View Full Version : Pirates of the Sword Coast IC

2014-02-18, 12:06 AM
Date: Hammer 1, 1372

NPC Gallery:

This will hold pics and profiles of the Major NPC's you guys run into

Ships Stores:

These are the ships current supplies

Food (in Man-days) Current Ration - (None / 1/2 / Full / Double / Luxury)

Water (in Man-days) Current Ration - (None / 1/2 / Full )

Spirits (in Man-days) Current Ration/day - (None / Light / Average / Heavy )

Repair Units: I will charge repair units for repairs done on the ship at sea. Each unit costs 50gp, and includes various timber, canvas, ropes, tools, nails, adhesives, etc that would be required to make repairs. Lightly damaged components will cost 1 Unit, while heavy damage, holed sections and rigging will require 1d4 Units. If the ship has no Repair Units, it cannot make repairs without either making shore and scavenging for supplies, coming into port, or magic.

Weapon Stores:

This is the listing of weapons/ammunition that the ship currently carries

Ships Roster
The crew currently embarked.

Tayvin Barless - Burned
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Cutthroat_Island_stills_112673_zps953316c9.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Cutthroat_Island_stills_112673_zps953316c9.jpg.htm l)
Tayvin is an experienced sailor, claiming 15 years on the waves, 9 of those as a pirate. He has held the position of deckhand, petty officer (in charge of several deckhands), carpenters mate, and quartermasters mate in the past. He's a solid blade in a fight.

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/halforcfemale_small_zps3f147af6.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/halforcfemale_small_zps3f147af6.jpg.html)
Verga is only half-orc, though you can't tell that by looking at her. Nearly silent, but loyal and obedient, her twin talents are for climbing nimbly through the rigging, and wielding a pair of vicious axes that she wields with reckless glee in melee. Deckhand and worthy boarding party member.

Boroths Dead
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/dwarf__portrait_by_frostiefilly-d55khmj_zps7ccd8d98.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/dwarf__portrait_by_frostiefilly-d55khmj_zps7ccd8d98.jpg.html)
Boroths is a typically dour dwarf, and a salty dog, having spent 40 years on the ocean. None too bright, he is still able to perform his duties admirably. When the need calls for it, he is a passable smth

Raqqar (pronounced rack-ar) Dead
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Grimgnaw_zpsc77e5f04.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Grimgnaw_zpsc77e5f04.jpg.html)
Raqqar is a former slave from Calimshan. He is a skilled deckhand but keeps to himself.

Tobias Clearwater
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Nasher_zpse98df380.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Nasher_zpse98df380.png.html)
Tobias is not new to the seas, having been a fisherman most of his life. His gambling cost him all three of the fishing boats he had owned, and taxes cost him his home. Turning his back on more honorable employment, he signed onto a pirate crew several years ago, and that has suited his bitterness ever since.

Barkh - Current Status- Heavily Burned
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/002_max_zps752b4d1f.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/002_max_zps752b4d1f.jpg.html)
You don't know him by his real name, just the nickname Barkh that has been laid on him by his crewmates. Blind in one eye, Barkh nonetheless has some of the keenest senses aboard, and it was a common sight to see him crouched in the crows nest keeping a watchful eye on the horizon.

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/dea11d81ceaabf500b4d2dd18c034b8c_zpsfbd69acf.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/dea11d81ceaabf500b4d2dd18c034b8c_zpsfbd69acf.jpg.h tml)
Targas claims to be half-orc, but you'd swear there was some ogre in there somewhere. Phenomenally stupid, Targas is smart enough to do his duties, but only just. Deckhand is as high as he'll ever go

Smiling Tom
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/hector_zpsbbaf3394.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/hector_zpsbbaf3394.jpg.html)
Don't let Smiling Tom fool you. He was a con artist by trade, and still talks his way out of more duties than anyone else aboard, but you don't hear anyone complaining. He knows how to play to the crowd, and is very popular with the crew.

Warnick Fells, (goes by Fells)
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/0nermsqy_zps8bedd35d.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/0nermsqy_zps8bedd35d.jpg.html)
Fells is a little more poorly adjusted than you might like. Warnick lives for chaos, and loves raiding villages. He's aggressive and mouthy, but is an excellent deckhand

Ferragin Wilka Dead
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/pirate_portrait_by_starvingartist1289_zps4e68b75e. jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/pirate_portrait_by_starvingartist1289_zps4e68b75e. jpg.html)
Ferragin hails from Chessenta, and was a City Appraiser there before being caught falsifying records. Disliking bloodshed, he is an unwilling pillager, but has a good head for numbers and prices, as well as personally knowing a number of merchants who might purchase undocumented goods from time to time.

Yellow Bill
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/pirate_portrait_by_jackbayliss2_zpsd810cc2b.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/pirate_portrait_by_jackbayliss2_zpsd810cc2b.jpg.ht ml)
Called "Yellow" not for the color of his teeth, but because he ran from his first engagement 8 years ago, he's never been able to shake the name. He has attempted to prove his courage ever since, and has occasionally been known to take ridiculous risks to do so.

The map of the Southwestern Coast of Faerun
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/SWCoast_zpsf6effc4b.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/SWCoast_zpsf6effc4b.png.html)

Ship's Log

This will be a listing of the courses, ports of call and major events. Basically, it will show the progress of the game as narrated by the DM.

Imports and Exports by Nation

Imports: Food, Jewelry, Weapons.
Exports: Furs, Gems, Ivory, Perfume.
Mountainous jungle of savage beasts, hulking dinosaurs and disease ridden swamps. Reclusive human tribes, few settlments. Heavy pirate activity in the waters nearby.
Fort Baluarian- Outpost of a mercenary company out of Baldurs gate.
Mezro- The largest civilized area in Chult- A holy city to Chultan tribes, extremely strict laws.
Port Nyanzaru- The major trading center in Chult, the harbor is designed with defense in mind. Rumored to have a powerful sea creature defending it.

Imports: Beef, Fruit, Silver, Slaves
Exports: Cheese, Dyed Fabric, Glass, Olive Oil, Olives, Seafood, Spices, Wine
More civilized than Chult and friendlier than Calimshan. Makers of excellent crossbows and fast ships. Extremely valuable grapes. Home to the Rundeen Consortium, a trade organization involved in piracy and slaving. This is a strong mercantile kingdom that protects it's borders with strong ships.
Tashluta: The capital of Tashalar, and the only place in the country that attempts to learn languages other than the native. There is a ban on snakes of ANY sort, and the Tashlutans kill all that are discovered. .

Moonshae Isles:

Imports: Coal, Horses, Minor Magic Items, Ore, Parchment, Silk
Exports: Armor, Timber, Weapons

A cold cluster of rocky islands, the northern sections are dominated by the seafaring Northlanders (think Vikings). A darker skinned race known as the Ffolk control the southern portion.

Alaron: The most powerful kingdom in the Moonshaes, ruled from the port city of Caer Callidyr, which is comfortable with the presence of visitors and merchants from abroad.

Gwynneth: The largest of the southern islands. Nelanther pirates have made some landings on the islands southern coasts recently, but no large scale raids have been reported.

Moray: The westernmost of the major islands, it's also the wildest. Northlanders frequently raid the monsters of the Orcskull mountains.

Rhuathym: This rugged barren island is more than two hundred miles north of the rest of the Moonshaes, and is the ancestral home of the Northlanders. Largest settlement is the port city of Rhuathym. The Northlanders here have a long standing feud with the folk of Luskan far to the north on the Sword Coast.

Nelanther Isles:
Imports: Anything the natives can steal, loot or salvage
Exports: Slaves, Stolen and salvaged goods of all types

Nearly a thousand islands make up this chain. More than half lack water. Those that are habitable are fought over by seagoing pirates who prey on the shipping of Amn, Calimshan, the Sword Coast and the Moonshaes. The Pirate isles are predominantly inhabited by humans, though the pirates are just as often nonhumans such as orcs, lizardfolk, ogres and minotaurs.

Numerous small settlements exist on the islands that can support them. Effectively, the government here is.. well, it's an armed anarchy. This is the Tortuga of Faerun.

Lake of Steam:

Imports: Grain, Horses, Livestock, Small Ships, Soldiers, Stone, Wood (varies by region)
Exports: Cast Brass and Bronze, Chains, Dyed Wool, Dyes, Fruit, Gems, Ink, Magic Items, mercenaries, Mirrors, Pearls, Seafood, Sheepskins, Spellbooks, Sturdy Books, Vegetables, Wagons, Weapons, Wine (also varies by region).

A large number of independent city states on the north shore and a succession of small countries on the south. Most of the cities on the northern shore were part of Calimshan in the past. The Border Kingdoms on the south are the homes of powerful adventurers of many types, each seeking to care out a piece of land and rule it.

Mintar: Taken over by an army serving Bane. Now, it's effectively a giant army camp.
Saelmur: Once the cleanest city on the lake, Saelmur is now overcrowded with refugees from Mintar.
Ankhapur: Open for trade, the new king has decreased merchant taxes.
Yhep: Yhep is famous for the vivid red pearls found in it's oyster beds. Yhepan shipwrights build wondrous ships with levitation magic and ski-like runners that skim across water, mud and sandy flats.
Innarlith: Anything can be bought for the right price, including illegal goods such as poison and narcotics. Cities ruler is a follower of Cyric, and the city includes a Thayan enclave.

Imports: Exotic goods from Maztica, Magic Items, Mercenaries, Pearls, Siege Weaponry
Exports: Ale, Armor, Beer, Caravan items (wagons/wheels), Gems, Gold, Grain, Horses, Iron, Jewelry, Weapons

This is a nation of merchants, and the people are obsessed with wealth. The Shadow Thieves have their hand in everything. Arcane spellcasters are universally reviled and feared. They maintain a large colony on the distant continent of Maztica. The Small Teeth Mountain Range and areas south (including the port city of Murann) have fallen under the control of the Sythillisian Empire, a monstrous kingdom ruled by two vicious ogre-magi.

Athkatla: The seventh busiest port in all of Faerun. Any sort of nonmagical good can be found here for a price. This is Amn's only remaining free port, and ships from the western land of Maztica dock here frequently, bringing back exotic vegetables, fruits, jewelry and large amounts of gold. The city's marketplace it twice the size of Waterdeep's.

Murann: The secondary port town of Amn, Murann is now fully in the hands of two ogre mages and their minions. The humanoid armies seized several gold-laden ships and are now quite wealthy. The Nelanther pirates and the Tashalar based Rundeen use the place as a safe haven in exchange for defending it against naval attacks.


Imports: Food, Slaves, Wizards
Exports: Armor, Books, Gems, Jewelry, Leather Goods, Mercenaries, Minor Magic Items, Pearls, Pottery, Rare Herbs, Rope, Ships, Silk, Spices, Weapons, Wine.

Calimshan is a land obsessed with wealth, and unimpressed by magic. It is renowned for it's chauvinism, exotic markets, thieves guilds, decadent harems and wealthy ruling class, as well as it's enormous population and many slaves. Most Cali****es rely upon mercantilism for their livelihood. The politics are very cutthroat, with backstabbing, and layers of deception common. The business underworld comprises an important aspect of Cali****e culture, and the underworld is the only place in Calimshan where women are treated as equals to men.

Almraiven: This port city is home to the country's largest shipbuilding facility. It is also the premier center for magical study within Calimshan.

Calimport: One of the oldest continuously populated areas of Faerun, it contains two great arenas, huge palaces and many auction houses for slaves.

Memnon- A garrison city, fishing port, trades stop, and the secondary port for the country's navy.

Suldolphor- Nearly independent of Calimshan's rule, they grudgingly pay taxes so as to be left alone.


Imports: Magic Items, Mercenaries, Spices, Weapons
Exports: Ambergris, Carpets, Cheese, Cloth, Fish, Fruit, Livestock, Nuts, Pearls, Pipeweed, Rugs, Silk, Tea, Vegetables, Wine, Whale Oil

Tethyr recently emerged from a decades long civil war. It is now growing, establishing ties with hesitant neighbors. It's political situation still involves much intrigue. The pirates living in the Nelanther Isles to the west plague the kingdom's maritime commerce, including trade with far-off Maztica. Travelers are warned that the number five is considered very unlucky here.

Myratma: This walled city is more like Calimshan than any other city in Tethyr. It is the port through which the country's agricultural products flow. It has very few arcane casters, but the place is remarkable for the Jaguar Guard, a group of noble warriors brought over from the exotic land of Maztica to the west.

Velen: Many ghosts haunt this fortified city, but the people are so happy that people believe the hauntings to be exaggerated. Importand as a naval outpost against the Nelanther Pirates, Velen is also a valuable fishing port. Seafaring adventurers are quite welcome here.

Zazesspur: An amalgam of Tehyrian, Cali****e and other cultural influences, , this city also has few arcane casters. Those fleeing Amn usually travel farther, and the city's proximity to Calimshan means that many are lured further south.


Imports: Grain, Livestock, Leather, Ore, Timber and Exotic Goods from all lands
Exports: Ale, Arms, Cloth, Furnishings, Leather Goods, Pottery, Refined metals, and all other sorts of finished goods.

This is the major cosmopolitan power of Faerun. It benefits from an excellent harbor, wise rule, a tolerant spirit and a powerful magical tradition. Waterdeep contains at least one of nearly everything. The city's nickname, "The City of Splendors" is never said sarcastically. People know that Waterdeep is a marvel and that life is better here. It's undeniably a place where things happen, an important center of trade and change.

Skullport: The dark twin to Waterdeeps light soul, Skullport is a subterranean city connected to both Undermountain and a great sea in the Underdark. It is tolerated, barely, by the Lords of Waterdeep, because the madness and chaos it houses might otherwise rise to the surface and destroy the City of Splendors.

Baldur's Gate:

Situated halfway between Amn and Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate is a city where tolerance is a virtue. Trade knows no alignment.

The Ship
Details of the ship. Size, speed, all that jazz. Also will show all of the magical or mundane defenses

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Caravel_zps46010430.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Caravel_zps46010430.png.html)

1. Quarterdeck- A raised open deck, holds the ships wheel and a davit for the ships boat which hangs off the stern. The Mizzenmast is directly in front of the Wheel.

2. Foc'sle deck- A raised open deck, where the foremast rises. A ballista is mounted here, but it cannot fire directly forward, due to the foremast.

3. Captain's Cabin- The largest and most comfortable living area on board, (but still quite cramped).

4. Wardroom- Officers mess and parlor

5. Main Deck- A catapult is mounted here, but it can only fire to the flanks due to the masts ahead and behind.

6. Foc'sle- The forecastle is where most of the crew sleeps. A dozen cramped bunks with small footlockers are kept here. (can be switched out at a later time for hammocks for added capacity.

7. Galley- This is where the ships meals are cooked, food is stored, and typically where the ship's cook and assistants would sleep.

8. Chain Locker- This is where the chain for the ship's anchor is kept. It runs through a hawsepipe through the ceiling of both the lower deck and the main deck, exiting on the Fo'c'sle.

9. Lower Deck- This is where much of the Cargo is stored, and where the deckhands normally take their mess, unless the hold is completely full. IF full, only a narrow passageway runs to and from the ladderwells.

10. Officer's Cabins- Each of these cramped rooms currently holds only one small rack and footlocker. Another could be added, but that would make most of the floorspace = bed. Perhaps bunks or hammocks here too, in the future?

11. Ship's office- This is where all of the charts, records, logs, and valuables (money) are kept.

12. Sail Locker- Where the sails are stored.

13. Lower Hold- Where the majority of the cargo is stored.

The Booty
Booty, cargo and treasure currently held (undistributed) by the ship's Captain, Quartermaster etc. Will also include trade goods

Ship's Charter

All copies (from the original approved Charter, along with any amendments added).

Links to PC Character Sheets

Jojimbali (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=791817)

Grace Harley (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789808)

Kirnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789705)

Devlin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=789671)

John Rakeveil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790806)

Atamar'drii (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=794503)

Heardan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=790803)


Fort Baluarian
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/FortBaluarian_zpsd12de237.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/FortBaluarian_zpsd12de237.png.html)

1. Warehouse and Camp Headquarters
2. Armory and Vault
3. Commander's and Officer Quarters
4. Reaction force Barracks- These soldiers are drilled to be available in 10 rounds, fully armed and formed up.
5. Stockade
Unmarked buildings in the military compound are quarters for visiting officials, barracks for more soldiers, and a blacksmith.
6. Tavern- This doubles for the business office, being given over to that capacity during the day, and turning into a drinking house when the sun goes down.

Horses are kept on horse lines in the center (shaded) section. Other buildings are more housing and offices for civilian interests.

There are half a dozen rowboats (each can hold up to ten men) at the docks, three at each. The dock is manned at all times by a squad of soldiers (about a dozen).

The walls are thick, you'll give them that much. They built a fine little prison for you here at the jungles edge. Had it not been for Guardsman Sergeant Valmore, there was a very good chance that you would still have been stuck here when the new magistrate arrived from Baldur's Gate.

Each of you had been kept in a tiny cell by yourselves, with thick masonry walls and no windows. You had been shackled tightly to the wall, and any who were suspected of being spellcasters had to endure their arms and fingers being encased in steel gloves which prevented even the slightest motion, and their mouths filled with a harness that worked like a horses bit, but prevented any kind of intelligible sound. No light, and very little sound was able to enter your private little hell as you waited for day after day. You were given basic doctoring, and over the last few weeks your wounds had slowly healed, even if your pride had far from recovered.

Valmore had visited each of you in turn, under the guise of checking your wounds and your bindings. When any were watching, his fists did his speaking for him, playing the role of brutal jailer to perfection. But occasionally, he was left alone for a few minutes at a time, and it was during these times that he spoke in hushed tones about his offer. 5000 gold pieces, in gems or other small and easily hidden baubles, in exchange for your freedom.

A ship will be anchored 200 yards from shore, he told you. I will provide the means, but you must assault the armory to recover your gear. I will be inside with my squad. You must overpower them, quietly, if this is to work. I will disable the alarm bell, but there will be 5 outside your stockade, and 4 more outside the armory. He went on in a rush, laying the foundation of your plan. He would provide the keys for all of your bindings, and yes, he would even provide a spellbook and component pouch.

The guards, they are trained to fetch help if they hear an altercation inside the stockade. They will go immediately to the Wolverines, the light infantry company housed in the building to the east. They're talented, he adds lamely.

It is very difficult to get any sort of feel for the camp outside, due to the complete isolation that you're kept in. Valmore promises that you will have time to plan on the night of the breakout. He will free Grace from her bonds, and give her clay keys for the rest of your bonds. From that point, you will have about 9 hours before the doors are unlocked again. He will spread the word among the sentries that one of the deckhands has the Wetlung, a bloody and contagious infection that starts with hacking coughs and often ends with the victim bleeding to death internally. Luckily one of the deckhands has a horrendous rasping cough all the time, so this is rather believable. Valmore assures you that nobody will open the door before they bring the healers in the morning.

The planned night of your escape begins as planned. Valmore hid a spellbook and a small pouch in the sack that he used to carry hunks of bread for you. Also in the sack are the clay keys, a tiny oil lamp with flint and steel, and a crudely drawn map of the fort. He whispers to Grace, The "Godshadow" lies at anchor, and most of the crew are availing themselves of the friendly laundresses. Make haste though, I only learned tonight that the "Wingfish" is coming with the new magistrate sooner than expected. The Commander's wizard spoke to him, and they could be here by tomorrow. With that, he rushes out, and slams the door behind him, barking commands that because of illness, these doors are not to be opened till morning, until the healers can determine if there is danger.

Grace frees those of you in the solitary cells, but as yet has not freed the deckhands.

Spellcasters can prepare their spells, and the characters have several hours with which to (quietly) make their plans.

2014-02-18, 12:55 AM
Kirnan flexes his shoulders as he's freed, the urge to kill Valmore crossing his mind more than once. He hefts his shackles in one hand, they would make a good improvised weapon until he could reclaim his sword. Stepping out of his cell, his voice is a gravely whisper. "Let's get us a ship then."

2014-02-18, 12:59 AM
Grace Harley

Grace felt her body ache in protest at the slightest bit of motion. Being shipwrecked, then imprisoned with daily beatings had done her no favors. But the worst part had been the sense of confinement. Her bindings had done a fair job keeping her immobilized. Stay still to long, and your limbs will betray you and harden up like stone. Based on how stiff she felt now, if they didn't make good on this escape, when the floor feel out from under her and the noose snapped tight, she figured she was just as likely to shatter to bits as she was to dangle.

But there was no time tonight for aches and pains. Not if anyone wanted to make it back out to the free waves and live another day. Key ring in hand, she looked each one over a moment, an absent minded jester as she gathered her thoughts. "Tomorrow, we die" She stated, flatly, her voice cracking with a slight rasp, but if it pained her any to speak, she didn't show it for an instant. "The magistrate will be here by dawn. We'll be sentenced, and the verdict will be administered. By sundown, the hangman will have his pick of our boots."

She turned her gaze away from the keys, to each of the assembled band. If she had the chance to gather the folks to watch her back, it would be hard pressed to find a stranger lot than the faces looking back at her. "I plan on living." Her voice might still be weak, even in the dim light you could see the bruises round her jaw and throat from where she'd been bound to the wall. Even so, her eyes glinted like steel, unyielding. "We make for the stock house. A handful of guards block our way. I say we trample those bastards under our weight, and wring their necks. We shroud ourselves in darkness, then take them all out with narry a sound! I say we Clean out this jailhouses coffers and claim them as our own!" It was hard to imagine, even though her voice was scarly louder than a wisper, it seemed to boom out of her like a cannon shot, and flood the very room. "There is a beautiful maiden waiting for us in the harbor. Her name is Godshadow, and she's our passage out of this rotting prison."

Approaching the cells where the deckhands were kept, she addressed her fellow prisoners, fitting the key into the lock and swinging the door open. "I say we live through this day, and many more after. What say you?"

2014-02-18, 03:12 AM
A warm emptiness flows through the chained and bridled man. Though his skin is dark, it is still just possible to see the bruises on his body, his clothes little more than a red scarf, a necklace of beads, and a pair of shark-leather pants. His cell is small, but it doesn't bother him, as his mind is far away, reveling in the embrace of the spirits he worships and asks favors of.
Even though his mind is far away, he can still feel his body, though it is hard. He had never communed this long before, and he could feel the connections to his real self fading. He had even almost forgotten his name. Jojimbali. That is my name.
Through this fading connection, the man, Jojimbali could hear snatches of a voice.
"Tomorrow...die....magistrate will be here...trample those bastards...wring their necks...Godshadow, and she's...I say we live...after. What say you?"
Survival. The burning need to last beyond the next day flowed through Jojimbali, as his mind snapped back to his body, perhaps faster than was safe, and he could feel the sorrow of the spirits he had abandoned with little warning.
The pain and soreness he had been avoiding returns in a flash, and Jojimbali gives out a groan of pain, garbled by the bit in his mouth. Respond. She needs to know you're in.
"Grmphh mphmm hmmph!" Jojimbali forces noises past the metal in his mouth. Though they make little sense, he hopes they would be taken for assent.

2014-02-18, 12:15 PM
A beat up man say back while Grace is still speaking her speech to everyone "The rum, it's all gone my dear. There is no rum there is no comfort. We MUST have their rum have to have it. AYE grace dear I'm with you till the end if we get the rum... And my hat. Still looking down and barely has the strength to keep his words flowing. The beatings day after day he can barely move but the sea is calling to him this night and he will be with her again very soon.

2014-02-18, 02:11 PM
The dignity of lesser men was known to suffer in such conditions, but not that of Atamar'drii. It was uncomfortable, miserable, nigh unbearable even... but he had not been left there long enough to despair or to make a fool of himself. But they had taken his beautiful coat... in truth they had taken most everything off of him - things that he had fought hard for and earned through strife and toil... and perhaps a little bit of plunder. And they let him here in little more than his underclothes, which were now all but rags after having been forced to wallow around in these conditions.

The half-elf worked his jaw about and clenched and un-clenched his hands, all of them now free from their harsh imprisonment. Grace had been the one to release him and now it seemed that she was bent on getting back their effects and commandeering this ship that lay out in harbor.

"It would appear, my dear lady, that you have a most provocative plan laid out. And if we stand a chance to reclaim our possessions from these heathens while also taking from them no small amount of valuable assets, you can most certainly count me in. Why, I wouldn't miss it for all the world on a silver platter!"

2014-02-18, 03:37 PM
Taking the keys, Kirnan frees the crewmen, helping them out of their shackles. "We need to keep as quiet as possible, it's a long walk to the armory." He helps Yellow to his feet. Turning to the others who had been locked in solitary, the torchlight flickering across the whip-scars creasing his chest and back, and the three noose scars around his neck. "Let's get on with it then."

2014-02-18, 03:52 PM
John looks at everyone and shrugs "I for one would like to get my effects back. I don't know about all of you but there is a ship that needs a crew, and we have ourselves here a crew. So without delaying our cause of taking over said ship we will follow Grace. May I call you Gracey my dear? So who's ready to be free? As John says with a half smile.

2014-02-18, 06:24 PM
Removing his chains after having been freed, Haeldar feels shaken, not by the beatings, not by the imprisonment, and not by bridle "I tasted worst thing in my life" he says to himself. What he really cannot stand is to be unable to touch. To touch the sheets of his books, the corners of a deck, the wood of a ship, the skin of a woman, the waves of the ocean. "Tasting bad and touching nothing... I will make this people taste and touch the wrath of a Red Wizard... later" he says in a whisper, before starting to take a look at the faces with him, some well known, some not so well... "Grace Harley... And the elf... it could have been better... or far worse... Let's roll with it!"

2014-02-18, 08:08 PM
Also having spit out the bit keeping him silent, Jojimbali works his jaw up and down, working some stiffness out. "I will accompany you on your dash to freedom. Do we know where our equipment is? I had a few baubles I would like to recover." Jojimbali could see the spirits of pain hanging over this ragtag group of pirates and scallywags, but they seemed to be dissipating, as they stretched and planned.

2014-02-18, 09:28 PM
"Our stuff's in the armory, due north. It's guarded, but we got a man on the inside."

2014-02-18, 09:30 PM
Taking the keys, Kirnan frees the crewmen, helping them out of their shackles. "We need to keep as quiet as possible, it's a long walk to the armory." He helps Yellow to his feet. Turning to the others who had been locked in solitary, the torchlight flickering across the whip-scars creasing his chest and back, and the three noose scars around his neck. "Let's get on with it then."

Yellow Tom accepts the hand readily, but when the dim light of the lamp falls on the raised scars on Kirnan's torso and neck, he recoils slightly, backing into the wall of the cell. Knuckling his forehead in a salute, he mumbles Beggin' yer pardon, sir.

Barkh grins wildly when his shackles are removed, and a thin line of drool slides down his chin as he nods happily with understanding. Verga, unfolding to her near seven foot height punches Targas in the jaw, sending him reeling. Don't touch me again. Ashdautas Vrasubatlat! (Those of you who speak orcish know this phrase to mean "Someday I will kill you"). Other than that, the deckhands seem to be warming to the idea of an escape, until Ferragin brushes his long dirty curls from his face, and speaks in heavily accented Common.. How do we kill the guards outside without making any sound?

Almost on cue, you are all able to hear raucous laughter through the walls, sounding like several men laughing at a joke.

2014-02-18, 10:01 PM
Kirnan steps in front of Verga, frowning. " 'oH pol mang pagh SoH DaH maH." <from orcish, Save it for the soldiers, or we leave you here.>

2014-02-18, 10:12 PM
Kirnan steps in front of Verga, frowning. " 'oH pol mang pagh SoH DaH maH." <from orcish, Save it for the soldiers, or we leave you here.>

Immediately lowering her gaze, she whispers Yes Battle Master, I obey.

2014-02-18, 10:21 PM
Grace Harley

"I for one would like to get my effects back. I don't know about all of you but there is a ship that needs a crew, and we have ourselves here a crew. So without delaying our cause of taking over said ship we will follow Grace. May I call you Gracey my dear? So who's ready to be free?

Grace only gave a shrug, and a deliberately non-indicative one at that. She never really liked her first name. It was to soft and delicate for a sailor, and would be a much better suit to a governess or a artist, someone with soft hands and fine clothing.

How do we kill the guards outside without making any sound?

Grace raised a hand "With these" She stated, keeping her voice down as she overheard the laughter from outside. "Fall onto the guards like a wave, and smother them under our combined weight. Strange the throat, and be sure to squeeze hard so they can't cry for help. Once they run out of air, they'll pass out. Then we can use the bindings in here to keep them out of the way and quiet."

Moving to the door, Grace ever so carefully unbolted the handle, quiet as she could manage, but she didn't open it yet. Still in little more than a whisper, she stated "The guards are talking now, and joking with eachother. They won't expect us. On my signal, rush out and grab them. Once their out of the way, we can move to the armory and equipt ourselves. The dark should keep us covered, just watch each others backs and stay out of sight."

Grace's body felt tense, as it usually did before a fight. Like a spring, coiled tight and ready to explode. "Anyone wants out, last chance to get back in your cage. For better or worse, once we pass through this door, then we're united for the haul to freedom."

Holding up her free hand, Grace extended five fingers. Then only four. Three. Two. One.

Then she flung the door wide open, and rushed out, flinging herself bodily at the first guard she could see and seizing him tight, trying to force him to the ground, her teeth gritted tight, twisted into a warriors snarl.

Melee touch roll to initiate grapple


Grapple roll, and I'll spend an inspiration for a CHA competence bonus on it.


No turning back now

2014-02-18, 10:42 PM
Jojimbali was never one for hand-to-hand combat, he wasn't suited for it, and he found it to be distasteful, but in this case, he had no choice. It wouldnt do for him to hesitate in front of his new comrades the first time they worked together. So, with a prayer to the spirits, Jojimbali rushed out with everyone else when Grace Harley threw open the door, and he rushed towards the nearest guard, throwing his hand over the guard's mouth to keep him silent.


2014-02-18, 10:48 PM
Kirnan is right behind her, grabbing at another guard.

[roll0] Touch attack
[roll1] Grapple check

2014-02-19, 01:08 AM
A Moment Ago...

Kirnan steps in front of Verga, frowning. " 'oH pol mang pagh SoH DaH maH." <from orcish, Save it for the soldiers, or we leave you here.>

[Orcish]"Ki ta ash iss ulg luk od sha, ta srink za ghashum.*", Atamar'drii added to Kirnan's chastisement of the half-orc. After half a second of thought, he turned to Verga and continued in the common tongue, "Though, truthfully my green-skinned dear, now is probably not the time nor the place for retribution on such a small scale. All things in due time, rosebud, all things in due time!"

In the Moment...

As the rest of the group rushed out and pounced upon the unsuspecting guards, Atamar'drii nonchalantly strolled out after them and stood close to where they struggled. He then spoke in a voice barely above a whisper as he moved his hands in the incantation of his spell.

"Ƙåƞåƙ ĐíʌąƦ, ƙåƞåƙ ßěěƴåƞ, ƙåƞåƙ ɱęƞęśʈƦõ ßíąlʈƦą Đõşħ!"

*Orcish- "If he first put a hand to her, he deserves the same."

Spell - Casting deep slumber on the guards. 3rd level; Close range; 10'-radius; 10 HD worth of creatures; lowest HD first or closest (if equal HD); Will save to negate; DC is currently a 17 (without my Coat); will be out for 1 minute/level (10 minutes).

2014-02-19, 10:21 AM
"Ahh then I shall find you a new name my dear." as John say that he walks slowly creeping in behind everyone making his way out. John doesn't have the strength to keep a guard down so he will try his best.


2014-02-19, 04:08 PM
Darkness, solitude, and above all silence had conspired to rob Devlin of the spirit he usually prided himself on. Flexing recently freed hands and working a sore jaw, he simply nodded agreement with the plan.

Topping out at just over three feet tall, he wasn't going to be much help in the subduing department, so he followed closely on the others heels and made a point of looking around for anyone who might witness the start of their escape.

[Seeing the coast is clear, he then takes a quick glance at the face of the building and whispers to the others "I'm tossin' up some cover, so don't be belevin' everything you see." And with that he concentrates and an image of the face of the building emerges from the real thing and passes through the others, coming to a stop just past the action.]

perception (low light vision) = [roll0]

Silent Image (will-disbelieve DC 16):
10'x10'x140' should be enough to cover the whole front face of the building, projected forward far enough to cover everyone. As I understand it - as long as I concentrate I can change the illusion (correct me if I'm wrong!) so it won't have fake guards yet, simply because I don't want any added confusion, but I will add some once the real ones are subdued.

2014-02-19, 05:44 PM
"What does this people thinks? That I'm some kind of gladiator?" thought to himself Haeldar, seeing the others trying to grapple the guards. "I could hit someone in the head with my spellbook, for what they care of my magical power"
Noticing the bards are already casting useful spells he decides to enter the fray, helping to submit the guards. He directs towards the nearest one, who happens to be already attacked by other people of the crew; people to whom Haeldar normally paid little attention.

touch attack [roll0]
Grapple check [roll1]

2014-02-20, 12:07 AM
Grace counts down silently from five, then throws the latch, and bursts out into the humid air. The crackle of torches can be heard from the sconces on either side of the door, throwing bizarre shadows onto the deck and the wet ground beyond. There is an alarm bell hanging from the far edge of the deck, the striker hanging from a cord beside it. Instead of the five guards that Valmore promised, there are actually seven men standing on the deck, though two of them are unarmed save for belt knives and wear no armor.

Please forgive this pathetic diagram, I'm still learning how to use Gimp to make sexy sexy diagrams. (Erasmas, HEEEELP, lol). D = Door, G = Guard, UG = Unarmed Guard, and B= Bell
__________________ G1________________________G2
_________________________________________ UG1 G3
UG2___ G4_____________________________________ G5

Grace and Heardan both Grapple G1, pinning him against the wall by his throat. Jojimbali slips like a shadow behind her and to the first Unarmed Guard (UG1), who has his back to him. He reaches around the man's head to cover his mouth from behind, but his hand slips, and the man wriggles like a snake, escaping and opening his mouth to shout. Kirnan slips to his right, and successfully pins his opponent (G4), and John does the same with UG2. Devlin steps out of the way and suddenly, the wall of the stockade seems to have jumped forward by about 15 feet, blocking out the pale moonlight.

Atamar'drii steps to the side as well, to allow others to pass him, and sings a snatch of mystical lullaby while focusing in the area where John, and Jojimbali are wrestling with their shocked foes. Immediately, all four of the guards slump unconscious, one of the spears clattering noisily on the deck as it falls. Verga, Tayvin and Barkh all slip out of the door as well, Tayvin and Verga going to the right to attempt to subdue the second unarmed guardsman next to Kirnan, and Barkh slipping around the door to the right to lay hands on the slumbering guard in the northeast corner of the deck.

The western unarmed guard's eyes are huge as he sees Kirnan first incapacitate his friend, and then when the wildly tattooed Tayvin and the monstrous Verga bolt out of the flickering shadows to engulf him, he nearly collapses with fear.

More clattering shatters the calm, breezy night, this time from Targas who has staggered to his knees and dropped the shackles he held in his hand, blocking the doorway and causing a jam at the door for the moment, preventing the rest of your comrades from emerging as quickly as they would have liked.

There have been minor noises, but at the moment, all seven guardsmen are either sleeping or grappled with their mouths covered. The stockade looks like it still envelops you, or at least, the wall and door does. The floor is obviously still the decking that is outside the stockade.

Please roll for initiative-
Guard Initiative [roll0]
Unknown Initiative [roll1] (Plus unknown modifier).

Please state your actions, and make rolls for them. If the guards go before you, please realize that the three that are still conscious currently plan to attempt to break their grapples.

2014-02-20, 12:25 AM
Grace Harley

Initiative Roll

Roll to maintain grapple


Everything seemed to be off to a good start, the guards were contained and no alert seemed to have been raised, even with more guards on hand than were to be expected, and with some trip ups at the door. Four of the guards were sleeping, under some spell from the looks of it. Three men still struggling, including the one she had by the throat. "We'll be need shackles and gags, double time." She barked as loud as she dared, trying to ensure she wasn't heard. She glanced for a moment at the half-elf, Atamar'drii or something like that "Spell slinger, keep your eyes out and ears sharp"

With my BAB as it is, and a careful reread of the grapple rules, I should be able to attempt to establish a pin, and then move my guy back inside the barracks with two seperate rolls.

Roll to establish pin


And roll to move him inside the stockade

[roll3]+4 if I established the pin first.

2014-02-20, 03:40 AM
Kirnan turns his fiece gaze on the guards. "You will submit."

[roll0] Intimidate check to cower, swift action, affects all enemies in 10 feet.

2014-02-20, 12:14 PM

maintain grapple

2014-02-20, 12:30 PM
Iniziative: [roll0]

2014-02-20, 01:00 PM
"Aye, aye. Eyes peeled like stewed potatoes and ears as sharp as my poor rapier... kept under lock and key in some darkened room.", the half-elf accepted his post. The latter of his statement seemed to draw some sadness from him as he carefully tiptoed his way through the struggling piles of combatants.

"Excuse me... pardon... oh, I'm sorry, that was your hand, wasn't it?"

He continued across the wooden planking until he had reached a place where he could have a good vantage point to stand his guard.

2014-02-20, 02:12 PM

Seeing that everything seemed to be under control, Jojimbali dropped the now sleeping guard he had been tangling with, and walked over to the wall, subtly keeping his back to it. True, these people had helped him escape, but that didnt mean there wasn't one of them who would be willing to stab him in the back. That orc woman had tried to kill one of the other prisoners already, so keeping a watchful eye out was just prudent, and the spirits seemed to agree.

2014-02-20, 06:27 PM
Wasting no time, Kirnan grabs two guards and drags them to the cells, fitting them with the same gags used on the spellcasters.

2014-02-20, 08:48 PM
Letting go of the unconscious guard now "Well that was easy mates, lets go get our effects now shall we? as he starts to look for the armory to see how many there are from where he is.

If john can see to the armory he wants to know how many guards there seems to be [roll0]

2014-02-20, 08:52 PM
Seeing everything is mostly in hand, Devlin leans against an empty patch of the real wall and makes himself comfortable while keeping his focus on the illusion, sparing a few glances around to make sure no one is yet approaching. When the half-elf approaches the illusory wall, he flicks his fingers and a few conveniently placed cracks open before Atamar'drii, allowing for unobstructed vision with minimal chance of being observed. Careful to stay quiet, he whispers, "If you can convince yourself to see through it so much the better, but if not I'll open you as many spy holes as you'd like." He then smirks and adds "Just don't try to lean on it!"

Similar cracks open before John as he approaches the wall as well.

Devlin also takes a moment to look at the guards before they are pulled away, getting ready to have illusory copies ready to take their places once he's sure none of his new allies will mistakenly attack one.

2014-02-21, 01:29 AM
"'As many holes as I like', you say? My dearest Devlin, I do believe that we are becoming fast friends, you and I.", Atamr'drii quipped with an impish smile as he floated his naughty twist on the gnome's words out for any who cared to hear.

He felt his spirits lifting slowly; perhaps it was because it looked as though this plan might actually pan out. And, honestly, what better to raise one's spirits than to escape captivity?

2014-02-21, 02:48 AM
Seeing that every guard is submitted or unconscious, Haeldar turns his attention at the turn of events. "Something's wrong" he thinks to himself, noticing the number of guards is different than what was expected. "Elf, do you see something strange?" he says to Atamr'drii, noticing that he's looking through a hole in the wall.

2014-02-21, 11:11 AM
"You mean aside from a gnoll, a gnome, two half-orcs, a dwarf, a dozen humans, and a... half-elf... escaping from a jungle prison in the dead of night?", he had made a slight pause while indicating himself by placing his splaying fingers upon his chest, in order to emphasize his partial lineage.

He then turned back towards the illusionary wall and peered through the gnome-made cracks. "If you, in fact, did... then no. Everything looks as smooth as the silk sheets on a princess' bed. Not that you'd know what that looks like, now would you, you old Thayan devil, you.", the bard teased the Red Wizard.

2014-02-21, 01:38 PM
Indeed, it appears that the first salvo has been fired, and the advantage is yours. You hear no hue and cry, no alarm bells. In fact, you hear nothing save the wind rustling the branches of the nearby trees, and the cries of nightbirds that you can't identify.

Grace Harley

"We'll be need shackles and gags, double time."

The deckhands step lively as they begin to gather the defenders, stripping their weapons as they do so. (Now, unless the officers take some of them, 5 spears, 5 shortswords, and 7 daggers have been distributed among the 11 deckhands, and there has been some quick rifling through pouches and removal of jewelry as well.

Kirnan turns his fiece gaze on the guards. "You will submit."

And so they do. In fact, the one whose throat you have a firm grip on trembles wildly in fear, and a rank smell, even worse than that of 18 long unwashed bodies, can be sensed from the one that Grace is holding against the wall.

He continued across the wooden planking until he had reached a place where he could have a good vantage point to stand his guard.

All is quiet for the moment. There is a fair breeze blowing away from you (north to south), and you can barely hear the strains of a mandolin and raucous laughter southwest of you, near the dock , where you can make out several lit windows in what must be some sort of tavern.


Seeing that everything seemed to be under control, Jojimbali dropped the now sleeping guard he had been tangling with, and walked over to the wall, subtly keeping his back to it. '

All around you, deckhands surge to ensure that your prisoners make no sound as they are herded back into the stockade. You hear dark chuckles and ribald comments along with the clanking of chains, whimpering, and one man whispering desperately "please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me". The crew pays little attention to you for the moment, as they are disarming, looting, and imprisoning their captors.

Wasting no time, Kirnan grabs two guards and drags them to the cells, fitting them with the same gags used on the spellcasters.

For the most part, the crew is being efficient in their work, with an economy of motion and sound a bit unusual for a crew of dubious discipline. There are a few muttered comments, and Fells seems to take great pleasure in screwing the mouthpiece of a sobbing soldier in perhaps a bit tighter than is necessary, but at least they are being quick, and quiet.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well that was easy mates, lets go get our effects now shall we? as he starts to look for the armory to see how many there are from where he is.

The armory is to the north of you, around the building. You can either attempt to disbelieve the illusion and stick your head out of the "wall", or you can walk out the "door" and walk around to the side. If you successfully do either, you can read the following..

There are several smaller buildings on the left, as you look to the north, and a well defined path which branches to lead to each door. There are only lights in one of them, the smallest, about halfway to the armory. Directly across the path from that building stands a very large masonry building of two stories, in which a light burns from one of the windows on the second story.

About 350 yards to the north stands your target. A squat stone building hunches in the shifting illumination of four lanterns set on poles. You see motion there, but cannot clearly make them out at this range. There appears to be nobody between the stockade and the armory at this time.


Devlin also takes a moment to look at the guards before they are pulled away, getting ready to have illusory copies ready to take their places once he's sure none of his new allies will mistakenly attack one.

You have only a few seconds in the trembling light of two torches, but you are able to discern the appearance of the uniforms, and have a reasonable chance of making a recognizable facsimile of a couple of the guards before they are dragged into the deeper darkness of the stockade.

2014-02-21, 02:17 PM
Haeldar approaches Atamr'drii, with a kind smile painted on his face, as he usually has. "You mean the silk, the princess or the bed? because I know very well at least two of them, my dear HALF-elf" After his answer he starts to take a look trough the illusion of the gnomic bard. He gaze upon the tanslucent corners of the wall, trying to follow the patterns left by the magic, to understand at his best the work of Devlin. "Not a bad work, not a bad work at all" He says with a bit of admiration.

Taking a look at the outside, he thinks at the best course of action. "And the two of you have any way of conceal yourselves?" He says, looking still looking at the outside, but clearly speaking to the tow bards.

2014-02-21, 02:46 PM
"I certainly hope that you mean to indicate that you know at least two princesses. The silk and the bed I can easily enough procure, however, the other is another thing entirely. And if you do know two so well, then perhaps you can see fit to spare one for your dear old friend Atamar'drii." The half-elf holds out his hand in a manner of greeting.

"It truly is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

2014-02-21, 03:04 PM
Surprised for the unexpected witty response of the half-elf, Haeldar quickly shakes his hand. "The pleasure's mine, sadly, for now I feel more concerned for my lack of proper clothings and gear. i fear that princesses and beds will have to wait. And even silk"

2014-02-21, 03:18 PM
"Indeed.", Atamar'drii conceded soberly.

"As to your prior question, yes... I do almost as well at not being seen when I wish as I do at being seen when I do wish it.", he looked at the Red Wizard and offered him a smile and a wink. Turning about to see that most of the guards have been stowed away, he called out to Grace and the others in a hoarse whisper.

"Right. If we're done here, then I'd like to put some amount of distance between us and this cesspool. Preferably before these slow-witted Flaming Fist buffoons happen to realize that we're no longer in our dank little boxes, if you please."

2014-02-21, 03:49 PM
"I second the idea that we leave sooner, rather than later. We won't be safe until we have commandeered our new ship. Well, as safe as we're going to get for a while, at any rate." Jojimbali whispers, a wry smile across his face.

2014-02-21, 06:14 PM
Kirnan grabs one of the guard's dropped swords. "Arm yourselves with this trash for now, when we take the armory we'll have better."

2014-02-21, 06:56 PM
Jojimbali grabs a knife for himself. He wasn't the most accomplished knife thrower, but he wasn't that bad, and besides, it was really just as a back-up, he should have enough favors built up with the spirits for the rest of the evening.

2014-02-21, 07:40 PM
Devlin rolls his eyes at the chatty half-elf, but can't contain half a grin. When he hears the discussion of moving out he chimes in. "Anyone got a good idea of how to get to the armory without being seen or heard? I can throw up some fake guards here, but they won't stand up to hard looking." And with that he adds the appropriate complement of guards to his illusion, in some semblance of chatting softly with one another so as to explain not immediately reacting to someone's approach. Under his breath Devlin adds "Just don't try to attack them when we head out..."

2014-02-22, 11:35 AM
"Well lets get going, but be quiet" John goes to look for the most unnoticeable route to get a little bit closer to see the armory, and to see everything to know how many guards are here and to know his way around for the best route to take for the crew.

for the stealth check(to move silently and to hide, its under the stealth skill i will roll one more if needed.) [roll0]
for the spot check to look around noticing everything thats going on at the moment and where things are [roll1]
spot chec kfor the armory to see how many guards are there [roll2]

2014-02-22, 02:24 PM
Atamar'drii likewise took a dagger, testing its weight in his hand to get a feel for the balance and the possible distance that he may be able to throw the thing. He didn't much cherish the thought of engaging in a straight up fight in his current state of unpreparedness, but he was decent enough at his skill with knife throwing.

For now, it would have to do. He was just thankful that he had his spells at his disposal.

2014-02-22, 02:36 PM
Haeldar takes a look around, considering how useful a weapon could be to him "Not so much, for now, if things get rough I can go invisible and let them take out the guards" He thinks that, if things get REALLY bad he can always throw his book on someone's head. One time it worked.

eager to know if John has spotted something he stands looking at him, waiting and thinking at what could be the best course of action

2014-02-23, 03:30 AM
Kirnan peers out the door of the stockade. "Once we take the armory, what do you guys think about something to distract out hosts? Like, setting the place on fire?"

2014-02-23, 03:57 AM
A wide grin appears on Jojimbali's face. "A fire sounds like a marvelous idea, my fine compatriot, a marvelous idea indeed!"

2014-02-23, 05:47 AM
"An amazing idea indeed! And why not create a gigantic illusion of a sign with 'Escape in act' written on it, just to be sure that everyone in the fort leaves tavern and beds to look at what's happening? I could even add trumpets and horns if you desire it!"
Says Haeldar, with the most sarcastic tone he can take

2014-02-23, 03:25 PM
"A valid point, but we would be setting their armoury aflame, which would mean that most of the soldiers not trying to stop the flames would have to be unarmed, aside from the quick reaction squad. Also," Jojimbali says with a gleam in his eye, "We can block the door and leave the soldiers inside as bait to the others."

2014-02-23, 07:43 PM
"I meant set the barracks on fire."

2014-02-23, 08:32 PM
"Well lets get going, but be quiet" John goes to look for the most unnoticeable route to get a little bit closer to see the armory, and to see everything to know how many guards are here and to know his way around for the best route to take for the crew.

You are easily able to take a look behind the buildings on the western edge of the camp. It appears that while there are one or two shuttered windows to the rear of each building, they are all currently closed, likely due to the chill in the damp night air. This is one way to go, and you would be under cover most of the way. However, from several of the buildings the sound of snoring can be heard. Either way you go, you find nobody out and about, and are able to creep close enough to the armory to note that there are in fact four fully armored guards standing watch on the door.

You are nearly seen once, though. A patch of darkness on the wall turns out to be a bored archer jumping up and down and turning in circles in an effort to stay warm. You're fairly certain that he looked right in your direction, but he obviously didn't notice you.

"I meant set the barracks on fire."

The walls are made of masonry, but the roof is in fact made of wooden planking.

All seven guards have been locked in the stockade, chained hand and foot to the walls, with their mouths filled with the devilish contraption designed so that spellcasters cannot speak to invoke their spells. The deckhands have armed up as well as they are able, some carrying only a dagger, others still carrying shackles to swing at opponents. None begrudge the officers of their choice of weapons though.

Smiling Tom has a suggestion. What if, he begins quietly, turning to catch the eye of all who will pay attention, we put five of us in the armor and tabards of the guards, then we just , get this, he chuckles, grinning impishly, march ourselves to the armory lookin' like we belongs there.. As a distraction, y'know? Then the others who are bein' all sneakified can rush outta the shadows when we have 'em payin' attention to us? Eh? Eh? The noise we'll make by walkin' over there shouldn't wake nobody up, we's just walkin', but it would still help mask the sound of the sneakers.

Barkh tentatively touches the "wall" that Devlin put up, and snorts in an approximation of a chuckle when his hand goes right through it. His huge shaggy head bobs up and down appreciatively and slaver runs from between his fangs as he grins.

2014-02-24, 01:42 PM
Ill make my way back towards the crew and keeping an eye out as well for any changes. "Okay theres two ways to go but one way there is an archer moving to keep warm. he almost saw me. So i'm thinking going the other way.

2014-02-24, 01:52 PM
Atamar'drii raised his eyebrow at the proposal of Smiling Tom.

"You know... I do believe that the lad has set upon something. I'd say that it sounds a marvelous idea to me! By the hells - I'll even volunteer to lead the little rabble myself."

2014-02-24, 04:07 PM
Smiling Tom has a suggestion. What if, he begins quietly, turning to catch the eye of all who will pay attention, we put five of us in the armor and tabards of the guards, then we just , get this, he chuckles, grinning impishly, march ourselves to the armory lookin' like we belongs there.. As a distraction, y'know? Then the others who are bein' all sneakified can rush outta the shadows when we have 'em payin' attention to us? Eh? Eh? The noise we'll make by walkin' over there shouldn't wake nobody up, we's just walkin', but it would still help mask the sound of the sneakers.

"You know... I do believe that the lad has set upon something. I'd say that it sounds a marvelous idea to me! By the hells - I'll even volunteer to lead the little rabble myself."

Grace paused a moment to consider, before nodding "It sounds workable. Very least, it should let us get close to the guards before arousing suspicion long enough for the rest of you lot to get into a good ambush position." She had a half thought then added "We'll need a phrase to use to signal when to attack. If any of us say 'Terribly sorry' thats the cue to take them down. If we play it right, we might be able to get into the armory without anybody noticing" She grinned, pearly white teeth almost glowing even in the dim light "If my tounge were any more silver, I'd have sold it to a merchent and bought myself a nice island to retire to off the profits."

With that, Grace started dressing up in the guards armor. Much as she hated wearing heavy mail or plating, it'd to wonders to looking the part.

2014-02-24, 04:23 PM
As he saw the others beginning to put on the heavier armor than he was used to wearing, he began to change his mind. And then, when Grace stepped up and declared that she would be the one to do the talking, Atamar'drii saw his out.

"On second thought, I think I'll stay with the shadows as a little thing that just goes bump in the night... when asked, of course."

2014-02-24, 08:53 PM
"A valid point, but we would be setting their armoury aflame, which would mean that most of the soldiers not trying to stop the flames would have to be unarmed, aside from the quick reaction squad. Also," Jojimbali says with a gleam in his eye, "We can block the door and leave the soldiers inside as bait to the others."Devlin scowls, knowing all too well what kind of hell that is and quickly chimes in: "I agree with Red - I'd just as well not alert anyone that anything is happening. I say let them sleep, don't have them looking for help and instead running into us or our handiwork." And with that he resolves to keep a close eye on Jojimbali.

When the gnoll tests the wall, Devlin grins and sends a ripple through the inside of the image, making it appear as if Barkh had touched the surface of a pond. Thankfully, playing with the illusion doesn't hinder the gnome's ability to hear the conversations and when he hears the other's plans for leaving, Devlin pipes up from his spot against the wall: "Well, if there's no sign of a roaming patrol, it should be safe enough to drop this illusion when we ship out. I'll go with the quiet group, and throw up another illusion at the armory to cover the action there."

2014-02-25, 05:25 AM
Shrugging, Kirnan starts pulling on armor and helping those unfamiliar with it. The heavy plates made him feel off balance, but they just needed to get close enough to rush them.

2014-02-25, 08:57 AM
"Well, if there's no sign of a roaming patrol, it should be safe enough to drop this illusion when we ship out. I'll go with the quiet group, and throw up another illusion at the armory to cover the action there."

Haeldar looks at Devlin with esteem: You're right Smarty, keeping up an illusion in this place is really useful; but, I know the trade of deception very well, and I know that if something unexpected distracts You, the wall is gone. And since I always expect the unexpected, leave to me the task to create an illusory wall... it will last for the minutes we need to go and take back our things.

"And" He stops, speaking to Kirnan and Jojimbali, "I understand the beauty of burning buildings but, for now, I find it better to keep them guessing tomorrow, than chasing tonight"

2014-02-25, 11:08 AM
John looks at Grace and says " Oh your uhm buddy pall captain guard lied. There is actually 4 armored guards standing outside the armory.

2014-02-25, 01:16 PM
"I understand the beauty of burning buildings but, for now, I find it better to keep them guessing tomorrow, than chasing tonight"

"There's no small bit of wisdom there" Grace nodded in agreement. "If we need a distraction, that'll do fine. Every soldier putting out the blaze is one less in pursuit of us. But lets wait till alarm bells start sounding before resorting to such methods"

" Oh your uhm buddy pall captain guard lied. There is actually 4 armored guards standing outside the armory.

Grace thought a moment, before giving a small shrug and returning to donning the armor, checking the buckles and straps over her chest plate, trying to find a comfortable way to carry the weight "If he was going to betray us, there are better ways to do it than tossing an extra few sets of eyes at the armory. There's still more than enough of us to overpower four guards."

Picking up her gauntlets, Grace continued to speak "Bare this in mind though, our best ally in this is the fact that our actions go unnoticed. The moment that changes and an alert is raised, our chances of making it free plummet. Don't take arms against anyone unless you are certain that you can drop them faster than they can cry for aid, and do so without raising enough clamor to bring more of their lot down on our heads" Taking one of the guardsmen blades, she rasped the broadside of the saber over her shoulder pad, the gentle, rasping twak of metal grinding on metal Was all to audible. "Get it? You go to strike some poor sap, and catch one of their plates instead, might as well tell everyone in a hundred yards that we're on the prowl"

Nearly finished, Grace clasped the guards helmet under her shoulder as she started tying her hair back so it wouldn't obstruct her eyes once it was all pressed down by the helm. "Now then, lets say we manage to smaltz in past the front guards. There be more waiting inside that need dealing with, even if we can count on our hosts assistance. S'not like we can don our own accouterments and arms in plain sight of the watchmen, and then just swagger out with armfuls of supplies without raising suspicion. They'll need to be disabled afore we can make good on reclaiming our belongings, least anyone has a way we can slip through under scrutinay without being noticed?"

2014-02-25, 01:40 PM
"It's a grand tale, truly - our escape from this little tropical getaway. But do you all think that it is one that we can wait to tell after we actually do the escaping?! Please?!", the bard rolled his eyes.

"Honestly, if we discuss it any longer the sun will pop up from the horizon himself and tell us to get on with it!"

Atamar'drii stepped off of the porch and began heading towards the treeline to the west of the fort and making his way northward in search of the armory.

2014-02-25, 01:54 PM
"I agree. We need to take action now, not later." Jojimbali states as he follows after Atamar'drii.

2014-02-25, 07:36 PM
John speaks to grace quietly"Seems that they are all a bit to impatient and eager to get this done, if that is going to mess things up in the long run I don't see most of us making it out of here. Just sayin."

2014-02-25, 08:14 PM
"I didn't plan on killing them with a sword."

2014-02-26, 01:45 PM
Haeldar looks at Devlin with esteem: You're right Smarty, keeping up an illusion in this place is really useful; but, I know the trade of deception very well, and I know that if something unexpected distracts You, the wall is gone. And since I always expect the unexpected, leave to me the task to create an illusory wall... it will last for the minutes we need to go and take back our things.
At "smarty" Devlin raises an eyebrow, and by the end is wearing a full smirk. "You always expect the unexpected? That sounds like a challenge!" he responds with a chuckle, "Well then, the wall and all expected unexpectedness I'll leave to you."

When his companions abruptly take off for the woods, his smile fades and he mutters "I rarely expect patience from tall's, but that's a little more reckless than I would have guessed." With a sigh he grabs one of the remaining daggers and addresses everyone left who's not donning armor. "Might as well head out. Unless anyone has a trick up their sleeve, I'd say our best bet is to follow the others and head west, taking cover in the trees."

[Barring other suggestions, Devlin scouts out the best route he can find between houses to the west and waits until a few of the crew have gone before heading out as well.]

Looking for the best path for a gnome through the darkness.
Perception (low light): [roll0]

2014-02-27, 02:08 PM
Sneaky Group:

It's a quick scuttle across the hard-packed dirt path and behind the first building into the thin strip of trees. The breeze whistles briskly through the branches, a humid chill that cuts through what little clothing you were left. There is a rustling among the leaves as they brush softly against each other, and the outgoing tide rumbles just to the west. In any other setting, this would be calming, but for now you just hope that it covers the sound of your footfalls. The half moon is occasionally visible through the trees, but the fast moving clouds pass before it frequently, dimming your vision.

The ground is very sandy, and bare feet make little noise upon it. It takes only a short time before you can see the wooden wall looming ahead in the darkness. To your right, you can see the squat armory dimly. There do not appear to be any windows, or other doors, at least not on the three sides ( north, south and west, though you lose sight of the south side the further north you go) you could see. You were told that there would be about 5 guards at the front of the building, and you can see at least three stamping their feet against the cold in the light of torches whose flames dance wildly due to the blustery conditions. They do not appear to be paying any attention to your direction, though you can dimly see two archers along the wall-palisade. Currently, both are facing away from you, into the jungle, but if either of them were to turn and look down, they could hardly miss the seven (or eight) of you.

Make a Perception roll, DC 25 for success.

Armored Group:

I didn't get a strong feel for any specific details about your approach, so I will make an assumption here, but will be ready to retcon if necessary. Just want to move the game forward a little bit here.

The five of you (Kirnan, Grace, John, Tayvin and Yellow Bill) have seen to each other's straps and tabards, and are ready to move out toward the armory. Each of you has a spear, a shortsword, or both. The breeze is brisk and chilly, and the light is inconstant, the brightness of the moon overcome by fast moving clouds regularly. Your armor sounds deafening as you walk north up the path toward the armory, and a fit of coughing erupts from the third building on your left, but no other sound than the breeze can be heard.

As you approach the armory (still about 70' out, and well outside the torchlight), you can see that there are indeed 5 guards at this post. One of them has a small plume rising from his helmet, and he carries no spear, but has a pair of swords sheathed, one hilt rising from each shoulder. The men would have been blind not to notice you, but it is only this one guard that seems to be paying you much mind. He slowly steps a few feet in front of the other four, and hooks his thumbs in his belt as he waits for you to approach closer.

An alarm bell hangs from a pole next to one of the torchstands.

Several of the deckhands are not stealthy, and there was no plan for them to approach with the Captain. So, they (Verga, Boroths, Targas and Tobias) scoot across the path behind the stealthy group, but hunker down in the center of the narrow strip of trees, and await orders or an obvious opportunity.

2014-02-27, 02:55 PM
Casting persistent image to keep the illusionary wall as Devlin left It... Just in case... DC save for illusion 24

Haeldar follows the gnome and the others, trying to stay unnoticed and trying hard to see into the dark night that surrounds him... as if the darkness was to slip in his mind as well, he feels more anxious at every step he takes, cursing every little rumor "Calm down, Haeldar, calm down. nobody can hear this... anyway, if something goes wrong, I'm going invisible and leave for the shore..." But where to go across the shore, he has no idea at all...

Reaching the armory, Haeldar begins to take mentally note of all he can see of the place: the cracks in the wood, the way the ground decline from the walls... Everything can be important to make a good illusion, and finally, he remembers that darkness can be both a friend and a foe...

2014-02-27, 05:08 PM

You are all spread out a bit, picking your way carefully across the sand, watching out for branches and rocks that could trip you or make noise.

Moving like a shadow, Barkh lopes forward to where Atamar'drii is picking his way at the front of the group. Tapping him on the shoulder, he gets the bard's attention, and points a hairy finger about 30 feet to the west toward the shore. His hackles are risen, and his fangs are bared, though whether in amusement or anger it is hard to tell.

There, nearly hidden behind a fallen tree covered in vines, you can see a mans back rising and falling rapidly. You cannot hear him due to his attempts to be quiet and the wind, but you can imagine what he's doing. It's only a safe assumption that there is a "laundress" beneath him..err.. doing his whites, as it were.

2014-02-28, 11:35 AM
(Sneaky Group)

The half-elf is confused somewhat by the gnoll's indication, but after being directed towards it, Atamar'drii does finally spot the man. He came to a halt and made a few signals with his hands to attempt to indicate the situation, trying to remain completely silent. He tried to indicate for only the very sneaky to follow him, readied his dagger, and then set off towards where the (likely) couple were in flagrante delicto.

I am guessing that this is okay?


Nevermind... apparently Innuendo is no longer a skill.


2014-02-28, 03:30 PM
Sneaky Group:

(Sneaky Group)
He tried to indicate for only the very sneaky to follow him, readied his dagger, and then set off towards where the (likely) couple were in flagrante delicto.


Of the deckhands, only Barkh joins you, the others hunkering down against trees, trying to blend in with the shadows. He carries a spear lightly on his shoulder, arm cocked back, ready to throw at a moment's notice.

Barkh's Stealth Roll:

**EDIT** If either of the PC's wish to have come, just add your stealth roll (if desired) and action

Armored Group:
Rhyvurg, going to give folks a little bit longer to declare if they're doing anything, then we'll resolve your bull rush.

2014-03-03, 12:41 PM
(Sneaky Group)

The half-elf snuck his way forward, trying to stick to the thicker depths of sand, where it had not been packed down as much and the looseness of the grains allowed for softer footfalls. He held the plundered dagger at the ready, just in case it was needed before he got close enough to jump the man. Glancing back behind him, he noted that the gnoll at least was with him. As quietly as he could manage, he stalked ahead, moving from one shadow to another among the palm trees. Amatar'drii then had an idea and cast his eyes about in order to find a coconut.

2014-03-03, 12:55 PM
Coconuts are fairly abundant in the trees, less so on the ground. It is apparent that someone (or something) picks most of them up. That being said, there are a few, and one or two would be within 5-10' of your current position.

2014-03-03, 12:58 PM
(Sneaky Group)

Altering his course somewhat to reach one of the scant rock-like shells, he paused momentarily to scoop one up and curl it against his torso. It was heavier than he thought it would be. The bard then pressed on towards his target, stopping only once he was a mere ten feet or so away.

2014-03-03, 01:05 PM
Your target is entirely preoccupied, and his companion's view is blocked completely. Barkh trails you about five feet behind and to the left, arm still cocked to throw his spear, but you can tell now.. It IS amusement on his hirsute face, and his chest convulses slightly in a silent chuckle.

You have taken position about 10' away (though please designate behind, in front of or to a flank. I'm assuming you are coming from behind or using the tree that he is next to as cover, but please clarify). It appears that he is reaching his.. err. crescendo, to use a musical term, so if you are going to act before being noticed, now is probably the time.

2014-03-03, 01:16 PM
(Sneaky Group)

Having kept the fallen tree between himself and his target, he was close enough now to tell by the noise alone that the man was indeed not alone. The half-elf hated to do it... for almost no one deserved the fate that was about to befall this man... but destiny was a cruel mistress.

Atamar'drii waited until "the beginning of the end", when the man started his climax (what would be the end of the second act normally, but he had the feeling that this may have been more along the lines of a one act play). He then hurled the coconut over the lovers and moved in before it even had time to land. He hoped that between the distraction of temporary euphoria and the distraction of the projectile thunking as it landed... that it would provide him ample surprise. He vaulted the tree and grabbed the man, placing his hand over his mouth and driving the knife home. He hoped that Barkh had taken the cue and was still right behind him.

2014-03-08, 02:25 PM
Grace Harley

Grace strode forward along the pathway leading to the armory, neither fast enough to appear in a hurry, not slow enough to appear suspicious. Her stride was casual and natural, a walk that seemed to say that this was Her compound.

When she got close enough to the armory to tell that she'd been noticed, Grace gave a small gesture halfway between a wave and a salute. "Evening" She spoke, sounding friendly. Sounding trustworthy. "Mind opening up? Some dumb bastard went and spooked one of the horses. Took at least twenty guys to calm the damned mare, and every last one of them was slipping round in the pen, getting flecks of **** in every last inch of their armor. Funniest thing I've seen in years. Can you believe it? Course now we get asked to treck half way cross the camp and start grabbing some fresh suits of armor. Last thing the Commander wants is to have the magistrate arrive to find half the soldiers smelling like a stable left out in the summer heat. S'not even my shift on duty! I was just passing by when it all happened! No justice. Ah, but I'm rambling. Be a friend and get the door so we can finish up and get some shut in before first light, eh?"

Spending another inspiration for a +5 to my bluff roll. Dice don't fail me now!


2014-03-12, 07:01 AM
Grace Harley

Grace strode forward along the pathway leading to the armory, neither fast enough to appear in a hurry, not slow enough to appear suspicious. Her stride was casual and natural, a walk that seemed to say that this was Her compound.

When she got close enough to the armory to tell that she'd been noticed, Grace gave a small gesture halfway between a wave and a salute. "Evening" She spoke, sounding friendly. Sounding trustworthy. "Mind opening up? Some dumb bastard went and spooked one of the horses. Took at least twenty guys to calm the damned mare, and every last one of them was slipping round in the pen, getting flecks of **** in every last inch of their armor. Funniest thing I've seen in years. Can you believe it? Course now we get asked to treck half way cross the camp and start grabbing some fresh suits of armor. Last thing the Commander wants is to have the magistrate arrive to find half the soldiers smelling like a stable left out in the summer heat. S'not even my shift on duty! I was just passing by when it all happened! No justice. Ah, but I'm rambling. Be a friend and get the door so we can finish up and get some shut in before first light, eh?"

In the flickering light of wind-blown torches, the soldier with the plumed helmet seems to have a perplexed look on his face. Looking your small group up and down, his brow furrows further. Then wher.. Who did.. Horses? He hesitantly reaches down to the small ring of keys at his waist and pauses, thinking. Oh', G'wan then Timmus, one of the other guards grumbles, an older man who is stamping his feet against the chilly breeze. Noone likes having ta smell like shyte. This seems to settle the young sergeant a bit, and he relaxes by a hair. Right then, he says, fingering the keyring. Come on then. Leaving the other four at their posts, he begins walking toward the door to the armory, lifting a heavy iron knocker and striking the door with it twice in rapid succession, then twice more with a pause. He fits his key into the lock, turns, and waits for a moment. A slit opens up in the thick oaken door, and a pair of eyes regard all of you for a moment before you hear a metallic snik as a key is turned from the other side.

The door opens, and warmth, smoke and light pour out of the room in equal measure. A thin and pale bald man with a large sore on his upper lip stands holding the door in chain mail, though with no helmet. What's this, then, Timmus, he asks gruffly? Nevermind that, you're letting the cold in, c'mon. He makes room for you to enter. The chamber is plain, about 20 feet square. A sturdy three foot countertop juts out from the wall most of the way around the room, allowing for people to set their weapons and armor on it as they don or remove it. Three men currently hold the room, all in helmetless chain mail, shortswords and daggers at their belt, their spears leaned up against the wall next to the only other door in the room. The oldest appears to be using tools to repair broken links in a chain mail hauberk, while the one who is apparently "in charge" is standing in the center of the room, warming his hands over a brazier that gives off heat and smoke in equal measure. The guards eyes are all bloodshot from the smoke, and the smell is thick, if not familiar.

The man with the sore on his lip closes the door quickly behind you, lowering a bar and turning the key before returning it to his belt. The man warming his hands has a gravelly voice, and turns to face the young sergeant. And, Timmus, what are you on about?

2014-03-12, 09:35 PM
Atamar'drii and Barkh creep close to the pair of lovers, the darkness and their preoccupation with each other keeping their attention turned. Almost simultaneously, Atamar'drii and his furry shadow raise spear and dagger and strike downward into the man's sweaty back. The mans grunting pleasure turns into a bellow of shock and pain as he tries to twist away toward his discarded sword belt several feet away, tangled in two sets of clothes. His companions eyes grow wide with fear and she fills her lungs with air and prepares to shriek.

2014-03-13, 09:37 AM
(Sneaky Group)

Leaving the dagger right where it was, in the man's back, he left the gnoll to finish off the adversary. The bard now turned her attention to the woman, dropping to his knees beside her and placing his hand over her mouth. And with his freehand, he placed a finger to his pursed lips and eased out an urgent shushing noise, while shaking his head. He whispered, loudly enough for her to hear him over whatever muffled screams that she might be making under the cup of his hand.

"There, there now, dove. Our aim is not to hurt you, for with you with have no quarrel. And if you can behave yourself and keep quiet, then we can keep our aim true. Yes?"

2014-03-14, 12:45 PM
INTRUUUUDERS howls the naked man as he scrambles to his feet, ripping the sword from it's sheath. You can only hope that the wind and distance muffle his voice. Barkh lashes out with the spear as the man stands, striking the man in the side, and sinking the shaft deep enough to puncture both lungs. The swordsman crumples to the ground with a sigh, his lifes blood pouring out of him, his sword falling uselessly to the sand.

His paramour chokes back her scream, dark eyes wide with fear and trepidation. Her bare chest heaves as she begins to sob silently, and her eyes travel from her dead lover, the massive gnoll who has now turned to face her, arm cocked once again for a strike, and the filthy man who even now kneels before her making soothing sounds. Barkh growls from deep within his chest.

2014-03-14, 02:33 PM
(Sneaky Group)

The bard winced as the man shouted out, hopeful that no one else had heard him. He cast a somewhat disapproving look at Barkh... if only the gnoll had been faster. He sighed and looked back down to the woman beside him, laid out in the sand and exposed. The heaving of her bosoms in the pale moonlight truly was beautiful, a small slice of heaven set amid the gruesome hell of the rest of the scene. Oh well... Atamar'drii thought, reminding himself to compose a sonnet or at the very least a short poem about those breasts; but that was for another time and place. Snapping himself back to the task at hand, as it were, he smiled down at the frightened woman.

"Now... there are a number of us that wish to leave this place whilst receiving as little additional pain or grief as can be helped. You like to help, don't you? Don't you?", the half-elf waited for the woman to affirm, nodding his head to indicate the answer he was looking for. "Good. I thought as much. Now, dove... you will come with us, quietly, until such a time as I consider us to be free. At that point, we will depart company and you will have earned a gold piece for every man that escapes with me. I assure you - it is more than you have fingers on both your hands. Do we have an agreement?"

2014-03-14, 03:04 PM
Barkh shrugs, though whether in embarrassment or because he is all out of damns to give, you aren't sure.

The woman, on the other hand nods slowly in the affirmative, the whites of her eyes still showing clearly as she now looks around and sees the dark shadows ghosting closer, the rest of her "audience" coming nearer now. She begins hurriedly relacing her bodice, and flipping her skirt back down to cover herself decently.

Perraps you should have the wench scream. Mebbe there's a one in them buildings still sleepin' after that ruckus. Fells is obviously not amused at the botched "quiet" assassination.

2014-03-14, 03:18 PM
(Sneaky Group)

"Utters the man who chose to stay behind when duty called. I believe that that makes two scraps that you've sat out on this evening, sir. You're rather a prize stag, aren't you?", Atamar'drii batted back at the man. The bard then turned once again back to the woman and rolled his eyes as she fumbled with her clothing. He grabbed hold of the laces and began deftly maneuvering the strings to close up her bodice. The half-elf had done this enough times to understand that he didn't have to kind of time that it would take nervous fingers to do the job. Once it was done, he helped her to her feet and looked about for any other belongings that may be hers... as well as anything of her lover's that may be of interest.

He retrieved the dagger from the man's back and wiped the blade clean on the man's trousers, giving an apologetic shrug to the laundress. He then took the sword that the man had drawn and hefted it in his good hand. It was heavier than his rapier... and was likely to be far too clumsy for him. He looked for one of the men that was still yet unarmed (preferably a stout one, who could do good with such a blade) and handed it over to him. Atamar'drii then turned his sights towards the armory and gathered up the woman.

"I truly am sorry for involving you in this affair, dove. Let us proceed. Do you have a name?"

2014-03-15, 08:26 PM
After giving the woman a glance, Jojimbali gives his full attention to the bard, saying "As pretty as the lass is, I think knocking her unconscious would have been the better bet. How do we know she wont reveal us to the guards at the worst possible moment?" Glancing back at the woman, Jojimbali grins. "The spirits tell me they could lull her into a dreamless sleep, and I feel that would be our best choice. No offence, 'dove'."

2014-03-18, 08:29 AM
"Right then, lets get to work. Start gathing up the armor" Grace said, addressing her fellow 'soldiers'. She herself started chatting a bit with the guardsmen who appeared in charge, making some light banter while doing only a minimal amount of work.

Fast talk on whichever guard appears to have the highest rank.

DC 20 will vs Being taken in

2014-03-19, 01:59 PM
(Sneaky Group)

"Now, now... Mr. umm... I'm sorry, what was your name again?", Atamar'drii addressed the voodoo man. Once an answer was given, the bard continued.

"Right, of course. As I was saying... the little dove here is our guest for the time being. And, as such, she would never betray the trust of her host, I think.", the half-elf looked to the laundress for confirmation, "Now... see there, she nodded her head in a most quaint and dainty manner! Surely a face so sincere and docile could not hide the seed of malcontent. We must give her our trust, so that she may return such a prize unto us in due favor."

Atamar'drii smiled and held out the crook of his arm for the woman to take and continued on towards the armory.

"Besides... if she screams, I'll slit her throat from ear to ear. And nobody wants such a dreadful thing to befall our little dove, now do they?", he said, patting the back of the woman's hand with his own reassuringly.

2014-03-21, 03:58 PM
"The name is Jojimbali, my silver-tongued friend," he says as a wide smile crosses his face. "Since your guest has thus-far been quite well-mannered, and has seemingly discovered her fervent ambition to become a mime, I suppose I can't argue with your methods. I am often too-heavy handed for my own good, I suppose." he laments as his grin turns to an exaggerated sigh.

2014-03-21, 04:26 PM
Merrilee, my Lord, the young woman stammers out. Her wide eyes seem to be reflecting the moonlight. She is certainly frightened, but appears to be controlling it at this point.

I'll be quiet, my Lord. She tentatively takes Atamar'drii's arm before adding, If you tell me how, I'll aid you. Whatever you need. Her eyes are wet, imploring, but her tone is firm and unwavering. She bends at the last moment and rips the beltpouch from her former client's waist, and drops it down her bodice quick as a blink.

2014-04-01, 10:48 AM
(Sneaky Group)

"Jojimbali...", the bard mused over the man's interesting name. "Not so much a name as a song, my friend. I can hardly say it without calling to mind the great works of the poets of Waterdeep! Marvelous; wonderful!"

When the strumpet took her well-earned coin, Atamar'drii could not help but smile. Priorities... I like her already... he entertained the humors within his head. He then began leading the woman towards the armory with a somewhat quickened step.

"You are just a springtime flower, budding on the branch, aren't you Merrilee? In the prime of your life. So eager to live; so eager to help. That's good. Your time may yet come, dove. But let's see what hand the fates have dealt us before we have you trump the play, shall we?"

2014-04-02, 09:11 PM
In the midst of the work, assembling the armor to 'take to the other guards', and while chatting with the head guardsman of the armory, Grace paused a moment "Hey, Would you guy's mind letting me take a gander in the back room for a minute? Was writting a letter to my kid brother, and I'll be damned if I didn't leave it in there last time I was on duty." Karen gestured with her had, towards the inner door "Won't take more than a turtles wink to pop in and see if its still there. Be a pal?"

Bluff And Diplomacy to tell my story and get him to open up the doors to the inner sanctum of the armory (where are nice gear is)

Spending two uses of my Fast talk alloted bonuses, one for each roll.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

Edit: Maybe I should have said I was the Building Inspector (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVKbU0R4ygg)

2014-04-03, 09:47 AM
The grizzled old veteran looks dubious. He knows the rules. Over his shoulder, a young whip of a man with peachfuzz on his cheeks razzes him. Aww, go on then, Titus, t'won't hurt nuthin. The young man's voice betrays the accents of the Western Heartlands, perhaps Iriaebor, but definitely from a lower class upbringing. He pokes "Titus" in the ribs. Don't be such a stickler. Frowning, he pulls a single key from his belt pouch. He hands this key through the small opening in the door to one of the guards in the room with you. That guard pulls a key from his pouch and hands it back to Titus. Together, they each insert their key into the armory door, and it swings open soundlessly. You can see that it is not just iron-bound. It in fact has an iron core, surrounded on both sides by fire-hardened oak, then strapped with iron for added strength. This door would have been a beast to knock down.

Titus stands aside, grumbling Just you, indicating Grace. Find what ye need, and get out. He turns and picks up a quill on the counter beside him, and begins making notations in a large ledger.

This room is larger than the last, with narrow rows of racks, holding all manner of mundane arms and armor. Literally enough to outfit over one-hundred men. At the back of the well lit room, a door awaits on the left side in the corner. This door looks very similar to the one Grace just talked her way past, but this one has no openings in the door. Instead, a small (about the size of a letter slot in a door) metal drawer sits just to the left of the door.

There are a total of three men in the main armory, as well as the three in the outer chamber. Besides Titus and the peachfuzz-kid, there is a stout woman in her middle years, dark brown hair turning "salty" as it falls in messy ringlets down her plump face. Her face has several scars, though, and she is missing two fingers on her left hand (ring and pinkie). She wears a chain shirt designed for women, with a little more room in the chest, and carries only a pair of daggers, one at each hip. She is currently inventorying a rack of polearms in the far rear-right of the room, and doesn't pay you much attention at all.

Merrilee makes no fuss as she picks her way through the sand with Atamar'drii, stepping over coconuts and palm fronds. Barkh and the rest of the team fall in silently behind, but not before Fells rifles the fallen soldier's pockets and checks him for jewelry. Bouncing a small ring on his palm, he pockets it with a rancid grin. Poor blighter, he chuckles, shame to kill a man at his rut, but even more of a shame to leave his shinies to get dirty in the sand, eh? Eh? Fells chuckles again darkly, but he chuckles alone.

Your group now approaches the treeline, and the looming outlines of several squat wooden building appear out of the darkness. There are no lights in the windows here. The palisade wall is just to your left, and there is a guard atop it, facing out into the jungle, about 80 feet in front of you. With the path that you would take to the armory, you will be clearly in his sight if he turns around. He stands illuminated by a windblown brazier on a stand.

2014-04-03, 01:53 PM
(Sneaky Group)

The bard slowed the group to a stop by raising his hand and pushing his open palm towards them, then placing a finger to his lips and pointing to the sentry on the wall above them. He then released Merrilee's arm and smiled at the girl. "Excuse me a moment, dove. With any luck, I will return before my warmth has fully faded from the side of your corset."

The bard then moved to Barkh and whispered to the gnoll, "Come with me, hmm?" Atamar'drii then quietly worked his hands in incantation once more before placing one of them on the gnoll's shoulder, conjuring the magic that he needed to deal with this situation.

"Ƒąļļą ƙṹɱ, ƒąļļą ƌŗąħ. Đǣŗśʈŗṹƞ ɀěěļ ƃṹƴåļ ɱiʈʈą ƃąɀƙŗąħ!"

Spell - Casting dimension door and taking Barkh through with me, to get up onto the wall... behind the sentry. 4th level; Long range; Medium or smaller creature per three caster levels.

2014-04-06, 02:01 PM
Atamar'drii and Barkh
There is a gut-wrenching moment when the magic takes hold of you, as though you were being drawn backwards through a knothole, a sensation of pressure and then.. release. One moment the giant gnoll and the relatively diminutive bard are crouching in the dark, the next, they are standing on the wooden palisade wall behind the archer who stares out toward the jungle.

Atamar'drii, roll an unmodified d20 for me. On a roll of 1-2, Barkh was startled and makes a sound upon arrival. On 3-4, there is a perceptible shifting of the palisade walkway as about 400 extra pounds is put on it directly behind the archer. On 5-20, all is well, the carpentry is solid and the gnoll keeps his surprise silent.

2014-04-07, 12:36 PM
Striding Calmly forward, Grace passed through the mid chamber of the armory. Reaching the second line of locked doors, she rasped her knuckles twice against the wooden planks, knocking loud enough to be heard not just in the next room, but back the way she had come as well "Oi! Open up in there will ya, Be a pal" she cried. "Just need to grab something I left here"

2014-04-08, 02:44 PM
Betrayed by a piece of lumber! As Atamar'drii's magic whisks you to a point directly behind the unsuspecting archer, your abrupt arrival (and the several hundred pounds of gnoll and bard-flesh that entails your appearance, the planks making up the walkway groan slightly, and the walkway shifts ever so slightly.

The archer, whom you can see now is an unbearded youth, perhaps 20 at most, stands helmetless, wearing chain armor and holding a Longbow in his right hand. A bristling quiver of sheaf arrows is fastened to the left side of his belt, and a shortsword is sheathed on his right hip. At the sound, and the shift, he gasps, and begins turning around, eyes widening, and mouth opening to shout.

This is your surprise round. Barkh will be lashing out with his spear, Atamar'drii can do what he likes.

At your knock, Titus yelps in frustration. Ay! Get away from there, you! You've no business back there. The stout female soldier with salt and pepper hair has turned around and is looking at you critically. You can sense that she finds something strange about all this. However, at the very moment, the door from the outer area to this inner armory stands open, though the peachfuzz kid is moving to close it.

2014-04-11, 02:00 PM
(Sneaky Group)

Damn the chances!, Atamar'drii swore to himself as a wince played across his face. The bard quickly fell to his out stand-by when things started to get out of hand - conjuring a sleep that he hoped would overtake the young man before he managed to get out a sound. He gestured with his hands, ending with his free hand drawing a downward motion close to the guard's face as his whispered words finished.

"Ƙåƞåƙ ļõᶃíąƞą, ƙåƞåƙ ļíļļąᵽ, ƙåƞåƙ ɱęƞęśʈƦõ ƌõƌõʌą śŗƴåƞ!"

And with his good hand, he drew the dagger from his belt that had already helped to end one man's life this night.

Spell - Casting sleep on the sentry. 1st level; Medium range; 10'-radius burst; 4 HD worth of creatures; lowest HD first or closest (if equal HD); Will save to negate; DC is currently a 15 (without my Coat).

2014-04-11, 02:08 PM
Grace, with an expression that blended equal elements of suprise (At being adressed), Confusion (That she'd been told to go forward, and then contridicted), and annoyance (That she'd now need to deal with this person. Giving a rather audible sigh, she gave a shrug and spoke to this new individual "Calm yourself, its far to late an hour to be shouting like that." She began, trying to diffuse any potential situation. "And as a matter of fact, I do have business back there. Titus already cleared me, and I'll only be a moment."

2014-04-15, 08:03 AM
On the palisade wall- The young man's mouth opens to sound the alarm, spinning towards you. The only sound that comes out is a quiet but long yawn as he drops bonelessly to the wooden walkway. Barkh was still in the process of raising his spear. Now, though, he sets the point against the mans throat, and with a quick, brutal motion, plunges the spear through the mans throat. There is only the briefest gurgle, and then you can hear the spear bite hard into the wooden planking beneath. Thick blood gushes up like a tiny fountain around the shaft, once, twice, and then there is only a slow flow, causing a rapidly widening pool of blood on the deck. You look around, and see that there is another guard about 100 feet away, but he is leaned up against a support, staring into the jungle.

A sound emanates from deep in Barkh's chest. Is he.. chuckling? He wrenches the spear from the dead soldiers throat, and regards the dripping point with interest before looking to you with a wicked leer.

Grace is able to hear soft sounds behind the door. A scuffle, perhaps? It is hard to say, as the door and walls are thick, but you definitely hear rapid movement from inside. Behind her though, the salt-and pepper female guard has set down the thin board holding a sheet of parchment, with a recessed hole for a tiny vial of ink. She takes a few steps toward you, eyes concerned, and her hand rests on the hilt of her shortsword.

Titus moves swiftly toward you, left hand held up in a "Stop!" motion, and his right has half drawn his own blade. The boy with peachfuzz has stopped to gape at all of you, quizzical expression on his face. The door remains inches from being closed, his protocol for keeping the door shut forgotten for the moment. Who did you say you were, again", Titus grills, anger apparent on his grizzled face.

2014-04-15, 08:06 AM
Spot check for the two attentive guards in the armory (the peachfuzz kid isn't very observant)

Titus: [roll0]
Salt n Pepa: [roll1]

(DC 17 to notice how filthy you are, and the fact that your armor doesn't fit quite right, )

Titus' eyes go wide as he looks Grace up and down. In a commanding tone, he says Bar that door!. He finishes drawing his blade, and shouts the command TAKE HER!

Armory PC's need to roll for initiative.

2014-04-15, 09:21 AM
Haeldar, seeing Atamar'drii and Barkh on the palisade, began to worry for the plan success... "Now, this is going worse every moment, I need to know what's happening into that thrice cursed armory... my wonderful magica, please don't fail me now!"

Trying his best to ignore the people around him, Haeldar starts to move his hands, repeating the simple gestures to reach the secret knowing he needs. Whispered words seem to follow every movement, while he looks like an actor, repeating the same old piece of art.

Casts detect thoughts http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectThoughts.htm concentrating on the armory, will save of 19

2014-04-15, 10:25 AM
Grace let out a small sigh as the situation, which only moments before had been going so well, now spirled out of her control. "Terribly sorry for this" She shouted, so that the code word might be heard by others, signaling them to attack. Drawing her own blade, she slashed at Titus, momentarily regretting the fact she had to make do with such inferior weapons. She missed the weight of her own blade, the feel of its hilt in her hand. Ah well, nothing could be done for that at the moment, not till they reached the inner chamber.

Attacking Titus with my (Rather inferior) Blade

[roll0] Crit 18+/x2

And damage (Presuming a hit)


2014-04-15, 11:39 AM
(Sneaky Group)

"You know, my dear gnoll friend, if I didn't know any better... I'd say that you were enjoying yourself.", Atamar'drii whispered to the furry shadow beside him, outlined only slightly in the soft orange glow of the nearby brazier. The half-elf looked down at the armory; their people were still not out yet - that did not bode well. Still... no alarms as of yet... that's a silver in your basket... he thought to himself as he now eyed the next nearest guard. The bard now looked back at Barkh and jerked his chin towards the other sentry.

"What do you say? Stay up here, press our luck, and continue to ply our apparent trade for the evening...", it looked as though he had lost the poor creature, so he explained, "... kill that man... or should we head back down now? If we can."

Atamar'drii hadn't thought about getting back down yet. He had enough reserves of his energies to cast another dimensional door before he slept again, but he would much rather save that... there was no telling what the night still held yet for them and their escape. A ladder or a staircase would be much more practical. Nine hells, he would even settle for a rope to climb down.

2014-04-15, 10:16 PM
Kirnan draws his blade, glaring down at the older guard. "Lay down your weapons, as we won't gut you and let you die slow!"

[roll0] Initiative

2014-04-16, 09:51 PM
Barkh grunts quietly, still grinning, fangs dripping with slaver. Understood little singy man first time, he chortles. This good fun! He looks around, and taps you on the arm with the back of his hand, drawing your attention to a ladder less than 15 feet away, toward the next wall-archer. There, he says softly. We go down?

Meanwhile, Haeldar, down on the ground near the armory completes his casting. You edge forward to get as much of the building as possible within your spells range, but avoid stepping out of the shadows in view of the sentries outside of the armory. You are able to detect that there are, in fact, thoughts occurring within. You know that if you can hold position for just a bit longer, you will start to get a feel for the number, efficacy and eventually the content of some of those thoughts. The crewmen shuffle up behind you, but you pay them no mind. They are smart enough (some of them barely) to know not to disturb you at a time like this.

Titus attempts to get his blade in front of yours, but he is a hair too slow. Your ill-balanced weapon nonetheless cuts deep across his lower abdomen, eliciting a howl of shock and pain. He's a tough old bird, though, and he does not back down. "Sergeant!!", he bellows loudly. Raise the alarm!!

If you have not rolled initiative, do so now.

Guards (in both rooms) [roll0]

Kirnan freezes everyone in the outer chamber in their tracks, and they all look nervously at one another, each waiting for the other to be the first to draw on the fearsome warrior before them. The guard who originally opened the door for you trembles visibly, his teeth chattering and his eyes watering up.

2014-04-20, 11:26 PM
Kirnan turns to the crewmen. "Take their weapons. You lot, down on the floor, face down, and I won't feed your hearts to your mothers."

2014-04-21, 12:23 PM
The Sneaky Group

"Oh, good... you're smarter than you look, good Barkh... a true testament to your race.", the bard added as he started to move towards the ladder. "Let's keep our eyes peeled though, just in case that other archer decides to get a sudden wave of interest in his duties."

True to his word, the half-elf kept his gaze affixed on the man as he crept to the ladder and began to make his way back down to the sandy ground below. If he spotted them, they would have to be on top of him faster than a Waterdhavian dockside whore when a merchant vessel came to harbor.

2014-04-23, 01:35 PM
The Sneaky Group

Seeing that Haeldar was concentrating hard on the Armory, the bard assumed that he had some kind of spell in the works. The half-elf pressed closer and whispered, so as not to break the caster's concentration.

"What do you see, wizard? Can you discern how our friends are getting on inside?"

2014-04-24, 01:41 PM
After a moment, a sensless echo forces its way into Haeldar mind. Like waves waving the shore, all of the presences are slowing forming into Haeldar mind; at first, only some unrecognizable shadow lost in his mind's haze, now the wizard begins to distinguish the thoughts and their owners.

While Haeldar feels that his first questions are to be answered a voice, a whisper, take place into his ears:

[COLOR="#800080"] "What do you see, wizard? Can you discern how our friends are getting on inside?"

The mage, without looking back, shakes his head to give a negative answer, whispering back a rapid response: "Not yet"

2014-04-24, 02:16 PM
The Sneaky Group

The bard silently cursed the slowness of things. Timing was everything in both live performance... and in escapes. And Atamar'drii was getting that sneaking suspicion that the crowd was beginning to grow restless. And when these patrons starting throwing things - it wasn't likely to be spoiled fruit.

2014-04-24, 02:25 PM
Grace laughed as her blade found its mark "Best surrender now, old timer..." She taunted at Titus, striking with a few quick feints to keep the veteran guard off kilter "...Much as it might hurt your pride to admit it..." Suddenly ducking left, Grace threw her blade overhead, before she lept through the air, barely a blur as she spun through the chamber, lightly slipping between the many weapon racks, finally coming to rest behind Titus, just in time to catch her blade and strike again "...Your simply not in my league"

Acrobatics check to move without prevoking AoO (DC 25). If Possible I'll move so that Titus is Flanked. if not, I'll move so that someone else can easily move to flank him.

Inspiration point to get precision damage.

Attack roll
[roll1] (18-20 crit/x2)

Damage Roll
[roll2] (Critical hit, x2)+[roll3]Precision Damage

2014-04-29, 12:51 AM
With the outer guard disarmed, Kirnan turns to the door. "Stand away from the door Captain, I'm coming through." Setting his feet, Kirnan slams his shoulder into the door.

[roll0] Strength check to smash down an iron-core door with my bare hands. If this works, I feel like I should get a free Intimidate check to go with it so what the heck
[roll1] Intimidate

2014-04-30, 01:15 PM
Grace explodes into motion, ducking and spinning around Titus before coming back to her feet behind him. Her wrist flicks, her blade whistles out, and suddenly there is a massive gash in Titus' sword arm. He cries out in pain, his teeth gritted. He stabilizes his blade while he spins to face her by taking a two-handed grip on his highly polished longsword, and lashes out proficiently, the tip of the blade trailing blood as he slices deeply into Grace's outer thigh.

Pepper has barreled down a row of leather armor, howling an oddly high-pitched battle-cry. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAH!! Grace pivots slightly to her left, and the blade skitters harmlessly off of her shoulder. The peachfuzzed youth likewise approaches from the door, extending his arm in a clumsy lunging blow that catches only air, whereas he would have caught her in the kidneys before her pivot. Talented or no, the graceful captain in mud-stained chain armor too large for her is now surrounded on three sides when the cry of Stand away from the door Captain, I'm coming through can be heard. The door bursts, literally BURSTS at the hinges, the door crashing down to catch Peachfuzz in the back of the legs and driving him to the ground with a cry of dismay, his blade skittering out of reach.

Kirnan, in equally ill-fitting armor stands at the threshold. Behind him, Yellow Bill and Tayvin can be seen tying a five guards up in the next chamber using small lengths of cord.

Heardan, there are several minds inside the armory with various versions of "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap". Others include.. I'm a grown-ass man, and I just wet my breeches, Hmm, I like the way he fills out that armor, Mrowr! He can capture me any day!", I have never been this scared in my life. Will they let us live?, A fight, in the armory?? Give her what fer, Sergeant Titus, show her who the Flaming Fist are... Uh oh, she's Quiiiiiick... Ow!! My sword!! , Wonder if the Cap'n'll let us cut these bastards throats fore we leave, and finally I'm gonna die, gonna die, gonna die. I KNEW I shoulda paid Merrilee for a romp last night.. Now I'm gonna die a virgin!

2014-04-30, 05:58 PM
Kirnan pauses only long enough to point his borrowed sword at the youth on the floor. "As much as I would enjoy a good fight, I doubt you lot could give it to me. Lay down your arms, and you might live through this."

Where is my sword where is my sword where is my sword where is my sword WHERE IS MY SWORD!?

[roll0] Intimidate

2014-05-01, 01:56 PM
"Timely Entrance, Mr. Kirnan" Spoke Grace, with a nod and an impressed smile. Gulping in a large breath of air, she bellowed loudly "Right then, You Maggots heard him. Any neck higher off the ground than my bootstraps is getting cut" She began moving again, darting through the chamber, flirting within inches of the soldiers, only to suddenly flip and tumble away, moving between the gathered men with ease, navigating the rows of weapons as if they weren't even there. "Any hand still grasping a blade will be severed from the arm what holds it" One could be mistaken for thinking Grace was everywhere at once, so light were her footsteps as sprang to and fro, before at last alighting alongside Kirnan, blade still in hand, and a wild smile plastered across her face. "Last chance lads, On your knees or in your grave. Your choice"

Another acrobatics check to move freely (DC 25)


And an intimidate check to follow up Kirnans efforts to cower and subdue the guards through fear. Much as I'd like to cut them up in a glorious bit of combat, we're on a timetable here. That, and it dons't send a good message for one person to cry 'surrender and live' while another is literally cutting up gurards a dozen feet away.


2014-05-02, 11:36 AM
"What do you see, wizard? Can you discern how our friends are getting on inside?"

Those words resound again in Haeldar's mind like a whispering memory, unlike the others that are now dancing madly, with all the fear and despair and... lust!? they bring forth. Over all of them, the powerful voice of Kirnan, full of desire and care for his weapon, for a moment, surprise the mage, who considered him to be a migthy, but cold, warrior.
Discerning the thoughts of the unfortunate guards, as well as those of his newfound companions, Haeldar turns toward the half-elf.

For what I know, the warrior and the others are fighiting with Grace, but I don't know her thoughts... she must be in the inner part of the armory; the other guards are... well... subdued... I'd say both in body and mind.
Haeldar stops for a moment, looking around himself, then again to the half-elf
We need to know how many are outside, and bring them down. Quickly and silently. Do you hear something?


2014-05-02, 12:23 PM
Sneaky Group

"No, I hear nothing but the breeze from the ocean and the murmuring of these lazy guardsmen. But I think that we need to make our way inside; for the others take too long in their endeavors and we risk discovery with every passing moment.", the bard stated before he began to slink forward, to the corner of the armory building.

He kept the dagger he had... borrowed... in his hand but down by his side, to attempt to prevent it from catching any light along its blade. His other hand he moved incessantly, nimble gestures and finger stretches in order to keep it limber and ready, should he have further need of his spells.

2014-05-04, 03:10 PM
With Kirnan's unexpected entrance, the fight seems to go out of all three of the guards, even grizzled old Titus. Twin daggers drop from 'Pepper's' hands and she goes to her knees, the kid, (whose ankles are still trapped under the door slides his sword across the floor away from him, and the proud sergeant realizes that he is completely outmatched and opts for discretion over valor. He grounds the point of his sword on the wooden floor and kneels next to it before laying it reverently down at his feet.

Well then, he begins gruffly. Looks like we surrender to ye. What'll ye have of us? Ye'll be wantin' in the vault then, or I'm a walrus. He lowers his voice and it's hard to hear him as he mumbles, Let the rest go safely, and I'll tell ye what's waitin' for ye on the other side.

There are still five guards standing watch outside the armory.. Or are there?

2014-05-04, 05:53 PM
"That is for the Captain to decide." He takes their weapons and stacks them in a corner, pausing for a moment to wink at the woman. "Shall I knock down that door too, Ma'am?"

2014-05-05, 08:48 AM
Grace was all to happy to see the guardsmen lay down their arms. With the fighting now subdued, she lowered her blade,letting it hang by her thigh, but keeping the edged steel gripped in hand so as not to give the impression that her guard was lowered. Its a fine line between putting others at ease, and making them think your vulnerable. Put on to aggressive a front, and they fight for their lives rather than risk surrender. Come on to gently, and your captives will surely attempt to overpower you at first opportunity.

"Well then, he begins gruffly. Looks like we surrender to ye. What'll ye have of us? Ye'll be wantin' in the vault then, or I'm a walrus." He lowers his voice and it's hard to hear him as he mumbles, "Let the rest go safely, and I'll tell ye what's waitin' for ye on the other side."

"That is for the Captain to decide." He takes their weapons and stacks them in a corner, pausing for a moment to wink at the woman. "Shall I knock down that door too, Ma'am?"

Grace shook her head, chuckling a bit at the foolish attempt at negotiation by Titus, before brushing aside a stray lock of hair from her eyes, so as to better look down on the defeated captain. "No, I don't think I'll be doing anything of the sort, as that would be colossally stupid." Her tone was flat and firm, this was not a matter for negotiation "If I let even a single man stride out through those doors, then they'll be scurrying off like a frightened rabbit, raising alarms and gathering half the fort together to come and apprehend us"

Kneeling down to the captains eye level, Grace smirked "Sure you'd love to see that though, wouldn't ya? Have the lot of us back in irons before sun up, and then off to the gallows right on schedule."

Rising back up, Grace continued "No, I think this is how we'll play things out from here. First, you tell me whatever it is you were planning on telling me about what's behind that there door" She paused a moment, gesturing towards the innermost vault door. She spoke in a more hushed tone next. Not exactly threateningly, but with the subtle undercurrent which implied the stick would surely follow should the carrot she offered fail. "And you'll do it because maybe that'll put me in a chatty enough mood to let slip how it was exactly that a band of marauding criminals all managed to slip free of your prison so easily."

Taking on a more a conversational, almost friendly tone, Grace smiled "Course I've no intention of killing any you lot. Would hardly be proper of me really, given that you so graciously accepted the chance to surrender. That being said, the other gentlemen gathered here may not be so patient, and we are on a rather tight time table. We will be getting into the vault, you can count on that much. And make no mistake, you want us to get in their as quickly as we can, because the sooner we breach those doors, the sooner we'll be taking our leave and the less likely anyone has to die here tonight."

I'll use my last two uses of the fast talk bonus to try and pull one over on Titus.

Bluff (Grace is in no way intending to tell Titus anything useful about how they escaped)

And Diplomacy/Intimidate to get his cooperation in their escape. Not sure which is more appropriate at present, so if you feel Intimidate fits better for the 'I really won't hurt you so long as you do what I say', just subtract 1 from the roll.

Diplomacy to improve his relations to us (DC 25 if he's unfriendly, 35 if hostile) [roll1]

2014-05-05, 09:36 AM
Sneaky Group

The half-elf continued to the front corner of the building, pressing his back against the wall before rolling his head slightly around it to take a peek at the armory's face. The sand in the hourglass was certainly beginning to run out on their escape attempt and the half-elf certainly had no plans of remaining a guest of this fort any longer.

2014-05-05, 11:27 AM
Haeldar slowly approached the half-elf, taking attention at each of his careful steps, in order to avoid any unnecessary noise.
"What can your almost elvish eyes see? we need to silence the outside guardsmen as quickly as possible"

The red wizard made a sign with his hand, inviting the others to come near

"With my magic, I can make all of you unseen, but not unheard. We have to incapacitate the watchmen. Quickly and silently, and I think It's better done sooner than later. Do you feel ready?"

2014-05-06, 01:36 PM
The young lad is whimpering a bit, and the solid, greying woman is staring at the floor, lips moving in silent prayer. Titus, however, is made of sterner stuff. He does know, however, when he is beaten. Letting out a digusted breath, he maintains eye contact with Grace in a show of courage, but his right eye twitches several times, giving away the lie. Even if ye get through the door, which ain't so easy as the one yer shoulderthumper knocked down, there's a ward on't. If it's opened, an alarm goes off in the High Commander's quarters. We opens it three times a day, fer guard rotation, and the High Commander's always here for't. His second casts the spell on it, twice a day. And there's more guards, three of em. Why don't ye just take what ye got, and I kin show ye a secret way into the jungle. It's the only way yer getting outta this fort alive, an' that's the truth. His face gets whiter and whiter as he talks. You can easily see that he's terrified, but you are also fairly certain that he's telling the truth, at least as he knows it.

Atamar'drii can see most of the armory building from where he stands, but can see the entire building by peeking around the corner. About thirty feet in front of it, where two graveled paths converge stand 5 guards in the chain mail and shields of the Flaming Fist. A bell hangs from a small pole stuck in the ground next to them. They are milling about in an unconcerned manner, not really 'keeping watch' per se, just manning a post. There are still several hours until day break, and all of the windows that you can see remain dark, save one. In the distance, across from camp near the western palisade, one window reflects the light of a candle or dim lantern.

The other crewmen quietly crowd up behind Haeldar, and ready what weapons they have.

This ain't gonna be quiet, growls Fells from the back. Prolly gonna wake half the camp with the clangin' and bangin' before we gets those lovelies to fall. And, he adds with a growl, What we supposed to do with this one? His hand is clamped on Merrilee's pale throat, a knife held up so that she can always see it.

2014-05-06, 01:56 PM
Sneaky Group

The half-elf exhaled like a disappointed parent at Fells, prying his fingers one at a time off of the girl's throat until he let her go.

"'This one', as you so finely put it, Fells... is a part of our solution to how we get this down quietly. Now, take two men and quietly go back to the man on the beach's body. Take his clothes and return here, and hurry - I have a plan."

The bard then looked through the men that were with them in order to find the man that closest resembled the slain lover in stature. If he thought that he himself was close enough to pull off the ruse at a safe enough distance, then Atamar'drii would be donning them himself.

2014-05-07, 12:37 AM
Kirnan grins. "Want me to break through the wall Captain?"

2014-05-07, 11:48 PM
Grace shook her head "Belay that" She spoke, as she approached the door, inspecting the frame and hinges, looking for signs of danger. Their contact among the guards insisted he'd disable the alarm, but their captive was rather adamant that the ward was still in place. Knowing full well they had little time to spare, Grace none the less wanted to take a moment to check, and perhaps put to rest her concerns over triggering an alert.

Trying to keep things moving.

Perception (With Trapfinding) To locate any traps/alarms (magical or mundane) on the door. Spending Inspiration point for +5 to my roll. 2 inspiration points remaining

Edit: Well... thats disappointing. No way did I find any traps


Satisfied at the results of her inspection, Grace stepped back and nodded "Alright Kirnan, make an entrance"

2014-05-08, 01:10 AM
"Yes ma'am." Setting his feet, Kirnan slams into the wall over and over.

2014-05-09, 11:57 AM
Fells growls at you and bares his teeth as you pry his fingers from Merrilee's trembling throat. He eyes Barkh, before dismissing him as an option, eliciting a snort of disgust from the hulking one-eyed gnoll. Fells then lets his gaze fall on Raqqar and Smiling Tom before grunting C'mon then lads, lets let the "officer," he fills the word with significant scorn, call the shots. Lets go fetch a dead man's clothes.

Together the three of them pad off quietly into the trees and sand. Barkh watches them go, his scarred snout twisted in a scowl. Trouble, he grunts. That one cause much trouble to us soon.

Grace carefully inspects the door and the wall around it, probing and feeling for any inconsistencies or indications that not all is what it seems. She is unable to find anything to indicate that this is anything other than an extremely well built door, with the hinges built on the other side. The door was obviously hung by a master carpenter as less than an eighth of an inch gap exists on top and bottom, and less on the sides. But you find no traps or cause for alarm.

Kirnan lowers his shoulder and slams it against the door. Titus was not wrong, this door is even sturdier. Kirnan sets himself into a painful rhythym of smash, recoil, smash. The door is finally beginning to show signs of giving way, when, while Kirnan is in the 'recoil' phase of his door assault, the bar is lifted, the latch is thrown, and the door begins to swing open even as Kirnan hammers his shoulder into it one final time. The door flies inward on it's hinges, and there is a heavy impact, a grunt, and then the sound of an armored body hitting the ground and sliding across the floor. The door to the vault.. is open.

The turncoat sergeant lies inside, 8 feet from the door, a bloody contusion on his head where the door struck it. The walls in this room are smooth, fine-grained wood, with pegs, hooks and shelves all around. At about waist level, there is a cabinet that runs the entire circumference of the room, with drawers and cupboards. At eye level, there are more cupboards, some locked. Each drawer and door is labeled with a number. In the center of the room is a wooden 'island', with several stools surrounding it. Various books, ink, quills, lanterns, etc, litter the 'table', and one large pipe that appears to be made of meerschaum that is still smoking in a tray. A large ledger type book sits open in front of one of the stools.

On the floor near the turncoat lie two more bodies, those of his fellow guardsmen. They, however, are obviously dead. The fat one nearest the back wall has leaked most of his blood from the ragged gash across his throat, and the scrawny one slumped over the island still has a dagger in his eye.

On a small stand in the center of the island is a perfectly spherical stone. It emits a very minimal blue glow which ebbs and pulses slightly.

The vault is yours.

2014-05-09, 01:48 PM
Sneaky Group

The bard replied, heavy with meaning, "It would be a shame if he didn't make it off the island. If, say... some accident were to befall the poor lad as we pull off our daring escape..."

2014-05-09, 02:25 PM
Kirnan steps over the sergeant. "Well, you have your injury. Do be a good fellow and stay down there." Kirnan wastes no time looking for their effects, opening every drawer and cabinet.

2014-05-09, 05:06 PM
"A shame indeed... But Isn't a bit early for betrayals?
Said Haledar with a wry smile Anyway... would you kindly explain this cunning scheme of yours?"

2014-05-12, 11:51 AM
"The stone" inquired Grace, examining the spherical object that took center stage in the room "What is it?". She didn't like the fact that it hadn't been mentioned prior to now, and its glow worried her somewhat. She left the job of ransacking the room to others, there would be opportunity aplenty to go through the gathered plunder once they were at sea. For now, all she needed was to recover her own equipment, which she trusted Kirnan to swiftly locate.

2014-05-15, 09:35 AM
Kirnan begins to tear into the drawers and cabinets, finding all manner of books, ledgers, and equipment. Most of the cabinets are locked, but a keyring hanging from the turncoat's belt allows them to be opened quickly. All of your gear, down to the last copper, are present

The following is gear that belonged to the other PC's. Please note that your characters do not know what any of the magic items are. You will have to go through the normal processes to determine what exactly you have. John also has a spellbook. Let me know when you need to know what spells are in it, and I'll get that to you.

Beyond your gear and the gear of the other PCs who aren't with us anymore, there are also 3 longswords, 1 mace, and 2 daggers that are of exceptional quality (and may be magical), and a chest with 8k gold, another with 2k silver. There is a fire-proof document box that holds 2 letters of credit from the Flaming Fist worth 10k each (these are called blood notes- the bearer is entitled to claim the funds from any willing banker, and they, in turn will be paid by the Flaming Fist).

The crewmen also have gear, which is less impressive than yours, but it is theirs nonetheless.

Finally, there is a padded box containing twenty (20) small potion vials. The box is labeled (For Emergency Healing Only)

Aquatic Longbow +1 Lesser Crystal of Refur
Skull Cane +1 Warning
+3 Chain Shirt
Greater Crystal of Arrow Deflection
Healing Belt
Cloak of Charisma +2
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Ring of Protection +1
6750 gp

MW Rapier
Composite Shortbow +2
Sail Knife
Glamoured Mithral Chain Shirt
Hewards Handy Haversack
Dust of Dryness x2
Feather Token-Fan x2
Restorative Ointment
Sunrod x3
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
Bag of Holding
Cloak of the Manta Ray
1400 gp

Keen Luckblade Cutlass
+1 Seeking Hand Crossbow
+2 Chain Shirt
+1 Darkwood Buckler
Cloak of Charisma +2
Headband of Intellect +2
Ring of Protection _1
Ring of Sustenance
Gloves of Dexterity +2
2585 gp

Grace's question goes unanswered. Your prisoners do not respond.

Barkh looks thoughtful as he considers Atamar'drii's words, but his attention is turned by the muffled steps of the returning crewmen, who arrive with the sandy but otherwise unspoiled clothing of the hapless guard who was slain in his passion.

2014-05-15, 11:37 AM
Sneaky Group

"Gladly, my dear spellslinger.", the half-elf spoke quietly. As he explained, he hastily undressed from the tattered and ruined rags he had been forced to endure while a prisoner here. He thanked the crewmen and quickly began to redress... now in the dead man's clothes. As he spoke, he made sure that Merrilee was close enough to hear as well.

"My dove and I will be returning from out tryst upon the beach, with the heavy-footedness of insobriety and the obliviousness of lust in our manner. When we get close enough... I put them all to sleep, disable the alarm bell, and we're as bright as a bushel of apples after a spring rain."

He pulled the man's shirt over his head, cringing slightly at the already cold blood on the shirt's back as it stuck to his skin. If he kept his front facing the guards, there should be no indication of foul play on the tunic... he hoped. Turning to the crew, he made sure that the plan sounded well enough to them.


After that, he took a moment to get into character, and then reached over and grabbed Merrilee haughtily about the hips and kissed her firmly upon the lips. He then smiled and explained, "For luck."

2014-05-15, 01:49 PM
Grace's brow furrowed, her mouth drawn into a narrow slit, as her question failed to elicit any kind of answer. She had no patience for this resistance. Eyeing up the captive guardsmen, Grace picked one of the younger looking faces. With nary a hint of reluctance or regret, she thrust the tip of her rapier into the captives loins. "I ASKED YOU GROG-SNORTING FILTH SCABS A QUESTION!!" she roared like a howling tempest. Ignoring whatever wails of anguish might be coming from the lad she'd just impaled, Grace carried on "if you SODDING BASTARDS think that your safe because I promised you'd live, Think again. There's a might big difference between Alive and In one piece!" To punctuate her point, she stabbed the poor solider a second time, with just as much force as the first. "NOW I'M GOING TO ASK AGAIN! WHAT! DOES! THAT! ORB! DO!?"



2014-05-15, 02:01 PM
Kirnan doesn't waste time with his armor, what he has will do for now. He puts on the belt, boots, ring, and cloak, and straps his sword to his waist, leaving the short sword behind. "We should take everything we can, Captain." Using the belt from the discarded sword, he slings his breastplate on his back for easy carry.

2014-05-17, 11:17 AM

It was the boy you stabbed that finally answers. With a sob, he chokes out, It's the alarm, miss! Touch it, and the commander and his wizard friend will know, and they come with a quickness!! Tis still blue, it hasn't been activated, I swear it. The other two prisoners glare at him, and Titus mumbles something under his breath, but it appears that he might have been on the verge of confessing this as well.

Kirnan continues rifling through all of the equipment, and has much of his gear already donned.

Barkh chokes back a snort of laughter as he hears the plan. Fells groans in disgust and turns away to watch behind. When Atamar'drii seizes Merrilee, she yelps, but when his lips find hers, she falls into character quickly enough, even upping the ante, as it were, by enfolding him in her arms and giving precise proof as to why she gets paid for this sort of thing. When the embrace is broken, Atamar'drii might even be slightly out of breath. In a husky tone, she whispers, Ye know this means that yer goin'ta have to take me with you, at least to another port, aye? If word gets out that I helped ye, it'll be the noose for me. With eyes for Atamar'drii alone, she adds, Might, I kin even make the deal a bit sweeter than that, eh?

2014-05-17, 03:01 PM
Kirnan calls a crewman over. "Here, carry this." he starts loading them up with stuff from the room, gear first, then money. "What's keeping the others?"

2014-05-18, 10:24 AM
It was the boy you stabbed that finally answers. With a sob, he chokes out, It's the alarm, miss! Touch it, and the commander and his wizard friend will know, and they come with a quickness!! Tis still blue, it hasn't been activated, I swear it. The other two prisoners glare at him, and Titus mumbles something under his breath, but it appears that he might have been on the verge of confessing this as well.

Grace nodded, satisfied with the answer she'd recieved. Withdrawing her blade from the lads abdomen, she gave a smile that was half mockery, half genuine "Thank you kindly for your cooperation". Her concernes eased for the time being, Grace set about reassembling her on equipment. There wasn't much she needed, right then and there. Her enchanted gloves and cloak were both easy enough to throw on. And much as she'd might have liked to put on her own armor, there wasn't really time to remove the current pieces she wore and attend herself to a new set, so she'd have to make do. What she really appreciated the return of, was her blade. Well shaped to her hand, weighted just as she liked it, the scimitar felt like a friend shaking her hand more than an instrument of battle. While reequipping herself, Grace also attended to the matter of the debt encored to the treacherous guard. She had no real need to fulfill her end of their arrangement, but better lose a few gems and keep the trust of a man, than short him a barter and earn his animosity. While gathering supplies, she nicked a few gems from the vault, and carefully dropped them into the mans pockets as she reached passed to plunder another chest.

Sleight of hand to give the guard his jewels, secretly.


Unless I'm mistaken, I think we're set at the armory and can head out.

2014-05-19, 03:40 PM
Sneaky Group

"Atamar'drii does not pay for pleasures, my sweet blossom... at least not with coin. And though your kiss has filled me with... vigor... sadly, my dearest dove, we have time for little else. But for certain we'll take you with us; so long as you keep proving yourself to be such an... asset.", the half-elf smiled broadly. He then took a deep breath and steadied himself, and then nodded to Merrilee. He stayed slightly behind the woman, trying to remain somewhat obscured by her, and started to stumble forward drunkenly. As the two of them walked, he started goosing the woman and necking on her as they got closer to the guardsmen outside the armory. The bard even allowed himself a loud and throaty chuckle, as if a devil itself had got him up to something.

2014-05-25, 12:04 PM
The crewmen fall into the looting with pleasure, snatching up everything that they can carry. Nobody don's armor, by Grace's command, but bags of coin, gear and other loot are being quickly gathered. It will take another couple of rounds for everything in the vault that is "of value" to be uncovered and gathered.

It appears that nobody noticed you planting the gems in the turncoat's pocket. Within two rounds, everyone will be loaded down with gear (their own, as well as that for the people waiting outside), and will be ready to take more orders.

Atamar'drii could not ask for a better partner, as Merrilee falls quickly into 'character'. Giggling inanely, she squeals when you goose her, half holding you up as you 'stagger' toward the group of armed guards, who have definitely noticed you. She begins to speak, as though she had been telling you a story, And then he said, 'Well at least prop me up in the pudding if I'm to stay tied up, I don't want to drown before I'm full".. She cackles as though this is the funniest thing in the world. As you both approach the guardsmen, several of whom turn to face you, she adds huskily, Don't worry boys, sure'n that I'll be back for a coupla' you, this one's just about out of stamina, and I'm just gettin' warmed up..

2014-05-25, 04:43 PM
Kirnan kneels next to the traitor guard. "So, this alarm. Does it go off if someone touches it with a glove on? How about when a fly lands on it?"

2014-05-26, 04:40 PM
It is Titus that responds to Kirnan's question. In a rough voice that sounds somehow smaller, defeated, he states; A glove wouldn't matter, nor a gauntlet, it would still be activated. And I've never seen a fly land on it, but I believe it would be ignored. There was some who said that the mage could even hear anything that was said in this room through it, but I'm not knowin' if that be true.

2014-05-27, 11:17 AM
Sneaky Group

He was impressed with Merrilee, quite impressed indeed. She was proving to be most useful and he was glad that he had stayed the hands... and other things... of the rest of the crew when it had come to dealing with her. He laughed at the faked punchline-like ending to her story, which he supposed he would like to hear the rest of one day. But not tonight. Tonight they had a story of their own to make.

"I'yull havv you know tha I'm not dunned with you juss yet.", he spouted drunkenly. Atamar'drii stumbled forward a few steps more, making sure that the lot of guardsmen were within the range of his magics before springing his trap. When he was certain that he had them all within his grasp, he cast his incantation once again.

"Ƙåƞåƙ ĐíʌąƦ, ƙåƞåƙ ßěěƴåƞ, ƙåƞåƙ ɱęƞęśʈƦõ ßíąlʈƦą Đõşħ!"

Spell - Casting deep slumber on the guards. 3rd level; Close range; 10'-radius; 10 HD worth of creatures; lowest HD first or closest (if equal HD); Will save to negate; DC is currently a 17 (without my Coat); will be out for 1 minute/level (10 minutes).

2014-05-27, 03:26 PM
Atamar'driiThe guard nearest you stares quizzically as you begin to spit arcane phrases, but he, along with two of his fellows drop bonelessly to the ground, their armor crunching somewhat noisily as they collapse. Two, though, are yet standing, one basic guardsman, as well as their plumed leader. His eyes go wide, and he appears shocked for the moment, but that won't hold for long. His hands begin to dart for the hilts rising up over his shoulders, and the other attempts to fumble at his belt for his blade as well as reaching for the mallet that will ring the alarm bell.

The Sneaky Group needs to roll for initiative.

Armory group can be considered armed and ready to depart. The crewmen are laden with gear, most of which belongs to other crewmen, plus a sack or two that will become 'ships booty'. They will have to drop everything in their hands in order to fight.

2014-05-27, 03:50 PM
Sneaky Group

"Some people are just too damn stubborn for their own good.", the bard stated in disappointment at the two resisting his spell. He only hoped that the others nearby would sense that they were needed, and that they could dispatch the remaining two guardsmen with speed and relative silence.

"My dove, if you would be so kind... I would just positively hate it if that clumsy oaf managed to ring that little bell and ruin our perfectly fine evening. Would you be a dear and take it down before he does so?"

2014-05-27, 06:10 PM
Grace was all to happy to have her personal effects back in hand, along with the sizable bounty assembled from the vaults. This would make for a fantastic bit of funding, to give her return to piracy a proper boost. It was time to be departing. "Right lads, we depart for the shoreline. Keep quiet and keep to the darkest shadows we can manage. With luck, our associates have already gotten everything set for our departure." Looking at the hogtied guards, she made her demands clear "You lot best be sitting here quietly and thinking about your loved ones. Because if I hear a clamor rising up from this camp, I swear that I'll set this building ablaze, so the last thing you hear as your gagging on smoke will be my laughter as you sods drift off to meet your maker."

Sticking her head out the door just a crack, Grace peered into the night, making sure the cost was clear before exiting the armory, heading towards the cover of the trees and the sound of the waves against the beach.

Not sure they are needed, but here's a few dice rolls just in case.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2014-05-27, 06:58 PM
Checking the straps holding his armor to his back, Kirnan draws his sword. "Anchors aweigh, Captain." He follows her out, directing the crewmen to follow.

2014-05-29, 04:44 PM
The coast is far from clear. As Grace opens the heavy door and looks out, she just has time to see three of the five guardsmen crumpling to the ground, and Atamar'drii approaching them along with someone in a dress that you don't recognize. (It isn't Verga, that's for certain). Suddenly, from the shadows enveloping the nearest building, two daggers and a spear lash out towards the remaining guards, though only the spear does any harm, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the young warrior. The other two daggers strike the man, but are repelled by his armor, falling uselessly to the sand with impotent thuds. The young guard wrenches his blade from it's sheath, raises it over his head, and brings it down upon the alarm bell, resulting in a mighty CLAAAAAAAAANNNNNNGG!, the sound echoing throught he darkness.

The shorter guard with the plumed helmet reaches up over his head, drawing two matched longswords. Weaving them in a delicate offensive pattern, feet dancing in the sand, he sizes Atamar'drii and his companion up for a moment, decides that the whore is not a threat, and sends his blades whistling at the bard in a double-thrust, both aimed at his torso. (Prepared to retcon if I'm wrong). Both pierce the slender man deeply, staining the front of his tunic. ALARM!! INTRUDERS, bellows the guard captain.

2014-05-30, 10:30 AM
The (Not So) Sneaky Group

The half-elf winced as both of the man's impossibly large swords cut into him, the second of which was a deep wound. He staggered back from the blinding pain and grabbed at the puncture.

"Well, that didn't go quite as planned.", Atamar'drii lamented. Looking down at the dagger in his hand, he felt almost impotent against his opponent. And when the bard's martial prowess failed him, he fell back to his usual old tricks.

Somewhat gritting his teeth through the pain of injury, he gestured and spoke his arcane words, this time as a booming shout.

"₲íƌąŗą, ƴøļļʌííŗ, ɱåɀɀʯƞ Đøƌƴŗŗě!"

The "he staggered back" portion above is to indicate that he is taking a 5 foot step back.

Spell - Casting sound burst in such a way as to catch both guards and no one else (since no one but me has engaged in melee thus far, I figured it was a safe bet). 2nd level; Close range; 10'-radius; [roll0] points of sonic damage; targets must make a Fortitude save (DC=16(currently)) or become stunned for 1 round.

2014-05-30, 11:40 AM
"Damn it I *knew* it!" said the wizard in the moment he heard the bell's ringing. the idea of getting away as fast as he can flashed through his mind, but the one thing Haeldar knew better in life was when to take it and when to live it. "Well, I guess I'm in" he said; after glancing at the guard near the bell, he shifted his interest to the warrior with two swords, who was going for the half-elf.
Thinking quickly the best way to act, he concluded that it was better to kill him off than to try so protect his companion.

he gestured with his hands, gently speaking arcane words of power and he released a little swarm of magic darts, directed at the moving enemy.


2014-06-03, 04:45 PM
End of Round 1, beginning of Round 2


GRR, will fix the image when I get home.

Situation: Atamar'drii and the friendly prostitute Merrilee are engaged with 2 (now 3, really) guardsmen, between buildings 1 (the armory) and 2 (the warehouse) where the paths meet. The Armory group is near the door to the Armory, the rest of the Sneaky group is peeking around the corner of the building just southwest of the armory. Two guards (including the sergeant dual wielding longswords, with the plumed helmet) are currently up. The sergeant just sliced into Atamar'drii, and the other guard is beating on the bell with his sword.

Atamar'drii, forevermore known by Barkh as 'The Bleeding Bard', staggers back before setting his feet and gesturing, bellowing a word of power. Sand erupts in a rough circle around several of the guards, including one of the sleepers, as a brutally loud concussive force assaults them. The bell-ringer claps one gauntleted hand to his helm, and his sword tip wavers as he tries to regain his concentration, though the more experienced sergeant merely grits his teeth. There is a faint whistling sound as five bolts of bright light speed from the outstretched fingers of Heardan, slamming into the armored sergeant, eliciting a deep grunt of pain. One of the sleeping guards jerks, and begins to scramble to his feet.

Merrilee, continuing her 'drunken' charade, staggers, and seems to slip in the sand, going almost to her knees before launching herself at the stunned young guard. A dagger appears in her hand, and it finds the bell-ringer's throat and sinks in to the hilt, blood spraying as the man chokes on his last scream and falls twitching to the ground.

The entire area bursts into motion. Fells, Smiling Tom and Raqqar rush on bare feet to the cracked-open armory door, clamoring for weapons, which Yellow Bill and Tayvin are only too glad to provide. Barkh, on the other hand, lopes toward the combat, scooping his spear out of the sand as he prepares to attack the guard who just rose from his short nap.

Heardan, you go before the guard sergeant. Everyone else goes after. Feel free to take your actions.

His actions are below, but his rolls are here: [roll0] and [roll1] // Damage [roll2] and [roll3]

The guard sergeant, steps forward, a grim look on his face as he continues to bellow Intruders at the armory, RALLY TO THE ARMORY! RALLY, you drunken mice, damn you all, RALLY!!. ***RETCON***A lean shadow approaches at a run, reaching out to touch the beleaguered bard on the shoulder just as the guard sergeant begins his attack. Atamar'drii fades almost instantly from sight. With a growl, the sergeant changes targets, choosing to attempt to ventilate this newcomer who took his toy away. Spinning, his longswords reach for Healdan, the lead blade (his left) arcing for his shoulder in a backhanded slash, the trailing hand sinking lower, toward the waist, as the warrior finishes his spin in a crouch. Both blades now gleam wetly in the darkness, and Healdan bears two ribbons of red pain that need the surgeons's needle or healing magic.

2014-06-03, 08:58 PM
Kirnan, a little off-balance from carrying a large bundle of armor on his back, steps out of the armory, drawing his sword. He advances on the sergeant, his magically-boosted ogre-like strength snapping a leather strap in his ill-fitting armor. "Congratulations, you took down a musician. Let's see how your luck fares against someone who knows which end of the pointy metal stick goes in the other guy."

[roll0] Intimidate

2014-06-03, 10:54 PM
We need some fitting music for this: This will do nicely (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhpQWXOffY)

Grace winced at the sound of the tolling bell, knowing that now their escape now lay exposed to the whole camp. Her best estimations gave a frightfully narrow window in which they could still hope to escape. The plumed guardsman seemed to be a superior officer, and the largest obstacle currently faced. "Right then, Lads, Push on to the shore, and head down towards the docks, and be swift abou it! We'll provide cover, you lot need to get us transporation so we can get onto the ship." she instructed, dispatching the crewmen who'd carried the lions share of the vaults equipment.

Grace's blade hummed (http://youtu.be/bxkgDWvpjxY?t=8s) as she drew the blade forward. Dashing forward a few pace, she lept into the air. In the torchlight, one could be mistaken for believing the pirate captain took flight, clearing the majority of the span between her and the Duel-wielding guardsman before alighting back on the ground. No sooner had she landed, than her blade erupted into a flurry of jabs and feints, pressing the offence. Her onslaught of an attack was only matched by the scathing remarks she lobbed at the gentleman. "I feel inclined to inform you, that a fine blade is much like a fine woman." She commented, coyly, while parrying a momentary counterattack. "Any man can grab a pair of cheap harlots for either arm. But its only the ones that demand an undivided attention that are worth a damn". She punctuated her point by rapidly shifting to one side and striking swiftly at an exposed flank. "Not that you would know anything about courting lovely strumpets"

Acrobatics Roll: [roll0] to generally be awesome and acrobatic as I close the distance between me and plume-y.

Attack roll (I think I'll save my inspiration points this time)
[roll1] 18-20 crit

Damage roll: 1d8+3

2014-06-04, 01:56 PM
Haeldar gasped in disappoint seeing how the sergeant seemed to barely notice his bolts volley; seeing Atamard'rii in total pain, and concluding that the sergeant's probably gonna kill him, the Red Wizard prepared to cover the elf as best as possible.
With the outmost concentration, he moved his hand in rapid gestures, looking directly at his half-elf companion. While words of power were coming out of his mouth, the figure of the half-elf started to fade, at first with a faint luminescence, to quickly leave only the apparence of air before the enraged sergeant.

Casts invisibilty on Atamard'rii, not gonna lose another funny bard!

2014-06-17, 03:50 PM
Grace's approach is nothing short of art. her feet barely seem to touch the ground as she whirls gracefully toward their two remaining foes. The man wearing the plumed helmet attempts to settle back into a defensive stance, but Grace plays the shell game with her swords, and Plume-head chooses incorrectly, attempting to block what he thought was a high overhand slash, but which turned out to be a spinning backhand slice to both legs. Her blade parts the thin padded leather protecting his thighs, and rivulets of crimson life begin to ooze down his legs to feed the hungry sand. The man cries out in agony as he tries to reset himself.

Watch who you call a harlot, mutters Merrilee at Grace's comment.

Kirnan approaches much more doggedly, more ominously, and his words have the effect intended. The guard who had just begin to rise instead hurls himself in the other direction on hands and knees, scrabbling on the gravel and sand as he tries to rise and flee. Made of sterner stuff, the guard sergeants blades nonetheless waver noticeably, and his breath comes in ragged, trembling pants. You can see, vaguely, the eyes behind the noseguard of the open-faced helm. They are not the eyes of a confident man, and in fact, they are wide and darting as he begins to give ground, trying to buy time, and perhaps, his life.

In the aftermath of the bell ringing and the short melee, you can begin to hear stirrings in several of the nearby buildings as soldiers come awake and begin to arm.

Behind both officers the crewmen continue to accost Tayvin and Yellow Bill, arming themselves.

Plumehead is shaken. The other guard is attempting to flee. Atamar'drii was NOT hit by the plume-helmed officer for those last two attacks, Healdan was. You have a little bit of time before people start spilling out of the buildings. Now the next round can finally start.

2014-06-17, 11:47 PM
Kirnan flexes his shoulders. "It's about time one of you put up a fight. My sword is hungry for your souls." He stares into the sergeant's eyes as he draws his thumb across his throat. "I'll try to make it quick."

[roll0]Charge Attack
[roll1]Power Attack Damage

2014-06-18, 01:30 PM

Atamar'drii was sure that he had just seen the last of his life flash before his eyes. As the obviously martially superior sergeant pressed the attack, he had blinked, and in that instant, he had seen it all come to a grisly end. And then he opened his eyes again and it was all gone.

Or, rather, he was gone... from sight, that was. Looking down, he saw no sign of his body at all! Am I dead? Is this some sort of out of body experience?, he thought to himself as he puzzled out what was going on. He could feel the warm breeze, taste the salt in the air, hear the battle clanging on nearby, feel the sand at his... feet! He shifted them in the course and cool sand beneath and saw the hollow pockets dig in where his toes should have been. Invisible!, he all but blurted out loud as it dawned on him. The sorcerer must have cast him invisible! And then he saw Haeldar take two devastating strikes from their enemy - two strikes that were likely meant for him.

And then the Captain's orders were ringing in his ears. He made his way hastily over to where the others were clamoring for gear; he didn't plan on going anywhere without his effects. When he was within earshot, he called out loudly.

"Mr. Barless! MR. BARLESS!!! No time to explain, I'm afraid. It is Atamar'drii and I have been rendered beyond eyesight. But, pray, did you manage to gather my things as well?"

2014-06-19, 07:49 AM
The pain was almost unbearable for the wizard, who always hated to confront his enemies at close. Haeldar thought as fast as he could asolution "Argh! It serves me well to go and save someone who's not ME! What were you thinking Haeldar? I need to escape!" struggling to hold himself upright, the mage noticed that Grace and the rest of the crew were coming out with the gear. and then, between the pain and the fear, a new hope lit up in his mind "I don't need to escape... i need time!
He rapidily raised his hands in front of the sergeant and said with the faster talk he could have "I surrender myself to the higher authority of the flaming fist magistrates! Since I'm the newly elected leader of this crew, They will stop this bloodshed if and only if I order them to do so as your prisoner, wich now I am!"

Bluff roll to make the sergeant lose his round (I hope!)

2014-06-23, 09:43 PM
There is a clamor over at the door to the armory, as Masters Fells, Smiling Tom, and Raqqar (who scuttled over from the shadows) scrabble weapons from the gear carried haphazardly by Tayvin and Yellow Bill. Barkh lopes silently around the edge of the fight, sliding in behind the now-surrounded guard sergeant, and lashing out with his spear, finding a crease in the man's armor, the sand on the spearpoint, once covered in sand, now drips with dark blood. The recently awakened guard finally find his feet, and staggers to a full run, toward the building you've been informed belongs to the Commandant and his wizard second-in-command.

The sergeant barely glances in Healdan's direction, merely attempting to back away from his three assailants, limping heavily as he begins to maneuver his blades in a complex, wholly defensive pattern and stepping to the left by a few feet, trying to put the three in front of him. From the periphery of the battle, Merrilee slides away from the torchlight, and attempts to blend in against the side of the armory building. Atamar'drii's disembodied voice startles Tayvin, and in fact elicits a jump from all of the crewmen, and a startled cry from Yellow Bill. Aye sir! In this bag! Tayvin adjusts his burdens, shouldering Raqqar away, and thrusts a sack toward Atamar'drii's voice, but he's several feet off-target, yet still close enough to grab. Suddenly, there is yet another flurry of motion, this time from Kirnan, whose booted feet kick up gravel and dust as he charges the hapless sergeant. Batting away the puny defensive barrier the man's blades posed, Kirnan's blade crunches entirely through the thick breastplate, just under the gorget. As he withdraws his blade from the second or third rib of the sergeant, there is just a pitiful gurgle as the man falls bonelessly to the ground.

Around you, shouts echo dimly from within buildings, and several sets of eyes can be seen at windows, soldiers preparing their arms and armor to engage you. A drum from toward the prison begins beating assembly, followed by another, and yet another, and the bellowed commands of sergeants begin to drown out the random shouts and epithets of the common soldiers. Your crewmen, now all armed, though several are laden with additional gear and loot, look to Grace for orders

2014-06-23, 10:16 PM
Grace Harley

Grace took in the field of battle, watching the sergent crumple before her under the onslaught of Kirnan's attack. It did her heart good to see, but they still had the encroaching soldiers from the rest of the base. "Time to make our exit! You lot" She gestured towards the crewmen who were carrying their supplies "Stay Close behind us. To The rest, push through! ALL HANDS, FORWARD!" She boomed, pointing with the tip of her blade towards the docks.

Muscles still aching from the long imprisonment sprang to action, as Grace sprinted towards the Docks, leading the charge, she ran across the fields, eyes darting in every direction, seeking the fastest route available to reach the docks and their escape.


Unless I miscounted, I think we are out of enemies (For the immediate time being). So Grace is running at full sprint towards the docks.

Must. Reach. Ship.

2014-06-24, 04:07 AM
Kirnan whips the blood from his sword. "Not much of a fight after all." He follows the Captain, glancing suspiciously at the woman among the crewmen. Where had she come from? He hangs to the back of the group, covering them in case any of the soldiers got ambitious. "Anyone want to explain where the whore came from?"

2014-06-24, 09:38 AM

"Her name is Merrilee and she has been instrumental in our escape. She is coming with us, at least to another port... as my guest.", the invisible bard shouted as he took up the bag that was thrusted mostly towards him. He moved to hurriedly follow the rest of the crew, then calling out to the woman.

"Dove, come... the time to leave is now upon us. You cannot see me currently because of a magical spell, but do not be frightened because of it - some of the best things in life are things that deceive our eyes. Find my voice and let us depart this soldier-infested place."

2014-06-25, 02:15 AM
Haeldar followed the crew as fast as his painful wounds let him. He heard his companions arguing about Merrilee and decided to shift back on the topic he thought most important "Huff, Huff, Would you PLEASE stop talking about the woman and start giving me a damn potion? I'm all into looking at beautiful women, but not when I'm splattering blood all around... That's not what I mean with *Red* wizard!"

2014-06-27, 12:27 AM
Merrilee growls. Oy! I tire of being called 'whore'! If I polish your mainmast and charge ye for it, call me a whore. But for now, call me a lady, a passenger, a member of the crew, a bloody bitch, or if it wouldn't hurt yer brain, Merrilee. But I swear on Loviatar's bloody bloomers that the next one of you to call me a whore without cause, I'm going to carve your stones off and feed them to you. She steps out of the shadows, eyes shining with anger in the torchlight.

Several members of the crew chuckle, but not even Fells takes her up on her challenge. At Grace's command, the crew and the 'lady' set off toward the docks at a sprint. Startled cries and curses from the eyes in the windows follow your progress, and the command Fall out and defend the fort, you slugs, FALLLLL OUUUUT! can be heard dimly from the building next to the jail.

It will take one more uninterrupted round of full movement to make it to the fence. Once over the fence, you will basically be at the back of the dockside tavern. You will also be approximately where you left the rest of the crew. Please refer to the map in the OP of the OOC thread to see the entire fort.

2014-06-27, 02:23 AM
Kirnan glances over at her. "Not sure I'd want it now even if it was free..."

You think we're going over the fence? No no, we're going through.

2014-06-27, 09:54 AM

The bard smiled to himself at the woman's tenacity. He did believe that he was beginning to genuinely like her; and she might just fit right in after all. Atamar'drii moved hurriedly, his invisible footfalls making divots and small plumes in the sand as he went so. Once he reached the fence, he planned to go over it if it proved the faster route.

2014-07-08, 08:40 AM
Grr, meant to put this on the OOC side. Now this one is ruined for rolling dice. Stand by

2014-07-08, 09:00 AM
The drums continue to beat their staccato rhythym from inside multiple buildings, as the crew scampers down the path toward the fence.
1. Fells (27)
2. Barkh (26)
3. Smiling Tom (23)
4. Raqqar (20)
5. Heardan (17)
6. Atamar'drii (14)
7. Merrilee (12)
8. Grace (10)
9. Kirnan (4)
10. Tayvin (Carrying gear)
11. Yellow Bill (Carrying gear)

The numbers are also your number for being randomly attacked, since you are running in a bunch. There will be four random attacks this round, as shown below.

All of a sudden, you hear the angry-hornet sound of arrows in the air. From the wall behind you, the archers have finally become alerted to your presence and moved into a position to fire. An arrow flies well over the head of Kirnan, but there is a loud yelp of pain from Smiling Tom, who has sprouted an arrow from the back of his leg.

Two archers ran down the palisade, and have a clear line of sight to you from their vantage point.


Attack #1 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack #2 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

From just ahead and to the right, the door opens to one of the barracks, and three soldiers spill out, still juggling their gear. One looks to have just pulled his chain shirt over his head like a tunic, it is sitting awkwardly on his body, but his shield is held before him adequately enough. His eyes go wide as he sees that he has stepped out right in front of you, but he lashes out wildly at poor Smiling Tom. Tom tries to duck under the attack, whimpering at the pain in his leg from the arrow that still rests there, but his reflexes are too slow, and he is clipped in the upper arm. A second soldier slips on the gravel near the doorway, falling to his knees and scrabbling in the dirt for his helm and spear in the dark. The third seems to have already been awake, as he hurdles his clumsy friend and thrusts his spear directly at Kirnan, landing a solid blow with a triumphant HA!

Attack #1 [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack #2 [roll8] Damage [roll9]

Any individual can run past the two guards, or stop to help if they choose. By running past, you can get over the fence to the area just behind the tavern. The individual(s) who were attacked by a spearman must either stop to engage or suffer an AoO. More soldiers will be spilling out each round.

Hehe, looks like they don't like Kirnan and Smiling Tom. Tom is hit with an arrow AND with a spear (7 points total), and Kirnan was missed by an arrow, but struck with a spear in the torso for (8 Points)

2014-07-08, 10:58 AM
Atamar'drii continued to run, still unseen and further unscathed (at this point), and both of which were facts that he was very pleased with. The bard moved silently past the bumbling guardsmen and pulled Merrilee gently along with him.

"This way!", he said as he stopped at the fence and tried to help her over before then climbing over himself. "The others are more fit for combat than I, I am afraid my dove. Let us leave them to their task and us to ours - we must locate a shore boat to get us away from this place, lest we end up slaughtered amongst the crashing waves and sand."

2014-07-08, 12:27 PM
Kirnan stops, looking down at the spear sticking out of him. Glaring at the soldiers, he brings his sword down on the unfortunately fortunate spearman.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Intimidate

2014-07-12, 04:36 AM
Haeldar continued running, trying his best to stay between the crew and far from the guard, just for a moment, he stopped to create an invisible force around him, than he shouted again: "Can anybody give me a potion?"

For what I can understand, There are no risks of Attacks of Opportunity, so I assume that Haeldar casted noramally mage armor and moved on.

2014-07-13, 09:59 PM
Haeldar staggers to a halt, and quickly mutters an incantation over himself, as most of the rest of the crew scurries past on bare feet. Smiling Tom and Kirnan each face an armored defender, but the rest scatter wide and out of reach. Except for Barkh.

Kirnan's countenance, though difficult to make out in the shadowy illumination, is murderous. All three of the guardsmen shrink back slightly in fear, and their attacks are less adroit and precise as they might have been. This spells doom for the warrior that he is fighting, as Kirnan easily bats away a weak parry, and slices down, hard, into the collarbone of the spearman, who collapses without a sound.

Smiling Tom launches an attack with his cutlass at the guard in front of him. Damage [1d6+1
Barkh doesn't stop, but does lash out with his spear as he runs by. [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Tom's attack is weak, and easily avoided. The guard before him smiles, regaining some of the composure lost by Kirnan's unshakeable confidence. But at that moment, Barkh runs by, and jabs the defender in the chest with his spear. The soldier cries out in shock and pain, but does not go down, and resets his spear in a defensive posture. Barkh skids to a halt beside Smiling Tom and growls gutturally, taking a two handed grip on his pigsticker, and advancing on the hapless soldier.

2014-07-13, 10:35 PM
"No, both of you keep running!" Kirnan looks at the guard. "You're wounded, just lay down and no one will blame you for not being able to stop us. If you keep fighting, I will kill you."

[roll0] Intimidate

2014-07-15, 09:53 PM
As the rest of the crew get up and over, or through the rail fence, Kirnan stands firm, blade at the ready. The poor soldier he addresses gulps, and spares a quick glance over his shoulder to his comrades, more of which seem ready to boil out of the barracks at any moment, and he turns back to face Kirnan. In a quavering voice, he replies, In the name of the Flaming Fist, i order you to drop your weapon and surrender. No harm will come to you if you.. if you o not resist. The soldier who had fallen down has retrieved his weapon and regained his footing, and he scurries next to his partner. He looks no more confident, but two blades are, as they say, better than one.

The drumbeats continue unabated, and the motion in the barracks intensifies, and there are shouts of Go, go, go, go, get out there, go! Similar chivvying can be heard from several of the other buildings, and you can hear the clanking footsteps of chain-clad warriors bearing down on you from the darkness behind you.

Another pair of arrows comes flailing out of the night toward you.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
(-2 Range, -4 firing into a melee)

The wavering soldier who had just so bravely stood up to Kirnan takes an arrow in the ear, and drops like a stone. His companion looks down, gasps, and drops his sword.

For those of you running, the back of the tavern is immediately between you and the docks. You can hear no carousing, but you do hear the scrape of chair legs, the scurrying of feet, and the rasping sound of blades being drawn from inside. The crewmen will follow your lead.

For simplicity, the next round begins now. I am giving the party the initiative. Take your actions please.

2014-07-16, 12:44 AM
Kirnan doesn't stay to bandy words, he just runs for the fence, vaulting over it. "Keep running, they're coming now!"

2014-07-16, 10:26 AM
Still invisible, Atamar'drii slipped past the tavern with Merrilee in tow, trying his damnedest to make for the docks, and to leave this place far, far behind them.

"Come, my dove. I promised that I would take you from this place safely and I mean to keep my word on that matter.", the bard said as he drew his blade, Crash o' the Waves, and pressed onward.

2014-07-16, 02:16 PM
Haeldar sprinted towards the fence, passing over it and reaching to his companions. "Lord Kirnan," He said to the powerful warrior, "We need a distraction. I can conjure an etheral steed for you, and I think you could reach for the horse lines, break them down and provoke a stampede. Meanwhile I can take care of the tavern door. But we need to be quick! What do you think?" He started to look around, glancing behind himself to see if there were more attackers coming. "And For Kossuth's sake, where's Grace?"

2014-07-17, 10:33 AM
Grace did not especially like the sounds she heard from the tavern as she neared. Seemed another detachment of men was inside, and preparing to engage them. This running battle currently favored her and her men, since they had a great deal more mobility then the soldiers. Acting swiftly, she reached into a satchl on her waist and withdrew a sturdy iron padlock.

"Lord Kirnan," He said to the powerful warrior, "We need a distraction. I can conjure an etheral steed for you, and I think you could reach for the horse lines, break them down and provoke a stampede. Meanwhile I can take care of the tavern door. But we need to be quick! What do you think?" He started to look around, glancing behind himself to see if there were more attackers coming. "And For Kossuth's sake, where's Grace?"

"Right behind you!" Answered the captian "Divide and conqure. Kirnan, to the stables as Haeldar said. Hael, we'll need some cover once we reach the docks, thats on you. I'll block the door" She instructed, as she detached from the main group, intercepting the door. With a deft motion, she wrung the padlock onto the latch and snapped it shut, before continuing on.


Using my Amazing Lock to to block the door and keep the soldiers inside. And though I doubt I'll be getting the lock back, its a small sacrifice for our freedom.

Amazing Lock: DC 40 Lockpick.

2014-07-17, 05:28 PM
"On it Captain!" Kirnan changes course, bursting into the stables and grabbing the nearest torch or candle. Lighting any straw or hay he can find, he opens all the stalls and releases the horses, relying on their natural fear of fire to drive them out.

2014-07-18, 11:54 AM
"Right behind you!" Answered the captian "Divide and conqure. Kirnan, to the stables as Haeldar said. Hael, we'll need some cover once we reach the docks, thats on you. I'll block the door" She instructed, as she detached from the main group, intercepting the door. With a deft motion, she wrung the padlock onto the latch and snapped it shut, before continuing on.

"As You say" answered Haeldar, reassured by Grace's confidence; turning to the rest of the crew, he said "Off to the docks, we have an appointment with freedom and cannot be late!" and ran towards the boats, trying to find the guards or the elf and the whor... ehm woman.

2014-07-21, 08:42 PM
Grace barks commands as she sprints around to the front of the tavern. She hears loud voices inside, and the rasping sound of blades being drawn, armor rattling, and crockery breaking. As luck would have it, there is in fact a latch at the front of the door, and she slaps the heavy lock into place just as the door tries to open. Cursing erupts from behind it, and the door begins to shake as the soldiers inside begin to pull against it. jBreak it down, lads. Use yer axes. Step lively!The baritone voice has the ring of command to it. Grace can see a face squinched up, looking out of a small, high window, too small to crawl out of. It's the prisoners, Lieutenant, they're escapin'!

Kirnan looks around for where the horses are housed, and sees an open paddock with a three-sided wooden shelter lined with hay troughs. The horses are congregated there, nickering softly as they eat. Vaulting this fence as well, he grabs a lit lantern from a pole nearby. The wood of the shelter has absorbed a lot of rain in this wet environment, but there are troughs full of dry hay underneath. Sprinting across the dropping strewn mud, he yells to startle the horses out of his way, slapping the rumps of several that don't move quickly enough. He is almost to the hay, when he sees a three man patrol, fully armed, and weapons out rushing from some of the houses on the south side of the compound. If he takes the time to light enough of the hay to cause a distraction, it's possible that they will reach him, but if he engages them, surely others will have arrived before he has dispatched them.

Haeldar, Atamar'drii, and the crewmen from the Armory venture thunder around the edge of the tavern and onto the long dock, their feet causing the entire structure to wobble and shake. They are joined by the whooping and joyous remnant of the crew, those who had been hiding in the trees just to the northwest of the tavern. Four longboats are tied up at the end of the quay. Each will easily hold eight men, their oars properly stowed beside them, and a simple rope attaching each to the dock.

Throughout the camp, horns join the beating drums, and the shouts of men grow louder, more organized. A few disorganized arrow shots miss by a wide margin, but several balls of light have appeared back towards the brig you were so recently incarcerated in. No mere flame, these illuminations are definitely the work of magic, and there are at least half a dozen of them. And they are coming your way.

2014-07-22, 07:20 AM
Kirnan throws them a rude gesture and heads for the hay. Maybe it's a good day to die after all.

2014-07-22, 10:01 AM
The half-elven bard called out, no longer concerned with whispering as his still-bare feet padded along the weathered boards of the dock.

"This one, my dove... this one here, at the end!"

He headed for the furthest rowboat, hopefully leaving the stragglers less distance to have to cover before they too could be away. As the others began climbing in, he looked after the mooring, untying the knot as best he could without being able to see his own hands. He would then hold the rope steady as the longboat filled up, minus one seat for himself that is. When seven had climbed aboard, he cast off and then hopped in as well.

"The oars, men! Each stroke bears us further from Death's embrace! Row, row damn you!"

2014-07-22, 01:02 PM
Turning toward the encampment, Haeldar noticed the magic lights. He quickly understood that the garrison was on the move and prepared himself to greet them.
With all the precision the scarce illumination permitted, he took some measurement, and prepared the best illusion he could concieve: as soon as his gestures reached an end, a load of enormous trees, full of creepers tightly entangled seemed to appear from the terrain, blocking sight for everyone.

"Let's hope it works long enough, at least until the horses come" he tought to himself while heading for a rowboat. "Now, we need to know for sure how many ships are there"

Casting mirage arcana. 200 ft. cube with side beginning at northern part of the tavern, placed to block all vision of the docks; it displays a dense rain forest pratically impassable and, most importantly, that blocks sight. 24 dc to disbilief, plus chain of disbilief.

2014-07-30, 12:34 PM
Blade still in hand, Grace dashed away from the tavern, smiling at the struggle of the soldiers she'd trapped within. That was at least two dozen men that had been waylaid from confronting them, which was certainly a fair trade for the price of a lock. Ahead, the port loomed, and with it, the rowboats that would see them all to freedom. Putting in an extra burst of speed, Grace lept from the sandy shoreline onto the wooden pier. Swift as she could, the pirate captain began gathering up oars and tossing them aside, knowing their pursuers would be ill able to follow without the means to propel their rowboats.

2014-08-02, 11:37 AM
Kirnan rushes over to the long troughs overflowing with hay, and thrusts handfuls of hay into the flame, lighting hunks and throwing them back into the trough. The soldiers rush to the fence, and attempt to throw themselves over. The spear of one catches between the legs of another, causing him to flip over the fence and land hard, on his back in the mud. This unbalanced the one with the spear, and caused him to lose his grip on the top bar of the fence, and he slams his face onto the fence and slides unceremoniously to his knees. The final soldier is wiser, and ducks between two rows of timber, coming up safely on the other side. Unfortunately, his first rushed step toward Kirnan finds a road apple, and his feet fly out from under him. He sits down hard with a pronounced OOF!. Kirnan has no fear of being caught at this time.

After setting the hay to blazing, Kirnan is near one of two gates. The one he is near would allow the horses to escape toward the back of the fort, but this is in the wrong direction to disrupt the soldiers. On the far side of the paddock, near the tavern that the crew is now rushing past, is the other gate. Just beyond it, several dozen soldiers have already fallen into formation, led by several officers, and they are advancing toward the tavern at the double-quick (trotting). Judging the distance, if Kirnan tries to unlatch that gate and then drive horses out of the opening, there is a very good chance the formation would have reached him. If he merely runs, without letting the horses out, there is a very good chance that he will be able to escape. Behind the formation, beneath the glaring lights of the magical illumination, Kirnan can barely make out two figures in robes, trotting to keep pace.

Near the dock, the tavern door is beginning to splinter, and the heavy sound of axes can be heard inside. The clatter of feet on wooden planks is loud as the entire crew thunders down it, Atamar'drii leading the way and directing the sailors to fill the longboats and prepare to give way together! The crew piles into two of the boats furthest along the dock. Atamar'drii and Merrilee in the first to leave the dock. The calm waters of the bay are churned to froth by the frantic flailing of the oars. The sailors start out raggedly, but Fells begins to call the stroke, and they slip into unison, and the longboat leaps across the water, oars and boat skittering across the water like a giant wooden spider.

From behind and to the north of the tavern, an immense and tightly packed thicket of old-growth trees, with hanging vines and thick, thorn-covered brush between them. Nothing can be seen beyond it, and, in fact, many of the lead soldiers in the formation are already within it. There are shouts of dismay and confusion, and it sounds as though the entire group of soldiers has been flummoxed by the illusion.

Grace hops into the other two empty boats, in turn, and heaves the oars into the water before leaping nimbly back onto the dock and heading for the second boat which is almost fully loaded.

2014-08-02, 12:42 PM
It's not even a choice. Kirnan heads for the far gate, unlatching it so the horses stampede right through the formation. He tries to keep the beats between him and the soldiers so he can rejoin the others unseen.

2014-08-06, 10:55 AM
Atamar'drii looked towards the ship, anchored the relatively short distance away, trying to see what kind of resistance (if any) that they could expect onboard. The bard immediately began donned his armor and fully re-equipping himself. He likewise occasionally cast his attention back towards the docks to ascertain the fate of his compatriots still on shore.

Turning to Merrilee, he spoke as he buckled, "Dove, what do you know of this ship we will be commandeering shortly? I ask, not so much concerned about her name or history, but of what number of men and armaments may still be aboard her."

2014-08-06, 04:21 PM
Now that the distractions were enough to keep all of the guardsmen occupied, Haeldar finally hopped on the boat, taking his place between the crew; He remembered the words of the captain, "I only learned tonight that the "Wingfish" is coming with the new magistrate sooner than expected".
That would have been a great problem, so Haeldar decided to concentrate himself, while looking at the waves in front of him, casting another spell and trying his best to get "in tune" with the songs of the sea.

Here's the link if needed: http://dndtools.eu/spells/stormwrack--87/detect-ship--3339/

2014-08-19, 09:57 PM
There is only one vessel within range of your spell. If the turncoat guard is to be believed, it is called the Godshadow. You can see it resting at anchor about two-hundred yards from the end of the jetty, and the longboats are pulling for it even as you cast your spell. You allow your senses to dwell upon the vessel, and are able to determine that it is a caravel, not a new ship by any means, but it appears relatively sound. There is some minor damage to the hull which appears to have been hastily patched, though it is nowhere near the water line. The ship sits high in the water, so you can tell that it is not leaking heavily, nor are it's holds full. All in all, a very average vessel.

Merrilee chuckles at the question, her eyes shining, and her hair damp from the spray kicked up by wind and oar. She looks in your general direction, but her eyes scan over the empty seat that you occupy. There are three poor souls left on board, sentries who had displeased the captain during the voyage. They were to pick up a load of timber in the next few days. I'd imagine your captain there shut most of the crew in when she locked the tavern door. The rest would have been in the shanties on the other side of camp, getting to know the laundresses.

As to armaments, I couldn't say, but their captain is something of a skinflint and a coward, so I wouldn't expect terribly impressive weapons. Looking back toward the shore, she muses.. Do you think that strapping warrior will be able to get around all of those soldiers? Once they stumble through the.. forest? A forest? She looks truly befuddled now, and remains twisted around in her seat, staring back at what should not be there.

Kirnan sprints to the gate, slashing the lashings with his blade, then hurriedly getting behind some of the horses, and commencing to scream, slapping their rumps with the flat of his blade. A dozen warhorses sprint out of the newly opened enclosure, dodging around trees, and getting themselves tangled up in the mass of warriors that is attempting to traverse the new-risen forest.
The way is, for now, clear to the boats, and Kirnan puts on an extra burst of speed. Grace orders the sailors to cast off as Kirnan's booted feet hit the dock, and they are several feet from the mooring post when Kirnan gathers himself to leap aboard the rowboat. Behind him, the door to the tavern finally splinters open, and sailors begin to spill out, rushing toward the docks with weapons raised.

Make a DC12 Dexterity check to land safely in the rowboat without either upsetting it, or landing badly and spilling yourself in the lagoon.

2014-08-20, 03:54 AM
And here we...go...

Kirnan barely manages to keep his footing when he lands in the boat, and is quick to sit down somewhere and led a hand with an oar. "Did everyone make it?"

2014-08-20, 09:11 AM
The longboat rocks disconcertingly for a moment as Kirnan nearly pitches himself off the side..

Aye, sir, Verga grunts, pulling hard on her oar. All aboard and accounted for, plus one more. Targas grunts, adding One more what?. He is so wide that he takes up almost the entire seat, and has the end of an oar in each massive hand, pulling them both effortlessly as well as gracelessly.

2014-08-20, 10:32 AM
Grace did not take to the oars. While she was blessed with many talents, a strong back had never been one of them. Her new found mates had arms thick as oak trees, and should have no trouble rowing their tiny vessel along, even encumbered as it was with the spoils from the armory. "Keep 'er steady and streight, we're not out of the fire's yet. Targas, pull with your back, not your arms, unless your keen on snapping those pines in half." Grace withdrew a narrow wooden rod from her satchel, a knotted piece of timber "All together now" She struck the side of the rowboat with her baton, giving the men a rythem to match as they pulled at the oars. The metronome was steady and invarient, rather unlike the anxious hearts that likely pounded within the chests of all present.

As the shore retreated away, and The Godshadow drew nearer, Grace stood at the rowboats bow, facing forward. She kept up her rythem, marking the passing moments as their escape approached. When about halfway between the docks and the ship, Grace missed a beat, no longer using the rod to keep tempo, but instructing with her voice

"Stroke...Stroke...Stroke" . She held the Rod aloft, aiming it forward, towards The Godshadow. She then pressed her thumb into a small indent along the rods length. With a faint -click- the end of the rod sprouted three long prongs. "Stroke...Stroke...Stroke" Pressing the indent again, there was a sharp -crack-, like a bag of flash powder going off. The Tip of the rod blasted outwards, trailing a length of sturdy rope behind it. The projectile soared through the night air, before locking itself tight against the starboard flank of The Godsend. "Stroke...Stroke...Stroke" . Grace Knelt down, tying off a length of the trailing cable to the mooring post at the front of the rowboat "Hold" She instructed, signaling the rowers to pause. "And Brace!". Pressing the button on the rod a third time, the line suddenly went taught the rope began to reel back into the baton, dragging the wooden raft along with it. "No Time For Loafing about Lads, Back to work! Stroke!...Stroke!... Stroke!" Grace cried, as they sped along towards their soon-to-be-ship.

Several things happening at once, so I'll try to be concice.

Firstly, we are all now technically onboard a ship that Grace commands, so I'd like to use my Great Captain feat and spend a move action to aid everyone on the rowboat with their profession (sailor) checks to man the rowboat, and hopefully increase out speed a touch.

Aid Another Profession Sailor Roll (DC 10)

Secondly, once we get within 300ft of the Godshadow, I'm going to use my Rod Of Ropes to shoot a grappling hook at it, and then retract the line so we'll be pulled towards the ship.

Rod Of Ropes dosn't say I need to make any kind of roll to use it, but I figured that a ranged attack roll would be appropriate (Even given that the overall AC is -3 for a Caravel)

Attack Roll

The Rod Of Ropes can reel in the grappling line at a speed of 60ft/round, with a pull strength of 1000lbs. I figure the boat, crew, and gear probably weigh more than that, but the extra pull strength should probably count for at least a little boost to our speed. I want to get as big a head start as possible on any soldiers who'll want to pursue their escaped prisoners.

2014-08-20, 12:01 PM
"Good, that's good, Dove.", Atamar'drii responded to Merrilee's answers about what to expect onboard. The bard looked ahead, trying to let his elven-tinged eyes see if they could spot any movement of location of these three men.

He turned back when the woman mentioned a forest, and smiled. "Oh... that. Yes, not to worry about that. It's all part of the plan, love.", her comment then played back through his mind and insecurity crept in. "I'm sorry... did you say 'strapping'? About Kirnan? I can assure you that, although he is proficient in the ways of thunking people on the head, that he is a brutish man..." The half-elf then added, almost as an afterthought, "... and is not well-suited nor well-equipped for the matters of love."

Atamar'drii then turned back towards the ship, a devilishly wicked smile crossing his face in the darkness.

2014-08-21, 12:00 AM
Kirnan looks back at Atamar'drii, squinting. "If you doubt my prowess between the sheets, half-elf..." He looks forward again, smirking. "Ask your mother."

2014-08-26, 12:32 PM
With Grace calling the stroke, the pitching of that longboat smooths out. Once the grappling hook is set, and the rod begins to reel itself back in, their longboat begins to smoothly accelerate, coming even with the other crew-boat, and beginning to pass it as the distance to the Godshadow falls to less than 100 feet.

Aboard the Godshadow, a voice calls out thickly, Ahoy in the longboats. Identify yourselves. Then, quieter, Chauncey, fetch Delvus and the crossbows. And louder, as you pass to about 70 feet from the Godshadow's stern, I said identify yourselves, blast ye! Behind you, on the docks, men can be seen scrambling into the remaining longboats, orders are being shouted, and there are several soft splashes as men dive into the water to swim after the oars.

The crewmen who aren't rowing clutch their weapons, eyes fixed upon their salvation, this ship that can take them away from a sure noose. Orders, Captain? As the captain's longboat is pulled in front of that led by the less-than-visible Atamar'drii, Tayvin Barless' deep voice is pitched low, so as not to carry to the Godshadow.

2014-08-26, 12:59 PM
"Fear not, dove. I shall see you momentarily.", the bard said in a low voice. He then cast a spell upon himself, placing his hands upon his own throat.

"ßíƞƌąƙʈʯ ƙąƌŗěěɱ. Ąļå ʈƴęŗɀȉ, ʌõʌʯļļ ħṹɱɱąħ."

The half-elf then readied himself and cast once more. "Ƒąļļą ƙṹɱ, ƒąļļą ƌŗąħ. Đǣŗśʈŗṹƞ ɀěěļ ƃṹƴåļ ɱiʈʈą ƃąɀƙŗąħ!", Atamar'drii uttered once more, gesturing his unseen hands and concentrating on a part of the deck that appeared to be devoid of the sentries.

With a flash in the rowboat near him, he stepped through the strange portal and out onto the wooden deck of the ship. He then quietly drew his rapier

Spell - Casting ventriloquism aboard the rowboat. 1st level; Close range; duration 1 min/lvl, Will to disbelieve (if interacted with).

Spell - Casting dimension door to get onto the ship. 4th level; Long range; Medium or smaller creature per three caster levels.

2014-08-31, 11:22 PM
Momentarily inspired, Kirnan starts to call out to the ship but falls into a very loud fit of coughing, it should buy them a little time to get closer if they think the boat can't reply.

2014-09-04, 01:14 PM
The moonlight largely obscured by dark clouds leaves most of the deck awash in shadow, with only three lanterns alight on deck, one of them in the hands of the watchman in the bow. Atamar'drii appears silently next to the starboard side gunwale roughly halfway between stern and bow. A man, no, two men rush out of the ladderwell in front of him, each carrying a cocked and loaded crossbow. They rush to stand beside their fellow sailor, who is still peering over the side toward the oncoming boats. Aryk, one of them mutters quietly. That one boat ain't movin' it's oars, and it's comin' faster'n t'other one. The man indicated, Aryk, apparently, whispers just loud enough for Atamar'drii to hear. Delvius, hand me that bolt-thrower, and go lay on the ships bell, loud and long, till I tells ye to stop. The larger of the men passes his crossbow to the first man, and lumbers back toward the sterncastle. He will pass Atamar'drii in moments, who is standing, in shadows, but completely in the open at this time.

Grace's longboat has now come within 30 feet of the Godshadow, and the other longboat is approximately 45 feet away. Drumming from the camp can now be heard more easily, and the rumbling sounds of many shouting men from several hundred feet away. From the end of the dock, a bright red dot appears, streaking through the night air, approaching the second (rearmost) longboat. Look Out!", shouts one of the crewmen facing that direction .

In a flash of heat and light, the longboat is bathed with fire, as the wizards spell erupts nearly dead center. Merrilee, Barless, Boroths, Barkh, Wilka, Yellow Bill and Raqqar are aboard. (and until recently, so was Atamar'drii

DC16 Saves (don't happen to have the crewmens saves here with me at work, so I will add them later.

Merrilee [roll0]
Barless [roll1]
Boroths [roll2]
Barkh [roll3]
Wilka [roll4]
Yellow Bill [roll5]
Raqqar [roll6]

Damage [roll7]

2014-09-04, 01:32 PM
Atamar'drii tried to use the distraction from the exploding spell to his advantage, looking for something nearby that he could slip behind. If he had his choice, he would move to something that was closer to this bell that the other man had referenced. The half-elf then cast his eyes about the ropes, pulleys, and counterweights as a plan hatched within his mind.

Then, when he was better hidden, he now utilized the spell he had cast before when he was still aboard the rowboat. With arcane ease, the bard projected his voice, causing it to sound as though a whisper loud enough for the large lad to hear, coming from the opposite side of the ship as the approaching rowboats.

"Oy, lads... that's the signal. Mind your hooks and boot heels, men. Time to put some blood in the water."

2014-09-04, 02:58 PM
Grace had considered handling this situation diplomatically, or rather, through her usual deceit and boldfaced lying. But that option ended with the clamoring of the bell and the burning explosion. Now there could be only one outcome. "We're taking her by force. Rowers, Dock with The Godshadow, then make sure the other half of our crew is still breathing. Once you can, climb aboard. Everyone else TO ARMS!"

Grace lept up, and sprang from the longboat, onto the enchanted rope that was pulling the raft. With no greater difficulty than one might experience walking across a smooth, sandy beach, she dashed up the line, and onto the Godshadow's deck. The bell-toller was annoying, but there was nothing that could be done about that now. The signal had already been given. Better to deal with the man who appeared to be in charge.

"Throw yourself off my ship and be spared, or stay and taste steel" she growled, thrusting at the watchmen who'd spotted them.

I've been waiting for a chance to run across that rope since the game started.


Acrobatics check to balance. Assuming the rope is 1 inch in diameter, and at an incline. DC 22. Grace takes no movement peneltie to move at normal speed.


Spend an inspiration point to precice strike at the watchmen.

Attack: [roll1] Crit 18-20/x2
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

2014-09-04, 08:08 PM
Kirnan is quick to follow Grace, he would not do nothing while his captain was in danger.

[roll0] Athletics for balance
[roll1] Jump check to get over the rail

2014-09-05, 07:55 AM
While he was evaluating the situation, the explosion behind him caught Haeldar attention. "Damn them! I forgot about the mages!"

As Grace and Kirnan boarded the ship, the red wizard turned himself toward the coast. seeing with difficulty the enemies in the nightlight, he prepared another illusion, hoping to have, finally, the time to board the ship and get away with ease.

Casting Persistent image, simulating a large water elemental spawning from water in front of the people on the beach. the elemental is scripted to move to its left and right, occasionally advancing to the coast while shouting in a menacing way. Nothing really harmful, but hopefully enough to buy us time while the people making the save tries to calm the ones who didn't. DC is 24

2014-09-13, 01:36 PM
The smell of burnt tar and worse, burnt flesh assaults your nostrils and several of the crewmen have clothes that are still aflame. Of the seven souls in the longboat, only four still move, though all are singed and burned. The dwarf, Boroths is slumped upright, blackened hands still gripping the now burning oars. Wilka, who had tried to stand and jump overboard now falls lifelessly into the water with a splash, and Raqqars entire body is still aflame in the bottom of the boat. Merrilee, much of her hair burned away, slaps at her dress to put out some embers, Yellow Bill is clutching his face and screaming in agony. Stoic Barless grabs the nearest set of oars, and continues to pull the flaming boat toward the Godshadow, and then there's Barkh... Poor Barkh appears to have most of his fur scorched away, and he moves gingerly, an involuntary whine rising up every time he moves.

Upon the Godshadow, the larger man, Delvius is trotting toward the sterncastle, presumably to ring the bell, but he falters, and angles toward the port gunwale, peering over the side and looking for the source of the voices.

The one holding the crossbow near the bow looks down at the lead longboat and raises his crossbow. You can see his head follow the taut rope from the longboat back to where it connects to the Godshadow. He whips his head back around in time to see Captain Grace running up the line. He desperately tries to bring the crossbow to bear, having time to mutter "Oh, GODS!", before her steel penetrates his chest, and the rest of his words turn into a bloody gurgle. The third crewman, having had entirely enough, hurls himself off of the starboard side of the ship, where he can be heard splashing wildly in his attempt to get away.

Kirnan rapidly makes his way up the tightrope as well, leaping over the rail like a gazelle and coming down in an aggressive fighting stance.. From his perspective, there is only one visible opponent, halfway down the length of the ship and peering over the port side.

Verga and Targas row the boat until it bumps into the hull of the Godshadow, and Fells scampers up a line to secure the boat. Tobias and Smiling Tom hurl a line to Barkh, who holds on as they pull the two boats together. Verga and Targas drop their oars, and begin climbing aboard the ship, while Tobias, and Smiling Tom give what aid they can to the living members of the scorched boat, while simultaneously relieving their dead comrades of gear they will no longer require.

All of this bustle on the lead longboat jostles Healdan quite a bit, the boat rocking wildly, and the wizard being bumped into by scurrying crewmates.

The stalwart wizard is able to maintain his composure while he intones words of power that causes a massive, vaguely manshaped tidal wave to rise up from the darkened waters near the docks. The other longboats smash roughly into the pier, and the frightened shouts of men can be heard over the breaking waves. However, one man stands firmly upon the pier, gazing toward the Godshadow. The light of torches and lanterns illuminate this mans long hair and flowing robes. His hands move in a complicated pattern as he prepares once more to hurl a spell in your direction. Healdan, however, is prepared. He begins furiously gesturing as well, in a race that could mean life or death for the crewmen still aboard the pitching longboat.

Cozja, please make another DC10 Concentration check, AND. Make a Dispel Check. Roll 1d20 plus your caster level, vs a DC of 14

2014-09-13, 03:42 PM
Kirnan is torn between helping the others up to the deck, and dealing with the single remaining enemy. Prudence wins out, helped greatly by his desire to not get stabbed in the back, and he draws his blade, advancing on the highly unfortunate soldier. "I'll give you one chance, mate. Drop your weapons and swim ashore, or I cut you open from brains to balls and send you to Davey. Either way, you're going over that rail."

[roll0] Intimidate

2014-09-15, 11:00 AM
Once the lunk was in position, Atamar'drii finished severing the counterweight's rope with one of his daggers and sailed into the air. As the rope whizzed through the pulleys, hoisting him up and around the main mast, the half-elf readied his boot heels before him and aimed them directly at the back of the poor man's shoulders. With any luck, the strike would not only catch him unawares, but his own weight would topple him over the railing and down into the drink!

I have no idea what exactly I need to roll in order to pull off my daring attempt, so here's everything that I could think to put forth as relevant!

[roll0] (Acrobatics)
[roll1] (Athletics)
[roll2] (Reflex)
[roll3] (Use Rope)
[roll4] (Attack roll; +2 for charging?)
[roll5] (Damage?)

2014-09-20, 02:06 PM
Though many of the crew never saw it, another pea sized burst of orange light sprang from the wizard on the docks outstretched hand, and began arcing it's way toward the Godshadow. Healdan, gesturing furiously, spits one final arcane syllable, and clenches his fist over his head.. The incoming fireball disappears with a small, harmless, red Pop.

Atamar'drii slices through his rope, and hurtles into the air, flying feet first toward the large sailor who is only now spinning to look at Kirnan. The hapless sailor's eyes go wide at the first mate's words, and he barely has time to register the four pounds of boot leather which catches him in the ear. He is likely already unconscious before he hits the water with a loud splash.

The rest of the crew busies themselves clambering on board. Barless barks out, "Captain! What about the bodies? Haul them aboard, or leave them? Verga's deep, yet feminine voice rumbles, Orders, Captain?

Smiling Tom attempts to hold Healdan's boat steady, keeping it from being forced into the Godshadow by the waves. Right then, Master Fingerwiggler, I seen what ye done, and have my thanks.. But if you'll ever so kindly get up this rope, we've got te' get out of here. Them boys's rightly hacked off at us, he adds, pointing. Indeed, there is already one boatload of armed men paddling toward the Godshadow, albeit with several fewer oars then they strictly would have preferred. And on the dock, a second robed man has joined the first, and he rises up from the dock and begins soaring through the air toward you.

2014-09-20, 02:21 PM
"Keep the bodies, they might hold their fire if they think we have hostages." Kirnan lends a hand pulling people on board from the boats.

2014-09-20, 03:55 PM
"Alright, smarty, suggestion accepted!" said Haeldar to Smiling Tom, while reaching for the rope. "I play deceptions better than explosions, and for tonight I had enough of both!"

2014-09-23, 10:24 AM
The bard lands after having kicked the man overboard. "Huzzah! How's that for a daring do?!", Atamar'drii exclaimed, looking about to realize that it seemed as though no one had seen his spectacular display of acrobatic combat. The wind stolen from his sails, he sighs audibly and then goes about whatever orders Grace has for them to get underway. If it appeared that she was busy, the half-elf would move to where those in the longboats were trying to get onto the Godshadow, and lend a hand. Particularly, he sought out poor Merrilee.

"Oh, my dove! My poor, poor dove!", he called out gingerly. "Not to worry, we will seek out the finest healers in the Sword Coast and will undo this harsh treatment that has been set upon you! You are but knaves and uneven scoundrels!", Atamar'drii yelled towards the shore, chastising the soldiers; the matter of whether or not they could hear him did little to curb his scolding.

2014-09-25, 10:24 AM
"Oh, my dove! My poor, poor dove!", he called out gingerly. "Not to worry, we will seek out the finest healers in the Sword Coast and will undo this harsh treatment that has been set upon you! You are but knaves and uneven scoundrels!", Atamar'drii yelled towards the shore, chastising the soldiers; the matter of whether or not they could hear him did little to curb his scolding.

Grace scowled "Mr. Atamar'drii, If you don't stop fawning over this stray trollop, I'll split your side over the yardarm!" Till now, Grace had tolerated the presence of the new woman, if only because she hadn't the time to spare breath on scolding her fellow escapee on adding an unknown member to the escape. But her patience had officially run out, and she could no longer tolerate the half-elfs mid-battle courtship.

Taking the helm, Grace felt the timber in her grip, and breathed deep the smell of pitch that hung on the deck. To long had she been away from the sea, and now she could at last return to her love.

"Take up watch and drop the formast to half sails. Mr. Barless, We are in need of a Boatswain, I leave it in your hands. Tom, Take Clearwater and start trimming in those lines on the starboard aft, and make them tight. Mr. Targas, Raise the anchor and then brace the main! Mrs. Vergas, I don't like the look of the rigging on the forcastle, see if you can get some slack in the lines, we'll be needing it. Barkh, I need eyes on the bow, last thing we want to run aground in these shallows."

Grace saw the flying spellcaster approaching, and the frantic rowing of the guards following up from behind. "By thunder they are persistent. Fells, Bill, Man the ballista. You There!" Grace pointed at the woman that Atamar'drill had brought on board "You help Bill on the starbord, or get yourself below deck and out of the way!"

Grace swung the helm to the side, aiming to depart with haste from these waters. Freedom was mere inches away. "The rest of you, Delay our pursuers by any means available. I don't want a single one of them to get within a stones throw of my ship"

Grace will take the helm, and deploy the listed crew members to the watch positions.

Move action to command the vessel in combat.

Standard action to aid everyone on the ship via Great Captain.

Profession (sailor) Check to render aid.

Second Check to determine who holds the advantage in this naval 'combat' between The Godshadow and The Crappy Rowboat.


Grace will attempt to open distance and steer the ship out of the harbor, as fast as possible.

2014-09-25, 01:21 PM
"I'll have you know, Captain...", Atamar'drii allowed his emphasis on the word to hang for a moment, showing that the respect he was giving was due to the woman's rank. "... that that 'stray trollop', as you so harshly demean a person of your own fair gender, aided in our escape not once this evening... but twice!", the bard held up two splayed fingers in a show, as if to further clarify his point.

"Besides...", he softened his tone to his usual more cooing and playful resonance, "... one can no more command the ways of the heart than he could the wind or the waves. Just as to the sea herself, we are at Passion's mercy. And though we may find ways to navigate it easier..., he tapped the heel of his boot against the wooden decking, "... we still run risk of capsizing in it's storms."

He finished his lengthy analogy, a wry smile threatening to positively part his face, one corner dangerously higher than the other. Atamar'drii then made his way over to the gunwale and loaded Northerly, his own crossbow, with one of the multitude of bolts that were at the ready on the deck.

2014-09-25, 04:06 PM
Kirnan thrusts a crossbow at the pining Atamar'drii. "By the gods, stop talking and shoot someone." He quickly starts loading his own. "I'll have that wizard down momentarily, Captain."

2014-09-26, 07:39 AM
"I'll have you know, Captain...", Atamar'drii allowed his emphasis on the word to hang for a moment, showing that the respect he was giving was due to the woman's rank. "... that that 'stray trollop', as you so harshly demean a person of your own fair gender, aided in our escape not once this evening... but twice!", the bard held up two splayed fingers in a show, as if to further clarify his point.

Grace didn't even bother looking in Atamar'drii's direction, she had other things to focus on, but still barked out an answer "Her assistance earns her my thanks, but not my trust nor does it give her my respect."

2014-09-26, 10:05 AM
The bard adds, as an aside to the captain, where Merrilee could not hear, "In addition, Captain... the woman was just subjected to a fire spell that killed men thought to be made of stouter stuff. She has paid a price for helping us, a price that will likely tax her for some time. Is that not worth some small measure of compassion, in the least? I do not ask for your respect or trust on her behalf... merely that you remember what brought you to the sea for the first time, and then judge to see if the circumstances were so very different."

Atamar'drii finished loading Northerly, displaying the crossbow already in his hands for the heavily-armored fighter to see. "Dear, dear Kirnan. You see... this is why it is important that some of us use our heads for things other than ramming into things. And more often than not, words are what separates us from beasts. Words, when given the correct credence, have power."

The bard then moved amid ship so that most, if not all, of the crew could hear him. He then lowered the timber of his voice and began to sing a shanty that was rather well-known.

"O', I tell thee a tale,
Of old Brassbuckle Jim.
One fine day he set sail,
Here's what happ'ned to him.
A young lad of just twelve,
He was scrawny and pale.
Couldn't fasten a rope;
Didn't know head from tail.

But he had salt and grit,
And sea in his blood.
And he took no one's sh!t,
Taking bad with his good.
Then, before ye knew it,
Young Jim he was no more,
His name had caused a fit,
Among the waves and shore."

The half-elf then paused a beat or two, hoping that the rest of the crew would join him in the chorus. As he sang, he leveled his crossbow at the approaching wizard and loosed his bolt.

"O', our Brassbuckle Jim,
The best pirate there was!
We will all follow him,
Because of what he does!
No monster nor lawman
Denies us life or leave!
For the wind and the sun,
And the waves are for me!"

Using Inspire Confidence, granting every ally that can hear me a +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Not sure if I can attack yet, but for when I can...
[roll0] (Attack)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical Confirmation, if needed)

My crossbow is a +1 (already calculated in), has a range of 80' (not sure how far away he is when I fire), and has the knockback enchantment on it.

2014-10-02, 01:42 PM
The bard lands after having kicked the man overboard. "Huzzah! How's that for a daring do?!", Atamar'drii exclaimed, looking about to realize that it seemed as though no one had seen his spectacular display of acrobatic combat. The wind stolen from his sails, he sighs audibly and then goes about whatever orders Grace has for them to get underway. If it appeared that she was busy, the half-elf would move to where those in the longboats were trying to get onto the Godshadow, and lend a hand. Particularly, he sought out poor Merrilee.

"Oh, my dove! My poor, poor dove!", he called out gingerly. "Not to worry, we will seek out the finest healers in the Sword Coast and will undo this harsh treatment that has been set upon you! You are but knaves and uneven scoundrels!", Atamar'drii yelled towards the shore, chastising the soldiers; the matter of whether or not they could hear him did little to curb his scolding.

Grimacing, Merrilee stands stiffly, but the corner of her mouth twitches as you fawn over her. Well, she says in a lilting voice raw with pain, in for a penny, in for a pound, I say.

Grace scowled "Mr. Atamar'drii, If you don't stop fawning over this stray trollop, I'll split your side over the yardarm!" Till now, Grace had tolerated the presence of the new woman, if only because she hadn't the time to spare breath on scolding her fellow escapee on adding an unknown member to the escape. But her patience had officially run out, and she could no longer tolerate the half-elfs mid-battle courtship.

Taking the helm, Grace felt the timber in her grip, and breathed deep the smell of pitch that hung on the deck. To long had she been away from the sea, and now she could at last return to her love.

"Take up watch and drop the formast to half sails. Mr. Barless, We are in need of a Boatswain, I leave it in your hands. Tom, Take Clearwater and start trimming in those lines on the starboard aft, and make them tight. Mr. Targas, Raise the anchor and then brace the main! Mrs. Vergas, I don't like the look of the rigging on the forcastle, see if you can get some slack in the lines, we'll be needing it. Barkh, I need eyes on the bow, last thing we want to run aground in these shallows."

Grace saw the flying spellcaster approaching, and the frantic rowing of the guards following up from behind. "By thunder they are persistent. Fells, Bill, Man the ballista. You There!" Grace pointed at the woman that Atamar'drill had brought on board "You help Bill on the starbord, or get yourself below deck and out of the way!"

Grace swung the helm to the side, aiming to depart with haste from these waters. Freedom was mere inches away. "The rest of you, Delay our pursuers by any means available. I don't want a single one of them to get within a stones throw of my ship"

Merrilee's eyes flash dangerously upon being named a trollop, and a stray to boot, but she quickly calms herself.

AYE, Captain, roars Barless from near the bow. Make ready to weigh anchor! Step lively! No, Targas, blast ye, he bellows, spinning the massively dense man back around, the Captain said for you to raise the bleedin' ANCHOR, ye horse's ass!. Stand fast, I'll help w' the windlass. Verga, give us a hand, there's a good lass, The three of them quickly drag the anchor from the bottom, and secure the windlass. Verga sprints forward and leaps into the rigging.

Fells and Yellow Bill attend the ballista, wrenching the cover off of it, and beginning to ready it for firing. Merilee flinches slightly as she is called out, but trots over to Bill a bit uncertainly, but receives an instruction from him, and quickly fetches a ballista bolt from the bucket and fits it into the receiving groove, and helps wrench the unwieldy thing around to be facing the approaching longboat.

The Godshadow
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Godshadow_zps54d5117d.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Godshadow_zps54d5117d.png.html)

I will try to create character icons, but for now, here is where the NPC's are
Barless- D9
Verga- C4
Tobias- F12
Barkh- D3
Targas- D8
Smiling Tom- F13
Fells- D5
Yellow Bill- E5
Merrilee- D6

There is one flying wizard, holding a wand in his hand approximately 120 feet away and closing. There is a longboat pulling for all it is worth with ten soldiers inside it at 200', and a second longboat at 240'

The Anchor is up, sails are being raised.

The Godshadows aged timbers creak as the first sheets of canvas catch their first wisp of breeze, snapping and curling as though hungry for more. Shouting men (and a trio of women) scramble across the deck and into the rigging, preparing the ship to move. The bow of the ship lazily drifts to port, riding a slight crosscurrent, and small waves slap the hull. Shouting can clearly be heard, both from the approaching longships, and also from the splashing sailor swimming for his life away from you.

Three lifeless and smoking corpses lay in a row on the quarterdeck, the smell of roasted flesh apparent to any who come too near. The old ship's rudder finally catches, and the bow begins to turn more steadily to port, and the sails begin to fill in earnest. With a tiny lurch, the vessel begins to slide through the water, her bluff bow slapping breakers out of the way. We're underway, Captain, yells Barless, but we'll be a bit outrunning those we bastards. The wind and current are going to take us a bit nearer to 'em before it takes us beyond em.

The bard begins to sing as the crew works feverishly to get the vessel moving more quickly. Their hunched shoulders and tense faces relax a bit while finding the rhythm of the music. First Tom, then Tobias, and soon almost the entire crew is belting out the third verse of the song along with Atamar'drii, though most of them sound more akin to bullfrogs than musicians. Still, their resilience and will seemed to be holding, nay, bolstered by the sea shanty.

"O', our Brassbuckle Jim,
The best pirate there was!
We will all follow him,
Because of what he does!
No monster nor lawman
Denies us life or leave!
For the wind and the sun,
And the waves are for me!"

Two points to port, Captain, rumbles Barkh from the bow. Reef below!

At this point, the longboats are not going to be able to catch you unless you slow down or stop for them. The wizard in the air may realize this, as he slows his advance and hovers a few feet over the water, about 100 feet out or so. You can engage if you like, or not. The choice is yours! For now, you are free!

2014-10-02, 03:14 PM
Kirnan stays at the rail, crossbow in hand and watching the wizard. They weren't quite clear yet.

Readied action to fire if the wizard tries to attack.

2014-10-02, 03:19 PM
Atamar'drii likewise kept his crossbow trained upon the enemy wizard.

"Captain... shall I take the shot?"

I will also ready an action for if the wizard attacks. Alternately, if I may do so and Grace gives the order, I will fire then.

2014-10-02, 03:32 PM
"Hold your fire" Grace said, glancing at the two "If the spellslinger makes a move, put a stop to it, but it looks like their calling off the chase, and we don't want to be provoking them to reconsider"

2014-10-02, 04:36 PM
Aided By Smiling Tom, Haeldar climbed the rope for the ship, to find all of his mates ready to sail off. He noticed Atamar'drii and Kirnan pointing their crossbows and, interested, turned toward the flying wizard. Seeing that he was hovering not far from the water he started to move his hands to conjure a monstruosity against him. "They got three of us, I get one of them" He said to himself while he heard a voice
"Hold your fire" Grace said, glancing at the two "If the spellslinger makes a move, put a stop to it, but it looks like their calling off the chase, and we don't want to be provoking them to reconsider"

The wizard hesitated for a moment, then stopped. "Well, nevermind, We got enough of them anyway..." He went across the ship, searching for the equipment and, more importantly, for the potion he still needed.

2014-10-03, 11:26 AM
"Aye, Captain.", the bard replied. He lowered Northerly and unloaded it, placing the bolt back where he had gotten it from. He then grabbed the string and gently pulled the trigger, effectively dry-firing the crossbow. He re-slung it across his back and went about the business of helping to make sure that they were well underway.

When he had the chance, he went by to check on Merrilee. He truly felt bad for what had befallen her; and he imagined that she was quite possibly regretting her decision to side with them.

"How fare your winds, dove?", he said sympathetically, as he sidled up beside the woman, untying the knot she was struggling with and retying it properly in an effort to help.

2014-10-11, 08:36 AM
Kirnan finds a place to sit and starts removing his borrowed armor, wincing slightly at his injuries. "Does anyone know if there's food on board?"

2014-10-12, 07:32 PM
Merrilee, who doesn't really have a "function" on board, looks around at Kirnan and says, I'll go find out, see if there's something I can lay on for supper.. Not that I'm a cook, mind you, but at least I won't poison you. Or.. Will I? Through the pain of her burns, she still finds the willpower to smile innocently and sweetly, before dipping into a mocking curtsy and flouncing off to find the galley.

2014-10-12, 09:15 PM
Kirnan stares after her. "Well, I like her."

2014-11-16, 12:27 PM
Wearing his gleaming mithril armor, Kirnan heads belowdecks to see for himself just how much this ship needs to get it up to snuff.