View Full Version : Help me build it!!

2014-02-16, 01:47 AM
Okay Playgrounders I've had a new character concept pop In my head and I'd like some help fleshing it out.

The idea is a suave and smart fighter. One prone to using perform one-liner and monologue checks after his gambling leads to an inevitable brawl. I envision him using a rapier and a homebrewed weapon (found on this site) the spell-shot pistol. At the same time so, TWF.

The build I have so far would be something that uses Daring Outlaw so, rogue+swashbuckler. Maybe some swordsage depending on my DM. But I also wanted him to use a tweaked version of assassin where he doesn't have to be evil. I'd rather the character not be so spell or item dependent.

Feats, classes (prestige or otherwise), races ( I see him looking human, but not having a short human lifespan. Ideas?), and any other suggestions would be appreciated.

I have most sourcebooks. Thanks.

2014-02-16, 02:20 AM
Factotum is pretty popular for most int based melee builds, although it's more jack of all trades than just melee (make sure to take font of inspiration(s) if you go factotum). I think there's a good aligned version of the assassin around somewhere? Something Avenger? I can't remember it right now but I'll check my books for it. As for race, elan would work quite nicely. They live for a very long time and have some nifty things that can allow them to go without food/water and other stuff like that.
If you do go elan, you could try a psionic class. Psychic warrior and ardent are both decent and can be pretty good meleers while still being useful outside combat.

2014-02-16, 02:46 AM
Guess I should have said before I'm not really a fan of psionics. Where is the Elan?

I haven't thought about playing a factotum in awhile, does it gain SA per level? And I know my DM would not be okay with Font of Inspiration abuse because it's not in a book. Hence why I've never tried to play one.

2014-02-16, 03:03 AM
Elan is in the srd here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#elans). It's originally from the Expanded Psionics Handbook. They do get power points, but there's no need to go into a psionic class and you can just spend them on the no food/water ability if you want. Factotum doesn't get sneak attack, they instead spend inspiration points for sneak attack (I can't remember if it's for one round or just the next attack). That's a shame about no FoI though. They're still playable without it, but inspiration points are pretty much their bread and butter.

Edit: Also, here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2720.0)'s a link to a factotum handbook if you go for it even without FoI

2014-02-16, 03:04 AM
A factotum can spend it's inspiration to gain SA on an attack starting at level four. But Font of Inspiration is pretty much required for a full factotum build. And remember, you can only take the feat a number of times equal to your int mod.

2014-02-16, 04:34 AM
Maybe a Bardblade or just a meleeish Bard? No sneak attack, but it can certainly make for a fighter type with a lot of style.

Something like Silverbrow Human Bard 6/Warblade 14 or even just Bard 20. I don't know for sure offhand, but I'd bet that in addition to the Dragonblood goodness, Silverbrow Humans live longer than normal ones.

Potentially noteworthy things are Snowflake Wardance, the usual Dragonfire Inspiration optimization, Song of the White Raven to make Inspire Courage/DFI a swift action and make your Bard and Warblade levels stack for it, and the Undersong spell+Insightful Strike, which will mean dealing damage based on a perform check.

DFI optimization is kind of feat heavy, which would make TWF a problem, but that really only comes into play on full attacks when you have both a melee target and a ranged target anyway.

2014-02-16, 09:59 AM
Wait... If you are already using homebrew from this site look up the Dashing Dualist by bekeleven and the Dashing Swordsman by The Demented One?