View Full Version : Help making a pathfinder druid

2014-02-13, 02:20 PM
I need help making a pathfinder druid that will focus on shifting forms.
Also would consider making him a cat burglar, literally.

2014-02-13, 02:52 PM
a little more information on what you are trying to accomplish might be helpful, but i am guessing that you want to use wildshape forms to help with a sneaky, scouting build. one of the problems is that unlike 3.5, wildshape does not give you the physical stats of your new form, so there is a good chance that your build will be MAD. one useful resource for thinking about scouting in general is jaronk's guide. it is 3.5, but the principles still apply.


here are some choices for a druid build that might help with scouting, and might be worth thinking about

1. menhir savant- can give you detection and escape in addition to buffing any of your spells as a really great extra

2. i expect that you will choose a domain instead of animal companion. something like the panther domain would help ou with detection and ablative defenses. also ties in with the cat motif