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2014-04-22, 11:14 PM
Grimm raises an eyebrow at Osra. "I do believe that was the longest string of words you've graced me with since we've met! So masterful and commanding! I feel faint ..." he grins, merrily. "I'd been hoping for less talk - at least with villagers, that is," here he winks at Trixie, "and more action, but I'll bend to your will, lady." He pulls a sweeping bow, then offers his arm to Trixie. "Shall we be off, love? We're to question the natives. Though it does seem," this he adds conversationally as an aside, "you've been naughty enough to accrue some intolerance. Well done!"


2014-04-23, 07:52 AM
Arcane Destruction: The woman turns her head to look back at Osra and nods.

Walking further towards the hamlet, you begin to see a couple fields on the far side of the meadow past the town that are bare earth. You notice a few people still working out in these fields despite the darkening sky. All these armed sentries must be meant to protect them while they get the hard plowing/sowing work done. You also note that many of them are turned to watch you as you go; a trifle paranoid, it seems.

As you approach, you can see that, yes, many of the lights are in fact tree houses, but they are rather small and crude by elven standards, being supported by posts and ropes more than the trees themselves. A few rope-and-plank walkways connect the largest ones together; these having actual side doors, the rest just having hatches that are climbed into via rope ladders. The tree houses are the only structures in the center of the pinetree grove; all the cabins and cottages surround that central area. Perhaps these tree houses are merely a last line of defense if the hamlet is attacked? None of them look particularly comfortable.

It turns out that the woman has followed you into Gladeroot, having realized that she ought to tell the "elders" what you have told her. She introduces Osra to the sentries on the way in, and to a few other folk here and there along their way into the hamlet. Erindar follows the two women. Grimm, with Trixie in tow, tries his hand at engaging some of villagers into conversation. Most are rather untalkative, requesting that he get to the point, then pointing him to someone else once he does. This leads him in smaller and smaller circles as folk point him to people who have already pointed him to someone else. Few even look at Trixie. Grimm quickly loses patience; he's trying to help these folk and they don't seem to appreciate it. Before long, he resigns himself to waiting for Osra and Erindar while he rests by an outdoor campfire that some of the locals have set up. However, he quickly finds himself in good spirits again, telling "stories" to some of the younger and less critical folk who happen to be present, while making a meal of some rations.

Osra and Erindar are led into the center of Gladeroot, to the largest of the structures on the ground; a second-story a-framed lodge with a large feldstone chimney on the back wall. You don't see the inside; these "elders" are all sitting on chairs on the lodge's front porch. Above the porch is a balcony that connects to a nearby treehouse with a narrow suspended walkway. There is a glass lamp sitting on one table that provides light. It seems that the elders are simply the oldest folk in the hamlet. The woman recites to them what you told her, though from the perspective of someone who hasn't experienced the events. They seem particularly interested in the goblin ambush, with several of the blue-bearded males asking for specific details. Overall, they don't say much; they're more interested in learning than sharing.

When she's done speaking, the woman turns to leave, "Thank you for doing this." Her voice is small is saying this.
You then take the time to try and pry some information from the elders. They're quick to speak of the goblins; they fortify the suggestion that it was the wolf tribe that you fought. Apparently that was the most aggressive goblin tribe in these parts, which has dwindled over the years from conflicts with the various inhabitants of the forest, including the people of Gladeroot. Since you brought down "Vox" (the goblin leader, who apparently was known to them), and several of the others, they suspect that the tribe will break up, if any remain. They mention that there are a couple other tribes nearby, but that most dwell in caves or root warrens, and very rarely show themselves, especially during the day. These are the "Rat" or "Rat-tail" tribe, and the smaller and less-known "Spider Tribe" (as the elders call them); the "rats" are thought to be the cause of most of the thefts in the village, and occasionally someone's dog will kill one (and sometimes dogs are found with their throats cut). The wolf tribe was much more reviled, as they would occasionally rustle livestock and ambush people who venture into the forest.

When you ask where the goblins might be coming from, they mention "wolf cave", which they say is small and quite far away, where the wolf tribe was thought to lair (which is why nobody here ever goes near it). However, they say that it's a shallow cave that has no other exits. Apparently this ranger Gareth has informed them of this. Nearby, the only cave nearby that goblins are known to inhabit and is of any size is the aptly titled "Goblin Hole", a spring mouth that connects to a cavern network of partially submerged tunnels. The thing is too damn big to clear out, and goblins are known for their tunnel-fighting, so they have survived by sticking to it. The elders say that this is your surest bet for contacting nearby goblins. Apparently the local area is littered with caves, as evidenced by the numerous sinkholes. You are warned to watch out for "break-legs" (sudden holes in the forest floor that drop through cave ceilings).

When you speak of the ghouls, the elders immediately ask about the female one, wanting a description. When you give it, they ask for more detailed specifics, and guide your description along in certain ways. They're soon certain that it was indeed Paetra, and seem somewhat pained by this (despite trying to appear detached and "wise"), but mention that she always wore a necklace, which the ghoul did not have. They don't know who might be responsible for the ghouls, or indeed who even could be. There are a few hermits and other reclusive folk about the forest who can cast spells, but they know of none who are capable of raising the dead, or at least they don't know if any can. They also don't know of any reason why Paetra would have gone missing in particular; all the missing folk were those wander the woods for whatever reasons.

When you ask of local hazards, they say that, besides animals (wolves, black bears, wild cats, "skullcrackers" [eagle-sized bipedal birds that can't truly fly and have especially dangerous beaks], venomous snakes, and the occasional larger bear, though the larger animals tend to steer clear of inhabited areas, "Which woods are you from? Don't you know any of this?") and the goblins, there are sometimes bands of orcs coming down from the mountains, and your run-of-the-mill local "bandits" (troublesome local folks) and "witches" (basically any woman who lives in the woods for too long, caster or not). Particularly large spiders are sometimes seen near cave entrances (these are considered unnatural; the results of "goblin sorcery"). The occasional "green" (green dragon) is seen somewhere in the region every so often, but then, that's true of pretty much anywhere (regionally), though the elves hunt down the most troublesome ones. One of the elders, a white-bearded old man smoking from a long wooden pipe, goes on about some of the other creatures that supposedly dwell in these woods, but you're not sure what most of them are, or if most of them are even real. The list is fairly bewildering; you're sure he used local nicknames for most of these, and the other elders quickly lose interest in his monologue, some of them have doubt and disapproval stamped across their faces.

" 'caps", "blights", "spriggans", "the slenderman", "lanternjack", centaurs, dryads, faeries, shimmerlings (those last few you know; what elf doesn't?), "the bearhound", "ghostlights" - are the ones that you caught.

Besides this, the elders have nothing else of import to share. Though you are long past tired of speaking, you opt to ask around the other locals to see if they have anything to add. You walk around the grove, questioning anyone who is outside that you come across. For the most part, none of them have anything to add that the elders didn't say, but a few mention that "rhuuka" (hobgoblins) have been streaming through Elfwind from the Lawless Mountains to the plains in flight from the elves, but this has been happening sporadically for years, and hasn't been a problem in quite some time. None have been sighted locally in over a year.

You are in the "White Forest", and the bridge spanned "White Run"; Goblin Hole exits into a creek which flows into white run, south of the bridge. This creek is "Log-bowl Creek", and is the second one south of the bridge on this side. Nobody is exactly sure of how to get there from here in a straight line.

Osra: You notice that the folk of Gladeroot are edgy and suspicious; you think their recent string of hardships and lack of explanations has made them distrustful of outsiders. In their eyes, anybody could be involved with the disappearances, and now there are strangers wandering around their town? You get the feeling that not too many new people ever see Gladeroot.

2014-04-23, 09:03 AM
Atalayne takes off is backpack, puts on the shield, then puts on the backpack on his right shoulder only and was ready to go.

"You know, those goblins used spells yesterday. One was to make us sleep, did not work then. Still, who knows what they will be casting today... I wouldn't risk sticking too close together."

2014-04-23, 09:31 AM
After finding the gnomes again, Osra tells Trixie and Grimm about the goblin hole and the wolf tribe as quickly as she can, having long past run out of words for the week. She will doubtless hold Grimm accountable for it, even if it was her idea. She does apologize for wasting up daylight on tasks this...mundane.

"Not sure what else we can find about the woman. So, decisions. Goblins or woods, and try to stay the night here or go now? To me, making sure the goblins won't be coming back might not be a bad thing."

2014-04-23, 05:57 PM
A look of puzzlement crosses Cirroc's face for a long moment (too long, you think...), "...I had not considered that. A good point, my friend." He has the archers and Atalayne spread further out towards Vern, leaving some space between themselves.


2014-04-23, 11:29 PM
"Not sure what else we can find about the woman. So, decisions. Goblins or woods, and try to stay the night here or go now? To me, making sure the goblins won't be coming back might not be a bad thing."

"Well now. As much as I fancy a party, we're not exactly good dancing partners. I'm afraid we'd step on their toes in the dark, if you get my drift - and I do hate to disappoint at a soiree." Grimm looks thoughtful. "We've not signed on to hunt goblins, though, have we? As much as I'd like to go traipsing through the woods stepping in sink-holes and playing with bears and such, we've been hired to find out about the ghouls. Any thoughts these long-beards offered on that particular subject?"

2014-04-23, 11:58 PM
He seems shaken by the mention of the Undead.

"Wait, ghouls? I never signed on to deal with ghouls..."

After being informed of what precisely happened, he seems much more determined to help. "Family should be defended when the time comes, and Friends are family."

"Sounds to me like we should be investigating these so called 'witches.' If any of them are actually capable of magic, they might be capable of doing this."

2014-04-24, 10:00 AM
With a pained expression, Osra relays the rest of what the elders had to say, although glossing over the various animals and fey by saying, "there's the usual forest dangers."

With Grimm and Erindar seemingly inclined towards investigating the woods and whoever animated the woman, Osra says, "Woods it is. Shall we go now, then? My injuries say 'wait,' but we've followed my lead this long. I'll follow yours." She waves, to take in all three of the others. Even Trixie.

2014-04-24, 11:26 PM
"Well, I'm sure we could find you a healer if we tried."

OOC: Erindar has a scroll of Cure Light Wounds, but has chosen not to mention it. I don't think anyone in our end can even reliably activate it (Osra has the best chance, since he doesn't have to roll for Ability Score, and has a better skill modifier than Erindar).

2014-04-25, 08:28 AM
With a pained expression, Osra relays the rest of what the elders had to say, although glossing over the various animals and fey by saying, "there's the usual forest dangers."

With Grimm and Erindar seemingly inclined towards investigating the woods and whoever animated the woman, Osra says, "Woods it is. Shall we go now, then? My injuries say 'wait,' but we've followed my lead this long. I'll follow yours." She waves, to take in all three of the others. Even Trixie.

Grimm looks suddenly horrified. "Your injuries! Lady Osra, rest tonight. A thousand pardons ... I don't know ... I'm truly sorry. Sometimes I forget ..."

2014-04-25, 08:12 PM
The Warriors: The next few hours of walking are actually quite peaceful and enjoyable. The air smells great, colors are more vibrant than yesterday, and the animals seem to be out in force. The walking is easy too, as you're going mostly downhill towards the valley that contains the gorge-bridge. Soon enough, you reach the lip of that valley; you pass the large moss-covered boulder that marks it's edge. The militiamen seem especially tense once you start going down; they hunch over slightly, casting their gaze back and forth near-constantly as if their heads were on swivels. They have nocked arrows to their bows, and have them slightly drawn.

You reach the valley floor and begin to near the ambush site. As you draw near, Cirroc asks if this is the right spot, and you confirm. There is nothing else to do but trudge on, however, so you do. Soon, you arrive, to ...nothing. The area is quiet and empty. You can't hear the waterfall like you could yesterday, but the ferns are still trampled, holes and arrows still mark some of the trees, and splotches of blood can be found in the expected places. The scene stands out as different in your mind from yesterday, probably due to the lack of rain and the presence of sunlight. However, no goblin or wolf corpses are present. There are signs that they were there, of course, but they simply are not.

The dogs note the scent of blood and other things, and seem interested in the site. Oswald looks nervous; he glances all around and has his tail tucked low, while the other smaller dog seems alert and inquisitive, ears and tail perked, head held high and searching.

What do you do?

2014-04-26, 03:19 AM
Grimm looks suddenly horrified. "Your injuries! Lady Osra, rest tonight. A thousand pardons ... I don't know ... I'm truly sorry. Sometimes I forget ..."

Osra waves off her friend's apology. She even tentatively smiles as she does so. Sort of. It's pretty clear she doesn't do it often, although Grimm seemingly has that affect on people, and Trixie had her moments along their walk. "All I need is rest."

2014-04-26, 01:56 PM
Kosnark takes in the scene of the ambush, expecting and wanting another fight to finish them off. "I was right that they'd be back. The question is where did they 'o?" He looks to Vern. "Can you tell which way they went or how many there were? If they carried off all of the corpses then they either had a good number or some kind of cart. That would have kept them too busy to be bothering other folks at least. If not then we should continue on. The bridge would be another prime spot for an ambush."

2014-04-26, 09:08 PM
The Warriors: Vern quietly grunts and nods, leading his dogs over to the nearest area of trampled blood-covered ferns. He indicates them to the dogs, "Oswald, Runner; track! C'mon, track 'em!" The smaller black dog, Runner presumably, puts his nose down where Vern is pointing, and begins vigorously sniffing around, going back and forth. Oswald looks down at him in confusion and curiosity, before imitating the smaller dog. Soon, they're roving all around the immediate area, slowing closing in on one direction; towards the bridge along the road.

Vern himself stops the dogs and begins to bend over and look at the ground, for tracks you assume, going back and forth like the dogs, somewhat humorously. The militiamen fan out, bows ready, looking all about for any sign of ambush. Cirroc goes to stand just beside Vern as the older man looks for tracks. After several minutes of bending down and touching various spots on the ground, the old man walks back over to you, removing his hat to scratch his head for a moment. "Weren't no cart through here since the big rain. You say only two of ya, a gnome an' an elf lass, went thatta way?" He points to the bridge, "Well somebody's been here since, coming from the bridge and going back a coupla times. Man's feet, be my guess. Weren't no goblins, far as I cn' tell." His voice is scratchy and rather growly, and you get the impression that he does not care how it sounds.

2014-04-27, 01:36 AM
Atalayne holds his backpack in hand, stays near a tree and looks around, letting Vern and Cirroc do their business (namely, track and lead).

Can we assume Atalayne picked up a few small stones along the way here?

2014-04-27, 09:34 AM
"Then we're done here. Onward and maybe the dogs can keep trackin'."

2014-04-27, 11:55 AM
The Warriors: Vern has the dogs start following the trail again, which takes them along the road. About a spear-throw further, the road turns a bend, and Risper, being in the lead, is the first to see the bridge come into view about a hundred-feet ahead. Risper suddenly stops, holding up a hand to halt the rest of the group. Vern halts the dogs with their leashes. Coming up beside them, you can see what they see.

The bridge is about seventy feet across, and maybe fifteen wide. It is made of several tall trees that have been cut down and placed over the gorge (you're not sure how they managed that), with wood planks laid over top. It is fairly new looking; probably about a decade or less in age, and seems as if built by locals who don't know much about bridge-building. On either side stand two large wood poles sticking up from the ground, wrapped in ropes that extend along either side of the bridge to the poles on the far side. Between them hangs a web of rope railings, which extends under the bridge in several places, perhaps adding support to the whole structure.

About three-quarters of the way across the bridge, a lone man stands leaning against one of the rope railings, looking down at the water flowing underneath (which you can just barely hear from where you are). He is a young man, rather smallish, and appears fairly unkempt and dirty. He wears armor of leather scale, with a faded and torn green cloak with the hood down. He is unshaven, with long shaggy brownish-blonde hair. He is armed with a longbow and quiver of arrows across his back, as well as a small axe slung through his belt at the waist. He does not seem worried or ready for violence, and he does not notice you. He seems to be daydreaming while staring down at the water.

A short whispered conversation springs up amongst your group, with the result being that no one recognizes this man.

2014-04-28, 12:21 AM
"Let's see who he is and what he knows. Lower your weapons but keep an out out behind us."

Kosnark heads to the bridge, about 20 feet short of it to give the man space to approach. He keeps his shield strapped to his left arm but puts his waraxe away. Letting his left hand hang to the side and holding his right arm out to the side, palm forward, he calls out.


2014-04-28, 06:37 AM
The Warriors: The man turns to look when you shout, seemingly unsurprised by the sudden presence of your group. He half turns to face you, leaving one hand on the rope railing, and grins, "Hallo yourself, good dwarf! Sniff out our goblin problems, did you?" He says this with some mirth; he seems amiable and friendly.

Perhaps 50ft back from the bridge, the two dogs follow the trail into the woods to your right. Vern looks back to Cirroc before allowing them to. Cirroc raises his hand in a "wait" motion, turning his attention back to the man on the bridge.

Arcane Destruction: Deciding to rest the night in the small hamlet, the group goes to find somewhere to stay. By speaking to a few of the older folks wandering around, it's only a short while before they're pointed to an empty treehouse near the center of the grove that is apparently unused. You are allowed to sleep there for the night, at no charge. It's small, not much larger than a normal tent, and is dark and bare; no furniture or furnishings. It's basically a shed on stilts, with a few wooden shutters for windows. A rope ladder leads you about ten feet off the ground through a small square hatch.

You leave your bedrolls and backpacks there, then head back to the campfire to eat rations and speak to some of the younger people. Before long, Erindar and Grimm have taken to showing off their tricks (perhaps due to female company), which draws a small crowd of locals, mostly younger folk and children (who are confined to the central area of the grove, if they're let out of their houses at all). Erindar proves to be quite acrobatic, showing off an array of balancing tricks, leaps, rolls, flips, and spins. He vaults the entire campfire sometimes, usually doing a flip at the same time. Other times, he runs up a tree several steps, then backflips away, hitting the ground and rolling back up to this feet. It's amazing how nimble elves can be.

It's not long before Grimm gets in on the act as well, clearing off one section of the crowd so that he can unleash his eldritch blasts in that direction without endangering anyone. He shoots them under Erindar's flips, or has him hold a branch in his hand before blasting it away. At one point, as Erindar does a leaping flip over the campfire, Grimm summons his darkness power to cause the light to go out mid-jump, and disappears in the process, reappearing behind a small group of children and roaring as loud as he can behind them, causing them to scream.

It turns out that some of the folk in Gladeroot are thankful for the diversion, at least for the sake of their younger folk, and make a game of throwing copper bits at the gnome, who deftly plucks them out of the air, then uses his darkness on them, opening and closing his hand to make the light vanish and reappear. He lets the children hold them, so they can do this, and apparently it's a great novelty to them.

However, it's not long before their repertoire of tricks is exhausted, and they have to stop the show, though many folks stick around to question them about their abilities and how/when/where they learned them. Not long after that, the questions begin to focus more on the goblin ambush and the goings-on in Woodhaven. People are worried about the disappearances, and are especially rapt when Grimm talks about the ghoul fight at the tavern. All said, the hour grows late, the fire grows dim, and people begin to return to their homes to sleep. You decide that you should as well, and you all gather up in the treehouse to rest for the night, pulling up the rope ladder and closing the hatch, just to be safe. One of you sleeps on top of the closed hatch, but it seems unnecessary to have someone stand watch.

You fall asleep easily, though two of you have dreams containing goblins, ghouls, and wolves; causing you to twist and turn in your sleep/trance, but not loud or badly enough to wake anyone. Osra has particularly bad dreams, where she relives the piercing goblin arrows over and over again, but they finally and suddenly end with a scream; at first, she thought that it was her screaming in her dream, but now she realizes that she is awake in the dark treehouse, lying in her bedroll, and that the scream was real. Somewhere outside...there! In the distance, she hears another faint scream, dulled by the walls of the treehouse. The others are still asleep; apparently they did not hear it, or it did not wake them, at least.

You earn 5 copper bits.

2014-04-28, 12:30 PM
Atalayne positions himself on the road, on the right side, having a big tree between himself and the direction the dogs attempted to follow, ready for total defense. He does not look particularly worried, but such arrangement is what he thinks is most safe at the moment, and given the circumstances he'd rather not waste any of that.

2014-04-28, 10:17 PM
Kosnark half turns to the group. "Atalayne, Cirroc, care to join me?" He turns back and casually starts walking out to meet the man on the bridge.

"We were hopin' to sniff out the ones that escaped. That was you that cleaned up back there? I am Kosnark Stoneblood. Did you come from 'laderoot?"

2014-04-29, 03:53 AM
Osra wakes the others with a simple, loud, "Trouble." Once the others stir, and administering any nudges necessary (though she won't try to shake them), she moves to the opening to see what can be seen, and activating her spider climb.

2014-04-29, 07:32 AM
Erindar, Canny Elven Locksmith

Erindar just about leaps up from his trance.


He still seems a little groggy, but at the sight of Osra's obvious discomfort, grabs his blade and listens at the door, taking 10 for a 15.

2014-04-29, 12:18 PM
Atalayne is just fine where he is, so he stays.

2014-04-30, 05:01 AM
The Warriors: Cirroc and Kosnark approach the man on the bridge. He walks towards them as well, meeting them about halfway across. The bridge is surprisingly sturdy, not swaying or bouncing at all. The gorge itself is rocky and moss-covered, but of indeterminate depth, as the river that runs through it is clearly flooding, though it has lowered a bit recently. The water reaches up to about 12-15 feet under the bridge, and is brown in color, likely due to mud. The center of the river is a lighter color, since the water there is frothier and faster moving. A few logs and sticks can be seen here and there, floating downstream. Just a dozen or so feet past the bridge downstream (to your right) is a waterfall of about fifteen feet in height, which sends a small spray of mist off into the air. This is the largest drop of water in sight, both upstream and downstream, and happens to be the most level stretch of water in sight as well.

The man speaks, too quietly for the others to hear, "Yes, and yes. The others took the bodies back with them, though the wolves were taken and left far off the road so as not to draw other beasts too near." he points to his left, your right, far downstream on your side of the gorge. "You say there were survivors?" A look of confusion crosses his face, "...wait, was it you who slew these ones?"

Arcane Destruction: The elves move up to the hatch as the gnomes groggily awaken. Erindar turns his head and puts his ear near the opening, while Osra opens it and drops her head down.

Osra: The hamlet is dark; no lights show from any of the homes or treehouses nearby, though smoke rises from a few chimneys, and a couple small campfires are still lit. At first, you can't see anyone, then you notice a few people here and there; duos of militia guards responding to the scream by heading in that direction at a jog.

Looking in that direction, it would seem that the scream came from out in the meadow somewhere, in one of the livestock fields. You don't see anybody coming out of their homes. You can hear the livestock braying; they sound nervous.

2014-04-30, 08:08 AM
"Why your majesty, that would hardly be seemly ... but it might be fun!" Grimm wakes with a start and a snort. "Good dream ... bad timing." He spends a moment staring at the ceiling before fiddling in his waist pocket for a coin. A moment later, coin pocketed, he's at the hatch.

"Well, how crazy are we? Shall we off in the night after more mayhem?" He grins at Osra.

2014-04-30, 09:44 AM
Shockingly (to her), the barest hint of a joke forms on Osra's lips before her mind fully catches up to her mouth, and she changes her answer to a plain, "Yes, lets." She hustles down the tree and towards the cries of the livestock before she can think too much about it.

2014-04-30, 10:29 AM
The man speaks, too quietly for the others to hear, "Yes, and yes. The others took the bodies back with them, though the wolves were taken and left far off the road so as not to draw other beasts too near." he points to his left, your right, far downstream on your side of the gorge. "You say there were survivors?" A look of confusion crosses his face, "...wait, was it you who slew these ones?"

Kosnark starts with pride and then also changes to confusion. "Aye, they ambushed us and most of them 'ot what they deserved. What others do you mean? Took the bodies where?"

2014-05-01, 07:11 PM
The Warriors: He smiles as if it should be obvious, "The other militiamen, ...from Gladeroot." He points over his shoulder down the road behind him. "To Gladeroot. We will bury them. We can't have any spirits haunting the road, either." He pauses for a moment, then squints slightly and puts his hands on his hips. "So, you were ambushed here yesterday, went back to Woodhaven, and have come back here looking for these survivors? We were wondering who did this. That explains why you're all here, and so well-armed. I see, I see."

He raises one hand as if offering you something, "See, we came across a small band of goblins out in the woods. It looked like they were in flight; hurrying away from something, and we took the opportunity to ambush them. Turns out some of them were already wounded. So, we retraced their tracks back to here, thinking they had got in a fight with somebody, and boy did they. We thought maybe the elves found them, ...but we didn't know why they would let any go, and then there was that bloodbath off the road a ways. Somebody got ate. I hope that wasn't one of you..." A look of unease comes across him, and he winces. "I can see it on your face. ...I'm sorry."

He is silent for a moment, then he begins again in a softer tone, "Well, if you're headed towards Gladeroot, you can come with me..."

2014-05-02, 12:29 PM
Kosnark nods to the militaman. "Aye, you figured it out well. Sounds like the elves have work to do putting fear back into the 'oblins. If any of them escaped both fights they might spread that lesson. Some of our party went straight on to 'laderoot. Any signs of them?"

Not sure how much I'll be around this weekend so I'll include more from my side that Seharve can fit into his posts if it all stays relevant.

"We do want to reach 'laderoot. Let Cirroc and I inform the others then we'll join you back to town. Ah, what is your name?"

Kosnark and Cirroc head back to the group. He tells them about the conversation. He turns to Cirroc. " Have you heard of [miltiaman's name]?

Either way, Kosnark will suggest following him anyway with Kosnark up with our new Gladeroot guide and Cirroc keeping watch to the group's rear.

If he hasn't and that is unusual (depending on how close knit the towns are), he mention keeping a sharp eye out.

2014-05-03, 07:21 AM
The Warriors: The man smirks, "Aye, let's hope they do. Ah, ...no, last I heard, no one had entered Gladeroot since the messenger yesterday morning." He raises his eyebrows when you mention your companions; he seems curious about that. When you mention going back to the others, he nods. "I'm...well, around here, folk call me 'Jelrad'."

You turn to walk back to the others, and when you get to the edge of the bridge, Cirroc answers your question just loud enough for you to hear, "No. ...I don't trust him." His brow is a bit furrowed, and his mouth is hard. When you reach the others and relate the conversation, the other militiamen speak up, "Nay, never heard of any 'Jelrad', an' I've never heard of them burying goblins before. Not at the graveyard, at any rate." "I've never seen or heard of 'em; I don't know anyone by that name." While you speak, if you glance back at Jelrad, he can be seen leaning his back against the rope railing, arms crossed, staring at something down the creek. At one point, he raises a hand to his brow, shielding his eyes from the sun while staring at something. He hardly looks conspiratorial.

Kosnark: Yes, this is unusual, though Kosnark did not get any particular feeling that the young man was lying.

Arcane Destruction: You hustle down the rope ladder and towards the edge of the grove closest to where the sounds emanated, following the handful of militiamen; four of them. They stop at the edge of the grove, just inside of it. You catch a bit of a conversation as you arrive up next to them. They're all standing somewhat hunched over, staring hard out into the night-cloaked fields, weapons clutched in hand. The sky is about half-clouded, half-clear, starlight shining through the gaps. The fields look like one big light-grey blur to the gnomes, studded here and there with various wooden structures: cottages, a barn, the watch-platforms, fences. To the elves, it's about the same as a cloudy day. "I dunno, Braedo, could just be Han's goats screamin' again." "Could be a wolf or gob' jes spooked 'em." "...well, I'm not willing to take that chance, under the circumstances. Gofdar, go tell Jak. Cyral, go back and keep an eye out..." The oldest looking of the men, the one giving orders, turns to look at who is approaching with a suspicious squint. Two young men, Gofdar and Cyral, presumably, turn and hustle off.

He points a finger at Erindar, "You! Elf! Is there anyone on that watchtower?" He then points out at the nearest of the largest towers, across the empty field. Osra and Erindar look where he is pointing. There is no-one on the tower. Hearing your answer, the man scowls and growls, "There should be." He turns back to the men hustling off and the one still beside him, raising his voice to be heard, "Who was supposed to be on it tonight?" His question is met with shrugs and "no idea" expressions, before the men continue on their way. He grunts, then hefts his spear, "They should have had a dog...I didn't hear any barking. We're going to go wake the Bromwell's; Derren, stay behind me and keep an arrow on that string." He turns back to your group, "You three! Make yourselves useful!" Such a charming man.

Wait, three? You turn to look at each other, and notice that Trixie is not with you; she must have stayed behind in the Grove.

None of you saw anything out of the ordinary; the near field is just tall grass, trampled in a few spots and lines. The watch-platform was empty and unadorned, except for a couple chairs up top. Past the fence, you can make out several piles of hay and a few huddles of livestock, who are still making noise, albeit without any serious alarm. The two men are walking slowly and carefully towards the nearest cottage, which is next to a sizeable barn. The leader, Braedo, a bearded man (older age = longer beard in Gladeroot, apparently) approaching thirty years, by your guess, is wielding a spear. The younger man behind him is armed with a simple longbow. Both wear leatherscale armor.

The red line is the direction in which you looked at the tower, the orange line is the path the two men are heading on. You are standing at the purple X. The barn is about 250ft away, and the watch-platform is probably about 500ft. away.
Map: http://i61.tinypic.com/11h8lzp.png

What do you do?

2014-05-03, 08:04 AM
Atalayne, who watched the conversation, but did not hear any of it, nods as he hears what have been discussed.

"Nice. Just so-very-nice..." - he pauses for a moment, looking at Cirroc - "I don't suppose you just attack suspicious people around here, even in these particular circumstances? I, for one, is not in the mood to fly... at least no more than usual, so I'm staying off this bridge, thank you very much. Guess we should let the dogs go where thay will, we have the time... and some eyes to keep on this lad."

2014-05-03, 08:49 AM
After a moment's internal debate, Osra follows the men. It's tempting to climb the tower, see if the watchers simply need to be awoken, but it would be best to do that when others were free to watch her back. Instead, she covers the militiamen's backs, ready to help them if trouble did indeed penetrate the town's defenses.

Did I happen to get enough of a trance to earn back that one hp?

2014-05-03, 11:18 PM
Grimm winks at Osra, fishes the coin from his vest-pocket, and is enveloped in purple shadows.

"I've got your back - a pleasure as always."

Keeping to my darkness, hiding, actively scouting and moving ahead. Heading in the direction of the screams.

2014-05-04, 09:55 PM
Kosnark turns to Cirroc "You are the law here. Do we bind him for pretendin' to be militia? We can't let him warn others. His friends must still be down off the trail. If he won't answer us then maybe his friends will."

2014-05-05, 08:59 AM
The Warriors: Cirroc frowns, "I do not trust this 'Jelrad', but I do not know that he has done wrong, either. If it were my choice, I would not split our group. It is not my choice; these men are going to Gladeroot for their families. I promised to get these men there; if they wish to follow you, then I will as well." He looks over to the militiamen, who show varying looks of uncertainty over the matter.

Vern grunts, expressing his dislike of the situation, "Goin' with 'em, leavin' 'em 'ere, an' breakin' up ta watch 'em. Don't like none of 'em." He stands with arms crossed, leaning back against a tree, and spits to the side.

The most certain looking of the three militiamen speaks up, "He might be up to no good, but we don't know that he's with anyone else, and he is offerin' to go with us. If he's really lyin', then it wouldn't make sense to go to the one place where we could prove it, unless he's setting us up for somethin'. If you're right, and he's coverin' for his friends further on the scent trail, then we'd be safest to just keep goin' to Gladeroot. There's eight of us, and two dogs; I say we do that." The other two seem to like this idea.

You're free to do as you like, but it might mean a persuasion check to get these guys to do it with you.

Arcane Destruction: You follow the two men as they slowly traverse the starlit field, carefully scanning the grasses for any sign of foes. At their pace, it takes over a minute to walk to the cottage. Braedo bangs on the front door while keeping an eye out, "BROMWELL! GET UP!!!" A few seconds later, a muffled reply sounds from within the farmhouse, to which Braedo replies, "Something's wrong! Get your stuff and take your family to the grove."

The two men wait for the folk in the house to get ready. Braedo walks to the corner of the house to your right to peek around it, spear ready, to watch further out in the field. Perhaps a minute later, after waiting in tense silence, unsure of what to do with yourselves, a horse can be heard neighing within the barn. Shortly after, stamping is heard; it must be nervous or frightened. Braedo looks back at you, then gestures over towards the barn; apparently he wants you to go check it out.

Map: http://i58.tinypic.com/2i9ta4g.png

Legend: It's all shadowy illumination for those without low-light vision (only 10% concealment for Grimm) .
The darker green squares count as light rubble and are lightly slippery.
The lighter green squares are just lightly slippery.

The house has a thatched roof that peaks in the middle; at the front and back of the house it comes down to about 6ft from the ground.
The house has a stone chimney on it's left side, and a rain barrel on it's right.

A well sits in between the barn and the house.
The barn has a chicken coupe on it's left side, and a roofed open-walled shelter on it's bottom left corner that contains a work bench and little else.

The barn's thatched roof is 15ft off the ground on the left and right sides, and peaks in the middle at about 25ft.
The door is latched from the outside, but does not appear locked in any way.
There is an opening above the barn's door about 15ft off the ground; these are usually for hoisting hay.

2014-05-05, 10:49 AM
Atalayne shrugs.

"Whatever. Feel free to live or die as you will. I will try to help with the former, but no way he's just going where I'm going without first naming some names of those important in Woodhaven and Gladeroot. Except maybe with bag on the head and rope on the ankles. Maybe. I'll have to decide on that. If that was up to me, he would not be going anywhere without naming those names. You want cross the bridge? Get him here and make him talk. My advice. Your choice."

2014-05-05, 04:35 PM
The darkness that cloaks Grimm moves with him as he takes point. He's dimly visible in his purplish cloud, but winks out as he takes place, pointing at the door before he disappears.

Double move to J1, moving half-speed thanks to crappy footing, then swift action to wink out.

2014-05-05, 09:44 PM
"True, reachin' 'laderoot is our main task, another ambush or not. We can stop to eat here and I'll invite him over. If he bolts Risper can loose a warnin' shot. If that fails then we have plenty of archers here while at least the doks and I run him down quick."

"He'll have a chance to explain himself. Stay relaxed, pull your rations, and don't scare him off."

Assuming no objections [I'll edit if so], Kosnark heads back to the bridge. Towards the left side of the bridge head he calls out to Jelrad. "We're stoppin' to eat first. We have plenty to share. Come join us." He uses his empty weapon hand to wave him in.

If he comes over, Kosnark will give Jelrad a ration from his pack and introduce him around the group.

2014-05-06, 04:55 PM
The Warriors: Jelrad looks over at Kosnark while the dwarf yells for him, looking a bit confused and surprised. After a moment of indecision, he tentatively takes step towards you, then begins walking with more confidence. He produces a waterskin and takes a drink while coming. Arriving, he looks somewhat suspicious, "...so, what do you got? I had a full mornfeast, but I could eat." He looks around the group as if gauging your reactions.

2014-05-06, 08:26 PM
Kosnark puts down his shield and pack. He takes a seat next to them and pulls out 2 rations from his pack. He invites Jelrad to take a seat next to him and after he does so hands him a full ration. "A hearty meal for a soldier. Come, you know of ours, tell us about your foray and fellow militia." Kosnark digs in to his own ration.

2014-05-07, 09:39 AM
Osra walks over to the doors of the barn, and opens them if they are closed.

2014-05-08, 11:54 AM
Atalayne is not particularly interested in either eating or participating in the discussion, so, until Kosnark has some result or there is an emergency, the elf mostly behaves just like a part of the tree beside which he is standing.