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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Drunken Master (ToB Styled Base Class, with one new discipline)

2014-02-18, 04:27 PM
Alignment: Any, generally chaotic
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The drunken master’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) ×4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort|Ref|Will|Special Ability|Maneuvers Known |Maneuvers Prepared|Stances Known
1st|+0|+2|+2|+2|Alcoholic, Drink Like A Demon, Improvised Weapons |4 |1|1
2nd|+1|+3|+3|+3|Gulp It Down, Liquid Courage |5 |2|1
3rd|+2|+3|+3|+3| |5 |2|1
4th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Stubborn Drunk |6 |2|1
5th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Bonus Feat |6 |3|1
6th|+4|+5|+5|+5|Improved Improvised Weapons |7 |3|1
7th|+5|+5|+5|+5|Uncanny Dodge |7 |3|2
8th|+6/+1|+6|+6|+6| |8 |4|2
9th|+6/+1|+6|+6|+6|Liquid Power |8 |4|2
10th|+7/+2|+7|+7|+7|Bonus Feat |9 |4|2
11th|+8/+3|+7|+7|+7 |Greater Improvised Weapons |9 |5|2
12th|+9/+4|+8|+8|+8|Evasion |10 |5|2
13th|+9/+4|+8|+8|+8| |10 |5|3
14th|+10/+5|+9|+9|+9|Improved Uncanny Dodge |11 |6|3
15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+9|+9|Bonus Feat |11 |6|3
16th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Superior Improvised Weapons |12 |6|3
17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Improved Evasion |12 |7|3
18th|+13/+8/+3|+11|+11|+11| |13 |7|3
19th|+14/+9/+4|+11|+11|+11|More Liquid Power |13 |7|4
20th|+15/+10/+5|+12|+12|+12|Bonus Feat, Legendary Drunk |14 |8|4

Discipline Choices: Diamond Mind, Drunken Fist, Setting Sun, Stone Dragon

Refreshing/Preparing Maneuvers:
The Drunken Master has access to a small list of prepared maneuvers, which he can refresh by taking a drink of alcohol.

Refresh Single Maneuver: Move action to take a drink of alcohol (Swift action with the Gulp It Down ability)
Refresh All Maneuvers: Full-round action to take a drink of alcohol (Standard action with the Gulp It Down ability)
Prepare/Change Daily Maneuvers: One hour of stretching and exercise after a good nights rest (typically 8 hours)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Drunken masters are proficient with all simple, and improvised weapons, but no armor or shields. A drunken master that wears armor or a shield loses access to several abilities until it is unequipped.

Alcoholic (Ex):
A drunken master cannot gain immunity to alcohol (alcohol is commonly considered a poison for the purposes of immunities).

Drink Like a Demon (Ex): ery drink of alcohol he consumes has one of two effects.

Effect 1: A drunken master's body handles alcohol differently from other people's. He can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine, or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move action (swift action with the Gulp It Down ability).

{table=head]Drinks of Alcohol|Physical Ability Bonus|Mental Abilities Penalty|Fort Save
0-1|No Effect|No Effect|None
2-3|+2|-4|No Effect
4-5|+3|-5|Sickened for 1 round.
6-7|+4|-6|Fort or become nauseated for 1 round.
8-9|+5|-7|Fort or nauseated for 1 minute.
10+|+6|-8|Fort or Unconsciousness for 1d4 hours.
*For each additional drink beyond ten, you suffer a -2 cumulative penalty to the fortitude save against unconsciousness.
Effect 2: The drink has no effect, but recovers one or more spent maneuvers (Refreshing/Preparing Maneuvers, see above).

If one of the drunken master's mental ability scores reaches 2 or less from alcohol consumption, then the drunken master passes out, becoming unconscious for a minimum of 1d4+2 hours. Upon awakening, a passed out drunken master is fatigued, unless he slept for 8 hours or more.

The duration of these penalties/bonuses is a number of rounds equal to the character's drunken master level + 3. Each additional drink beyond the first increases the entire duration by 3 rounds.

Improvised Weapons (Ex):
While bottles and tankards are a drunken master's preferred improvised weapons, he can use furniture, farm implements, or nearly anything else at hand to attack his foes. A drunken master's improvised weapon deals as much damage as his unarmed strike plus an extra 1d4 points. Most improvised weapons deal bludgeoning damage, although some (a broken glass bottle, for example) would deal piercing or slashing damage.

When a drunken master rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll while using an improvised weapon, that weapon breaks apart and becomes useless. All bonuses and abilities that apply to a drunken master's unarmed attacks also apply to a drunken master's improvised weapons, except for those with a reach greater than 5 feet.

Gulp It Down (Ex):
At 2nd level, when consuming alcohol, the drunken master may take in a drink as a swift action, rather than a move action.

Also, this ability reduces the action for refreshing a single maneuver down to a swift action (or a standard action for all maneuvers).

Liquid Courage (Ex):
At 2nd level, whenever under the influence of alcohol a Drunken Master is immune to intimidate checks, as well as all other fear effects.

Stubborn Drunk (Ex):
A Drunken master is as tough as old leather, at 4th level it takes double the normal amount of nonlethal damage to knock him out.

Bonus Feat:
At 5th level, a drunken master may select any one fighter bonus feat as a bonus feat. At 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter, she may select another fighter bonus feat. A drunken master need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them.

Improved Improvised Weapons (Ex):
A drunken master of 6th level or higher can use long improvised weapons (such as ladders) as reach weapons according to their length, and improvised weapons with many protrusions (such as chairs) provide a +2 bonus on opponents' disarm attempts. Finally, large objects with broad, flat surfaces (such as tables) can be upended to become improvised tower shields.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
At 7th level, a drunken master retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a drunken master already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Liquid Power (Su):
At 9th level, the Drunken Master reacts to alcohol in strange ways. Choose two out of the following: Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Endure Elements, Lesser Restoration, or Resist Energy. From now on, when the Drunken Master takes a drink, he may instead receive the benefit as if he’d drunk an appropriate potion.

Greater Improvised Weapons (Ex):
At 11th level and higher, a drunken master wielding an improvised weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of damage instead of 1d4.

Evasion (Ex):
At 12th level or higher if a drunken master makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a drunken master is wearing no armor. A helpless drunken master does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
At 14th level and higher, a drunken master can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the drunken master by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has drunken master levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Superior Improvised Weapons (Ex):
At 16th level and higher, a drunken master wielding an improvised weapon deals an extra 1d12 points of damage instead of 1d8.

Improved Evasion (Ex):
At 17th level, a drunken master’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless drunken master does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

More Liquid Power (Su):
At 19th level, the Drunken Master gains more effects from liquid power. In addition to those chosen before, you may select two from the following: Cure Serious Wounds, Endure Elements, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Energy, or Restoration.

Legendary Drunk (Ex):
At 20th level, a Drunken Master has reached the highest peaks of his art. He now gains +4 on a single physical score, but only takes a -2 penalty on all mental scores when he uses his Drink Like A Demon class feature.

2014-02-18, 04:28 PM
New Skill

Perform (Drunken Boxing)
Modifying Ability Modifier: Dexterity

This style of performance incorporates aspects of balance, bluff, escape artist, jump, and tumble, but in special ways. For the purpose of simplicity, all checks associated with this discipline deal with this special perform check.

Table 3–1: Highest-Level Maneuvers Known (Source: ToB page 39)
Initiator Level| Maneuver Level
1st–2nd| 1st
3rd–4th| 2nd
5th–6th| 3rd
7th–8th| 4th
9th–10th| 5th
11th–12th| 6th
13th–4th| 7th
15th–16th| 8th
17th+| 9th

Drunken Fist
Governing Skill: Perform (Drunken Boxing)
Associated Weapons: Gauntlet (including spiked varieties), Improvised Weapons, Longsword, Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Short Sword, Slam, Spear, and Unarmed Strike.

Drunken Fist Stances:
A Drunken Master automatically gains unlimited access to all drunken fist stances as known stances, but must meet a prerequisite number of ranks. Once the necessary amount of ranks has been obtained, the drunken master can use these stances at will. The drunken master need not select them as known stances.


Drunken Fist Discipline List
New Maneuvers/Stances are listed in red.


Level 1

Relaxed Acrobatics
Drunken Dodge
Kip Up
Staggering Charge
Sudden Strike

Drunken Dodge
Drunken Fist (Counter)
Level: Drunken Master 1
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: N/A
Target: Self

Your constant bobbing and weaving leaves it difficult for enemies to keep you in range for attacks. Whenever something attacks you and misses, you may take a 5-foot step as an immediate action. This does not necessarily have to be away from them.

Staggering Charge
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 1
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full round action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

By tripping, stumbling, and staggering, a drunken master can make a charge attack that surprises his opponents. This ability has two beneficial aspects: First, the charge need not be in a straight line, even though the character can still move up to twice his speed. Second, if a drunken master makes a successful DC 15 Perform (Drunken Boxing) check before beginning a charge, his movement through threatened squares provokes no attacks of opportunity.

Relaxed Acrobatics
Drunken Fist (Boost)
Level: Drunken Master 1
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: End of turn

A drunken master is capable of fantastic feats of acrobatics. when activating this boost, he receives a +5 on Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks until the end of the turn.

Sudden Strike
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 1
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

Stumbling slightly, the drunken master appears to try and catch his balance. While doing so, the master subtly strikes out, attempting to deliver a blow to the target. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Perform (Drunken Boxing) check DC 15. If successful, the attack deals extra damage (+1d6 damage plus 1 damage per initiator level). If you fail the check, you still might deliver the strike normally, but you fall prone afterwards.

Kip Up
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 1
Necessary Ranks: 1
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

Flipping back into a ball, the drunken master launches himself into a standing position in an instant. While in this stance, the drunken master is able to stand up as a free action, without provoking attacks of opportunity.


Level 2

Duck and Cover
Drunken God With Internal Strength
Drunken God With The Sudden Waist Attack
Prone Strike

Drunken God With Internal Strength
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 2
Necessary Ranks: 6
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

Combining the coiling, stumbling, and the use of a tense leg (not tense all the time), the drunken master can develop many great openings, which gives a right moment to strike. Whenever the drunken master provokes an attack of opportunity from a creature within his reach, he can also strike back with an attack of his own. This does not allow you to make more Attacks of Opportunity than you can normally perform in a single round.

Drunken God With The Sudden Waist Attack
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 2
Necessary Ranks: 6
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

This stance involves incredible stamina because there's never a moment when the drunken master is at rest. This drunkard style always hits his opponent in a small circle in front of the user, meaning it is easier to avoid but allows the drunken master faster attacks. All drunken master attacks are made at a -2 to the attack roll, but you gain another attack each round at the highest base attack value.

This stance has a continued chance of fatiguing the drunken master. Each round, to maintain this stance the drunken master must make a DC Fortitude save (DC 10 + 2 per each round maintained). Failure means the drunken master become fatigued. If already fatigued, the drunken master becomes exhausted and cannot initiate this stance.

Duck and Cover
Drunken Fist (Counter)
Level: Drunken Master 2
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: N/A
Target: Self
Duration: until end of turn.

When the drunken master is attacked (before you find out if it was successful), he has the choice of dropping prone to attempt to avoid the attack. If you choose to drop prone, this maneuver grants a +4 dodge bonus to the drunken master's armor class until the end of the turn. If this dodge bonus makes the enemy's initial attack lower than your newly adjusted AC, then it misses.

Prone Strike
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 2
Prerequisite: Must be prone to initiate. Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

As part of this attack maneuver, make a DC 15 Perform (Drunken Boxing) check. If successful, the drunken master may make an attack from prone without suffering the penalties normally suffered from being prone. Furthermore, if the attack is successful, the drunken master may move 5 feet in any direction (he is still prone, though).


Level 3

Drunken Sleep
Loosey Goosey
Battle Strikes
On The Rocks
Twist of Lime

On the Rocks
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 3
Prerequisite: Must be drunk, must be grappled.
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: melee attack
Target: one or more creatures

The Drunken master slams his grappled target hard against the ground, a wall or any other large object. As part of this maneuver, the drunken master be currently grappling the target. While grappling, the drunken master can deal damage to his opponent equivalent to an improvised attack. Make an opposed grapple check in place of an attack. If successful, the drunken master deals damage to the grappled opponent and the object/surface (as if the object/surface had been hit with a sunder attempt).

Battle Strikes
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 3
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: melee attack
Target: one or more creatures

Striking furiously, the drunken master attempts to deliver multiple strikes at high speed. Depending on how many ranks he has in Perform (Drunken Boxing), it gains more attacks in a full round action. This does not stack with any ability that grants extra attacks; such as haste, the speed weapon property, etc. All these attacks are made at the drunken master's full base attack bonus minus 2 (plus strength modifier).

# of Attacks|Perform (Drunken Boxing) Ranks
5|19 or more

Loosey Goosey
Drunken Fist (Counter)
Level: Drunken Master 3
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: N/A
Target: Self

When a creature attempts to grapple the drunken master, roll a DC (10 + Enemy Hit Dice + enemy's size modifier) Perform (drunken boxing) check. If successful, you evade their attempt. If you are already grappled and you perform this maneuver, add +5 to your grapple attempt to break the grapple.

Drunken Sleep
Drunken Fist (Boost)
Level: Drunken Master 3
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: line of sight.
Target: one opponent
Duration: varies (see text)

As you initiate this boost, the Drunken Fist falls down, making a Perform (Drunken Boxing) check opposed to his opponent's Sense Motive. If the drunken Fist's check is higher, the opponent believes him to be asleep and is considered flat-footed against the next attack the drunken master makes. If the opponents check is higher the Drunken Fist is merely prone. Each time this is used after the first, the opponent gains a +4 insight bonus on its opposed sense motive check.

Twist of Lime
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master
Prerequisite: Must be drunk, must be prone
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

While prone, the drunken master spins around on the ground, using the momentum gained to rise to his feet, before delivering a powerful strike. As part of this maneuver, make an attack roll against the target. If successful, your attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage.


Level 4

Dodging Strike
Drunkard With The Powerful Throat Lock
Drunken God With The Double Kicks
Crushing Grapes

Dodging Strike
Drunken Fist (Counter)
Level: Drunken Master 4
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: N/A
Target: Self

When the drunken master is attacked (before you find out if it was successful), make an attack roll to oppose their roll. If it is higher than the attacker's roll, their attack misses and the drunken master hits them instead. This counts as an attack of opportunity for the purposes of how many you can make each round.

Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 4
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full round action
Range: 20 ft. cone
Target: all targets within range
Duration: see text.
Saving throw: reflex partial; fort negates

As part of this maneuver, the drunken master takes a large drink of alcohol, before regurgitating it violently in a cone shaped burst. Those within range must make two saves. First, a reflex save or be coated in alcohol and vomit. Those that fail this reflex save suffer a -4 penalty on the following fortitude save.

Whether or not the targets are successful, all targets within range must make a second saving throw, this time a fortitude save (DC 14 + drunken master's constitution modifier) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. If the targets fail by 10 or more, it is instead nauseated for 1d6 rounds.

Crushing Grapes
Drunken Fist (Strike) 4
Level: Drunken Master
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one object

Striking with sheer destructive power, the drunken master makes a single sunder attempt against an object. This attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage and overcomes all hardness.

Drunkard With The Powerful Throat Lock
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 4
Necessary Ranks: 10
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

While in this stance, the drunken master performs numerous flips (many without even jumping) and powerful strikes to the throat (and other vital areas). While in this stance, the gain a +4 bonus on confirming critical hits and deal 1d6 extra damage (which is not multiplied on a potential critical hit). Creatures immune to critical hits or precision damage are immune to this extra bonus/damage.

Drunken God With The Double Kicks
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 4
Necessary Ranks: 10
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

While using this stance, the drunken master can use this leaping and tumbling stance to keep an opponent at a distance. Enemies that perform any movement (even 5 foot steps) within the drunken master's reach provokes an attack. This also adds a +4 bonus on all bluff checks on feint attempts against opponents in range. However, the drunken master must always move at least 5 feet every round.


Level 5

Evasive Movements
Corkscrew rush

Corkscrew Rush
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 5
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

By leaping forward in a charge and twisting his body in midair, the drunken master attempts to head-butt an opponent. When making a charge attack he can, in addition to dealing normal damage, initiate a bull rush (without provoking an attack of opportunity). If the bull rush attempt succeeds, the opponent is effected by another effect (see below). However, if the bull rush attempt fails, the drunken master lands prone in front of the opponent.

Initiator Level 6th: If you hit the creature it is Dazed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1 round). A Fortitude Save negates this effect.

Initiator Level 12th: If you hit the creature it is Stunned for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A successful Fortitude Save causes the creature to be Dazed for 1 round.

Initiator Level 18th: If you hit the creature it is Paralyzed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A successful Fort Save causes the creature to be Stunned for 1 round.

Evasive Movements
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 6
Necessary Ranks: 5
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

the drunken master's constant random bobbing and weaving making it more difficult to follow and track. While in this stance, the drunken master gains a miss chance, which does not stack with concealment.

Concealment %|Perform (Drunken Boxing) Ranks
15 %|5 or less
20 %|6-10
25 %|11-15
30 %|16 or higher

Level 6

Drunken God With Crippled Leg
Drunken God Holding Large Keg
Breath of Flame
Drunken Smash

Breath of Flame
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 6
Prerequisite: Torch, Tindertwig, or another handheld fire source; held out in front. Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

This is a supernatural effect.

A drunken master can ignite some of the alcohol within his body and spew it forth from his mouth as a standard action. This breath of flame deals 5d6 points +1d6 per four initiator levels of fire damage to all within the 20-foot cone, or half damage to those who make a Reflex save (DC 16 + the drunken master's Con modifier).

Each time a drunken master uses breath of flame, it consumes one drink's worth of alcohol from within his body, lessening the penalty to his mental ability scores by one decrease and reducing the bonus to his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score (character's choice) by one increase.

Drunken God With Crippled Leg
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 6
Necessary Ranks: 14
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

While in this stance, the drunken master leaves itself more open to attacks while striking harder and faster. Every attack the drunken master deals provokes an attack of opportunity, but double his strength modifier on damage rolls.

Drunken God Holding Large Keg
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 6
Necessary Ranks: 14
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

A very effective stance, as it uses large fast, very accurate movements to attack. The drunken master keeps his arms in a circle in front of himself as much as possible, as if he were holding a large keg (unless he is actually holding one :smallsmile:). The drunken master treats his base attack bonus as if it were equal to his level.

Drunken Smash
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 6
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft. radius, centered on drunken master
Target: all non-flying targets within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: reflex partial

Slamming his body to the ground, the drunken master creates a powerful shockwave, which reverberates outward from the drunken master's prone body. All targets within the shockwave's range take 4d6 damage + 1 damage per initiator level (Max 20th). In addition, the targets have a reflex save (DC 16 + drunken master's strength modifier) to NOT be knocked prone.


Level 7

Just A Sip

Just A Sip
Drunken Fist (Counter)
Level: Drunken Master 7
Prerequisite: Must be drunk, alcohol in hand.
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: melee attack
Target: self

The drunken master leans away to take a drink of alcohol, potentially dodging an incoming attack. As part of this maneuver, make a Perform (drunken boxing) check. If your check is higher than the attack roll, the drunken master negates the hit. (Essentially, the check result becomes the drunken master’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the drunken master's regular AC.)

Level 8

Drunken God With Long Flute
Drunken Goddess
Face to Floor

Drunken God With Long Flute
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 8
Necessary Ranks: 18
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

This stance is incredibly powerful, but always seem to knock the drunken master off balance. While in this stance, the drunken master can perform a single attack that deals double damage, but always causes the drunken master to fall prone afterwards.

Drunken Goddess
Drunken Fist (Stance)
Level: Drunken Master 8
Necessary Ranks: 18
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

An unusual and awkward stance, its movements are confusing, exaggerated and often flamboyantly feminine, but are very powerful. All opponents attacked while in this stance are considered flat-footed for the purposes of these attacks.

Face to Floor
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 8
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full round action
Area: 20 ft. radius burst, centered on self
Saving Throw: reflex half

The drunken master leaps into the air, before tensing his body and falling to the ground; striking it with his whole body, flinging shards and rubble.

As part of this maneuver, make a jump check (Counts as a Long Jump; DC 10). If the jump is successful, the drunken master leaps into the air and slams into the ground with full force. This flings small stones and rubble throughout the area, turning the surface of the ground in the maneuver's area into dense rubble (DMG 90). The shards and stones deal 1d6 points of damage per initiator level (maximum 15d6) to all in range, unless they make a reflex save (DC 18 + drunken master's strength modifier) for half damage. This maneuver has no effect in desert terrain or on solid stone.

If the jump check fails, the drunken master merely falls prone and the maneuver is expended.


Level 9

Stomach Inferno

Stomach Inferno
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master 9
Prerequisite: Torch, Tindertwig, or another handheld fire source; held out in front. Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: melee attack
Target: one creature

This is a supernatural effect.

A drunken master can ignite all of the alcohol within his body and spew it forth from his mouth as a standard action. This breath of flame deals 10d6 points +1d6 per two initiator levels of fire damage to all within the 40-foot cone, or half damage to those who make a Reflex save (DC 19 + the drunken master's Con modifier).

Each time a drunken master uses Stomach Inferno, this maneuver removes all alcohol based effects from the drunken master.


2014-02-18, 04:29 PM
Reserved for whatnot

2014-02-18, 05:18 PM
Reserved for whatnot

2014-02-18, 06:23 PM
You should have a counter maneuver that allows a simultaneous dodge and attack. Like, when you are attacked, make an attack roll, if it is higher than the attacker's roll their attack misses and you hit them instead. Or some variation of that.

You may have a maneuver that lets you avoid an attack or damage by going prone on purpose. Then a maneuver that lets you attack from prone without a penalty, perhaps with a tumble check and a five foot movement.

There should be an ability that gives you a bonus to avoid/escape from grapples, too. Could call it Loosey Goosey

2014-02-18, 11:28 PM
good ideas. I'll work on them (and others) tomorrow.

2014-02-19, 06:32 AM
You need to include maneuvers in their level 1 abilities, and include how they recover said abilities. 1 as a swift action? All as a full round action? Etc.

2014-02-19, 08:40 AM
Why is there a casting time to a maneuver? Maneuvers aren't spells so they don't have spell components either.

2014-02-19, 11:18 AM
You need to include maneuvers in their level 1 abilities, and include how they recover said abilities. 1 as a swift action? All as a full round action? Etc.

i haven't decided how it will work yet. any ideas?

Why is there a casting time to a maneuver? Maneuvers aren't spells so they don't have spell components either.

Initiation Action:

got it... wasn't sure what they called them.

2014-02-19, 12:38 PM
got up to 3rd level maneuvers and stances posted. I still need one more 3rd level one though.

2014-02-19, 01:30 PM
i haven't decided how it will work yet. any ideas?

The most obvious recovery method is that you recover maneuvers whenever you consume alcohol.

The class looks pretty cool, though. really does get that flavor across

2014-02-19, 01:54 PM
The most obvious recovery method is that you recover maneuvers whenever you consume alcohol.

The class looks pretty cool, though. really does get that flavor across

Swig: Refresh 1 maneuver used (swift action)
Gulp: Refresh all maneuvers used (move action)
Chug: Switch out any maneuvers readied for others, refresh you maneuvers: (standard action)

No full round actions for this, it sucks on the swordsage and makes it very unuseful in battle.


Evasive Maneuvers shouldn't be based on bluff. The DM isn't bluffing an opponent, they actually are pretty drunk. I would say make it a Perform: Drunken Boxing (Dex) or Acrobatics (Dex) check instead that may only be used when under the influence of alcohol.

Corkscrew Rush... Love it. Though stunned may be to powerful for DMs to allow at such a low level. You should make it increase in power with higher level Corckacrew Rush attacks. Daze to Stun to Paralyzed.

Level 3: If you hit the creature it is Dazed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1 round). A Fortitude Save negates this effect.

Level 6: If you hit the creature it is Stunned for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A successful Fortitude Save causes the creature to be Dazed for 1 round.

Level 9: If you hit the creature it is Paralyzed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A succeasful Fort Save causes the creature to be Stunned for 1 round.

Duck and Cover: Love the idea... However it doesn't give a bonus to AC. It actually just negates the penalty for being prone. Word it so that they get a bonus of +4 against the triggering attack and then after the attack you are prone. If you are if you drop prone before the attack the attacker will get a +4 for being at higher ground.

As you have it...

Attacker: I swing my sword to cleave him in twain!
DM: I drop prone and get a +4 to my AC!
Attacker: Attack Roll + 4 (higher ground) versus DM AC +4

The way to make it useful...

Attacker: I swing my sword to cleave him in twain!
DM: I see his strike and doge getting +4 to my AC!
Attacker: Attack Roll versus DM AC +4 (hits or misses)
DM: My dodge left me on the ground prone after his attack was resolved. I"m wiggling around and moving so I keep my +4 to AC until my next turn.

The first way makes it where there is no benefit to use this maneuver while the second way does.

I think the maneuver you wrote was intended to work the second way but with how actions work in D&D it would have came out the first way. Immediate actions interrupt an action and goes before it.

Also at higher levels you should give the option of taking a 5 foot step before falling prone... Mostly for how cool that could be.

2014-02-19, 05:38 PM
Unless he somehow has an unlimited supply of alcohol, making alcohol refresh his maneuvers is terrible. You're going to tell me that if I am out in the wilderness and run out of alcohol, I am LESS useful than a fighter?

Bull. But, saying any cup he holds is automagically filled with alcohol as a purely mental free action would be fine.

2014-02-19, 06:13 PM
Swig: Refresh 1 maneuver used (swift action)
Gulp: Refresh all maneuvers used (move action)
Chug: Switch out any maneuvers readied for others, refresh you maneuvers: (standard action)

Ready your maneuvers in the night/morning. 4 hours of hard drinking after/before 8 hours of hard sleeping. You might be able to split that up for 2 hours before AND after sleeping.

No full round actions for this, it sucks on the swordsage and makes it very unuseful in battle.

Theres a feat for that, I believe, but when you figure in that in... compared to swordsage, this has generally half as as many maneuvers as the swordsage. It shouldn't be another feat tax to have to deal with refresh rates.


Evasive Maneuvers shouldn't be based on bluff. The DM isn't bluffing an opponent, they actually are pretty drunk. I would say make it a Perform: Drunken Boxing (Dex) or Acrobatics (Dex) check instead that may only be used when under the influence of alcohol.


Corkscrew Rush... Love it. Though stunned may be too powerful for DMs to allow at such a low level. You should make it increase in power with higher level Corkscrew Rush attacks. Daze to Stun to Paralyzed.

Level 3: If you hit the creature it is Dazed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1 round). A Fortitude Save negates this effect.

Level 6: If you hit the creature it is Stunned for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A successful Fortitude Save causes the creature to be Dazed for 1 round.

Level 9: If you hit the creature it is Paralyzed for 1d4 -1 rounds (minimum 1). A succeasful Fort Save causes the creature to be Stunned for 1 round.

Duck and Cover: Love the idea... However it doesn't give a bonus to AC. It actually just negates the penalty for being prone. Word it so that they get a bonus of +4 against the triggering attack and then after the attack you are prone. If you are if you drop prone before the attack the attacker will get a +4 for being at higher ground.

As you have it...

Attacker: I swing my sword to cleave him in twain!
DM: I drop prone and get a +4 to my AC!
Attacker: Attack Roll + 4 (higher ground) versus DM AC +4

The way to make it useful...

Attacker: I swing my sword to cleave him in twain!
DM: I see his strike and doge getting +4 to my AC!
Attacker: Attack Roll versus DM AC +4 (hits or misses)
DM: My dodge left me on the ground prone after his attack was resolved. I"m wiggling around and moving so I keep my +4 to AC until my next turn.

The first way makes it where there is no benefit to use this maneuver while the second way does.

I think the maneuver you wrote was intended to work the second way but with how actions work in D&D it would have came out the first way. Immediate actions interrupt an action and goes before it.

Also at higher levels you should give the option of taking a 5 foot step before falling prone... Mostly for how cool that could be.

lots to incorporate. gonna get to work on it.

2014-02-19, 06:15 PM
Unless he somehow has an unlimited supply of alcohol, making alcohol refresh his maneuvers is terrible. You're going to tell me that if I am out in the wilderness and run out of alcohol, I am LESS useful than a fighter?

Bull. But, saying any cup he holds is automagically filled with alcohol as a purely mental free action would be fine.

Did you not see Drunken Master (1978)...? A quest for alcohol became a central plot point... :smallsmile: :smallcool:

2014-02-19, 06:30 PM
Just looking over maneuvers:

Dodging Strike: This is a flat out better version of Wall of Blades (a good 2nd level maneuver). It actually is more in line with 4th or 5th level martial maneuvers in ToB. In a lot of ways it combines Fiery Riposte (Lv 2) except better and Wall of Blades (also Lv 2) and combining things is significantly better due to action economy.

Evasive Movements : Should grant a miss chance that does not stack with concealment, not actual concealment. Concealment lets you hide. It also should not reach 50% miss chance as that is stronger than any official stance (compare 8th level stances which include DR 5/- which is roughly equal to 30% concealment against full attacks from CR 20 foes straight from the monster manual [exception tarrasque where it's worse]), and should probably be a higher level stance.

Loosey Goosey: I'd have made this use Bluff (at a bonus probably +10) in place of an Escape Artist check to avoid grapple, myself.

Corkscrew Rush: Should be a full-round action which includes a charge (see Battleleader's Charge and Charging Minotaur). Should possibly allow a save and/or be daze. Should definitely not be a multiround effect and should probably be 4th level. Compare Irresistible Mountain Strike which is a Lv 6 maneuver, +4d6 damage and Fort versus losing Standard action.

2014-02-19, 09:39 PM
Just looking over maneuvers:

Dodging Strike: This is a flat out better version of Wall of Blades (a good 2nd level maneuver). It actually is more in line with 4th or 5th level martial maneuvers in ToB. In a lot of ways it combines Fiery Riposte (Lv 2) except better and Wall of Blades (also Lv 2) and combining things is significantly better due to action economy.

Evasive Movements : Should grant a miss chance that does not stack with concealment, not actual concealment. Concealment lets you hide. It also should not reach 50% miss chance as that is stronger than any official stance (compare 8th level stances which include DR 5/- which is roughly equal to 30% concealment against full attacks from CR 20 foes straight from the monster manual [exception tarrasque where it's worse]), and should probably be a higher level stance.
Loosey Goosey: I'd have made this use Bluff (at a bonus probably +10) in place of an Escape Artist check to avoid grapple, myself.

Corkscrew Rush: Should be a full-round action which includes a charge (see Battleleader's Charge and Charging Minotaur). Should possibly allow a save and/or be daze. Should definitely not be a multiround effect and should probably be 4th level. Compare Irresistible Mountain Strike which is a Lv 6 maneuver, +4d6 damage and Fort versus losing Standard action.

Loosey Goosey wouldn't make sense as bluff or perform, it comes from being entirely relaxed, not deception. Escape Artist makes the most sense.

I do like the Dex based performance skill, it makes sense for the deceptive element of drunken boxing.

Just a nitpick, but the prone kick should probably be renamed prone attack or ground attack, since it could be performed with a weapon as well. Drunken weapon techniques include ground work as well as empty hand forms. Watch the 1982 Shaolin Temple with Jet Li for a drunken sword. I can't think of a movie off the top of my head with drunken spear or staff, but they certainly exist IRL. Drunken Fist should also have also have associated weapons: scimitar/dao, rapier or longsword (or whatever you think the equivalent of a jian would be), and spear.

2014-02-19, 10:18 PM
Okay, gonna have to come back to this tomorrow sometime. Gotta get ready for work.

Added a section on the 8 drunken immortals under maneuvers.

2014-02-19, 10:39 PM

Drunken Fist should also have also have associated weapons: scimitar/dao, rapier or longsword (or whatever you think the equivalent of a jian would be), and spear.

I don't agree with this. Although I did include quarterstaff and punching dagger to the list of preferred weapons, I really had trouble with the idea of adding anything other than Slams, Unarmed Strikes and Improvised Weapons.

Quarterstaff made the list because of its use as a walking implement and for the fact that its so heavily utilized in martial arts movies dealing with drunken masters.

Punching dagger was an afterthought... and the more I think about it, the less it belongs on the list...

2014-02-19, 11:23 PM
I don't agree with this. Although I did include quarterstaff and punching dagger to the list of preferred weapons, I really had trouble with the idea of adding anything other than Slams, Unarmed Strikes and Improvised Weapons.

Quarterstaff made the list because of its use as a walking implement and for the fact that its so heavily utilized in martial arts movies dealing with drunken masters.

Punching dagger was an afterthought... and the more I think about it, the less it belongs on the list...

So you're thinking only unarmed drunken boxing based on the Jackie Chan movie and/or fighting games, rather than applying the drunken style to martial arts in general. Do you think it would be unbalanced in game-terms to allow access to other weapons? Because there seriously are real-life drunken techniques for jian, dao, spear and staff (as well as improvised weapons like beggar stick and bowl)

In terms of the 8 immortals, Lu Dong Bin is the scholar warrior who's symbol is the jian/sword. It's totally appropriate in terms of lore as well as actual martial arts. Though I know sometimes game balance needs to take precedence over realism.

Check out this dude

2014-02-19, 11:31 PM
Unless he somehow has an unlimited supply of alcohol, making alcohol refresh his maneuvers is terrible. You're going to tell me that if I am out in the wilderness and run out of alcohol, I am LESS useful than a fighter?

Bull. But, saying any cup he holds is automagically filled with alcohol as a purely mental free action would be fine.

If you run out of alcohol for that long you are going into detox... So yeah you would be less useful than a fighter...

But seriously those can be alternative measures. Perhaps just give him the warblade recovery method and then add in the drinking for cool factor.

2014-02-20, 06:49 PM
So you're thinking only unarmed drunken boxing based on the Jackie Chan movie and/or fighting games, rather than applying the drunken style to martial arts in general. Do you think it would be unbalanced in game-terms to allow access to other weapons? Because there seriously are real-life drunken techniques for jian, dao, spear and staff (as well as improvised weapons like beggar stick and bowl)

In terms of the 8 immortals, Lu Dong Bin is the scholar warrior who's symbol is the jian/sword. It's totally appropriate in terms of lore as well as actual martial arts. Though I know sometimes game balance needs to take precedence over realism.

Check out this dude

alright, they are added to the list.


Drunken Smash
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master (#)
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft. radius, centered on drunken master
Target: all non-flying targets within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: reflex partial

Slamming his body to the ground, the drunken master creates a powerful shockwave, which reverberates outward from the drunken master's prone body. All targets within the shockwave's range take 2d8 damage + 1 damage per initiator level (Max 20th). In addition, the targets have a reflex save (10 + 1/2 drunken master's initiator level + drunken master's strength modifier) to NOT be knocked prone.

Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master (#)
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 full round action
Range: 20 ft. cone
Target: all targets within range
Duration: see text.
Saving throw: reflex partial; fort negates

As part of this maneuver, the drunken master takes a large drink of alcohol, before regurgitating it violently in a cone shaped burst. Those within range must make two saves. First, a reflex save or be coated in alcohol and vomit. Those that fail this reflex save suffer a -4 penalty on the following fortitude save.

Whether or not the targets are successful, all targets within range must make a second saving throw, this time a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 drunken master's initiator level + his constitution modifier) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. If the targets fail by 10 or more, it is instead nauseated for 1d6 rounds.

2014-02-21, 08:58 AM
alright, they are added to the list.


Drunken Smash
Drunken Fist (Strike)
Level: Drunken Master (#)
Prerequisite: Must be drunk.
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft. radius, centered on drunken master
Target: all non-flying targets within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: reflex partial

Slamming his body to the ground, the drunken master creates a powerful shockwave, which reverberates outward from the drunken master's prone body. All targets within the shockwave's range take 2d8 damage + 1 damage per initiator level (Max 20th). In addition, the targets receives a reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 initiator level + strength modifier), failing this causes anyone damaged to be knocked prone.

Both are very nice.

I made a change as a suggestion though to the wording of your first one.

Full initiator level on the save is crazy high and you don't most ToB maneuvers are based on all initiator levels not just the one from that class. Remember that Fighters may take the feats to gain access to these abilities.

2014-02-21, 01:15 PM
Maneuver save DCs are 10 + Maneuver level + an ability score based upon the discipline.

2014-02-21, 01:40 PM
Maneuver save DCs are 10 + Maneuver level + an ability score based upon the discipline.

Is it? Well that makes sense sense.

Why was I remembering 1/2 level... Oh well.

That works out well.

2014-02-21, 01:46 PM
Is it? Well that makes sense sense.

Why was I remembering 1/2 level... Oh well.

That works out well.

okay, i'll correct it in a little bit. got a meeting at work i got to attend. probably will work on it around 4pm-ish.

2014-02-21, 06:44 PM
Maneuver save DCs are 10 + Maneuver level + an ability score based upon the discipline.

factored this in and will note this in the future.

2014-02-23, 09:41 AM
Posted some new maneuvers/stances

Work In Progress

Drunken Leg
Drunken Fist (Boost/Strike)

Not sure...

Staggered Backhand
Drunken Fist (Strike)

An attack that catches the foe flat-footed.

Sweep Kick
Drunken Fist (Strike)

Something that trips

Twisting Flask
Drunken Fist (Counter)

Perhaps something that counters by disarming a foe.

2014-02-24, 07:18 PM
This seems like a really interesting and fun discipline. Overall, most of the maneuvers seem to be fine, balance-wise. Some issues I have with this in its current state:

To many stances. It makes it look cluttered, as if you had to many ideas and didn't know what to do with them. I prefer 4 stances in a discipline, max 5 really. Just make them scale with ranks and combine/scrap some bonuses. Overall, for a neat design, I think a discipline should have 18 to 21 maneuvers and 4 stances. These should preferably scale to retain some form of usefulness at any level of play.

It has a LOT of preferred weapons, I don't really find the sword fitting, but meh, it doesn't matter that much.

I don't think the body-slam-the-ground strikes fit drunken boxing style that well.

Suggestion: A unique and interesting mechanic for this discipline could be that you scale the maneuver effectiveness with the number of "drinkings/alcohol" you had. This could be tracked with a simple dice (D6: 1 little tipsy / 6 hammered). For example; the damage of the fire attacks can be based on the alcohol level, and you could base more around this.

Anyway, keep working on it, it certainly has great potential!

2014-02-24, 08:02 PM
This seems like a really interesting and fun discipline. Overall, most of the maneuvers seem to be fine, balance-wise. Some issues I have with this in its current state:

To many stances. It makes it look cluttered, as if you had to many ideas and didn't know what to do with them. I prefer 4 stances in a discipline, max 5 really. Just make them scale with ranks and combine/scrap some bonuses. Overall, for a neat design, I think a discipline should have 18 to 21 maneuvers and 4 stances. These should preferably scale to retain some form of usefulness at any level of play.

It has a LOT of preferred weapons, I don't really find the sword fitting, but meh, it doesn't matter that much.

I don't think the body-slam-the-ground strikes fit drunken boxing style that well.

Suggestion: A unique and interesting mechanic for this discipline could be that you scale the maneuver effectiveness with the number of "drinkings/alcohol" you had. This could be tracked with a simple dice (D6: 1 little tipsy / 6 hammered). For example; the damage of the fire attacks can be based on the alcohol level, and you could base more around this.

Anyway, keep working on it, it certainly has great potential!

I believe 11 stances is alot, but its hard to cut any from my point of view.

There is precedence for those weapons, but considering that this class has no true features that require the actual use of those weapons, with the exception of improvised weapons, then a large list doesn't really matter. you could use any weapon you wish, without penalty, with this discipline/class. Nothing is really stopping you, since nothing requires you to use a specific type of weapon.

I can work with that. a lot of source material got cut out because it didn't feel right. I guess that is fine to remove as well.

A good idea... I like it. Lets expand upon it.

2014-02-24, 08:16 PM
Suggestion: A unique and interesting mechanic for this discipline could be that you scale the maneuver effectiveness with the number of "drinkings/alcohol" you had. This could be tracked with a simple dice (D6: 1 little tipsy / 6 hammered). For example; the damage of the fire attacks can be based on the alcohol level, and you could base more around this.

Anyway, keep working on it, it certainly has great potential!

Drink Like a Demon (Ex):
A drunken master's body handles alcohol differently from other people's. He can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine, or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move action (swift action with the Gulp It Down ability). During Combat, every drink of alcohol he consumes has one of two effects.

Effect 1: Reduce all mental ability scores by 2 each, but increases his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution (drunken master's choice) by 2 points.
Effect 2: The drink has no effect, but recovers one or more spent maneuvers (Refreshing/Preparing Maneuvers, see above).

If one of the drunken master's mental ability scores reaches 2 or less from alcohol consumption, then the drunken master passes out, becoming unconscious for a minimum of 1d4+2 hours. Upon awakening, a passed out drunken master is fatigued, unless he slept for 8 hours or more.

The duration of these penalties/bonuses is a number of rounds equal to the character's drunken master level + 3. Each additional drink beyond the first increases the entire duration by 3 rounds.

Okay, so perhaps a third effect? perhaps a 1 through 10 drink count?

2014-02-25, 03:17 AM
How about changing the stats effects based on the level as well? A D8 could make up for 5 levels, it should stay practical as well for the player. So, I think this might work best. Example:

0-1| No Effect
2-3| +2 Stat, -2 Stat
4-5| Effect 2
6-7| Effect 3
8|Effect 4

• Evasive Movements (I really like this one, fits well) could be based on this instead?

• Maybe introduce some damage reduction as in pain ignorement/numbed nerves.

• The Drunken God With Long Flute stance effect could be implemented in a tactical option of the feat associated with this discipline (normally disciplines have to feats linked to them).

GTG now, will check in later.