View Full Version : Doubts regarding frenzied bezerker and invisible attackers

2014-02-14, 01:23 PM
Hi playground!

In the adventure I'm playing with some friends we have a frenzied beserker, I'm curious about one thing: If he is attacked by an invisible enemy it will trigger his "hulk smash frenzy", does he swing blindly trying to catch the invisible enemy that's hitting him or will he try to split in half his closest companion?

Thanks :D

2014-02-14, 01:26 PM
raw is they attack the closest creature, not the closest creature they can see. at the very least, they are aware of the invisible creature if it attacked them, so they won't ignore it for a target further away, although it would be a little more iffy if they had not been aware of the creature that attacked them.

2014-02-14, 01:33 PM
If the invisible creature is significant enough plot-wise to be aware of the Berserker's flaws, they might have some options. Hiding has a significant penalty if used while attacking, but invisibility provides a significant bonus to hiding. IIRC there's also a skill trick that may be of some use in keeping the Berserker unaware of the attack's source. So just invisibility wouldn't be enough to make the Berserker attack friendlies, but invisibility+other abilities might.

2014-02-14, 01:37 PM
Ah I see, thanks a lot guys :).

The bezerker almost killed one of our party mates 10 minutes into an adventure, some stones collapsed from the top of the cave, he failed the damn save, while at the same time the floor opened below us and we fell in a hole....not nice being trapped in a hole with a frenzied bezerker about to go mad xD

2014-02-14, 08:46 PM
So nobody warned you about FB's before you allowed it in your game?

That class seriously needs an "advanced play groups only" warning stamped right across the example character's picture in big bold letters.

2014-02-14, 08:57 PM
Buddy of mine played one in a game once. He had the inn burned down around him from the party Cleric who finally had enough of his Frenzy.

2014-02-14, 09:48 PM
A friend of mine wanted to play one a long time ago, in an evil campaign.

He got shocked by a trapped ladder or something and turned on the blackguard behind him....who promptly sheared him in half with a huge crit.

And so ended the berserker experiment.

2014-02-14, 09:53 PM
So nobody warned you about FB's before you allowed it in your game?

That class seriously needs an "advanced play groups only" warning stamped right across the example character's picture in big bold letters.

We knew the class was like that but it gives some unexpected role play scenarios which we find nice to play out. For example, we all have some spell or item prepared to slow him down, in case our friend misses his will save :p

2014-02-14, 10:35 PM
Thats what my cleric friend said. Much roleplay later and he stomped a mudhole in fb