View Full Version : Donvaor: Depths of Shadow

2014-02-14, 10:33 PM
Chapter 1: The Desolate Streets

17th Day of the Month of Worship, In the Year of Great Famine 1397


For decades a pale of sickness and drought have ravaged the land surrounding the now majestic city of Donvoar. Those without and below the city suffer from all manner of horrific disasters, both natural and ... not. Things from the some dark hell have arisen and began their war of terror against the lower people, many rumor say it is from the depths of the city's mines that these creatures have come. Others say they are a sign of the gods displeasure with the peoples gaiety of success from serving the city and all its frivolities. Sadly it is not only from here that such cruelty has been wrought. The city employs any poor creature to toil in their mines, their factories, their so called poor houses for just a pittance of pay. From these ranks have risen the Calibans, once human this souls have been warped by the foul air, corrupted by the fumes of the harvested miasma, and transformed into things a dog would pity. Now they serve as the lowest of the low, clearing the sewers of waste clogging the pipes and battling the rats and other beasts that haut the tunnels. Yet there are even beings that are lower than these; things know only as the Faded. These are those who have fallen to the recent plague of unknown origins and has only recently been discovered. Only two things are know about it. One is that any affected skin fades to that of the pallor of a corpse. The other is that once they die, whether it be by the plague or by accident is that there body simply disappears. Thus the name, for nothing is left once they pass. Memory of them quickly begins to leave the minds of any that knew of them, even from those that loved them most dearly loss all sense of the faded's memory. So between the new cruelties of this world, the forgettable plague, and the creation of so many new creatures it is only reasonable a few arise from this squalor and look to better themselves. For one reason or another.


The Paths you take: (Day 1)

Slumming downtown:
It is just breaking down in the city of Donvaor, the air in the slums is clogged with the smog generated from the nearby factory district and the street runs with water ... and other liquids from the nearby house. The street your walking on leads to the market district if you head northwest but turns sharply to the east if you want to head to the factories. Few people walk the street and you can here the common rumbling of machines and the daily rituals of the poor preparing for the day. A drunk sailor wanders by as he searches for his home and a man cloaked in rags trails not far behind him. As the drunk turns down a alley leading to the docks the rag man darts swiftly after him. Moments later you here a signal high pitch scream and the sounds of a barrels being knocked about.

To do:
Roll a spot and initiative check if you go to the alley. A listen check if you head down either way through town. Or a Strength check if you go knock on someone's door. Please tell me how far away from the alley the door is as you are knocking.

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse:
You awake at the Three Candle Inn that's at the edge of the market and the slums. You notice that your are missing several coins from your pouch as you go to pay the inn keeper. Rushing back upstairs you begin searching under your bed and through the side tables drawer you finally notice that the latch to your dirty window has been undone. Further more you find that a playing card to the game Costly Colors. Bewildered you sit back on to your bed to think, flipping the card back to front.

To do:
Roll 1d6 and that's how many gold pieces are missing. Roll a spot check as you examine the card.

A Rough Night in the Sewers:
Escaping last night spring storm you rushed to the only safe place for cover, the slums district eastern sewer entry. A strong stench of waste and bile flood you senses causing your stomach to clench. The night passes slowly as you go in and out of sleep, but you always seem to here a tapping sound deep within the duct ways of the sewer. As the suns light barely pierces the smog's dense covering you see that further down the tunnel a child has been chained to the rusty storm grate. Though too dark to see any defining features you see that at least the child is alive due to the child constantly tapping his manacle against the iron bar restraining him.

To do:
Roll a fortitude check to see if you start the day as fatigue from your poor night of sleep (dc 15). Roll a spot check if you approach the child. Roll a listen check if you leave the sewer.

2014-02-15, 04:09 AM
Buster: Slumming Downtown
I wonder if anyone else even noticed that or would care if they had. After a quick glance for some sort of back up, Buster and Bart will attempt to make it to the alleyway without alerting any assailants unless someone comes along and could be approached to help.

Spot [roll0]
If no help is found,
Move Silently [roll1]
Hide [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]
Hide [roll4]
Spot check for the alley [roll5]

2014-02-15, 05:47 AM
A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
Torrin checks just how much gold he is missing. He then takes a look at the card, determined to learn what this one clue means to him.

gold [roll0]
spot [roll1]

2014-02-15, 09:28 AM
Buster: Slumming Downtown
As the two of you approach the alley you smell a pugnet scent of blood wafting from the alley; and as you peer down it the man in rags is standing over the corpse of the once drunk sailor. Too far away to see who the man was killed or even any defining features of the one you assume was his killer. As the cloaked figure begins to walk away you notice that the man is carrying a leather sack with what looks like blood leaking from its seams.

To do:
Roll initive if you go after the rag cloak man.

Torrin : A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
As you examine look ever closer at the card you here a scream somewhere far off into the distance south of your room. Turning your head in surprise you notice in the corner of you eye that on the corner of the back of the card was a symbol of a rat curled about a copper piece.

To do:
Roll a knowledge local check (trained or untrained). Roll a gather information check if you question the patrons downstairs.

2014-02-15, 12:32 PM
Buster: Slumming Downtown
Could you be any more conspicuous?

Until he sees me or starts getting farther away than my 40ft. halved can get me to him,
Initiative [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]

2014-02-15, 04:17 PM
Torrin : A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse

Torrin takes a look at the card to thinking back to see if he knows any information on it. After he does so he will go down to the common room to question the patrons for knowledge regarding it.

[roll0] Knowledge local
[roll1] Gather Information

2014-02-15, 11:26 PM
Slumming Downtown
The rag cloak man turns to face the wall after a few steps and vanishes from sight. His body did not fade, there was no puff of smoke, it was like him simply vanished from existence. Further more you hear what is left of the sailor choking on his very on blood as he ties to stand up. As you look down at the pool of blood culminating at his feet, the mans intestines all the sudden fall and dangle out. The man now in shock and fully out of his drunken state falls over into the blood.

To do:
What are you going to do? :smallamused:

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
You recall as you head back downstairs and begin to question the local patrons that it is the call sign for the One Bit Rats. A gang in the slums that specializes in mainly gambling and some minor thieving. The card though proved to be the key for when you asked a man with only three fingers combined on both his hands "Damaged yi d'ere manchanics in the yonder factory" making pin needles of all things. Said that "It were an invantation to there tables" and that it also provided you with protection from the crooked games as long as all debts where paid. As you go to walk away he says he has one more bit of information for you but it will cost you a pretty coin.

To do:
And what will you do :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-16, 07:47 AM
A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
How much do you be wanting den, eh?

2014-02-16, 10:11 AM
Hey, where'd he go? Tell me! Running as fast as humanly possible to assist the man since a dead man knows nothing. I may not be able to do a whole lot, but I do have some training. I may be able to save him long enough to question, at least. Attempting to replace the man's spilled entrails and slow down the bleeding, Buster puts every ounce of knowledge he has of healing, which he has sort of prided himself in up until now.

If the man's life cannot be spared,
Search his body for any kind of clue as to who he was or why he would have been targeted. Maybe ID of some sort.

Heal [roll0]
If he cannot be saved or his death postponed enough to get some answers,
Search [roll1]
Survival [roll2] -Looking for tracks to follow.
Survival [roll3] -Looking for a scent to follow.

2014-02-16, 11:15 AM
Slumming Downtown
The man continues to cough up blood but not nearly enough to choke him. The cut from what ever strange weapon left three large gashes coming from the bottom right side of his stomach up to the right side of his heavily bruised chest. His skin you notice is extremely pale and sallow, though it seems to much even with the amount of blood the man had lost. And as you gingerly begin putting the intestines back into his body you notice the man is missing his left hand and his right eye. "Noooooo" the man moan, gasping even harder as he spoke a few more words. "I'm infected, I'm going to die, my wife abadons me for losing a few pieces of dice, they said they wouldn't collect the dept for another week yet ... " The mans voice continues to ramble on and more and more blod continue to seep from the wrappings you have tried to put around the mans wounds. Till the man gave a final gasp and the corpse of the man began to disappear. Frist the mans boots fell off and he had no feet but also no wound to show how he lost them. Then his legs, his arms, his chest, and befor his falling head hits the ground it to disappears.

You feel a bit lite headed as you grasp what remains of the sailors bloody clump of clothes. You feel through his clothes looking for anything that could explain how any of this is possible and happen upon the mans purse with only a few coppers left and a note. The letters are smeared and the ink faded beyond comprehension but you do see directions to some warehouse in the southern slums district. Bart snuffling around growls at the wall next to the clothes where the rag cloaked man had disappears. Staring at where your dog marked out you begin to feel a strange sensation and you vision begins to dim.

To do:
Roll a will save and a fortitude save. Roll a spot check.

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
"Just a bit of silver" he coughed slightly into what was left of his hand before continuing "and a quarter of whatever winnings you get from the games if you go. But I will let you judge if the information is any good since your such a fine gentleman." He says. You notice that his drudge accent has seemingly completely disappeared and there was now a sharp look in his grey eyes.

"Now as I said it is a both a invitation and a form of proctection, but there is a reason why you were given it. Often they leave it for the minor lords that might be know for their little discretions, other though like you have something they want. A special skill or talent that they will win from you at there tables. In your case that card marks you not only as their mark, but later it will make you there property." He sipped from his glass "And you have no choice but to go to that game." He nodded to a man at the front door seemingly asleep on the table next to it. "That fellow is here to make sure you find your way there one way or another." He then grins wickedly "And most importantly they will cheat, they wont do a things with the cards though. The will smother you with fine ladies, give you all the drink any man can wish for, and will add a little extra to what ever you wish to eat. So if you want some help with this whole debacle tell me what you could provide me in exchange for a little of my help." he chuckled. " In addition to our earlier arrangement."

2014-02-16, 11:33 AM
Loan sharks did this? Of all the godforsaken things... Oh crap. What did I get myself into? Buster attempts to take a few stumbling steps before completely collapsing. Taking care to not fall on Bart, Buster prepares himself for the worst.

Fort save [roll0]
Will save [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2014-02-16, 12:18 PM
A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse

Sounds s'though you also do be wanting something from me. You will have your silvers, as well as your cut. I do no have time for games however, be up front with what you do want, as well as what assistance it is that you do be offerin to me, or I will find one who is more direct, who do be willing to assist me.

2014-02-19, 12:40 AM
Slumming Downtown:
As you look back up into the shadows the cloaked man appears again. Yet as you begin to stand back up your begins to vision fails you. "Sleeepppp little ones, your not yet ready for the picking" he said with a air of disappointment. You mind itself starts to fell as if it is going black and you lose consioness to the sound of you pet barking loudly next to you.

To do:
You awake [roll0] hours later, your companion at your side.

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
Laughing harshly he said "You think you realy got a hoice in this don't you. Well let me correct that woeful view of our fine world. That fellow their is only the lookout for the four or so men out in the alleys waiting to drag you to their games. You will be going one way or another so was that diect enough for ya."

To do:
Roll a sense motive check

2014-02-19, 12:59 AM
Buster: Slumming Downtown

What happened? Where am I? Which way did they go, Bart?
Blinking furiously in an attempt to figure out what's going on, Buster looks around. Buster reaches over and pats Bart affectionately. Attempting to stand, his legs fail him at first. He struggles to his feet and looks around to try to regain his bearings. Looks like things truly are getting interesting, he thinks, shaking his head.

Spot [roll0]
Survival [roll1]
Survival [roll2]

2014-02-19, 09:30 PM
A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse

Tarrick attempts to discern if the man is telling the truth. I'll be back down in a few minutes, I have some gear in my room I need to retrieve, along with my purse. On his way to the stairs, he stops near the weakest tavern-goer he can see, snags his drink, chugs it down and looks defiantly at the being, Got anything to say about that, eh.

2014-02-24, 09:25 PM
Slumming Downtown:

The smell of blood is what you immediately first notice as you gaze about dismally. Remembering what had just happened so many hours before you look at where the strange man had been standing once again you could tell if there had been any besides yourself, Bart's paw prints, and the markings of the sailors boots. Looking back at what is left of the clothes of the sailor you do notice that the blood seems to form a strange pattern. The blood that had pooled below the shirt formed a whirlpool like shape, signifying that the blood had been drained below the cobble stones of the alley.

To do:
Listen check, Will Save

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse

The man looks up at you wide eyed and then faints. Falling out of his chair you here the Innkeeper behind you rummaging around for something. "Well at least I know you have a pair" the three fingered man says "You might as well go and get you wee little purse I will go talk to our friendly inn keeper, eh?"

To do:
whatever you want:

2014-02-24, 09:37 PM
Slumming Downtown:

That's....strange. I gotta check that out. Buster leans against the wall as he attempts to stand fully. His attention captured by the odd pattern of what should have been a sizeable pool of blood, he bends a little closer to examine the pattern as he is assailed by some as of yet unnoticed force.

Will save: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Edit: NAT. 20! :smallbiggrin:

Bart, if he needs to, too.
Listen: [roll2]
Will: [roll3]

2014-02-24, 10:31 PM
Tarrick heads up to his room. He moves the bed to one side of the room and pulls a piece of chalk from his pouch, then draws a seal on the floor, preforming a quick ritual. He whispers a name, Savnok.

2014-02-25, 12:00 AM
Slumming Downtown:

As you lean to get a closer look at the strange markings you feel a solid whack come across you head. Moments later as you begin to fall towards the ground you see a mailed fist holding bart down as the dog tried to attack whoever struck you.

"Take them to the stocks, we'll let the magistrate deal with them."

To do:
Sorry but roll another fort save to see if you pass out ... again

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
The first sign of Savnok’s manifestation is an arrow streaking out of thin air to strike something unseen above his seal. Then a dozen more arrows whistle into the seal, each one landing with a metallic ping. Trickles of blood spout into the air where the arrows hang, and as more strike home, the blood gradually outlines a heavily armored form that seems too broad and powerfully built to be human. Savnok’s features are obscured by his plate armor and helm, as well as the rivulets of blood and the many arrows that pepper his body.

"Stealing a drink" He said, his voice sounding as if two rocks were being shoved against the other "You really think that impresses me? I have been punished for my crime for an eternity and you taking a poor tinkers drink is supposed to be inspiring?"

To do:
Binding check, extra points for a good reason why the drink would impress him.

2014-02-25, 12:10 AM
Not again... He thinks, as he lies on the ground. The sight of Bart being so poorly treated incites fury in him and he attempts to stand and coerce his new assailants to unhand his only friend.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

If Buster stays conscious,
Diplomacy: [roll1]
My good sir, there is no need for such roughness. We have done nothing wrong!

2014-02-25, 12:22 AM
Tarrick gives Savnok a look of disdain. You think the quality of what or from whom one steals is indicative of it's value. I wanted a drink, so I took it. The fact that I took it from a tinker increases it's value because of the terror on his face as I took it. The fear was delectable. Now, grant me your power!

Binding Check: [roll0]

2014-02-25, 12:53 AM
Slumming Downtown

"Gods above" the city watchmen says as you look up before blacking up "Another gods to be preacher, next he'll say spare the rod when teaching the hound" With that; the last thing you se is fist rushing towards your face.


Groggily you awaked again, this time with a sore head and a bruise closing one eye. Looking around you see you in a wood cell with several other blokes leaning against the bars. "Welcome to the Stocks." a man says far in the shadows of the neighboring cell.

To Do:
Sorry you just have no luck today.

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse

Looking slightly miffed as any vestige can be, he steps forward and places his hand on your shoulder. "Next time beetle try something more original. I have plenty others that desire my power."

To do:
Lucky bugger you cowed the poor thing. +5 to any time you bind him if you steal something worth 100 gp or more :smallbiggrin:

Put this in the other notes section along with this posts number:smallsmile:

2014-02-25, 07:19 PM
Tarrick feels the power fill him, he places his own hand on Savnok's shoulderI thank you for lending me your strength, I will not squander it. Taking things of intrinsic value will help me along, I've no reason not to take a more expensive item next time. He dismisses Savnok, then erases the seal, moving the bed back to it's old place, before heading back down the stairs to meet his new compatriot. Let's get going then.

2014-02-25, 11:49 PM
Slumming Downtown

The...The stocks? How long have I been here? I don't remember doing anything wrong. This is pure racism, right here.and just a dab of rotten luck. Maybe I oughtta buy me a rabbit's foot when I get out of here. Buster thinks before checking his armour for tears and looking for Bart. If he finds Bart, he'll attempt to alleviate his swollen eye.

Heal: [roll0]

2014-03-04, 11:03 PM
Slumming Downtown
Looking about yourself you see that Bart is no where in sight. Furthermore you hear from the same man in shadows say "Looking for that dog are ya, ... well good luck since I think they are serving him for dinner. Thing was creating such a racket trying to get to you that the watch captain took him to them kitchens. You don't here any barking now do ya?" the man said with a air of cruelty. "Things only cause trouble anyways."

A graud comes in, brushing off some dirt on his boot. "Court will be held you all on the marrow for you lot. And if you want to make there in one piece you best behave yourselves or it will be the mine for all of you." he said airily, still picking at the grim located on the sole of his boot. Walking back out of the stocks without a care for the fading light reaching you cells or the freezing wind sneaking in through the panels on the far wall.

To Do:
Spot check to see the man in shadows face
Listen checks to hear whats going on in the kitchen and the loggers office through the side door( so two checks, label which one goes to which).

A Peaceful Rest and a Lighter Purse
As you head down the stairs you see some coins trade from the three fingered mans hand to the innkeepers. Both stepping back take a moment to shake the others hand. As well as a man can with only his thumb and forefinger can shake. "Ahhh" the man says without turning around "took you long enough, ready to go?" He grabs his cloak off the nearby chair and grabs a gnarled oak walking staff for the shadows in the corner of the room. Twirling about expertly with the two fingers left on his right hand he looked you in the eye and smiled "But lets take the back door if you so please, wouldn't like to bump into any unsavory types would we" he chuckled.

Swiftly striding across the room with a vigor the betrayed a certain youthfulness you hear in your mind Now that little beetle is a man that takes what he wants. Savok laughs but continues on You for instance

To do:
Spot check please

2014-03-06, 02:22 AM
Tarrick follows him to the back door. So where are we heading?

Spot roll [roll0]

2014-03-06, 10:02 PM
I swear by all that is good and decent in this world, there will be retribution a thousand fold for any man that has touched him. After listening to the guard, Buster begins looking for some way to get out of the cell. Even to the point of pulling on the bars in an attempt to get free. His blood boiling at the mere thought that something may have happened to the only friend he has ever had. I won't let this go. He has to be okay.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Strength check (attempting to break the bars): [roll2]