View Full Version : So now, I have no idea what I'm doing. But where do I start?

The Grash
2014-02-17, 12:29 AM
Well hello there fellow giants (though I'm not to sure what most users on here are called seeing as how I just punched in a google search and found this site by pure happy accident) So you may be wondering, "Well what the heck does this crazy guy mean?" and I'll tell you exactly what.

Now all my life I have been a pretty avid video game player, with my first console being the sega Genesis and really never looking back since. But even back when I was a young kid I always had a strange fondness to learn the ways of D&D but was always afraid of getting ridiculed for wanting to learn about it (more so then I already was). But I'm at a age where I just don't give a damn what people say and now I want to learn.

Right now I am currently trying to pursue a campaign over skype (Though i dont even know what kind of campaign I wish to partake in) But I never played a full game in my life and never even made a character sheet for myself. :smallfrown:

So my questions are

Would someone be willing to help me make a character?
Would someone like to help me place me in a campaign?
Would someone like to help teach me the basic fundementals of said game and about the specific rules of 4E in general?

I know these are a pretty long list of requests and I figure seeing as how this is my very first post I made about this kind of inquiry I don't expect I shall get much help. But I am more then eager to learn how to play. But while those questions get resolved (Lest resolved by generous people or by studious research). Maybe you all can give me some friendly newcomer advice? Just some things that don't make my party or the DM groan in frustration when I try to attempt them.

And for anyone who replies or even reads, thank you so much! :smallsmile:

2014-02-17, 03:24 AM
Unfortunately I don't play 4e and can't help. (3.5/Pathfinder, yes. 4e, no.) However, welcome to the Playground and feel free to PM me if you ever need 3.5/Pathfinder help :smallsmile:

P.S. the term you're looking for is "Playgrounders" not "Giants" :smallwink:

Killer Angel
2014-02-17, 07:16 AM
I'm not into 4e, but you really should ask for help in the gaming section of the forum - Roleplaying games - D&D4e

I figure seeing as how this is my very first post I made about this kind of inquiry I don't expect I shall get much help.

Don't worry about that, you will be helped.

The Grash
2014-02-17, 07:19 AM
I'm not into 4e, but you really should ask for help in the gaming section of the forum - Roleplaying games - D&D4e

Don't worry about that, you will be helped.

And awww. Alright, seems I ain't getting to lucky trying to learn the 4E. Though in your experience what is the preferred standard?

Mauve Shirt
2014-02-17, 08:53 AM
Start by reading Order of the Stick. Then go talk to the bizarro world 4E lovers in the Playground! :smalltongue:

Jay R
2014-02-17, 10:04 AM
And awww. Alright, seems I ain't getting to lucky trying to learn the 4E. Though in your experience what is the preferred standard?

Welcome to the Playground.

And welcome to your first contentious D&D issue. The different editions all have fierce advocates. Try to avoid arguments about them. Just find a game you like and don't get annoyed that other people like other versions.

2014-02-17, 01:18 PM
And awww. Alright, seems I ain't getting to lucky trying to learn the 4E. Though in your experience what is the preferred standard?

There's no standard -- every edition has its pros and cons, so you should find one that goes well with how you like to play. This forum has players of every edition, from 1st to 5th, and Pathfinder. We do have a lot of 3.5 players, I think partly because the Order of the Stick is based on 3.5. Outside of this forum, I tend to see lots of 4e and Pathfinder players, although, again, there are people playing every edition.