View Full Version : What domains would this home brew god have?

2014-02-15, 08:44 AM
So in the campaign I am running the main focus is an army of humans who worship Kalandor. Kalandor was a human Cleric/Paladin of Heironeous who through some Tragic events came to believe that all non humans and all the gods were truly evil though some did not know it. Eventually he killed Heironeous took his power and became a god himself. He believes he is good and that he is doing what is right. His followers when interacting with humans who convert will have a mix of reactions but mostly kind and compassionate . when dealing with non humans they have a mix of reactions from zealous pursuit of the filth to putting down a sick animal. the same goes for humans who do not worship Kalandor. The idea it's kinda like Nazis and the Spanish inquisition. so what domains should I use for his clerics, do you need more info,should I just create a new domain, and how should I handle alignment for these guys?

2014-02-15, 09:43 AM
About the Spanish Inquisition:

The Spanish Inquisition was more like the CIA during the Cold War than anything else. They sought any non-catholic living in hiding in Spain, the same way the CIA sought communists under every stone. They weren't overly concerned about race, unless they had reason to believe that you were also following a different religion.

Antisemitism and racism did exist, and there were even laws that forbade people of jewish or slave ancestry from becoming nobles or being appointed for important bureaocratic or administrative posts, but those were civil laws made by the Spanish Crown to appease the masses (racist laws were usually created during or right after civil wars as means to gain popularity). If you were rich, had good connections, popularity and education, people wouldn't usually bother you even if everybody knew that you had jew or muslim ancestry: There were counts, dukes, kings, bishops, inquisitors and generals of the Jesuitic Order who had jew ancestry.

Also, the Spanish Inquisition didn't really care Witchcraft, Sorcery or other superstitions. They barely bothered low class people like Roma or African slaves unless they had the need to make an example for political reasons (and that's the reason there are so many sincretic religions in Latin America), prefering to target sophisticated religions that could rival Catholicism, like Protestantism, Islam or Judaism.

It's interesiting that the Inquisition did discern between Wizardcraft, Sorcery and Witchcraft:
-Wizardcraft had pseudo-scientific explanation, was practiced by high-class learned men and wasn't a crime, religious or otherwise, and people would practice it quite openly (it was still dangerous, since it would make potential accusations of Witchcraft more believable).
-Sorcery was the casting of spells without any pseudo-scientific explanation, but it didn't include the worship of demons or pagan gods either. It could be prosecuted, but it wasn't considered a serious crime and you could get away with a fine. It was widely but discreetly practiced.
-Witchcraft was considered heresy and an heinous crime. It consisted in the worship of fiends, and you could be executed for that.

However, most inquisitors didn't believe in magic of any kind, and were more interested in suppresing the belief on magic than in punishing its practitioners. The Edict of Silence punished anybody who made accusations of Witchcraft, and the Edict of Tolerance forgave anybody confessed to practice Witchcrafto so long as they stop doing it and promised to never speak about it again.

About your deity, I think you could use Inquisition, Purification, Law, Retribution, War and Destruction.

2014-02-15, 09:50 AM
Check out Zarus in Races of Destiny. He's basically the human god of human supremacism (to make up a word). Lift some of his domains.

You're going to have to decide what alignment he is; probably evil. But you could give him some of the stereotypical good domains (Protection, maybe Healing) to reflect the sort of evil he is.

2014-02-15, 10:37 AM
Zarus would of been almost perfect for this campaign Idea. I like the idea of evil with a hit of good so probably go Lawful Evil.

2014-02-15, 11:33 AM
For domains I would suggest war and destruction. It could represent the need to cull those deemed a threat to humanity

2014-02-15, 04:37 PM
Check out Zarus in Races of Destiny. He's basically the human god of human supremacism (to make up a word). Lift some of his domains.

You're going to have to decide what alignment he is; probably evil. But you could give him some of the stereotypical good domains (Protection, maybe Healing) to reflect the sort of evil he is.

Is supremacy the word you want?:smallsmile:

I think he should be LE or possibly LN, preferring LE clerics. Give him... Tyranny, Insanity? Baator domain if you go for LE, Mechanus domain for LN. Linku (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/PlanarDomains.html)

How about destruction? War? Trap, if you allow subdomains? Murder? Catastrophe, Fear, Judgement? Linku (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains)

2014-02-15, 04:50 PM
You could homebrew a domain. Give something like faith healing as a first level spell, to check out who's a real believer and who's not. Even homebrewing a mass version of that spell could work.

2014-02-16, 06:53 AM
so as of right now I am looking at Inquisition, Purification, Law,war,Protection,and Healing. I am thinking of stating that while His Clerics and paladins conduct their duty with a variety of out looks none may take Joy in it for taking joy in the suffering of others would be an act of "evil".

Jeff the Green
2014-02-16, 07:49 AM
Community, hatred, and wrath are also options. N.B., though, that there are two wrath domains. Use the one in SpC.

2014-02-16, 08:41 AM
I am thinking of stating that while His Clerics and paladins conduct their duty with a variety of out looks none may take Joy in it for taking joy in the suffering of others would be an act of "evil".

You could make it lawful neutral. That opens up fun stuff with the possibility of regular paladins and paladins of tyranny in the same "church"