View Full Version : TV Fairy Tail Thread 3: Demon-ex Machinus

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2014-02-14, 02:55 PM
Oh man we're on three threads of this.

Let us resume discussion regarding Fairy Tail!

Forum Explorer
2014-02-14, 03:02 PM
So this new chapter has managed to get me legitimately excited even though it didn't surprise me. So that's weird.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-02-14, 03:06 PM
So this new chapter has managed to get me legitimately excited even though it didn't surprise me. So that's weird.

That's because the execution went back up. We all know FT will truimph, its all about how they look while doing it.

Or least that's how it is for me.

2014-02-14, 03:13 PM
That's because the execution went back up. We all know FT will truimph, its all about how they look while doing it.

It's kinda like Hellsing in that regard.

2014-02-14, 03:19 PM
It's kinda like Hellsing in that regard.

Isn't that kind of true for all shonen? Or even all shows, period...

Yeah, I suspected Lisanna was dressed because she used one of her costumes... She STILL could have used something that's more than a bikini after being naked so long :smalltongue:

I forgot who asked in regards to Erza...

I'm pretty sure it wasn't her sword. Natsu and Lisanna got it from ??? and helped Erza escape, then lay in wait for another demon.

I don't really mind Cana saving the day it's just... a bit too convenient. Or feels that way, at least.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-02-14, 03:26 PM
Isn't that kind of true for all shonen? Or even all shows, period...

Of course.

I don't really mind Cana saving the day it's just... a bit too convenient. Or feels that way, at least.

Well when there's only five seconds its pretty much has to be be total BS to actually work.

I'm just glad it came from a second stringer in this case. And wasn't say Markarov's Worfing for the arc.

2014-02-15, 12:09 AM
I will agree that it was nice to see Cana get a bit more use of her abilities without the craziness of the S-Rank exam or the Tournament. Only thing I don't get is why she didn't just seal the explosive in a card but maybe it just doesn't work that way (and it'd leave the guild intact, can't go an arc with that happening).

It's a neat little trick that let Mira Jane get loose even if it is absurdly convenient and I'm a little disappointed that Lisanna and Natsu nabbed the demon like that, it seemed they'd be a little smarter than that and realize "hmm... big hole in the wall and no prisoner, maybe I ought to report this" but I guess the overlord list can't ever make it into an actual story.

Fiery Diamond
2014-02-15, 01:26 AM
I know I haven't been posting much, but I predicted (offline) that Cana would save the day the instant she noticed something was up with Elfman. I was not the least surprised and didn't feel it was an asspull at all.

Also: Erza did get turned into a card when the other dude used that magic when it was first introduced. How could you forget that? That's literally how they got her from the resort to the Tower.

This chapter was significantly better than the last several have been, I have to say.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-02-15, 10:08 AM
I will agree that it was nice to see Cana get a bit more use of her abilities without the craziness of the S-Rank exam or the Tournament. Only thing I don't get is why she didn't just seal the explosive in a card but maybe it just doesn't work that way (and it'd leave the guild intact, can't go an arc with that happening).

You answered your own question, the mistake was thinking that magic would just be so convenient.

Though it could work that way from a blank perspective where anything goes... because its blank anything goes here. Its meaningless to compare any two of the infinite options, because reducing it to that is nothing more then personal bias. There's no reason it must work that way and expecting it is just a false assumption with no validity.

You invented your nominal issue.

Remember the "logical" resolution was everyone dies like pathetic animals.

2014-02-15, 10:15 AM
I know I haven't been posting much, but I predicted (offline) that Cana would save the day the instant she noticed something was up with Elfman. I was not the least surprised and didn't feel it was an asspull at all.

Also: Erza did get turned into a card when the other dude used that magic when it was first introduced. How could you forget that? That's literally how they got her from the resort to the Tower.

It's been a while, but I thought that she surrendered and didn't resist because all those other people were also turned into cards, thereby implying that she could have resisted had she chosen to.

2014-02-15, 02:31 PM
I am really looking forward to a confrontation between Grey and Silver. Anxious even...

2014-02-15, 03:26 PM
Excelent chapter, its good to see fairy tail going on the offense, and the enemies realization that all their plans were badly twarted.

Given how badly they misscalculated, my prediction for the next events is:

That the activation of the white legacy/face will fail, because it was created to absorb all the magic of the world, but due to the ending of the Edolas arc, when Mystogan sent all the magic from that world to FT's dimension, it will overload and explode due to that extra magic around - and only Fairy Tail members know about it. Alternatively, all the natural magic of that world will disapear, but the excess of magic will allow FT members, who already had Mystogan give them that pill to activate their magic in Edolas, to keep fighting

2014-02-23, 07:17 PM
So, since I was busy on Friday and forgot about it I nearly missed the new chapter. And my usual reminder which is this thread didn't move either. Shame on you, people :smalltongue:

On the other hand not too much happening. Erza kicking some demon around for revenge (why did she start telling her their plan, though? :smallconfused:, Erza piercing the eff-ing island while the fairies are fighting and finally Zeref showing up, the creator/author/??? of the demons. I swear, if Hiro goes all meta on us with this Book of Zeref thing... But that would be pretty unusual.

2014-02-24, 11:30 AM
Yeah, sorry, I didn't even see the chapter update!

Anyway, this chapter is...well, not a lot happens, as said. Erza shows us how strong she is, yay I guess.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-02-24, 12:32 PM
Probably says a lot about me that I find punching through a couple hundred yards of flying island only modestly impressive.

Although I guess its more a choreography thing...

2014-02-24, 02:55 PM
I'm legitimately interested to see what's up with Zeref.

He didn't seem particularly LOL I DESTROY WORLD prone last time we saw him.

Right now I'm waffling between the last Zeref we saw being some kind of time travel/clone (meaning there are 2 of them kicking around), or Zeref is playing host to a Demon Lord, but neither the Demon nor Zeref can totally shut the other out, so they're trapped cycling control of the body back and forth between them.

Which would explain why Zeref wanted Natsu to kill him - that was HumanZeref hoping he could end BOTH of them.

Which, come to think of it, might be why they're trying to trigger Face - the demons have already stated that they will be unaffected, so presumably, if magic is destroyed, HumanZeref would lose the power to fight DemonZeref anymore, leaving Demon in total control.

2014-02-24, 02:57 PM
Huh, that makes a lot of sense, actually.

Also, for whatever reason, I think Zeref looks like Romeo. So maybe, and this is just a completely out of left field guess, maybe Romeo is the past version of Zeref? So, with magic all destroyed, he has to develop the Curses to cast magic. Stable time loop!

Soras Teva Gee
2014-02-24, 03:32 PM
Nah clearly Zeref is the Edolas version of Romeo... :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-25, 04:53 PM
I really would it put down to Hrio not having that many face things... though, after the last time travel thing I wouldn't be surprised if some of this turns out to be true :smalltongue:

I'll pose a counter theory to Olinser's: Zeref wants to use Face mainly to seal his own magic so he can't accidentally destroy the world. I'm not sure about the demon thing... I don't think we ever saw any clear indication of that, allthough since Zeref was created by absorbing too much dragon power.. Wait, no, that was Acnologia. Er, anyway, Zeref never seemed evil just like he lost control of his powers and rather wanted to die than anything else.. So while I guess there should be other ways for him to get rid of his magic maybe that's what he is going for and he is just using his demons for it? I guess they are loyal enough to him so he can keep them in check... somehow.

Silva Stormrage
2014-02-26, 01:52 AM
I really would it put down to Hrio not having that many face things... though, after the last time travel thing I wouldn't be surprised if some of this turns out to be true :smalltongue:

I'll pose a counter theory to Olinser's: Zeref wants to use Face mainly to seal his own magic so he can't accidentally destroy the world. I'm not sure about the demon thing... I don't think we ever saw any clear indication of that, allthough since Zeref was created by absorbing too much dragon power.. Wait, no, that was Acnologia. Er, anyway, Zeref never seemed evil just like he lost control of his powers and rather wanted to die than anything else.. So while I guess there should be other ways for him to get rid of his magic maybe that's what he is going for and he is just using his demons for it? I guess they are loyal enough to him so he can keep them in check... somehow.

He did recently declare war on humanity and declare that it would be a "One sided massacre". So not sure if he is still in his, "I want to die" mode.

2014-02-26, 06:57 AM
He did recently declare war on humanity and declare that it would be a "One sided massacre". So not sure if he is still in his, "I want to die" mode.

Sorry, I totally forgot about that scene :smallredface:

2014-03-02, 03:17 PM
New chapter! And hmm...

First of all, the specificity of "you will have to choose to let him live or to kill him" is REALLY interesting. Like, I'm genuinely curious where this will go.

That aside this chapter is boring and bad. Oh no 41 minutes, such a specific number I'm sure we won't end with only a few seconds left. Also it's time for Lucy and Wendy to not win a fight that they should be able to win because they're on the same level of Fairy Tail and as we've clearly seen Tartaros is actually kind of **** compared to them.

2014-03-02, 04:09 PM
First of all, the specificity of "you will have to choose to let him live or to kill him" is REALLY interesting. Like, I'm genuinely curious where this will go.

Well.. Zeref is certainly getting more and more intriguing, none the least what he actually is, and why he is creating demons.

That aside this chapter is boring and bad. Oh no 41 minutes, such a specific number I'm sure we won't end with only a few seconds left. Also it's time for Lucy and Wendy to not win a fight that they should be able to win because they're on the same level of Fairy Tail and as we've clearly seen Tartaros is actually kind of **** compared to them.

This part confuses me though, do you mean win a fight they should not win?
Because what we have seen so far is that the named members of Tartarous is insanely bad news.
Laxus was able to smack one of them around because he might very well be the strongest light wizard around, and Natsu managed a victory in a fight that were strongly stacked in his favor, but else the rest of the fights have been in Tartarous's favor.

2014-03-02, 06:58 PM
I'm honestly of the opinion that Lucy and Wendy should be able to beat this demon without much problem. But they won't cause they're the damsel's in distress.

2014-03-02, 07:49 PM
Fair enough..
I on the other hand think that Erza and Mira might be able to scrape along a narrow victory against their named opponents, after what we have seen from the rest of them.

And since i also believes that both of them would crush Lucy and Wendy if they got serious, then i cant see any way they would be winning outside of luck.

2014-03-04, 08:45 AM
I think I'm more inclined to agree with Zodiac. We hardly know anything about whether or not the power scale among the demons is really uniform. Their opponent might be levels weaker than the ones Laxus and Natsu fought. And Laxus almost curb stomped his opponent, where Natsu didn't really have a huge advantage and still managed to win. Don't get me wrong, the demons are likely powerful enough but not as much as they boast to be.

Zeref's line there... meh. Likely it's just a matter of being merciful or ridding the world of evil? And because Natsu is Natsu he won't kill anyone for sure... I'm not really anxious about it, I'll have to admit.

2014-03-04, 09:13 AM
I feel like we're gonna get a situation where it's like "End can be your greatest ally. But he killed Igneel, and is a giant ****. Are you willing to let this person, who will make defeating me super easy, live despite all the terrible things he's done. Or will you kill him, despite all the good things he has done, and all the good traits he DOES have."

2014-03-04, 11:41 AM
I think I'm more inclined to agree with Zodiac. We hardly know anything about whether or not the power scale among the demons is really uniform. Their opponent might be levels weaker than the ones Laxus and Natsu fought. And Laxus almost curb stomped his opponent, where Natsu didn't really have a huge advantage and still managed to win. Don't get me wrong, the demons are likely powerful enough but not as much as they boast to be.

But.. in that case it will then either turn out that this demon is relatively weak, and they will defeat it, or else its as strong as everyone else we have seen, and they will lose simply from being outmatched :smallconfused:

2014-03-07, 05:53 AM
New chapter

So, actually some fairly decent action here, all in all.
Things are moving ahead, and we does get an additional hint towards Gray being the son of Silver.

2014-03-07, 06:32 AM
@ earlier: Well, they didn't fight but one of two was going to be the result... We know Wendy and Lucy are weaker than then big guns and FT kind of lost its idea of Rock-Paper-Scissors opposed to "MORE DAKKA" long ago.

Things are moving ahead, and we does get an additional hint towards Gray being the son of Silver.

No, no, no, I will never accept it :smalltongue:

I guess we don't get to see the hinted at battle, too bad. Natsu gets ANOTHER demon to fight, albeit with an interesting skill, I guess...
Huh, Natsu... seriously thinking Mira needs rescue from anything. How naive.

I guess the one interesting question for next week is: Whose soul has demon guy whose name I don't care to remember? The only sensible thing I can come up with is ex-chairman but that would be kind of lame...

2014-03-07, 10:15 AM
So am I right in thinking that this 'most powerful soul'.

Appears to be Atlas Flame's soul?

2014-03-07, 10:46 AM
Yeah, it's Atlas Flame's soul. Which is THE WORST THING TO DO NATSU EATS FIRE OH MY GLOB.

Also why isn't this demon guy doing his weird counter moves anymore?

2014-03-07, 10:58 AM
Yeah, it's Atlas Flame's soul. Which is THE WORST THING TO DO NATSU EATS FIRE OH MY GLOB.

Also why isn't this demon guy doing his weird counter moves anymore?

Probably because

His ability appears to be soul absorption, not really combat related in itself.

The whole 'counter moves' thing was simply the ability of whatever soul he was using at the time.

Which makes sense if you think about it. Presumably the counter soul was his 'walking around soul', that let him feel out whatever opponent he was fighting before he switched to an appropriate soul to give him an advantage over his opponent.

2014-03-07, 11:52 AM
Probably because

His ability appears to be soul absorption, not really combat related in itself.

The whole 'counter moves' thing was simply the ability of whatever soul he was using at the time.

Which makes sense if you think about it. Presumably the counter soul was his 'walking around soul', that let him feel out whatever opponent he was fighting before he switched to an appropriate soul to give him an advantage over his opponent.

Considering the fact that he WON when using that, why isn't he using it now?

2014-03-07, 12:21 PM
So am I right in thinking that this 'most powerful soul'.

Thats rather unlikely, since he were nowhere near when this person died.

2014-03-07, 02:23 PM
Considering the fact that he WON when using that, why isn't he using it now?

I think you need to go back and re-read the fight.

While he was able to survive Natsu's beatdown, and surprised him with that strength-draining move, he wasn't anywhere CLOSE to winning. Silver was the one that beat him.

2014-03-07, 02:32 PM
Thats rather unlikely, since he were nowhere near when this person died.
I'll have to agree on that one...

Considering the fact that he WON when using that, why isn't he using it now?
Stop assuming everything these guys do has to be sensible :smalltongue:

2014-03-07, 02:37 PM
Thats rather unlikely, since he were nowhere near when this person died.

The flaming mountain was apparently Atlas Flame.

Silver froze him. Ergo, Soul Steal Demon (does he have a name yet? I don't remember) was very likely in the vicinity when it happened, and able to absorb at least some of his power.

We still have no idea exactly how the soul stealing works.

I think its very likely that in their last encounter, when Natsu commented his strength was draining, that was his powers being drained/copied.

Even if he didn't get all of it, even 1/4-1/2 of a Dragon's full power is more powerful than all but a handful of mages.

Either that, OR

These demons were apparently around hundreds of years ago when Zeref was still active. i.e. he may have been the one that killed Atlas Flame to begin with.

2014-03-07, 03:06 PM
I think you need to go back and re-read the fight.

While he was able to survive Natsu's beatdown, and surprised him with that strength-draining move, he wasn't anywhere CLOSE to winning. Silver was the one that beat him.

...right, my bad :smallredface:

2014-03-07, 06:52 PM
So am I right in thinking that this 'most powerful soul'.

Appears to be Atlas Flame's soul?

I dunno, it kinda reminds me of Hades. But that seems likely as well.

2014-03-07, 07:45 PM
These demons were apparently around hundreds of years ago when Zeref was still active. i.e. he may have been the one that killed Atlas Flame to begin with.

If... he had been killed hundreds of years ago then who was it Silver accidentially froze, mistaking it for a devil?

And who would have kept watch over the village all those years?

I really think there are far.. far to many holes in the Flame theory.

2014-03-07, 10:42 PM
If... he had been killed hundreds of years ago then who was it Silver accidentially froze, mistaking it for a devil?

And who would have kept watch over the village all those years?

I really think there are far.. far to many holes in the Flame theory.

I think you're confused - Atlas Flame was already dead when Silver froze him. Which is probably why he mistook him for a demon, btw.

It was stated flat out that he had died (unspecified cause of death), and the Eternal Flame at the mountain was just his spirit, and that his flames had been burning for 400 years. Which, by the way, was the exact period of time since Zeref was active.

Either the Demon was the one that actually killed Atlas Flame in the past, or simply absorbed his powers either in the past, or at the mountain when Silver froze him.

We also have absolutely no indication of exactly how the Demon's absorption powers actually work.

He may be able to partially absorb powers, or absorb powers without actually killing/destroying the relevant entity. Which would explain why Atlas Flame's spirit was present, but incredibly weak, when they encountered him at the mountain.

Or it is a poor translation, and when he kills somebody and absorbs their powers, their spirit isn't actually absorbed.

2014-03-08, 06:27 AM
Fair enough, i apperently missed a detail in some translation somewhere, though Atlas Flame having died some hundred years ago, and had his spirit linger on as a flaming mountain still only patches a single of the very large holes in the theory.

Because so far from what we have seen of the demon, then it consumes everything.. and had it eaten Atlas then there would not have been spirit or body left to speak with Natsu.

2014-03-09, 08:49 AM
I've still got to agree with khaine. While it makes a bit more sense with the new input it still seems like only a possibility... why would he use a flame dragon against someone who eats flames? We'll see next week, I guess.

btw, not entirely sure if it's new but I can't recall reading it: Special chapter 3 is out. Just a little story about Frog getting lost. With some pool pictures and Rogue pulling an Adam West on Yukino. Nothing great I guess but it is there...

2014-03-09, 10:35 AM
I've still got to agree with khaine. While it makes a bit more sense with the new input it still seems like only a possibility... why would he use a flame dragon against someone who eats flames? We'll see next week, I guess.

btw, not entirely sure if it's new but I can't recall reading it: Special chapter 3 is out. Just a little story about Frog getting lost. With some pool pictures and Rogue pulling an Adam West on Yukino. Nothing great I guess but it is there...

Either A) the demon isn't aware he can eat flames and is just grabbing his most powerful soul because he's pissed or B) he's corrupted the flames somehow and Natsu won't be able to eat them/suffer serious side effects from eating them.

I think A) is most likely. Jackal was pretty shocked when Natsu ate the flames from his explosions. Fattie may be trying to pull a, "Screw you, MY FLAMES ARE STRONGER!!!" kind of thing.

EDIT - also, I'm not claiming that it's 100% Atlas Flame for sure. But it makes a certain amount of sense, and I have yet to hear anybody else present any reasonable counter idea.

2014-03-14, 04:19 AM
Aaaand the mystery got solved...

Whoever mentioned Hades gets the cookie.

Overall... Natsu is pretty hard pressed and so seem the others to be (the guy even eats magic, yummy) Demons admit to being pretty much biological weapons...

Next week we get Wendy vs octopus guy... and I like the fairies being at least kind of on the ropes. I hope their comeback won't be just willpower.

2014-03-14, 05:54 AM
God dammit, i seriously hope their comeback will just be in the shape of backup from the other guilds..
The real power of friendship is not having to fight a 1 vs 1 against a wastly superior opponent.

2014-03-14, 08:27 AM
Aaaand the mystery got solved...

Whoever mentioned Hades gets the cookie.

Overall... Natsu is pretty hard pressed and so seem the others to be (the guy even eats magic, yummy) Demons admit to being pretty much biological weapons...

Next week we get Wendy vs octopus guy... and I like the fairies being at least kind of on the ropes. I hope their comeback won't be just willpower.

God dammit, i seriously hope their comeback will just be in the shape of backup from the other guilds..
The real power of friendship is not having to fight a 1 vs 1 against a wastly superior opponent.

I agree with the two of you so far. But I know Fairy Tail, this is going to go exactly where we don't want it to.

The only restraint, the ONLY restraint, Fairy Tail has, is that it's done very hard not to sexualize Wendy. She's now fighting a lion man full of tentacles. I'm hoping Fairy Tail manages to keep up it's streak of not sexualizing children please oh god this streak is already broken because of Loli Erza.

2014-03-14, 08:38 AM
I agree with the two of you so far. But I know Fairy Tail, this is going to go exactly where we don't want it to.

The only restraint, the ONLY restraint, Fairy Tail has, is that it's done very hard not to sexualize Wendy. She's now fighting a lion man full of tentacles. I'm hoping Fairy Tail manages to keep up it's streak of not sexualizing children please oh god this streak is already broken because of Loli Erza.

i think they'll keep that streak, or i really hope so

2014-03-14, 10:42 AM
Why do I get the feeling that fat Absorption Demon is going to engage in the tired cliche of stealing too many powers?

Probably the funniest version of this shown HERE (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/10/01/episode-1179-everything-will-be-fine/)

2014-03-14, 10:52 AM
Why do I get the feeling that fat Absorption Demon is going to engage in the tired cliche of stealing too many powers?

Probably the funniest version of this shown HERE (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/10/01/episode-1179-everything-will-be-fine/)

I think i would actually be cool if they pulled Fairy Law on him or something. Whatever they used to beat Hades the first time. Oh, or maybe the Apocolypse Dragon will show up and our heroes will put their hands together and go WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and then they'll all get nuked again mid sentence, but this time Mavis won't save them.

...in retrospect your idea is probably more plausible, as unfortunate as that would be.

2014-03-19, 04:58 AM
Aaaand the mystery got solved...

Whoever mentioned Hades gets a cookie
Freakin' called it! Now to actually read the update.

2014-03-20, 09:50 AM
New chapter: Om nom nom!

Not too much happening. Wendy and Carla/Charles/Charle/... stumbled around, get attacked, Wendy gets her [censored] [censored] kicked, C almost gets eaten which is when Wendy realizes she can focus the powerful air (+ Antimagic particles?) to turn Super Saiyan, er use Dragon Force. Aaaand that's pretty much it. Next week: Some Imperial Air Dragon action.

2014-03-20, 04:20 PM
it was so much meh... Bonus chapter was more interesting. Juvia is creepy as hell....

2014-03-20, 05:09 PM
This was actually a really good chapter. I like how Wendy is gaining feathers and stuff from using Dragon Force. The only small thing I dislike about this chapter is I'm not impressed by Dragon Force anymore, because of how useless it was to Sting and...dudeman.

2014-03-20, 06:12 PM
This was actually a really good chapter. I like how Wendy is gaining feathers and stuff from using Dragon Force. The only small thing I dislike about this chapter is I'm not impressed by Dragon Force anymore, because of how useless it was to Sting and...dudeman.

WEell, yes and no. the chapter itself was pretty uneventful and nudged the story slightly back on track (regarding time limit and such). Now About Dragon Force: Consider the following: the 3rd generation dragon force was pretty lame, trumped by a real dragon slayer (though I still think the 'real' dragomn slayers are actually incarnations of dragons). When Natsu went Dragon Force (especially pumped up on Ethernano) he went nova, not just unleashing power, but good honest NO2 conflagration inferno blaze of glory napalm as George Patterson would love it with his morning coffee. Now this effect could either be becuase of scaling of power, but I suspect It's really about dilution of power. The next generation of dragon slayers are less powerful becuase the power has been diluted. The first generation are clsoest to their source of power and thus more powerful. This makes the overdrive powers like Dragon Force harder to achieve. Coupled with the fact that WEndy is a first generation Dragon Slayer I'd say her Dragon Force will be pretty damn strong.

2014-03-20, 06:26 PM
WEell, yes and no. the chapter itself was pretty uneventful and nudged the story slightly back on track (regarding time limit and such). Now About Dragon Force: Consider the following: the 3rd generation dragon force was pretty lame, trumped by a real dragon slayer (though I still think the 'real' dragomn slayers are actually incarnations of dragons). When Natsu went Dragon Force (especially pumped up on Ethernano) he went nova, not just unleashing power, but good honest NO2 conflagration inferno blaze of glory napalm as George Patterson would love it with his morning coffee. Now this effect could either be becuase of scaling of power, but I suspect It's really about dilution of power. The next generation of dragon slayers are less powerful becuase the power has been diluted. The first generation are clsoest to their source of power and thus more powerful. This makes the overdrive powers like Dragon Force harder to achieve. Coupled with the fact that WEndy is a first generation Dragon Slayer I'd say her Dragon Force will be pretty damn strong.

I know her Dragon Force is powerful, I'm just not entirely sure how impressive it will seem after all the failure we've seen from the Third Gen Slayers. I get what you're getting at though.

2014-03-20, 07:27 PM
Yeah.. honestly its very hard to take dragon force seriously at this point, after regular Natsu stomped the loser duo in a 2 vs 1, seriously, i think that was a retarded move by Hiro :smallannoyed:

Because the problem is that the generation part is in name only.. the loser due is just as much real Slayers as Natsu or Wendy, all having been trained and raised by an actual dragon.
So by al rights this should not really make any difference at all..

2014-03-20, 08:17 PM
Yeah.. honestly its very hard to take dragon force seriously at this point, after regular Natsu stomped the loser duo in a 2 vs 1, seriously, i think that was a retarded move by Hiro :smallannoyed:

Because the problem is that the generation part is in name only.. the loser due is just as much real Slayers as Natsu or Wendy, all having been trained and raised by an actual dragon.
So by al rights this should not really make any difference at all..

Well see, it's because Sting and *name* aren't actually friends.

God Fairy Tail is awful sometimes.

2014-03-20, 10:33 PM
yeah...i was really into fairy tail until that fight happened, i kinda lost all enthusiasm about reading the manga after that, i just keep checking because i got into the habit, that's not to say there haven't been really good, or cool chapters since then, I've just not felt the same way about it since.

2014-03-21, 07:52 AM
Well see, it's because Sting and *name* aren't actually friends.

God Fairy Tail is awful sometimes.

Seriously yeah.. my entutiasm for the manga still hasnt recovered after that fight..
And it was all the worse for comming right after the Hades arc :smallannoyed:

2014-03-21, 07:57 AM
Well see, it's because Sting and *name* aren't actually friends.

God Fairy Tail is awful sometimes.
I know I forget names as well sometimes but it's Rogue, that's not so hard to remember, is it? :smallwink:

I feel like I'm repeating myself but if people haven't accepted the power of friendship trumps all in this show by now they will keep being disappointed... Yeah, I prefer it as well when Hiro comes up with better explanations but if people keep complaining about a staple of the series it's really irritating.
That said... yes, Fairy Tail IS awful sometimes :smalltongue:

2014-03-21, 08:27 AM
I know I forget names as well sometimes but it's Rogue, that's not so hard to remember, is it? :smallwink:

...evidently it is :smallredface:

Anyway, concerning friendship, the main issue is that...it's JUST friendship, without anything else. It seems kinda...lame, I suppose. Sorry about complaining about it so much.

Though it has still lead to one of my favorite scenes in all manga. Acnologia the Apocolypse Dragon shows up, they fight him, but can't even scratch the guy. He flies up and starts charging up his apocolypse roar, and everyone holds hands and starts chanting "WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FRIENSHIP" over and over again. They then get cut off by the Apocolypse Roar decimating the island and (presumably, though in reality not) everyone on it.

Forum Explorer
2014-03-21, 09:45 AM
I know I forget names as well sometimes but it's Rogue, that's not so hard to remember, is it? :smallwink:

I feel like I'm repeating myself but if people haven't accepted the power of friendship trumps all in this show by now they will keep being disappointed... Yeah, I prefer it as well when Hiro comes up with better explanations but if people keep complaining about a staple of the series it's really irritating.
That said... yes, Fairy Tail IS awful sometimes :smalltongue:

I think the worst part is that they clearly are great friends. Every interaction between Sting and Rouge has been together and they shared a history. If anything they seemed to be closer friends then Gagneel and Natsu.

2014-03-21, 12:16 PM
I think the worst part is that they clearly are great friends. Every interaction between Sting and Rouge has been together and they shared a history. If anything they seemed to be closer friends then Gagneel and Natsu.

It's not really integral to the discussion on how much FT's quality suffers from PoF syndrome but... I don't think so. Yeah, they have a combination attack and they are... fighting buddies or something but nothing early on ever gave me the feeling like they were really good friends. Admittedly, Gajeel certainly isn't Natsu's best friend in the guild either but maybe merely due to having more screen time but they still seem to be closer. Rogue and Sting clearly always felt strongly for their cat partners but for each other... I never quite felt that way.

Silva Stormrage
2014-04-03, 12:09 PM
Okay the latest side story was pretty cool :smalltongue:

2014-04-04, 04:26 AM
Okay the latest side story was pretty cool :smalltongue:

The one with Asuka? Yeah, kind of cute. Damn ship tease again, though :smalltongue:

Last week was... uh, common FT fare? We pretend something exciting will happen/someone might die but... obviously, it will not happen. Haha! Yeah...

This week was a bit better, I guess. Lucy tricking whatshisname was neat, Minerva showing up means we'll get another fun fight, maybe, and a short glimpse of Hades. Although I wonder why the demons suddenly feel the need to awaken that End guy... Well, I guess they realize they were a bit arrogant in their abilities.. Also, we will likely get not-Luminaire soon, it seems.
btw, is it part of Lucy's magic to keep her nipples covered no matter how bad her clothing damage is?

2014-04-04, 08:48 AM
The one with Asuka? Yeah, kind of cute. Damn ship tease again, though :smalltongue:

Last week was... uh, common FT fare? We pretend something exciting will happen/someone might die but... obviously, it will not happen. Haha! Yeah...

This week was a bit better, I guess. Lucy tricking whatshisname was neat, Minerva showing up means we'll get another fun fight, maybe, and a short glimpse of Hades. Although I wonder why the demons suddenly feel the need to awaken that End guy... Well, I guess they realize they were a bit arrogant in their abilities.. Also, we will likely get not-Luminaire soon, it seems.
btw, is it part of Lucy's magic to keep her nipples covered no matter how bad her clothing damage is?

Yes, that is her ultimate magic power. Also, I actually quite liked this chapter, Lucy actually DID A THING. It's been years since she's done a thing.

Forum Explorer
2014-04-07, 11:00 PM
Well Charlie and Wendy being saved is the classic FT BS. At least they get it over quick rather then even pretending that they had actually died.

Lucy was absolutely brilliant this time though. That was awesome.

2014-04-08, 07:59 AM
Actually i dont considder it quite the same FT bs because they were resqued in the same chapter, i feel it does make a vital difference there.

And yeah.. that was some of the best this chapter, with Lucy thinking quickly and managing to fool the enemy, and even Natsu doing a limited bit of thinking outside the box when it came to smashing stuff

2014-04-11, 03:58 AM
Not a bad chapter per se but... when did they say Mira can control demons? I mean, copy their powers or something, but take control of them? I don't think any of her siblings could do something like that... :smallconfused:

Otherwise, not too much exciting except demon lady going all out. *insert Hellsing reference here*
And a glimpse at Tartaros who... I guess looks like Zeref? I sometimes have a hard time telling people apart in FT...

2014-04-11, 08:31 AM
Well, I mean...it makes SENSE, is the thing. Her power is to subjugate creatures and just sorta tear their body parts off and put them inside of her. Giving her the ability to mind control said creatures actually makes sense. We've just never seen Elfman fight a beastman, or...nameperson fight a normal animal.

Book demon lady LITERALLY has no nipples. Otherwise this costume change shouldn't be possible. Either way, this is actually a pretty good chapter. The villains REALLY shouldn't of explained "hey if you destroy this place we can all permanently die" but eh, they've established their literally stupid enough to fall for the "duck season rabbit season" Loony Toons gag.

Tartaros does in fact look like Zeref. Interesting.

2014-04-12, 05:38 AM
Lisanna? Is it just me or do you really tend to forget names about as badly as me, Zodiac? :smallwink:
I'm still reluctant to just take that new part of Mira's powers... Megaman can't control robots just because he can absorb them... And when Elfman presumably killed Lisanna in the sibling's backstory, he had to... what exactly did he do again? Absorb it? Copy it? Certainly not control it, at least. I'm not that troubled by it, it just seems a little weird.

Meh, villains being stupid in FT... I really don't question it much anymore. Or at least not demons.
(Also: maybe demons don't need nipples? :smallredface:)

2014-04-12, 08:19 AM
Lisanna? Is it just me or do you really tend to forget names about as badly as me, Zodiac? :smallwink:
I'm still reluctant to just take that new part of Mira's powers... Megaman can't control robots just because he can absorb them... And when Elfman presumably killed Lisanna in the sibling's backstory, he had to... what exactly did he do again? Absorb it? Copy it? Certainly not control it, at least. I'm not that troubled by it, it just seems a little weird.

Meh, villains being stupid in FT... I really don't question it much anymore. Or at least not demons.
(Also: maybe demons don't need nipples? :smallredface:)

Yes, Lisanna, that's her name!

I contest that for demons at the very least, it makes sense that she'd have some control over them. Be it part of her soul absorb power, or just a demon power she's pick up over the years, remains to be seen. Also...I do not remember Elfman's backstory at all, what was it again? Because uh...if Elfman killed Lisanna why is she here (I mean yeah, this Lisanna is the one from MAgictech Land or something, or is our version who was swapped WITH Magitech world's version or SOMETHING).

Good point that the demons wouldn't need nipples because they don't really seem to give birth naturally...but then this is the demon who has lesbian sex with the dominatrix so maybe they'd outfit themselves with the right parts for pleasure, rather then practicality of them? This is strange discussion.

2014-04-12, 12:26 PM
I contest that for demons at the very least, it makes sense that she'd have some control over them. Be it part of her soul absorb power, or just a demon power she's pick up over the years, remains to be seen. Also...I do not remember Elfman's backstory at all, what was it again? Because uh...if Elfman killed Lisanna why is she here (I mean yeah, this Lisanna is the one from MAgictech Land or something, or is our version who was swapped WITH Magitech world's version or SOMETHING).
Is it called Absorb in the dub? I thought all three's powers were called "Take-Over", at least in the common scanlations. :smallconfused: I'll admit,t hat doesn't make much of a difference but given I don't think we were ever really shown how they acquire new skills...
Well, iirc, the three were fighting some monster too strong for them and then Elfman tried to transform in it (? or some other powerful monster, not sure anymore, help anyone?) and went berserk and thought he had killed Lisanna but it just happened to be at that time the Lisannna from Earthland and Edolas got switched and either the other Lisanna got killed during travel or by Elfman or... not sure on that one. Something like that, anyway.

Good point that the demons wouldn't need nipples because they don't really seem to give birth naturally...but then this is the demon who has lesbian sex with the dominatrix so maybe they'd outfit themselves with the right parts for pleasure, rather then practicality of them? This is strange discussion.
I blame Hiro's writing and artwork for making us consider the necessity of reproductive organs on female, lesbian demons... :smallredface:

2014-04-12, 01:47 PM
Is it called Absorb in the dub? I thought all three's powers were called "Take-Over", at least in the common scanlations. :smallconfused: I'll admit,t hat doesn't make much of a difference but given I don't think we were ever really shown how they acquire new skills...
Well, iirc, the three were fighting some monster too strong for them and then Elfman tried to transform in it (? or some other powerful monster, not sure anymore, help anyone?) and went berserk and thought he had killed Lisanna but it just happened to be at that time the Lisannna from Earthland and Edolas got switched and either the other Lisanna got killed during travel or by Elfman or... not sure on that one. Something like that, anyway.

I blame Hiro's writing and artwork for making us consider the necessity of reproductive organs on female, lesbian demons... :smallredface:

It's called Take Over, I just forgot. Incidently...their power being CALLED "Take-Over" kind of confirms that yeah, they probably can mind control beings that they'd take over to gain the limbs/body of. And aaah, okay.

Oh Hiro. You and your barely hidden kinks.

2014-04-18, 04:39 AM
Oh Hiro. You and your barely hidden kinks.
Well, I guess I'll have to admit most of the time I don't mind. Though this arc did overstep the bounds once in a while.


Chapter was pretty decent, I guess. I'll take the "I just stole part of your powers" thing. The twist in the end was just that good.
I'm a bit sad Lisanna keeps being useless.
And I finally want a proper timeline of who joined FT when...

2014-04-18, 04:49 AM
Aw yeah! Go Elfman go! Wreck that bitch to the high heavens!

2014-04-18, 09:26 AM
i'm pretty sure this chapter introduces a tiny plot hole, i'm fairly sure that in erza's flashback we see that mira, elfman and lis-whatever were already pretty set in the guild when erza joined, as in already comfortable enough with her powers to wear that squicky demon-loli outfit.

2014-04-18, 11:44 AM
i'm pretty sure this chapter introduces a tiny plot hole, i'm fairly sure that in erza's flashback we see that mira, elfman and lis-whatever were already pretty set in the guild when erza joined, as in already comfortable enough with her powers to wear that squicky demon-loli outfit.

I don't recall myself, but if that's true that's unfortunate because I REALLY liked this week's chapter.

Silva Stormrage
2014-04-18, 01:09 PM
i'm pretty sure this chapter introduces a tiny plot hole, i'm fairly sure that in erza's flashback we see that mira, elfman and lis-whatever were already pretty set in the guild when erza joined, as in already comfortable enough with her powers to wear that squicky demon-loli outfit.

I just checked the manga chapters where she showed up (chapter 89 mostly I think) and it doesn't show Mira or the siblings in it. That might of been an anime adaptation. All the manga shows is Gray and Cana.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-04-19, 08:15 AM
i'm pretty sure this chapter introduces a tiny plot hole, i'm fairly sure that in erza's flashback we see that mira, elfman and lis-whatever were already pretty set in the guild when erza joined, as in already comfortable enough with her powers to wear that squicky demon-loli outfit.

Yeah I thought the same thing, though they are possibly resolvable at a very technical level I don't really care to check.

2014-04-21, 08:09 AM
Sadly, I'm too lazy to go check the episodes, but apparently there is a timeline (http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline), though fancomposed.

I totally forgot the anime continued. And that 1st is like Lelouch and Kira's love child or something according to her strategic skills.. (You know, I never thought about how the first three Masters kind of correspond to the first three Hokages... The Genius who died pretty young, the more-or-less evil second, the old but highly acclaimed third... Okay, it's a bit far fetched.)
Also: I never pictured the princess with green hair...

But watching the tournament in motion is pretty fun, and considering what's coming up I'm even more hyped. Actually much more motivated to watch FT again than OP or Naruto...

Soras Teva Gee
2014-04-21, 09:26 AM
Well... the First isn't an idiot for one and probably has some other inspiration (http://negima.wikia.com/wiki/Evangeline_A.K._McDowell), the Second isn't nearly a big enough evil d-bag, the Third okay I'll give you because they're both useless and the Fourth is a pretty decent dad (but not of the protagonist)... but the Fifth is a Freaking Yonkou so the pattern is all screwed to hell.

Now Three becomes Six on the Naruto end...

Have I ever mentioned Fairy Tail is like the most generic shonen evah?

2014-04-28, 07:01 AM
[...]the Second isn't nearly a big enough evil d-bag[...]
Well, I guess between Tobirama and Hades it is a kind of close call... The former just happens to be on the protagonists side :smalltongue:

Have I ever mentioned Fairy Tail is like the most generic shonen evah?
I have no idea what you are talking about :smallbiggrin:

Better late than never... new chapter.

Well, that color page is totally not catering to Hiro's fetishes... Or another bondage scene. Also, I refuse to believe a piece of cloth with a knot is an adequate bustier for Lucy. Admittedly, many anime stretch the laws of physics when it comes to clothing but this...

Disappointed the battle between the demoness and Elfman ended just like that... We get a whole lot of stupid talk from Mard Geer (?) which from my point doesn't tell us anything new but only spouts new stuff around. And we have a weird WEIRD transformation of their base into... something.
Also: Lucy is Fairy Tail's last hope. This can not possibly end horribly.

Did I miss something?

2014-04-28, 08:45 AM
That cover page

I don't...I don't even. I'm TAKING A PICTURE OF THIS and POSTING IT HERE for those who for some reason don't read the manga or can't find it. What the literal **** is wrong with Hiro sometimes?


Anyway, on with the actual chapter...

Okay so the bondage demon is getting bondage'd to death. Fitting, but also creepy as ****. Also STUPID because Mard Gear is gonna get owned so hard. He's not a very exciting villain : |

Yeah, like Kato said, no way in hell that scrap of clothing is staying on.

...see, looking at the Plutogrim, it makes me sad that Hiro's writing is on par with Naruto and Bleach. This could be REALLY awesome.

And Lucy's our last hope. I...okay, on the one hand, this is FAiry Tail, a series where we end threats the chapter after they show up. On the other hand it's Lucy, the character who's been proven to be the most useless. This is actually a toss up on what could happen.

2014-04-28, 09:24 AM
I don't...I don't even. I'm TAKING A PICTURE OF THIS and POSTING IT HERE for those who for some reason don't read the manga or can't find it. What the literal **** is wrong with Hiro sometimes?
Oh Zodiac, you're reactions make it worth for Hiro to be so terrible sometimes :smallbiggrin: The thing is, the picture would actually be pretty cute if there wasn't an UNCONSIOUS LUCY ABOUT TO GET... let's say pranked...

And Lucy's our last hope. I...okay, on the one hand, this is FAiry Tail, a series where we end threats the chapter after they show up. On the other hand it's Lucy, the character who's been proven to be the most useless. This is actually a toss up on what could happen.

Meh, this is FT, and as Soras mentioned, the most generic shonen ever. I have no idea how, but somehow all will be well. Or maybe totally-not.Grey's dad will have a change of heart or something?

2014-04-28, 09:28 AM
Meh, this is FT, and as Soras mentioned, the most generic shonen ever. I have no idea how, but somehow all will be well. Or maybe totally-not.Grey's dad will have a change of heart or something?

or the impossible might happen and lucy actually does something useful :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-28, 09:47 AM
or the impossible might happen and lucy actually does something useful :smallbiggrin:

Meh this whole situation feels very forced to try and give Lucy something to do.

2014-04-28, 10:15 AM
personally i'm taking that cover page to be an homage to when robin was found by the fairies in One Piece.

uhg Hiro and your freak'in kinks...

2014-04-28, 10:33 AM
I cant honestly see what have people so worked up in this chapter, i agree it was annoyingly bland, with a boring showing from the demon guild master whose name i dont even bother to remember.

But besides the ending of everyone but Lucy getting caught, then i really dont see anything to incite any sort of emotions.

2014-04-28, 11:29 AM
I cant honestly see what have people so worked up in this chapter, i agree it was annoyingly bland, with a boring showing from the demon guild master whose name i dont even bother to remember.

But besides the ending of everyone but Lucy getting caught, then i really dont see anything to incite any sort of emotions.

I think it's more the fact that we've got a villain who's SO over wrought and overly dramatic, even for my tastes. "My name is X, but don't bother remember it because you're all going to die anyway"

And like, it worked I don't even remember his name enough to say it in his own quote.

2014-05-09, 03:51 AM
And the plot continues with Lucy on her own...

And a bounty (kind of) on her head. I guess it got some decent action, even though I have no idea why the **** she waits this long to summon Aquarius if she is surrounded by water...

Also, I mentioned my concerns earlier, but now I completely refuse to believe her make-shift bra is able to hold her acrobatics. Lucy should have spilled her goods about ten times this chapter...

Speaking of fanservice, last weeks (?) FT episode had to throw in some fanservice in a life threatening situation, making Lucy and Mira trying to attract some guards while they were trapped in "hell" under the palace.. I'll have to admit, it was at least somewhat entertaining, if totally stupid :smallredface:

2014-05-09, 08:36 AM
Virgo is wearing a sexy maid bikini because...why, exactly?

Anyway, this chapter was actually pretty good when compared to other Fairy Tail chapters. Lucy's always been one of the best characters, because she wasn't super gifted and ultra powerful. So she actually feels threatened here. And she's actually being pushed to her limits here, it's really cool. Since Aquarious is her most finicky summon (and also my astrological sign) I'll be interested in seeing where this goes.

2014-05-15, 02:43 AM
So, I finally picked this up again. The quality has definitely gone up since the tournament arc (which was just terrible) but it's still not as good as it used to be. There's just no tension in the story. I honestly wish they would actually kill off a major character because as it stands now every single plot point is "oh no, they're doomed" and there's no tension because you know they will actually be fine.

2014-05-15, 03:01 AM
Indeed, i have also hoped for the death of several different named characters down along the line after the timeskip. Not because i though there were any chance of something bad happening to them, but because it would add some tension to the story.

2014-05-15, 08:25 AM
So, I finally picked this up again. The quality has definitely gone up since the tournament arc (which was just terrible) but it's still not as good as it used to be. There's just no tension in the story. I honestly wish they would actually kill off a major character because as it stands now every single plot point is "oh no, they're doomed" and there's no tension because you know they will actually be fine.

Indeed, i have also hoped for the death of several different named characters down along the line after the timeskip. Not because i though there were any chance of something bad happening to them, but because it would add some tension to the story.

You know what would of been cool? Like, completely stupid but also kind of cool? If Acnologia ACTUALLY succeeded in killing all our most of the people on Fairy Tail Island. They don't get saved by Deus Ex Machina Ghost Leader. They just DIE. And it's ****ing TRAGIC. Or like with the Dragon Invasion, people DIE. Don't bull**** us with Ultear rewinding time but sacrificing her life to do it AND THEN ALSO HAVING HER BE ALIVE JUST OLD ANYWAY. Have some actual god damn consequences for once oh my god.

2014-05-16, 02:06 AM
another narrowly missed rape and then...

Spirit King: "**** YO HOUUUUUUUSE!"

as a side note, i cannot see that guy without thinking of the King of all Cosmos from the katamari games

2014-05-16, 04:07 AM
Rex Celestis-Ex Machina!

And this is indeed lame.

Forum Explorer
2014-05-16, 04:20 AM
You know I can decide which is worse,

1. Lucy either get permanently depowered, when she's one of the characters who already struggles to be effective


2. Another sacrifice is instantly reversed.

2014-05-16, 04:24 AM
Maybe Hiro's writing would improve if he read some of GRRM's stuff...

another narrowly missed rape and then...

Rex Celestis-Ex Machina!

And this is indeed lame.

@chainer: Yeah... Lucy saved by big boobs is kind of... very Hiro, I'm afraid. I'm still confused about the exchange with the other demon just before that scene :smallconfused:

@Socratov. Really? I thought it was pretty okay. Maybe I'm just partial to "Summon Norio" but it was by far not the worst Deus Ex turn in Fairy Tail. I'm only curious whether Aquarius is really gone for good. This IS Fairy Tail but it seems like not killing someone would be something Hiro could stand. We'll see.

And I have to admit, I have hopes for Hades vs Norio. We will see how much I will be disappointed.

2014-05-16, 04:32 AM
I were actually positively surprised.

Lucy were kinda awesome, even if i cant understand why people think she would be able to fight 3 demons at once, when Natsu were struggling to deal with just one in a very favorable setup.

And this really does look like its a real sacrifice Lucy has been forced to make to save everyone, i am hopefull it is not undone later on.

2014-05-16, 08:38 AM
@chainer: Yeah... Lucy saved by big boobs is kind of... very Hiro, I'm afraid. I'm still confused about the exchange with the other demon just before that scene :smallconfused:

The turtle guy wanted to kill her, but Jackal wanted to torture her. So turtle guy leaves, disgusted by his brutality. It's kind of stupid but at least it makes sense.

Anyway, my thoughts on the chapter: Lucy is the only protagonist in any shonen that gets weaker the stronger she gets. Also I'm glad to see that the gigantic cube monster is destroyed so easily. None of the demons actually died so this does NOTHING TO ACTUALLY PROTECT LUCY THIS WAS ALL FOR NOTHING.

2014-05-16, 09:25 AM
I were actually positively surprised.

Lucy were kinda awesome, even if i cant understand why people think she would be able to fight 3 demons at once, when Natsu were struggling to deal with just one in a very favorable setup.

And this really does look like its a real sacrifice Lucy has been forced to make to save everyone, i am hopefull it is not undone later on.

Yeah but stand by for 3 chapters of wangst while she decides which one to pick.

And then figures out something like 'LOL I have all 12 keys if I use them together I don't have to break one at all'.

2014-05-16, 09:29 AM

It's not the king per se, it's not that the spirit king absolutely owns. It's the fact that when it comes to the girls in FT it's apparently normal to torture them. The fact that it was shown once to establish the evilness of the demons, sure a little bit of darkness can go a long way. Twice for consistency I can handle, but it's happening more and more and further and further.Without going for a clear goal. Another is the fact that Aquarius comes up with the solution after a rushed tsundere speech, while saying how there must be a bond of absolute trust between summoner and celestial spirit. Up until now Lucy never actually could depend on Aquarius, which often was busy dating Cancer or some other celestial spirit. And when she did turn up she was very reluctant to actually do some work for Lucy. yet, to summon the Spirit King you need to break the key of your most trusted spirit. Which would be Leo, Horologium, Aries, Virgo, you name them. Actually, anyone but Aquarius. That's what's wrong with this chapter. Plus that a power upgrade is brushed off like it's nothing and irrelevant. it's almost like Lucy is an expy for Sakura in Naruto.

2014-05-16, 09:53 AM
Lucy is the only protagonist in any shonen that gets weaker the stronger she gets. Also I'm glad to see that the gigantic cube monster is destroyed so easily. None of the demons actually died so this does NOTHING TO ACTUALLY PROTECT LUCY THIS WAS ALL FOR NOTHING.

How the heck can you say it has been for nothing? :smallconfused:

Spirit King seems like he is the Hades class with how effordless he busted the cube up, something that to start with might have resqued the FT members. And he is still around to duke it out with the Tartarous GM.

Yeah but stand by for 3 chapters of wangst while she decides which one to pick.

And then figures out something like 'LOL I have all 12 keys if I use them together I don't have to break one at all'.

No? im pretty sure she only has 11 golden keys, and there are for that matter 13 of them.

yet, to summon the Spirit King you need to break the key of your most trusted spirit. Which would be Leo, Horologium, Aries, Virgo, you name them. Actually, anyone but Aquarius.

I believe it was just a trusted spirit, not the most, and she has had Aquarious the longest.

Plus that a power upgrade is brushed off like it's nothing and irrelevant. it's almost like Lucy is an expy for Sakura in Naruto.

Im not seing where you are getting here at all, what was brushed off how..?
Also, before we gets to closely into comparing things, then i would point out that Lucy at least is allowed to accomplish something once in a while, and that we have Erza who kicks even more ass than the male main cast, to even things out.

2014-05-16, 10:12 AM
The turtle guy wanted to kill her, but Jackal wanted to torture her. So turtle guy leaves, disgusted by his brutality. It's kind of stupid but at least it makes sense.
I should stop reading poor subs. 'smallredface: In mine turtle guy says "Cut it out. If you kill her I will" on page 10 which... doesn't make any sense (I guess they missed a "not" there)
God, that near rape scene really gives me more shivers the more I read it :smallfrown: Hiro should really tune it down... I didn't get around to reading all of Rave (I should probably really finish that at some point) but I think he didn't do anything like that then..

Yeah but stand by for 3 chapters of wangst while she decides which one to pick.

And then figures out something like 'LOL I have all 12 keys if I use them together I don't have to break one at all'.
Huh? :smallconfused: She already made her pick and already broke the key? Or am I missing something?

Socratov: While I can see where you're coming from I'll agree with khaine on most accounts. Yeah, her bond with Aquarius was never shown as that strong but that's just... Japanese and their tsundere characters. Even if they kick you in the face on a daily basis they can still truly love you... or something.
The other bit happening... I think we can all agree on that. Maybe it's supposed to be "darker and edgier" but it really just comes off as creepy as hell.

2014-05-16, 10:49 AM
How the heck can you say it has been for nothing? :smallconfused:

If she gets knocked out the gates close. Jackal is still alive and RIGHT NEXT TO HER. He beats her, they win. SACRIFICE FOR NOTHING.

I should stop reading poor subs. 'smallredface: In mine turtle guy says "Cut it out. If you kill her I will" on page 10 which... doesn't make any sense (I guess they missed a "not" there)
God, that near rape scene really gives me more shivers the more I read it :smallfrown: Hiro should really tune it down... I didn't get around to reading all of Rave (I should probably really finish that at some point) but I think he didn't do anything like that then..

That's what the subs I read said too, I'm just trying to parse it out in a way that makes sense.

He didn't do anything like that in Rave. The only person even close to a rapist was a giant man in a bunny suit who's power was to blow your cloths off. He's the first villain to actually be strait up killed by a hero (because Lee's girlfriend is awesome).

2014-05-16, 01:41 PM
If she gets knocked out the gates close. Jackal is still alive and RIGHT NEXT TO HER. He beats her, they win. SACRIFICE FOR NOTHING.

Actually that requires a long list of conditions before it makes the sacrifice in vain.

a) Jackal (not the sharpest spoon) needs to know knocking the summoner out returns the celestrial spirit
b) Jackal needs to realise the cubefish suddenly falling appart is due to Lucy summoning a Uber Spirit that cut in into pieces blindingly fast.
c) Jackal needs to still be close to Lucy after they land.
d) jackal needs to be able to hurt Lucy before the Spirit King squashes him.
e) The Spirit King needs to follow the rules for regular spirits, and not be able to open the gate on his own like for example Loki can.

He didn't do anything like that in Rave. The only person even close to a rapist was a giant man in a bunny suit who's power was to blow your cloths off. He's

Oh yeah, that was awesome how Julia didnt give a &%¤ about suddenly losing all her clothes, but instead just fought on like nothing happened.

2014-05-16, 02:22 PM
Actually that requires a long list of conditions before it makes the sacrifice in vain.

a) Jackal (not the sharpest spoon) needs to know knocking the summoner out returns the celestrial spirit
b) Jackal needs to realise the cubefish suddenly falling appart is due to Lucy summoning a Uber Spirit that cut in into pieces blindingly fast.
c) Jackal needs to still be close to Lucy after they land.
d) jackal needs to be able to hurt Lucy before the Spirit King squashes him.
e) The Spirit King needs to follow the rules for regular spirits, and not be able to open the gate on his own like for example Loki can.

Oh yeah, that was awesome how Julia didnt give a &%¤ about suddenly losing all her clothes, but instead just fought on like nothing happened.

The Spirit King can't summon himself. If he COULD she wouldn't have to break her key.

She and Jackal are still near each other by what the chapter has shown us. And he knows she summoned it and it sliced the cube into pieces.

"I'M A DRAGON FIRST, WARRIOR SECOND, AND WOMEN THIRD! WHAT DO I CARE ABOUT NUDITY?" and then she breaks the dude's ****ing spine by punching him into a wall.

2014-05-16, 04:36 PM

It's not the king per se, it's not that the spirit king absolutely owns. It's the fact that when it comes to the girls in FT it's apparently normal to torture them. The fact that it was shown once to establish the evilness of the demons, sure a little bit of darkness can go a long way. Twice for consistency I can handle, but it's happening more and more and further and further.Without going for a clear goal. Another is the fact that Aquarius comes up with the solution after a rushed tsundere speech, while saying how there must be a bond of absolute trust between summoner and celestial spirit. Up until now Lucy never actually could depend on Aquarius, which often was busy dating Cancer or some other celestial spirit. And when she did turn up she was very reluctant to actually do some work for Lucy. yet, to summon the Spirit King you need to break the key of your most trusted spirit. Which would be Leo, Horologium, Aries, Virgo, you name them. Actually, anyone but Aquarius. That's what's wrong with this chapter. Plus that a power upgrade is brushed off like it's nothing and irrelevant. it's almost like Lucy is an expy for Sakura in Naruto.

It never said it had to be the most trusted spirit, just that there had to be a bond between them. Also, while torturing Lucy is disturbingly common in this Manga, I feel like these particular bad guys would be torturing anyone they happened to beat. They are portrayed as a bunch of vindictive demons after all.

The turtle guy wanted to kill her, but Jackal wanted to torture her. So turtle guy leaves, disgusted by his brutality. It's kind of stupid but at least it makes sense.

Anyway, my thoughts on the chapter: Lucy is the only protagonist in any shonen that gets weaker the stronger she gets. Also I'm glad to see that the gigantic cube monster is destroyed so easily. None of the demons actually died so this does NOTHING TO ACTUALLY PROTECT LUCY THIS WAS ALL FOR NOTHING.

You're acting like it's over. The King's attack most likely freed FT, and he's still there as well so he may still be going to fight. I don't believe for a second that Aquarius is gone forever anyway.

2014-05-16, 05:59 PM
You're acting like it's over. The King's attack most likely freed FT, and he's still there as well so he may still be going to fight. I don't believe for a second that Aquarius is gone forever anyway.

Well yeah. She's gonna get the key back at the end of this arc or something, I didn't doubt that. I'm just saying that if this was a good manga the sacrifice would be for naught. Or Jackal would of been killed to prevent it from being for naught.

Forum Explorer
2014-05-16, 06:26 PM
Well yeah. She's gonna get the key back at the end of this arc or something, I didn't doubt that. I'm just saying that if this was a good manga the sacrifice would be for naught. Or Jackal would of been killed to prevent it from being for naught.

but then we couldn't have Natsu save the day again. :smalltongue:

2014-05-17, 04:10 AM
The Spirit King can't summon himself. If he COULD she wouldn't have to break her key.

But he can summon himself, we saw him doing so at the "Loki is a spirit" arc. And we have for that matter several other examples of spirits summoning themselves.

She and Jackal are still near each other by what the chapter has shown us. And he knows she summoned it and it sliced the cube into pieces.

No, they were near each other before everything fell apart, and his last comment to her "what did you do, stupid girl!!!?" kinda hints towards him being kinda clueless about everything falling apart instead of yet another spirit appearing like the previous 3.

2014-05-17, 11:28 AM
But he can summon himself, we saw him doing so at the "Loki is a spirit" arc. And we have for that matter several other examples of spirits summoning themselves.

No, they were near each other before everything fell apart, and his last comment to her "what did you do, stupid girl!!!?" kinda hints towards him being kinda clueless about everything falling apart instead of yet another spirit appearing like the previous 3.

Then why didn't he, if it was that important? I'm just questioning why we have to have this whole fakey "oh man we'll NEVER see Aquarious again!" situation.

My understanding was that they where still together. I might just of not understood the art though XP

2014-05-17, 02:57 PM
Then why didn't he, if it was that important? I'm just questioning why we have to have this whole fakey "oh man we'll NEVER see Aquarious again!" situation.
To start with we dont dont if it will be fake or not, in Rave Master he had the stomach to kill off characters central to the story, he might still find the guts to do something lasting here.

And it was that important for who? the spirits who live in another realm?
It was Lucy who desired the ultimate spirit to come and resque her and her friends, clearly that required a meaningful sacrifice to avoid the king getting summoned for insignificant things.

2014-05-17, 03:03 PM
To start with we dont dont if it will be fake or not, in Rave Master he had the stomach to kill off characters central to the story, he might still find the guts to do something lasting here.

And it was that important for who? the spirits who live in another realm?
It was Lucy who desired the ultimate spirit to come and resque her and her friends, clearly that required a meaningful sacrifice to avoid the king getting summoned for insignificant things.

It'll be fake. With how Fairy Tail has handled things, it'll be fake. Ultear killed herself to time rewind and save everyone. Only no she's an old lady and is living a happy life. Simon is the only person who dies in this series.

I imagine it'd be important since Lucy seems to have this "destined to be the best summoner ever" thing going on. He's just protecting his master.

2014-05-17, 06:03 PM
It'll be fake. With how Fairy Tail has handled things, it'll be fake. Ultear killed herself to time rewind and save everyone. Only no she's an old lady and is living a happy life. Simon is the only person who dies in this series.

The difference here is that its not like Aquarious is dying or anything, Lucy is just losing the chance to summon her, and its honestly not even like she really needs her most of the time.. thats why i think this might actually stick.

2014-05-23, 04:19 AM
Well.. it really seems like Lucy's sacrifice will be permanent, though at the same she got quite the power boost from it. I cant really determine if this is termporary or not, but she really managed to kick quite a bit of ass there.

2014-05-23, 04:43 AM
So, I have to say the chapter was decent enough. While I'm a bit annoyed at Tartaros guys' smugness when fighting the god emperor king of a whole dimension I guess we are supposed to feel that way... I just hope when he gets beaten it doesn't happen easily.

And Lucy.. well, I guess soul sucking all magic out of one of your spirits would be quite a bit of a power up. I guess it is only temporary but we will see how it goes. (Also: Her new dress is slightly more likely to stay in place than the old one. And this time there's actually nothing I feel offended by. I guess that's not happened in a while)

2014-05-23, 08:43 AM
So, I have to say the chapter was decent enough. While I'm a bit annoyed at Tartaros guys' smugness when fighting the god emperor king of a whole dimension I guess we are supposed to feel that way... I just hope when he gets beaten it doesn't happen easily.

And Lucy.. well, I guess soul sucking all magic out of one of your spirits would be quite a bit of a power up. I guess it is only temporary but we will see how it goes. (Also: Her new dress is slightly more likely to stay in place than the old one. And this time there's actually nothing I feel offended by. I guess that's not happened in a while)

I'm kind of getting the impression that he's being smug about it because this exact fight has happened before... and he won.

2014-05-23, 08:50 AM
This chapter was alright. I just have a question.

What did Lucy exactly do? I get that she got a power boost from Aquarious's key being broken...however that works, but what does this DO for her, exactly? She gets the water shield, and she...gets the ability to summon explosions? It was very confusing what actually HAPPENED here.

2014-05-23, 09:06 AM
I'm kind of getting the impression that he's being smug about it because this exact fight has happened before... and he won.
You think so? I think they met before but didn't duke it out then.

This chapter was alright. I just have a question.

What did Lucy exactly do? I get that she got a power boost from Aquarious's key being broken...however that works, but what does this DO for her, exactly? She gets the water shield, and she...gets the ability to summon explosions? It was very confusing what actually HAPPENED here.

[spoiler]I'd say the water shield is the weirder thing... I took it she just got a huge amount of Mana, equivalent to what Auqarius is worth in.. some mana currency which also gave her enough to power to cast the spell she intended to use on Flare and failed, or some similar spell, anyway.

2014-05-23, 10:14 AM
I'd say the water shield is the weirder thing... I took it she just got a huge amount of Mana, equivalent to what Auqarius is worth in.. some mana currency which also gave her enough to power to cast the spell she intended to use on Flare and failed, or some similar spell, anyway.

I...don't understand. Lucy...doesn't really HAVE magic outside the keys, right? I'm just confused where the whole "88 stars of explody splode!" came from.

The Unborne
2014-05-23, 10:29 AM
I...don't understand. Lucy...doesn't really HAVE magic outside the keys, right? I'm just confused where the whole "88 stars of explody splode!" came from.

Hibiki transferred Urano Metria, the spell, to her back in chapter 144. She ended up keeping it and probably only managed to summon it again when her second origin was accessed. All she needs is enough power to cast it.

2014-05-23, 03:11 PM
I...don't understand. Lucy...doesn't really HAVE magic outside the keys, right? I'm just confused where the whole "88 stars of explody splode!" came from.

Hm? :smallconfused: Yeah, FT is really vague on it's mechanics but every mage needs to have some inherent magic to use and then they learn spells or techniques or whatever. Though, i guess opposed to most other mages I guess FT's are highly specialized, or at least most of them are. Lucy just happens to be specialized in summoning, but her use of the whip which is a magic tool and her earlier attempt to use that spell against Flare shows she does have some knowledge of other techniques. Or those magic glasses.. Or was that Levi?
(At least, that's my head canon :smalltongue:)

2014-05-23, 03:29 PM
Hm? :smallconfused: Yeah, FT is really vague on it's mechanics but every mage needs to have some inherent magic to use and then they learn spells or techniques or whatever. Though, i guess opposed to most other mages I guess FT's are highly specialized, or at least most of them are. Lucy just happens to be specialized in summoning, but her use of the whip which is a magic tool and her earlier attempt to use that spell against Flare shows she does have some knowledge of other techniques. Or those magic glasses.. Or was that Levi?
(At least, that's my head canon :smalltongue:)

My issue is that I just genuinely do not remember her trying to use this on Flare, nor Hibiki giving it to her.

2014-05-23, 04:26 PM
Hm? :smallconfused: Yeah, FT is really vague on it's mechanics but every mage needs to have some inherent magic to use and then they learn spells or techniques or whatever. Though, i guess opposed to most other mages I guess FT's are highly specialized, or at least most of them are. Lucy just happens to be specialized in summoning, but her use of the whip which is a magic tool and her earlier attempt to use that spell against Flare shows she does have some knowledge of other techniques. Or those magic glasses.. Or was that Levi?
(At least, that's my head canon :smalltongue:)

But at the same time there are spells and techniques that apparently anybody with sufficient power/ability can learn - like the 3 Fairy Magics.

2014-05-23, 04:38 PM
My issue is that I just genuinely do not remember her trying to use this on Flare, nor Hibiki giving it to her.

I definitely remember him giving it to her, and I think she tried to use it during the tournament arc as well, but got shut down by Raven Tail cheating.

2014-05-23, 05:22 PM
I definitely remember him giving it to her, and I think she tried to use it during the tournament arc as well, but got shut down by Raven Tail cheating.

Like I said, MY issue.

2014-05-23, 08:20 PM
And so I was giving a friendly reminder. No need to take any offense.

2014-05-23, 09:24 PM
And so I was giving a friendly reminder. No need to take any offense.

I didn't take any offense, sorry if I came off like that :smallbiggrin:

2014-05-29, 06:57 PM
So, I come to this thread with a request.

Does anyone know of a master list of Erza's armors they can point me at? I just need names and the gist of what they actually do for her.

And I don't mean the joke one's she had in some of the filler eps.

Reason: I've taken it into my head to run a build with more or less her powers and fighting style in an up coming mutants and masterminds game I'm applying too, but when I looked her up on atomic think tank, they only had some of her armors listed and stated and the entry point blank says this isn't all her armors or even close to all. (I might also have to tweak a couple of the ability's, for example I don't think Giant armor only boosts her strenght while lifting, and I think the assorted summoned weapons she has work better as a damage power with a lot of variant effects to reflect differences in fighting style. But I digress. )

Anyway, if anyone has/or knows of such a list, it would be very helpful, thanks!

Oh, one final note: It's ok if the list happens to cut off at say the time skip or the tornament arc or were the anime cuts or something like that. =)

Speaking of thea anime: Are we just waiting on a new season on that? Seemed to have stopped updating more recently.

And also from earlier in the thread, Levi and Lucy have both used the magic speed reading glasses.

2014-05-29, 07:05 PM
Boop, here you go. (http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/The_Knight)

Also here is her sword magics. (http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_Magic)

Yeah, the anime is still in hiatus/canceled mode. No idea when it starts. New chapter should be out today or tomorrow.

2014-05-29, 07:38 PM
Sweet! Your awesome Zodiac!

Pity about the anime though. Were the ratings really that bad on it that it got pulled? I though generally you let these things play out till the manga wraps up?

Or is this like Naruto going away for some time and then they picked back up after the manga pulled ahead with Naruto Shippuden?

2014-05-29, 07:40 PM
Sweet! Your awesome Zodiac!

Pity about the anime though. Were the ratings really that bad on it that it got pulled? I though generally you let these things play out till the manga wraps up?

Or is this like Naruto going away for some time and then they picked back up after the manga pulled ahead with Naruto Shippuden?

It's been SAID that they're doing what Naruto did and it'll be back.

But I don't believe it, personally. We'll see. The only evidence I have against it NOT coming back, is that it WASN'T replaced by Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth.

2014-05-29, 08:07 PM
It's been SAID that they're doing what Naruto did and it'll be back.

But I don't believe it, personally. We'll see. The only evidence I have against it NOT coming back, is that it WASN'T replaced by Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth.

Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth? Wah? Can you explain what this even is and what it even has to do with Naruto going away and coming back as Naruto Shippuden, or Fairy Tail Copying the formula offically?

Seriously, I just though that was a thing Rock Lee/Guy Sensai yelled every once in awhile, it's a show or something?

2014-05-29, 10:15 PM
Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth? Wah? Can you explain what this even is and what it even has to do with Naruto going away and coming back as Naruto Shippuden, or Fairy Tail Copying the formula offically?

Seriously, I just though that was a thing Rock Lee/Guy Sensai yelled every once in awhile, it's a show or something?

The Bleach anime was straight up cancelled, and replaced with the chibi comedy Naruto spinoff called Rock Lee's Spring Time of Youth.

2014-05-29, 11:26 PM
They canceled Bleach, Naruto AND Fairy Tail?!

2014-05-29, 11:39 PM
They canceled Bleach, Naruto AND Fairy Tail?!

Naruto's anime didn't get cancelled no. Sorry for the confusion.

2014-05-29, 11:44 PM
Ok, so, Just bleach and Fairy Tail then. Still though. Oh though chibi comedy was a good idea for the replacement?

2014-05-29, 11:51 PM
Ok, so, Just bleach and Fairy Tail then. Still though. Oh though chibi comedy was a good idea for the replacement?

I'm pretty sure the general fan opinion is that Springtime of Youth, both it's manga and anime form, are superior to Naruto basic at the moment.

But that is neither here nor there. This is Fairy Tail. A question, does anyone actually like Erza's magic style?

2014-05-29, 11:53 PM
Mystical Tony Stark as a chick? I'm digging it.

Forum Explorer
2014-05-30, 12:06 AM
I'm pretty sure the general fan opinion is that Springtime of Youth, both it's manga and anime form, are superior to Naruto basic at the moment.

But that is neither here nor there. This is Fairy Tail. A question, does anyone actually like Erza's magic style?

Yeah I do. Equipping and unequipping stuff is pretty cool for a magical concept. How it's fully presented isn't nearly handled as well.

2014-05-30, 12:15 AM
I'm not the biggest fan of it myself, mostly because...what does she contribute to this, other then martial ability? Why bother dodging the fire attacks, just put on the fire resistant armour. Too weak to win? Put on the armour that makes you stronger! Her power is something you literally buy at the store and that seems kind of lame as an ability, unless it's done in a way that doesn't make it seem like she's buying success.

Forum Explorer
2014-05-30, 01:20 AM
I'm not the biggest fan of it myself, mostly because...what does she contribute to this, other then martial ability? Why bother dodging the fire attacks, just put on the fire resistant armour. Too weak to win? Put on the armour that makes you stronger! Her power is something you literally buy at the store and that seems kind of lame as an ability, unless it's done in a way that doesn't make it seem like she's buying success.

Lucy's ability is also one that can be bought at a store and her magical power still matters in regards to how much she can utilize her ability. (Yes, I know Gold Keys aren't generally found in a store, but Silver's are and it's the same sort of item thing)

So it's a similar thing. Erza's ability can be interesting with pulling off cool combinations of armors, or rapidly switching. Except we don't really get that, and her ultimate attack is basically not using any armor at all.

2014-05-30, 02:10 AM
Lucy's ability is also one that can be bought at a store and her magical power still matters in regards to how much she can utilize her ability. (Yes, I know Gold Keys aren't generally found in a store, but Silver's are and it's the same sort of item thing)

So it's a similar thing. Erza's ability can be interesting with pulling off cool combinations of armors, or rapidly switching. Except we don't really get that, and her ultimate attack is basically not using any armor at all.

well, Lucy has to actually use magic power to summon and maintain those summons. As far as we know that's not the case of Erza's magic, and she also has no "gold key" comparison.

You're right, though.

2014-05-30, 04:41 AM
Yeah, the anime is still in hiatus/canceled mode. No idea when it starts. New chapter should be out today or tomorrow.
Huh? The anime has been back for two months or so. (I think I even noted on it once in a while but I could be wrong) They didn't add any filler stuff and just finished the executioners fight.

But that is neither here nor there. This is Fairy Tail. A question, does anyone actually like Erza's magic style?

Mystical Tony Stark as a chick? I'm digging it.
Pretty much this. I see where Zodiac's complaint is coming from but the thing is while the armor enhances Erza's skills it's still mostly Erza doing the work. It's like complaining anyone could be an elite soldier if you just give them a bunch of guns. There's more to it and (back in the better days) Erza won by using the right armor for the right purpose... and even without them, she's shown to be crazy powerful. Her extended battle against the 100(0?) monsters during the tournament in the anime was still one of the best parts of that arc, imo.

Anyway, new chapter!

Spirit King actually does something useful and revives the other Fairies. And this seems to be more shocking to Mard Geer (I still can't get over how stupid that name is...) than anything else he might have done. maybe because he knew he wouldn't use his nuke in fear of killing Lucy(?). Or because he's genry savvy enough to know he can't beat the fairies.

Apart from that... Minerva confessed her love for Erza (how... sweet?) and a bunch of elite fairies show up to protect Lucy from the leftover demons. Also, Mard Geer turns into sand? So that bit of plot is over..?

Aaaaaand judging by Gray's look and next week's chapter title... Eff you Hiro and your stupid, simplistic plot twists. So what, Deliora killed the whole town but only took away Gray's dad to turn him into a demon or what? Urgh... :smallmad:

2014-05-30, 05:03 AM
well, Lucy has to actually use magic power to summon and maintain those summons. As far as we know that's not the case of Erza's magic, and she also has no "gold key" comparison.

Actually, if we look back to the tower of heaven arc and the flash back then i believe we can see that the most basic manifestation of Erza's magic is the one that allows her to fly around while slashing at people with flying swords.

Else her magic also got to augument her body to some degree, because we have seen that she is far stronger, faster and tougher than humanly possible, even when naked or while using her default armor.

new episode.

It was indeed a nice chapter, the Spirit King did a solid job at turning the tides of the battle, before wandering off again, leaving the mopping up to FT.

And regarding the title of the next chapter, called it :smalltongue:

2014-05-30, 05:24 AM
And regarding the title of the next chapter, called it :smalltongue:

Who didn't? :smallcool:

2014-05-30, 07:19 AM
well, Lucy has to actually use magic power to summon and maintain those summons. As far as we know that's not the case of Erza's magic, and she also has no "gold key" comparison.

You're right, though.

When Erza summoned her "secon origin armor" they said that are some years since anyone could use that, and the council representive were shocked seeing here donning that armor, because it consume a massive ammount of magic power... so, it seems like ex-quipping an armor actually consume magic power.

2014-05-30, 07:56 AM
Who didn't?

But im pretty sure i got there first :smalltongue:

When Erza summoned her "secon origin armor" they said that are some years since anyone could use that, and the council representive were shocked seeing here donning that armor, because it consume a massive ammount of magic power... so, it seems like ex-quipping an armor actually consume magic power.

Actually.. i kinda suspect its more wearing the armor that consumes a ton of magic power to fuel its abilities, that would both explain why she isnt wearing it normally, and why it would surprise the council to see someone in it.

2014-05-30, 08:43 AM
Oh man this chapter. Hey look, isntead of killing the demons the Spirit King could only free all the Fairy Tail members. AND THEN HE VANISHED. BECAUSE LUCY WENT UNCONCIOUS. Just like I said he would.

I suppose that since the other characters are free you can safely say this isn't a failed sacrifice of the Aquarius key, but still. Would of preferred Lucy to kill Mard Gear and end this arc.

2014-05-30, 08:56 AM
So is Mard Gear actually dead? Or just turned to stone or whatever else it could be?

Think I'll put my money on not dead but stuck then at the end of the Arc Zeref is going to shatter him

2014-05-30, 10:43 AM
But im pretty sure i got there first :smalltongue:

Oh seriously, it was so obvious I had to consciously fight against accepting it as true... :smallmad: Hiro could have put some more effort into it, really. Gosh, this is getting me as agitated as others were by the DS team match. :smallredface:

Oh man this chapter. Hey look, isntead of killing the demons the Spirit King could only free all the Fairy Tail members. AND THEN HE VANISHED. BECAUSE LUCY WENT UNCONCIOUS. Just like I said he would.

I suppose that since the other characters are free you can safely say this isn't a failed sacrifice of the Aquarius key, but still. Would of preferred Lucy to kill Mard Gear and end this arc.

Well, as I noted, he could have probably killed them... and the Fairies along with them. Seems this was the smarter thing to do. Also, it would have been a worse way to end the arc, I think, just having the Spirit King take out all the demons.

So is Mard Gear actually dead? Or just turned to stone or whatever else it could be?

It would be pretty anticlimactic for him to lose like that... I guess he'll be back soon.

2014-05-30, 10:55 AM
So is Mard Gear actually dead? Or just turned to stone or whatever else it could be?

Think I'll put my money on not dead but stuck then at the end of the Arc Zeref is going to shatter him

I seriously doubt it.

Greer seems to be the main villain of this arc. There's no way he's going to be done in that easily.

My guess is that one of two things is going to happen:

1) He's been trapped just long enough for the other demons to be defeated without him. Then he'll break out and the real fight is going to happen.

2) He was killed, but he has his own secret test-tube-revival-thing hidden somewhere else.

2014-05-30, 11:05 AM
Hey look, isntead of killing the demons the Spirit King could only free all the Fairy Tail members. AND THEN HE VANISHED. BECAUSE LUCY WENT UNCONCIOUS. Just like I said he would.

Not quite, he didnt vanish after Lucy went down like you said he would, instead he got weakend and chose to blow his remaining strenght off on a huge final attack that both resqued all of FT and put Mard out of the game.

2014-05-30, 11:26 AM
The anime's back? Cool, I'll have to look for updates.

Regarding Erza: I seem to recall early on in the anime when they first started explaining her powers, it was explained that what makes her unique is that she can do it far, far, FAR faster then anyone else, meaning there's no one out there who can change gears in a fight as quick as she can, and she can store a lot more armors and weapons then anyone else.

And then in the tower of heaven she's shown to have a particular affinity for using magic to enhance and manipulate objects when she first uses magic.

So, in her case, it's probably more accurate to compare her to a top marksman. Sure, better guns and ammo and accessories can help and help a lot and that skill is totally useless with out any guns or ammo, but the skill is still highly important to have cause with out that even with all the best equipment your not gonna preform well at all.

2014-05-31, 03:40 PM
So, I come to this thread with a request.

Does anyone know of a master list of Erza's armors they can point me at? I just need names and the gist of what they actually do for her.

And I don't mean the joke one's she had in some of the filler eps.

Reason: I've taken it into my head to run a build with more or less her powers and fighting style in an up coming mutants and masterminds game I'm applying too, but when I looked her up on atomic think tank, they only had some of her armors listed and stated and the entry point blank says this isn't all her armors or even close to all. (I might also have to tweak a couple of the ability's, for example I don't think Giant armor only boosts her strenght while lifting, and I think the assorted summoned weapons she has work better as a damage power with a lot of variant effects to reflect differences in fighting style. But I digress. )

Anyway, if anyone has/or knows of such a list, it would be very helpful, thanks!

Oh, one final note: It's ok if the list happens to cut off at say the time skip or the tornament arc or were the anime cuts or something like that. =)

Speaking of thea anime: Are we just waiting on a new season on that? Seemed to have stopped updating more recently.

And also from earlier in the thread, Levi and Lucy have both used the magic speed reading glasses.

There is also this link (http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Erza_Scarlet#Equipment), it's a bit more detailed (including powers and effects).

As for the current chapter, I (finally) agree with you LaZodiac...

2014-05-31, 09:39 PM
Oh man this chapter. Hey look, isntead of killing the demons the Spirit King could only free all the Fairy Tail members. AND THEN HE VANISHED. BECAUSE LUCY WENT UNCONCIOUS. Just like I said he would.

I suppose that since the other characters are free you can safely say this isn't a failed sacrifice of the Aquarius key, but still. Would of preferred Lucy to kill Mard Gear and end this arc.

She beat several enemies and freed the entire guild. Stop being negative for the sake of being negative.

2014-05-31, 09:45 PM
She beat several enemies and freed the entire guild. Stop being negative for the sake of being negative.

I'm not being negative for the sake of negative. I just think it'd be cooler if she actually...you know, won the arc, not just a fight against a mid tier enemy.

2014-05-31, 09:55 PM
Well if she did it would be completely unbelievable, as well as terrible story telling, so I'm ok with the way it went.

Besides, she technically was quite instrumental in winning the arc. They would have lost without her.

2014-05-31, 09:58 PM
She sacrificed her best friend and strongest key to SUMMON A GOD. He decimated the big cube monster thing they where on, free'd everyone, and...then did nothing. Technically be beat Jackal since he was knocked out from this. That's a bit of a let down.

Having...literally a GOD beat all these demons, with the power of Lucy's sacrifice (which would hopefully be permanent) would be good writing.

2014-06-01, 04:05 AM
She sacrificed her best friend and strongest key to SUMMON A GOD. He decimated the big cube monster thing they where on, free'd everyone, and...then did nothing. Technically be beat Jackal since he was knocked out from this. That's a bit of a let down.

I would certainly not call it her most effective Key though, that title i hope everyone would agree on belongs to Loki.
And i also think God is to much said, he were certainly the ultimate spirit, with a power level that makes you think of people like Hades or Arcnologia, but he were not able to snap his fingers to make everything better.

And he sliced the cubebeast into peaces, resqued every single one of Lucy's friends from captivity, and turned the strongest enemy on the field to stone.
Thats a pretty good deal for someone whose every other altenative started with being tortured to death.

Having...literally a GOD beat all these demons, with the power of Lucy's sacrifice (which would hopefully be permanent) would be good writing.

And no, having the Spirit King suddenly appear and stomp all these demons into the ground would have been a Deus Ex Machina, and bad storytelling.

2014-06-01, 07:16 AM
She sacrificed her best friend and strongest key to SUMMON A GOD.
Wait, when did Lucy kill Levi? :smalltongue: Eh, the bit about Aquarius and Lucy being close... I guess it all boils down to how much you like tsundere characters...

Having...literally a GOD beat all these demons, with the power of Lucy's sacrifice (which would hopefully be permanent) would be good writing.
I don't know... I think I'll have to agree with khaine, even if you make a sacrifice to summon god, to solve your problems it's still not that good writing in my opinion. It's better than god showing up just because to save you but it still seems too easy.

I would certainly not call it her most effective Key though, that title i hope everyone would agree on belongs to Loki.
Arguable. Aquarius is often protrayed as really damn powerful, given there is water around and Loki while having his own special set of skills might not be able to keep up with her raw attack power.

And i also think God is to much said, he were certainly the ultimate spirit, with a power level that makes you think of people like Hades or Arcnologia, but he were not able to snap his fingers to make everything better.
That really is more the problem between THE judeo-christian deity and other deities.. you don't have to be all powerful to be a god. I'm sure he was described at the God King of the Celestial Realm, however that works. (I guess he rules by his own divine right. Pretty sweet deal for him, really)

2014-06-01, 07:52 AM
Arguable. Aquarius is often protrayed as really damn powerful, given there is water around and Loki while having his own special set of skills might not be able to keep up with her raw attack power.

And thats why i carefully used the word effektive instead of powerfull :smallwink:

2014-06-01, 08:22 AM
And thats why i carefully used the word effektive instead of powerfull :smallwink:

Which is also why I used the word powerful. Aquarius isn't her more effective summon since if I recall it requires water to be around, and Aquarius herself is kind of a massive jerk. But she is clearly the most powerful summon she's got, in terms of sheer power.

I can see why it'd be a Deus EX Machina, I just feel that it's not because...it sort of makes sense, and most Deus EX Machina don't make sense, or too "easy", I suppose is the term. A Deus EX Machina would be like...I don't know, I can't think of an example of one :smallredface:

Also, I have no reason to assume the reason Mard Gear turned into stone is because of the Celestial King. I figured it was just Mard Gear activating a sort of slumber mode to recharge himself after fighting a God.

2014-06-01, 01:06 PM
Which is also why I used the word powerful. Aquarius isn't her more effective summon since if I recall it requires water to be around, and Aquarius herself is kind of a massive jerk. But she is clearly the most powerful summon she's got, in terms of sheer power.

Well.. it requires lots of nearby water, cant be used anywhere near friendly targets and doesnt even seem that far above Loki in combat power.

I can see why it'd be a Deus EX Machina, I just feel that it's not because...it sort of makes sense, and most Deus EX Machina don't make sense, or too "easy", I suppose is the term. A Deus EX Machina would be like...I don't know, I can't think of an example of one

Would be like.. an previous unknown off Celestrial being decending from the heavens, killing all the demons and saving Fairy tail? :smalltongue:

Also, I have no reason to assume the reason Mard Gear turned into stone is because of the Celestial King. I figured it was just Mard Gear activating a sort of slumber mode to recharge himself after fighting a God.

Well.. he certainly seems kinda shocked at page 14, and his comment of "Do you actually think you can stop Mard Geer" does hint at the Spirit King having done something to actually stop or seal off the bastard for the time being.

2014-06-01, 03:12 PM
Would be like.. an previous unknown off Celestrial being decending from the heavens, killing all the demons and saving Fairy tail? :smalltongue:

Well.. he certainly seems kinda shocked at page 14, and his comment of "Do you actually think you can stop Mard Geer" does hint at the Spirit King having done something to actually stop or seal off the bastard for the time being.

Well no, we've heard of him before, and he was hyped up to be this super powerful guy who said he hoped to be summoned by Lucy one day, if she could handle the cost.

But, you have reminded me of a Deus EX Machina. Mavis Beacon, the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, who showed up to prevent everyone from getting Apocolypse Dragon'd.

2014-06-01, 03:21 PM
But, you have reminded me of a Deus EX Machina. Mavis Beacon, the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, who showed up to prevent everyone from getting Apocolypse Dragon'd.

I think they hinted at her earlier in the arc? But yeah, that was more or less a Deus Ex moment... Or if Norio would have just appeared without any action from Lucy's side, that would have been quite a literal Deus Ex moment.

In regard to Mard Geer... (gosh, why do I detest that name so much? :smallconfused:) I felt like he was pretty laid back during the fight so I guess it would be weird if he really was that exhausted he'd need to rest? But that's more random guessing than anything else.

2014-06-01, 06:00 PM
Well no, we've heard of him before, and he was hyped up to be this super powerful guy who said he hoped to be summoned by Lucy one day, if she could handle the cost.

But, you have reminded me of a Deus EX Machina. Mavis Beacon, the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, who showed up to prevent everyone from getting Apocolypse Dragon'd.

Wow she did that AND Teaches Typing?

Mavis Vermillion's dragon shield thing was slightly foreshadowed by Makarov praying at her grave earlier to "protect his brats" or something along those lines. I'd still consider it a Deus Ex, but after the Fairy Glitter showed she could still grant legendary spells it wasn't totally out of nowhere.

2014-06-01, 06:31 PM
Wow she did that AND Teaches Typing?

Mavis Vermillion's dragon shield thing was slightly foreshadowed by Makarov praying at her grave earlier to "protect his brats" or something along those lines. I'd still consider it a Deus Ex, but after the Fairy Glitter showed she could still grant legendary spells it wasn't totally out of nowhere.

It was a joke :smallbiggrin:

The problem is that we had no idea who she was until a few chapters after it happened, so it left us wondering who it was. I doubt anyone went "oh, that's Mavis the leader of the guild in ghost form helping them through beyond the grave magic because she's that strong!"

2014-06-04, 04:18 PM
I just kinda shrugged it off cause hey, the Island was already kinda weird, we didn't know all the special Fairy Magics or how they worked what they did and by that point it was hardly impossible that Someone there knew one that combined well enough with the island to pull that effect.

Finding out it was Mavis was "Ok, that's interesting."

Forum Explorer
2014-06-04, 06:10 PM
No that was totally a deus ex machina. There are a lot of them in Fairy Tale. With the worst one being the NPC being saved from lava by the clock guy.

2014-06-04, 11:13 PM
No that was totally a deus ex machina. There are a lot of them in Fairy Tale. With the worst one being the NPC being saved from lava by the clock guy.

No the worst was Ultear knowing the ultimate time rewind spell that sacrifices her life to save everyone, but ensures she dies in the process OH WAIT NO SHE'S ALIVE AS AN OLD LADY.

#still angry

2014-06-05, 03:59 AM
No that was totally a deus ex machina. There are a lot of them in Fairy Tale. With the worst one being the NPC being saved from lava by the clock guy.

No.. that was not a Deus ex machina, the npc were irrellevant for the story, and them being saved just meant the story remained more kid friendly.

No the worst was Ultear knowing the ultimate time rewind spell that sacrifices her life to save everyone, but ensures she dies in the process OH WAIT NO SHE'S ALIVE AS AN OLD LADY.

#still angry

And that was not a Deus Ex Machina either, Urtears ability to manipulate time had already been established, and we had directly been told her final goal were to rewind her entire timeline, restarting her life on a happier path.

But her stated goal were to rewind time so far back that world were not overrun by dragons, and she failed in doing so, only just managing to get a few minuttes worth of time. And since she failed in casting the spell then i really dont see any issue in that she only sacrifices her youth and majority of life for it.

2014-06-05, 04:25 AM
No that was totally a deus ex machina. There are a lot of them in Fairy Tale. With the worst one being the NPC being saved from lava by the clock guy.
Not really a Deus Ex, Holundrum did so earlier when he saved Wendy from Hades... I guess if you go back and accept it can do that... It's not great ut meh. Arcadios not eff-ing dying by being submerged in lava is not a DE either, just stupidity on either not knowing or not caring about what lava does to a human body. (Coincidentally, the anime kind of tried to explain it by way of an amulet he was wearing protecting him. (At least I don't think they ever noted that in the manga. It kind of helps... "Magic" is better than "power of will")

No the worst was Ultear knowing the ultimate time rewind spell that sacrifices her life to save everyone, but ensures she dies in the process OH WAIT NO SHE'S ALIVE AS AN OLD LADY.

#still angry
Also, while stupid, not a Deus Ex.

Not that it makes FT's writing at points better, but there aren't that many Deus Ex moments in the story.

Forum Explorer
2014-06-05, 04:39 AM
No.. that was not a Deus ex machina, the npc were irrellevant for the story, and them being saved just meant the story remained more kid friendly.

It's totally a Deus Ex Machina, just not an important one. Also I remember when I was a kid my books and stuff had tons of death and gore in it. Kids can handle that sort of crap.

Not really a Deus Ex, Holundrum did so earlier when he saved Wendy from Hades... I guess if you go back and accept it can do that... It's not great ut meh. Arcadios not eff-ing dying by being submerged in lava is not a DE either, just stupidity on either not knowing or not caring about what lava does to a human body. (Coincidentally, the anime kind of tried to explain it by way of an amulet he was wearing protecting him. (At least I don't think they ever noted that in the manga. It kind of helps... "Magic" is better than "power of will")

Two things,

1. I believe Lucy still had her keys when he saved Wendy. Not he literally comes out of nowhere to do so.

2. Dude was already walking in the lava! What the frig happened to that damage? Seriously, just having your legs immersed in lava could kill an ordinary person. He went from complete immersion to somehow having taken zero damage at all. Clock Dude negates attacks, not reverses them.

2014-06-05, 05:20 AM
I guess it kind of boils down to what you consider a "Deus Ex Machina" event. If anything nonsensical that happens is a DEM, then, sure, you can call pretty much anything you can't explain (and I guess which has a positive result?) a DEM.
However, I think the more narrow definition requires there to be some particular "plot item" to cause the event...
Going back, I realize there actually was a one panel mention of the amulet protecting him even in the manga. Color me surprised. So I guess I have to admit it as a Deus Ex Machina... However, without it, with Arcadios surviving the lava just because Hiro doesn't care about physics, it's just stupid and without any explanation at all.
The case of Ultear is somewhat similar... One can argue about the problem of the spell being never used and probably hardly well known at all, so its precise effect was up more or less to guesswork. Considering that, I'd be willing to let it slide as not a "kills user" but "steals time of the user" technique. If we'd seen it used before and then it killed the user but Ultear miraculously survived because ???? then it would be a clearer case.

2014-06-05, 08:19 AM
Also, while stupid, not a Deus Ex.

Not that it makes FT's writing at points better, but there aren't that many Deus Ex moments in the story.

I know it's not a Deus Ex Machina I'm just still very angry that she's alive. I'd argue that her being ALIVE is the Deus Ex Machina, but...eh. It was just a joke because I'm still genuinely annoyed by it :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-06, 03:42 AM
I know it's not a Deus Ex Machina I'm just still very angry that she's alive. I'd argue that her being ALIVE is the Deus Ex Machina, but...eh. It was just a joke because I'm still genuinely annoyed by it :smallbiggrin:
Understandably. (Also, I just now realize again what we named the thread... I'm pretty forgetful/unobservant...)

Anyway, new chapter!

Before anything actually story related: Why does that image of Lucy brushing her teeth look weird to me?

Anyway, misleading title is misleading, as even assuming "it" is true (and I'm going to argue against it until nothing makes sense anymore just because :smalltongue: ) we hardly get any action from the two.
We get a bit of action from the other six fighters but nothing too conclusive. We get a scene with Happy and Lily (gosh, I type his name so rarely I forget how weird it is) where Hiro is totally ripping off one of my favorite video gamesFinal Fantasy V
And we get a bunch of other stuff, probably most importantly... there are dozens of Faces! Uh... what?! Also, I'm still not sure what's up with Mard Geer but it seems he's going to be back soon(?)
Going by this chapter's title and next chapter's title we'll likely see Erza for two pages next week... Interesting considering the anime is at the Erza/Minerva/Kaguya three way battle right now.

2014-06-06, 09:14 AM
Concerning why Lucy brushing her teeth looks weird. "Brushing your teeth" is something everyone does, so it'd be super odd to see anyone do it in a way they're not familiar with. Also, you're supposed to think it's suuuper sexy, which it isn't, so there's that.

So, thoughts on the chapter: I know this is just the pessimist talking but I can't wait to see what thing destroys all the faces at once next chapter after a page or two of drama. If that doesn't happen I can't wait to see how our heroes survive the magic implosion.

That aside, the scene with the demons is actually pretty cool, and seems to be dividing everyone into their fights. Grey vs Dad, sand thing vs Juvia, Natsu vs wind puppy, and Gajeel vs the turtle man. Also Happy and Lilly beating up the soul absorb guy.

2014-06-07, 05:58 AM
Also, you're supposed to think it's suuuper sexy, which it isn't, so there's that.
Because of the whole "woman puts foreign object in her mouth"? Maybe.. But... uh... Oh, Hiro...

So, thoughts on the chapter: I know this is just the pessimist talking but I can't wait to see what thing destroys all the faces at once next chapter after a page or two of drama. If that doesn't happen I can't wait to see how our heroes survive the magic implosion.

That aside, the scene with the demons is actually pretty cool, and seems to be dividing everyone into their fights. Grey vs Dad, sand thing vs Juvia, Natsu vs wind puppy, and Gajeel vs the turtle man. Also Happy and Lilly beating up the soul absorb guy.

Nah, I think it'll take a few chapters for the Faces to be destroyed... Though, it doesn't seem they are that robust, so maybe the other guilds are allowed to show up and wreck havoc?

It seemed more logical Gajeel would take on the wind guy but I guess the fairies aren't the only ones who can (avoid) exploiting weaknesses...

Meanwhile the anime spends half of it's run time repeating everything that happened in the Tower of Heaven and then ends on a dramatic "Erza gets killed?!" note only to show Erza being fine in the preview... Good job, people!

2014-06-07, 08:29 AM
Meanwhile the anime spends half of it's run time repeating everything that happened in the Tower of Heaven and then ends on a dramatic "Erza gets killed?!" note only to show Erza being fine in the preview... Good job, people!

Bahahahahaha, I'd care more if that scene wasn't horrible. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO CRY AT MY FUNERAL.

2014-06-08, 05:11 AM
So, now caught up on the anime, and one thing is bugging me just a bit more then it rightfully should be.

How the hell did we end up with two God Slayers in this tournament?

It's not even that Lamia Scale, a top rated guild with a top caliber member of the ten wizard saints finding/attracting one practitioner, OR Sabertooh picking one up what with there whole MO being "Power Equals Power and strong members are all that matter ever, period." picking one up along the way is an issue too me. It's that we found both of them and did so in the same tournament when there suppose to be even rarer then Gen 1 or Gen 3 Dragon Slayers.

2014-06-08, 08:55 AM
So, now caught up on the anime, and one thing is bugging me just a bit more then it rightfully should be.

How the hell did we end up with two God Slayers in this tournament?

It's not even that Lamia Scale, a top rated guild with a top caliber member of the ten wizard saints finding/attracting one practitioner, OR Sabertooh picking one up what with there whole MO being "Power Equals Power and strong members are all that matter ever, period." picking one up along the way is an issue too me. It's that we found both of them and did so in the same tournament when there suppose to be even rarer then Gen 1 or Gen 3 Dragon Slayers.

Welcome to Fairy Tail. This is how things just work. Dragon Slayers are supposed to be super rare. We've found one basically every arc.

2014-06-08, 09:05 AM
I don't think anyone said God Slayers are rare, per se... but God Slaying was iirc Lost or Forbidden (or something) magic back when the Fire God Slayer guy was introduced. And while I do wonder where those guys get their magic from (gods? :smallconfused:) I'm willing to accept among the most powerful mages of the most powerful guilds there would be more than average of them... It's not like every run of the mill wizard suddenly is a god slayer..

2014-06-09, 06:57 AM
Welcome to Fairy Tail. This is how things just work. Dragon Slayers are supposed to be super rare. We've found one basically every arc.

Not really. Phantom Lord Arc we got Gigeel, (Probably spelling all the names wrong, sorry, trying to keep awake till the end of my shift while sleep deprived, long story, don't ask.), The Laxus takes over arc we found out he's a dragon slayer but a different type form Natsu that doesn't need an actual dragon, just a lacruma of your preference, The Oracio Seise story arc we got the poison dragon slayer who's the same as Laxus and we got Wendy, and then in this story arc we got Sting and Rogue who are actually a not entirely unsensible evolution of the process. (In that if Lacrama method is a fast way to great power and raised by a dragon was a path to potentially much greater power, it made sense that sooner or later one of the latter would get a Lacrama put in them to see if the two stacked for even more power in both short and long term.)

And I don't question is since they said Dragon Slayers are fairly rare and out of all these story arcs we've seen a total of 7 of them split between 3 different types. As far as we know though, there is still only one way to get God Slayer Magic, and it was either lost or forbidden or both which was why the fire dude on the island was such a big deal. Then seemingly out of no were we get two more people who can do it, and one of them is a little girl who's very clearly not a bad person or inclined to do anything drastic or horrible just to get power, and doesn't seem to be in an environment were the adults around her would encourage or indeed even allow her to do anything that was truly horrible or illegal just to get power, and would only tolerate her putting herself in danger to get stronger up to a point. (Seriously, I can't see Jura letting borderline suicidal on only the slimmest chance of success pass as a way of boosting a child's strength. Or Lyon for that matter given his history up to this point.)

Then again, since we don't know as much about god slayer magic as we do other systems like dragon slayer magic, and since as Kato said, this isn't just any group of wizards, these are suppose to be the top caliber members outside the guild masters themselves of the assorted wizard guilds, and the two in question have been ranked number 1-2 as guilds in terms of strength for about 7 years now, so, I guess it shouldn't be as surprising as it's been.

2014-06-10, 03:27 AM
Welcome to Fairy Tail. This is how things just work. Dragon Slayers are supposed to be super rare. We've found one basically every arc.

To be fair, the slayers are basically the core of the entire story. It makes sense they would be gathered around plot central events even if they're rare compared to the general population.

2014-06-10, 04:42 AM
io adoro Fairy Tail è fantastico

la storia e i personaggi sn spettacolari *.*

il mio preferito è Gray e anche Elsa

2014-06-12, 11:31 AM
Right, so, awhile back I asked this thread for a list of Erza's armors and powers in order to stat out and expy of her for a 3rd edition Mutants and Masterminds game.

This is what I'm looking at doing as a means of condensing down the rather massive list of armors, moves, attacks and powers that turned out to be into something manageable form a paperwork front.

Requip Weapon: Variable Descriptors
Sword Magic (Requip Weapons)

Variable 5- Limited Enhanced Equipment Only
Trinity/Pentagram Sword- Str Based Multiattack
Moon Flash- Str Based Penetrating Damage, Improved Critical
Elemental Empress Weapons- Elemental Str Based Damage
Purgatory Weapon- Str based damage linked Affliction
Sonic Claw- Perception Multiattack (Requires Flight Armor)

Requip Armor: Removable, Variable Descriptors

Heaven’s Wheel: Flight; Line Homing Multiattack (Blumemblatt); Burst Area Multiattack (Circle Swords)
Black Wing: Flight; Enhanced Combat Advantages
Empress Armor (Elemental): Immunity Fire/Electricity/Water (Limited- choose one per scene); Elemental Blast
Giant Armor: Enhanced Strength; Power Lifting; Throwing Mastery; Improved Smash
Adamantine Armor: Immunity Toughness Effects (Half Effect), Invulnerable Toughness, Deflect
Purgatory Armor: Enhanced Combat Advantages, Damaging Aura (cause of the spikes)
Flight Armor: Super Speed
Morningstar Armor: Line Damage Linked Dazzle

Things that are missing.

Seduction Armor: Cause no. Just. No. I'm not doing that. Wouldn't work for the games intended tone.

Farewell Armor: I honestly don't think it's that important.

Fairy Armor: The GM and I agreed that this would be a power stunt to bring out.

Anything exclusive to OVA, The Movie, or Filler Arcs: Cause I just don't want it cause you know it's only gonna show up in filler material.

Nakagami Armor: So far we've not seen it in the anime and I want to see it there so I'll have a better idea how to use it. Then I'll decide if I should stat it out properly or Power Stunt for it like I'm gonna do for Fairy Armor.

Demon Blade Crimson Sakura: Again, this is a super big last ditch finisher move. GM and I agreed if it becomes called for I'll just power stunt for it.

So, are there any important ability's missing from that set that aren't on the list in the spoiler tag? I just wanna make sure I got everything before I get with the GM and tell him "Ok, here's everything." Thanks for the help!

2014-06-13, 09:31 AM
New Chapter: Wendy cuts her hair because...reasons. This makes no sense since Wendy has no...anything that even hints at why she'd cut her hair. I'm glad Naruto has taken to copying Naruto now.

Neo Minerva is a really stupid name. I liked it when the weird lesbian book demon was who we thought Minerva was, not...this pathetic excuse for a villain.

Oh good a sympathetic backstory for Minerva. This is what we need. OH GOOD HE TOLD HER TO TAKE OFF HER CLOTHS. ****ING FAIRY TAIL.

Hooray, Minerva got saved by Sting and Rogue. Why do we care that Minerva got saved?

Well that was an awful chapter. Can Hiro please stop forcefully stripping people? Please?

2014-06-13, 09:46 AM
New Chapter:
Well that was an awful chapter. Can Hiro please stop forcefully stripping people? Please?

Yeah, pretty much...

Wow, why... why, any of this, Hiro? Why would Wendy cut her hair now, AFTER she had her serious fight? She was never the Sakura, she never lagged behind. Well, not in the same way Sakura did. There's no REASON for her to decide to grow up now, after she kicked a demon in the face.

I would ask how Erza wins all of a sudden but.. Fairy Tail. But what's with the whole "sympathetic Minerva" stick? No, she didn't do all this for Sabre Tooth. Even if you consider her hand in killing her hand, or her evil when holding Lector captive or Millianna... Torturing Lucy was pure sadism, siding with the demons was pure revenge. That b**** is evil, and even if she's a product of her evil father... for heaven's sake, not every evildoer has to be a nice guy in the end. It was bad enough with Flare and now her... and the Dragons show up to save her because clearly she is in fact a nice person. Is there any chance Hiro could hand this manga over to Oda? He might be able to save it :smallmad:

Oh, right, the stripping... you know what, next to all the other terrible writing and considering ST's master is already a known sexist pig I'm willing to let that slide as just usual FT badness, but the rest really drives me up a hill right now.

2014-06-14, 01:03 AM
Yeah, pretty much...

Wow, why... why, any of this, Hiro? Why would Wendy cut her hair now, AFTER she had her serious fight? She was never the Sakura, she never lagged behind. Well, not in the same way Sakura did. There's no REASON for her to decide to grow up now, after she kicked a demon in the face.

I would ask how Erza wins all of a sudden but.. Fairy Tail. But what's with the whole "sympathetic Minerva" stick? No, she didn't do all this for Sabre Tooth. Even if you consider her hand in killing her hand, or her evil when holding Lector captive or Millianna... Torturing Lucy was pure sadism, siding with the demons was pure revenge. That b**** is evil, and even if she's a product of her evil father... for heaven's sake, not every evildoer has to be a nice guy in the end. It was bad enough with Flare and now her... and the Dragons show up to save her because clearly she is in fact a nice person. Is there any chance Hiro could hand this manga over to Oda? He might be able to save it :smallmad:

Oh, right, the stripping... you know what, next to all the other terrible writing and considering ST's master is already a known sexist pig I'm willing to let that slide as just usual FT badness, but the rest really drives me up a hill right now.

Eh. Gajeel was evil before he fought FT. Laxus was evil, Jellal was evil, Lyon was evil, Juvia was evil, Pantherlily, the Oracion Seis people...honestly the secret here is that fighting Fairy Tail apparently mind-rapes you into being a good person no matter how evil you were before. Unless you're not pretty. We can't have uglies cluttering up the fan service.

I'm honestly not sure why he keeps pulling the "save this character from certain doom at the last possible second" thing either. At this point absolutely no one believes he is capable of actually killing a character, and he does it almost every chapter. It's reached the point of silliness.

2014-06-14, 01:12 AM
Personally I just want to see Sting and Rogue be awesome next issue and maybe actually outdo Natsu.

2014-06-14, 01:20 AM
Personally I just want to see Sting and Rogue be awesome next issue and maybe actually outdo Natsu.

As if. It's not like they can go Dragonforce at any time, without having to eat Etherion magic or anything..


In all seriousness I agree. Sting and Rogue are kind of cool and it'd be...kind of great if they got to actually DO something.

2014-06-14, 01:24 AM
As if. It's not like they can go Dragonforce at any time, without having to eat Etherion magic or anything..


In all seriousness I agree. Sting and Rogue are kind of cool and it'd be...kind of great if they got to actually DO something.

Yeah this issue I just got one thing from it "Sting and Rogue are back!" And they seem to actually have the power of friendship on their side this time because they're saving someone who mistreated them... Ok the fridge logic is hurting me here.

2014-06-14, 01:38 AM
Yeah this issue I just got one thing from it "Sting and Rogue are back!" And they seem to actually have the power of friendship on their side this time because they're saving someone who mistreated them... Ok the fridge logic is hurting me here.

Well see it's true friendship because this time it's a hot girl instead of literally their best friends in the world.

*barfs* I hate Fairy Tail sometimes.

2014-06-14, 02:45 AM
Eh. Gajeel was evil before he fought FT. Laxus was evil, Jellal was evil, Lyon was evil, Juvia was evil, Pantherlily, the Oracion Seis people...honestly the secret here is that fighting Fairy Tail apparently mind-rapes you into being a good person no matter how evil you were before. Unless you're not pretty. We can't have uglies cluttering up the fan service.

I'm honestly not sure why he keeps pulling the "save this character from certain doom at the last possible second" thing either. At this point absolutely no one believes he is capable of actually killing a character, and he does it almost every chapter. It's reached the point of silliness.
Eh, while that's true, only Gajeel did something that for me fell under "evil evil" (as in, Laxus was more being a ****, Julia was just with the wrong crowd, Jellal was mind controlled...) but it took me quite a while to forgive him, yeah. Still, it's not like every evil guy in the series gets his tragic backstory, though the Oracion Seis recent return was kind of bitter but I wouldn't say they are "good" now...

Maybe Hiro thinks he's doing the same thing Oda did back before... he just can't grasp the way Oda does it better.

Well see it's true friendship because this time it's a hot girl instead of literally their best friends in the world.

*barfs* I hate Fairy Tail sometimes.
What, hoes before bros. Isn't that how the saying goes?

2014-06-14, 10:09 AM
Eh, while that's true, only Gajeel did something that for me fell under "evil evil" (as in, Laxus was more being a ****, Julia was just with the wrong crowd, Jellal was mind controlled...) but it took me quite a while to forgive him, yeah. Still, it's not like every evil guy in the series gets his tragic backstory, though the Oracion Seis recent return was kind of bitter but I wouldn't say they are "good" now...

Maybe Hiro thinks he's doing the same thing Oda did back before... he just can't grasp the way Oda does it better.

What, hoes before bros. Isn't that how the saying goes?

...god I just remembered that Gajeel ****ing CRUCIFIED PEOPLE. Hell, one of the people he did it too HAS A MUTUAL ROMANTIC FEELING FOR HIM. I find that incredibly creepy and I LIKE Gajeel.

Yup, sounds about right :smallwink:

2014-06-14, 02:41 PM
...god I just remembered that Gajeel ****ing CRUCIFIED PEOPLE. Hell, one of the people he did it too HAS A MUTUAL ROMANTIC FEELING FOR HIM. I find that incredibly creepy and I LIKE Gajeel.

Yeah.. and thats why i always railed against both the romance and Gajeel suddenly becoming a good guy.

Though to be honest.. he did not crucify anyone, he just beat them up and then tied them to a tree.

2014-06-14, 03:32 PM
Yeah.. and thats why i always railed against both the romance and Gajeel suddenly becoming a good guy.

Though to be honest.. he did not crucify anyone, he just beat them up and then tied them to a tree.

Besides, his feelings were heavily influenced by Phantom Lord's Jose, who thought murder and war were perfectly acceptable. Add to that that he hasn't had a real equal opponent for a time he just went into apex predator mode. then he changes when he notices Natsu has had the same experience regarding the disappearance of dragons (accompanied by a thorough beating by Natsu). It does snell a bit of Sanctify the Wicked though...

2014-06-14, 03:55 PM
While I really like Gajeel now, and support always enjoy his scenes with him and Levi a) he really was a total ****. Beating up Levi's team and more-or-less crucifying them I can almost forgive, but the way he tortured Lucy before Natsu saved her was just way over the top for my taste. But that's happened a long time ago and by now I forgive him... which doesn't make the Levi-love story less weird but okay.
Anyway, Minerva is Minerva and as the last episode reminded me she also tortured Milliana for fun I can even less see how "she only did it for the sake of FT". For eff's sake, there were few FT villains who deserved a major kicking more than that sadistic ****. God, he may not mean to, but Hiro definitely manages to get me angry with his crappy writing. Is this how reading Dominic Deegan felt like?

2014-06-14, 03:59 PM
Yeah.. and thats why i always railed against both the romance and Gajeel suddenly becoming a good guy.

Though to be honest.. he did not crucify anyone, he just beat them up and then tied them to a tree.

In the manga he screwed them to a tree in the crucification position, with the crews in their hands and feet. He...explicitly crucified them to a tree.

2014-06-14, 04:10 PM
In the manga he screwed them to a tree in the crucification position, with the crews in their hands and feet. He...explicitly crucified them to a tree.

I think you're misremembering a bit. It's definitely a crucifix pose, but it's not an actual crucifixion. http://www.mangahere.co/manga/fairy_tail/v06/c047/21.html

Is this how reading Dominic Deegan felt like?

Let's not get crazy. For all its flaws Fairy Tail is still much, much, much better than DD became.

2014-06-16, 11:51 AM
ya know, with gajeel, i bought him turning good, it was a (relatively) gradual process, he was shown feeling bad about it, he went out of his way to redeem himself. Almost all the OTHER heel face turns were just awful though... worse than even Naruto's friendship no justsu. (though this makes me realise that my favorite characters from both shows were awful people who redeemed themselves...(gajeel and Gaara))

2014-06-20, 04:59 AM
Let's not get crazy. For all its flaws Fairy Tail is still much, much, much better than DD became.

Ah, okay :smallbiggrin:

Not really much happening... another bogus plan/explanation about where the Faces come from and how to use them, the dragons trying to beat Hades but failing (not sure if that's good or bad... at least it means Hades actually is a challenge), and some more half-reveals about Silver. You know what, I'll propose another bogus theory: Silver is Hamrio from Rave, obviously aged and transported through dimensions. Yes, I prefer that over the father theory, no matter what :smalltongue:
At least there was nothing terrible this week...

2014-06-20, 08:31 AM
mhm.. i really cant help but think that this whole chapter were kinda.. mehh..

I guess it kinda feels like it were written on auto pilot or something? it just felt so generic.

2014-06-20, 09:05 AM
mhm.. i really cant help but think that this whole chapter were kinda.. mehh..

I guess it kinda feels like it were written on auto pilot or something? it just felt so generic.

Welcome to Fairy Tail. When it's not doing something absolutely heinous like forcing someone to strip naked infront of everyone/in the middle of the woods so they have to walk home scared naked and three years old, it's...an average sort of generic shounen manga.

Fairy Tail is weird. My only comment on the new chapter is that Frosh is...really off kilter.

2014-06-20, 10:12 AM
What new chapter? I mean it feels like nothing happened. The fight was a non-fight thus far, and the part with Erza the only part with plot import. It feels like a non-update.

I did enjoy one line.
When Hades says that it annoys him when lowly humans try to use dragon slaying magic (paraphrasing).

2014-06-20, 10:14 AM
What new chapter? I mean it feels like nothing happened. The fight was a non-fight thus far, and the part with Erza the only part with plot import. It feels like a non-update.

I did enjoy one line.
When Hades says that it annoys him when lowly humans try to use dragon slaying magic (paraphrasing).

He put air quotes around magic which further gives evidence to my theory that Dragonslayers are really just baby dragons.

2014-06-20, 10:18 AM
He put air quotes around magic which further gives evidence to my theory that Dragonslayers are really just baby dragons.

That's been my theory too ever since Natsu ran into the age based barrier when Laxus decided he wanted to take over the guild. There is some connection between the dragons and demons, and something special up with dragonslayers and their relation with dragons. And that's what I want to find out right now.

2014-06-20, 11:38 AM
The more I see of Greer, the more I think that this whole face thing is just one step in a much larger plan.

Greer is obviously powerful enough to have just straight up killed everybody without having to resort to the scenery-chewing villainy that is Face. He wasn't even worried when facing the Spirit King himself!

This leads me to believe that the entire Face thing, freezing the entire Eternal Flame mountain, the highly visible assassinations of the council members (if he's trying to quietly get rid of people he wouldn't have sent idiots that would BLOW UP ENTIRE TOWNS), the GIANT FLYING FORTRESS OF OBVIOUSNESS, and now the stupidly obvious 3 thousand Face heads springing up everywhere, were done precisely BECAUSE they are Highly Visible Villainy.

My conclusion is that he is doing these things precisely BECAUSE they are so over-the-top, that they are intended to force somebody/something out into the open so he can fight/control them.

Fairy Tail obviously isn't his goal, he didn't particularly care about them, he was perfectly content to just seal them off and ignore them.

Which leads me to believe that his real goal is 1 of 3 things:

1) The current Council has some other super-weapon that he couldn't get access to, and he's trying to force them to use it because it won't do what they think it will (seriously we've seen this with pretty much everything they've tried to use - there were serious side effects and consequences).

Etherion just charged the batteries of the Tower. Eclipse was supposed to be a cannon and instead was a time portal.

Possibly the side effects of the weapon he is trying to force will open a portal to Hades and release more demons.

2) He's trying to force Acnologia to come into the open. I think this is most likely. According to the lore, Acnologia was originally a wizard that killed and absorbed so many Dragons that he became a Dragon himself. Since he was a wizard, logically, if magic ceases to work, Acnologia will lose his power. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be too happy about that and would show up to prevent it.

Greer may have some way of controlling him, or thinks/knows if he can kill him then he can absorb Acnologia's power.

3) He's trying to force Zeref to take direct action. Zeref in general is still somewhat of an enigma, the legends about him claim that he created all of these demons, yet he was just hanging out whiny and emo on an island for the past couple hundred years. Now suddenly he's sitting around reading a book. Greer may be trying to force him to take action.

2014-06-21, 06:32 AM
Welcome to Fairy Tail. When it's not doing something absolutely heinous like forcing someone to strip naked infront of everyone/in the middle of the woods so they have to walk home scared naked and three years old, it's...an average sort of generic shounen manga.

I kinda envy you the innocent worldview where just making someone strip down is an absolutely heinous crime :smalltongue:

That's been my theory too ever since Natsu ran into the age based barrier when Laxus decided he wanted to take over the guild. There is some connection between the dragons and demons, and something special up with dragonslayers and their relation with dragons. And that's what I want to find out right now.

It has been a rather popular theory ever since both Natsu and Gajeel failed to get though the barrier, with them being above 80 a more popular explanation than them secretly being made of stone :smallbiggrin:

Of course.. if this is to be true then Wendy is also actually pushing 70+ :smallwink:

The more I see of Greer, the more I think that this whole face thing is just all part of his plan.

Greer is obviously powerful enough to have just straight up killed everybody without having to resort to the scenery-chewing villainy that is Face. He wasn't even worried when facing the Spirit King himself!

The problem is that we dont have any direct estimate of the Spirit Kings power, since we have not seen him fight anyone else.. and while Greer is extremely strong then i still dont think he could handle a teamup of for example Makarov, Gildarts, Juan and Laxus. Or whoever else there is of the 10 wizard saints.

This leads me to believe that the entire Face thing, freezing the entire Eternal Flame mountain, the highly visible assassinations of the council members (if he's trying to quietly get rid of people he wouldn't have sent idiots that would BLOW UP ENTIRE TOWNS), the GIANT FLYING FORTRESS OF OBVIOUSNESS, and now the stupidly obvious 3 thousand Face heads springing up everywhere, were done precisely BECAUSE they are Highly Visible Villainy.

This is a really good point though, so many other plots have been indirect.. it would be logical for this to be a ruse as well.

And both 2) and 3) does sound very likely for what he is really wishing to accomplish.

2014-06-21, 11:21 PM
The problem is that we dont have any direct estimate of the Spirit Kings power, since we have not seen him fight anyone else.. and while Greer is extremely strong then i still dont think he could handle a teamup of for example Makarov, Gildarts, Juan and Laxus. Or whoever else there is of the 10 wizard saints.

Are you really implying that the arc's main antagonist isn't going to be beaten soley by Natsu with the "power of friendship"? I don't think Fairy Tail is capable of diverging from that plot point.

Then again, it's Natsu so he'll do something silly like eat the fairy light or whatever is stored under the guild to get enough temporary plot armor to win.

2014-06-22, 04:14 PM
Of course.. if this is to be true then Wendy is also actually pushing 70+ :smallwink:

I'm sure there are some people who will be happy about this not very innocent reasons...

In general regard to that.. I still don't like it. I mean, the "Natsu is Igneel" theory. It's stupid. I guess I could go along with "baby dragons" but then why need they be 70+ years old?

Are you really implying that the arc's main antagonist isn't going to be beaten soley by Natsu with the "power of friendship"? I don't think Fairy Tail is capable of diverging from that plot point.

Then again, it's Natsu so he'll do something silly like eat the fairy light or whatever is stored under the guild to get enough temporary plot armor to win.
Oh come on now, it's not like Natsu gets to defeat all major villains because of plot. Well, some. More than not. But not all! :smalltongue:

I never thought much about it but you might be right. On the other hand, maybe the demons are just huge pricks who think they will win for sure and don't care about being blatant. But it would be a cool twist if they are actually after Acnologia/Zeref...

2014-06-22, 08:19 PM
Igneel has shown up in an alternate dimension, hasn't he? I think Natsu is a dragon or maybe a half-dragon, but not Igneel with the age thing being because dragons mature more slowly. This would also be why Edolas Windy was an adult.

2014-06-23, 06:01 AM
Are you really implying that the arc's main antagonist isn't going to be beaten soley by Natsu with the "power of friendship"? I don't think Fairy Tail is capable of diverging from that plot point.

If not then i have been making several sacrifices to dark and eldrich beings in vain :smallfrown:

Then again, it's Natsu so he'll do something silly like eat the fairy light or whatever is stored under the guild to get enough temporary plot armor to win.

Im going to take food-based powerups over friendship based ones almost any day of the week..

In general regard to that.. I still don't like it. I mean, the "Natsu is Igneel" theory. It's stupid. I guess I could go along with "baby dragons" but then why need they be 70+ years old?

I were refering to the Natsu is litterally the son of Igneel theory, though he might not be pureblooded.

And the 80+ part thing could be explained with him having spend quite a bit of time as a egg before he hatched.

Igneel has shown up in an alternate dimension, hasn't he? I think Natsu is a dragon or maybe a half-dragon, but not Igneel with the age thing being because dragons mature more slowly. This would also be why Edolas Windy was an adult.

Flashbacks has revealed that Natsu is aging at the same pace as the other members of Fairy Tail, hence the idea that he might have hatched from an egg.

2014-06-23, 09:50 PM
Im going to take food-based powerups over friendship based ones almost any day of the week..

Considering that I'm referencing Fairy Tail's "secret" or whatever it is they have locked away...Natsu may literally eat the power of friendship at one point as his power up.

2014-06-27, 04:25 AM
And the 80+ part thing could be explained with him having spend quite a bit of time as a egg before he hatched.

But are you alive if you are an egg? :smalltongue:

Well, going by today's chapter in FT everything is possible! :smallannoyed:

Okay, before we get to the gruesome thing, small points: Fanservice-y (bikinis everywhere :smallredface: Well, I guess there's also quite a bit to look at for the ladies/gay gentlemen) title page made it hard to notice but apparently... there's a FT magazine now. And four(?????) spin off manga. How the hell...? "This is why we can't have nice things!" :smalltongue: Oh, boy... Will they be names "Sabre Tooth", "Blue Pegasus", "Crime Sorciere" and "Lamia Scale"?

Natsu and co are still fighting and not very successfully, but I'm sure they'll handle somehow. Minerva recognizes mushroom man because ????. Also, apparently NOW you can rip the mushroom of, which didn't work earlier. Maybe not enough force, I guess.. And Twin DS are still fighting Mard. I can't help but somehow for all his cockiness and apparent skill he just utterly fails to intimidate me.

AND NOW FOR THE MAIN EVENT! Gray vs Silver, who is... his father's murderer in his fathers body. You know, I should have seen it happen... and maybe I would have if it wasn't for the fact
a) why does he not use his real name?
b) if the demons can regrow bodies why not his original body?
c) how does he even know Silver's name? (So he also stole his memories?)
d) why would you use ice magic if you hate being frozen for ten years? Deloria was never shown as using ice. Nor was Silver said to be an ice mage...
e) if you want revenge against Ur why wait forever until his pupil shows up to get killed by you?
f) since when can demons just hop to different bodies? (Albeit I think when they destroyed Deloria's body there was some mention of something being off/his soul being missing, so I guess that was decent foreshadowing?)
g) how often do you need to watch Star Wars in order to feel like merely the fact of having a "I am your father" scene would make for a good story...

My Goodness, Hiro, you used to write good stuff, what has happened... But with all that... I'm happy it's not simply his goddamn father.

2014-06-27, 06:24 AM
I like this chapter. It may have started out weak with a reveal we were all able to more or less guess, with a component that was a lot harder to guess, but ultimately this chapter was good.

2014-06-27, 09:21 AM
I don't believe for a second Grey's gonna used the Iced Shell. But yeah, this was a good chapter. They sort of foreshadowed it way back when, and with the demon reviving machine now. It's fairly good.

I'm still wondering why Juvia is able to sense when bad stuff is happening to Grey. That's kind of weird. Did she put some of...herself, inside of him?

2014-06-27, 01:03 PM
I actually liked this a lot as well, though im not sure if there isnt a couple of huge(or more huge than usual) plotholes in it.

But are you alive if you are an egg?

I certainly would not call you dead? :smallconfused:

I don't believe for a second Grey's gonna used the Iced Shell. But yeah, this was a good chapter. They sort of foreshadowed it way back when, and with the demon reviving machine now. It's fairly good.

Actually.. ever since seeing Ur's ice leg, then i have been waiting for a chance for Grey to use a partial Iced Shell or something like that, and just sacrifice his arm for it so he could get a badass new ice replacement :smalltongue:

I'm still wondering why Juvia is able to sense when bad stuff is happening to Grey. That's kind of weird. Did she put some of...herself, inside of him?

Its proberly just intuition.. though... its not like it would be hard for her to slip something into his.. drink.. and it would be in character for her.. :smallamused:

2014-06-27, 05:08 PM
I certainly would not call you dead? :smallconfused:
But without getting us into dangerous territory, isn't it kind of like being unborn? I feel like your birthday would be the moment you hatch, not the one the egg is laid. Then again, that is up to debate, I'll admit.

Actually.. ever since seeing Ur's ice leg, then i have been waiting for a chance for Grey to use a partial Iced Shell or something like that, and just sacrifice his arm for it so he could get a badass new ice replacement :smalltongue:
Heh, only if he pays an arm and half a leg for it :smalltongue: But I guess it would be kind of cool, but also cheap.

I'm still wondering why Juvia is able to sense when bad stuff is happening to Grey. That's kind of weird. Did she put some of...herself, inside of him?

Its proberly just intuition.. though... its not like it would be hard for her to slip something into his.. drink.. and it would be in character for her.. :smallamused:
I think Juvia would prefer it if Gray put something of himself...... Er, sorry. I think it's just the power of love. Yeah, if anyone would slip something in somebody else's drink it's her but I don't think it would work like this...

So, not to spoil anyone's fun and I'll admit it was better than it could have been but... do you really not mind the problems with this resolution? :smallconfused:

2014-06-27, 09:09 PM
Ok, did I miss something before? Why would Deliora (spelling?) have ice powers? I don't think he was ever shown to have them before...and Gray didn't have them until he was trained by Ur, so it isn't something that runs in the family....it makes no sense for him to suddenly manifest ice powers simply because his rival uses them. Also, if it's Deliora...why has he been going as Silver, even in private conversations with the other demons?

Maybe the dude is just lying to get under Gray's skin. That would make more sense than anything.

Forum Explorer
2014-06-28, 04:06 AM
But without getting us into dangerous territory, isn't it kind of like being unborn? I feel like your birthday would be the moment you hatch, not the one the egg is laid. Then again, that is up to debate, I'll admit.

From a biological perspective, no not at all. Your cells start ageing and the DNA starts altering at the very first division. And remember, you do a lot of developing in the womb. And you develop out of the womb. So I could see a spell going by the absolute age of the target, not just the perceived age of the target.

2014-06-28, 07:21 AM
From a biological perspective, no not at all. Your cells start ageing and the DNA starts altering at the very first division. And remember, you do a lot of developing in the womb. And you develop out of the womb. So I could see a spell going by the absolute age of the target, not just the perceived age of the target.

Yeah.. and the birthday is the date you actually have the precise time on, while for the other date.. then i suspect everyone here would agree on that the less they knew about that, the better :smalltongue:

Heh, only if he pays an arm and half a leg for it But I guess it would be kind of cool, but also cheap.

Of course its cheap, its made out of water? :smallbiggrin:

So, not to spoil anyone's fun and I'll admit it was better than it could have been but... do you really not mind the problems with this resolution?

What do you think off?

2014-06-28, 12:48 PM
From a biological perspective, no not at all. Your cells start ageing and the DNA starts altering at the very first division. And remember, you do a lot of developing in the womb. And you develop out of the womb. So I could see a spell going by the absolute age of the target, not just the perceived age of the target.
Admitted. I still prefer time travel. We'll see how it goes.

Of course its cheap, its made out of water? :smallbiggrin:

What do you think off?
Mostly the things I mentioned in my first post regarding the chapter... and likely a dozen I missed. But it's okay...

2014-06-28, 04:51 PM
From a biological perspective, no not at all. Your cells start ageing and the DNA starts altering at the very first division. And remember, you do a lot of developing in the womb. And you develop out of the womb. So I could see a spell going by the absolute age of the target, not just the perceived age of the target.

Or from a much simpler angle, Dragon Slayers have the soul/power of whatever Dragon they were with attached to them. The barrier picked up the age of the Dragon, while Natsu was still a teenager.

2014-06-28, 06:49 PM
Or from a much simpler angle, Dragon Slayers have the soul/power of whatever Dragon they were with attached to them. The barrier picked up the age of the Dragon, while Natsu was still a teenager.

We have seen the dragons converse about Natsu and Wendy, so it would have to be some really complicated situation for their souls to suddenly reside in their slayers..

I would say first generation dragon slayers either being pure or half -blood dragons are a much simpler explanation.

Im not saying its correct of course.. just that its simpler.

2014-06-28, 08:42 PM
We have seen the dragons converse about Natsu and Wendy, so it would have to be some really complicated situation for their souls to suddenly reside in their slayers..

I would say first generation dragon slayers either being pure or half -blood dragons are a much simpler explanation.

Im not saying its correct of course.. just that its simpler.

Nothing says that the Dragon couldn't attach a part of themselves to the Dragon Slayer. THAT would be the simplest part. They can use Dragon powers because part of the Dragon is riding along with them.

2014-06-28, 09:30 PM
Huh, I find it odd that no one else thinks time travel might be involved, I mean that IS a thing in the fairy tail universe.

I think it something like: all first Gen DS are from the dragon war or whatever it was called and igneel and all them sent them forward into time to spare them from the BBEDragon, that's why all the fairy tail DS say their parent dragons disappeared on the same day.

Fiery Diamond
2014-06-29, 02:30 PM
Huh, I find it odd that no one else thinks time travel might be involved, I mean that IS a thing in the fairy tail universe.

I think it something like: all first Gen DS are from the dragon war or whatever it was called and igneel and all them sent them forward into time to spare them from the BBEDragon, that's why all the fairy tail DS say their parent dragons disappeared on the same day.

That's my theory, currently. It makes the most sense to me. Then, if the spell takes "birthdate" and "present date" and looks at the difference to calculate age... it would put them at over 80, even though from a subjective standpoint they're exactly as old as they look.

Different topic: I've been watching the anime (current episodes), and it bugs the crap out of me that the subbers apparently don't read the manga. In an effort to make the translation read well, they put in pronouns in places where the original Japanese is intentionally ambiguous, but if they'd read the manga, they would KNOW that it is not just ambiguous, but in fact INTENTIONALLY ambiguous. They translators keep having the princess refer to the person from the future as "she" whenever she says "that person" ... because of the fact that Future!Lucy has been revealed... despite the fact that if they had read the manga, they'd know that this is wrong and that the writer was intentionally misleading the audience and characters by not specifying gender such that Arcadios, for example, assumed Future!Lucy was the one who contacted the princess when it was Future!Rogue.

2014-06-30, 02:04 PM
Nothing says that the Dragon couldn't attach a part of themselves to the Dragon Slayer. THAT would be the simplest part. They can use Dragon powers because part of the Dragon is riding along with them.

Alright, yeah that is certainly also a good explanation, keeping things in line with how the second generation of dragon slayers came to be.

2014-06-30, 02:26 PM
Alright, yeah that is certainly also a good explanation, keeping things in line with how the second generation of dragon slayers came to be.

It also explains other dragons recognising the dragonslayers as kin of the dragons they were with (like with Atlas Flame and Natsu)

2014-06-30, 05:42 PM
It also explains other dragons recognising the dragonslayers as kin of the dragons they were with (like with Atlas Flame and Natsu)

Well.. that would also easily be explained by them being actual kin of the dragons they were with.

2014-07-04, 05:07 AM
Different topic: I've been watching the anime (current episodes), and it bugs the crap out of me that the subbers apparently don't read the manga.

I would be surprised if they didn't read the manga... either they screwed up or they were too lazy to do it properly. Yeah, it's somewhat irritating but in Japanese it's just much easier to not announce a person's gender.

So... I'm actually pretty fine with this chapter. And I guess I'll have to renounce one of my earlier compliments. (ONE! :smalltongue:) I'm still not quite sure how you become immune to being hit by rocks of ice if you can't eat them (because they are your own magic) but I guess magic...
The exchange with Juvia seemed a bit confusing to me, though...
So, will Gray use the ultimate technique and die? Take a wild guess, readers... (Well, I'm slightly more on edge than with Starpower at least. SLIGHTLY.)

2014-07-04, 06:36 AM
So... I'm actually pretty fine with this chapter. And I guess I'll have to renounce one of my earlier compliments. (ONE! :smalltongue:) I'm still not quite sure how you become immune to being hit by rocks of ice if you can't eat them (because they are your own magic) but I guess magic...
The exchange with Juvia seemed a bit confusing to me, though...
So, will Gray use the ultimate technique and die? Take a wild guess, readers... (Well, I'm slightly more on edge than with Starpower at least. SLIGHTLY.)

why would he use iced shell, he already knows that deliora can get out of it, now it would effectively be giving up his life to delay deliora for pretty much no time

2014-07-04, 06:56 AM
why would he use iced shell, he already knows that deliora can get out of it, now it would effectively be giving up his life to delay deliora for pretty much no time

Well.. i guess if there are no nearby corpses then it would delay him quite a bit.. and its proberly desparation as much as anything else at this point?

Though else, really good chapter this week, its a surprising leap in quality we suddenly have, as if FT is currently being handled by a switching group of authors..

2014-07-04, 09:54 AM
This is a pretty good chapter. Only real problems I have with it are that I wish Silver was beaten at the end of it. This was a really cool trick Grey did, and I wish it had won, if only because it was the perfect time TO end it. Also, this is kind of a retread of the demon village arc where we first learned Grey's past and stuff, so it's not that impact-full.

2014-07-06, 07:12 AM
Though else, really good chapter this week, its a surprising leap in quality we suddenly have, as if FT is currently being handled by a switching group of authors..

That would explain how they plan to make four spin-off mangas...

Anime is nearing the end of the arc. They got a pretty kick-ass new opening but FT openings are good most of the time. Too bad everything else wasn't better... Erza vs Minerva and Laxus vs Jura didn't get any addition as far as I can tell and Sting's surrender was just as bad as back then :smallsigh:
Well, I do have hopes the big slaughter will at least be fun to watch once it happens.

2014-07-06, 10:46 PM
That would explain how they plan to make four spin-off mangas....

Naw, what he lacks in story structure, he makes up for in sheer speed of creation. I know they're getting other mangaka to work on the four spin offs, but I do think he'd be able to do all four plus Fairy Tail himself. Remember, this is the guy who can work on two manga at the same time, and do double chapters twice in a row for each of them.

2014-07-09, 05:34 PM
Hello everyone, and congratulations on surviving Dragon King Day earlier this week.:smallwink:

Quick question: What exactly is the Magic Council's jurisdiction? Is it a worldwide organization or specific to Fiore? Who if anyone does it answer to? Different wiki pages keep giving me conflicting answers on this, and I'm gearing up to GM a Fairy Tail RPG soon so it's kind of important I know which one is correct.

Secondary concern: Just how big is Fiore? It's obviously pretty big given the sheer variety of story that's able to happen without ever leaving it, and the one actual measurement I've been able to find (~2000 km from Warrod's place to the Sun Village) puts it at least half an Australia, but is there anything more specific than that?

(Speaking of which, given Fiore's relative size on this map (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120628141651/fairytail/images/a/aa/Colored_Earth_Land_Map.png), Earth-land must have way more land area than Earth. I guess Hiro Mashima has no sense of scale (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale).:smalltongue:)

2014-07-09, 05:43 PM
Hello everyone, and congratulations on surviving Dragon King Day earlier this week.:smallwink:

Quick question: What exactly is the Magic Council's jurisdiction? Is it a worldwide organization or specific to Fiore? Who if anyone does it answer to? Different wiki pages keep giving me conflicting answers on this, and I'm gearing up to GM a Fairy Tail RPG soon so it's kind of important I know which one is correct.

Secondary concern: Just how big is Fiore? It's obviously pretty big given the sheer variety of story that's able to happen without ever leaving it, and the one actual measurement I've been able to find (~2000 km from Warrod's place to the Sun Village) puts it at least half an Australia, but is there anything more specific than that?

(Speaking of which, given Fiore's relative size on this map (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120628141651/fairytail/images/a/aa/Colored_Earth_Land_Map.png), Earth-land must have way more land area than Earth. I guess Hiro Mashima has no sense of scale (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale).:smalltongue:)

It has to be specific to Fiore, because during the scene where they want to fire etherion at Jellal's Tower of Heaven they are talking about the possible political backlash from other nations.

As for the size of Fiore, the intro to the anime calls it a "small peaceful nation of 17 million." So it's not huge, but not tiny either. I have no idea about exact dimensions, but there's a picture of it on a map in the anime intro as well.

The map you listed doesn't have to be their entire world. It could be a single continent. Or maybe their world is just smaller than Earth. Or maybe there's a lot more water that just isn't shown. There's lots of explanations possible for this. I'd guess it to be around the size of the UK or Germany.

2014-07-09, 09:04 PM
The map you listed doesn't have to be their entire world. It could be a single continent. Or maybe their world is just smaller than Earth. Or maybe there's a lot more water that just isn't shown. There's lots of explanations possible for this.

It's obviously much larger, not smaller. You can tell that that map is of a roughly Europe-like peninsula jutting off of a much larger continent, so given that one of the smaller countries on that peninsula is at least half the size of Australia...

2014-07-10, 03:32 AM
It's obviously much larger, not smaller. You can tell that that map is of a roughly Europe-like peninsula jutting off of a much larger continent, so given that one of the smaller countries on that peninsula is at least half the size of Australia...

You can't really say that because there's nothing to indicate any type of scale on the map. What we see on that map could be the entirety of their world or only 1% of it. The size of the countries on the map itself tells us literally nothing other than their size in relation to other countries on the map. The entire peninsula could be the size of Florida for all we can tell.

2014-07-10, 10:57 AM
You can't really say that because there's nothing to indicate any type of scale on the map. What we see on that map could be the entirety of their world or only 1% of it. The size of the countries on the map itself tells us literally nothing other than their size in relation to other countries on the map. The entire peninsula could be the size of Florida for all we can tell.

Considering that the NE part of the map just suddenly ends, it is most definitely NOT the entire world.

2014-07-10, 09:16 PM
Considering that the NE part of the map just suddenly ends, it is most definitely NOT the entire world.

Sure, but what's past it? It could be a giant continent. It could be a tiny amount of land. It could just be water. For all we know Fairy Tail's world is actually flat and just randomly falls off into an abyss at a certain point and that's why the map cuts off (I'm being silly here). My overall point was that the map itself isn't sufficient to tell us the size of the countries.

2014-07-10, 10:08 PM
Sure, but what's past it? It could be a giant continent. It could be a tiny amount of land. It could just be water. For all we know Fairy Tail's world is actually flat and just randomly falls off into an abyss at a certain point and that's why the map cuts off (I'm being silly here). My overall point was that the map itself isn't sufficient to tell us the size of the countries.

Seeing as Fiore is pretty clearly based on 19th century Europe, and the peninsula it caps is roughly Europe-shaped, it's probably a safe guess that the grayed-out portion past Peregrande is not-Russia. Which, to keep the right scale, would be roughly the size of Pangea.

I don't even want to think about the not-Africa you can see poking out from under the cloud cover near the bottom-right.

2014-07-10, 10:47 PM
Seeing as Fiore is pretty clearly based on 19th century Europe, and the peninsula it caps is roughly Europe-shaped, it's probably a safe guess that the grayed-out portion past Peregrande is not-Russia. Which, to keep the right scale, would be roughly the size of Pangea.

I don't even want to think about the not-Africa you can see poking out from under the cloud cover near the bottom-right.

Except...again...maps don't work that way. The size of the countries on the map itself mean literally nothing without something to give scale. Fiore could be the size of Asia, or the size of Rhode Island for all that map tells us.

Your criticizing the author based on absolutely nothing but a blind guess on the scale of the map and another blind guess about things that aren't actually even shown.