluff Necklace of Fireballs as a miniature grenade bandolier.

Fireball: High-explosive.
Cold Sub: Flash-freeze device.
Electricity Sub: Lightning Grenade.