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View Full Version : [PF]Question about Touch of Truthtelling

2014-02-14, 02:27 AM
This spell functions like zone of truth, except as noted above.

The holy symbol of the associated god appears above the head of the target so all present can see that he is affected by the spell.

It means caster can know about saving throw result? or just about spell resistance.

If first one is right, i think it's too powerfull spell.

2014-02-14, 02:39 AM
It just means that it changes from an emanation into a single target, and yes, that there's a holy symbol above their head.

When it says 'Like Spell X, except for above,' it means exactly like spell X. Unless it specifies a change (In this case, Spell Resistance:No, or Saving Throw:No) then everything remains the same.

2014-02-14, 03:14 AM
Note the SRD version is slightly modified to avoid naming Abadar (it's originally Abadar's Truthtelling and requires worshiping a Abadar. Not that that mitigates the effects on the world given how clerics of Abadar are so ingrained into the legal world, but it is worth remembering for a PC), but yes, it does let people know if a save was passed, making it better than the higher level equivalent.

2014-02-14, 04:30 AM
If first one is right, i think it's too powerfull spell.

The first one is right, and no, it's not too powerful. Zone of truth is the spell that's messed up here, since it's useless for any practical purpose. It should provide certainty, but cannot in any circumstances.