View Full Version : The Mark of Justice

Alex Kidd
2007-01-29, 09:39 AM
You know I thought, what if the mark has some unrevealed powers, that activate if Belkar acts in a Lawful Good way, like subdueing Miko. Giving him Lawful, even paladinic powers temporarily or something else cool. Maybe linking him directly to a being of lawful good or lawful neutral in the southern pantheon.

Miko: SMITE EVIL! Wait why didn't it wor...


Belkar and Miko: "I feel so dirty." "Oh Telve gods what have I done!"*simultaneous fall into foetal postition*

*Insane, even temporarily, characters count as chaotic right?

And of course this is all running on Belkar actually feeling outrage for Shojo's death, unlikely but if anything is gonna show a bit of good or law in Belkar this is it.

The honest illusionist
2007-01-29, 11:07 AM
Law and chaos are meaningless. Let's let professor Black Mage explain.


Alex Kidd
2007-01-29, 11:13 AM
Not in any situation involving paladins and magical/divine marks of law.

Though speaking of 8Bit it would follow one of it's trademarks, the character development fakeout. Belkar has one Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral thought and gets possessed by a law diety. It would never happen again.