View Full Version : Help Building my Cleric

2014-02-14, 06:10 PM
So as said in my previous thread, I rolled some rather nice stats which seemed appropriate for a gish since they solve the MAD issue (and don't have the one high stat which would be useful for a straight caster). Hence I'm making a melee cleric, my first time playing one. I am playing a cleric of an ideal, and have been allowed to still use the Ordained Champion Prc. I wondered if anyone had any comments on my build?

Stats are: 16, 15, 15, 14, 14, 11

Here is my build so far:

Str: 15 (+1 for lv 4)
Dex: 11
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 15

Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor 1/Ordained Champion 3


Inquisition (bonus domain)
War (bonus domain)


Diehard (bonus feat)
Extra turning (bonus feat)
Extend Spell (bonus feat)
Martial Weapon Proficiency: Falchion (bonus feat)
Weapon Focus: Falchion (bonus feat)

Extra turning
Persistent Spell
Power Attack


+1 Keen Falchion
Reliquary Holy Symbol
Masterwork Full-Plate with Restful Crystal
Ring of Enduring Arcana

DMM Persisted Spells:


With Bless and Elation both extended so they can be cast on alternate days.

Does anyone have any suggestions for improvements to this build? I also realized that taking lv 1 of ordained champion allows me to exchange the ability of a domain (so Inquisition) for a fighter bonus feat, which I could use to get power attack and therefore have a spare feat. Any suggestions for what to spend that on? I was considering Animal Devotion to give me the ability to fly, handy in a melee character. Alternatively I could spend that feat on Extra Turning and swap my Undeath domain out for something more useful, perhaps the travel domain.

All legal sources are allowed except for Dragon Magazine (Compendium is fine) and 3.0 material requires permission.

2014-02-15, 02:36 PM
Giving this one bump in case anyone has anything to say on it, before I conclude this was a silly topic to make and allow it to fall into obscurity :smalltongue:

2014-02-15, 03:33 PM
You have lots of good options, so don't worry, you'll make a fine Codzilla.
Normally you persist first Divine Favor, then switch to Divine Power as soon as you can cast it.

Interesting weapon choice there. But keep in mind that about half of all creatures in 3.5 are crit-immune.

Consider using Cloistered Cleric -- the lost BAB will be more than made up by Knowledge Devotion, which you should take since you have good Int. Besides, if you persist Divine Power, BAB is irrelevant.

2014-02-15, 03:37 PM
Combining Extend Spell and Persistent Spell doesn't work. Extend Spell doubles the spell's normal duration, and Persistent Spell replaces the spell's normal duration. Even if you apply Persistent Spell first, Extend Spell will still try to double the spell's normal duration, instead of doubling the Persisted duration.

Take Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) from UA at 3rd, make it your +1 Falchion, and upgrade it yourself. This saves you 3,000 gp, you spend 240 xp but the 10% xp bonus you get for the Item Familiar more than makes up for that. Invest plenty of skill ranks into it for a decent return on skills like Concentration.

Alternatively, put Mercantile Background (PGtF) at 1st level and get all of your gear at 75% cost, plus you can sell loot for 75% of its value instead of 50%. If you can work it out so that you're the one who sells the loot on the party's behalf, you can bring back around 60% of its value and tell them you got a good deal, and keep the remaining 15% for yourself.

Be sure to use Mass Lesser Vigor on the whole party, I'd stick to using that and Elation until you get Divine Power. (Greater) Luminous Armor would probably be better than wearing armor, get a Rod of Bodily Restoration (MIC) to fix the sacrifice damage that happens when it ends. You should also have at least one Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend, for hour/level spells like Luminous Armor and Magic Vestment. Try to get a standard Strand of Prayer Beads that's had the Bead of Smiting removed, it costs only 9,000 gp per DMG pricing. Don't forget about Night Sticks in LM, you may want to pick up Craft Rod so you can make those.

2014-02-15, 04:12 PM
...but don't be surprised if your DM doesn't allow Nightsticks to stack.