View Full Version : Setting Riff: World of Half-Dragons

2014-02-13, 01:37 PM
The basic idea is that a long time ago this plane (somewhat like the material plane) was hit by some waveforce that turned everything (except true dragons) that could take the template into half-dragons. True dragons won't become half-dragons. They are dragony enough!

Some thoughts: Some types of undead would be rare to nonexistent (as they spawn off of humanoids). Ditto for lycanthropes. If I just use the "basic 10" dragons then alignments will tend to be polarized, but I could nose around for other dragon types. Also, races that tend to be in the same area as some dragons would tend to adopt the alignment of that dragon when they half-dragon up. So high elves and wood elves become the new "bad guy" green elves, but orcs go bronze.

Everything is stronger. And raids into other lands would be kinda "rocket tag" if they are not compatible in their immunities, given everyone's 1x/day 6d8 breath weapon. This might keep most people within a certain area except for raiders (and heroic PCs!)

The pantheon would be the Dragon gods (I think there are nine of them).

I am not sure if half-dragons can be vegetarians but if they can, it might be a good idea for the good ones, as most animals get an int upgrade to sapience.

Maybe I will leave non-intelligent beings like oozes and vermin alone, so at least they could be eaten ethically by meat eaters (well the vermin - I wouldn't try it with an ooze).

2014-02-13, 09:13 PM
A Dragon or "subdragon" permitted only plane is not a bad idea but I would definitely make the ecology as divers as possible even if are all lizard like. Keep in mind there are many levels on intelligent in creatures that are dragon / drake like. Some no smarter then beast. For a plane of existence to be believable it's best to offer players details and explanation as to how or why the world is the way you describe it.

Alignment will also be an issue because most will be able to determine this simply by spicial profiling (AKA racism). Keep in mind that unless it is a subtype "the words in brackets like this = [Evil]" then it is only a suggest alignment. Not all monsters follow the basic stereotypes.