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2014-02-18, 10:54 PM
The Millennium Complex, a grand structure in northern Arthia made to serve as a focal point of culture and art on an international scale. The building only goes a few stories high but spans almost a square mile, featuring galleries, conference rooms and various feats of architecture. On its 300th year of operation it holds the 579th Annual Peace Conference, and promises to be as much of a success as it has the last few dozen times the peace conference has been held here.

The interior of the building is breathtaking, the primary material is marble magically altered with a cobalt hue to give a relaxing environment that promotes the attitudes of advancement and wonder at what can be discovered and achieved. The primary staff consists of various races that maintain and curate the building, with security provided by Mechanus creatures specifically created to serve as neutral mediators of the peace conference. The workers are dressed in sub-formal work wear with a primarily white motif while the mediating constructs are primarily brass and copper on the outside, designed to appear formidable yet approachable. Representatives are encouraged to wear a patch indicating their country or plane of representation on their normal attire, which varies greatly with where they come from.

It is currently the early afternoon of the second day. The first day was used up with establishing attendance and security while making sure that everyone could acquaint with each other. Today marks the beginning of negotiations, which will hopefully be resolved by the end of the day so that the whole event hardly takes up half of a week. Everyone gathers in the largest conference chamber, roughly the size of a small baseball stadium, and the discussions begin.

Today is a nice change of pace from yesterday, when everyone was introducing themselves to you and asking many questions. Particularly those unfamiliar with dealing with the fey had many misconceptions and myths that they asked about, some more uncomfortable and personal than others. The diplomat from Salsem that you're paired with is an elderly aasimar woman named Merideth Lorelle, who has spent this entire time maintaining a professional composure around others while lecturing you in private, mainly making ineffectual attempts to scold you for acting too personable and by extension showing weakness to the Verix nations. Your booth is between the Zanithar and Olsworth representatives.

Being a representative of an "unsettled territory" as the Freezeplains and the Frostfells are referred to is always a tricky spot in the international sandbox of pouting kids. With no actual diplomat to go with you instead one of the Mechanus mediators serves as a personal guard, and taking a bit of convincing to leave you your Hookshot when you're in areas that require weapon confiscating. As you wander the complex introducing yourself you notice two distinct types of responses: There are many who revere you as a legendary warrior, supporting your endeavor to represent the Freezeplains, and there are many who see you as a threat, as the Freezeplains have actually been a highly-contested region for settlement due the the potential of more land and resources, though such arguments never come close to being settled. Particularly the Ulwiss representatives seem very interested in using the remote, desolate environment to set up facilities for more risky magical experiments. On the second day when everyone gathers in the conference chamber you are seated in a smaller booth next to the Plane of Air representative, an elderly Air Genasi that looks like he may be as much as a Half-Air Elemental, and a Githzerai woman representing Limbo who you can only assume is one of the stronger monks from there.

Catering for such a diverse company has been trying on you, even with all of the Millennium Complex chefs at your disposal. Between working out a selection that will please every race present, introducing yourself to other representatives and the occasional harassment from an arcane enthusiast questioning you about your past work you've had your hands full. Today is at least easier now that a routine has been established with your army of sous chefs, and you are finally pulled away from the kitchen by your accompanying diplomat to go to the conference chamber. The Megidyme diplomat is a round and chipper dwarf named Borik Roger, whose short beard almost lets him pass off as a fat human to those less familiar with dwarves. He's spent most of his time with formalities with the other diplomats while trying to pilfer samples from the kitchen, but seems to always remain cheerful. Your booth is between the Zanithar and Ulwiss representatives. You recognize the Ulwiss diplomat as one of the wizards who was pestering you about your magical research earlier, and his body language says he's looking for the opportunity to ask more about it.

The complex is a familiar sight, and one of the most accommodating places for your form out of the many locations that the peace conferences have been held. You introduce yourself to all of the new faces among the crowd of representatives, noticing that the Verix representatives still look at you warily and with suppressed contempt. The Olsworth diplomat is a young half-elf, Frederick Malven, who you're certain is a narcoleptic, since he seems to constantly doze off and then hastily claim that he was actually in a trance to better align his inner self or whatever bizarre self-help stuff he read recently. Your booth is between the Salsem and Florikeme representatives.

You can tell that most of the representatives are holding back contempt, or trying to find contempt when faced with your beauty but then accepting they're at a loss. The other Verix representatives seem jealous that you're getting the best treatment of the alliance representatives. You've had some invitations to play some music by the curators of the complex, though complaints brought up by some of the more paranoid diplomats has prevented you from actually being able to accept. The Milquogh diplomat is a very thin and reserved tiefling called Turrince. He hasn't done much to interact with you, and his lack of expression gives the impression that his skin is merely a shell for whatever being tumbles around inside his head. Your booth is between the Lothwik and Noswane representatives.

Everyone is still getting situated before the discussions start, making now a good time to talk to your fellow representatives. The main ground rules are that weapons will be held by nearby Mechanus moderators to be relinquished upon leaving the chamber or being in danger, and trying to use magic that isn't pre-approved to your advantage during the discussion will result in it being quickly dispelled with a taxation penalty against your country. Several Spell Weavers can be seen among the mediators, a recent addition to security that serves as experts in identifying magic in use, though the confusion about them remains as the magic items they request as payment have bizarre functions that are completely impractical.

2014-02-18, 11:22 PM
Lyra was having a grand old time with all the bustle, hectic and challenging though it was. The thought of leaving the kitchens to go join the conference sounded incredibly boring (and incited just a bit of anxiousness), and she stalled for as long as she could by accosting Borik with samples, cheerily interrupting him with "Ooh, try this one!" or "Wait, quick question: more garlic?" or the like. Still, even with a dwarven appetite on her side, she knew she couldn't prevent the inevitable, and after assuring herself that her sous chefs had matters under control, she followed the dwarf to their booth, trying to keep her smile from looking too forced.

She did, however, make it a point to sit so Borik was on the near side to the Ulwiss representative. In most circumstances, she'd be happy to talk magical theory, but her previous experiences with the mages of Ulwiss had convinced her that theory was generally the last thing on their minds. His questions had felt more like an interrogation than a discussion to her, like he was trying to get her to slip up and humiliate herself or something. Whether that was an accurate assessment or just her being self-conscious was certainly a matter for debate, but the fact that he had been pestering her while she was busy with the cooking was, she deemed, sufficient evidence in her favor.

"So," she said to Borik, softly enough that hopefully others wouldn't be able to hear over the background chatter, "We have any particular goals we're trying to achieve here? And is there anything you want me to do other than sit here and look competent?" Hey, just because this part was boring didn't mean she didn't plan to do as good a job as she could. She was representing her country after all.

2014-02-19, 05:21 AM
Tyrene gives everyone a warm smile, although there remain hints of her cruelty in it. Unfortunately she has to walk, she doesn't like that, despite the many years the hard ground beneath her feet still feels alien. Normally she would be carried around by her servants, but she can't bring them with her, some of the other representatives might not like it.

But there is something that hurts even more than the ground, she misses Maral and her sisters. She feels utterly alone. But still she smiles, she always does. She recognizes some of the attendants, some of them are famous throughout the world and have visited Milquogh on occasion. But some, some she knows as enemies from centuries ago. One of them is an auburn-haired nymph, who had been there when she offered to switch sides during the war. Of course, that was when they were losing it. She can still remember that king, Gerard and this nymph standing next to him. He had called her names, declared her to be an untrustworthy serpent from foul seas. Tyrene has not forgiven that, and told him that she would see his line die. Of course, that has not happened yet. Nevertheless she smiles at Gilana, looking into her eyes for several moments.

2014-02-19, 09:19 AM
...and she smiles back. Gilana remembered that meeting , though not as clearly as before. The boy had been angry, offended, insulted by the idea. Many had been lost while crossing the sea, there was no way of knowing how many by her or her sister's hand. No way of knowing if they were just bidding their time to drown those they missed. None of 'Them' could be trusted, he had claimed afterwards. That wound had been too fresh, she knew now. Yet here Tyrene stood and still he slept, dreaming since so long ago. The siren had vowed to end his line, but they had strengthened, dwindled, prospered and more since, never losing the weight of the crown the boy had earned them. Words were wind.

That was the point of all of this, wasn't it? Forget past grudges, improve relations, grow. They were wind, yes, but they must lead to action. 'We must not show weakness', Merideth kept telling her. Wasn't fear to show weakness a weakness though? She found that amusing. She was here to show that Salsem's traditions was still strong, that the methods of old had brought about peace and will continue to do so. At least that's what Lucie had told her. She was clever though, and she suspected there was more to it. Let the children play there games, it was a nice change of pace.

Her mind continued to wander as she did, gliding silently among the diplomats with awe in her eyes and eavesdropping where she could. She wore a simple black dress, shoulder-less, under her cloak. Once everyone is urged to take their seat, she lags a bit before scurrying towards it, smiling at the look Merideth gives her.

2014-02-19, 05:21 PM
Terressa gives warm greetings to past representatives, and warm welcomes to new representatives. The cycle of new and old failed to faze her anymore - while she may have remembered those diplomats from past ages, they began to mix together in a nebulous sea of faces, agendas and policies. She wasn't an actual representative herself, but her experiences and politically removed viewpoint remained a useful addition to her own country's representative...especially when he seemed to spend as much time nearly falling asleep as he did actually engaging with the other people of import.

"Perk up, young one," she whispers to Frederick, nudging him in the back with her wing. "This is an important time; we mustn't appear lackadaisical." Giving him a smile, she looks about the hall, to the other representatives and their relevant champions. Her gaze fell favorably upon the individuals from the Thylle alliance, while she met the contemptuous and furtive glances of the Verix representatives with a calm, yet stern visage. She had dealt with their kind before - not only in the meeting halls of ages past, but also on the battlefield - and she would continue to do her best to wage peace.

2014-02-19, 10:20 PM
She liked the Freezeplains, this was true. They were the closest to the nomads of her era, before the tattoos. Arguing that their land be kept free of arcane intervention on such a large scale has been difficult. Without others knowing, she's kept a majority of them out of the spotlight, never informing them of Ulwiss' intentions. And with the larger ones, division. Some wanted reparations for the use of their land, some wanted nothing to do them. One group wanted them to assault the land out of spite of other familiy's. It was tiresome, to the the least.

But that wasn't the only reason.

In truth she was tracing out some of the few hills that were on the Freezeplains, finding suitable ones for building. No one here would know it, of course. No one here would know she was thinking of finalizing her task. But this was a good opportunity to see if anyone was worthy of approaching. If anyone slipped, stepped awkwardly, move a hand in a certain, careless way, she'd know their talents. It was that time of year again, to start hunting.

She looked around the room, moving between diplomats, ignoring most who attempted to talk to her again beyond the first greeting. It wasn't hard. Move behind another as she saw them approaching, twisting her steps so she made them believe she was walking in a different direction. Secondhand reflexes. She had no end to them. What she was running out of, however, was something to drink. She looks around the room, and notices the young Aasimar... Lyric... Lyre... Lyra! Seated next to the Ulwiss representative. She waves her hand, trying to get the young woman's attention.

2014-02-19, 10:28 PM
Lyra caught the wave after only a moment, responding with a smile and an upnod, then tilting her head quickly as a sort of invitation to come over. She'd have gone to her, but would be rude to ask Borik a question and then just tell him to wait while she went to talk with someone else.

2014-02-20, 12:04 AM
Mirabelle excuses herself from her 'bodyguard', and winds her way over to Lyra's table, shooting the Ulwiss man nearby a... far too intense smile. Turning back to Lyra, she resumes her manners. "Lyra, was it? Hello. Mirabelle, if you recall. Can you recommend me something to drink? Something that won't dull my senses, but possibly get me by certain members' ramblings. I was under the impression that you were the one to ask."

2014-02-20, 12:25 AM
Lyra gave a sympathetic grin. "Yeah. What you want, is a pixie spritzer. One ounce, two at most, of fairy mead, mixed in a glass of whatever fruit juice you favor. Have them add a splash of lemon if you're feeling dangerous. Fair warning, it's very sweet, but at that concentration there shouldn't be any memory loss."

2014-02-20, 12:45 AM
Lyra/Mirabelle: Borik responds to Lyra's inquiry, "Mainly we're going to get the current version of the peace treaty reapproved as quickly as possible, though we have to get through a stage where portions of the treaty can be contested for revision or removal. And as much as us diplomats would like our tag-a-longs to sit down and stay quiet, we can't stop you from contributing your 'real-world wisdom'." Lyra gets a sense that Borik is one of those diplomats who thinks of others outside of their profession as beneath them, though not as openly in his case. The mediator with Mirabelle insists on accompanying her, standing straight and resolute next to the nearest mediator by the Ulwiss booth.

Teressa: Frederick's inexperience begins to show even more, as he half-heartedly looks over the provided materials for the meeting. Mainly the schedule prediction and each version of the peace treaty. He yawns and responds to her almost dismissively, "Why should we? The Nerkiv and the Verix nations are helpless under the international thumb. Given the fact that they pay the lion's share of the global relief tax with how many of their spies were caught this year, we can bully down any contention today. As long as no one messes anything up we can be on a Shadow Walk back to Olsworth tomorrow evening." The aasimar diplomat from the Salsem booth looks ready to burst a vein in her head, flicking a note over to Teressa. In Celestial it reads, "Please get your fool under control or put in a brutally honest recommendation about how long his career should persist."

Tyrene: Turrince sits down and pulls out some notes, his eyes barely moving as he reads them over. As he does so he addresses Tyrene in a voice plain with only an ounce of sternness, "Whatever spite you hold toward the fey representing Salsem needs to be held back. Contesting what we need to in the peace treaty is already difficult enough with how many of our neighbor's spies messed up and were caught this year. Remember that smiling too hard can be as much of a tell as a look of revulsion." His face barely moves as he talks, bringing into question whether he actually possesses facial muscles.

Gilana: Merideth sighs at the nymph's behavior and instead organizes her materials on the desk of the booth, being the most prepared of the Thylle diplomats by a noticeable amount. "If I had my way you wouldn't even be here. Keep prancing about like a child and I'll lobby for a replacement representative for future meetings." Before Gilana can respond she's already trying to micromanage the adjacent booths.

As everyone makes their last-minute discussions a Major Image spell is cast by one of the Spell Weavers, creating a countdown displayed in common as a synthetic-sounding voice says, "Two minutes until the conference begins. Please be at your assigned booths before then."

2014-02-20, 09:17 AM
Tyrene feels excited, this is the first conference for her, but she doesn't show. She has withdrawn her wings, those tend to make sitting difficult. She leans back. The princess wears dark green dress, it has a wide skirt decorated with golden embroidery. The body in contrast is thin, and there is more gold there than green. The center is covered by lines of pearls and her sleeves end in white lace topped with diamonds. She wears a wide but thin white ruff which also ends in diamonds that glitter in the chamber's light. On her forehead she wears a large emerald, which hangs from a thin golden chain. The chain is attached to a diamond-encrusted halo. Over her shoulders she wears a green cloak, which obviously is part of this dress. On the back there is a detailed embroidery in gold of three women.

She whispers softly: “So, please tell me, what are we trying to achieve here?”

2014-02-20, 10:28 AM
Meredith's retort found Gilana floating cross legged a few inches over her seat. The poor woman seemed to have too much on her mind right now. For her sake, she should at least play her part. She straightens up and sits down properly, silently looking over the documents that Meredith organized so diligently, careful so as not to leave them in disarray.

The Olsworth Half-Elf's summary was useful. They had taken everything from her so long ago, but she wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that they were still paying for it. Yet they continued to spy on others, for ends only they knew. "They will continue to reap what they sow, it seems." These were politics though, it was never that simple... and she had never been too fond of them.

She watches Meredith work, waiting for a lull in activity. "Is there anything I could do to aid you, my dear?"

2014-02-20, 02:02 PM
Lyra's smile became just slightly frosty, to match the just slightly dismissive tone in the dwarf's voice. Nonetheless, their goal was straightforward enough, and Borik seemed plenty competent to achieve it. She replied with a nod.

2014-02-21, 04:47 PM
Between the note and Frederick's completely nonchalant tone, Terressa is somewhat taken aback. Had the centuries of peace, centuries without life-threatening conflict on a grand scale, led to such laziness?

"I would take this more seriously if I were you," Terressa's tone is suddenly much less chipper than before. "We are here representing Olsworth and its ideals before the world, ensuring the bloody past does not come back to repeat on us." Terressa ruffles her wings, before tucking them tightly against her sides. "To so casually dismiss the peace conference as just another political circus...I must wonder if you are fit to be here."

As the announcement echoes through the hall, Terressa takes one more look about the booths and the representatives. "Do not forget the sacrifices made by your ancestors, Frederick," she mutters, as much to no one at all as to her half-awake boothmate.

2014-02-26, 09:31 AM
"Pixie spritzer, fairy mead, fruit juice. Thank you so much." At the sound of the time warning, she nods. "Looks like I'll be needing it sooner than we thought." Returning back to her seat, she rattles the ingredients to the mediator, asking it... him?... if it could ask someone to bring it to her.

2014-02-26, 10:40 PM
The room fills with the soft roar of shuffling as people move around or pull out different notes to look at.

Mirabelle's mediator brings back the drink, but to her dismay it turns out that alcohol discouragement is stricter than she realized, as the fairy mead is actually non-alcoholic. When she reacts to her drink being virgin, the mediator speaks up, "Alcohol is discouraged during conferences, to ensure that the representatives have a clear mind."

Terresa's kind reminder is ignored by Frederick, who remains in his overly-relaxed position on his chair. He seems to drift further and further away from everything as the countdown display seems to mesmerize him. Merideth's expression seems to slightly soften when she sees Gilana finally listening to her. "If we end up going into discussions, please put thought into your responses so that you don't perpetuate any bickering over the current treaty."

As the countdown comes to a close, Turrince speaks again. "Follow my lead. Your job is provoke their empathy in favor of what we will be contesting."

When the countdown hits zero, a mediator steps into the center of the chamber, though with some different modifications from the standard security models. As it speaks a Major Image fills the center of the chamber above it, magnifying the image of itself. "The conference is now underway. The first topic to address is the passage of the current treaty to persist for the following year. If any representative under the terms of the treaty wishes to contest any portion of it, now is the time to speak."

Almost immediately the Image spell in the center of the chamber shifts to magnify the Milquough booth as Turrince speaks. "The nation of Milquough will contest the Automatic Asylum clause on behalf of itself and the other nations subject to this portion of the treaty." As he finishes his declaration groans can be heard from the opposite side of the chamber, and the Thylle diplomats sigh in their own manner. "Figures they would go for this again." Borik whispers to Lyra.

The Automatic Asylum clause:
The most commonly contested portion of every version of the treaty aside from increased taxation penalties for minor violations of the treaty itself. In essence, any person residing within the Verix nations or Nerkiv is automatically granted asylum and legal permission to leave the country if they seek it. Particularly pushed by people who hated the oppression in those countries, it is internationally accepted to be an imperfect solution to the problem, and leaves openings for abuses in smuggling and other criminal activity. But due to the thick-headed attitude of not letting the evil nations take any ground, no one has dared to allow them to change it change it.

"Please state your case for contesting this clause." The mediator says. The other representatives of the evil nations look upon Turrince with an odd sense of trust, Tyrene notices, so this must have been worked out well in advance.

Turrince addresses the audience. "This portion of the treaty is a flawed implementation to solve a problem only seen through a severe misconception, and has resulted in stunting the economic growth of the nations it affects. Firstly, the clause was made under the premise that the populaces of the affected nations are oppressed, an egregious misunderstanding driven by ill-informed 'freedom fighters'. Our nations have never oppressed out respective citizens, and any impression of us doing so is driven by xenophobia or culture misunderstanding." Grumbles go around the chamber as the accusations are made. "Secondly, the clause encourages people to leave their home country, through creating the impression that there's a reason they shouldn't be there. The clause has lost us thousands of workers, scholars and other people crucial to the economic and cultural growth of a nation, leaving our governments near bankruptcy as we become less and less able to afford paying the base amount of the international relief tax. The continuation of this clause will leave the countries with a figurative skeleton population until our nations inevitable collapse from this form of decay, especially as the unavoidable drop in the standard of living caused by this exodus drives even more citizens to seek residence in other nations." The low din of chatter begins to intensify. Those veteran to the conferences are quickly looking through the conversation logs of previous conferences where this clause was contested. "Finally, this 'solution' to a problem that never existed is a detriment to the international community, too. The vague wording and lax process of verifying citizens and providing transport has allowed the infrastructure created by this clause to be heavily used by criminal organizations, primarily for the smuggling of illegal substances and artifacts which they are easily able to conceal the production of within our now-barren borders. These reasons should be more than enough to abolish the clause and open discussion for a solution that avoids these problems and allows for the regrowth of the countries damaged by this haphazard legislation." Turrince's charisma is lacking, but the intellectual and logical manner in which he presents the case seems solid. Whether or not the countries affected by the clause actually oppressed their citizens was up to debate, with no hard intelligence from outside countires and wildly varying rumors from within. Either way feathers are ruffled all around, even the planar representatives, who have little stake in the outcomes of this part of the treaty, are showing reaction.

"Will the other representatives in this chamber present anything to combat Diplomat Turrince's case?" The mediator says. It's clearly the time for anyone to put their thoughts into the case, and for Tyrene to prey on their emotional side.

2014-02-26, 11:25 PM
Lyra considered the argument thoughtfully. She wasn't going to speak to the room unless she really felt she needed to, but she could assist Borik with some ideas. She wanted the dwarf to take her a bit more seriously, anyway. She spoke softly to the dwarf, "He's not playing to the crowd very well. Trying to make his point on the merit of logic alone, while putting in just enough accusation that he's probably trying to prompt an emotional response to make his points seem more reasonable by comparison. It's clever, but opens him up to a counter similarly grounded in rhetoric."

"You could hit him with the same punch by pointing out that the clause doesn't at all encourage people to leave. To the contrary, it encourages the governments of those countries to go the extra mile to ensure their citizens have a reason to remain; after all, all the clause actually does is ensures freedom of choice. Don't oversell it, but it counters the 'boo-hoo our countries will collapse' argument while setting the barb that the reason they're faltering might have to do more with laziness or incompetence within the governments themselves. Might get an emotional rise out of them, and indirectly raises the question of why so many people are leaving, when these guys have had, ya know, five centuries or so to make people want to stay."

"Now, if you want to make our side look magnanimous, and probably force the guy to backpedal, offer a solution. We can table the discussion now - their countries have held out this long, another year won't hurt - but propose an amendment that specific countries can be removed from the list by passing an...I dunno, tribunal, audit, whatever. Basically, letting people from other countries go in and poke around, see whether or not there is any oppression going on. If a sufficient caucus of the international community is indeed convinced that there is no oppression occurring in a given country, that country can be taken out of the clause at the next Conference. Most likely, they'll decide they don't want that sort of opening in their security, and back off, and you can bring it up again in future conferences to keep the moral high ground, 'Hey, we offered you a solution,' and all. If they do take it, and it passes, it provides an opening in intelligence. Also, since running that sort of thing would take a lot of time and effort, the responsible party probably couldn't do it for too many countries at once, maybe only one a year. So of course, if that's the case, every country on that list has to compete for the international community's attention to be next in line, which should shake up their political alliances. It's also actually a fair solution if there is merit to his argument, I think; it keeps the clause on the books, but lets the countries who don't deserve it get out of it."

"The 'troubling to the international community' card you can keep in your back pocket. It just begs the response of 'Well, true, the clause requires us to offer asylum to your people...let's see how many of us actually mind?' I mean, assuming most of the countries here don't, you can kinda show them just how much opposition they're looking at without it being any real official vote or anything. And gets people participating without having to do all that hard thinking and convincing stuff, which they'll probably like," she finished with a slender grin.

Working on the assumption we can talk amongst ourselves some. If, like, the illusion starts focusing on anyone talking or whatever, she'll stop speaking real quick :smallwink:.

2014-02-27, 10:05 PM
It was all so imposing. From the illusions, to the crowds, to the concepts being handled. Implementation, xenophobia, detriments, haphazard legislation; even the speech seemed... surgical? It was so cold and calculated. Was she one of the 'freedom fighter'? Don't perpetuate any bickering. Reduced to that this was simpler... and without the frills what exactly was he arguing?

"That it should be harder to leave if you so wish." She murmurs to herself, trying to simplify the argument and make it manageable.

Gilana gives a quick glance to Meredith, closes her eyes and stands. "If I may speak." She opens her eyes, takes in the scene, and addresses those here gathered. "One is only truly tied to the place of her birth by choosing to remain there. If this place is no longer fit to be called a home, then one should remedy that, one way or another. The people of these nations always have a choice, but this is not a choice that can ever come easily. Family, friends, memories, entire lives, that is what you leave behind if you uproot. That there are those who are willing to sacrifice all of this in hope of a better future somewhere else, is telling."

"Removing this, 'clause' would only block a path. Taking it would be much more difficult, but is this the right way to go about it? If you want someone to decide at a crossroad and make the choice you want, I feel one should make that road grander, one should make it beautiful, not cut down the bridge to the other path. If they truly want the other path, they will still find a way, but the journey will be that much more difficult."

2014-02-28, 09:19 PM
Terressa feels little empathy for Frederick after his continued disconcern, and as the conference commences, the asylum clause is brought up again. She listens intently to the tiefling's speech, taking note of its straightforwardness. While the diplomat assigned to her country would likely sleep through it, given the chance, she intended to glean as much information from it as possible. Despite the showy additions to the conference, Terressa pays them little mind, noticing how some of the younger aids are a little enthralled by it.

While she had heard hundreds of attempts to legitimize, bring down, alter, and reinforce the automatic asylum clause, few of those speeches she remembered attempted to curry favor and pity in such a way. A few legitimate grievances, though a rather poor delivery - at least, as far as political rambling is concerned. Perhaps Verix will garner a few more allies to its cause this year. Terressa is a little relieved, though - this diplomat may bear traces of vitriol, but at least he can present himself as dignified.

As the Salsem booth raises its voice to be heard, she finds her own concerns closely aligning with theirs. She waits to see if her intrepid politically-inclined fellow representative will have anything important to say, before deciding on if she should voice her own ideas on the topic.

2014-03-03, 07:44 AM
Tyrene rises, her magnificent dress flutters as she does so. Her face is almost the epitome of friendliness and understanding when she begins to speak in her melodic voice, almost singing the words: “I believe that there is some sort of misunderstanding, you see, there still are those people who believe that the nations of the Verix Alliance are an unpleasant place to be. But, unfortunately for those who want to return to a terrible state of war, this is simply not true. The truth is that our peoples are happy and content. Of course, there always are those unfortunate souls who believe that life will be better elsewhere, and we try to protect them from such an idea. When they leave, they not only hurt themselves, travel after all is a dangerous prospect, and often fraught with hardship, but they also hurt those who love them, and those who are invested in them. How terrible is it to lose your child, your mate or your parent merely because this person is suddenly taken by a desire to leave, believing to find a better life there, while this simple is not the case. Of course, these migrants might tell you differently, but why would they not? They have torn their old life to pieces, and feel a strong need to justify this to themselves. And to make things worse, the horrible pain and suffering that they inflicted upon themselves often makes such people delirious, making them spread lies throughout the world.”

She pauses, briefly, looking through the hall. Of course she is lying, it is the only way. “And look at the other effects of this clause, apart even from the simple crime. There are those who believe that they should take it upon themselves to commit acts of sabotage and espionage, deluding themselves to believe that it serves a higher purpose. But all these dangerous people achieve is driving a wedge of distrust between our peoples. I would have loved to tell you that there aren’t people who would see us return to a state of war, but to do so would be a lie. All of you know it. These people use the clause as a tool to bring their terrible plans to fruition, and we simply cannot allow that to happen.”

2014-03-04, 09:26 AM
As Gilana makes her case the illusion shifts to project her image. At the part of the speech talking about a home she hears a faint amused snort from the independent section, noticing out of the corner of her eye she noticed the two representatives from the Seelie Court, both of them advisors that were present the day she was banished. She doesn't remember seeing them the previous day, and can only conclude that they are actively shunning her. Fortunately, Merideth gives an approving nod when she finishes. "Looks like you can act professional." She comments when the attention is away from their booth.

Borik listens to Gilana's opinion before responding to Lyra, "You're buying into their lies, but since you're new here I can't blame you. Everything the Verix nations and North Nerkiv do is just a struggle to gain as much power as possible, and they've had a few centuries to refine their case and tactics."

As Tyrene finishes she notices approving nods from the other Verix representatives, but almost immediately receives a response from the Florikeme representative. A powerful-looking half-celestial who by his adornments is obviously a highly-ranked paladin, stands and brings the Image's attention to him as he speaks. "Careful wording and half-truths at best, but still lies. Your nations have never valued anything other than the selfishness of those in power, and every year we find more and more spies coming out of your country! It is a disgrace to this conference that we have to be reminded each year that the nations of the Verix continent are still trying to claw their way back up to a position they can wage war from." It is very clear that he despises everything evil and won't hesitate to speak his mind. "Logan! What the hell are you doing?" Merideth tries to whisper over in a hushed tone. Many of the other representatives are surprised by this unexpected outburst. The vengeful paladin continues his rant regardless of his allies' warnings, "We won't ever remove that clause, or any other part of the treaty that holds your nations down. Have you not realized why we have over five hundred years of peace? Because we don't let you grow, we don't let you have more than what we allow and we will never let any of you be considered an equal among the rest of us! None of us give a damn if the clause damages your governments to the point that your entire population is counts and criminals, and when you finally die off I will be the first one there to start hallowing every inch of land your presence has tainted! By seeking to change this treaty you are seeking to put your nations in a place where you can wage war again, and if anything your taxation penalties should be further increased for trying to seek out war in thi-" He is finally interrupted when the nearest mediator pushes him back down into his seat. "Keep your discussions civil. One warning for Florikeme." Says the main mediator. Logan looks at the machine with spite before looking straight at Tyrene and finishing his tirade, "Fine. But Turrince, next time bring a pet that isn't so ugly. Maybe an illithid or a slaad." The room erupts with a sitcom-like gasp and almost falls into disarray before one of the Spell Weavers casts a Sound Burst into empty space above the center of the room, interrupting the rise into chaos as everyone is startled by the spell. "Two warnings for Florikeme."

All of the good-aligned nations are livid, and everyone else is shocked. Even Frederick began sitting properly in his chair as Logan's speech escalated. As everyone recuperates from what just happened Turrince speaks to Tyrene again, his face still almost unmoving. "We got what we were trying to accomplish. You helped make a strong enough case that you provoked their hatred, bringing it uncomfortably to the front of the issue. You can tend to any further discussion on the matter with the clause but the outcome will be irrelevant."

The Air Genasi leans over to talk with the Githzerai on the other side of Mirabelle, and she realizes that neither of them are visibly surprised by what just happens. "Looks like they finally managed to play Logan into their hands. I did notice the other Verix representatives were subtly provoking his hatred during yesterday's formalities, but I was pretty sure they were going to wait another year before taking it this far." The gith looks over and responds, the way they both chat indicating that they're long-time acquaintances. "It's mildly amusing to see their carefully-orchestrated political sabotage progress a little bit more each year, Arilian. But this can only end in two ways. If they continue to pursue this plot of theirs they will either turn most of the nations against each other and throw the world into complete war, or they'll bring about everyone's wrath and be completely eradicated." They realize they're being rude to Mirabelle and stop, and Arilian addresses her. "You've shown up for an interesting year, it usually doesn't get this heated. You shouldn't encounter as much friction to accomplish anything for the Freezeplains, but those opinions will show up to varying degrees and will let you learn the . . . political terrain, I guess would be a good term for it."

The lack of discussion persists for a minute before the mediator speaks again. "If anyone still wants to contribute to the current debate please do so now, or we will move on to a vote for the affirmation of this change."

2014-03-04, 09:53 AM
"To be honest, from what some of the clan leaders have told me, it was going to be much more docile than this. Its still revolting, what they're all doing, but it won't go well for them." Mirabelle says, joining in on the Gith's and Genasi's conversation. "Even if chaos erupts, they're already weaker by loss of their citizens. When it settles down, and it will, they'll be left holding the knife that started it all, despite what may happen in that dark time. And for my goals? I expect a little protest. Its a bit foolish, but I'm still a bit wary of spellspeakers from my youth. They may not throw anything my way unseen, but I don't doubt they've prepared extensively for this. And its a pleasure to speak with you again."

2014-03-04, 06:32 PM
Other times you want to lay down roots only to be yanked out as they are just starting to grow. She had watered them through betrayal and with the blood of another though. Looking back, no good could have come from that. Once Gilana takes a seat, her eyes meet those of the ambassadors of the Seelie Court briefly, before looking down. "I've played the beast, the oracle, the healer, the killer, the sage... why not a diplomat too my dear?" She smiles at Meredith, but her thoughts are on flora that she would have loved to know longer.

She tries to snap back for most of Tyrene's rebuttal. "No fair, she's playing with different rules... You should be able to trust someone to make that kind of choice though, surely, their life is their own, not the nation's..." She mutters to herself while trying to think of a counterargument, stopping only when the Half Celestial's argument, and the chaos that it brought, erupts. "That was... What happened to no bickering?" For now, she simply watches the other Thylle representatives, especially Logan, and wonders how the other diplomats would try to fix this.

2014-03-05, 04:47 AM
Lyra blinked once at the dwarf, wondering precisely how he had taken her three suggestions on how to counter the logic of the argument or try and turn it to a political advantage as buying into it. She responded with a light chuckle, trying to ignore the familiar sting of dismissal. "Whatever, man."

She found herself nodding when Gilana spoke. That one had it right, best as she could figure. Tyrene's argument, specifically talking about "protecting" people from freely making a choice to improve their lot in life, only underscored it. She wondered if these governments really believed that being able to force their people to stay was of benefit to them, or if it was just the prettiest they could make it sound.

She stifled another chuckle when the paladin responded. Truth was, she found the blunt honesty refreshing. The fact that it drew so much ire was, she deemed, part of what was wrong with this whole thing. Politics...sheesh.

Nonetheless, it didn't exactly cast the good guys in a good light. Lyra decided to speak up. Try and get a bit more rational discourse coming from their side of the room, and if it called the merit of their rhetoric into question, well, all the better. "If I may? I'm...new at this, so I apologize if I'm missing something, but...I mean, between the 'impassioned argument' and 'calling a vote' stage, you guys are presumably intending to present some kind of evidence, right? Like...I dunno...independently verified reports of the quality of life in your countries? Statistical analyses of the number of people who are worse off because they left than because they stayed? Economic reports on how badly your countries are suffering? Maybe some testimony from accredited experts on increases in worldwide smuggling? I mean, you've given us some interesting if...actually kinda contradictory opinions on the matter, but I can't imagine that that's anywhere near sufficient to institute a change of policy this significant on its own."

2014-03-07, 10:47 AM
When Logan has his outburst Tyrene feels tempted to lean back or to further provoke him. But that would not be effective, in fact, it would undo what she has achieved so far. Instead she looks shocked and insulted by his words. She places her thin hand in front of her mouth, gasping when she is insulted. She does feel insulted, and mentally she swears that she will have her revenge. She does not smile, like she would normally do when thinking such things. In her mind she seems him, helpless in the water as the blood flows out, first red, then yellow. And in her hand she imagines the fresh heart, still trying to beat.

2014-03-07, 05:23 PM
Terressa was torn. On one hand, this was most definitely not the place for Logan's righteous outrage. On the other...she pretty much agreed with him. Painful phantasms from the past welled up to haunt her mind for just a moment before being suppressed again - the urge to rally against evil, to take up arms in the name of goodness and peace, and last but not least, the memory of a dear friend lost.

"The automatic asylum treaty should only be revised in a most dire situation," Terressa steps up to speak, though she really doesn't have much to say. "I...and Olsworth, will not see it removed. Those who seek asylum from what they perceive to be persecution, tyranny or poor living conditions should be given that avenue of escape. If you seek revision, then you must provide evidence, as Megidyme has put forth." While she maintains a stern voice, she tries her best to avoid sounding as if she is issuing a challenge to them. While she cared deeply for the peace and overall stability of the world, it became difficult to weigh the wants and needs of nations whose leadership seemed to be so...uninterested in the needs of its citizens. Who could say if their pleas now were genuine, or yet another attempt to just get ahead?

2014-03-11, 05:34 AM
Merideth speaks lowly to Gilana, appearing much more tired that she did a few minutes ago. "Florikeme's government insists on their diplomats only being highly-ranked paladins, and this is what that sort of foolishness results in. Logan comes from an environment where speaking your mind gets you respect and honor, as everyone is either in agreement or not worthy of being present. But the ranks of a religious order and this conference are leagues apart. If we were in equal standing against the Verix nations and North Nerkiv, he would have already destroyed negotiations." She sighs, "It's one thing to keep your opponent from walking over you, and another to be the fool who says little and contributes less at the expense of their image."

The drow diplomat for North Nerkiv responds to Lyra's inquiry, "We have census forms on our legally documented populations, available in the discussion materials at each booth. Providing other information is unfortunately far more difficult, as the data of a fiscal year will often take up to a decade to push through accusations of fraudulent accounting, assuming it gets through at all. For other details the definitions are never properly defined, with third-party investigators purposefully leading us in a loop of contested definitions." He gives an exhausted sigh and finishes. "But seeing that more and more diplomats are speaking their mind against this, it is likely already decided. We will cease our debate and move on to the voting."

"All in favor of seeking revision of the Automatic Asylum Clause please indicate in the affirmative." The main mediator says. Only a few of the diplomats reach for the green button on their booths, producing a glowing green orb from the left corners. The evil side of the conference room displays a soft glow as everyone turns on their lights over there, but the only other green orbs in the rooms are from the few neutral and independent diplomats that do so after hesitation. "The contesting opinion is in the minority, the clause will remain unchanged." After a couple moments the mediator speaks again. "Due to stress levels maintaining a gradual rise in a large portion of the representing people, the conference will adjourn for two hours before resuming. Please make sure that you return in your best state of mind."

Some groaning can be heard as everyone adjusts to the fact that this conference will likely take longer now. Everyone begins gathering up their materials and notes while some make small talk with their neighbors.

As Lyra and Borik clean up their booth the wizard from the Ulwiss booth approaches and speaks, "I shouldn't have been so rude before. I am Karl, veteran student of Ulwiss working toward the rank of Perfect Sage." Lyra remembers that the Perfect Sage rank is the elite circle of mages at Ulwiss, and a requirement to work in their administrative staff or to teach any of the courses past basic difficulty. "My thesis work is on large-scale abjuration, and I was hoping for your consultation for optimizing efficiency and stability when expanding such magic. I'm certain that this peace is only a shell of what began half a millennia ago, and when it falls apart there will be a need for spells that can defend nations or fortify outpost networks in a single casting. You've already shown you're open-minded enough to realize this inevitability, and I can compensate you with my research funding and with prototype configurations of the spells I'm working on." When he finishes Borik shakes his head and speaks to Lyra, "Students are always prone to dreaming without realizing what it takes to get there. I'd recommend turning him down so that you aren't distracted during the remainder of the conference, and don't get tied up in a bookworm's wild goose chase."

Arilian scratches his head with a confused look before the gith answers his question. "I guess all of the vying interests haven't revealed themselves to you, Mirabelle. If the Verix Alliance didn't prioritize their political theater with Logan first, they would have brought up much to say about your attempt at establishing the Freezeplains. They're looking for any crack in their legal cage, and your work will deny them any chance of using the area for their own means. My theory is they want more remote facilities for experimenting with illegal magic and access to an undocumented population they can try to covertly tap for slaves. Of course they'll try to go through with some more acceptable reasons but their intentions will be unchanged."

2014-03-12, 04:12 AM
"Hey, no worries. I was just...really busy earlier," she said. Borik's advice drew a light laugh. "We've got two hours to kill, right? I'm sure it won't hurt to talk shop for a bit. I mean, unless there's anything conference-related you and I should discuss in the meantime," that last bit she said more seriously.

"I do have to warn you though, Karl, abjuration isn't really my strongest suit. I mean, not the ones you're talking about anyway, wards and such. My background's mainly in elemental, planar, and ritual magic, although if we're just talking theory, a few potential ideas come to mind. I'm just not sure what the actual procedures to properly implement them would entail."

2014-03-12, 04:37 AM
When the vote is done and the announcement made Tyrene rises again. She knew that this would happen. The other nations want to keep them weak, that is clever of them. She wants them to be weak, so this charade can one day be over. But she still does not understand them. Why can they even really care about the dregs of other nations? Of course, they can give a little information, and more important refugees can give more of that, but the economic gains are only small, and might even have a negative impact. No, those so-called good nations are ruled by insanity, devoted to bringing others low. They only hide it with flowery language.

She walks out of the meeting room, a look of sadness on her face. Inside she is happy, she did what she wanted to do, but she has been insulted. Tyrene hates being insulted. She is greater than all these little people, they just don’t know it yet. She wants to talk to others, Turrince might be a competent diplomat, but he is not someone for more casual conversation. And she is here with a reason, she is here to make friends out of enemies. Or to make them show themselves of course. But her long-term goals require her to be well-liked by as many diplomats as possible, even the ones from the so-called good nations. She stands there, waiting to be approached.

2014-03-13, 07:38 PM
Gilana finds herself agreeing with Meridith. "It just seemed so coarse... no, it didn't fit in at all. He should return the his choir if he refuses to play the part." She raises and pushes her chair back. "The play is on hold for two hours though, if you don't mind, I think I'll do as the automatons suggest and clear my mind." Smiling, her hands at her back, she gently floats into the crowd, following them out of the main discussion area.

Eyes closed, she takes in the sound of the crowd as she moves, gathering what she can. She had gotten Meredith's side, but how would Logan explain his outburst? Few would say it was productive... How did they see it, the representatives from the Seelie Court. They played the game so differently there, much more subtle, much less rigid... How far had Fafnir gotten, she wondered? How many more paramours had he taken over the years? They would likely mock again her over such a question. With regards to ridicule, that court was quite open.

"Oh, my apologies. Didn't see you there." She comes back to from her thoughts after bumping into another representative. She gives them a bow and a smile, but continues navigating the crowd, at least until she sees a familiar face.

"Tyrene," She calls to her and promptly glides to her side. "My condolence that the vote was not in your favor, though I am surprised you voted against the clause."

2014-03-14, 03:40 AM
Tyrene makes a short bow to Gilana, and gives her a smile: "Oh Gilana, it is good to see you. Although I must ask the reverse question, why vote in favor of such a clause? I am sure that you understand that it is a highly unpleasant thing for us.", she turns her face a little, leaning sideways. "But enough of such unpleasantries, it is good to see you again after all these years, and in such excellent health. Being surrounded by all these mortals almost makes one take pity on them, wouldn't you say?"

2014-03-14, 08:50 AM
"Pity... there is a bit of that as well. They bloom and wither so quickly, yet try to accomplish so much in their short lives. Picking ideals, molding themselves around them, enforcing their laws. Fascination and curiosity, those are there too." Her gaze wonders, her mind elsewhere for a second. "Sometimes they become something majestic, others not so much. Still, I enjoy watching them grow." She suddenly snaps back and regains fer focus before continuing.

"I voted against a change because I could not fathom being told that I could not leave..." She pauses here, her smile becoming a slightly pained expression. "As I stood by and watched them do to you so long ago. Then there is Logan's answer to your monologue" She tries to find the Paladin in the crowd, but only briefly. "I am supposed to come representing those on my side of the ocean. He may be from another land, but here they seem intent on grouping us together. I ask for forgiveness for his rudeness." She closes her eyes and lowers her head, coming back up before finishing. "If there is anything you may want of me, I will do what I can to help." This was supposed to be the idea behind the peace conference, wasn't it?

2014-03-14, 10:16 AM
”Yes, I know what it is like to be restrained, but all that exists is restrained. Most beings cannot even swim properly. Their whole life is a prison, and leaving their home only causes damage. When I was kept as a symbol of trust I knew that it was for the best, for peace. But here, here hatred is still harbored by these mortals. And things like the clause foster this hatred. To the treaty all nations should be equal, and it causes me great pain that all these centuries have not been enough to liberate us from these old insults.”

Tyrene places a hand on Gilana’s shoulder: ”But please, don’t feel guilty for what that man said. Those were his words and beliefs, not yours. I know that you are not hateful like that. And I want you to know that I appreciate your coming here to speak to me in my grief. It is good to know that I have a friend here in between the chilly hate.”

2014-03-14, 05:15 PM
At the behest of the mechanical moderators, Terressa departs the halls, her mind still on the clause. To her, Verix and Nerkiv still represented potential threats - to give them the ability to reestablish themselves as powers was not exactly something she wanted. Still, mortals changed much more quickly than she did. While the past seven hundred years were long, most mortals only survived a handful of decades, a century at most. Some of them lived a little longer, like elves...regardless, perhaps it was time to give them a chance to make things better for themselves. It was obvious most of Thylle's representatives did not care to do that.

I need to take this time to relax...Frederick is practically useless, so I guess I will be representing Olsworth this time. Terressa shook her head, sending away the swarming thoughts of politics and war. She sighed, knowing that the peace that had been wrought was most likely the cause of her current diplomat's laze.

Once outside the meeting hall, she seeks out a spot to simply rest and regain a peaceful mindset.

2014-03-18, 03:22 PM
"Warm words should melt chilly hate, let us at least leave with that" Gilana smiles at the gesture briefly putting her own hand over Tyrene's. "Grudges can run deep. I am afraid I have some of my own, but were I too judge I would say they pale in comparison to the rift between the land... the people of the lands we represent."

"I imagined this event differently. No mechanical voices, no strict schedule... no reviews of words written down so long ago. I suppose I was a bit naive. Still, it has been centuries since the war ended, for all the event's flaws, there is at least that."

2014-03-19, 01:37 PM
"Unfortunately most mortals cannot see beyond such systems, their minds are unfit for free thinking. That is the plague this world suffers from. Even many of those who breathe eternity fail to truly think. So many poor, pitiful creatures populate the land and the sea. One day the proper order may be restored, and that will be a splendorous, glorious day. We will sing and dance then."

The mirth fades away when she continues: "But for now we have an imperfect world, not in its natural place, and that requires that we dance along to the mortal tune. This cold, mechanical, and repetitive tune. The conference is a part of it, an essential part even, a part where alterations can be made to the melody of the world."

2014-03-19, 02:14 PM
"The sad part is, I don't think they'll ever be truly documented. They mix folklore with real life as it transpires. To be able to document them all would mean you would have to take control of all tribes at the same time, and get them to agree to it. I can talk with them all, but never at the same time, and even then I'm still an outlander. They can tell by the hair." Mirabelle says, looking disappointingly at her drink. "My best hope is getting their elders to pull on ears and agree to forming a council. Unfortunately for the Verix, they aren't the first to try this sort of ploy, and as much as they pride themselves, they won't be the last.

"But life goes on, right? Do you feel like you'll make progress with your goals today?"

2014-03-19, 09:08 PM
From the Conference Chamber:
North Hall: Tyrene, Gilana
West Hall: Mirabelle
South Hall: Teressa, Lyra

"Well I'm mainly interested on your expertise in ritual magic." Karl says as he produces some paper. Upon closer examination Lyra realizes that it's a magically-inscribed blueprint, containing the basics of a ritual spell's layout, but with much of the geometry seeming far more suited for mechanical application than magical. "I found this design etched into a false panel when I was working maintenance on the initiate dorm abjurations. I took a look in the student roster to figure out who inscribed it, but we've had some issues with arcane decay on our magically stored records, so all I know is that there was a student from over a hundred years ago that didn't make it very far in the academy. This person's affinity was more toward mechanical than magical practices, and his rejected work was trying to find the middle ground between the two fields. I think he found some of Zensibar's writing and managed to piece together a concept, and if so then you're the person to go to. I tried a small-scale test of this design already but it almost instantly overloaded." He pauses, a bit of shame is noticeable in his face. "I didn't think the inscription was anywhere near the target efficiency needed for practical use, so the magic circle against fire I was using imploded, forcing a deep freeze within its area and almost killing some of my assisting students. I need more data on the energy conversion scaling on this design before I'm even allowed to try again in a demiplane bunker. You're the one who brought ritual magic back to a forefront research topic, so you'd have the best sense for what's going on with it. Can you tell just by looking or will you need some tests?"

Roll Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks.

Tyrene, Gilana:
Each representative's respective diplomats quickly approach, clearly on edge about opposites socializing so casually. "Gilana, may I speak with you, in private?" Merideth's voice is excessively stern and her glare is stuck on Turrince, whose brow is actually slightly furrowed as he glares back. "Funny how a need for control comes from the places that try to deny it the most." The drow dryly retorts as he beckons Tyrene further down the hallway.

Merideth's anger becomes more visible as she waits for the Milquogh pair to be out of earshot. "Aren't you aware of how delicate our situation is now? You can't just go up to any Verix nation and have small talk on a whim after your ally just declares their intent to oppress them! I want to say that you didn't mess anything up, but their representatives operate on expression either false emotion or no emotion, so who knows if that Sirene has moved up us on the list of people she would love to see dead in the water."

Over with Turrince and Tyrene, the drow continues with his emotionless talk. "You seemed to have handled that well. It's an odd thing for a representative, especially from the Thylle region, to approach one of us so casually and begin conversation. If you think you can win some support on their side of the conference through her, then go ahead." He almost seems to smile. "At the very worst it will leave Merideth even more flustered and distracted, since she's the only one that actively tries to regulate their own interactions. Just be careful near Logan. We've pushed him for quite a few years and your presence seems to have made him snap earlier than we thought possible. Even though the mediators are equipped for defending everyone and preventing assassinations, he may try to bring a mortal blow to you regardless."

As she rests outside the conference chamber, she notices Logan approaching. He sits on the bench near her, leaning heavily on his sheathed sword. "Teressa, you've been here longer than me, and you spend more time among the populace. What do you think has made everyone so complacent? The horrible wars fought for this peace were far too long, and I think broke the spirits of many. I was still new to my Order when I waded in that sea of blood with my allies, the few that survived. But the blood and the death wasn't what hurt me the most, it was the realization that so many of our inspirational figures from back then had given up hope in our world. I remember watching the clergy attempt to resurrect leader after leader, only to find out that the vast majority had already moved on and didn't want to come back. The paladin who recruited me to the Order, Jennings, was one of those people. Seeing that resurrection spell fail, then listening to him say this world was lost when they used Speak with Dead almost broke me." Tears are almost visible, but he blinks them away quickly so that none of the passing people notice. "When we finally forced the surrender out of North Nerkiv, and the Verix nations, I swore to maintain this time of peace, and to never lose resolve in front of those who looked up to me. If we allow those nations anything, then we are allowing the world to decline back into a state where no one has faith in it. But who is left to remember, and how many of them still care?"

As the trio of representatives walk out of the chambers the two extraplanar ones chuckle. "We have no real goals of any sort." Arillian says, "We're basically here to be a face to talk to for anyone that has interest in our planes. It's almost entirely industrial ambition, with the sparse research expedition coming up every few years. Renna probably has one of the easier bits, since other than Slaadi research almost no one has an interest in Limbo." Renna speaks up once she finishes. "It's a lot along the same lines as you. We all represent places that not everyone wants to live, and we're the line of defense against those who would like to do what they please with those areas."

As everyone talks the rise in mediators present in the halls seems to increase. They maintain their usual security activities, but those who notice them do wonder why they feel the need to increase security, before dismissing it on the premise of Logan's rant and the hostility it spread.

2014-03-20, 10:00 AM
Tyrene looks around at the increasing number of moderators. She doesn't know the usual procedures of the conference, and assumes that this is normal after a disturbance. But then again, such disturbances should be reckoned with in the normal plans. No, this betrays that there is something peculiar. But there are other things on her mind now, things like Gilana who is being scolded for talking to her. She cannot make out the words, but the Sirene has spent enough time in the world to understand what happens. It almost makes her smile.

"She will not give much support in major matters, although it might be possible to tempt her to give her aid in seemingly minor matters. The paladin, Logan, however seems ill in his mind. Almost as though he bears a grudge against me. I shall keep my safety in mind, although he might lash out again, with consequences for his cause."

2014-03-20, 11:14 AM
Gilana says nothing at first, simply giving Tyrene and Turrince a courteous bow before leaving. She glides along with Meredith, listening, but without a change in her expression. "Meredith, I was there when we tried to cross the sea that they controlled. There when Gerard denied her asylum during the final stage of the war... Logan would have been proud of him then." Her voice is firm, but quiet, for her companion's ears only. "We represent his line, I know we are on the list if she still holds what she said back then to heart. I said words back then as well and I have not forgotten them."

"Would you have preferred I actively shun another fey? That would have been an even greater insult, I wasn't aware we handed them out so openly." The last remark was barbed. She pauses and closes her eyes in a pained expression. After a deep breath, she continues. "Sorry, we should obey those mechanical voices... I deemed an olive branch and an exchange of words appropriate. At least in this matter, I ask that you trust me. Centuries after Lucie's children die of old age, Tyrene will still look as she does now, but so will I."

"If my actions have made us seem of mixed opinions to other nations, I put forth that they came from the childish newcomer you have had to keep on a leash, not a veteran diplomat who has become an institution. Let them gamble on what my agenda is and were my loyalties rest. I do not see Lucie losing that bet... please, trust me."

2014-03-20, 12:37 PM
"Well this is interesting," Lyra said as she studied the diagram. "Very elaborate work. As ritual circles go, it's quite versatile. Meant for absorbing and directing magical energy to...a variety of ends. I'd need to study it in more detail, maybe even do a couple tests, to see just how far it could go but just off the top of my head...see here? The structure along this area looks to be for directing magic outwardly. There's several of them, but judging by the runes, this one's meant for abjuration. I wouldn't try to use it with anything but low-power spells, though. Not without more time to study and experiment with it, at any rate."

"A magic circle shouldn't be beyond it, though. I'm just speculating here, but what you might be running afoul of is the more...mechanical design of the thing. If it's meant to interact with natural laws...I mean, energy doesn't like to just stay in one place without a mage telling it to, you know? My guess is that this structure is meant for collection and refinement of energy. Using it for storage might be what caused it to overload and fail...the structure seems designed to move the energy to these outputs and send it back out, so when the energy didn't leave, it built up too quickly and failed. What I think you want to do, is connect a more traditional ritual circle here, at the abjuration node. Lets this circle save you the work of refining the energy yourself, which should fairly substantially reduce the time the ritual takes. Again, though, complete guess based on its physical design. I'd have to play with it some to know for sure."

2014-04-02, 06:47 PM
"Time," she says after a lengthy pause. "The passage of time has removed many veterans from our midst, and younger individuals rarely feel the direct repercussions of that terrible war now. In fact, some are so far removed, they only see this as some political charade, to pull strings and then leave as quickly as they came. Most do not see Verix and Nerkiv as potential threats..." She trails off for a moment, noticing the increase in the mediators' presence. That's odd. "They see them as weak puppets, unable to fend for themselves. They do not know the tragedies they are capable of committing."

Terressa leans in closer to Logan, speaking now in a low whisper. "I feel as you do, Logan - that the people of the world are forgetting the scars of the past. But we do not - it is because we are the ones afflicted with those scars. It is easier to forget when an event happened five hundred years before one's birth, and they only live a hundred years or less...even their relatives and parents did not experience the terrors firsthand. But as for us - and others like us - we must have hope for the world, so that even in the most dire times, we will fight for justice, peace, and the good of everyone. I wish more of the world believed such a thing..."

2014-04-08, 10:08 PM
"Seems such a sorry state of affairs. I remember when people went to your people's monasteries, rather than attempt to capture, dissect or observe those frogs. Hopefully I can prevent others from doing the same to the clans, hmm?" Mirabelle says, taking the first sip of her drink. "I really do wish they'd allow something not so clean. I doubt such outbursts from Logan are commonplace from others."

2014-04-09, 02:39 AM
North Hall (Tyrene, Gilana):

As Turrince gives an approving nod to Tyrene and Merideth rubs her forehead in attempt to process Gilana's explanation, the air of the crowd has begun to change. The atmosphere no longer feels like the place of a safe and casual mingle, and the two fey notice the various diplomats pausing mid-sentence as if listening, several consulting magic devices. The mediators speak up, "We are informed that a situation is developing in the Astral Plane. Until more details are established we insist that everyone present remain calm and avoid using long-range teleportation or plane shifting." Voices become hushed or concerned, and most eyes turn toward Merideth and Gilana, as most of the North Hall is filled with Verix representatives and a few outsiders from the evil planes. Merideth immediately storms over to Turrince, but before she speaks she gasps as she sees that the drow's face has actually moved, almost entirely changed with worry. "This isn't us, Merideth." He weakly says as he shakily puts on a ring Tyrene had noticed him use for communication with Milquogh the previous day. The two fey sense a growing tide of confusion and fear from the others nearby.

West Hall (Mirabelle):

The genasi chuckles, "If diplomacy was a work of honesty then I'm sure most of the people in this building would be unemployed. Everyone has their own flaws and secrets, and on a national level that leads to the desperate scramble to appear perfect, at least compared to their non-allies." Before Renna can add on to Arillian's response the crowd changes and the mediators make their statement about the Astral Plane's security. Renna immediately snaps to get the attention of the githyanki representative, speaking before he can even frown in annoyance, "No time to give me attitude, Korth. Do you have word on what Tu'Narath knows about the development?" Korth waits a couple of seconds before lifting his finger from over his own communication ring, his eyes showing no softness as he responds. "Unidentified mines were scattered in the Astral Plane a couple of minutes ago. The city is fine, but our forces are pinned while we try to find a gap in the coverage or a way to clear the field. All we know is that the mines force an unstable plane shift on any matter that comes near it, and they aren't expended when triggered. They can even pick off people teleporting at long-range for the brief moment they're in the plane. It would seem that someone seeks war, and we have to figure out who it is."

South Hall (Terressa, Lyra):

Karl smiles with excitement when Lyra gives her analysis, "That's great! If you have time after the conference, would you be willing to assist me with a practical test? I'll make sure the conditions are safe."

Logan smiles and regains his composure, placing a friendly hand on Terressa's back. "Thank you. It's difficult to not feel alone when everyone you grew with the most are long dead. Even when the values I fought for crumble before me over several painstaking centuries."

The people in the south hall go through the same transition from comfort to worry when the mediators spread word of the new development. Logan immediately stands up and pulls out his sword, "Damn them and their plotting. We have to stop this now!" He tells Teressa as he flies around to the east hall, narrowly dodging the mediators who clue in to his intentions and try to tackle him.


BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36N1KbmglKg)

Throughout the entire facility mediators act in unison, producing weapons from mechanized storage within them and leaping upwards. As they jump shattering glass and stone synchronize in a deafening cacophony as gleaming metallic figures burst through the ceiling, the vast majority of them colliding the the mediators who immediately grapple them and attempt to kill them. The remaining figures continue toward the ground at blinding speed, either hitting the ground and coming to a complete stop with no damage to themselves or eviscerating whoever they land on. The new arrivals stand 7 feet tall, looking like knights clad in chromed armor, but the only openings in their armor are bizarrely-shaped and on the sides of their limbs and torso. Their backs have four spikes protruding out to almost their full height, three-sided but missing the bottom side, with small flames emitting from the base within these spikes. Their weaponry are clawed gauntlet part of their armor, which they almost seem to use as a sword or spear instead of proper claws.

North Hall:

Most of the diplomats in this hall barely have a chance to scream before they're slaughtered by the impact of the falling creatures diving claw-first. The two fey and their diplomats are fortunately blocked from the initial angle of entry and are unscathed. The ones not busy fighting stop in their landing points, emitting copious amounts of steam. It is unclear whether the enemy or the mediators have the upper hand in the grappling, but even with representatives fighting with they are outnumbered.

West Hall:

The bizarre knights crash down, but as this hallway is mainly filled with powerful outsiders who are only diplomats part-time, the losses are far less. Renna somehow manages to catch the knight going after her and drive it into the ground with a brilliant counter, and Arillian immediately generates a blast of air that deflects another off course. Korth casts Wings of Cover to block the attack against him, the impact stunning that knight. Mirabelle manages to notice one diving straight at her as her training drives her to react.

South Hall:

Karl dives in front of Lyra and instantly casts Repulsion, forcing three knights to veer off course and either find new targets or crash into walls. Lyra notices that Karl is bleeding profusely from one hand and holding a bloodied enchanted dagger in the other. As Terressa sees the knight charging at her, she notices Frederick running toward her in a panic. He loses his balances as he tries to stop next to her, stumbling between her and the knight. She hears the scream and the sound of flesh tearing as she's knocked back against the wall, regaining her focus to see the knight venting steam while Frederick is still impaled on its arm, spasming and coughing up profuse amounts of blood. The east end of the south hall is doing particularly bad, as the mediators that attempted to stop Logan are caught off guard by the attack and most of them immediately fall to surprise dive. Like the knights in the north hall these ones also emit steam.

Screams of death and combat can be heard from within the conference chamber and the outer halls, but doors are locked with abjurations that only respond to the mediators as part of the emergency protocols.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing)

Initiative orders.
North hall:
Blitz Knights
Other Representatives.

West Hall:
Blitz Knights
Other representatives

South Hall:
Blitz Knights
Other representatives

Important Notes:
The Blitz Knights have expended their round 1 actions ventilating steam for reasons unknown. Everyone has 20% concealment after this point due to it.
Mirabelle and the rest of the West Hall are still on the surprise round as Mirabelle has the means to act during that time. She'll need to respond to the Blitz Knight on F-28 who is charging her on the surprise round before proceeding to round 1.
Lyra must make a DC 32 Will save or be unable to move toward Karl when with 5 feet of him for an unspecified time.
You have your weapons back since you left the conference chamber, so you don't have to worry about pestering a grappled mediator for yours.
Doors are locked, but it's not like anyone bothers with the Open Lock skill anyways.

Knowledge Checks on new creatures:
This is probably good to specify, since creatures like the Blitz Knights are new to the setting itself, no one having experience or even rumors about them. These creatures are either complete homebrews by me that I haven't published, or existing creatures with extensive changes. Either way no height of knowledge check is going to get you their stat block, but their capabilities and other important details can be determined through rolling checks. Generally it's best to roll knowledge on a creature with every category you have trained, since while the check most accurate to them will provide the most information, details specific to the other knowledge categories can sometimes be gained through these venues.

Ritual magic capabilities for this encounter:
Lyra can spend a Full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity to inscribe the base ritual rune in a one-square area. Then a spell can either be inscribed into it as a full-round action to augment it (the full effect is still unknown, but the spell can be cast immediately as long as the caster is in contact with the inscription), or the caster can simply stand on the rune and cast a spell if they're inherently familiar with summoning magic (only Karl and Lyra can do this right now, though Terressa can attempt it after observing either of them do it). Inscribing the spell directly will have greater returns than simply channeling the base inscription through regular casting.

2014-04-09, 04:37 AM
Lyra had been about to respond when the sudden attack came, forcing her to abort that course of action. She'd never really considered herself much of a fighter. She'd cast her spells in defense before, and won a few mage-duel tourneys to boot, but battle was hardly her passion or her purpose.

What she did have was something of a fondness for the study of magical tactics, and enough raw personal power to typically get the job done a couple times over.

She did hesitate briefly, trying to orient herself in the sudden steam, to try and figure out what these creatures were or what they could do, but she forced herself to focus on that question in the background. She grimaced slightly as the repulsion went up; she couldn't deny its value to their defense, but it also would make it harder for the others to get closer if they needed healing.

Nonetheless, healing would be having to wait regardless. Healing was not Lyra's current concern. Anger flared up within her at these creatures who would dare attack a peace conference.

Out went her arms, whipping to both sides as she whirled around. The air around her rippled weirdly, as if the very concept of space in her vicinity were being hotly debated. Standing nearby, Karl might feel the air around her suddenly heat up intensely.

"Endless realms of light and fire, fill this hall with flame!" she intoned, and the rippling energy rushed out from her, briefly tearing something like a dozen holes in the very air throughout the hall. Flame burst from those unstable portals, exploding in all directions. To an observer, it would appear the entire hall was consumed in an inferno, but closer observation would reveal the flames swirling around the mediators and members of the conference, while scorching their attackers.

Nor was her assault limited to a mere inferno. As she halted her spin, she stamped her left foot hard, raising her right hand high with a flourish, and another portal, forty feet in diameter, opened up above her head, dropping hundreds of pounds of rubble upon every enemy beneath it, regardless of any attempts to dodge.

An instant later, the portals vanished, the matter and energy they had disgorged dissolving into harmless ectoplasm.

Standard Action: Cast Firestorm. I have thirty 20' cubes and it looks like there's around thirty enemies (or squares occupied by at least one enemy) in the southern hall, so shouldn't be hard to hit all of them. Looks like I can hit all enemies from K54 on right. Deals [roll0] damage, half fire, half divine energy fire damage (why is my memory just not working?). They get a DC 26 Reflex save for half. If they have SR, I'll leave it to you, but note that Lyra rolls at +23 (base CL 15, +1 CL for Ioun Stone, +7 penetration for Dent Resistance). That's a 7th level spell slot.

EDIT: No. I'm wrong. Shapeable spells have to be contiguous. One minute while I check who I can actually hit...
EDIT 2: Bar it, I'll make it an 8th level slot to add Widen to it. 30 20' cubes should definitely be enough...
EDIT 3: Nope, STILL wrong, can't Widen a spell that uses cubes. Bah. Okay, calculating...done, K54 and every enemy east of him.

Swift Action: Cast Sculpted (20' Radius), Widened, Quickened Hail of Stone. Resulting 40' radius is centered on AA:AB 48:49, so it should hit all enemies from the guy in U53 to the BF guy. Targets take [roll1] physical bludgeoning damage, which is subject to DR, but not to SR, nor is a save allowed. That spell has Arcane Thesis, so total spell level is 1 + 0 Sculpt +0 Widen (thanks to Warmage Spell Widening) +3 Quicken = 4.

Discriminating Spell allows allies (everyone who isn't a Blitz Knight) to avoid all damage.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/7/8/7/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/8/8/6/6/4.

2014-04-09, 05:52 AM
When the screaming starts Tyrene is almost overwhelmed by a sense of elation. She has missed those sounds. But then she realizes that she is threatened. That was almost as long ago. She looks at the strange creatures, there is something peculiar about them, there aren't many creatures that she has never seen in her centuries of life. And that triggers the sirene's curiosity. She wants one of these creatures, to know how it works, and of course, if she is particularly lucky, she might even get to find out if they know anything.

But first things first, these creatures dare to attack her and cause plenty of damage, so they are dangerous. Tyrene's first instinct is to summon her servants, but she fears that that will take too much time, and several of them are too close for comfort. She cannot kill them all, not at the same time and certainly not without causing complications. But she also wants to avoid becoming a target, by betraying great power. That would not end well, or so she fears. Tyrene looks around, there aren't any reliable allies nearby. A cruel smile appears on her lips as she begins to sing. The music has an ethereal beauty, and fills the hall with its sounds. There however is more than mere beauty in it, and those opposing the strange creatures feel a new strength pervading them.

While singing she looks at one of these attackers and holds out her hand towards it. Purple threads run through the air from her hand and connect to the creature.

So, Tyrene uses inspire courage after casting Inspirational Boost and activating her badge of valor for a total bonus of +4.

Melodic casting allows her to cast a spell while using this, and she goes for finger of death against the Blitz Knight in Y6. This is DC 34 vs death, and otherwise [roll0] damage.

2014-04-09, 08:00 AM
Mirabelle watches with fascination as these creatures drop down. One on each mediator, and then additional ones to subdue or exterminate the diplomats? These seemed like military tactics. Well-informed military tactics. She watches as one drops towards her, taking one last sip of her drink before setting it down on the ground. She waves at it, before crouching, blending into the hall. She pulls her rapier out, and hums, the blade itself turning bright and long, and stabs at the knight.

Surprise Round One: Hide. Rolls in OOC.
Surprise Round Two: Using Streak of Lightning. One attack turns into lightning damage, gains 10 ft. reach, and instantly blinds someone until the beginning of my next round.

I'll be using Lesson for this.
Streak of Lightning attack: [roll0]
Critical threat of 15-20. Rolling to confirm if applicable: [roll1]
If critical: Foe must make DC 23 Will Save or frightened for [roll]1d6[/roll rounds.
If critical: I renew Streak of Lightning.
Streak of Lightning damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack if applicable: [roll3]

Will wait to see results before taking my real turn.

2014-04-09, 08:29 AM

The knight switches its stance for a landing when Mirabelle vanishes to it. Her weapon strikes deep in the knight, and she notices that the blood coming from it seems extremely thin and very light-colored. The knight fails its landing and instead meets the ground with the face of its blank helm.

The crit confirms and the damage goes through! You can't tell if the knight is affected by any of your conditions. Take your round 1 action now since you rule the initiative ladder. The knight you stabbed is in E-27 now.

2014-04-09, 09:01 AM
"Disappointing." Mirabelle says, spitting on the fallen knight. She feels her maneuver, the energy, seeping from him to her. She takes note of the blood, before turning her attention to the the knights attacking Arillian and Renna. She lashes out again with her rapier, the same lightning pouring from it, striking Arillian's attacker. She pulls on her belt, granting her extra momentum, and feels savagery fill her mind. She dashes towards Renna's attacker, rapier slashing and claw rending.

Standard: Streak of Lightning on BK in I-28.
Streak of Lightning attack: [roll0]
Critical threat of 15-20. Rolling to confirm if applicable: [roll1]
Streak of Lightning damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]

Swift: Using Belt of Battle to gain Full-Round Action.

Full-Round Action: Using Pouncing Charge on BK in I-25. Land in I-26.

Full-Attack with Pounce, using Lesson (Critical Threat 15-20) and a Clawed Gauntlet (Critical Threat 19-20).
Attack: [roll4]
Critical Confirmation: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Sneak Attack: [roll7]
Attack: [roll8]
Critical Confirmation: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Sneak Attack: [roll11]
Attack: [roll12]
Critical Confirmation: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Sneak Attack: [roll15]

Clawed Gauntlet:
Attack: [roll16]
Critical Confirmation: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]
Sneak Attack: [roll19]
Attack: [roll20]
Critical Confirmation: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22]
Sneak Attack: [roll23]
Attack: [roll24]
Critical Confirmation: [roll25]
Damage: [roll26]
Sneak Attack: [roll27]

If any criticals occur, target must make DC 23 Will save or be Frightened for 1d6 rounds, for each critical.
If any criticals occur, I renew one maneuver each time. In which case, I renew Streak of Lightning, and then Pouncing Charge.

2014-04-09, 11:09 AM
Gilana can't help but close her eyes in disappointment at Meredith's answer. The mediator's warning pushes those thoughts, as the slaughter begins they are practically forgotten. It had been too long since she had last seen so much red flow out of fallen bodies. No elegance, no reason, simply a slaughter. This was wrong, but she needed time. Pushing herself, she takes it.

The slaughter had to stop, that was the first step. She glides next to one of the stopped knights and looks over it. Shaking her head, she pushes herself further. She needed a distraction, something that would draw these things out as a threat. Let the things focus on that and leave those unarmed aside. She could only hope they thought as she did as she sculpts her beast. She was almost lost in the act, drawing more power then is safe from her reserve. A misstep could cost here dearly, but it was such a thrill, such a... no, not now, the beast. A large, translucent render (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG138.jpg) appears not moving yet, like those around it.

A nod, she glides back and splits a small part of her mind away. Save as many as she could, stop these creatures. That was all she wanted now. Lastly, she drew the blade that won her banishment. It would be useful now, used for a better purpose.

As time returned, she flew forward, calling at the other representative in front of her. "If you can not fight" With a certain degree of grace, she tries to ignore the steam and cut through the knight. Two swipes and she glides back. "Then please get behind me." The render, similarly, begins to maul its foes.

A quick glance, and an opaque sphere surrounds another one. She hovers a few inches from the ground, her sword drawn and pointed at the nearest foe. As if daring them to come.

Swift: Temporal Acceleration (15pp, 2 rounds)
- Swift 1: Hustle (5pp, Crown), Move to AJ10
- Round 1: Astral Construct (9th, 17pp, Wild Surge +2)
Menu Options are Rend, Muscle, Extra Attack, Huge with reach 15ft, it appears centered in AS9
- Standard 2: Schism (7pp)
- Move 2: Return to AE9
Full Attack: Bounding Assault on AC5 then return to AB9
Tyrene's Song taken into account
- Longsword [roll0]
- Damage [roll1] + [roll2] Skirmish
- Concealment [roll3]
- Longsword [roll4]
- Damage [roll5] + [roll6] Skirmish
- Concealment [roll7]
Schism: Wall of Ectoplasm (7pp) to create a Sphere around the Blitz Knight in AL5, locking him in.

Astral Construct
Full Attack on Blitz Knight in AW7. If it dies, attacks go to AR7:
- Claw Attack 1 [roll8]
- Damage [roll9]
- Concealment [roll10]
- Claw Attack 2 [roll11]
- Damage [roll12]
- Concealment [roll13]
- Claw Attack 3 [roll14]
- Damage [roll15]
- Concealment [roll16]
If 2 Hit
Damage [roll17]

AC 40, 20% Concealment, Sidestep Charge
HP 151, DR 7/Cold Iron
226/270 pp

EDIT: Gilana is currently Shaken after the Temporal Acceleration, so the attack rolls would be 32 and 33.

2014-04-10, 12:11 AM
Wincing, Terressa was caught off guard not only by the attack, but also by Frederick's actions. Too soon for you, young one... is all she can think, seeing him impaled on the strange steam-creature's claw. Yet another future cut short by senseless violence...she could do naught but step back.

That was when her demeanor shifted dramatically, and magic began to whirl rapidly about her. Scintillating lights wound around her, culminating at the peak of her horn; shortly after, green and yellow sparks began to fall and swirl about as if caught in some invisible wind. In a flash, her body separated into a series of identical images, each warded by a plane of force. She had performed this maneuver many times before, but after so many centuries, it almost felt foreign. The rush of magic had left her momentarily speechless as she surveyed the situation more carefully, noting where enemies and allies were located, including poor Frederick and his attacker/killer. That one will be the first to fall.

5-foot step to 49,AF and cast Arcane Spellsurge (standard action).
Cast Arcane Fusion (swift action).
Cast Shield (1st level) and Maximized Mirror Image (4th level) using Arcane Fusion.

Just a reminder - I have a Contingency set up to trigger Celerity if anything takes a hostile action towards me

Arcane Spellsurge (16 rounds remain)
Shield (16 minutes remain)
Mirror Image (16 minutes remain, 8 images remain)

Spell slots remaining:
Cleric: 5/3/3/2
Sorc: 6/10/10/10/9/8/9/6

2014-04-15, 01:05 AM
North Hall:

The mediators continue to struggle with their opponents, many manage to overpower and finish off their knights with brutal force while a few others have their machinery eviscerated. Tyrene feels the threads of death give a satisfying tug on the knight, which collapses to the ground. Meanwhile the Astral Construct and Gilana tear away at their targets. The nymph connects with her second strike and the construct hits with its first two, though both knights remain standing, bleeding profusely. Turrince pulls out two wands, shoving one into Merideth's hand as he activates the other. "It's the same spell, we need to make sure the others get through!" As he activates the wand one of the knights becomes trapped in a sphere of force, and Merideth does the same on another (Spellcraft DC 19 to identify the spells as Resilient Sphere). The four representatives nearby quickly duck over to the door before using their own wands, casting one buff for the group (Spellcraft DC 18 for Haste), one debilitation on the nearby knights (Spellcraft DC 18 for Slow), and two offensive spells (DC 17 Desiccating Bubble and DC 18 Lightning Bolt). The knight affected by the bubble suddenly ceases to produce steam and flame, and begins to convulse. The knights move in toward the group, barring the one still convulsing from the desiccation, but the slowing effect keeps them from being able to attack. The ectoplasmic wall breaks as the knight it trapped tears through it with its claws. The nearby mediators that have won their fights move in to flank the knights moving in on the group, while the others do their best to protect the others. Almost every visible knight is heavily wounded at this point. As the fight continues Logan comes around the east corner, drawn blade glowing as he spots the group and begins to redden even more from rage.

Updated initiative count:
Blitz Knights
Other Representatives.

You have Haste for 5 rounds.

West Hall:

Mirabelle manages to land her lightning attack on the knight attacking Arillian before making short work of the one Renna has pinned to the ground. "Thanks, but I don't know how well this will go. We need to get the mediators to help us clear an evacuation route if we can't get a better option." The githzerai quickly says before she runs over to Korth and caves in the helm of the knight he deflected. The knights begin venting steam and obscuring the hall, but Arillian casts Control Winds and creates a small tornado on one of the knights that draws in the steam. Korth draws an ornate gith-style bastard sword and kills one of the nearby knights in a grapple. The other outsiders begin casting Plane Shift, "Don't, that isn't safe!" Korth yells at them before they vanish, just leaving Mirabelle and her new friends in a battlefield of machinery and armor. Unfortunately more of the knights in this hallway have a better success with their grappling, and have killed their mediators before venting their own steam.

The downside of outsiders is that they don't care all that much about the material plane in the first place, and can be arrogant about planar travel.

Mirabelle's second claw attack was a crit.

South Hall:

Filling the hall with stone and fire does the trick. The spells wipe out the nearby knights and weakening the others enough for the mediators to win their grappling, with the additional effect of the burst of fire burning away most of the steam. The other survivors quickly make it over to the door, though the only one that seems remotely prepared for combat is a half-elf who blinks over from the south-east corner before standing ready to fight with the group. Lyra and Terressa recognize him as Gorheim, the Hirthigar representative, and notice that he is almost completely covered with incarnum effects. Karl loses his balance and collapses, almost unconscious from the blood loss. Lyra feels him dismiss the Repulsion effect as he tries to speak, "I . . . I can stop this. Get . . . me in the . . . conference chamber . . ." The surviving knights move in or enter the east hallway, but the mediators manage to block most of them approaching the south group. The one holding Frederick lunges at Terressa with its free arm while the diplomat continues to bleed and slowly die.

I guess I should have been clearer. Frederick is very injured, but not dead. The BF knight triggers Terressa's contingency.

Karl has a plan that can stop the assault if he gets into the conference chamber while conscious, though he'll need help moving in his current state.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is updated. The key on the right has new information.

2014-04-15, 03:26 AM
Lyra grimaced at the extent of the damage that Karl caused himself. "If we live through this, remind me to give you a talk about energy management," she told him with an only-half-forced grin. A word and a gesture opened up a shining white portal, positive energy pouring down on those nearby, healing any injured.

"Paths to realms beyond the Astral, tear apart this space!" she intoned, briefly summoning forth an emerald gate - right upon the door. The unstable portal lasted only a moment, but as a hole in the fabric of reality, nothing physical could exist where it did. Unless the abjurations on the door were beefy enough to withstand the assault, when the portal closed, there would be nothing left but a small pile of dust. Because Lyra's a firm believer in "do what I say, not what I do."

Then she belt down to help Karl to his feet as best she could. "You two, support him and follow me!" she ordered two of the nearby representatives, frankly not caring who or what rank they were. If there were more enemies in there, it would be a lot harder to fight them with the half-dead mage leaning on her for support, and her armor frankly slowed her enough.

Swift Action: Quickened Mass Cure Light Wounds, definitely on Frederick, also Karl (not that it can work, but that's just how she is), and then the thirteen most injured allies she can get (all have to be within 60' of each other), prioritizing those who look combat-capable. [roll0] healing. Anyone who is healed of at least half their HD in damage receive any "overflow" healing as temporary hit points.

Standard Action: Disintegrate on the door. 'Nuff said.

Move Action (?): Help Frederick up.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/7/8/6/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/8/8/6/6/3.

2014-04-15, 03:29 AM
Tyrene almost screams with joy when the Blitz Knight dies to her magic, she loves the feeling of power combined with death. She however keeps singing although the notes become more joyous. She looks at her surroundings, she is safe for now. Although, a new attack can come at any moment. But then, running around the corner she sees a true threat. Logan, the paladin. He is coming for her, she knows that. He will create a situation, where no one is watches, and then he will strike. She must be ready for this. And then, she will create the situation, and the paladin will be the one to suffer an accident, or maybe even just disappear. She can always accuse these attackers, that will be a believable lie. But first, first she will have to protect herself.

The sirene makes a pirhouette as she weaves a cloth through the air. The cloth expands as it flies through the air and at the and of her movement she places it on the ground in front of her. It however is no ordinary fabric, when one looks at it ripple through the air it can be seen that one side is water, but it won't flow out, it simply remains there, just beneath the surface of the cloth. One side is simply cloth, the other however seems to almost be a pit filled with dark water. When it comes to a stop at its full size several towering figures start to climb out, throwing the nearest body of one of the knights into the water.

Tyrene uses no spells this turn, but she does keep up the singing and opens her Enveloping Pit, covering X7, X8, Y7 and Y8. The juju zombie storm giants start climbing out, of course collecting blitz knight bodies as they go. One goes in V4 to X6 and the second Y4 to AA6(they take nine squares each). If I should roll for initiative for them they will have: [roll0]

2014-04-15, 04:55 PM
"Your only virtue is that there are many of you to suffer." Mirabelle says, switching her positioning, her footwork propelling her into many places at once, her form seeming to put her on both sides of peripheral vision. She moves, circling around the Knight facing Arillian, and then to nearby Blitz Knight and its grappled mediator, and the Blitz Knight near them. Her rapier turns to lightning once again, and she lashes out.

Swift Action: I enter Voice of Thunder stance. Until the beginning of the next round, all squares I enter/exit I'm still considered to occupy, for purposes of flanking.
Move Action: I tumble for this. Rules Compendium states I can add 10 to the DC of a Tumble Check to move at full speed, which makes it a DC 25 to avoid AoOs for what I'm doing. Adding in +2 or +4 to that due to the DC scaling for tumbling past multiple enemies puts this at 27/29, which I can auto-succeed with my Tumble Check: [roll0]
Move Action: In order of my movement from square to square: I-25 -> I-25 -> H-24 -> G-25 -> F-26 -> F-27 -> E-26 -> D-26. I'm considered to occupy all of these squares for purpose of flanking with allies, and the stance itself rules I can flank with myself using this stance.
Standard Action: Attacking BK in E-27 with Streak of Lightning on Lesson. He's considered flanked. Critical Threaten on 15-20.
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Crit Confirmation: [roll2]
IF CRIT: DC 23 or be Frightened.
IF CRIT: I recover Pouncing Charge.
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]

2014-04-15, 05:14 PM
At was all happening fast. She lets Tyrene's song course through her, in a way it was more fulfilling then then a surge, but there was little time to bask in it. They were better positioned now, and able to defend themselves, that was good. There was just one more isolated representative, save him, stop the two that reached the group and... She had to take the right flank and trust that the others could take her current foe. A moment of focus to pierce through the steam and she begins to weave through the knights and mediators. She attacks in a graceful flurry.

Part way through it, she sends a simple command to her creation. Stop the intruders, protect them both It continues as before, trying to tear the knights apart.

Free: Tumble 1: [roll0] vs DC 40, Tumble 2: [roll1] vs DC 40, if successful, 2 10ft steps to AE9
Free: Flanker (Elocater), Designate AE8, flanking the Blitz Knight in AD9
Schism: Manifest Touchsight (5pp, Ignore concealment, detect everything within 60ft as if by touch)
Full Attack: 4d6 Skirmish, Tyrene's Song, Haste taken into account
- Longsword 1 [roll2]
- Damage [roll3] + [roll4] Skirmish
- Haste Longsword [roll5]
- Damage [roll6] + [roll7] Skirmish
- Longsword 2 [roll8]
- Damage [roll9] + [roll10] Skirmish
- Longsword 3 [roll11]
- Damage [roll12] + [roll13] Skirmish

NOTE: Attacks against the Blitz Knight in AE10, if it drops, the remaining attacks will go to the Knight in AD9.

If the last attack still leaves them standing:
SWift: Activate Power Storing, Crystal Shard on the damaged target
- Crystal Shard [roll14] (Touch)
- Damage [roll15] + [roll16] Skirmish

Astral Construct
Full Attack on Blitz Knight in AW7. If it dies, attacks go to AR7:
- Claw Attack 1 [roll17]
- Damage [roll18]
- Concealment [roll19]
- Claw Attack 2 [roll20]
- Damage [roll21]
- Concealment [roll22]
- Claw Attack 3 [roll23]
- Damage [roll24]
- Concealment [roll25]
If 2 Hit
Damage [roll26]

Note: It should be Huge sized, with corners in AT8, AV8, AT10 and AV10. Just noting this in case it becomes relevant later. Also, I'm not sure on the steam situation, so I'm assuming here's still some in the North just to be safe.

AC 41, 20% Concealment, Sidestep Charge
HP 151, DR 7/Cold Iron
221/270 pp

2014-04-16, 05:27 PM
As the mechanical knight lunges towards Terressa, her contingency spell fires off and her reflexes greatly increase. Time seems to bend just for her, as if it were her steward. In those few extra seconds, she notices that her diplomat is still alive, and a sense of even greater urgency grips her. She utters the words of power for another spell, and mumbles to herself just before launching the spell. "Don't die on me, Frederick...!"

Casting Empowered Maximized Orb of Fire at the knight impaling Fred:
[roll0] ranged touch attack for 132 Fire damage, DC 29 Fort or be stunned (probably doesn't apply (unless it hits fred (please dice don't let it hit fred :smalleek:))).
[roll1] Concentration check to avoid AoOs

Arcane Spellsurge (15 rounds remain)
Shield (15.9 minutes remain)
Mirror Image (15.9 minutes remain, 8 images remain)

Spell slots remaining:
Cleric: 5/3/3/2
Sorc: 6/10/10/10/9/8/8/6

After celerity wears off, I'll be dazed for 1 round. The buff durations above take into account that I'll be dazed for the round.

2014-04-22, 03:17 AM
North Hall:

Tyrene's zombie giants get into position, grabbing four knight corpses and throwing them into the water. Gilana's blade cuts down the first knight she targets, but her next two strikes glance off of the armor before the Crystal Shard attack finishes it off. The astral construct manages to connect with two claws and tears its target knight into two pieces. "DIE, ABOMINATION!" Logan shouts as he flies over the construct and toward the group, procuring a holy symbol with his free hand as a bolt of white lightning rumbles arcs from him to Tyrene (Spellcraft DC 22 to identify as Destruction). The startling attack creates a panick among the representatives, a few of them dropping their wands while Turrince and Merideth keep theirs, but fail to impede Logan with Resilient Sphere. The mediators nearby are too occupied fighting knights to intervene on Logan, the tide beginning to turn against them at each end of the hall. The last representative on the west side falls and the one on the east side manages to scurry to the door, notably flinching as he passes under Logan. "Stop this! It's not them, we're all in danger and need to work together to get out of this!" Merideth pleads to Logan. The screams beyond the outer doors cease, and a moment later the doors cave outward as several loud thuds come from each one. It looks like they're about to break.

The juju zombies use Tyrene's initiative since they follow her orders. The steam has mostly faded from the north hall, so the concealment is gone.

Tyrene must pass a DC 28 Fortitude save or die. [roll0] damage if the save is successful.

West Hall:

Mirabelle's movements allow her to navigate across the hallway before tearing through another knight. As her movements chain almost perfectly she feels her focus retract away from reality momentarily, and her vision blurring. No, actually memories of the same motion overlapping. From training with Reshar, to the wars after his passing and even recent practices, the visions align so that the only thing connecting them is the movement of the weapon in her hand, in each memory she notices Reshar somehow beside her, even in the memory where Reshar is also in front of her during her training, looking at the her weapon and then at her. "Why do you continue to hold back?" He asks. But then her focus jarringly snaps back as the slain knight in front of her is still falling toward the ground. Around her the battle continues but she finds difficulty finding the information she needs from the noise. The events around her barely register. The mediator she stands next to manages to wrestle apart the knight it holds, only to break apart as another knight stabs it from behind. Korth helps another mediator out of a grapple, but immediately gets rushed down by two more from the north as they begin to pour in. The blood sounds heavy hitting the floor. Arillian shouts something that Mirabelle's lapse of focus keeps her from hearing, and she senses a tearing of stone and wood rumbling through the ground as she realizes the door to the chamber has fallen away from them. The doors in the distance make the same noise, but far fainter as they still barely stand. Her instincts urge her to notice the encroaching groups of knights are beginning to tip the numbers in their favor.

Mirabelle can now undertake the difficult pursuit of the Universe Edge path, which allows her to make use of ritual magic-equivalent maneuvers built off of her existing martial expertise. For now, this advancement can only be made during combat when she has visions from Reshar.

Make a DC 25 Will save or be dazed for 1 round if Mirabelle decides to reject the visions for now. If she decides to try to understand them during the fight, then she must make a DC 35 concentration check. Success will grant Mirabelle access to the first step of Universe Edge, failure will mean that she loses a move action in the next round. The concentration check can be retried each round if it is failed.

South Hall:

Terressa's spell kills the knight attacking her, which falls backwards as Frederick slips off of its arm. He hits the ground, unmoving, and upon a glance clearly has internal organ damage, blood loss and severe scalding from the steam. Fortunately the door to the conference chamber yields to the Disintegrate, revealing a grisly scene. The large room is now in shambles, with dead representatives, mediators and knights scattered around the room. In the center stands the main mediator that handled the primary moderation earlier, arms partially retracted to reveal long cannons that he aims around the room at the ready. The only surviving representatives are hunched down next to him, their faces those of broken spirits as they stare with fear at the denser congregation of dead knights near them. "Get the noncombatants inside!" It shouts over to the doorway as the survivors pour in, two of them helping Karl walk toward the center of the room. In the hall itself the turmoil continues. The mediators on the west end are cleaning up, but with less contestation on the east side the knights begin to push through. Gorheim goes in to assist, cutting down one of the knights with his Incarnum-boosted longsword. "Mage, go help the survivors! I'll hold the line for you!" He shouts to Lyra. The outer doors go through the same strain as the ones visible from the north hall.

Lyra can change last round's move action to follow Karl into the chamber.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing)

2014-04-22, 04:46 AM
Logan's assault stops Tyrene's singing although the song still waves the full force of the spell away. She falls to her knees while turning to face the paladin, blood running over her face. The serene mask is gone, now it shows pure hatred and loathing. She breathes heavily, obviously hurt, not only physically, but also mentally. Where does this upstart get the idea to even try to harm her? The other attackers don't matter anymore, only Logan. He will suffer for what he did, he simply cannot be allowed to survive. She shouts, her voice filled with rage while retaining its beauty: "You! You will serve me through eternity! Your blood will taste sweetly to my lips and your soul will find eternal torture. Know this, little human, the only life of all those you hold dear will be pain. The last they see shall be you wretching their heads off, with a grand smile!"

She gets back to her feet and runs towards Logan, weaving a spell. At the same time almost a dozen wet undead ravens emerge from the pit, flyinf towards her and crushing themselves to the floor at her feet. When they do so there is a burst of darkness, healing Tyrene's wounds. She strikes at the paladin with her taloned fingers, letting her magic run through them.

Tyrene uses the headband of conscious effort to turn the save into a skill check, which she automatically passes. She then moves towards AJ8 while casting greater harm and a quickened Death Ward against further such attacks. Eleven of the zombie ravens fly from the pit, crushing themselves while Tyrene reaches Logan. Each of them does 1d6 negative energy damage in a 10' area. Also hitting the paladin. For each of the eleven attacks he will have to make a dc15 reflex save for half damage.
Tyrene's healing: [roll0]
Logan's damage(dc15 half): [rollv]11d6[roll]
So, this will be a bit of a spamming attack, using quite a few of Tyrene's abilities. First of all she uses smite good, this will be the best opportunity for that one. It is a mere touch attack, so the atack roll will be: [roll1]. The damage inflicted will be a little more complex. She has cast Greater harm, dealing 300 negative energy damage(fort dc 34 half), [roll2] intelligence damage, she also does the charnel touch damage of [roll3] negative energy damage, and 15 extra damage from the smite good. For good measure she also uses enervating touch to drain two levels(DC 33 to remove).

Of course, her fear aura is on, but I presume that Logan will be immune to it anyways. Otherwise it is a dc33 will save vs shaken.

2014-04-22, 07:49 AM
Seeing Frederick freed from the knight's weapon-arm, she bows her head and touches her horn to his arm. She chants ancient and powerful words in the blink of an eye, and some of her power is sapped by the magic invoked. "Please, don't be dead," she mutters as the spell completes, and creeping white lights fly over Frederick's body, seeking to mend flesh and bone. She gently picks him up and hustles inside the main halls, careful to avoid the other representatives.

SWIFT: Casting Limited Wish to imitate the effects of a Cure Critical Wounds spell for [roll0] HP.

MOVE: Pick up Frederick (he + his gear weighs less than 464 lbs right? :smalltongue:), if I need to make some rolls here let me know - I assumed I didn't, because he'd probably be willing or helpless. ...or an object, if he's dead. :smalleek:

STANDARD: Move to (40, AD) with Freddie in tow

Arcane Spellsurge (14 rounds remain)
Shield (15.8 minutes remain)
Mirror Image (15.8 minutes remain, 8 images remain)

Spell slots remaining:
Cleric: 5/3/3/2
Sorc: 6/10/10/10/9/8/7/3

-300 XP (104,700 xp, making me 14 level - I won't be spending any more XP this combat, so I'll assume I'll be back at 15 if/when we succeed. Spell levels etc. don't change for a sorc from 14 -> 15, just spells/day)

2014-04-22, 08:51 AM
Mirabelle stares at Reshar, mouth agape. "Because you left, and the path darkened, Reshar." She manages to say, turning her focus to the two Knights in front of her. "You gave up, and left me here, and no one else was like you. No one else was worthy of the path. Everyone wanted a new way to kill, not caring for the reasons for the movements. And now there are fragments of what you wanted, all unworthy of the path. I don't want to show them what the path can really do, and I stopped. I'm sorry."

Full-Round: Full Attack action. If I kill the first one, all remaining iterative attacks go to the second one. Aiming for D-27 first, and then E-27.
Movement: Tumble Check (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331916-Ascension-of-Aeternus-OOC&p=17347999#post17347999). I move to E-28. DC 27 Tumble to avoid AoOs: [roll0]
Voice of Thunder: I'm still considered to occupy D-26 for purposes of flanking.

On Crit: Recover Streak of Lightning.
On Crit: DC 23 Will Save or be Frightened.

Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
Attack: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Attack: [roll7]
Crit Confirm: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
Attack: [roll10]
Crit Confirm: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]
Attack: [roll13]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Attack: [roll16]
Crit Confirm: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]

2014-04-22, 01:49 PM
Lyra nodded, following Karl in. She positioned herself between the first rows of desks, summoning up another shining portal as she went to radiate healing light upon the injured in the main hall. That done, she turned to face the door, standing ready if any more foes came through it.

Revised Previous Move Action: Move into AB47.
Move Action: Move into AB43.
Standard Action: Cast Mass Cure Light Wounds (Hlr4). I believe I should be able to affect the Mediator and all the OR's except for the ones guiding Karl.

Also, as a reminder, Frederick was a target of my Quickened Mass Cure Light Wounds last round (in fact, the priority target). Figure I should bring this up in case it can save Terressa a 7th level slot and 300 XP.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/7/8/6/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/7/8/6/6/3.

2014-04-23, 03:17 AM
Tyrene vs Logan:

The wave of negative energy knocks out most of Logan's strength, and the rest of the attack finishes him off. The half celestial can do nothing but fall to the ground as his life fades. When he hits the floor Tyrene hears the small metallic cling, and notices Logan's amulet appearing particularly bright.

Roll two spellcraft checks and knowledge (history) check.

2014-04-23, 06:17 AM
Tyrene is elated when she feels the life of her enemy fade away. Then she remembers where she is, the burning rage is gone now, reduced to cold hatred. she hums a tune and a third giant climbs from the pit, dripping seawater into the hall. It strikes at the nearest of the Blitz Knights with a huge blade. One of the giants who threw the dead into the pit now strikes at another knight, seeking to deliver it to Tyrene. His sister produces a bow and takes aim at the enemy nearest to her, loosing two spear-sized arrows. Another pair of the giants climbs from the hole and both run towards Tyrene, covering her with their large blades and striking at any who dare to approach. The whole flock of ravens takes to the sky as well, forming a swarm close behind this pair.

While her orders are bing followed Tyrene kneels down by the side of her fallen foe and inspects the body. The amulet is striking. But then, she sees it. There is a kind of magic about it. It tries to return her foe! That is unacceptable.

I completely forgot the actions for the zombie giants. Another one will climb outof the hole to occupy T8-V10. This one will then make one attack on the Blitz Knight in Q8:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The one in V4-X6 will full attack the knight in S7.
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Slam 1: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Slam 2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

The third giant will use her longbow to loose two arrows at AK5:
Shot 1: [roll10]
Damage: [roll]3d6+24[roll]
Shot 2: [roll11]

The next pair of giants to climb out go to AH3-AJ5 and AG6-AI8. Both attack AL5.
Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

The 39 zombie ravens spread out over the area between Tyrene and her pit.

2014-04-23, 08:14 AM
Fool This was not the time or the place. Gilana simply shakes her head and glides the the eastern end of the North wing, never giving Logan and Tyrene's clash another look. As she hears the body hit the floor she forces more seconds out of thin air and pushes her mind once more. There was no time to bask in it though. Something was coming, another construct may slow it down, maybe even beat it, that was all she could hope for. Another render, this one with club-like limbs instead of claws, stands between the representatives and the doors. Then another opaque wall, this one separating Tyrene and Logan, come out of nothing.

Only then does she turn around and look at the victor. If the Paladin were glaring at her now, then it meant Tyrene was now dying on the other side of her wall, but Logan was at least kept away from the other representatives. Instead she finds the half celestial dead. She sighs, this could wait, there were more knights. She glides forward, trying to stop herself from shaking after the acceleration, to try to strike them down.

As she does so, the new construct joins its kin in trying to tear apart the knight.

Swift: Temporal Acceleration (15pp, 2 rounds)
- Swift 1: Hustle (5pp, Crown), Move to AL9
- Round 1: Astral Construct (9th, 15pp, Wild Surge +2)
Menu Options are Muscle, Extra Attack, Improved Natural Attack, Trip, Huge with reach 15ft, it appears centered in AS4
- Standard 2: Wall of Ectoplasm (7pp) Between AK and AJ, from wall to wall to ceiling, up to a max of 15 10x10 squares
Shaken for -2
Free: Tumble 1: [roll0] vs DC 40, Tumble 2: [roll1] vs DC 40, if succesful, 2 10ft steps to AM5
Full Attack: 4d6 Skirmish, Tyrene's Song, Haste taken into account
- Longsword 1 [roll2]
- Damage [roll3] + [roll4] Skirmish
- Haste Longsword [roll5]
- Damage [roll6] + [roll7] Skirmish
- Longsword 2 [roll8]
- Damage [roll9] + [roll10] Skirmish
- Longsword 3 [roll11]
- Damage [roll12] + [roll13] Skirmish
Schism: Ready an action for another Wall of Ectoplasm if there is movement near Logan

Astral Construct 'Claw'
Free 5ft step North, now centered in AU8
Full Attack on Blitz Knight in AY7. If it dies, attacks go to AY5:
- Claw Attack 1 [roll14]
- Damage [roll15]
- Claw Attack 2 [roll16]
- Damage [roll17]
- Claw Attack 3 [roll18]
- Damage [roll19]
If 2 Hit
Damage [roll20]

Astral Construct 'Slam'
Free 5ft step North, now centered in AU8
Full Attack on Blitz Knight in AU5. If it dies, attacks go to AW4:
- Claw Attack 1 [roll21]
- - If succesful, Trip [roll22]
- Damage [roll23]
- Claw Attack 2 [roll24]
- - If succesful, Trip [roll25]
- Damage [roll26]
- Claw Attack 3 [roll27]
- - If succesful, Trip [roll28]
- Damage [roll29]

2014-04-24, 01:28 AM
North Hall:

Only one knight falls to the zombie giants, but the astral constructs manage to kill two and Gilana finishes off another. Merideth gasps when Logan is killed, but then storms over to Tyrene. "YOU DIDN'T NEED TO GO THAT FAR! YOU COULD HAVE EASILY DISABLED HIM WITH YOUR NECROMANCY BUT KILLING HIM WITHOUT TRYING TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF IS CROSSING THE LINE! IF THE VERIX ALLIANCE ISN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATTACK THEN HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT IT IF WE END UP IN ALL-OUT WAR?!" Her voice becomes even more distraught as she screams her disapproval. Turrince shouts over to them as he tries a different wand on the conference chamber door with no success. "We need to get to safety before we figure that out! Quickly, help me get the door open!" The mediators help finish off the closer knights before running toward the doors, but their effort is futile. Each door breaks down to a single knight standing in front of each one, arm creating enough steam to almost completely conceal them. Behind them are churning masses of flame, chrome and steam as knights flood into the hallway. Fortunately the constructs and zombie giants manage to hold the line, but they look severely injured.

Tyrene now has 7 blitz knight corpses in her Enveloping Pit. Lucky positioning with the Huge creatures in the hall.

West Hall:

Arillian's voice finally gets through to Mirabelle. "Who are you talking to? Get in here quickly!" As Mirabelle finishes cutting down the knight in front of her she realizes that her allies are running into the conference chamber as the mediators around her are slain by the nearby knights. Reshar bows his head in disappointment. "You entered the Age of Complacency and became a victim of it. Does a wizard burn his scrolls because his fellow students aren't smart enough to read them? Do smiths avoid adamantine because their neighbors can barely work steel? Generations can be devoid of the worthy, but that does not mean that masters of their crafts lay down and die in response." He steps toward Mirabelle and looks her in the eye. "Will you, who has denied death through mastery of yourself, simply lay down and die because the headstrong youth cut themselves on wooden swords as they dream of war? Do you think that's why I taught you, Mirabelle?" Three knights dash towards Mirabelle and attack. Two of them hitting for 29 and 27 damage. The vision(?) of Reshar casually sidesteps the splatter of blood, eye contact maintained. "If you want to learn again, stay in this hallway and face death properly. Otherwise cower toward your allies so that you may lay down and die. You cannot understand the edge of the universe as told through your blade if you seek comfort and safety."

You actually targeted two dead Blitz Knights, so I adjusted your targeting to kill the nearest live one. Since you're technically a turn faster on initiative, the swarm of knights has yet to fill your hallway. If you keep Mirabelle in the hallway with your next actions, you'll get a forced turn (DM-controlled) through Reshar in response to the approaching swarm of death, moving your initiative down to match the same general count as the other PCs and demonstrating one of the abilities of Universe Edge.

South Hall:

As Lyra and Teressa (with Frederick in tow) enter the chamber they hear the outer doors break down. Gorheim blinks through the nearest wall before reporting, "We can't escape from the hallways now, and since those things fly leaving through the roof won't work." At the south door several mediators run into the door way before turning around and deflecting the attacks from the nearest knights that are part of the flood of enemies to come in. Lyra realizes her healing is doing nothing for the mediators, which while they slowly seem to rebuild themselves when they're still alive is far from enough to let them stem the tide of death attempting to breach the chamber. When Karl gets to the center of the chamber he immediately falls to his knees and begins shakily drawing out a spell circle in blood, "Someone draw the base circle in the center." He faintly says. Lyra follows the pool of blood he is drawing from and recognizes Borik on the nearby desk, looking as though he was slain immediately in the wave. From the west several outsiders can be seen entering before that hallway falls to the same surge of knights.

The West and South Hall instances will be merging, and it should be smooth once I clear up the Mirabelle stuff.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) (note that the green squares represent part of the enormous group of blitz knights recently entering the area. BK is still used to indicate individual ones separated from the main clusters.)

2014-04-24, 02:49 AM
Lyra stares at the wave of foes in shock for a moment. "Good gods and planar lords..." she murmurs.

The sight of Borik snaps her out of it though, and fills her with fury. Steeling her gaze, she draws forth her power, intoning one of the most advanced spells she knows, her voice rising into a challenging scream as she completes the spell, making a fast cutting gesture with her hand. "Eldritch passage through the Astral, open to the sun!" Another unstable portal opens, beaming out brilliant sunlight and searing heat in both directions.

Then a quick word and arcane gesture, and she raced over to Karl, preparing to draw the circle if no one else did first.

Standard: Cast Sunburst (Wmg8) into the hallway, centered in AB:AC 52:53. All enemies in 80' take [roll0] damage, Reflex half, DC 27. Any who fail the Reflex save are blinded. Allies are immune.

Swift: Cast Quickened Expeditious Retreat (Wmg5).

Move: Move into AA34.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/7/7/6/5/3.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/7/8/6/6/3.

2014-04-24, 03:28 AM

"He was an enemy of the peace, he tried to murder a representative, and I reacted in the sensible way. I took his life, yes, but tht is the surest way to eliminate a threat to us all. He wouldn't have stopped with me, but would have continued to those he sees as accomplices, including our mutual friend Gilana. He did see us speak. There is a price to pay for treason, and this wretch must pay it.", Tyrene answers melodically while the giant that stands closest to her uses its full strength to break the wall apart. She reaches out to touch Logan but a new wall emerges. Immediately the flares of anger are ignited again. "Do not be so foolish, he will rise again, and your walls will not stop him. All you achieve now is that strength is wasted. Strength that will also keep you safe! That amulet burns with otherworldy energy, it is a tool from our shared enemy!"

After those words she turns around and strides away. The oncoming hordes of enemies will overwhelm her pitifully few undead soon enough. But the doors, the doors to the main hall offer an escape, and perhaps a better position to defend. And if there is a bloodbath there, all the better, she needs servants, lots of servants. She produces a violin and starts playing again, the music drowns out her rising bloodlust and increases the strength of her allies. As the tones flow through the air again two of her giants move to the door and start to tear it open with their great blades. Then she remembers the representatives standing right in front of the doors, having them killed will not look well. "Honored representatives, please remove yourselves from the door, we do not know what lies beyond it."

The giant that broke the wall speaks with a rasping voice: "LADY MEREDITH, PLEASE RETURN TO THE OTHERS. IT IS NOT SAFE HERE."

Tyrene moves to Z8 to pick up the pit.

Y4-AA6 goes to AA7-AC9 and hits the door as hard as possible with her greatsword: to hit: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

T8-V10 takes a 5' step to U8-W10 and full attacks into the swarm of Blitz Knights.
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Slam 1: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Slam 2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

AG6-AI8 breaks the wall of ectoplasm, using a strength check. The DC for that is 15+2/4 manifester levels. The giant has a total modifier of +28, so it will automatically be succesful unless the manifester level used to make the wall is 28 or higher in that case: [roll10].

V4-X6 remains in place and full attacks the horde:
Attack 1: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]
Attack 2: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Slam 1: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16]
Slam 2: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]

AH3-AJ5 moves to AD7-AF9 to help with crushing the door and of course, what might be behind it. To hit: [roll19], damage: [roll20]

The ravens flock north of Tyrene, so none of the living are in the radius if someone happens to blow them up.

2014-04-24, 08:59 AM

"Manners. I'm speaking to a god." Mirabelle calls out to Arillian, still facing Reshar, as chaos erupts around her, and people run to escape. She pulls out a dagger, a small edge ending in an invisible point, with a feather attached to the hilt. Swirls of color remain on its adamantine face. "There was a time when you taught me the steps, Reshar. And that was long before the oaths. Yours, and mine. Its been too long. I'm ready."

Drawing Reshar's Quill as part of whatever Move Action you make on my behalf.

All yours, Aldurin.

2014-04-24, 11:25 AM
Schism: Wall of Ectoplasm between Tyrene and Logan, preventing her from making contact with Logan as she approaches.

"He was an imbecile that could not put aside grudges forged during the last war." One last wall, forged by her fractured mind appears between the two. "He will pay, yes, but now is not the time, look around you. Those things want everyone dead. Let the ones who deem themselves good be at fault, and allow the ones branded as cruel and vengeful to turn the other cheek. Then this alliance can be strengthened rather then shattered..." She turns to Turrince, Meredith, the other representatives and Tyrene before looking at the wave of knights threatening to engulf them. "We may have to depend on it soon, and someone like Logan may be more useful pointed in the right direction then as a mockery of what he once was."

A last order. Fight to the last... thank you Once again she pushes herself trying to stretch each second to the thinnest.

A lot of this depends on how much damage the giants were able to do to the doors.

Case A: Not a scratch on them, can't seem to be burst down by brute force
Case B: Visible damage, but still standing, perhaps more could break it
Case C: The doors are nothing but splinters now

Schism: Was readied, already used

IF A: Move to AE9 and ask everyone to join hands, she'll delay until Turrince, meredith and the Other Representatives have complied and try a short range Teleport to AD19, with all the risks in could bring. Afterwards, use Temporal Acceleration for 2 rounds, Teleport back out to AL8 and create one last wall between AR and AQ

IF B: 2 Round Temporal Acceleration, Fully Wild Surged Energy Stun (Sonic, ignoring hardness, ML 18) ([roll0] - 16) *1.5, at the doors, avoiding any representatives. If no enervation, and the doors are still up but damaged, she'll do it again (not empowered or surged though [roll1]-13) and one last time if they still don't burst outside of Temporal Acceleration [roll2]-13. If they burst at some point, she'll move to AL8 and create as many walls as possible between AR and AQ.

IF C: Pending, but will likely in making sure that everyone is going through the doors and delay the incoming wave as much as possible.



She felt lightheaded. When was the last time she had pushed herself like this? Gilana could feel her hands shaking, she waits until the giants have smashed the doors before acting. Before the air is clear the splinters stop in mid air. Him first, he had to be raised if some sense was to be made of this incident. As she manifests, she dashes to the door, but stumbles at first. Shacking her head, she glances over the carnage. Perhaps? If there were any survivors, she couldn't let them be trapped outside with the incoming horde. Another. She quickly feels past the door, it seemed safe, safer then out of it at least. As time returns to its normal pace, she sends the orders. Take the bodies inside, drop them as far in as you can and be ready to come out and defend.

Two more renders appear, these smaller, but leaner. They pick up Logan and bodies of those they could reach, but now what. There was little more she could do, at least against so many. "Perhaps being risen will make him wiser. If he sees this slaughter and strikes against us once more, then I have truly misjudged him."

She watches her creations struggle against the tide, shakes her head and tries to focus once more. Then she makes her way to the right front and readies herself for whats to come. "Meredith, please, stay with him. If he rises talk some sense into him, we cannot be fighting amongst ourselves right now." The construct carrying Logan's body looks at Meredith, ready to follow.

Her part said, she goes up the wall to let the construct pass, tries to stop the shaking, and prepares for their charge.

Swift: Temporal Acceleration for 2 rounds (15pp)
- Free: 2 Tumble checks to move 20ft closer to the door.
- Round 1: Astral Construct 9pp, Large Size, Str 29, Power Attack and Celerity with the top left corner in AE5 (that giant should have moved)
- Free: 2 Tumble checks to move 20ft closer to the door.
- Round 2: Astral Construct 9pp, Large Size, Str 29, Power Attack and Celerity with the top left corner in AJ9
Standard: Moment of Prescience, 13pp
Move: Move to AI10 (Scorn the Earth to go 10ft up the wall)

Astral Constructs
The Claw and Slam constructs will use full attacks against the horde, for whatever good it may do. The rolls will be in the OoC thread

The new constructs will delay until the other representatives start moving inside, then pick up any representatives within reach that were killed and are more or less whole (could be risen). I'll roll a Heal check in the OoC, if it reveals that any of the representatives downed in the ambush might still be breathing, the construct in AE5 will go to one of them and take them. The one in AJ9 will pick up Logan. Both will go into the central chamber after the representatives and leave drop the bodies as far in as their movement allows. Assuming the way is cleared as the representatives move the construct in AJ9 with Logan should be able to make it to AC10 by squeezing past the Zombie Giant

2014-04-28, 10:05 PM
Seeing the huge horde of mechanical knights crashing through the halls, Terressa raises her horn high and attempts a more defensive strategy. She weaves potent magicks together, tiny motes of light flying to the southern doorway. The motes trace the outline of squares, building a solid wall of magic. Once complete, she turns her attention towards the western doorway, noting the presence of survivors so close to danger, and takes wing towards them. Upon landing again, she spots a combatant still outside. "Inside, quickly! I'll seal the way once you're in!" she shouts.

Swift: Wall of Force between the mediators and the blitz knight horde at the southern doorway, building up and hopefully filling the doorway with a single plane of force. Total size of the wall is 16 10' squares, so I assumed 20' wide by 80' high should be good enough. If it's smaller than that, then the extra squares are simply unused.

Move: Fly from (AD,40) to (W,32)

Standard: Ready a standard action to cast Invisible Wall of Force as soon as (re: if :smalltongue:) Mirabelle enters, same size as the southern one, on the line from (J/K,28) to (J/K,31).

Arcane Spellsurge (13 rounds remain)
Shield (15.7 minutes remain)
Mirror Image (15.7 minutes remain, 8 images remain)

Spell slots remaining:
Cleric: 5/3/3/2
Sorc: 6/10/10/10/9/7/7/3 (1 5th level slot pending)

2014-04-29, 06:42 AM
West Hall:

The hallway darkens as the knights encroach, and time seems to slow as they almost reach Mirabelle. Reshar's expression changes to a kind, gentle smile, "Good, my daughter. Now to throw away the simplicity of the world and delve into a realm not even the gods can't comprehend." He takes a stance, and Mirabelle finds herself mimicking his movements automatically, as if against her will but still feeling like their her own movements. Reshar swings forward with two weapons he doesn't hold, and his student does the same. As her swing arcs to meet the first knight in front of her she feels her tattoos burn and her vision seems to split, her attacks going toward each different knight within reach and even a little farther out. When the blade cuts through the knight Mirabelle faces her vision goes to normal and everything seems to explode, but then she realizes that each knight has actually been torn through with her weapons in within a certain distance around her. As she recovers from the swing she sees Reshar at her side, activating her hookshot which fires into the conference chamber. "You're never alone, remember that your reinforcements can even be yourself when you attune yourself to time." The hookshot retracts, pulling Mirabelle into the chamber as Reshar vanishes under the rest of the swarm of claws and steel. The first thing Mirabelle sees as she regains her bearings is an ornate metronome, the design fitting something that would have come from the temple she built with her master. Renna steps through the metronome without noticing, and the metronome doesn't even move or take damage, as she helps Mirabelle up. Mirabelle notices the look of surprise on everyone's face, even the mediator stares for a few extra seconds to try to comprehend it. "H . . . h . . . how did you . . . what was that?" The githzerai monk stutters as she her gaze rapidly moves from Mirabelle, her bloodied weapons and the few severed limbs from the strike that got past the door before the wall of force came up.

When Mirabelle reaches for the metronome she notices that she can pick it up, but no one seems to see it.

Mirabelle has learned the Universe Edge maneuver Continuum Slip. Details in the OOC. Don't bother spending actions to pick up the metronome, I'll count it as a free action.

North Hall:

The represenatives quickly hurry into the main chamber as the door collapses in, stopping partway towards the center as they notice the spell circle being drawn. Behind them come Turrince, Merideth and the astral constructs who carry Logan's body and three bodies of Verix diplomats (re: Heal check. Everyone that appears dead IS dead, or doesn't breathe but they're still dead.) The constructs and giants tear swathes through the swarm, but the knights in reach strike in a flurry and bring them down along with the remaining mediators fighting alongside them. Fortunately the knights in the front line are still recovering from their attacks and can't immediately pursue through the dissipating undead and ectoplasm. It's clear the argument about Logan isn't over with Merideth, but she doesn't speak of it for now as she herds the other survivors.

Two of the Juju Zombie Storm Giants die, along with the Huge Astral Constructs.

Center Chamber:

As people pour in from the west and north, one of the representatives cowering by the desks notices that the dead knights have been bleeding this whole time, but the blood has become thinner and lighter until the first few to die only produce water, and he rallies the others to move the knight corpses away from the center to keep the spell circle undamaged. Lyra's spell does a large amount of damage in the south hall, many of the knights dropping before they're obscured by a surge of steam. She then manages to get the base circle drawn out quickly with her boost of speed, leaving the actual spell that Karl is integrating at a rather slow pace. Gorheim blinks over to help out, "What spells are you drawing?" he shouts over to the wizard but Karl's voice is barely audible and even the representatives trying to keep him conscious can't understand him. The mediators at the south door begin spreading out to gain better positioning, and everyone can hear the fighting from the east hall suddenly intensify to even louder than most of the previous bloodshed, and the door cracks inward slightly from a loud impact.

Roll a listen check and a spellcraft check to determine the magic Karl is attempting so you can help him finish drawing. At his current pace it will take at least 5 rounds to complete it on his own.

New initiative now that everyone is in the same instance.
Blitz Knights
Combatant Representatives (named on map)
Noncombatant Representatives

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) again (more updates and some new stuff in the key)

2014-04-29, 09:16 AM
Tyrene flies into the room, past the dead figure of Logan. If she cannot have him yet, she will ensure that there are others between him and her. They can then die for their stupidity. But is is stupidity? Perhaps they are in league with these enemies, especially that diplomat, Meredith. She must be watched. Perhaps she wanted to use the opportunity provided by the attack to get rid of her. Those mortals can be far too clever for their own good.

Unfortunately revenge will have to come later. On the other side of the room there is a wizards inscribing some sort of circle. The magic however looks different, clearly not worth the attention of someone as great as the sirene princess. But then she spies something far more useful, bodies, neatly arranged. And they are enemies, so there simply can't be protests against using them as reinforcements. She sings:
"Arise, arise, seaman arise
One thrusts the spear into a man
Another then into the fish
Arise, arise, seaman arise
And the waves cry softly
In their blood a spear is lodged
They bleed softly into the ocean
Arise, arise, seaman arise
Fish and man sink to the depths
Where the black soul dwells
there is no light on the horizon"
At the end of her flight her toes touch the ground and briefly a black sphere can be seen around her. Tyrene then brushes over the fallen, touching them with a spark of dark magic. At first they remain still, but after a few moments there is movement in the pile. A first Blitz Knight rises to its feet, followed by four others. They walk clumsily, taking up positions surrounding Tyrene while the two giantsthat destroyed the door join them, each carrying another pair of dead enemies. The last giant stands just inside the door, next to the astral constructs while the birds circle over their mistress. She signals at the closest of them to tell her who it is, and to remove the helmet.

The giant in AA7-AC9 goes to Y12-AA14. AG6-AI8 picks up the bodies in AL5 and AK7 and moves to AC19-AE21, dropping these two bodies on the pile. AD7-AF9 picks up AI6 and AE10, moves to AC19-AE21 and drops the bodies on the pile.

Tyrene goes to AC22, uses her desecrate spell-like ability and casts a quickened animate dead to raise Blitz Knights. I assume that she will raise 5, which will have +7hp/hd, +6str and +6 dex, along with a 10'increase in land speed, and of course destructive retribution. These will go to AB20, AC23, AD23, AE23 and AE22. AC23 is commanded to remove the helmet and to explain what it is.

2014-04-29, 09:27 AM

"That was the Sublime Way," Mirabelle says, sweat starting to form on her brow. She pockets the metronome, and puts away Quill. "I've met people who assume I was not Reshar's, that I'm simply claiming to be a good fighter. It is bothersome." She gathers the layout of the room, glancing quickly from left to right. She glances up. The Unicorn was putting up walls. She nods to it, before turning to the North Hall. "The Unicorn put up a wall, so we should be fine from them on this front. How are your wounds?"

2014-04-29, 07:46 PM
Lyra eyed the circle he was constructing. It confused her some at first, but after a moment it tripped her memories, back when she was first experimenting with Zensibar's work. The patterns strongly resembled the protection circles used to buffer the ritualist from an overflow of the elemental forces they were channeling, a necessary safety precaution before progressing to some of the more advanced ritual procedures he had devised.

Which only begged the question, why was Karl trying to create a ward against water?

Several possibilities came to mind.

None of them good.

Most of them awesome.

Okay, then.

Lyrae did what she could to assist in drawing the ritual circle, calling out to everyone nearby, "High chance of getting wet in the near future, folks!"

Full Round Action to help out(?)

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/7/7/6/5/3.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/7/8/6/6/3.

2014-04-29, 09:45 PM
Gilana just shakes her head as her constructs and the giants fall and are swallowed. There was nothing to be done out here, and the light her sword emitted was growing dimmer. Maybe... another representative was working on a circle, she had glanced at it when the doors fell. They were learned mages... perhaps? Either that or risk the astral

She hustles along the wall, does a quick turn and glides to the ground. Wet? As she passes the survivors of the north hall, she sends another command to the constructs. Keep the bodies away from the violinists... then place yourselves between the survivors and the knights, stall them... I am sorry.

She continues forward until she has a clear view of the circle, grimacing when she sees the state of the western door. "They'll come from the North hall soon, likely from the East too. Ritual magic isn't my strength, but if there's anything I can do to aid you..."

Swift: Hustle from Psicrown
2 Move Actions: Reach AE26
Standard: Do whatever's possible to aid those working on the circle.
Schism: Ready, Energy Stun any Knights that come within 45ft ([roll0] Electric Damage, Stun, DC 30 or 27 Reflex for half and no stun)

Both double move, Drop Verix Reps in Q17, Logan in AN17 and return the their spots, bracing themselves.


2014-05-09, 06:45 PM
As the veritable sea of mechanical soldiers crashes through the outer hallways, Terressa hastens northward, towards the last of the empty doorways. While the presence of the unopened door in the east leaves the survivors with a better chokepoint, a knot forms in her stomach as she considers the door's state again. There were people out there...where are they?? For the first time since the attacks began, Terressa appears off-put, but only for a moment.

Terressa dashes northward, casting another spell in the blink of an eye - the motes of starlight etching into reality another indestructible wall. Afterwards, she approaches the circle, careful not to interrupt the work of the arcanists involved. "Is there any way I can help, here?" she inquires from Lyra, barely catching her breath from the rush of the situation.

Move: Fly from W32 to AA23

Swift: Wall of Force from AA11 -> AD11

Standard: Fly from AA23 as close to Lyra as possible (Z34, perhaps), without interrupting progress on the circle.

Arcane Spellsurge (12 rounds remain)
Shield (15.6 minutes remain)
Mirror Image (15.6 minutes remain, 8 images remain)

Spell slots remaining:
Cleric: 5/3/3/2
Sorc: 6/10/10/10/9/5/7/3 (-1 5th level slot from readied action last turn)

2014-05-14, 12:17 AM
Lyra is able to quickly complete the circle with Gilana and Teressa helping with the larger and more obvious geometry. Karl doesn't look up when he senses that the circle is complete, he just falls forward, barely catching himself a few inches from the floor as he channels energy into the core design of the circle. It's obvious now that he's causing himself harm by forcing himself to remain conscious. An abjuration aura grows from the circle, and the nearby loose water and blood slowly moves away through an invisible force, but only a foot beyond the circle. Lyra is able to read the magic aura and realizes that the circle is currently setup to widen the base spell, but Karl can't put in enough energy to make it work.

As the rest of the zombie giants make it through the north door the wave of knights crashes together just before the Wall of Force cuts them off. Like the other sealed hallways this one becomes thick with steam. Tyrene senses nothing wrong when she animates the fallen knights, but immediately notices that their movements are . . . odd. Each manages to make it to their ordered position but they move as if they're underwater, any direction any part of them goes being resisted by some force. The knight commanded to remove its helm shakes its head, and shows the wound on its arm. Tyrene sees that the metal of the armor immediately transitions to flesh and that there is no layer of skin visible between the two.

The noise from the east hall immediately lessens as a gold dragon appears in front of the door, heavily wounded and with a few knight arms still stuck between the scales. The doors immediately break down right after, and several knights break through. The first is immediately struck by the energy stun and falls limp before it makes it over the dragon. A few more slam straight into the dragon abdomen, causing him to roar in pain even more. The rest that make it in immediately spread out and hold their arms in a guard as they assess the room. The head mediator tears one of them in half with a blast from his cannon, but his other shots miss and slam into the wall between the room and the hallway.

The rest of the knights in the hallway look ready to flood the room from the east door. And all of the walls, especially the east ones are cracked and don't look like they'll last much longer. The roof of the hallways can also be heard crumbling as some small bits of rubble fly up and through the holes in the conference chamber ceiling.

The arcane casters present can approach the center of the circle and invest a number of prepared/ready spell levels up to their caster level per round as a move action in order to feed more power into the circle. Everyone should still be ready to fight, regardless.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing)

2014-05-14, 01:00 AM
"All mages! This is a ritual casting procedure with a high energy component cost! Please assist!" Lyra called out, pouring her own power into the circle, a steady flow of energy pouring our from her.

"You've got this Karl, just a little longer," she whispered in encouragement to the brave wizard, silently hoping that the completion of this spell didn't cost him his life.

Meanwhile, with her right hand, she renewed her assault, stepping closer to the enemy. Pointing her palm out towards the armored creatures and rotating her arm in a quick circle, she called up a small portal before her. There was no dramatic intonation, no lengthy chant, not for this spell. It wasn't a matter of proficiency, or simplicity. It was a simple matter of fact that some spells needed no introduction.


There was a tang of guano, a hint of sulfur, and a satisfying kaboom. And she still laughed like a child on Christmas every time she cast it...

Another word and gesture beamed down healing light on the beleaguered dragon.

Move Action: Invest two first level slots, and one second through fifth level slot, into the circle (caster level is 16 due to ioun stone).

5' Step: Into AB33.

Standard Action: Empowered Twinned Widened Fireball! Comes in at a 7th level slot after Arcane Thesis and Spell Widening. [roll0]*2.5 damage + 52 from Warmage Edge = 192. Reflex Half, DC 22. Should be able to hit every Blitz Knight on the right, leaving allies unharmed.

Swift Action: Quickened Cure Light Wounds on the dragon, healing [roll1].

Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/4/3.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/7/7/6/6/3.

2014-05-14, 05:46 AM
Tyrene is disappointed by the lack of information, but the fusion of metal and flesh is more than interesting. The shouting draws her attention, near the spellcaster. They need magical power to fuel some sort of spell, aimed at protecting all of them. It is mere abjuration, not one of the true schools of magic. But still, lesser magic also has its place. Let the other ones use their power for such an effort, she has better things to do.

The enemy is breaking through, and that might be dangerous. Tyrene does not enjoy being in danger, she would rather be enjoying herself with helpless toys, not with an army of enemies. The fire has a lovely look, but it is so brutal, so simple. But there is something lovely to it. The simply, pure destruction. She suppresses a giggle, the others might not take kindly to that. A more permanent way to seal the doorway will be needed. That will be complicated, the Blitz Knights have broken down doors and done other such things, and soon enough the walls of force might also collapse. They never last extremely long, and the enemy might have a way through them. Not even the dragon would be a good obstacle, although the body would be a great boon to have.

The bodies lack great power, and she must preserve her power for now, given the number of enemies they will be insuficient to properly protect her anyways. Not when a breakthrough is forced. Perhaps the circle that wizard is drawing will do the trick? Protective magic has never been one of her strengths after all and her being dismissive of other roads to power has caused problems before. She takes to the sky again, going towards the wizard, he will be a more than useful tool when he expires. Death never is an obstacle, not to her at least. She lets power flow into this circle, she needs a way to survive here, and if she is lost, all the power in the world is irrelevant. And she watches, she watches her new servants being tested in combat while she increases the volume of her song, drawing everything into her voice.
“Give me time
to realize my crime
Let me love and steal
I have danced
inside your eyes
How can I be real
Do you really want to hurt me
Do you really want to make me cry”

Tyrene flies to AA27 and releases five level 2 slots and 4 level 3 slots(total 22, just like her cl) into the circle. She now uses her Charming Song which funtions as charm person to anyone who hears her, at DC 26. At the same time the blitz zombies except for AB20 charge at AI26, AI25, AK21 and AK22 to attack those blitz knights. Zombie giant AB18-AD20 opens the portable hole over AC22-AD23 and both giants there start shoveling in all the corpses they can reach. The last blitz zombie jumps into it as well. X11-Z13 moves to climb back inside again.

2014-05-14, 08:26 PM
It had been far too long since a battle like those in the war. Part of her was straining to think of a way out, another was shocked by the loss of life, yet another felt exalted by the release. The last part tried to balance all of this, but ultimately concluded that it had been too long. She had shown little grace, a cardinal sin, and had been little more then a bump on the road that slightly delayed these creatures. This would not do... It had been an abysmal performance. If this did not end here, if there was more to these things, then changes may, no, would be needed.

A smaller part her, one with a considerable amount of authority, urged that that could all wait until the swarm of knights was stopped.

She snaps back. Power to the circle. She could do that, she hoped. She waits for the flash of heat to pass and readies herself to fire on any survivors. Come to defend the east wing. The enemy on the north stopped by the wall, the constructs obey their orders.

Taking a deep breath, Gilana releases as much power as she can into the circle, trying not to lose herself.

Free: Tumble 1: [roll0] vs DC 40, Tumble 2: [roll1] vs DC 40, if successful, 2 10ft steps to AF9
Standard: Crystal Shard on any remaining BK
- Ranged Touch [roll2]
- Damage [roll3] + [roll4] Skirmish
Schism: Crystal Shard on any remaining BK
- Ranged Touch [roll5]
- Damage [roll6] + [roll7] Skirmish
Note: If there are none within range, then both actions will be readied and used to attack the first BK that gets within range.
Move: Assuming it is possible, she'll Wild Surge for ML 18 and channel 15 (18 total) pp into the circle. This could either count as 18 first level powers or 9th + 1st level power, depending on how the exchange rate.
Enervation: 15 or lower fails, [roll8]

They will double move so that their top left corners are in AP18 and AM18. The goal here is just to place them between the blitz knights and any of the unarmed representatives.

...but there was something about the release. She drew as much as she could, part of her steering carefully, another wanting to be lost in the surge. This time though, the misstep came. Inside, she felt the flow of power go through her, resonating, multiplying, blinding her. The circle and the dragon, the knights and the dead, Tyrene, Logan and Meredith, none of that mattered. Just the moment.

Outside, her eyes are closed, her hands are on her head and she slowly begins to crouch, her feet finally touching the floor.

The one time I Surge outside of a Temporal Acceleration is the one time Enervation hits. Seems about right, haha.

Dazed for 1 round.

116/270pp before this round

92/270 if there were targets for the crystal shards (1pp CS, 1pp CS, 15pp into the circle, 7 lost from Enervation.

2014-05-16, 11:03 PM

"Stay safe. I'm moving." Mirabelle shouts, taking two quick steps while firing her hookshot. It sinks into the floor as she jumps into the air, and pulls herself towards it. Her speed still blurring with after images behind her, she pulls her hookshot out of the ground as she rolls, ducking inbetween two Knights, and beginning her fury of blade and claw.

Full-Round: Pouncing Charge. If I kill the first one, all remaining iterative attacks go to the second one. Aiming for AK-30 first, and then AM-30.
Movement: Tumble Check. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331916-Ascension-of-Aeternus-OOC&p=17479515#post17479515) Leaping to AJ-30, then 10 ft. step to AL-30.
Voice of Thunder: I'm still considered to occupy AJ-30 for purposes of flanking. I'm assuming that with the Gold Dragon, both AK-30 and AM-30 are both flanked.

On Crit: Recover Pouncing Charge.
On Crit: DC 23 Will Save or be Frightened.

Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
Crit Confirm:
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Sneak Attack: [roll7]
Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Sneak Attack: [roll11]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
Attack: [roll12]
Crit Confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Sneak Attack: [roll15]
Attack: [roll16]
Crit Confirm: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]
Sneak Attack: [roll19]
Attack: [roll20]
Crit Confirm: (1d20+21
Damage: (1d4+16
Sneak Attack: [roll21]

One crit! Woo! But one on confirmation! Anti-woo!

2014-05-27, 10:24 PM
Teressa quickly pumps a dose of arcane energy into the circle as she casts Wind Wall on the doorway to hold back the tide. Before Gilana's surge of psionics rebounds on her she notices that the psionic energy doesn't interact with the spell circle at all, but she does get the idea that a psionic version of this technique could be possible with standard psionic materials. The wave of knights is obliterated by Lyra's fireball and Mirabelle's blade, leaving conference chamber devoid of threats for the moment.

The spell circle rumbles a little bit and sparks at points where the tracing is excessively shaky, but it pulls through and a wave of energy pushes the loose water in the room all the way to the walls and through the cracks in the stone. Beyond the walls the steam recedes, revealing piles of knights outside of each door attempting to get in. They make one last push before they no longer produce thrust, and collapse to the ground as smoke turns the hallway into a haze. Every knight in the assault is now dead, emitting some smoke from the vents in their armor. Tyrene's knights are unaffected, and she realizes they haven't actually produced any flame for thrust since she revived them. They also put up a pathetic fight as they don't even reach the dragon before the battle ends. The survivors also regard Tyrene with a gentle awe, even Merideth's anger has subsided.

The mediator looks around and gathers his bearings, before turning one of his cannon arms toward Tyrene. "There are specific procedures for handling the deaths of attending representatives. You can confiscate some corpses of the attackers but I won't let you leave if you have any victims in there. The Plane of Mechanus is already deploying emergency mediators to secure the area so don't think you can overpower me." The normally emotionless demeanor of the construct now holds a cold and stern determination to its synthesized voice.

Though hardly a minute has passed since the attack started, already everyone can sense a small saturation of divination auras as communications come back in. The surviving diplomats are holding their own communication items and clearly in conversations with their home governments. As this is all happening Logan's pendant begins to glow brighter, and his body starts twitching. The damage done here could continue if he isn't properly reasoned with when he comes back to life.

Karl falls unconscious and the other representatives that were fighting back the horde take their time examining the nearest dead Blitz Knight. Everyone is either speechless or busy talking with someone far away.

12,000 xp for everyone. No treasure besides the Blitz Knight corpses unless you think you can survive looting the dead representatives while the head mediator watches :smalltongue:. All of the NPCs except the mediator are affected by Tyrene's charm, and he will fight to kill if you try holding on to any of the representatives. No map update at the moment since combat is over and not too much has changed.

-Teressa and Tyrene can now replicate the ritual circle up to the same capacity as Lyra. Gilana can now try to research a psionic equivalent (there are multiple ways to do this depending on how you approach it).
-You can now take the time to make detailed Search and Heal checks to learn more about the Blitz Knights. Examining both the dead and reanimated ones will provide useful results.
-The whole facility is still under Magic Circle against Water for now, and will likely be that way for a while.
-Logan will be reviving momentarily, and still of the same attitude as when he died. This problem is not as simple as it seems on the surface.
-Feel free to talk to any of the survivors. I'll get a list of who and from where made if anyone wants it for the unspecified representatives.

2014-05-28, 12:01 AM
Lyra let out a soft, relieved breath. "Well cast, Karl," she murmured to the unconscious mage.

She began to take stock. Figuring out what these creatures were, that was a priority. But there was a greater one yet. She made her way swiftly to Borik's body, drawing a handful of diamonds from her pouch as she went.

She tried not to look at all the other corpses as she went. She hated this part. Hated, hated, HATED it. Borik was the representative of her kingdom. She had a duty to him, and would see it fulfilled. The others, though...there were just too many. Part of her wanted to pick four and work her magic upon them, by whatever means, for what were mere gems compared to lives? Would saving four not be better than saving none?

The rest of her, the saner part of Lyra Alden, rejected the idea of being the one to choose who lived, knew that this was a power that came with a cost. The lives may carry a cost in gems, but the choice would carry a cost in sanity that she could not afford to pay. She could not save everyone, and would have been a fool to try. This, she knew.

It didn't stop her from hating herself for it.

She forced such thoughts aside with the need to concentrate. She began setting the diamonds around the dwarf's body, speaking a brief chant over each one as she placed it, causing it to glow with a soft white light. She placed eight around him, one in each cardinal direction, and other equidistant between two of those. The final pair she placed upon his eyes, after intoning a somewhat longer chant, and those two gems blazed like stars.

She began a complex incantation, coupled with swift, precise gestures. Beams of white and gold light shone from the encircling diamonds, the gems glowing more brightly even as they became ever more transparent, finally fading away entirely as a brightly glowing portal opened up above Borik's, its perimeter following the circle where the diamonds had been.

"Walker through the realms of Spirit, turn and come back home!" she intoned to finish the complex magic, an ancient Art that blurred the line between spell and ritual. If the casting succeeded, twin streamers of light would pass through the portal into the diamonds placed upon the dwarf's eyes, those two gems focusing the energy into the dwarf's body, smoking and blackening as the raw power of a soul passed through them, until they were reduced to useless lumps of coal and the portal closed.

Assuming nothing happens to interrupt me over the course of the one-minute casting time, casting Raise Dead on Borik. Because friends don't let friends die off-screen :smallcool:.

Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/4/3.
Healer Spells: 6/9/8/6/7/6/6/6/3.

2014-05-28, 12:07 AM

Mirabelle looks out on the recovering members of the assembly, and smiles, even if invisibly; something happened then and there what had never happened before: change.

She wipes... blood off of Lesson, and holds Quill in a slicing hold. She drags two Blitz Knight bodies to a desk, ignoring all others around her. On one, she cuts where she believes armor straps are or would be, and on the other, she stabs in the neck, pulling the knife down through the armor to the pelvis. She was no physician, but she was still a warrior; and dead soldiers can giveaway clues.

Search Check: [roll0]

2014-05-28, 09:43 AM
Gilana vaguely catches the tide die out and extinguish. The part of her that was aware breaths a sigh of relief, shortly followed by the rest of her as she returns to her senses. So she was not able to contribute, even the circle scorned her, but she can't help but smile.

Still, as the dust settled, there was one more pressing matter. She raises and glides towards the north eastern section of the chamber, between the rows of tables and seats. She nods at the her constructs, the two that survived, and they follow her. How to best solve this... She hoped that words would be enough.

Once she reaches Logan's remains, she inspects them. No weapons, that first. Any that she spots she signals to her constructs to confiscate and place on one of the tables. Likewise, she does the same with her own longsword, its light fainter now. The holy symbol would be next. She hoped that the amulet didn't double as one, but if it did, well, it would have to be dealt with. If there was another such possession on his person she makes her construct take it as well and place it by his armaments on the table.

Her eyes focused on the light of his amulet. She closes them briefly, concentrating and hoping for there to be some wisdom in him or for her words to reach him. Once satisfied she takes a seat next to him, placing herself between the remains and the closest Verix diplomats. One of her constructs stands behind her while the other behind Logan.

Her eyes do not leave the amulet.

Search Check [roll0], trying to find any weapons or holy symbols on Logan

Manifesting Moment of Prescience

2014-05-28, 11:01 AM
The mediator speaks to Tyrene, distracting her from the important things. It even threatens her. Just for some husks that would make wonderful tools. Ah well, she will have to cope with that. The sirene replies as she sways to an inaudible tune: "I apologize if I gave the impression that I did such a that. There is no intention whatsoever of seizing any such body for my own use on my side."

She turns towards the source of her most pressing problem. Logan. Gilana is disarming him, but she doesn't trust it, he will have hidden weapons, and his spells can be dangerous. She doesn't want to take such a risk. There are no places that can be considered outof his reach. No, she will need another strategy, one which plays to her strengths and to the air-breather's weaknesses. She makes a pirhouette and from her form more identical figures appear, sharing in her dance. These nine Tyrenes dance through each other, making any attempt to distinguish which is the real one impossible. That should provide simple security.

But there are other things to be done as well, she needs knowledge. The dancing stops and the confusing spectacle heads towards one of her latest creatures. The giants climb back outof the pit and are followed by the flock of dead birds who return to circling over Tyrene. She would never admit it, but she isn't the most observant person. She whispers to her plaything: "Raise your right hand for yes, the left for no. Raise both when you don’t know. Do you understand?" If the answer is positive she continues by asking a set of questions: Do you come from the material plane? Do you come from an outer plane? Do you come from an inner plane? Can you speak? Is the power that propels your kind limited in quantity? Are there ways in which an enemy could deplete this power? Do you know who sent you here?

Tyrene could ask a lot more questions, but that would be a lot of work to all type out, especially because many are conditional.
Also of course search: [roll0] and heal: [roll1] She has cast mirror image to get a group of decoys.

2014-05-29, 03:27 AM
Blitz Knight Autopsy (summary will be available in the OOC first post for reference):
Mirabelle finds no armor straps, quickly finding out that she has to skin the armor directly off of the knight. The creature beneath looks like a humanoid, but with no skin layer between the armor and flesh along with a complete lack of facial features makes identifying race impossible. The four back spikes that serve as the main thrusters don't come off easily, rooted deeper in the back just below the ribcage. When she cuts open the other knight, she feels an odd crunching as the base of the neck yields in. Checking the other knight's armor reveals a compact section at the lower back of the helmet that connects to the top of the spine, filled with a variety of materials of different sizes and colors. Mirabelle can't tell whether this is magical in nature or not.

Turning back to the other knight, two main oddities are obvious inside the creature. First, the lower internal organs are missing, instead there is a section of machinery that leads up to just below the heart and lungs, connected to the thrusters. It does not appear to be functioning and its purpose is unclear. The second oddity is that the circulatory system has a mirrored counterpart that connects to the device in the abdomen, only mismatching the larger blood vessels where it diverts larger arteries to the vents in the limbs.

The materials used in the armor and device are strange and unfamiliar. The primary metal is light and resembles tin, except it's more brittle than pliable. Identifying anything else will require the help of some experts.

While Lyra spends her time reviving Borik the others discern more information from the situation. The undead blitz knight that Tyrene controls gestures in the affirmative affirmative to understanding her and then answers her questions through the rudimentary system. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, No, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. The head mediator lowers his weapon/limb when the zombie giants pick out the dead representatives that slipped into the pit, and warily watches Logan. When Gilana disarms Logan she discovers three holy symbols, two daggers with enchantments that resonate both law and good, and a modified Ring of Arming that cycles through an axe, longbow, a surprisingly large crossbow, a spiked chain, a spear, a pike, a halberd and three wands, all with auras indicating they have properties similar to the daggers. Finally she confiscates a water flask that's actually holy water with a concussive explosive in the center before the pendant stops glowing and Logan comes back to life. He blinks and sits up, eyeing the room warily as he realizes he's in no place to make any rash action. His gaze turns to the Tyrenes as he's about to speak, but his voice is cut off by a louder voice that seems to come from everywhere at once. A medium-pitched voice of a man with a hint of a refined accent.

People of the Material Plane! Pay attention for this is the most important series of events that you will ever witness! I am Aeternus, the new god of this universe and all the planes. The consequences of this are many and inevitable, as I change this world for the better. The planes are cut off from you, as traveling the Astral Plane is now too deadly to risk traversing, and I have laid waste to your peace conference with the first wave of my coming change. Nations will have to cease to be, and the old 'gods' will be dead. What will occur from this point on is a time of strife that is futile to resist, as the forces meant to prepare your world are methods only I control and can stop. But there are my chosen people, and you know who you are, who will survive this change and be the progenitors of the new universe! Do not struggle and do not resist, for either way whether or not you cease to be has already been decided. You will be hearing from the second wave shortly . . .

The voice ceases, and for a moment everyone is in shock. A couple of diplomats confirm that the speech was heard globally, and then the survivors look among each other, clearly the mention of the chosen people is stuck in their mind. Logan looks at the unscathed Tyrenes and to her reanimated knights, "I guess you're one of the chosen, huh? The traitorous nymph and others in here conspiring with you, knowingly or not." He turns to the mediator, "Don't bother with your reinforcements, unless Mechanus is intent on obstructing our pursuit of the servants of this prick. I'll give you until the area is secured to restrain the two fey and return my equipment to prove you're not a part of this."

The mediator aims one arm at Logan, and another at the real Tyrene. "The facts are you attempted to murder another representative, Logan, and you actually killed one, Tyrene. No one will leave until the ones connected to or are responsible for this attack are identified."

Good search roll from Mirabelle, anyone that isn't occupied by threat of death can examine the dissected corpses to see the same results.

2014-05-29, 04:29 AM
With the spell finished, Lyra casts a final quick cure to get Borik up again, offering a hand-up. "You okay?" she asked softly.

The argument across the way drew her attention. With an exasperated sigh, she clapped Borik on the shoulder and then walked over towards Logan and the mediator. "Hey, I'm sorry, did I miss something? I'm hearing talk of restraining people and killing representatives and taking weapons and no one leaving when some mad archmage or something," Lyra would call this "Aeternus" fellow a god when she had reliable evidence of that fact, "just declared war on, literally, our entire planet. Given how transparently obvious an attempt at getting us to start fighting each other he just pulled with that whole 'secret minions' shpiel, I just wanted to check in and make sure none of that was actually going on here. 'Cause I, for one, would like to move onto the part where we decide on a course of action to trounce this nutjob and whatever minions he's got lined up to throw at us. Who's down?"

2014-05-29, 05:51 AM

Mirabelle stares at these... things. Outsiders were made of whatever they came from, sure, but they still had... well, everything vital to living, and none of these metal bits. These didn't belong. Mirabelle cuts away into one knight, removing these sections of machinery with Quill, as Logan begins to speak. An exhaustion of years sets into her, and her patience thins. "Look at you, so petty. You were dead a moment ago, little man." She takes one of the spikes, and walks to Logan, still speaking. "You should still be out there, dead, stomped into memory by these things. But you are not. You are alive, and breathing, and on this side of the wall, and all you do, all you want to do, is to be like a child, wailing and bemoaning your saviors. I didn't realize there was a god for that." She sets the spike on the table next to him, motioning with her eyes for him to look at it. "You should have four of these, and so much more, inserted into you right now. You are no better than this swarm, for wanting any of us dead. You wish to spite your savior? You wish to spite those who took you from the fire, because you lacked the skill to do what you intended? Fine. When the walls come down, you stand first in line. Maybe you can hold them for a moment, before they overcome you. I have known soldiers like you, boy. Your demands mean nothing. Your anger means nothing. Right now you can either work with us, and figure out the problem; maybe talk with your god for an answer. But if you do anything else, you are, and will be, nothing." She wipes Quill on the table, maintaining eye contact with Logan. "Neither your god or I have patience at this moment."

"Mediator, let Tyrene examine the exposed bodies. She will have a better eye than myself, I believe." She says, turning away from Logan. She grabs the spike off the table and walks over to Tyrene, this... overdressed necromancer. "There were four of these in each of their bodies. They have a thing of various metals in the back of their helmet to connect to the spine. They have no skin to speak of, or organs, or facial features. It could have once been orc, it could have once been elf, it could have once been anything. They have much machinery inside of them. Ask it if it remembers anything." She nods to the table, and then walks to Lyra.

"I am with Lyra on this; but our first course of action should be networking ourselves, and then leaving this place. Those of you who have understanding of constructs, golems or the dead, religious or otherwise, please look at the bodies and figure out something. I don't know who, if any of us, are actually a traitor. But that will not deter me. That will not deter us. Right now, this," she says, raising the spike. "Is our enemy. I don't care why you came here, who you have old grudges with, whose land you have taken an interest in. None of these matter right now. What matters is we now have a fight on our hands, and we all now have a name for it. Your pettiness and anger mean nothing to anyone right now. Those can be settled long after this all passes. I have no interest in seeing any of you die today, any of you. And I am ready to fight to ensure that. Who else is with me?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

2014-05-29, 12:42 PM
Yay for sanity in the ranks, Lyra thought. Aloud, she said softly to Mirabelle, "Excellently put," before taking her very good suggestion to take a closer look at one of the bodies.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0].
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1].
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2].
Knowledge (Nature): [roll3].
Heal: [roll4].

And while I'm at it, just on the off chance there's a bit of information on Aeternus floating around:
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll5].
Knowledge (Planes): [roll6].
Knowledge (History): [roll7].
Knowledge (Religion): [roll8].

Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/4/3.
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/7/6/6/6/3.

2014-05-29, 11:22 PM
Briefly, Gilana's thoughts go elsewhere. At the ruins of her home, she listens to a young one's call to arms, a plea that reached her while in hiding and woke her. But that was just a memory. Smiling, she gives Mirabelle a look of utmost approval. "Thank you. You have quite a way with words."

What else could she add? She turns back to Logan. "For whatever worth you may give my word, I assure you that I am not one of the chosen." Her eyes don't leave his as she speaks. "Your equipment is behind you on one of the tables, that was me, yes. I did not want to stand idly by while old grudges and instinct took over... again. She looks over the fallen representatives. "If they had been put aside, if we had all fought as one in the north hall, perhaps there would be more standing amongst us now."

She meets his gaze one more time before signaling her constructs to take one of the knights killed by the circle , pry it open and bring it closer (ideally between Logan and the Verix). She'll go to them now, they had little time remaining and try to understand one nagging question. Why did a Circle against Water kill them? She passes her longsword, and stops for a moment. She decides to leave it on the table for now.

Sense Motive + Moment of Prescience [roll0] (to get a good idea on how Logan took all of this, depending on his reaction)
Heal + Moment of Prescience (manifested and used again) [roll1] To understand what exactly killed the Knight.

The information may be redundant, but just in case she can figure out anything new.

2014-05-30, 11:42 AM
Tyrene looks at Logan with her eyes only reflecting revulsion. She hates him and wants him dead, permanently and painfully. But it seems that tgat won't be possible. Not now at least. The future might Heya bring his heart to her on a golden plate. But other things seem more likely for the future. More of these things. They know nothing, of course, she wouldn't tell her minions anything either. This Aeternus does things just like she would, he only has more power for some reason. Her sisters will have heard, but she can't contact them. She lacks the kind of magic. They presume her dead, probably.

They need water, that is logical, true power comes from the sea and not from the land. Tyrene turns towards the dissected bodies, they are peculiar, and make her think that she should have spent some more time on studying mortal forms instead of music. Of course the notion is nonsense, music is so much more lovely and such study is for lesser beings. She speaks melodically, to all those who are near her: "I only want peace, that is why I am here. Such old hatred is a hideous wound and should no longer be felt. And if it is felt it should never be expressed. I personally loath hatred and will not deign the feeble-minded creatures that insult me with such feelings. There only is pity for them. Logan, don't try again, your incompetence wouldn't achieve anything. I have no intention to waste further magic or time on you"

diplomacy [roll0]

2014-06-03, 06:48 PM
A little shocked to hear of the clash between Logan and Tyrene, Terressa can't say she didn't account for the possibility. She approaches the collection of individuals including the master Mediator and Logan, her magic slowly dying off. The arcane winds whipping about her body calms, and the gossamer shiftweave returns peacefully to its place. "I agree with Lyra - we cannot waste our time with infighting. Denigrating each other will not help, either," she looks intently to Logan, and then to Tyrene. "If we are to ever have peace again, we will need to work together and face the true threat here: the filth that calls itself a 'god' and has laid claim to our world."

"I know little of such matters relating to these... 'knights', unfortunately..." She takes her eyes off of the gathering for a moment to look over the pile of mostly-metal corpses. "I may be able to contact a true deity to see if they know anything about this supposed new 'god', however."

Which cosmology are we using? I completely forgot to actually list a deity, since I'm a cleric championing a cause... :smalltongue:

2014-06-05, 07:50 AM
Gilana has flashing visions of outside of one of the vents of the knight when it was still alive. The vision enters the billowing steam, the winding vessel leading to boiling water that then cools when it reaches the source. The vision stops at the end, and she recognizes the Plane of Water. The perspective moves backwards, this time the water is held back by an invisible force, and the vessels are empty. Through a different vessel this time, and at the end the water suddenly burns intensely before leaving the knight's back as flame. Back into the original vessel, the last of the water boils away and the steam is replaced by smoke as the material of the vessel crinkles and darkens. Water cools and fuels the machine within, though the latter function should be impossible with what is known about the elements.

Logan looks around the room again, his frown intensifying at each person busy examining a slain blitz knight or being otherwise inattentive towards him. He looks at four women discouraging him from his crusade, and speaks more softly. "This world might as well be forfeit if we must bring ourselves down to the level of the impure in order to persist. Those of you not already doomed to the wrath of Heironeous should take this respite of mercy to distance yourself from the filth we've tolerated too long." Some rubble falls from the ceiling, and everyone looks above to see a figure adorned in black chitin armor, seeming almost more unnatural than the beings strewn about the conference hall. Before even Mirabelle can react, it launches itself downwards onto Logan, its left arm seeming to elongate into a black mass that scoops up Logan's confiscated equipment. As it lands it shoves itself and Logan into his shadow, both of them disappearing with a heavy churning noise. After they vanish the same noise can be heard from around the roof. Arillian floats upwards to look and shakes his head. "There must have been others of whatever that was that just left the same way. Even a plane-floater like me knows that its design went against almost everything thematically pushed by Logan's specific sect of Heironeous temples, so why would it be working with him?"

The mediator speaks up, clearly still alert from the mystery figure. "The minefield in the Astral Plane is impeding reinforceme-" Part of an Inevitable's arm falls through the roof, clearly not of a mediator design. "-ents. The devices seem to use an unstable plane shift to send pieces of its victims to different planes. The outsiders that fled to their home plan earlier are probably dead. We need to gather as much of the fallen as possible while I prepare another route to a secure location." The machinery inside its torso begins to shift and change shape, and in the center it darkens greatly. "Shadow Walk should be safe. Those who need to get to their home countries immediately or investigate the identity of Aeternus should take this to wherever they want to check on the material plane. Make sure your governments are accurately informed of the situation and are aware of Logan's behavior."

The others begin to either gather the dead or discuss matters with others, present or distant. Borik is still silent from the shock of his sudden death and revival, and the combatants are discussing the oddness of the blitz knights. An Elan exits out of Time Hop, partway through a scream of terror that he must have started at the beginning of the battle. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhh . . . . . huh? It's already over?" He looks around and takes in the carnage, his face going pale before he sees the spell circle he's standing on. He seems to completely forget everything else around him as he crouches down and takes a closer look.

Investigations begin! Any choice you make will bring you upon plot events in some form. Splitting up will let you cover more ground but encounters won't necessarily care how many people are present.

You can stay and help the remaining diplomats, or you can take an accelerated Shadow Walk from the head mediator to go to any location in the Material Plane within a hour. I don't recommend the Frostfells yet as anything that could happen there won't be relevant yet and I need to expand Frostburn's rules with colder temperatures first.

Yes, the cowardly, distracted Elan is a potential psionics expert for Gilana to bounce ideas for ritual psionics.

2014-06-05, 09:40 AM
Tyrene feels her loathing for Logan rise, if he takes even a single step towards her she will kill him again, but this time it will be permanent. She knows enough about the magic that does it to ensure that. And he will make a nice decoration. But he is snatched away before this can be done. That is unacceptable. It means that he will ambush her, place her in danger. She must be prepared for him. It is war now, and she will not be just a nice little lady to be preyed upon. There will be no more unguarded moments, the peace is over. Logan will die.

"It is clear that Logan has reached the very extreme of his beliefs. He never fought for himself or for someone he loved, only for hatred. His drive was a terrible hatred against anyone who was different from him. This arose from the horrors of the war, he is its creature and he couldn't handle peace. He will grasp at any straw to finish what he considers to be his work, to destroy everyone and everything that is different from him. He will have struck a deal with our common enemy, this Aeternus, to sow dissent amongst us and to inflame a new war that will end in the way that he wishes for, death. He will strike again, with his allies, and he considers all of us his enemies. Please don't hesitate when it comes to it, destroy him when you see him. He is the enemy now."

Then it strikes her, Wendalne and Mandane, they don't know her present state, and they are two of the four beings in this world she actually cares for, the others being Maral and of course herself. All those others are only tools and toys, ways to enjoy herself and to improve her situation. They might even be in danger, and will have to be warned about the extent of the situation. When that is done she will collect Maral and bring her to safety. The temptation is there to hide as well, but that wouldn't achieve anything. This Aeternus seems to hold great power, and she desires it. She wants to return these land-dwellers to their proper place and that power will let her do it. All that she will have to do is take it. Find his secrets and keep them to herself. To that end she will need help, however much she loathes the idea. She needs those who are capable of standing against him. And the most likely candidates for that are here. This is difficult, she must find a way to balance her instincts.

She produces a golden strip from her dress, touching it briefly. She thinks her message to Wendalne: "Am safe. War comes. Aeternus is threat. Fortify. Keep Mandane. Infiltrants abound. Allies found. I hunt. Will contact again. Much unknown. Much danger. Pillowed kisses.", she ends with the greeting they have always used, to confirm her identity.

She walks to her pit, putting the strip away again. She folds it up ans places it back among her skirts, there is no need to be careless with it. All the undead are in there, along with a nice collection of bodies. It is most unfortunate that she can't take the representatives, some of them have the most wonderful abilities. Ah well, there are other relevant matters. Such as what to do next. Going for Maral will be complicated, she hopes that the girl has the sense to hide somewhere safe. She shouldn't be marked out as important. No, she will have to put her heart's wishes where they belong, deep in the darkness of her soul.

Having received the reply she turns back to the others andcontinues: "This Aeternus must be stopped in any way which is suitable. But before we can act directly we need knowledge, now we don't even know where he is, and before we can devour his heart me have to know where he is and how to hurt him. We will have to hunt for this information to restore the peace and to ensure the safety of those we hold dear. He has agents, but he has also made quite a few enemies now."
Diplomacy to make people join in her view of Logan: [roll0]
She uses her minor schema of sending to send the message to Wendalne(her sister and the queen of Sarnille)

2014-06-05, 02:27 PM
Lyra stood there in momentary shock as her brain tried to assimilate the new information.

Logan the paladin was the traitor.

Logan, the paladin, was the traitor?

Logan, the paladin, was the traitor!?



"Okay. That happened. Accept it and move on."

There was a part of her that wasn't accepting it and moving on. Arguing that it had to be mind control, or an impersonator, or a trick. Part of her even wanted to bring the possibility up. But she couldn't imagine saying anything like that after Tyrene's speech. She'd simply look the fool, to argue with the bard.

She turned her focus to other matters. "Give me a moment, I'll be right back" she said to the others, walking back over to her kingdom's representative. "Hey, Borik. How we doing, buddy?" she asked with a sympathetic smile. "Stuff's a ride, huh? Hey, listen, I need some of that famous dwarven grit, yeah? I have to hold here. It looks like some of the folk are coming up with a plan to take this guy, and that's kinda where I can do the most good, I think. I need you to take that Mediator up on his travel spell. Get back home, warn...everyone. Get us mobilized. All that. I'm so sorry, I hate to ask it of you," she really did; asking someone who had just been raised to go on a Shadow Walk was just...cruel, "but it's what's best for the kingdom. Maybe the world. Can you do that?"

2014-06-05, 06:00 PM
The beings need the mechanism, the mechanism needs water... which it takes from the very plane? Cut off, they choke. Perhaps something could be done here.

She watches Logan go, eyes open wide as the chitinous creature takes him into the shadows. She was disappointed more then anything else. Perhaps if they'd been able to talk, alone, things would have gone differently. At least one person will learn from your death, Blade of Heironeous, may your eyes open to the lesson too. She also takes Arillian's words to heart, as well as the creature's image.

So the link between the planes was out of bounds for now. Eyes on the inevitable's arm, she looks at the palm of her hand. The astral was familiar, a path she had taken many times. Maybe... If she pushed herself, did it in a fraction of a fraction of a second, it could still grant her passage... or at least let her see what these monsters had done. She takes her longsword form the table, inspects it and lets it hang at her waist. Not now though... The glow had been much fainter.

Likewise, she was in no place to argue in favor of the Paladin. She had defended him to her, as she had defended her to him, only to accomplish very little. Her expression is impassive, but she nods, she knew who the real enemy was. Before continuing with the group, she finds her companion.

"Meredith, do you have any way of contacting Salsem? Lucie and her court need to know of this... and I need to see this through." (This assumes that she isn't already in contact with them, if she is, she'll wait for her) "If there is anything she would request of me, please let me know."

As she notices the time hopping elan, she can't help but smile. Psionics are rare, ones interested in this circle, even more so. Once she is finished with Meredith, she joins him. "Its a circle of protection against water. It saved us all, but I'm afraid I wasn't able to contribute. It was arcane in nature, not compatible with manifesting as is... How much did you miss through your leap in time?"

Sorry for trying to deal with Meredith and the elan at the same time, but I sort of wanted to get to them before I missed my chance.

2014-06-09, 02:32 AM
As Logan leaves, Terressa is left staring into the sky. For a few moments, she does nothing.

"...yet another pure soul, lost to his zeal..." Terressa finally speaks, sounding less melancholy and more ...empty. A remarkable thing, she considers, that such a scar only worsens with time. Was this outcome unavoidable? ...Have I fallen so far, in seeking peace? Or have I pursued the right path? She invisibly shakes away her uneasiness, choosing instead to focus on the issues at hand.

She begins casting a spell, immense energy being pulled from around her into a single point at the tip of her horn. Though most of her spells have been elegant, this one seems to be trying to construct something from raw magical power. For a moment, the image of Olsworth's current leader appears in her mind. Some time later, she utters a series of words, not unlike Tyrene's. "Emergency; conference compromised - outside threat. Diplomat Malven safe; unconscious. Will deliver. Florikeme Representative Logan treacherous; mobilize defenses immediately. Aeternus immediate threat. Returning soon."

She moves over to Frederick, picking him up gently once again. She approaches the master mediator carefully, not wanting to . "I must make my way to Olsworth. The Government building, or as close as I can get to it. They need to know more...a single Sending won't do."

Casting Sending via Limited Wish; -300 xp.

2014-06-10, 11:29 AM
Mirabelle sighs, seeing people dissipate from trying to wage war on one another... currently. There were spies around, sure, but... it didn't truly concern her, not yet. It would take a long time to become used to combat again. Pulling out the metronome, she sets it on a desk in the western side of the room, and stands on the other side of the stairwell from it. She begins to move Lesson to and fro with it, trying her best with this new training method. She calls out to those she was fighting with in the hallway. "Arillian, Renna, Korth. What do you make of this?"

2014-06-11, 09:06 AM
Everyone appears to accept Tyrene's notion, and begin to either move more quickly or more actively pursue communications. Tyrene gains a reply from her sending, sounding like Wendalne doesn't believe they are vulnerable to Aeternus in the sea, but that she will have Sarnille on defensive alert anyway.

Turrince and Merideth are arguing when Gilana approaches them, though Turrince has once again broken his statuesque demeanor as his frustration shows. "Merideth, Florikeme's government is a SOCK PUPPET! The nation is ran entirely by the church, which means that Logan is effectively in command there!" The drow readies another sentence before Merideth responds. "You think the Thylle region can afford to question its own allegiances at a time like this? Assuming that this isn't the most elaborate subterfuge by your alliance to date, Salsem and the neighboring nations would be at the greatest risk from refusing Logan's inevitable call for war. Florikeme controls nearly a quarter of the continent and can win by resources alone if they declared war on the rest of their alliance!" "DAMN THE ALLIANCE, MER! This Aeternus has openly declared his intent to 'cleanse' the world by his criteria, and Logan would gladly do the same, regardless of if he is still serving Heironeous! We can't continue this charade of skin-deep diplomacy and pretend that everything is fine!" Both of them seem about ready to kill each other, but Merideth raises one shaky finger to pause his rant. "I told you you're not allowed to call me that any more. Gilana, Salsem has been made aware of the situation. Just do what you think you need to, I need to focus on my own duty for now." Their argument continues on before Gilana can respond.

The elan only chuckles for a moment before Gilana can ask her last question. "Well of course you can't just use psionics on a magical device like this. It's like potatoes and cattle. While they both can yield milk they are completely different base items, and the means of gleaning milk from them are in no way the same. Don't tell me you're one of those people that argue that psionics is just brain magic, are you? Well anyway you can't just smear dung and feathers onto a wall like a wizard when you're using psionics. You need specific material to channel the energy. And the three main conductors of such energy are a creature's sentience, ectoplasm and crystals of a certain composition. Recreating the circle with one of the latter two might be a good start, but this middle stuff would have to be altered since it's built off of spells that alter arcane energy instead of psionic energy. I should get back to my lab and start replicating this stuff. If you think you can stop mistaking potato milk for cow milk then you should stop by the Drybowl Terraforming Department in the capital city. Just ask to see Valen, the Psion Extraordinaire!" He manifests a power that burns the spell circle design onto a sheet of paper he procures from his pockets before he takes up the mediator's travel offer and disappears into the Plane of Shadow.

Borik nods to Aelira and shakily walks over to the mediator, entering the Shadow Walk at the same time as Terressa. Since both of their countries are in the same direction, he travels silently with her until she departs into the Olsworth capital half an hour later. During the trip she somehow spots movement out of the corner of her eye in the blurring landscape, but she doesn't get a clear look, only a nagging sense of familiarity. The creature that helped Logan, maybe? But all she could spot was movement and nothing about the creature, but the feeling stuck with her.

The extraplanar trio look at Mirabelle with confusion as they see her oddly swing her sword and stare at nothing. Korth is the first to answer, "These things aren't regular warriors, though that's clearly their purpose. I don't deal with the level of philosophy their mysterious leader was spouting. I'm not even sure if this Aeternus has a military background or not, as we can only confirm one assault that was very heavy-handed." Arillian shrugs and they both look to Renna, who is looking at one of the intact neck devices. "It's not the Far Realms. Anything to come from there has no order to speak of, often the creatures exist outside of such concepts. These things have their own story and order, it's just something new to us, whatever it is. If we could get the intelligence sectors of each nation and plane to cooperate, we could try to match sightings of this kind of science and see if there's any starting point to work toward." She gestures over at the aasimar and tiefling who are still yelling at each other. "But that probably won't happen, so my best guess would be Ulwiss. It's the closest thing to a central knowledge base in our known world, and we would be able to safely dismiss the most possibilities from there. Looking for Aeternus directly is probably pointless, since there's too many places in the Material Plane alone where he could hide undetected." She thinks and shouts over to Lyra. "You have history with the academy, right? It'd be good if you went along with whoever else decides to go there, since I know some of those mages can uptight about non-students."

As Terressa departs she finds herself in front of the main palace. Two clerics immediately approach and carry Frederick away for treatment, and a high-ranking guard escorts her inside. Around the palace the unicorn can see the crowds of confused citizens, many of them having their fear recede as they see Terressa arrive, while some panic even more when they see the blood on her and on Frederick. Inside the palace she faces the current leader of the country, a young-looking star elf named Lanulir, but surprisingly without her advisers. She stands before the front window in her chamber, her back turned to Terressa as she gazes upon the city. "Turns out actual conflict and pressure fluster my aides." Her voice sounds more tired this time, instead of the kind and caring tone she always used in public and private. "And Florikeme is demanding all-out war against the Verix alliance along with North Nerkiv and this Aeternus threat. They say that refusal to assist to our full capacity will be seen as desertion, and I am expected to respond in an hour, publicly." The unicorn notices the elf's legs shaking as she struggles to keep standing. "We aren't equipped for war. Any mages and warriors here pursue their craft for personal reasons and have no formal combat experience. The church of Heironeous in town is the only place that trains for combat as more than a vanity project, and Florikeme's prized paladin has more influence over them than I do. We can't wage war or subterfuge, and our defensive capacity is a ghost of what it was during the last war." Some tears begin to fall. "You're the only one I trust who has seen that war and retained a grip on reality, so please, what do I do? I can't send my people to die in that cursed continent, but if not then my so-called allies will come and kill them here." She collapses to her knees and silently cries.

2014-06-11, 12:51 PM
Lyra's warm, sympathetic smile slowly fades after Borik passes through the portal. Nah, it's all good. No need to thank me for wresting you back from the jaws of death. All part of the job. She dismissed the thought with a sigh. It was petty and unproductive, and she knew it. They all had way more important things to worry about.

She headed over to join Mirabelle. "Yeah," she answered, somewhat hesitantly. "I mean...not an entirely positive experience, to be fair, but..." she looked over towards Karl. "But yeah, there are still people there I could talk to, and I'm pretty sure I'm still technically on their books as a scholar."

And I'm familiar with their libraries, which would probably be the biggest help, she thought with the twitch of a grin.

"Is that the plan then. Head to Ulwiss and see what we can learn?" she asked Mirabelle. It sounded like a good one to her. Above and beyond all, they needed information.

2014-06-12, 04:46 PM
The Drybowl Terraforming Department, very well... Gilana watches Valen go. It was simply power to her, a rarer kind, but power nevertheless. She knew the substance, that was easy enough to sculpt. She was sure she could also work the crystal, they were things of grace and she'd found herself drawn to them early. It did not seem like he trusted her counsel, but perhaps she could use his work, before these creatures struck again.

But that may not be the next threat to her oath, at least if diplomacy continued as it was. The psion gone, she turns back to Meredith and Turrince. As they argue, she can't help but wonder how much of this was her fault. If she had left him to his fate, perhaps...? A more level headed leader, the main threat would be clear, all working as one... Or the militant church that made Logan would have seen it as an act of war. Dwelling on 'if only' was never the answer.

Another call to arms, another war against the nations across the seas. Now, when a self proclaimed god threatens us all. No 'if only's If it could be prevented... She notes the group moving to Ulwiss to gather knowledge. Once she was finished, it may be best to join them.

She moves to the head moderator. "To Florikeme, I will do what I can to speak with the nation's leaders. If their warpath cannot be stopped, maybe it can be slowed." She takes the Shadow Walk and moves towards the capital as fast as she can.

2014-06-13, 03:39 AM
They don't believe her, of course they don't. She knows how it feels, the safety of the water, all dangers seem further away from there. She longs for it, but she can't return, not yet. Or can she? Hiding with her sisters would be a delight. But she can't abandon Maral. She is vulnerable in the palace of Milquogh. And now a war is coming, a war started by that idiotic fool of a Logan. He must have struck a great bargain with Aeternus for this, how else can he be continually resurrected with such magic and be allied with him. A wonderful scheme, she would certainly have participated in it, one day the seas will rise and drown all that lives on the land. Then the world will be hers to enjoy herself with. All those pathethic land-dwellers drowning and clinging to their boats and rafts. It has been promised to her since she was born, and the Sarnillan sisters have always talked about it.

But Logan will attack. He will cross the sea where her sisters are vulnerable, and then he will strike the Verix Countries. He will show no mercy, he knows how to wage war against a people you hate, you exterminate them. He is the current danger and must be removed. But she can't do it. If she is seen to do such a thing it will only mean war. But with the aid of someone else she could assassinate him, and then replace him with someone disguised as him, who would then claim that he was wrong and retire into the country, resolving the situation. But, who can she ask. She isn't the most trusted person here, and many have already left. There is the swordswoman, she doesn't seem like someone to play the part of Logan, but in the direst situation Tyrene could do that herself. But she would certainly be a great help in the assassination.

She moves towards the human, a most distasteful species, but it will have to do. She is old, for a human. Tyrene heard about her for centuries now, which is most peculiar. Perhaps the humanity is only a disguise, and not her true nature. It has to be. She bows to Mirabelle, whispering: "My lady Mirabelle, I have a proposition for you. This Logan is threatening the whole world with a second war, that will take all hope of defending it against this Aeternus. He will have to be removed and based on what I heard about your considerable skills we might achieve such a thing. We would then replace him with a fake, who would admit that he was wrong and stop the path to war. Will you join me in this endeavour?"

2014-06-14, 09:46 AM

"So it seems," Mirabelle says, continuing her movements. This training was... it seemed endless. It seemed ironic, in that. The waist high blade moving back and forth seemed endless in her attention. She pulls out Quill to join Lesson. "My historic views are long outdated, but I'm sure my presence will open some doors, and spill a few tongues. If nothing else, I am sure I can carry books for you, mm? You'll have to give me a moment to gather my thoughts, Miss Lyra."

With Tyrene, she takes a firmer tone. She adjusts her body language, shoulders down, one knee bent in a miniscule lunge. The air whispers in her ear, and she whispers in it to Tyrene. "I give no insult in this, but time has made me a student of scrutiny. Logan attacked you, and he should have answered to that, and he should have stayed in order to prove himself in our views. But time can make zealots of us all. He is of Heironeous, of Honor and War. You cannot blame him for attacking you, who is an affront to what he believes, just as he should not blame you for retaliating in kind. If you want my aide, it will be freely given if you can give me solid evidence of a betrayal to the rest of us. I do not condone treachery of allies, but I do not condone attacking without knowing a full picture. You are capable. If your vendetta is justified, you will have proof." Mirabelle returns to normal volume, speaking now into the air, instead of through it. "What have you learned of the bodies?"

2014-06-18, 05:40 AM
"You heard what he said, and you know that he means it. He believes that the whole alliance is his enemy and he will attempt to destroy them. He is a self-righteous fool that will tear the peace apart. In times such as these unity is all that we have. But if you will not help me, so be it, but don't complain to me when the human lands come crumbling down and the land-dwellers drown in their own blood. I do not care for their lifes, I won't lie to you, but I do care for the simple fact that these mortals will be needed if this Aeternus is to be stopped.", Tyrene whispers before she speaks aloud: "The bodies are driven by magical force, take it away and little remains, as these toys demonstrate. They lack speed, they lack strength. They are nothing. This betrays some sort of engineering, and a continual connection to their maker."

Tyrene contains her anger, how dares this little human refuse her requests. It is not the natural state that the world should be in, those lesser beings should know their place. She doesn't want to work alone to stop this new war, they can't afford it and Maral might very well suffer for it. And that would simply be unacceptable. She can't bring the duergar to where the sirene would have been safe, her sisters would tear the little thing to peaces as entertainment. Tyrene would ahve done the same if Mandane had brought such a creature to the Seashell Palace. No, Logan has to be stopped, and there is only one way to do it. Alone, relying on her own exceptional talents and the mortal desire to believe what they see. That is where they are weakest, they want a version of reality, and when it is presented to them, they never doubt it.

She heads to the head moderator: "I would head for my home." When the spell is cast Tyrene heads out, but not to the Seashell Palace or to Milquogh, but she turns to Florikeme. Just before her arrival she changes her appearance to that of a priestess of celestial descent. She has her ways against the usual ways to find intruders that the paladins deem impure, and she will achieve her goal. Logan will become her servant.

2014-06-18, 07:15 AM
"This is quite vexing," is Terressa's first response. While she held little love for old enemies, she was pragmatic enough to know that now, of all possible times, was not the time to reignite the ancient war. With the threat of Aeternus looming, the only hope the world had was to band together.

"In all appearances, we should band with Florikeme, if for no other reason than to avoid their ire. We are in exceptionally dire straits as it is; the destruction wrought by Aeternus' forces is horrendous to behold..." Terressa sighs, her exasperation making itself known. "The best idea is to sway them from the war with Verix and Nerkiv, but can we do that? Regardless of what we do, we are thrust into two-front wars - with Verix and Aeternus, or with Florikeme and Aeternus...and we aren't prepared for either of those."

She rests on the floor, next to Lanulir. "I understand, this is exceptionally difficult. The lives of many lie on our declaration, and it seems that no matter where we turn, death and destruction awaits us. Neutrality would be the best choice, but we are ill-equipped to face off against what will inevitably be Florikeme's response to that. I..." Terressa hesitates, knowing that her next words could damn the entire nation should her judgement be incorrect. She recalls Logan's last words before vanishing, and an idea comes to mind. "Have you been able to speak with our other allies? Megidyme, Zanithar, Salsem...perhaps they can help us dissuade Florikeme from its crusade?"

2014-06-18, 09:12 PM
Lyra nodded. "No worries, just let me know when you're ready to go," she said. "I'm going to see if I can get Karl up. He's from Ulwiss I believe, it'd probably be good if we could bring him with us one way or another, and it'd be easier if he's moving under his own power," she said with a grin, heading over to the unconscious mage.

Knowledge (Arcana): Taking 10 for 35 for more information on dealing with with Spellburn damage, if there is any (primarily, making sure that failing a dispel won't worsen his condition, but if there are more effective tactics than a straight dispel or some effort beyond a dispel is required, that wouldn't hurt to know either, if my skill his high enough of course).

2014-06-19, 08:48 AM
Lanulir chokes back a sob when she hears Terressa recommend one of the two evils presented, and speaks again with a whisper. "The other countries were still internally debating their own decisions when I last checked a few minutes ago, the few friends I have in those places say that the governments would rather face Verix again rather than remain in fear of the threat neighboring them. Fight the enemy you know how to, I guess? With the events at the peace conference too many ambassadors died to maintain constant contact with Florikeme. No one knows what is going on in their government and all of the embassies there are locked down by more Heironeous disciples." Terressa can hear a faint rumble of voices as the crowd around the palace grows and becomes more belligerent, sounding more demanding and angry than when she arrived. "If we must fight, then I guess the weaker power is the preferable enemy, especially if we can put ourselves in as little risk as possible." Lanulir's tears stop flowing. "I don't know how to tell this to them. I'm young for an elf and everyone expects so much out of me. I hate to do this, but could you give the statement? You understand war, and you're a symbol of strength. Everyone knows the stories about your battles, your losses and your will to move on despite what it cost you. Please, tell them it's not about dying for anyone, but to survive so that their home survives." She shakily stands up and stands by the window, looking out at the crowd. To her left and right are doors that lead to the balcony directly beyond the window, the place where Lanulir's past speeches remain strong in Terressa's memory. The edge of the balcony has an enchantment that projects voice to every city in Olsworth, and the people await its use.

Florikeme (BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W_lL1CzI68)):
The capitol city is a grand, decorated citadel. Even the distorted equivalent in the Plane of Shadow resembles a giant temple, with the Heironeous churches serving as the taller architectural equivalent in the outer limits while the grand palace in the center takes up a quarter mile in space and goes just as high. Every building and street has a vibrant layout and design, the color white in surplus almost as if to make up for the near absence of black. Other temples of good-aligned deities exist, but they are far fewer, far less lavish and often seeming in disrepair. Of the Thylle countries, Florkime sports the most extensive implementation of a Major Image-based broadcast system, and they proudly show it off in every city. Half-transparent priests and paladins tower above churchfronts and intersections as they read out reminders about laws and morals in between news updates of a very skewed recount of the assault on the Millennium Complex, stating that the assault was a joint effort between the Verix Alliance and their new ally, Aeternus. The city is clearly in a tizzy over this news, men and women enthusiastically either lining up at enlistment complexes or modifying their storefronts to advertise that the Florikeme army will have priority access to their stocks for the foreseeable future.
Florikeme, The Negotiator:
The Shadow Walk reaches Florikeme in an hour. Gilana enters the capitol without much problem, and feels a wave of comfort wash over her, though she can't tell whether it's from the aesthetic or something else. Two moderate-ranking paladins approach, their races hidden by their armor. "Identify yourself and your business here, foreigner." One of them says.
Florikeme, The Infiltrator:
Tyrene arrives shortly after Gilana, spotting her farther ahead as she is talking with two paladins. The first thing Tyrene feels upon entering the city is the urge to puke. The city is saturated with good-aligned abjuration, [reactive spellcraft success, and reactive will save success since the DC isn't nearly that high] and she realizes this is more than just a Hallow effect. The air itself feels like it is trying to breach her mind, and dislodge her true identity from under the disguise. Fortunately her disguise keeps anyone from noticing her, since many other priestesses are moving all over town to their own business. Tyrene sees that the grand palace is ahead, and a convenient thoroughfare that the Heironeous clergy are rapidly entering and exiting from.

Millennium Complex:
The Renna, Korth and Arillian nod in agreement with Lyra. "Since we're currently planestuck, we'll come with you. If anything the mages as Ulwiss might have a solution for making the Astral Plane safe for travel." Arillian says. "We'll go when you're ready." Mirabelle manages to achieve synchronization with the metronome, which now responds to her instead of physics. Lyra finds a potion in Karl's outer robe, [reactive spellcraft success] which she realizes is actually two adjoined containers, one with Cure Serious Wounds and the other with Dispel Magic. Pouring it on Karl's wounds removes the spellburn and cures the sacrifice gash. He wakes up and looks around, sighing in relief at the success of his plan. "Thanks for helping me make this work, Lyra. I don't know what we would have done if I was wrong about their steam generation." He pauses as he notices that no one is directly accusing anyone else. "Did they already figure out who was responsible for this?"

Tyrene: The secondary spell that the Hallowing carries seems to eat away at deceptive magic. Undetectable Alignment will have a minute/level duration as long as you're in Florikeme's capitol, but Disguise Self doesn't seem to be affected noticeably. Roll Knowledge (Religion) to be able to better navigate the social order of the Heironeous clergy. Also a disguise check for the disguise and any magic in use for reinforcing it.

2014-06-19, 10:28 AM
Tyrene doesn’t like these surroundings, not at all. The whole city was built to stop her from doing what she does. The spell eats away at her magic, that will be a major danger. What she plans to do will take hours at the least. Her spell won’t even last half an hour. But she can’t leave, not now. Revealing herself will alert the whole city to her being there, leading to certain death. Finding her way out will also be more than a little difficult, for one, she doesn’t know the city at all. She sees the images of the priests and paladins, she would love to tear them down and make them cry for mercy, on those same places, let their screams resonate through the nation. That will teach the landwalkers. She sees Gilana, of course she is halted by the warriors. She is far too naïve to see what is happening here. They will put her into custody.

She doesn’t like the fey, not at all. She is a traitor to what it means to be unearthly. Helping those filthy creatures, and not for advantage or just because she is forced to, but by her own desire. It is a disgrace. But she will die here, and in the end, then she will know. All this talk about justice and hope is just that, talk. There is no substance to it. In the end, they all beg, they all grovel. Honor is easy to say, but none ever truly act on it. Logan shows it as well, he claims honor, and justice, but his true drive is hatred. The very hatred that he would restrict others from having. Why should there be peace? These mortals deserve war, they deserve the suffering and the horror. There should be another war, but Logan rallies them to the wrong one. He is a dangerous fool. And dangerous fools have to die. It is as simple as that.

She stays in her act, a calm, collected priestess with white feathered wings. Tyrene wouldn’t go without wings, they are far too useful. She wears white robes and of course a golden amulet of Hieronymus. She walks through the streets as though she belongs there, but she has taken care with her plan, she pretends to be a priestess from a village, not used to the capitol. Explanations for unknown others should be there.

Knowledge religion: [roll0]
Disguise: (uses alter self and disguise self, along with her kit for a total roll of: [roll1]

2014-06-19, 10:35 AM
After the trip through the darkness, the light and movement of the city was a refreshing sight, if short lived. The message was clear all around, war was coming, yet it was met with such willingness. She watches the Image's accounts of recent events, and wonders what it would be like to see the world through the blade of Heironeous's eyes.

She turns to the full armored paladins. "My name is Gilana, I am an adviser to Queen Lucie of Salsem." She bows her head, and lets her arms hang before her, her hands together. "I come here to speak with your leaders, not in her voice, but to act as her ears, and humbly ask to be granted passage." She had to be transparent. If Logan was so willing to see deceit in her, then it would be best to avoid placing any straw for him or his men to grasp.

2014-06-19, 11:04 PM
"Glad to have you along!" Lyra told the three cheerily.

Once Karl was awake, she filled him in on what had happened. "The five of us," she gestured to Mirabelle, Renna, Korth, and Arillan, "are going to head to Ulwiss. See what else we can learn about these guys, and their master. I was hoping you'd come with us? Not only might it help cut through red tape to have you there, but I mean, you're the one who figured out how to stop them, after all."

2014-06-22, 06:15 PM
Terressa stands, approaching the doors. She stops for a moment, reflecting on a long past. Sylve...give me strength.

Making her way onto the balcony, Terressa looked out over the gathered peoples below. She steeled herself, knowing that any sign of weakness could send the public into a doubt-fueled panic. Inside, old and forgotten pains welled up again as she remembered the horrors of the past. For the past...and for the future... She reassured herself, the old oath giving her strength once again.

"Citizens of Olsworth, my fellow nationals," she begins, gaining composure. "It is with a heavy heart that I - Terressa, the Dawn Unicorn - come to speak to you today. As you all know, we have enjoyed worldwide peace for some time - no small feat, indeed, for it has taken much to establish and uphold this peace. Many of our countrymen and allies have given much to see this era of peace last forever." Images of Sylve flash in her mind, which serve only to spur her to the main part of the announcement.

"Unfortunately, the time to test our resolve has come again. Our peace is threatened; it is strained under heated tempers and a greater challenge to us all. We have been called upon to war, to join forces once again with our allies of old. While we pick up the sword and put down the plough, we must remember that we are not going into this lightly. We are fighting to survive, to keep our homes safe, and to honor those deeds performed in ages past - to refuse to give in to anyone who would invalidate our efforts, our losses, our dedication to peace." She gently, yet firmly stomps her hoof upon the balcony, unsure if anyone can even see the gesture. Regardless, it helps her mind collect itself for the most difficult part.

"I speak of a coming conflict with Verix and North Nerkiv, but we must fight for more than that. A new threat looms on the horizon - one who has chosen to name himself as 'Aeternus'. I have witnessed Aeternus' power myself, and have fought against his armies. This is the true foe before us, the one which we must band together to defeat. He who challenges all of us, who will not stop until we fall - we will show him our determination, our dedication to ourselves, our fellows, and the world itself. We do this for the past, and for the future - for ancestors who gave up everything to ensure we would have a future, and for our descendants to have a place to call home. We are not here to die in someone's name, but to persevere. It is a horrible truth that we must suffer in order to live, but it is something we must pursue." Terressa takes a moment to draw a breath.

"Thank you, everyone. May you all be strong in the coming endeavors. Remember the past, fight for the future."

Taking a short bow, she returns to Lanulir's chambers, her mind a windstorm of words, doubts and worries.

2014-06-27, 01:09 AM
Florikeme, Gilana:
The paladins look at each other, then one of them pulls out a gem that he holds in his open palm close to himself. A Major Image triggers creating a transparent, higher-ranked paladin less than a foot tall. "One of the surviving Salsem representatives seeks audience with the Grand Crusader. It's the fey, Gilana." The other paladin says in Celestial. Their superior interacts with an object not displayed by the spell, then responds. "Give her priority 2 entry, but her history with assassination will necessitate strict monitoring." The paladin holding the gem nods and closes his fist, ending the effect. He speaks to Gilana in common. "You are allowed entry and will be granted audience within minutes, though you will be be escorted by a minimum of two paladins at all times while within the Holy Citadel." They let her through the main entrance, where two other paladins wordlessly guide her through the citadel. The design is lavish like the Millennium Complex, but far more spacious and white. Additionally the increase in the saturation of good auras almost makes the air feel different to breathe. Gilana can tell that the place would be quite serene and relaxing to be within, at a time when the footsteps of countless priests and paladins don't echo through the halls. The sheer organization shown by the people that pass by indicate that this church never entered the age of complacency when the war ended.

Towards the top of this grand structure, the paladins lead her to a door where she is shown in. The room is dark, likely the only room in the entire building not kept constantly bright. A silent image shows a map of the Verix continent in the middle of the room, around which Logan and 2 other paladins are discussing invasion routes. Logan is wearing new armor, not the ceremonial set he always wore to the peace conferences. The palpable magic and the detailed design reinforce that Logan is just below Heironeous himself in this religion, and the slightly lesser similarity of the other two paladins indicate that they are direct subordinates to him. "Grand Crusader Logan Silverkin, Gilana is here to speak with you." Logan looks away from the map. "Excellent, you're both dismissed." The two paladins guarding Gilana look at each other and the other one speaks up. "But we were assigned as necessary escort measures for-" he stops when Logan raises his hand. "There's three of us here already, we meet the security quota. Leave us." His voice takes on a slightly vicious edge at the end. The two paladins escorting Gilana leave, and the two working with Logan continue to work with the map as he approaches Gilana. He seems to rapidly calm down, far below the tension he was in at the conference. He keeps both hands clasped behind his back as he stands a few feet in front of Gilana. "You're here earlier than I expected you to be, which I hope is for a good reason. Do you have questions before I present the demands to Salsem as their part of our alliance?"

Florikeme, Tyrene:
Though she's not entirely clear on all of the specific rules of being within this sect of Heironeous churches, Tyrene knows she can make do with the out-of-town persona. As she approaches the priests' entrance the two guards that let Gilana through notice her and approach, speaking in Celestial. "Excuse us, but you have to check in with security as a visitor if you're not here commonly enough for you to be on the memorization list." They procure the gem to contact their superior, who speaks to Tyrene through the image. "Please state your name, the nation of the residing church you first joined and your business for being here."

The confused uproar of the crowd intensifies, and further escalates when several people shout challenging questions. "But isn't this Aeternus just a Verix noble?" "You're lying! This is just a ploy to militarize us again." "Where's Lanulir? How do we even know she's still alive, or still on our side?" The roar is still audible within the chambers. As Terressa steps inside she suddenly stops, though she doesn't know why. Then she finds herself speaking under her breath. "Impressive. Being so empty has left you able to naturally speak such empty words. But the people outside are spoiled, never knowing true conflict or its necessity in the world. Or are you trying the same? You took your loss so poorly that you want to be in their ignorant world of peace. Understand this, those people out there will die, and you will join them if you continue to harden your soul." Terressa sees a vision of a massive crater within the Frostfell, containing a spell circle creating a growing flame. The cold fights it back, but then in the last moment before it is extinguished she sees a dark hoof come forward from her perspective and step down, feeding more energy and bringing the fire to an even stronger force before the image fades. "You're only half of a person, and denying the other half will see to our deaths." The quiet, compulsive speech ends and Lanulir looks up from her crying, "I didn't hear what you said, the crowd out there is getting so loud." She steps closer, "Do you think they'll settle down?

2014-06-27, 07:34 AM
The Isle of Ulwiss, Central Academic Campus (BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRBMUN1VT-k)):

Half an hour later Mirabelle, Lyra, Korth, Renna, Arillian and Karl arrive at the center of the the island. Within the turmoil of hills overgrown by jungle lies the bastion for mages of almost all inclinations, a fortified compound taking up half of a square mile, with a tower at the center going a quarter mile high. The architecture and design is almost alien to anyone used to normal society, as the geometry, materials and layout looks like as if a proper tower was once there, but then was partially melted, rebuilt by a madman than copied its Plane of Shadow alteration several times over. Magic saturates the place, primarily abjuration with no preference to any particular subtype. Golems of various types are scattered throughout the campus, mainly to deal with invading wildlife and to serve as magic-immune barriers to break up quarrels between students, and among them are countless robed figures with varying designs and equipment.

Korth and Renna look around with awe, clearly not used to an environment made by mages for mages, but Karl and Arillian don't hold the same wonder in their eyes as they lead the group to the tower entrance. An aging human in blue robes with a staff indicating an expertise in transmutation approaches, "Karl, you survived! But what about-" "He's dead, the Mechanus mediators will make the proper arrangements for his resurrection. We need to focus on the man behind the attack, and full access to the archives is necessary for that." Karl walks with a stronger purpose, and Lyra realizes that Ulwiss is his natural environment, leaving him uncomfortable anywhere else. The robed man responds, "We can't just give full access immediately, especially to people who have never attended-" Karl produces the diagram of the base spell circle. "This is our key to fighting Aeternus, with Lyra Alden's knowledge this was able to stop the assault on the peace conference. And she doesn't have time to be in places that don't supply progress, so show them the archives or see how well individual spells delay the destruction of this island along with everything else. This isn't the time to be an ass, Brint." This demanding outburst visibly offends the senior mage, who puts his staff down and aims it at Karl. "First, I'm done hearing about your theories about this circle. Second, you, Lyra and Arillian get limited access to the archives. I will see to getting further access later, when the other Perfect Sages are done discussing priority issues. To you three . . . warriors," Brint's sneer lingers as an audible dislike for Mirabelle, Korth and Renna, "we are not a shelter, and we do not have the time or patience for those who think an education in bar fights is worthwhile. I can have someone arrange a teleportation to somewhere else in the world if you need, but you have no place here."

Korth looks at the rest of the group, "I'm not the best with words, especially with civilians." He tosses a miniature Blitz Knight corpse to Mirabelle, apparently shrunked with Shrink Item. "We need to have more than stuffy bookworms searching for clues. Use that specimen to win Brint over or something."

Brint is the Perfect Sage of Transmutation, and one of the most cynical and skeptical members of the top rank of the Ulwiss Academies. He was one of the main opponent's of Lyra's continued research of Zensibar's magic during her enrollment at the academy, though he saw her less as a contender and more as someone trying to use a gimmick to gain an undeserved amount of influence with the academy. Any other Perfect Sage would be preferable to talk to right now, but from what she remembers it would make sense for the others for find an excuse to keep Brint out of their current discussions over the Aeternus threat.

Despite being a legend that has gone almost everywhere, Mirabelle has never been allowed on to the Ulwiss facilities. The culture clearly favors magic, and even students that try to focus on both spells and swords find themselves limited to the outer campuses at the edges of the island. For that reason she's never had any firsthand experience with any of the facilities, not to mention that the few people present that have heard of the Sublime Way try to bury it, since it provides conflicting evidence on their understanding of how the universe works.

2014-06-27, 07:39 AM
She hates this bureaucracy, the dull unmoving machinery taking away any and all joy in life. One of the reasons why this nations should be dragged beneath the waves. She imagines the paladins flapping around, struggling to remain breathing in their heavy armor. It would be a lot of fun indeed. But no, she has to be nice, to get past them. She digs through her memory. They will have full registrations for everyone in this nation, at least, that seems likely to her. They are so constricting in this place. She almost acts rashly, striking these two down and then making her escape.
”Me? I’m Gorlaith Moyn. I come from Zanithar, the church took me in as a child and showed me the way to the Valorous Host. I came here on a pilgrimage, but now all this is happening here. Is there anything that you could tell me about these most shocking events?”, she replies in the celestial's melodic voice.

This Gorlaith Moyn really exists, she is a priestess in Zanithar, or rather a coastal village. Tyrene once enjoyed herself with the half-angel, when she was a part of the small Zanithar mission in Milquogh. She just hopes that she did nothing notable these last six years, there could be serious trouble then.

I hope that I didn't take too many liberties here, but Tyrene needs something.
bluff: [roll0]
Sense motive on the paladins: [roll1]
And of course a charm person effect on all of them. DC 26. Just to make sure.

2014-06-27, 08:24 AM
Florikeme, Tyrene:
The holographic paladin interacts with some more off-frame objects, likely looking through some records. He slowly stops part way and furls his face, "Huh, you were reported as missing three years ago. Presumed to be part of the regular rash of Verix-related disappearances. You do match up with what we have on file, though. I'll need to have you come in and discuss the situation with the higher ranks. It's suspicious to say the least." One of the present paladins, who fortunately fell to the Charm, speaks up. "But, to survive the Verix kidnappings would require going through some horrifying things. She may have repressed the memories of her time there to keep her soul pure. It's by Heironeous' guidance that she has arrived at a time where she can do so much for us!" The superior gives an wary look at the paladin, "Ugh, I get it. But keep it in your pants, it hurts your status to be the valiant defender of every pretty girl you interact with. It looks more like vanity than dedication." He turns toward Tyrene. "It's fine with you if we do what we can to figure out what happened to you, right? You might get to meet Grand Crusader Silverkin in person, which is something you can definitely write home about."

While this happens Tyrene receives a Correspond (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Correspond) from Turrince. "Urgent discovery. Disappearance count exaggerated. Verix responsible for only three percent. Millions of missing unaccounted for. Potentially Aeternus related. Be wary of potential capture."

The paladin communicating through a Major Image proxy is not charmed, though his suspicion seems to be less about Tyrene's identity and more about the disappearance.

2014-06-27, 08:40 AM

Of course she just had to get herself kidnapped, she never paid any real attention to her surroundings. Just now she finally is good for something other than barbed letters. But luck strikes both ways, the Grand Crusader could provide her with a link to Logan, and a way to remove him. "I would be most grateful for the opportunity to speak to such an esteemed person. I must confess however that there is little that I remember from that time..." which is precisely when Turrince contacts her. She luckily is at a part where a brief pause can be introduces, she visibly falls silent, as though she relives a terrible memory. She briefly replies Turrince: "Currently in Florikeme to prevent second front. Masquerade as priestess. Limited time."

It took only a few moments, few enough to fit the silence into her charade: "I, I am sorry, my memories still hurt. But if I can do anything to help I will of course go."

This might be a trap, but they will find her more dangerous than most others, and she always has a few extra tricks.

2014-06-27, 10:45 AM

Terressa remains frozen in place for moments beyond the end of whatever just grasped her, and visibly becomes shaken. How? How is she still alive?! I thought... Her wing feathers ruffle at the thought, and she replays the ancient scene in her mind.

"Lanulir..." she manages, finally. She seems no less shaken than before, however. "I...I do not know. For the sake of Olsworth's survival, I hope they will." Her breathing grows quicker as her mind races. Aeternus, Verix, Florikeme, and now...now her; what was happening? How - and why! - was she back? "Do you have a mirror on hand - the sort used for a Scrying spell? Large, silvered, highly polished...?"

I'm not sure on how Limited Wish handles focuses, or casting times. Do I need the mirror if I'm going to duplicate the Scrying spell via LW, and how long would it take to duplicate it? I assumed earlier that it requires the full cast time of the copied spell, but 1 hour is a bit long...

2014-06-27, 12:49 PM
Lyra looked around with a wistful smile on her face. It had been a while since she had lived in Ulwiss, and seeing it again brought back memories. Not all of them good, sure, but enough that she could lose herself for a moment in nostalgia.

And then she saw Brint.



Just seeing him was enough to make her stomach tighten. Hearing his voice was enough to give her a...well, the thing was, it wouldn't be quite right to call it an anxiety attack. It wasn't fear, or nervousness. It was a fight or flight response. One lasting mark that her time in Ulwiss had left on her was that her hindbrain instinctively categorized the Perfect Transmuter as a threat.

Nonetheless, she schooled herself to calm. She wanted to respond by cramming the seriousness of the situation down his throat, hitting him with every taunt and insult she could come up with for indulging that sort of bigotry and playing politics when the world was on the line.

She knew it wouldn't work though. Brint would never entertain the possibility that Ulwiss could be meaningfully threatened, and he would react to a challenge to his authority by becoming only more obstinate.

So when she spoke, it was with none of her usual informal cheeriness. Her words were precise and carefully enunciated, with the formality of a scholar, and juuuuust submissive enough to be a balm to the ego, much though it made her want to gag. "If I may, Master Brint, this is not a matter of wizards and warriors. The entity known as Aeternus has declared war on our entire planet. Every person here, whatever their profession, is a duly appointed representative of another kingdom. Those that cannot provide mystical wisdom may yet provide tactical insights, but they, as we, require information to do so. I am sure that all of their governments would be appreciative that you were willing to make this exception to traditional protocols and allow them to assist in our research. And I will personally guarantee that they will treat the archives with the care and respect that any scholar of Ulwiss would show, and use the information obtained purely for the benefit of Ulwiss and the other nations of the world. I would stake my own invitation to your country upon it, if you wish."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-06-28, 10:39 PM

Much and more She couldn't help but feel small, in more ways than one. Not many would be wise to speak though, not here… She keeps her hands clasped before her, her arms hanging.

It takes her a moment to answer. “When I stepped into the plane of shadow I told myself I would prevent more pointless death, somehow. I hope you may consider this good reason. After walking through the city though, I believe there is only one question that truly matters, but I fear I already know the answer.” She pauses, meeting his gaze.

“What would it take for you to stop Thylle from declaring war against the wrong foe?”

She continues before he can answer. “We both saw the knights, we both saw the dead they left in their wake… We saw their numbers. They did not care what nation we represented, they cut them down all the same and ended anyone who tried to flee through traps in the astral. They even claim to threaten the Archpaladin and all other gods.” What was she hoping to get out of this. “Aeternus, that is who we should be planning to defeat, not the Verix.”

One and the same, surely. Justify it. She felt she knew the answer, but perhaps the underling's reaction would tell her something. Lets see it play out.

2014-06-28, 11:25 PM

"Oh me!" Mirabelle starts, fangs showing, holding up the corpse in her hand where she caught it, the muscles in her arm tensing, the tattoos that leak out onto her hand dancing. "Oh my! I the first of my kind, I the first disciple, can finally see what comes to take residence in the frost of the south! Oh stars! Oh moon! What a fruitless effort, for what purpose did I truly serve? Such men of reason, they shun what they cannot dissect. Such men of power, they deny they are powerless. Who are you, little boy? Do you think your name means something? Do you think your power will linger? Do you think you will last?" She holds the corpse now by its arms, its left arm with her pointer and thumb, its right arm with her pinky and forefinger. With her middle, she manipulates the head, making it bob and nod in agreement with her. She looks down at it the same way she looks at Brint: like an angry mother mocking a child. "Let us play the game! Okay. One. Did I not cut each one of you who came before me down, Lesson piercing what should have been a heart, cutting what should have been a person, slicing through metal where flesh should have stirred?" Nod. "Very good! Two. Did I not tear your kin apart, limb from limb, spilling what should have been blood onto the floor, as you and your forces came upon us like locusts?" Nod. "Very good! And despite not only my efforts, but those of countless others of this plane and others, were we still found sheltered and planning, attempting to overcome differences in a chance for survival?" Nod. "So good! So smart you are! But let me repeat questionings of before." She speaks now, her tone changing, her smile turning to a scowl, her old world accent returning. "Raise your right hand for yes, the left for no. Raise both when you don’t know. Do you understand?" Yes. "Do you come from the material plane?" I don't know. "Do you come from an outer plane?" I don't know. "Do you come from an inner plane?" I don't know. "Can you speak?" No. "Is the power that propels your kind limited in quantity?" I don't know. "Are there ways in which an enemy could deplete this power?" I don't know. "Do you know who sent you here?" I don't know. "Is your flesh warped and unformed and one with armoring?" Yes. "Is who you were gone?" I don't know. "Are you powered by machinery?" Yes. "Are you and yours Master wantink to kill us all?" Yes.

"I didn't care when this school was erected. None of you harmed me, I did not harm you. There was no reason. I bore no illing for your school. I bear no illing for your school. But I come as another of world, come to learn, come with open mind and wanting to help others, and what is it you say? Bar fights? And education in bar fights? Oh yes. That is righting. Many of yous comink and goink and tryink for whole of story but you never learnink." A bolt of lightning flashes across Mirabelle's face. She shifts her stance, the winds coming to her, carrying her words, carrying her will. She fills the minds and ears and attention of those nearby. "I beginnink in bar fight. A bar fight is what savink lives today. A bar fight is whats is savink us in future. You wishink to talk to me, like yous knowinks me? I come here as friend, and all you wishinks is to prattle, boy. I am herinks to help Lyra read. He!" She says, pointing to Karl. "Is here to help from home. They!" She says, pointing to the other three. "Cannot returnink to home! I tell everyones in world at conference, I tell everyones here again: I ams nots carinks about your past. I ams carinks about your futures. We are stayink. We are helpink. No refusink."

She steps forward now, holding the corpse towards Brint. "This think was once somethink. Human. Half-Orc. Nomira- sorry, Gnome. Halflink. Somethink. Is now enemy. No one at summit knowinks what to do. No one at summit knowinks what was. Your books here will give passage, will give knowink. If you will not open up doors now, then you make death approach sooner, yes. I do not knowink how much is worth, but I can offer part of my knowledge, part of my story, in exchange, if that will help. It may aid in yous and your kinds understandink of the Way."

Mid-monologue I'm using Whisper of the Wind to talk mentally with 9 allies: Karl, Lyra, Arillian, Korth, Renna, Brint, and three closest persons.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

Please let me critical this.

Edit: Oh god noooooooo. Really wishing I took those luck feats now.

2014-06-29, 09:13 AM
Lanulir pauses, and replies, "Huh, but you were never the spying type? I doubt you know that spell personally, so if you're trying to manage with a Wish spell then a pool of water would work, just like how druids do it." She leads Terressa to one of the garden complexes in the center of the palace. It's only a 10,000 square foot space but it contains enough natural plant growth to serve as a place for the nature-aligned to relax. At the center is a roughly 15x10 foot pond, undisturbed except for the few fish and insects within the garden.

2014-06-29, 08:23 PM

"I'm usually not one for spying. But...something has come up. I need information, and I am not entirely certain it's safe to go where I seek. Plus, traditional teleportation is...not safe at the moment." She gazes through the sanctuary, the serenity within bringing a much needed break from the tension of the streets beyond. "I know this may sound rather personal in this time of crisis, but...if my suspicions are correct, Azerrett has returned - or perhaps, never left us." She speaks swiftly and quietly, determined to not let her memories whelm her again. She approaches the pool, stopping just before its shores, and pauses to see if Lanulir has any input on the situation. Should she not have much to say, Terressa whips her horn around in an ornate circle before touching it to the pool, once again pulling in raw magic to create a spell from nothing. She concentrates on the vision, the hoof of her nemesis, and the creature from her memories. Show to me...Azerrett.

Casting Limited Wish to imitate Scrying (-300 xp); Sorc spells left: 6/10/10/10/9/6/7/1 (not sure which slots were used to power Karl's Magic Circle :smallfrown:)
Scrying will save is 32, since it's as a 7th level spell; duration 16 mins.

2014-07-01, 07:35 AM
The water of the pool shimmers, but nothing appears to happen. Terressa quickly notices that the reflection has flipped when Lanulir moves in it. Terressa makes a depressed sigh, "I guess I wasn't clear." The vision returns, now more clear than before.

The spell circle Azerrett looks at within the Frostfell is actually slowly moving, and Terressa can feel the warmth from it hold off the painful bite of the cold. "You're mad! We've put up with this crap for three days now, you didn't say anything about trudging through the snow relying on unstable magic you stole from the Lothwik artifacts!" A voice shouts behind her. Azerrett turns to face three half-fiends shivering as they trudge along behind her. "Not only are there better ways to outrun the Thylle army, but I finally figured out that you've been guiding us east! Why in the nine hells are we heading towards them!" The one at the front shouts. Azerrett's eyes narrow. "Because no one will follow us, especially not the Dawn Unicorn. This magic that is keeping you warm is my only advantage against her, so my only choice is to practice and perfect it. But clearly you don't appreciate the necessity of it." She suddenly rushes forward and knocks the half-fiend several yards behind the others, and he freezes solid before he can stand up. "You can keep complaining or you can keep up with me." The Dusk Unicorn says as she turns back toward the spell circle and resumes driving it forward through the snow.

The vision accelerates, years pass within seconds, and then Azerrett is within the cave where Terressa and Sylve killed her. Her breath is panicked as she shakily tries to draw a spell circle within the rocky gravel, but whenever she twitches from a nearby sound she ends up ruining it. Eventually she gives in to anger, and thrashes her hooves through the rocks, undoing her work. She then turns to face the entrance of the cave, where Sylve and Terressa are approaching, facing her fate.

"Did you only say Azerrett? Maybe using a title would be more effective. The name sounds somewhat like something a drow would have, so maybe you need to specify." Lanulir's words bring Terressa back to reality. But her control is still not hers, and she speaks again against her will. "I need to go, Lanulir, there's a piece of me I left behind long ago and I need it now." Her legs force her into the hallway, and when no one is nearby she speaks under her breath. "Back to where we rejoined. My memory of that power didn't carry over completely, and if you won't do anything about our weakness then I'll have no choice but to maintain partial control and kill your friends until your mind breaks. So hurry along to the memorial of your precious Sylve, why don't you?"

Logan looks at Gilana, not with the rage or determination he had before, but with weary eyes. He moves to sit down at a nearby chair, "First, I should apologize for not giving your argument much thought before. I'm not a person made for peacetime, and sadly enough I never felt more alive in the past half-millennium than during that brief moment when I fought that sirene." He turns his head toward the map. "There are two possibilities here. Either you're right and this is the act of a third party, not the Verix alliance, or there has been a change of leadership within those nations that we have yet to see, with the Aeternus persona merely a way to destabilize the world enough to have a fighting chance. Evil betrays evil all of the time, so it wouldn't be out of the question that the Verix diplomats at the peace conference were meant to die with the rest of us, as part of cleaning out political power. At present, this new faction within Verix would maintain the appearance that a there was no change in power, further reinforced by the fact that everything associated with our new enemy has never been seen before. Then they would wait for the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the discord, using more of whatever resources and technology they have kept hidden." He turns back. "Aeternus could very well be a new enemy with no association, but even then Verix is the only option to strike right now. We've never given them a chance to take back their power in 500 years, so they will inevitably take the chance to strike against us when we're distracted by our new war. The final problem is that the Verix alliance is the only enemy we can fight right now. We know nothing about Aeternus. Nothing from scrying, nothing to mobilize our armies against, and nothing about how he will strike again." The other paladins start fiddling with another magical item, and speak to it in a low voice while Logan continues. "That is why I need Salsem, and the rest of holy nations of the Thylle continent to destroy what's left of the Verix nations. We can't afford a war on two fronts when we don't even know what kind of war one of those fronts will be. If we mobilize as quickly as possible, we can destroy Verix before another one of these attacks come in, and then after that point we can focus on Aeternus, regardless of his allegiance. And if we are fast enough we can even minimize our own casualties." His voice trails off into a nostalgic sadness, pausing for a moment too long as he gazes at one of the portraits of the past Grand Crusaders.

Someone knocks on the door behind Gilana, and two paladins escort in a shy-looking half-angel priest (Tyrene, though Gilana won't know that). Logan looks up with confusion and one of his aides speaks up. "This is the woman who's on our disappearance list. If we can get an account of what happened to her, we should get more information on where Verix has been hiding so many captives." "What? Sorry, Gilana, but this change takes priority, you may leave if you wish." Logan quickly says as he walks up to Tyrene, holding out his hand. "I'm Logan Silverkin, the current Grand Crusader serving Heironeous. If you would start by recounting what you remember regarding your disappearance, we can work from there before we try magically retrieving any suppressed memories, and save whoever is left of the millions that have been kidnapped over the past years."

Ulwiss Academy:
Brint seems ready to reluctantly concede to Lyra's argument, but then Mirabelle's rant leaves him angrier than Lyra has ever seen him. "YOU DARE SET FOOT IN THIS LAND OF MAGIC, MAKE YOUR OWN DEMANDS AND THEN HAVE THE GALL TO OFFER US YOUR INFERIOR, MUNDANE PARLOR TRICKS?! THIS ACADEMY HAS NOT REMAINED THE FOREMOST FONT OF MAGICAL KNOWLEDGE BY LETTING ANY BUM WITH A STICK CLAIM AUTHORITY, AND THE STANDARDS THAT HAVE PREVENTED THAT WILL NOT YIELD NOW." The four nearest golems reach out and grab Lyra, Karl, and Arillian. Renna tries to block the one going toward her, but whatever force she relies on doesn't even slow down the large fist as it snatches her. "The mages will stay, the warriors will be forcibly removed, and ANYONE WHO INTERFERES WILL BE EXPELLED!" Brint shouts the last part to the passing mages in the distance who quickly scurry to cover when he speaks. They keep their distance but continue to watch the quarrel. Brint retracts his staff into his casting glove and snaps his fingers, causing a burst of magic in rapid succession on himself. He changes into a humanoid figure obscured by darkness, holding a single dagger that glows brightly.

Spellcraft checks DC 24, 25, 24, 21 and 22 to respectively identify cast spells as Shapechange, Mind Blank, Brilliant Blade, Fly and Haste. Lyra automatically passes these checks.
Take that surprise round move action. Roll a Knowledge (Arcana) check DC 30 to know what Lyra knows about the Academy Golems you're against.

You take [roll0] nonlethal damage. Roll an opposed grapple check against [roll1]. You know that the golems you're currently fighting are altered designs of the Mithral Golem (Epic Level Handbook 193) designed to ensure safety in a magic-heavy environment. While they aren't as tough or strong as their original design, their fists have small antimagic fields to disable casters they grapple, and they only do nonlethal damage unless facing a foe immune to such damage. Roll a knowledge (arcana) check to identify how Brint is casting so many spells at once.

Both Lyra and Mirabelle:
Make Knowledge (Nature) checks to identify Brint's current form. Roll initiative.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) (it's the sheet labeled "Brint Battle" at on the bottom tabs of the page, legend is at the right side again, sorry).

2014-07-01, 04:51 PM

The sudden control again sends Terressa's mind into a whirl, yet it alights on a particular notion, even as she notices herself speaking to Lanulir. Of course; I believe I see now. Let us hence, then. As soon as Terressa emerges from the confining chambers and hallways she takes wing and soars off, towards the memorial. In all her years, she never once felt such trepidation in visiting it, yet a part of her tugged at her thoughts. Why did she feel that way?

Assuming I can remember where the cave is without directions or magic, I'll hustle through the air (80 ft.) to it, landing just outside of it

2014-07-01, 08:13 PM

The peace was a farce. Gilana listens. His demeanor had changed, and to a degree, there was reason in his voice. Reason of someone who could not forgive a foe, of someone who may have an agenda and who may be trying to kill two birds with one stone, but reason, nevertheless. If she can get a word in edgewise, while the crusader contemplates the lives of his predecessors, she'll speak what she came here to say. "If the Verix are still the monsters they once were, then we will all bleed. They have had as long as we have to prepare, but without the naivety of some of us, who thought war would never come again." She places hand on her chest.

"Unless you have a hidden tactic, I do not understand how you plan to win swiftly." Her thoughts go the the black chitin, briefly "They tried the same in the war, but we rose from the ashes. We were cornered and grew claws, they will too if they face the end. If this first strike fails, then it is Gerthom, Salsem and Zanithar who will take the blunt of the Verix counterattack, unless they have Aeternus. Then it could then be anywhere. He controls the Astral, and he who commands the sea has command of everything."

She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment and straightening her thoughts. "But if Aeternus is a third party, then I'm afraid we won't just bleed. I feel we may be handing him the opening he wants. With a nudge, he would have thrown us into the 'age of strife' he preached of... We saw it at the complex. The Sirene of Milquogh would have turned you into one of her dolls, I stopped her and spoke to her in much the same way as I do now. Old grudges will destroy us. They would weaken and fragment us, while all he has to do is watch and wait. Against an enemy that can field those numbers seemingly out of thin air, that can dictate the rules of the planes, now is not the time for them."

She looks within Now, and her words are earnest, coming almost like music. "Regardless, you are the Grand Crusader. You control the largest part of Thylle's military might and what is decided here will affect us all. If our strength is needed, if we must go to war, I will return to Salsem with your requests and tell my queen that we should prepare for the hardships ahead, for you would never ask such things of us lightly. Then I will look for Aeternus, going to the Astral he has claimed if I must. You are right, we know nothing about him, but if this can be corrected, if we can delay using our strength until we know more, perhaps more lives may see the end of this. I just implore you to be careful, you hold the fate of us all in your hands, do not gamble it away. If we must expose ourselves to a foe, choose carefully. I believe we can better defend against one that we know, then against one that we don't."

As someone knocks, she closes her eyes and mutters a one word in Sylvan "Luck". She watches Logan, hoping to have reached him.

Busy day at the war room. She smiles and nods. "Do not worry, I came unannounced. I'll wait outside. I would just like some closing words, what you request of Salsem, before leaving." She moves towards the door, but stops once she reaches it before turning back. The millions?

Manifesting Moment of Prescience (13pp)
Diplomacy (Using MoP) [roll0]: Trying to get Logan to see the situation as she does.
If the roll was less then 10: Alter Fortune (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/alter-fortune--2939/) to reroll it. [roll1]

Sense Motive [roll2]: To understand how he reacts

2014-07-02, 08:20 AM
Half an hour later Terressa arrives outside the cave. She can't see her memorial to Sylve from the entrance, but small decorative tokens and beautiful flowers outside show that others have come to pay their own respects to a hero they wish they could have met. "Inside, where that elf spilled my blood. You'll need to blast away the ground to get to what I need." Azerret says through Terressa.

Logan's attention lingers toward Gilana for a moment after her plea, and he sighs and speaks with this eyes closed, his tone more somber and weary. "I can't simply wait, a war on our own front is a scenario that never should happen, for the sake of those who can't fight. In every war there will be factions and individuals who take advantage of the shift in power, and the best we can do is take out the largest and most accessible threats of these groups first." He opens his eyes, though by his look he is pondering the past. "I never did thank you for saving me from undeath. If you would stay for a few moments longer, I will show you the means we have to win against Verix so quickly. Once I am done talking with our fortunate survivor, that is." Gilana can sense that Logan trusts her more now, and that in the end he only does what he thinks is best and just for his people, whatever that may be in his view.

2014-07-02, 09:08 AM
Mirabelle sighs as she draws her rapier and dagger, crouching low, moving forward.

Move to 15-AA.
Hide in Plain Sight. Darkstalker.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2014-07-03, 12:03 AM

Moving into the cave, Terressa passes the memorial and makes a quick, silent prayer to her departed friend once more. She passes the site, looking around for where she recalled the visions showing her - for anything that might direct her to a particular spot. "How far down is it?" she asks, to no one in particular, feeling a mite foolish for talking to herself. Let's see how well this works, then...

Deciding on a location to begin, Terressa whips up a storm of magic with her horn and aims towards the ground, standing clear of the blast zone. A thin, green ray fires from her horn, blasting away at the cave floor in what she hopes is the right spot.

Casting Disintegrate at the ground, but I'll be at least 15' away from the spot first.

Sorc spells left: 6/10/10/10/9/5/5/1 (also accounting for a 5th and 6th level slot given to Karl's circle)

2014-07-03, 06:56 AM
Tyrene enters the room, she seems every bit as a shy, perhaps even frightened angel. Clearly someone who has suffered. One thing that helps Tyrene with this act is her personal experience with suffering. Of course not as the one who suffered, but rather the one who inflicted and observed. The oppressive nature of the spells protecting this place also hurt, and help in this regard. She immediately sees Logan, he will die. It will be as easy as disposing of the flawed siblings was, the toxins that she has hidden under her robes alone will be lethal, and they won’t be her only avenue of attack. She knows her magic, and has prepared herself mentally for what will have to come. No one is ever touched by the sirene and remains unmarked. He is armoured, that might be an issue, but she won’t have to punch through the heavy equipment, mere brushing touches are more lethal anyways.

He almost completely distracts her from the others, but she observes them as well. Two aides, easy targets, but they will have to be removed. Those who brought her here will leave as well, but then, Gilana. The filthy little traitor is here. Of course she has, she tried to save Logan after all. She considers killing her as well, it would be amusing. But no, killing Gilana would be much more difficult than removing the pathetic paladin. She is no mere air-breather. No, she will have to be moved away, or perhaps, perhaps she could be convinced to help in this task. She wants to convince him to peace, but that won’t work. He is stupid, beyond any kind of reason. Driven only by his base urges. She wonders how his heart will taste.

She hears the words, spoken in the hideous tongues of the landmen. Gilana will stay, and she can’t be moved away. There is no other way than forwards, she feels the spells protecting her from this place fraying. To replenish them she will have to renew them, but that will be terribly difficult to do in secret. The guards are leaving and close the door behind them. This is it then, the paladin will die and she will feel joy. She licks her lips in anticipation, a habit that Gilana might recognize from her. But whatever happens, it is too late to stop her.

She steps forwards, towards Logan. There is hardly any distance between them, she briefly closes her eyes as her song of death begins as a barely audible whisper: ” Tyrene, Tyrene, Tyrene, Tyrene
I'm begging of you please don't take Logan
Tyrene, Tyrene, Tyrene, Tyrene
Please don't take him just because you can”

It is only beneath her breath, but now she strikes, her fingers coated in lethal poison, fueled by her spells. She unleashes some of the energy in her body, it should at the very least hurt the two aides, stopping them from sounding the alarm, and with some luck Logan will also suffer. But she doesn’t even pause to witness the effect. She strikes Logan, her fingers bearing her deadly magic. Her voice becomes louder as she lashes out in her surprise attack.
” Your beauty is beyond compare
With flowing locks of myrtle hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you
Tyrene ”

She composed the song on her way here, and still isn’t entirely satisfied with it. When she later tells the tale she will have to improve it first. And in hindsight it might be a little mocking towards Gilana, she after all refused to have him made into her toy. Well, there is no other way now. She will have to choose, he can’t be saved, he is a danger, and not just to the world, but also to to herself.

So, first a negative energy burst, dc 33 and dealing [roll0] damage(will half).
The Fear Aura also becomes active, leading to a dc 33 will save to resist being shaken.

And then the real fun starts, with a Greater harm, dealing 300 damage(fortitude dc 34 half) added to charnel touch doing [roll1] damage. In each of the touch attacks she will also be draining two levels(no save) which will seriously weaken him. He has already lost one level from being raised, and two from Tyrene’s previous attack(but I assume that he received a restoration), so he was already down one level. I can drain seven in a day, so I maximally drain five levels from him.

To beat his spell resistance: [roll2]

And the to hit rolls: Attack 1: [roll3], [roll4] intelligence damage and undead guardian naga poison doing [roll5] constitution damage(dc 31).

Then the belt of battle is activated for four more touch attacks, just in case the first one misses.
[roll6], [roll7] intelligence damage and undead guardian naga poison doing [roll8] constitution damage(dc 31).
[roll9], [roll10] intelligence damage and undead guardian naga poison doing [roll11] constitution damage(dc 31).
[roll12], [roll13] intelligence damage and undead guardian naga poison doing [roll14] constitution damage(dc 31).
[roll15], [roll16] intelligence damage and undead guardian naga poison doing [roll17] constitution damage(dc 31).
And a charm person effect is included to everyone in the room(will dc 26)
And yes, this is overkill. But with only a hundred HP it is necessary. And this is a prepared strike, not a surprised reaction like the previous combat.

And sorry Ryuuk for hurting Gilana a little.

And after this surprise round, initiative: [roll18]

2014-07-04, 10:46 PM
A clean crater forms, and toward the bottom lies a blood red chunk of rock the size of Terressa's head, emitting a strong pulse of evil. "Yes! Now accept it into yourself so we can be whole!" Azerret says through her. The compulsions betray an eagerness as Terressa barely resists moving herself forward automatically. Terressa beings to feel agitated by something, and the crumbling of rocks in the cave seem to linger longer than it should.

Florikeme (New BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_Mbvu31Zo)):
The spell and one of the touch attacks connect, but Logan manages to survive through it as he recoils backwards and his armor triggers a contingent Heal. As he stumbles back the door behind everyone opens partially, one of the outside paladins speaking as he turns to look inside. "Sir, they're acting really stra-" he's cut off as the doors are knocked open, two of the mysterious black chitin soldiers from back at the conference center barging in towards the fight. One reaches out with an unnaturally extended arm to grab Tyrene and the other has one arm shaped into a shield and the other shaped into a massive blade that goes up to it's elbow. As Tyrene sees the hand reach out to grab her a bolt of lightning barely misses her, and she realizes that her undead in the enveloping pit are going berserk and acting on their own, the giants in particular screaming in a way more horrifying that Tyrene has made anyone scream, and she instinctively knows that this isn't something good-aligned power can do. "Gilana, flee through the window! We'll keep her back!" Logan yells as he tries to reach for his sword, but barely slower than Tyrene. The paladins at the back of the room towards the windows try to move to reach their weapons, too.

Gilana needs to roll initiative. Tyrene can take her turn before waiting on the roll since she'll still remain at the top.
Current initiative order:
Mysterious Soldier A
Mysterious Soldier B
Paladin Assistant A
Paladin Assistant B
Paladin Door Guard A
Paladin Door Guard B

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is the sheet Florikeme War Room. Tyrene must roll an opposed grapple check to [roll0]. Failure means that she is moved to Y-15 and slammed against the wall for [roll1] bludgeoning damage, and stuck in a grapple against the W-11 Dark Soldier. You can still order your undead to act but they may not cooperate.

Ulwiss (New BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6XrrlWK-tQ)):
As Mirabelle moves, the whole time the Gloom's gaze following her, she feels that familiar sting in her tattoos and hears Reshar's voice. "Hearing that accent is relieving, and makes this eternity slightly easier to bear. Magic is limited and restrictive, so of course they fear the Sublime Way, unlimited and boundless. Learn to align yourself with existence in the right way, and you can amaze those students who watch you with curiosity. Prove that this mans words are the words of a fool." Mirabelle feels disoriented for a split second, before realizing that it's new power that Reshar has revealed to her, somehow.

Mirabelle needs to roll initiative and select which of the following states she wants to start with.

New Universe Edge content:
This functions like stances, but do not conflict as they are less about physical position and more about mental alignment. You can start the battle with one state you know as a free action, switching between them as move actions.

The currently available states are:
Unending Flow:
Everything around Mirabelle feels more connected, and she becomes more aware of how everything transitions to everything else without any true hard boundaries. Whenever Mirabelle makes a full attack while in this state, she can perform a standard action strike maneuver once per iterative in place of one of her attacks. Reminder that Heroic Fighter lets Mirabelle perform a full attack as a standard action.

Loose Magic:
Mirabelle can feel the slight friction of magical energy against her weapons, and knows she can drag some away. Whenever Mirabelle strikes a spellcaster while in this state, she steals a random prepared spell/known spell of first level, denying the caster that spell slot. Subsequent hits on the same caster allow her to steal one spell level higher per hit, though she can choose to target a specific spell level lower than the maximum if she chooses. Stolen spells are stored in the weapon that makes the strike, and Mirabelle can then cast them as part of a normal attack with the weapon, using her initiator level as her caster level and ignoring required material components. Stored spells can be kept indefinitely, and are treated as Ex abilities when cast. Spells can only be stolen and cast while in this state, but exiting this state will not cause her to lose currently stored spells. Targets that are aware of Mirabelle but not hostile towards her despite her attacks cannot have spells stolen from them.

2014-07-05, 03:17 AM
Terressa looks over the rock, barely containing the urge to immediately embrace its radiance within her. "What...is it?" she manages under her breath, simultaneously curious, excited and worried all at once. Was that...is that a part of us? Her focus is almost entirely upon the stone, and she approaches the crater's edge. "Detect magic," she attempts to cast a simple cantrip, hoping to see what - if anything - was magical about that enchanting rock.

Sorc spells: 5/10/10/10/9/5/5/1 <- After detect magic is used

2014-07-06, 02:50 PM

She had to admire the audacity of the act. To sneak into one of the holiest places in Florikeme in an attempt to take her targets life. Why...? to finish the job, out of spite, a preventive strike orchestrated by her block? Had he been alone, had he not fallen for it once before, maybe it could have worked, but even then, with Logan a martyr and the culture here... Too many questions. In then end there is only a building feeling of dread. Had she wanted to act out her revenge, would those in Salsem have responded as quickly or would she had failed to boy long dead. The Sirene's oath of vengance would end here, and she would find herself indebted to Heironeous swords.

So why couldn't she bring herself to smile? The second attempt within two hours may have solidified the Grand Crusader's stance. Casus Belli. She had been much to naive, too trusting on the goodwill of others and turned a blind eye on those across the sea. She'd grown complacent, expended too much power and done little, changed too much for peace time. If there would be war, then the killer Fafnir had crafted may have to return. All this was true... but not the source of the dread.

The Black Chitin. She lightly shakes her head at the request. She steps back, but just barely, moving towards the wall behind her instead of the windows. What exactly have you drafted Logan? The way they moved was unnatural, and those screams... She'd fought alongside Tyrene's dolls, but they'd never made such noises, even when being torn apart by the flood of spikes and steam. They had a certain grace, in their own macabre way, but here, bathed in the light and calm coming from the doors, this it felt wrong.

They were trying to lock down Tyrene, Gilana breaks away from looking at the chitin plated ones and turns to Logan to see how much damage she had done. "No. I'd like to see this. She's as much a danger to Salsem as she is to you now... but Logan, what are they?" Doubts filled her, and she couldn't help but try to link them to the knights at the complex and remember the 'chosen'.

From my understanding, Tyrene acts first, Gilana only being able to act when the 17 in Initiative allows her. Still, talking, self doubt, suspicion and internal monologues are free actions.

How badly did that affect Logan?
Heal [roll0]

Trying to see if she can recognize anything about these black chitin soldiers:
Knowledge: History [roll1]
Knowledge: Nature [roll2]
Knowledge: Planes [roll3]
Knowledge: Psionics [roll4]

I'll double check again in the future, but I think I'm at 53/270 pp

2014-07-07, 05:25 AM
Tyrene easily sidesteps the grasping dark soldier, she is one of the gracious daughters of the sea, and will never be caught. Especially not by something that hideous. She bows as she speaks: ”Gilana, this is the moment as we discussed it, strike down the warmonger who betrayed us all to Aeternus!” She makes a pirouette, a smile appearing on her angelic lips. ”Logan, you truly are a disgrace, siding with those who would destroy the whole world just for your petty vengeance. I am not vengeful, no matter how it seems, but you threaten the fabric of our world, and cannot be allowed to live. I will end and replace you, even I would make for a better paladin than you are, traitor.”

She sings again, another tune, one more menacing and less mocking. ” My cruel device,
My blood like ice.
One look could kill,
Your pain, my thrill.

I’m poison runnin through your veins
I’m poison, you don't wanna break these chains”

And she strikes again, moving faster, every motion fluid, as though she is dancing instead of fighting. But it is no ordinary dance, it is a dance of death. A dance leading only to ruin.

Tyrene initiates snowflake wardance, giving her +16 to hit. She makes four touch attacks, targeting again his flat-footed touch ac which he got to 49. I still wonder how he got it that high, with only deflection and miscellaneous bonuses.
Knowledge checks about the insects:
Knowledge(arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll1]
Knowledge (history): [roll2]
Knowledge (local): [roll3]
Knowledge (nature): [roll4]
Knowledge (psionics): [roll5]
Knowledge (religion): [roll6]
Knowledge (The planes): [roll7]

Knowledge check to figure out what’s happening to my undead: Knowledge (religion): [roll8]
Heal to see how badly I got Logan so far: [roll9]
Bluff to make Logan(and the paladins and monsters) believe that Gilana is part of Tyrene’s scheme: [roll10]

Once again she is charming them all(dc 26).

Her familiar manifests and tries to stun the attacking creature(dc 13)

She makes a 5 ft step to X16.

She makes a full attack
Charnel touch: [roll11], [roll12] intelligence damage, [roll13] con damage(dc 33), [roll14] damage from charnel touch.
Attack 1: [roll15], [roll16] intelligence damage, [roll17] con damage(dc 33)
Attack 2: [roll18], [roll19] intelligence damage, [roll20] con damage(dc 33)
Attack 3: [roll21], [roll22] intelligence damage, [roll23] con damage(dc 33)
Attack 4: [roll24], [roll25] intelligence damage, [roll26] con damage(dc 33)

If Logan remains standing:
She casts a quickened vampiric touch defensively(concentration: [roll27])
Vampiric touch: [roll28], [roll29] intelligence damage, [roll30] con damage(dc 33), [roll31] damage(also gives temporary hit points)
If Logan falls:
She doesn’t do anything else, and doesn’t use(waste) the spell slot.

The giants:
A giant climbs out and stands W12-Y14. It uses chain lightning on Logan: [roll32](reflex dc 19 half) and also hits all the paladins and dark soldiers. Concentration: [roll33]

A giant climbs out and stands in T14-V16. It uses chain lightning on Logan: [roll34](reflex dc 19 half) and also hits all the paladins and dark soldiers. Concentration: [roll35]

I hope that the giants will follow their orders, otherwise this will quickly become painful. I need them for my escape plan.

2014-07-08, 07:23 AM
Terressa detects and overwhelming Lawful Evil aura from the stone. "Well, my guess is that the ritual to convert you to evil works from the bottom up. Repressed impulses and tendencies were pulled away first to form myself, as overtaking the active personality takes more effort with magical alteration. The ritual was sort of like a deconstruct-and-rebuild teleportation that carried the weird effect of that one helm that inverts morality. The problem with splitting a soul is that the soul is trouble holding itself together. So the split that was me deteriorated partially when it pierced Sylve and split again. I couldn't sustain a presence in my weakened form, especially after you steeled your heart against the world after that point, so it took that pitiful speech and the weight of what you were doing with it to wake me. But the fact is that rejecting me makes you weaker, and at this point the only way to properly make our soul complete is to openly take in the remaining fragment that clings to this stone. Come to think of it, the stone is probably grounding Sylve's soul, too, so that's another argument in favor of absorbing the remainder of ourselves from it. This is mostly speculation, though, even the Verix madmen were edgy about deconstructing souls. Just maintain direct contact with the stone and don't reject the power it gives you." Terressa's body continues to struggle between her trepidation and Azerret's eagerness. "Quickly! The world doesn't have time to waste and I get the feeling we can't dally here for long!."

From the entrance of the cave some scratching of claws can be heard, cautiously getting closer.

Full details of the two character options will be elaborated in the OOC.

Brint suddenly moves in front of Mirabelle in the blink of an eye, though the silence field hides any indication of what magic triggers this. The Gloom form is fast and devastating, the dagger connecting five time and dealing [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], and [roll4] piercing damage respectively.

Initiative order:
Brint (and golems)

Damage taken is obviously assuming some counters aren't in place.

(First, a retcon. I forgot about the flat-footed part on the attack on Logan, so all four of the initial attacks connected though Logan still remains standing.)
As Tyrene strikes, her personal questions give worrying results. First, her undead are not reacting to holy power, which opposes their existence, but unholy power on a level that borders unfathomable, reinforcing their very being to the point where the remains of their sentience cannot cooperate. But if such a power existed, it shouldn't be able to reach through such a thick hallowing . . . hopefully. Second, the chitin on the soldiers isn't exactly chitin. From what she can tell in that brief moment, the armor seems to exhibit some oozelike properties when transforming. Something at the back of her mind says that it's not on the same level of bizarre and alien as the Blitz Knights.

But back to reality, particularly the armor Tyrene was doing her best to bypass. (Reactive Spellcraft and Knowledge (Religion) success) Tyrene realizes the armor is actually an epic artifact. The Body of Justice, as it was called by those who survived seeing it when it was worn by the Grand Crusader who led the invasion onto Verix in the last war. Rumors afterwards suggested that it's the most powerful holy item to exist in the Material Plane, some believing it was crafted by Heironeous himself. The last paladin to wear this armor into battle led the Florikeme front lines into Verix for a week straight without rest, and never seemed to falter.

Two attacks in, Logan appears to be ready to enter a stupor, and as he loses his focus his armor lights up itself and his entire body, the third attack from Tyrene triggering another effect from the armor, creating a pulse of light that devastates the room and threatens to overwhelm Tyrene and Gilana. The enveloping pit is blown aside and folds shut on its own as it slams against the wall.

Tyrene and Gilana roll will and fortitude saves. At best this encounter is mutual destruction for Logan and Tyrene so some intervention will be made. That armor won't be able to dispense literal Deus Ex Machine for Logan for a while, since even epic artifacts have limits.

2014-07-09, 10:26 PM
Terressa whips her head back towards the cave entrance a moment, then lunges towards the stone. She places a single ivory-colored hoof upon its surface, prepared for the worst - yet still she feels the eagerness welling up within. Let it begin, then. We who were torn apart by vile magic eons ago - may we be one again. She allows the stone's magic to flow into her, remembering not the age of war that so defined her, but the years before she had joined that conflict - when she was still...whole.

2014-07-10, 12:41 PM
Mirabelle smiles. Blood. She mouths: "You are cute, little boy." She takes the blows, shifting her stance as the last one connects. Her form multiplies, the wind fills her movements, and she dashes forward, spinning forward while crouched low. She moves fast, Lesson and Quill lashing out.

Swift: Enter Voice of Thunder.
Move: Tumble: . I provoke no AoOs.
Half-speed through Brint's square, to end in AA13. Considered occupying AA15 for purposes of flanking.
Standard: Full Attack:
I'm considering flanking him.
Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Sneak Attack: [roll8]
Attack: [roll9]
Crit Confirm: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Sneak Attack: [roll12]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
Attack: [roll13]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Sneak Attack: [roll16]
Attack: [roll17]
Crit Confirm: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]
Sneak Attack: [roll20]
Attack: [roll21]
Crit Confirm: (1d20+21
Damage: (1d4+16
Sneak Attack: [roll22]

Edit: Hoping I hit with at least one. Sneak Attack deals half-damage if he's somehow immune.
Edit: Looks I steal one 1st-level spell? That right?

2014-07-11, 08:29 AM
Olsworth (BGM (http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/an-unbreakable-union)):
Memories from Azerrett's perspective flow into Terressa, starting with times when both halves were present, then the gaps between rapidly filling in. The knowledge and wisdom fill in smoothly, but the emotion tears at her. Fear, despair, loneliness, and boldness born to hide those feelings overtake her. The feelings of Azerrett's brief and harrowing existence become Terressa's feelings, they become the chips, dents and scratches in Terressa's soul.

And then the distinction fades. Neither chose to be born, neither chose to be part of a split existence, and both were driven by a fear. A fear of being hunted for the actions of others, a fear of losing something important, a fear of having something important to lose in the first place, all fears of the same person. The desire to help a free and good world remains, but is now weighed against the simplicity of allowing losses, against the faint longing for an indifferent construct of law to seek comfort and safety within. It is a process that requires time to properly comprehend. Looking back at her hoof, she sees her hair is no longer white, nor is it black, but rather a faint tone of orange, the color of the sky when the sun sits within the edge of the horizon. A timeless moment on the precipice of day and night, a complete existence on the precipice of good and evil, of order and freedom. The dusk and the dawn are both times within the twilight, mingled as one.

The moment of wonder ends when a splatter is heard next to her, and she sees blood splattered across the floor. Not from the stone. Not from her. The scratching of claws is gone, but then directly behind comes another scratch and a snarl. A megaraptor collides directly with the unicorn, dealing [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] and [roll3] damage. She notices that its bleeding, wounded by something. From the entrance of the cave approaches another megaraptor, this one appearing unharmed.

Roll a spot check. Initiative doesn't matter for this particular fight, so take your actions.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is the sheet Megaraptor Battle.

Twilight Dissonance:
A creature with this ability represents multiple polarizing alignments in chaotic balance, with no single viewpoint becoming dominant. The creature is treated as whatever alignment is most beneficial to it at any given moment, and ignores any alignment prerequisite. This ability is lost when the creature is no longer True Neutral.

Champion of Turmoil
Prerequisite: Twilight Dissonance
A cleric with this ability is treated as having the Good, Evil, Law and Chaos domains as it draws from all alignments yet commits to none. This is in addition to any domains the character currently has access to.

Ritual Magic Bonus:
Azerrett's knowledge grants the ability to instantly identify the base components, modified spell and nature of the modification of any ritual magic spell circle that is found. A spellcraft check (DC variable, crazier stuff goes higher) will properly identify the right way to construct a spell circle of any spell or modification, assuming the compatible base components are already known. Terressa can also use any spell circle base component for a spell one level higher than the normal maximum (currently known base component supports arcane spells of up to 3rd level).

Mirabelle hits with her first strike, extracting a single spell. She can feel the weight of it, oddly enough as if her weapon had dragged out some internal organs. Unfortunately Brint's current form allows him to duck and weave the other strikes. Renna continues to struggle against her golem with no avail, as does Arillian. Korth keeps back from Mirabelle and casts a spell (DC 20 spellcraft to identify as Wall of Stone), causing stone to appear from the ground and form around the limbs of the golem holding Lyra, making it unable to maintain a grip on her. As she falls from the golem's grasp, she hears some cheers from the upper walkways, where some students are watching. Some are debating whether to intervene or contact another Perfect Sage, while others are clearly betting on the outcome of the fight.

Mirabelle extracts one use of Enlarge Person. Lyra can act now without fighting a grapple.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) updated (mage students aren't marked on walkways just yet, though if for some reason count and location are asked for I'll add them in).

Gilana and Tyrene resist being knocked down by the blast, but Gilana finds herself dazed for a moment while Tyrene finds herself to disoriented to act for a longer duration. When both come to, they realize they're both pinned on opposite sides of the walls by the dark soldiers, whose bizarre, oozelike limbs have taken the form of excess musclemass. Logan is holding a sword at Tyrene's throat, the holy magic stinging as it remains an inch away from striking. The other paladins are also on guard with their weapons drawn, though the focus is mainly on Tyrene and secondly on the Enveloping Pit that one of the door guards is holding shut with a warhammer, clearly distressed by having to be so close to the muffled screaming. Logan takes a deep breath, looking directly at Tyrene but speaking to both visitors. "To make things clear first, these soldiers holding you to the wall are not the works of Aeternus, but a project I authorized. Elite soldiers who sacrifice their own glory and holiness to do what needs to be done. They use their mutable bodies to become the perfect infiltration squad, going after the worst that the world can offer. Their other ability," The soldier holding Tyrene to the wall raises its other arm to show a sickly yellow needle protruding from the forearm past its hand. "Is to infect targets with a necrotic cyst and then invoke Necrotic Termination, which as I'm sure you know is the deadest you can get anyone. It's solved our problem of keeping prisoner people who were too dangerous to execute for risk of them being revived elsewhere, and will be demonstrated on you, Tyrene, if you prove to be an agent of Aeternus, or merely an opportunist attempting to benefit from this war as much as possible."

Two more paladins enter the room, and one of them places an orb in the center of the room which creates a dim bright light in the room. "No lies, no deception. I want both of your accounts of you allegiances, your knowledge of Verix's intentions for war and if you have any involvement with Aeternus. We are at a time of war, and I need to know who to focus on and whether you are too dangerous to be kept alive." At the far end of the room, the blinds are knocked down and outside both Tyrene and Gilana can see what appears to be small patches of white lightning clashing against black lightning, in the cloudless morning sky.

Reactive spellcrafts tell both of you that the orb emits a modification of Zone of Truth at a higher spell level, though it doesn't seem force through mental resistance.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) updated to reflect new positions.

2014-07-11, 10:26 AM
Tyrene opens her eyes, looking right into Logan's. There is no wicked smile on her face now, only a kind one. The disguise has gone, she no longer is Gorlaith Moyn, the former lover, but now is the sirene. She wants to stroke her green hair, she loves it much more than that of any other in the world. But she can't, the monsters are too strong. And that is most unfortunate. They are far too hideous to be allowed to touch her. She knows that she could slip free from them with ease, but Logan might not react very well to that. But then again, it might be useful to make a point. She lets her second face fade into the ground, opening her mind to this little magic.

"Could you first do me a little favour? You see, this transformation isn't the most exact process and now my hair is in front of my face. Of course, I could move it aside myself, but we are just getting so close to each other, and for some reason I fear that you don't entirely trust me. Of course, not entirely trusting me is something that can be forgiven, I after all did come in here to not only kill you, but to take your place to stop this stupid little war of yours. If you will excuse me for calling it so, but your attack on me at the conference was a little bit offensive and uncalled for. A few words are a part of that game, violence isn't. Of course, the things that I said might have hurt your feelings, but the words you spoke also hurt me, and I think that they hurt more than mine ever did. And in the end, they were just that, words. I had to respond to you attemt to hurt me, and I killed you. Of course, I wanted to kill you again, and to make it permanent, but I think that you will understand that I don't really like being attacked or threatened. I would of course prefer not having your hideous little toys touch me and that sword so close to my throat also isn't really comforting, but it seems that you don't entirely trust me."

She looks right into his eyes, there is the malice, but not a hint of fear. Of course, she is afraid, but she doesn't want to show it to an air-breather. "But you are pragmatic, at least, for someone of your order. Poor Gorlaith wasn't like that, she never even allowed me to use my magic for anything, although she did let me play and sing. And she refused to ever be in the presence of my toys. So, let us consider what killing me would give you. It would essentially give you a dead me. Not something that is very useful, especially with the spirit gone. You might say that I'm a threat, but I like this peace. Wars aren't nearly as nice. Now, I won't deny that I liked the freedom from before the peace, but not being attacked has its nice sides. You see, I do enjoy being alive, and wars could hamper that nice feeling. So I do want to preserve this peace, and I think that you want the same. You don't like us, of course you don't, but we don't have the strength to win decisively, and neither do you. Just imagine the suffering that a war would case, and that is why you had to be removed. I wouldn't risk my own life for the power-grabbing of some Aeternus, I'm far too selfish for that. But I would have done it to prevent a greater risk to myself. That is why I bared my mind to your magic, so you wouldn't need to be suspicious. I want to stop Aeternus, I want to break him and to eat his heart. I want to remain in peace, for me to sing, dance and play."

She continues in a whisper: "So let me tell you a little secret, the Verix nations are doing some kidnapping, but far less than are reported. I think that Aeternus, our mutual enemy, might be behind it to supply the bodies for his servants. Now, will we talk like civilized people, or should I kill you a second time?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-07-11, 12:13 PM
If Lyra were half the battle mage in her own mind that her magic allowed her to be in the field, she would positively relish the opportunity to dispense a proper magical beat-down on the arrogant Sage. Honestly, there was a non-trivial part of her that wanted to anyway. She forced herself not to indulge that urge, though. Not yet, anyway. Oh, sure, he had attacked them, they had every moral right to defend themselves. But beating him would only make him more of an obstacle to their goals, and if he were killed in the fighting, it could set the rest of the Perfects against them.

No. They had had five hundred years of peace. Some psycho archmage with delusions of grandeur was not sufficient reason for the people of the world to go to war with themselves.

So when with a wave of her hand she beamed positive energy down over everyone, she included Brint as a target.

"Okay, everybody stop! Mirabelle! Brint is a member of the ruling council of Ulwiss. If he chooses to deny us entry, he is well within his rights to do so. Brint! This level of force is unnecessary for that goal, and for a wizard of your power and knowledge to respond to the ill-chosen words of a stranger with crass violence is undignified and beneath you!"

She whirled on the golem that had just been forced off of her. "And you! Ow! You are like ten times my size and I am wearing a full suit of enchanted plate armor. You are perfectly capable of keeping a firm grip on me without bruising. Bad golem!"

Swift Action: Quickened Mass Cure Light Wounds on...everyone, pretty much, although I suppose it won't help the ones who are still grappled. [roll0] healing. EDIT: Yee-ah...

Full Round Action: Rushed Diplomacy check at [roll1] after the -10 penalty. EDIT: Ugh...

Cardea: I apologize for being functionally useless this round despite being released from the Grapple, but I do think trying to resolve this peacefully if possible would benefit our immediate goals. If my Diplomacy doesn't take, though, rest assured that I shall be dispensing with the battle magic in future rounds (assuming the golem doesn't catch me again, of course).

Oh hey speaking of the golem, I totally forgot this, not sure if it was taken into account, but Lyra has a permanent DC 24 (Su) Sanctuary on her from the Healer class. It's suppressed for 24 hours against targets who make their saves or who she attacks, but Sanctuary is actually SR: No and not Mind Affecting, so I think it could potentially affect the golem for its future attacks (unless it already made its save or I'm wrong and it is immune, in which case ignore me).

HP: 165/165.
Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/4/3.
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/7/6/6/6/2.

2014-07-11, 11:19 PM
Coming to, it takes Gilana a few moments to gather her bearings. There was little to be done. The Sirene's lies were still fresh in their minds, and war was coming. Everyone was on edge. She doesn't struggle under the being's grasp, instead she simply supports herself against the wall, to stop her body from hanging. Her eyes stroll from the paladins, to Logan, to the creature that held her, watching them carefully. Had they meant to kill them, she would have never woken up. Likewise, there was no point in speaking, they may not want her dead, but they were in control.

"The dagger in the dark to your bretheren's shining swords... venemous, too." She whispers to the being holding her, as Logan explains the rules. "I fear I thought worse of you. Sorry, I may be too quick to judge." Her voice is calm. She still felt the dread, but weaker, taking on shades of uneasiness and pity. She wondered what had moved them to forsake their past lives. Utter devotion, or utter despair?

She listens to Tyrene's answer, making note of the jabs and tone. As the sirene goes one, she closes her eyes and listens. She was tired of being caught between these two, but better the three of them then their three nations. For the few hours it may last, at least. She needed to rest. She heard familiar sentiments, and wondered if they would aid or bring doubt to her own plea.

Odd weather

Regarding the black and white lightning

Nature: [roll]1d20+12[roll]
Planes: [roll]1d20+6[roll]
Psionics: [roll]1d20+10[roll]

She turns back from the window once its her turn to speak. "Logan, my loyalty is to myself, then to Gerard's descendants. Few other places seem to welcome me, it seems." She looks to the one holding her and gives him a tired smile. "I took the words I told him to heart, and will not release them. Logan, all I know of the Verrix and their goals is that their representatives at the complex were as lost with regards to Aeternus as we are. After you took your leave they feared you to be one of his 'chosen', just as intent on cleansing the world as he was." She lets that hang for a moment. "I was not involved in Tyrene's attempt on your life any more any more then I was with your attempt on hers. It seems I may be cursed to watch you two continue to try to kill each other."

"As for the madman, he has taken the Astral and threatened those I hold dear. He is no friend or master of mine and I will do everything in my power to stop his illusions of grandeur."

2014-07-12, 12:27 AM

A strange voice within the mind of the winged unicorn whispered. She felt...different. And yet, even in the moment of her apparent triumph over her past, fate would see to it to ruin the occasion. With the world in its current state, however, she was hardly surprised.

The pale-orange unicorn stood, unflinching, within only a few feet of her aggressor. "What manner of creature are you?" she speaks, her voice echoing within the small cave. "Is it within your nature to attack me? Or are you pawns of a higher power?" Her muses are more to herself than to the raptors; she takes a single step back, disengaging from the closer of the two. "Are you beast? Or are you something else?"

She extends her wings, and magic whips about the unicorn. Her wounds begin to mend, and an aura of light forms around her horn; barely a moment later, she is gone.

Still undecided on the name; Unity is what she will call herself for now, though. Also figured I'd use this color of orange for now.

5' step to the left to Z12/AA12

Spontaneously converting Create Food and Water from my Cleric list to Cure Serious Wounds, and using Divine Metamagic (Twin) on the spell to heal [roll0] and [roll1] to myself

Using my immediate action to cast Celerity; with the standard action I gain, I cast Greater Invisibility on myself.

Dazed for my next round due to Celerity

Sorc spells: 5/10/10/10/7/5/5/1 <- Celerity (4th) and G. Invis (4th)
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/5+D/3+D <- Spont. converted 3rd slot to CSW
12/16 Turn Undead uses left

2014-07-15, 04:55 AM
Karl shouts over to Aelira as he struggles against his golem ineffectively. "Glooms have a Silence aura! Brint can't hear you!" Brint goes in for another set of attacks against Mirabelle, hitting three times for [roll0] damage (condensing rolls since I don't think Mirabelle has DR).

Logan looks at both fey suspiciously before nodding to the soldier holding Tyrene, who jams the needle into her right shoulder. It feels like a gallon of burning sludge being shoved into her body, and before it can be properly processed out she feels her shoulder swell and become sore with a dull pain. Tyrene manages to let it barely graze her so that it doesn't infect her, which nobody seems to notice fortunately. The other soldier releases its grip on Gilana, letting her resume her passive floating. "You aren't throwing up on the walls, so I guess I have to believe you. I'll retract the war plans against Verix for now, and work toward a more sensible mobilization of Florikeme's forces. But you're still an issue, Tyrene. You have the guts to walk through a mile of hallowed ground, not just to kill me but to assume my identity, so you will be kept in check. You now have a Necrotic Cyst in your body, and with the threat of Aeternus so close you can't have the time to properly remove it. The soldier who injected the cyst, along with the others with the same modifications, can invoke both Necrotic Scrying and Necrotic Termination whenever they choose. Should you turn on me again, showing your own selfishness above the needs of our current war, they will find you, and they will erase your soul from existence." He steps back towards the table where he interacts with a gem, "Sendings to all Thylle and Verix leaders." The gem glows for a moment and then he speaks into it. "This is Logan Silverkin, Grand Crusader of Florikeme's Order of Heironeous. We are retracting our call to war against the Verix alliance. I have made an error in judgement, as Aeternus is the greater threat. I urge you to open diplomatic lines with as many nations as possible, so that we can organize what little fighting force our world has left to fight for everyone's survival."

As he moves to set down the gem, it suddenly glows brighter and Turrince's voice comes out of it. "Logan, how are you still alive? And how much of your country is remaining?" Logan pauses with puzzlement and answers. "I'm alive because your sirene assassin is sloppy. She's alive, too, but currently held in a position of accountability." A few more seconds of silence before the gem speaks again. "I don't mean her, look outside your damn window! You see it, right? Directly above your capitol?" Everyone in the room looks beyond to see the clash of lightning, even more intense at this point. He moves to the window, leaning out and looking upward. The color drains from his face as he steps back, signaling to one of his aides. "Order a city-wide evacuation, avoid the use of teleportation. Tyrene, take your damn undead and just get out of here. Gilana, you'll want to leave, too."

Gilana knows that the lightning doesn't occur by natural phenomena. Also no fortitude save on the cyst since that's more an overdose of the fluid than an actual spell effect.

As Unity vanishes, she sees that the wounded raptor has almost entirely healed on its own. The raptor coming from behind moves forward and vanishes, while the closer one moves in and sniffs the air, before catching the unicorn's scent and barely missing with one of its claws. A raptor appears out of thin air north of her, rushing directly towards her and dealing [roll1] damage with its talon, hitting air with its other attacks. Unity notices bits of blood splattering around the room at random, with no clear pattern or source.

2014-07-15, 09:48 AM
Tyrene pretends that the needle hit her shoulder. She knows enough about the magic to know what the effects would look like, and for now her goal is to get away from here, Logan won't be a threat, and with this city under attack he will never be again. Of course, losing Florikeme might have quite unpleasant effects if they are to fight Aeternus, it after all has some of the greatest armies in the whole world. But he is letting her go, and he will die like the hero he is. "Ow! That was completely unnecessary. But I would advise you to prevent them from getting captives or bodies, those only give our enemy more bodies to use to turn into his warriors. "

She rises back to her feet, stroking over her shoulder. "I will leave then, but do not stray from fighting Aeternus to ignite old grudges, your pets might be able to hurt me, but I have ways to hurt you and those you hold dear even when there is nothing left of me. But I think that we will meet again soon enough, hopefully with more information and less violence. And be careful, your security is sloppy, you wear strong armour, but many of your people do not. If I can reach this sanctum, others can do the same. Your warriors are not all as singular in their minds as you are."

With those words she turns around, still showing hints of pain as she retrieves her pit as she walks towards the door.

2014-07-15, 02:15 PM
Mirabelle feels the energy wrap her wounds, and she smiles as more blood flows. She can't hear it, which is... odd, but she can feel it. She ducks and weaves again past Brint, and on the other side, changes. She no longer feels the pull of magic on Brint, only feels the world around her sharpen.

Immediate: Pouring Rain, move to AA-11.
Free Action: Switching to Unending Flow.
Move Action: Move to AA-15 through Brint. Tumbling: . Considering occupying AA-13.
Standard Action: Full Attack:
Disarming Strike will be used (From Scroll) on first attack with Lesson.
Streak of Lightning will be used on first attack with Claw. If there are any criticals, they will renew Streak of Lightning, and it will be used on next iterative.
Streak of Lightning automatically blinds; no save.


The character cannot see. He takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blinded character. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Sneak Attack: [roll8]
Attack: [roll9]
Crit Confirm: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Sneak Attack: [roll12]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
Attack: [roll13]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Sneak Attack: [roll16]
Attack: [roll17]
Crit Confirm: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]
Sneak Attack: [roll20]
Attack: [roll21]
Crit Confirm: (1d20+21
Damage: (1d4+16
Sneak Attack: [roll22]

2014-07-15, 03:16 PM
Regaining her focus, Unity leaps away from the raptors, using her wings to glide part of the way. Just as she lands, another spark of magic ignites on her horn, and the air within the cave becomes much colder. Abruptly, an entirely unnatural storm of ice and snow erupts within the larger chamber, almost exactly where she was once standing. She looks to the south, to see if any more creatures have made their way into the cave.

Moving to P14/Q14, defensively casting Sleet Storm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleetStorm.htm) at Z12.

Spot check if necessary to check out the crook/bend in the cave: [roll0]
Concentration check to cast defensively: [roll1]

Sorc spells: 5/10/10/9/7/5/5/1 <- Sleet Storm (3rd)
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/5+D/3+D

Buffs: Greater Invisibility (15 turns remain)

2014-07-17, 01:04 AM
Gilana lets out a sigh of relief as she is released, whispering a few last words to her captor. "Thank you" She continues to act as a witness to the quarrel, watching the injection and parting remarks by the two. Their grudge wouldn't end here, both seemed too intent on finishing it, but it they could put it aside, at least briefly, perhaps some good could come of this. Much of the same could be said about the war, but tensions between the continents seemed to be on hold, to be resolved later. Through words or blood, we must be ready for both.

She takes a deep breath as Tyrene heads for the door. She wonders how much the cyst would really deter her. In a way, it was her area of expertise, just like in theory the traversing the astral was hers. Ways to hurt even when she's gone... again the dread. It seemed it wasn't over yet, as she'd thought before. A small price to pay to stop a war.

Still, she turns to her. "In the end, may Aeternus the mad sleep eternally, Tyrene, though without a heart it would seem. I will try to focus more this time, I was not aware of our last conspiracy." Her smile makes it clear she will remember the lie meant to point the paladin's swords against her. Gods know what she'll do with it, but she'll remember, just like the details of these eventful past few hours. She gives her a nod and turns to the window.

Again, a deep breath, if it worried this man, who only minutes ago spoke of genocide without flinching, then it couldn't be good. "I will, if I can aid in the evacuation though..." If the astral were free, if you hadn't wasted so much at the complex. She shakes her head. "What's happening out there Logan?" She moves to the window and peers out.

Spot: [roll0]

2014-07-20, 12:02 PM
Lyra grimaced at Karl's words. She had known that, in a scholastic sense, but she had always figured it just meant they didn't unintentionally make noise. The difference between knowledge and experience. Well, no matter. It was fine. She could cast a telepathic bond and-



The lives of the people who were trying to save the world were at risk.

Her gaze swept over the mages assembled on the walls. "This was all...entirely unnecessary!" she told them, voice high and clear, but with a regretful note to it. Any grass around her began to stand up on end, loose dirt and pebbles beginning to bounce around as if in an earthquake.

"But since we're here, you might as well learn something from it. Perhaps one of the most important lessons an aspiring mage can learn," she continued grimly, lowering her head and closing her eyes. The dirt and rocks stopped bouncing, and began rising, floating up around her as if she had forgotten this wasn't a Dragonball Z episode.

And when she lifted her head and opened her eyes again, they were gone, replaced by swirling portals of sparkling green light. "ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!" she yelled, bringing both arms up hard in a single fierce movement, tearing huge chunks of stone from the ground all around, smashing into Brint and the golems around them in a sudden barrage and sending the rocks flying a hundred feet into the air. Not a moment later, she swung both arms back down with the same force and fury, the rocks falling like comets to smash into her foes once more.

Casting defensively auto-succeeds (well, unless there are abilities in play that increase the DC, in which case let me know and I'll roll in the OOC).

Standard: Sculpted Widened Empowered Maximized Twinned Hail of Stone.
Swift: Sculpted Widened Empowered Maximized Quickened Hail of Stone.

With Arcane Thesis and Warmage Widening, both come out to 7th level spells.

Hail of Stone with Improved Warmage Edge is 12d4, Maximized to 48.
Empowered adds 6d4 to both.
Twinned adds 12d4 to the first.
Warmage Edge adds 52 to both.

So, if all calculations are correct, total damage is [roll0]. 40' radius should be easily able to hit Brint and all four golems up by us. Allies, noncombatants, inconvenient structures, and pleasing terrain are excluded. The ground receives full damage :smallamused:.

No save. No SR. Instantaneous conjuration. Damage Reduction applies though (three times, in fact).

HP: 165/165.
Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/2/3.
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/7/6/6/6/2.

2014-07-22, 03:04 AM
Brint continues to smoothly dodge Mirabelle, but is caught in the cascade of stone. The ground ruptures down to an empty basement level, causing the golems to fall and let go of their captors as they hit the floor and break. Brint remains floating as his footing recedes. Karl immediately casts a Greater Dispel Magic against Brint, which succeeds but causes a new reaction. Brint seems to lose all of the spells he cast before, falling to the floor in his original form, unmoving. Renna, Arillian and Korth approach cautiously, but as they are about to speak Brint grabs his staff and invokes it, causing the floor of the room to transform into lava as he lets himself sink in. (Spellcraft DC 22 Energy Immunity (Fire) and DC 25 Transmute Rock to Lava, and a third spellcraft check for unknown results)

Take [roll0] fall damage unless you have a means of avoiding it. Extra damage from failed tumble checks will be rolled after your results.
If Mirabelle is still on the ground when Brint casts, she must make a DC 30 reflex save or take [roll1] fire damage. You will need to escape the lava on your turn or be subject to the full damage anyway.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) updated with basement floor added lower on the grid.

The sleet storm obscures most of the cave, the fates of the raptors unclear. More raptors appear around Unity, and this time she's actually able to see it. They're not teleporting, but seem to be moving out of a space that doesn't exist. One of the raptors shakes off the ice that's on it while the three sniff the air. One of the two that isn't covered in ice pauses, staring directly at where Unity is. It then reaches back and bites its own side, ripping a large gash that sprays blood in a jet to the side of the raptor as it seems to ready itself to aim the bleeding toward Unity. She can't detect any movement coming from the cave entrance.

Roll a spot check.

Gilana notices lightning is spread all around the outside of the city, but the black lightning is intensifying and pushing its way downward. That's when she notices whats in the sky. Looking up she sees a massive sphere floating above the city. She can't tell how close it is, but it's close. The surface seems smooth aside from intermittent holes that stand out in the metallic gleam, and then the underside pointed at the city seems to have some kind of large vent that's opened, but with the angle of the sun she can't see inside. "I . . . I think that's Atropus." Logan weakly stammers. "An antithesis of life that hates the divine. We'd all be dying from negative energy and undead from now if its energy wasn't held back by the Hallowing." He gulps and looks out at the city where everyone is scattering to the nearest military compounds. "But, to think that it's a construct. Maybe Aeternus built it . . . but not Verix. Even they wouldn't want this upon the world." He stumbles towards the hallway as fear seems to cripple him. "Our darker soldiers can invoke Shadow Walk to evacuate the city, but the rest are in containment in this building's basement. Help me organize them if you can."

Will quickly update Tyrene's perspective if she doesn't choose to follow Logan after hearing what he's said. Just as an option.
Knowledge: Religion if either character wants to recall anything they've heard about Atropus.

2014-07-22, 02:02 PM
Mirabelle falls, and time seems to slow down. She dives, spinning mid-air like a drill towards the lava that has fallen before her. She feels the pull of decisions, the pull of memory, changing her weapons. Heat. Fire. Fury. Desert Wind taught all this. Passion and perfection, grace and fluidity, those were its tenants. She remembered them, she remembered the fire. She remembered the flow. Desert's Wind was born from Desert's Heart. It didn't teach fire, it made you fire. It made you whole. She remembers this, she remembers hiding it, she remembers it all. Her gauntlets grow hot, dark red emblems forming over them, and over her armor, and heating her skin. Her eyes turn yellow, and the heat of the lava means nothing. Her weapons glow, her blood boils, and it means nothing. She cries out as she falls, as Brint disappears into his lava, before she dives in after him. She yells out. "I am the desert, boy. I was fire before you were spark."

Swift Action: Synchronize.
Claw One: Fire Subtype from Desert's Heart (A&EG pg. 104) (+6), Smoking (+1), Spellstrike (+1), Blindsighted (+2), Defending (+1), Sundering (+1)
Claw Two: Fire Subtype from Desert's Heart (A&EG pg. 104) (+6), Smoking (+1), Spellstrike (+1), Blindsighted (+2), Defending (+1), Sundering (+1)
Lesson: Lucky (+1), Magebane (+1), Bane: Human (+1), Dread: Human (+7), Enervating (+2)
Quill: Magebane (+1), Dread: Human (+7), Greater Wounding (+4)

Desert's Heart is a weapon from A&EG pg. 104. It functions as a +2 Flaming Falchion, that gives the Fire Subtype. It costs 71,175gp. Removing the cost of Enhancements, 18,000gp, it is priced at 53,175gp. The next closest up Weapon Enhancement pricing is +6. A little annoying, since its so close to being priced at +5, but I'm not complaining about getting the Fire Subtype from a weapon off handedly.

Smoking gives a constant cloud around me and where I go in a round that provides concealment to myself, and nauseates others like Stinking Cloud. No save.

Blindsighted gives me Blindsight of 30 ft. radius.

Free Action: Convert Claw One's +10 bonus to AC via Defending. AC is now 46.
Free Action: Convert Claw Two's +10 bonus to Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like Abilities. Saves are now +27 Fort, +30 Reflex, +22 Will.

Free Action: Shifting to Loose Magic.

Move Action: Get to Brint, charging square next to him, so that I move past his square. Smoking Enhancement renders him Nauseated, as my square intersects with his. No save. I don't actually have coordinates, but assume I go from in front of him, to behind him. I auto-succeed a tumble check to do that, to avoid Attacks of Opportunity.

Standard Action: Full Attack.
Lesson: During Synchronize, Lesson has the following changes: Magebane, Bane and Dread makes Lesson function at a +8 Enhancement higher than it is, while also dealing an additional +8d6 points of damage. On a critical hit, he must make a Fortitude Save of 27 or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. If this happens, Mirabelle immediately grabs his remaining equipment. On a critical hit, Brint gains a negative level; no save. Lucky lets Mirabelle reroll one attack.
Quill: During Synchronize, Quill has the following changes: Magebane and Dread make Lesson function at a +6 Enhancement higher than it is, while also dealing an additional +6d6 damage. On a critical hit, he must make a Fortitude Save of 27 or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. MMII was updated to 3.5 in an update booklet, and Greater Wounding was changed to dealing 2 points of Con Damage per hit; no save.

Full Attack:
Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Bane: [roll3]
Magebane: [roll4]
Dread: [roll5]
Sneak Attack: [roll6]
Attack: [roll7]
Crit Confirm: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Bane: [roll10]
Magebane: [roll11]
Dread: [roll12]
Sneak Attack: [roll13]
Attack: [roll14]
Crit Confirm: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16]
Bane: [roll17]
Magebane: [roll18]
Dread: [roll19]
Sneak Attack: [roll20]

Quill: Crit range of 17-20.
Attack: [roll21]
Crit Confirm: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]
Bane: [roll24]
Magebane: [roll25]
Dread: [roll26]
Sneak Attack: [roll27]
Attack: [roll28]
Crit Confirm: [roll29]
Damage: [roll30]
Bane: [roll31]
Magebane: [roll32]
Dread: [roll33]
Sneak Attack: [roll34]
Attack: [roll35]
Crit Confirm: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37]
Bane: [roll38]
Magebane: [roll39]
Dread: [roll40]
Sneak Attack: [roll41]

Edit: Lession's Third attack threatens and confirms. Quill's Second and Third attacks threaten and confirm. This is based on observation that a 42 hit him in rounds prior. Three DC 23 Will Saves to avoid being Frightened. Three DC 27 Fort Saves to avoid being disintegrated and turned to dust. Assuming all of this hits... 660 points of damage, before anything interrupts or lowers it? And some spells.

2014-07-22, 02:27 PM
Lyra landed hard from the fall, but her personal protections kept the damage minimal. She picked herself up, grimacing as Brint turned stone to lava and warded himself from flame.

Wait a minute. He's not casting all these spells himself. He's drawing from some sort of external power source. That's...he's...that little hypocrite!

Irksome, is what it was, but there were more important matters to attend. Lyra had allowed herself to cut loose content in the knowledge that on the (admittedly, off-)chance that Brint couldn't protect himself, she could still revive him immediately thereafter. But fighting in a pool of molten lava was not exactly conducive to eventual resurrection.

She began casting again. Her friends remained her top priority. A word and gesture opened a shining portal to beam healing light down on her allies, curing their wounds and filling them with supernatural resolve.

She did have one idea to deal with the lava. It was a little crazy. It was the kind of idea that led to three-day dishwashing events, new pot and pan purchases, and food comas. Only it involved magic rather than cooking. She wasn't entirely sure it wouldn't kill them all.

She...was fairly sure it wouldn't set the entire island of Ulwiss on fire. But had to admit that the possibility existed.

"Karl, can you draw the circle for me? I have an Idea!" She tried to make her voice as gnome-like as possible on the last word so he could make an educated decision whether or not to refuse.

Move Action: Stand from prone.
5' Step: Into AE67.
Standard: Cast Mass Cure Light Wounds (Hlr4) on the party. Healing [roll0]. Anyone who is healed for at least half their HD receives any overflow healing as temporary hit points (ironically, the extra fall damage lets me benefit from that; Cleric's Feather Fall indeed, I retract my comment about Lyra not being able to deal with falls).
Swift: Cast Quickened Mass Conviction on the party (Hlr7). With Extension of Blessing, all allies receive a +7 Morale bonus to saving throws for 160 minutes.

HP: 165/165 (+98 temp).
Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/2/3.
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/6/6/6/5/2.

2014-07-23, 08:03 AM
Tyrene wants to flee, to fly away and to dive into the nearest river. But Atropus, no, it is too much of a threat to be allowed to consume so many, it will only ever grow stronger. "The World Born Dead? He recreated it? That alone shows the threat that Aeternus poses to the world. But after this city it will move on and on, destroying and slaying everything. But I fear that I won't be able to destroy this thing. An evacuation is important, yes, but we must find a way to stop this thing. Would your library by any chance have anything about this thing? We need information, and we cannot abandon it."

2014-07-23, 08:53 AM
Mirabelle can sense Brint panic through the comforting warmth of the lava. She extracts two spells with the first two strikes, but then on the third snags on something that feels far heavier than she would think she would procure. The fourth strike yields a final spell as Brint turns to ashes, only his staff floating up to the surface as evidence that he once existed. As Mirabelle climbs out of the pool of lava everyone is silent with surprise for a few seconds. Renna and Korth then step forward and bow on one knee. "You are more of a warrior than either of us, more than a warrior, too. I humbly ask to be your student, a student of the Sublime way, at least when we have a more convenient time." Korth says, the normal commanding tone gone from his voice. "As do I." Renna adds. Mirabelle feels a hand on her shoulder and she sees Reshar beside her. "The Sublime Way's new era has begun. You have shown your friends, and these scholars, that our art is more than might. Guide them so they may protect this world and better the one that exists when this conflict ends." As usual, Mirabelle seems to be the only one capable of perceiving him.

While the two Gith talk with Mirabelle, Karl and Arillian look to Lyra. "I don't think we need your idea, unless it happens to be a way to explain this to the other Perfect Sages." Karl says. "I mean, he was being unreasonable and went farther than any of us anticipated, but now we have a very tense conversation coming and we may very well be banned from the campus." Looking up, everyone can see a robed figure rapidly descending from higher outside the main building as the spectating students gather around the end of the hole and chatter with surprise, most of their eyes on Mirabelle as they try to comprehend how she won.

Mirabelle and Lyra gain 12,000 XP for killing the four golems and Brint. Lyra now knows the Sequence Spell metamagic feat (see OOC for details). Only loot available is Brint's staff upon the lava, and any mithral you salvage from the golems if you think all decency is out the window.

Mirabelle's extracted spells this round:
Cheat (Spell Compendium)
Great Slide (Spell Compendium)
Sequenced Shapechange, Mind Blank, Brilliant Blade (Spell Compendium), Fly and Haste
Mass Reduce Person

Logan stops and gives Tyrene a long, suspicious stare. "Negative energy is your specialty, I guess." He tosses a key to the nearest paladin guard, "Show her to the heretic archives on the second floor. You will then resume assisting the evacuation once you let her in." He looks back at Tyrene. "Everything on the unholy that risks tempting our initiates is stored there, including the few records we have on the evidence of Atropus' existence. The green sphere in the room will produce permanent copies of any texts you need to take out. I expect you to share your findings to everyone allied to fight this. Will that suffice?"

2014-07-23, 09:55 AM
Tyrene makes a smooth bow: "It will be more than helpful, and I promise that I will share my findings with you, in the purpose of Aeternus' defeat we are truly united. I wish you the best of luck in this evacuation."

She walks away, following the paladin guard. It would be fun to hurt him, to make him follow all her desires. But not now, there are more important things, she won't let Aeternus take the world that belongs to her. But his knowledge, that is something that she needs. She craves it. With his knowledge and power she could fulfill her destiny. She will drown the world, and the air-breathers will love her for it. They will know their place, for all eternity. She looks at the library and goes over the books, but she is limited in time and can't search as thoroughly as she likes, especially because her undead can't help in the task. She sighs, that's what they are for, the boring, tedious tasks.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Knowledge(Religion): [roll2]

2014-07-23, 09:59 AM
Mirabelle picks up Brint's staff as she leaves, lava sliding off of her. She brushes it out of her rapidly, as her eyes resume their normal color, her body returning to its normal heat. She turns, looking at Renna and Korth. She smiles, laughing at the absurdity. "I was in a bar, when I met him. I was off-duty, first time in months. But he showed up, showed what could be done, and I chased him down when my service ended. I think even he would laugh at how I've done what he did, back then. Do not make the mistake that others have done before. The Sublime Way is not a kick or a punch. It is a Path. The anger I showed was Tiger Claw. The deceptive speed I possess is Storm Soul. The resolve I held was Iron Heart. For me to be your Master? That is White Raven. When you think you are ready, whether or not this Aeternus is dealt with, you may begin. The Sublime Way waits for all." She ends, as she heads towards the robed figure, stopping long before he stops approaching. She raises the staff up, and bows, head and torso bent forward. She calls out. "I am Mirabelle, the First Student. I am sorry for slaying your colleague."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-07-23, 11:37 AM
Lyra gave a heavy sigh. There was no way she was going to be able to bring him back from that. She was a strong healer, but not that strong.

"Oh Brint...you fool," she whispered. She didn't like the guy, not one little bit, but his death would complicate things. And at the end of the day, it meant one less powerful wizard who might be able to help fight Aeternus.

Truth be told though, the one she was most concerned for was Karl. She, most of them, were only here for the tactical benefits of gaining access to the Ulwiss archives. But this was his home. He was approaching the rank of Perfect Sage himself.

As the wizard descended, she made the resolution that whatever else, if it lay within her power, she would not allow Brint's bigotry to ruin that. She murmured a quick spell, fleeting glimpses of possible futures flashing before her eyes, and as she advanced to stand beside Mirabelle to await the mage, she tried to find one where they managed to talk their way out of this.

Casting Moment of Prescience (Wmg8). Also kicking myself for thinking it was a 10 min/level spell when it's an hour/level spell :smallamused:.

In other news, Level Up! :smallbiggrin:

Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/2/2.
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/6/6/6/5/2.

2014-07-23, 11:40 AM
In containment...? Gilana nods. "Of course." She couldn't help but wonder what that meant. Still, there was something about these soldiers that made her curious. A unique kind of grace, she supposed, but perhaps there was more to them.

She watches Tyrene go, better like this then as a third confrontation waiting to happen. Atropus... Had she heard that name before? Maybe, maybe not, but someone had. She had the tools to know of it if given time, but a matter for later. Right now, her resources were too slim. "Lead the way" She accompany Logan or a guard to the lower levels, or find her own way if need be... Time may be of the essence.

2014-07-23, 12:54 PM
"I think not," Unity speaks, though the rest of her words are the confusing phrases of a spell. Rays of bright-red light and a barrage of arcane missiles launch themselves from where her horn ought to be, making for the already-injured dinosaur. Quickly, she retreats further from the cavern, again using her wings to travel part of the distance. With a quick flick of her horn, another spark of magic ignites and she begins moving faster for a short moment. "That should keep you in...for the time being..." she murmurs tiredly, before snapping back to the regular timestream. Just as she does, an invisible plane of force erects in the path she had just tread and her head hangs low, exhausted from the time-jaunt.

Standard: Casting Arcane Fusion, within it casting Orb of Fire (4th lvl) and Magic Missile (1st); everything is targetting the injured raptor at N/M12
[roll0] ranged touch for [roll1] Fire damage (ignores Dex to AC), DC 29 Fort save or be dazed for 1 round
[roll2] Force damage [roll3] (CL check to overcome SR, if needed)

Move: Fly to P25/Q26
Immediate: Celerity
2nd Standard: Wall of Force from M23/22 to Q23/22

Sorc spells: 5/10/10/9/6/3/5/1 Arcane Fusion (5th), Wall of Force (5th), Celerity (4th)
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/5+D/3+D

Buffs: Greater Invisibility (14 turns remain)

2014-08-05, 09:23 PM
Florikeme, Archives:

Tyrene unlocks the door to a quiet, dusty chamber, roughly 20 feet to the wall where a heavily-enchanted window overlooks another side of the city, the bookshelves at the sides 30 feet across from each other. In the center table of the room is a green sphere on top of what appears to be a mass of liquid metal that feeds from beneath the floor. She quickly finds the book containing information connected to Atropus, a quick look through the pages shows extensive materials from historians, priests and madmen alike. She also notices a section on negative energy theory, stating that a filtered flow of negative energy might act as a permeating rebuking aura, though it would require dense positive energy fields and a negative energy output that exceeds the natural saturation of the Negative Energy Plane. A note on the side of the bookshelf indicates the filing system, with the Atropus materials being considered in the top category, which contain shaky rumors that require full mobilization of every military force that Florikeme can influence should they ever be confirmed. The other materials of the category are equal-sized books labeled "LEVIATHAN", "FROSTFELL FINDINGS", "AGELESS STATUES", "LOST GATE", "UNKNOWN MECHANUS MOTIVES", "CLASS 1 INFESTATION" and "UNCATEGORIZED OOZE". Tyrene also notices some materials from the lower categories that match her interests; 5 necromancy studies, 2 studies on the differences between normal positive and negative energy and their equivalents when used by divine beings, 3 tomes on aquatic warfare that appear to focus on using less-than-holy methods, and a tome that is considerably less dusty and appears to talk about the fluid that Logan's altered soldiers use.

When Tyrene holds the book on Atropus to the sphere, the metallic liquid rises up and forms a perfect copy out of a material that resembles both lead and mercury, using a passive illusion to replicate the content of the original in full color and detail. The copied book weighs ten pounds, and the other books she might want to take look like they'll weight the same when copied, too. The continued thrashing of the undead in her enveloping pit bring into question whether she can safely store the copies without having to physically carry them.

Outside the window Tyrene can see the black lightning appear to condense and dip above a section of the city only a few blocks from the window, and she can safely assume that the Hallowing in the city isn't evenly maintained.

You may have to pick and choose which items of interest you want to take, or you can attempt to take them all with some risk, depending on how you handle it.

Florikeme, Containment Level:

Logan leads Gilana to the basement of the citadel, which seems to go significantly farther underground. The area they enter looks like an advanced prison, with various figures suspended in what she quickly figures out is multiple cubes formed from maintained Wall of Force spells, likely connected to the small gem-encrusted podiums in front of each section. Every cube contains someone who looks like the other soldiers from before. Some appear to be screaming and convulsing, fighting the churning mass of dark fluid connected to them, others have suspended themselves in a sleep, extending the fluid to press against opposite walls of their cells for makeshift hammocks, and a rare few seem to be doing the same, except they are holding books in their hands, some simple and some focusing on complex education. Logan quickly flies by the podiums, pressing the center gems of the ones that contain the passive prisoners, which in turn move the bottom Walls of Force downward in an elevator fashion, as indicated by the small bits of dust and dirt that seem to uniformly descend. "Explain the situation and guide them out to the city, I need to focus on getting the cooperation of the others that are still in transition. Each one can transport 20 refugees at a time, but we've never stress-tested how many times they can use their Shadow Walk ability." Gilana sees 35 dark soldiers leave their cells and turn toward her inquisitively, their ooze-like masses hardening back into the armor that obscures most of their natural form, assuming that it's still underneath there. There are at least twice as many soldiers still in containment that appear to be anguished, mentally unstable or unable to properly control the dark fluid in them. The other paladins seem to be unsure of what to do, as they clearly don't like being in the presence of so many of these beings, but on the other hand they don't want to join Logan and his direct advisors in attempting rushed therapy sessions on the remaining ones.


Renna and Korth seem to be puzzled by Mirabelle's initial speech, but they don't show a negative reaction to her response. "There may not be a chance for us after this war, and I'm sure we both would like to practice on whatever Aeternus throws at us next." Korth says. Renna looks up, "I have trained as a monk for my entire life in Limbo, and Korth is a revered battlemage on Tu'Narath. Will that be sufficient training to consider us ready?" They patiently await their answer when the Perfect Sage arrives.

The robed female star elf, looks at Mirabelle, at the rest of the group, and at the pool of lava that serves as both a grave and crematorium to Brint. After a moment, she sighs and rubs her forehead. "And here we thought that keeping Brint out of the meeting would keep him from being a liability. I observed the confrontation here and understand your need to defend yourself." Her composure seems to relax, "Who am I kidding? Everyone thought he was an ass, and rightly so. Showing favoritism against our mixed students, excessively enforcing rules and apparently even stealing work he decried earlier. I apologize, Lyra, everyone was convinced that Brint invested excessively in the art of Multispell, not adapting your studies for his own selfish reasons." She takes the staff from Mirabelle and hands it to Lyra, "By right of intellectual property, this should be in your hands. I'll bring an artificer to identify it shortly." She pauses, and seems to startle herself, "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself to the new visitors! My apologies, I am Vefir, the Perfect Sage of Battle Magic. I welcome you all and apologize for not realizing that I should have killed Brint myself."

She looks around with a puzzled expression, "Huh, Muridia should have teleported here by now. Do any of you have Anticipate Teleportation active?"

Mirabelle can take part in a very basic student system, where she gains followers similar to Leadership except without the dumb level restrictions. If she thinks she can spare the time, she can use group and individual sessions to try to impart some of her maneuvers and stances. It should go without saying that Universe Edge will be too deep/simple for them to properly grasp.

Lyra remembers Vefir from her days as a student here. While she has a fairly cheery, understanding and outgoing personality, there's often undertones of manipulativeness and amorality, which made her scary to approach before and even now make Lyra feel uneasy. Muridia is the Perfect Sage of Travel Magic, though her current fate is easy to guess.

2014-08-05, 09:58 PM
Mirabelle bows low, hand over fist in front of her, after the Sage takes Brint's staff away. "It is very nice to meet you, Vefir. One moment." She waves to Renna and Korth to come over, before finishing her talk with them. "It would depend on who you wish to be, and how you wish to fight. The schools are not maneuvers, they are mentalities. I will train you, so here is your first lesson. Tell me why you fight. The real answer. That will tell me all I need to know." She turns back to Vefir. "Before Brint made the choice to... I do not know what he was doing. These are not my specialties. Before he made choice to confront me, we were wanting to use library archive for research." She pulls out the corpse from a belt pouch, each one of her fingers holding a limb. "This thing came in droves at us at the summit. When pressed, it could give no certain answer, except that it and its Master wishes to kill us. All of us. We wished to use books to find what we could about the one who controls these... things."

2014-08-05, 10:40 PM
Lyra accepted the staff with a sort of flustered smile and said, "Oh. Um...thank you." She'll be honest, she hadn't quite been expecting that warm a response. But then, that was just kinda the way with Vefir. Thing was, Lyra actually liked her fairly well, in general. In a lot of ways, she reminded her of herself.

...Except for certain...details. Yeah, Brint was a pompous, arrogant bigot who abused his power both personal and political. But even so, his death didn't slot into Lyra's personal "positive" column.

What it really came down to is that Vefir felt to Lyra like and excellent example of who she could have been had she embraced her magic, her power, as her driving motivation. Cheery and friendly and helpful and utterly, completely willing to annihilate anything that stood in her way. It was a disconcerting thought.

Almost as disconcerting as the part of her that looked up to Vefir and kept whispering that the Perfect Battle Mage would make an excellent role model if she would stop wasting her time as a chef and start taking herself seriously.

Well. Best not to dwell on that then.

Mirabelle had summed up their reasons for coming just fine, but Lyra grimaced at the question about Muridia. "You didn't-" she began to ask, but cut herself off as she remembered that Brint had "offered" their warriors teleportation from the island. "No...I guess not," she answered herself with a sigh. "Ae-" she stopped. She still wasn't buying the whole god bit at the asking price, but if it was true, she didn't want to give him easy access to listen in by making as trivial a mistake as speaking his name. "The attacker has done...something that has affected the Astral Plane. Trapped it, or something. Anyone who tries to travel using the Astral plane...we haven't yet determined a means of surviving the attempt. That's something else I was hoping to look into while I'm here, honestly. I've learned a lot more about planar magic and travel since I last visited Ulwiss. I'm hoping that I might be able to find a way around that, either a safe route through the Astral or an alternative means of instantaneous travel. I think it may be the key to defeating him. See...in his message, he announced that we were 'cut off from the planes'. But I was thinking...does that really matter? I mean, sure, we have a pretty strong extraplanar presence here, allies to call upon and all, but in a global-scale war, if one side has the ability to teleport instantly and the other doesn't...it's an insurmountable logistical advantage. But it's plane shifting he taunts us about? I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think planar magic may be what we need to beat this guy."

"Regardless, we need to get teleportation back in play as soon as possible. And in the meantime, we have to get the word out. Throughout Ulwiss for sure, and to as many other nations as we can, that teleportation is deadly as things stand. Anyone strong enough to teleport is stronger than we can afford to lose to a trap like this." Muridia especially, she thought grimly. The Sage of Travel would have been a big help in solving this particular problem.

2014-08-06, 04:36 AM
Tyrene smiles when she sees the many useful books, she would love to take them all, but she simply lacks the capacity to do so. Not when they are all that heavy. She has her magic to read them quickly, but that doesn't focus on the details, and many things rely on those, especially when magic is concerned. She reaches a compromise with herself. She makes copies of all the books, and two copies of the work about Atropus, the one about the dark warriors' fluids, the two on the negative and positive energies and one on necromancy. She places one copy of each of the books into the pit, and carries the most important works herself. She then closes her eyes and starts to sing a new song, stroking over the books that she has found one by one.

"Pages flow through me
Princess of the sea
Oh illustrious tome
My mind your new home

Hidden in your many pages
Written down by many sages
Wisdom through papered cages
Lifeblood for immortal mages

Pages flow through me
Princess of the sea
Oh illustrious tome
My mind your new home

Locked within your leather confines
Your pages filled with inky signs
Drawing letters, words and then lines
As the prose eternally shines

Pages flow through me
Princess of the sea
Oh illustrious tome
My mind your new home

Eternal knowledge is the prize
As deep as the Vartul Incise
As high as the archangel flies
Written for Tyrene’s green eyes

Pages flow through me
Princess of the sea
Oh illustrious tome
My mind your new home

To me now you ever belong
The splendid singer of this song
Let your written words make me strong
Oh Come join my great speechless throng

Pages flow through me
Princess of the sea
Oh illustrious tome
My mind your new home

Now she knows the contents of these books she leaves, sorry that she can't take the whole library. She carries five books, she can't carry more or she will be slowed down too much.

Tyrene casts CL9 Scholar's touch twice(one of my long time favourite spells, somehow it always comes in useful). She can read one book per round and it lasts for nine rounds. She starts with Atropus, then the fluid, necromancy, negative energy and aquatic warfare. She then fills out out with four less interesting books, just to fully use the second casting. She then looks outside, after spending almost two minutes like this.

And yes, I learned to think about backup options.

2014-08-06, 07:52 AM

The two spells strike the raptor and kill it. It immediately collapses to the ground, and appears to rapidly decay. One of the raptors looks at the body then promptly moves into nothingness, while the other one seems to slowly burn as it claws against the Wall of Force in futility. No more raptors appear for the time being.

Forgot that Unity hasn't left the cave yet, so I don't have to fully expand on the layout of the world outside the cave. Sorry about the delay from that mistake. Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is up to date.


Korth is the first to respond to Mirabelle. "I fight because it is my culture, the way of the githyanki. To not join the Tu'Narath military is dishonorable for my kind, so it is my only path. I fight because I exist for the githyanki race, and I have known nothing else." His voice seems to falter partway through, his conviction fading toward the end.

"I fight to better myself. Among githzerai, it is expected of us to seek mastery of ourselves so we may master the world around us. Like Korth, this is all I am, whether among my trusted family or when viewed by strangers." Renna says. Her voice seems to weaken as well.

Vefir listens to both explanations, and her demeanor becomes more commanding. She shouts up to the crowd around the hole, "One of you get out word that I'm declaring an island-wide lockdown on all magic that interacts with the Astral Plane! If you need to get somewhere, use Shadow Walk. If you need to talk to someone, either use the goddamn Correspond crystals or actual Euclidian travel like normal people!" She focuses back to the blitz knight corpse, whisking it out of Mirabelle's grasp with telepathy before breaking the Shrink Item spell with a surprisingly skilled backhand strike. After a few moments of suspending and rotating the mysterious creature she speaks again, "Thank you for bringing one of them for us to study. I'll have our experts conduct a full analysis and collect accounts of their behavior. You will have access to our archives, though by first impressions of this creature I fear that the knowledge in play is simply alien to us. Mirabelle, Renna, Korth, you will have access to VIP lodging within the main tower with the others, and access to most magical resources you may need, though I must conserve some for bolstering our defenses. Archives are on the third floor, lodging on the twelfth. Campus personnel can help you with further navigation." She then turns to directly face Lyra. "Since you understand the current situation with planar travel the most, I'll need your help with analysis as soon as possible, especially since Muridia must be declared unaccounted-for until we know more. My personal lab is on the thirty-eighth floor. And don't worry about dying on the stairs, we added a backup setting to the teleport nooks that uses Greater Slide instead, which should be active in all facilities shortly." She casts a Wall of Stone to seal most of the hole and leave a staircase to the surface in the remaining opening before flying into the tower's main entrance.

2014-08-06, 11:01 AM
Gilana nods, sharing a few more words with Logan before he goes to his duties. "Lets hope we don't find their limits today then." She looks over the dark soldiers, then at the paladins. What was she doing leading a battalion? She'd served as a healer in the war, offered counsel when asked... but rarely did she think herelf prepared, now that she recalled. She would do her best, more then that truly. The lives of those above were on the line, as was the good will she'd tried to earn with those of Florikeme... and what was one more role today? She'd been been a beggar since she arrived, then moved to a watcher. Neither of those would do now.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and gingerly lets her feet touch the floor while whispering a few words in Sylvan, apparently to no one in particular. "Please, show me (http://dndtools.eu/spells/planar-handbook--79/lay-land--2176/)..." She crouches down further and places a hand on the ground, nodding to herself. "Thank you, we will not fail your people..."

Finally she stand and leaves the ground. The soldiers still towered over her, but the intent was there. She addresses them with a sincere tone. "The grand crusader has told me that you have sacrificed much and more to better serve your faith and people. Well, the day has come. There is an enormous object above the city, its coming hailed by bolts of black lightning and undead driven mad by its presence. The grand crusader says it could be Atropus, but all that matters now is that the lives of those above are in peril. It may be against valor to run and leave ones home behind, but those above made no oaths or vows... they are innocents in danger of becoming casualties. As long as they live, the city lives. The land itself will be damaged, but it will hold and await your return."

"We must head to the surface and act quickly. Starting at the eastern perimeter of the city, we will evacuate as many citizens as possible and drop them off a safe distance from the chaos to the west. We will divide into small groups, each with at least 2 of you and 1 of your brethren." She gestures to the paladins before turning back to the dark soldiers. "I will be clear here. When I first saw you, I was afraid. I thought you some kind of demon, but I was wrong. There will be panic out there, and a Paladin's presence inspires courage, their words and actions even more so. We cannot allow panic to break out amongst the refugees. It will only hamper us."

Now to the paladins. "If you are uneasy in the presence of your brethren, you must put those thoughts aside. You have to trust them, so that the crowds may trust them. You must lead by example. Also... I saw you communicating with each other through some sort of device or spell? We will need use of that, we need to work swiftly and as one."

Finally to all. "One more thing. I do not know what we may face outside... If something leaves Atropus to try and stop us, if we run into some form of resistance or complications... We should not engage. Evacuating the city is our one and only goal. If you run into trouble, share your location. There will be a small group dedicated to answering these calls. Any other group should take any refugees they carry to safety before answering. In the worst case scenario, half of you us must continue to rescue citizens while the others buy them time."

"But we must start moving, we'll organize ourselves on the way up. Follow me."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

I'm unsure on the number of Paladins, but that was more or less an outline of the plan. Lay of the Land to get an idea of a good drop off point away from the city, and were the most populated areas might be. In each group the Paladin clams people down while the Dark Soldiers ferry them.

16 groups of 2 Dark Soldiers + X Paladins (ferrying people away)
1 group of 3 Dark Soldiers + Gilana + 1 Paladin (ferrying people + answering distress calls from other groups)

2014-08-06, 11:18 AM
"We did figure two things, that will speed up this process. There is machinery, water powered, inside. And the flesh is bonded to the armor." Mirabelle pauses, considering. "I thank you, Vefir. Your hospitality is a welcome refuge in the coming storm. When you say, magical resources, would that include item crafters? That word you said. It is alien to me. Artificer? And would that also include far-seeing and teleportation? These terms are as alien to me as the Sublime Way is to you."

She turns back to Korth and Renna. "Why do you show shame? Shame has no place in the Sublime Way. Humility is shame's keeper. Learn it." She turns to Korth. "I was a soldier. I fought for my King. And when I was done, I was a young woman, younger than you, and I begun the Path. The students of Iron Heart sought perfection in their body. The students of Stone Dragon saw no barriers, for none could hold them back. The students of Tiger Claw saw a beast in themselves, and mastered it. You remind me of the Warblade sect. You are first. You are First Brother." She turns to Renna. "When the Temple still stood, we sought mastery to master ourselves. The students of Desert Wind wished to be the blazing sands. The students of Setting Sun wished to throw the sun. The students of Diamond Mind wished to master the flow of time. You are like the Swordsage order. You are also first. You are First Sister." She speaks to them both. "The Path waits for all. I am Blademaster of Storm Soul, a discipline that was never truly welcome in the Temple. Now come," She says, beckoning towards the school. "I wish to see the room our Hosts have set for us."

She pauses, speaking to Lyra. "I am sorry for the rashness of my action, and hope it doesn't not ruin our relationship. Later, when we are in the archives, I wish to speak to you of some of the spells that Brint possessed."

2014-08-06, 12:38 PM
Lyra nodded at Vefir's response. Excellent. Her head was starting to swim a bit though. Discuss the planar lockdown with Vefir. Research Big A and his waterbot troops. Work with Karl on the circle. Discuss Brint's spells and staff with Mirabelle and the artificer. Hmm. And someone really should make dinner...

Yeah, just the way she liked it!

She looked to Mirabelle first. "Hey, no worries! Look, honestly, I was just trying to be diplomatic back there. I've been waiting years to see someone take Brint down a peg like you did! None of us could have predicted that he'd have responded like that. And yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, let's see here. The Astral thing is probably the single most important problem we can solve, so I'm going to get with Vefir on that while you guys get settled in. Karl, would you mind heading for the archives and getting some research materials assembled? We'll need books on transport and planar magic for sure. Grafts and golems might be a good place to start for Big A's goons. Anything you've collected on the ritual circle definitely, and the Zensibar works I left here. That'll probably be a decent start. I'll meet up with you in...let's say an hour."

Unless anyone had anything immediate to discuss, Lyra would then walk up the stairs, hustling after Vefir.

2014-08-06, 07:40 PM
Florikeme, Containment Level:

Gilana's magic tells her that the city is evenly populated, and there are several potential dropoff points. 15 miles to the northeast is moderate-sized town with enough nearby cave space to hold refugees, and would allow for the fastest evacuation trips. 58 miles west, there's another city that could hold and protect refugees, though it the spell detects less shelter space. 120 miles north and 4 miles downward is a large cave network, with indications of civilization that make it part of the Underdark, and would easily hold everyone and provide definitive protection from Atropus' field of influence. The nearest secure option is 230 miles southeast to Megidyme's capitol, which will definitely supply sufficient refugee space and protection. Gilana can't be sure how far the negative energy field reaches, but thinking back to the low orbit she can be pretty sure that Megidyme should be mostly outside of it.

The paladins and dark soldiers nod, forming groups and leaving with Gilana. She hears anguished screams come from the chambers as well as Logan yelling to try to get the remaining ones to calm down. When they get to the front door at the main level, they hear a crash come from the heretic archives a couple floors up.

Florikeme, Archives:

Tyrene manages to read through the first three books before she feels a warm chill as the Hallowing collapses a few blocks away. When she looks back to the window she sees several paladins being launched into the air . . . and more leaping after them with an unnatural speed. What appears to be a rescue proves to be otherwise when she sees the first leaping paladin strike one of the launched ones, spiking her downward at incredible speed. One pair of launcher and launchee seem to be heading straight for the archive window, and the hostile one might make it there soon.

Tyrene has two rounds to run/hide/prepare. This kind of fight needs to me to make a bigger map than usual, but if you need a short-range layout I can provide it shortly.

Book reading results:
Tyrene now knows a glossed-over version of Atropus, not knowing much about the stat blocks. The fluid appears to be a form of ooze without its own willpower, specifically infused with the Plane of Shadow to be implemented. The necromancy book seems to contain stuff she already knows, and some inaccuracies to be expected from the viewpoint of righteous warriors. She'll have to take more downtime to pick out useful details from all of the books.

2014-08-06, 09:43 PM

After recovering from her temporal whiplash, Unity weaves another spell. "Reveal yourself..." she mumbles, scanning the room beyond the wall of force and the tunnel leading to the entrance of the cave. She retreats until she reaches the opening, casting her gaze out from the cave. She shakes her head, a sense of urgency drawing her towards the capital of Olsworth again. "I cannot abide distractions...I need to return to Lanulir," she grunts, about ready to leap from the earth and fly back to the city.

Casting See Invisible, then fly-moving to AD27/AE27

Sorc spells: 5/10/9/9/6/3/5/1 See Invisibility (2nd)
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/5+D/3+D

Buffs: Greater Invisibility (13 turns remain)
See Invisible (16 minutes remain)

2014-08-06, 10:47 PM

See Invisibility reveals nothing, though as Unity flies toward the cave entrance she sees a raptor appear, sniffing the air rapidly as it runs a few feet. Right as it moves into disappearing, six raptors appear around Unity. They each thrash the space she stops in, two of them connecting with their teeth and dealing [roll0] and [roll1] damage respectively. At least she's in open air now, but clear airspace is still distant. The hill rises for quite a distant to the northwest, and the other directions have tall trees for over a mile.

Roll a spot check. Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is updated. Trees extend into the blank areas, and I'll fill them out as needed.

Ulwiss, Vefir's Lab:

Karl nods in acknowledgement as Lyra follows Vefir inside, and stepping inside the teleport nook she suddenly finds herself thrown up a tube, and in the blink of an eye she's thirty-eight floors higher and fighting nausea. Vefir's lab is several open chambers, one containing tables and vials with various samples and equipment, the center chamber empty but littered with singe marks, caustic erosion, some latent static energy and other evidence of how safe her experiments are. The final chamber is currently set up with a large scrying mirror and a large torus of various magical metals. Vefir is currently standing in front of the mirror, palms against the reflective surface as the view changes between various people. "Dammit, someone has to be up there!" She mutters to herself. Lyra quickly determines she's looking for someone to serve as a scrying point in the Astral Plane.

Ulwiss, Main Courtyard:

As Mirabelle surfaces she is accosted by a crowd of students, amazed by her recent fight. They range from frail, clumsy wizards to people who clearly think of magic as the afterthought to fighting with weapons. They start shouting over each other with questions, "How did you do that?" "Are you here to teach us?" "Can you actually protect us from Aeternus?" "Make me your student, too!" She sees some twinkles of a greed for power among the faces, others the raw drive of curiosity, and some trying to hold back their fear of her. The crowd students total to 17, with about three dozen others in the background who are observing Mirabelle with intrigue but don't approach, the reasons in their eyes varying from shyness to terror.

2014-08-06, 11:20 PM
Mirabelle smiles, stopping before the crowd. She raises her hand, commanding for silence. "I did what I have done through mastery. My intention in coming here was not to teach you. It is the unwise who say the unknown foe will be defeated. I have come here with my colleague, Lyra, to investigate through the library here for more information. While I am here, I had intended to help her, and to ask of the assistance of a select few for my own means. If you wish to be taught, we will do it as he had taught me. You will form a line in front of me. If you fight for a closer spot, you will go to the back. If you argue, you will go to the back. You will remain silent in line. When you are in front of me, you are not to break eye contact. You are to tell me your name, race, age and goals. You are to shake my hand." She points at random to a person in the back, one with shyness in their eyes, and beckons with her finger. "You are first in line. All others form behind. If you wish to learn, this you will do." She takes off her gauntlet, placing it on a hook on her belt. She takes off the padded leather glove, placing it in her pouch. Her naked hand is shown, soft, tattooed, smooth waving lines of blue storms and red washing over the back and palm. She holds it out to the first in line, ready to hear them.

Martial Lore: DC 20 + target's initiator level
Determine all disciplines known by a particular creature by watching it initiate at least one maneuver. No action required. Retry only if the subject initiates another maneuver.

My minimum is a 28. With three dozen in the back, and seventeen others in front, that's 53 people overall. One roll for each one, minus whoever doesn't form in line.
1 - 5
6 - 10
11 - 15
16 - 20
21 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 50
51 - 53

2014-08-06, 11:25 PM

"Ngh!" Unity grunted as the raptors leapt from seemingly nowhere, raking her sides with their sharp teeth. Were she visible, her eyes would have lost their golden glow for just a moment while a black twinkle overtook them. A swirl of glowing embers gather where her horn's tip would be, and then two orbs of pure, searing flame fling themselves into the raptor immediately before her.

Defensively casting [roll0] Twin Orb of Fire at AF27/AG27
[roll1] attack for [roll2] * 2 fire damage, DC 29 Fort or be dazed for 1 round @ AF/AG

Sorc spells: 5/10/9/9/6/3/4/1 Twin Orb of Fire (6th)
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/5+D/3+D

Greater Invisibility (12 turns remain)
See Invisible (15.9 minutes remain)

2014-08-07, 12:00 AM
"There's a system of caverns to the northeast, some 15 miles away. We take the refugees there, anywhere else will take too long, but..." She gestures to one of the Paladins, as well as one of the Dark Soldiers from her own group. "Please, head there now. Make sure it is safe and far enough away from the city to act as shelter. If it isn't, we'll find another destination." ...and take more then 2 hours a trip. No, these caves had to be safe, safer then beneath Atropus at least.

As the crash is heard she takes one last deep breath. First distress call... She nods slowly before turning to the group one last time. "Remember, the caves to the northeast unless they are deemed unsafe. We start at the southwestern edge of the cities, try to evacuate as many as we can per trip. Keep communication up at all times. Those with me, we go to the archives first, then resume." Part of her fondly remembered this role's original voice, but the rest limited it to a thought and nothing more. Gerard would not have let his mind wander openly... She gestures to the doors. "As soon as we are outside, we part ways. With haste, and good luck to you all. Lets go." Once past the door, she heads to the archives.

Moving to the Southwest
16 groups of 2 Dark Soldiers + X Paladins

Moving to the Caves
1 Dark Soldier + 1 Paladin

Moving to the Archives
Gilana + 2 Dark Soldiers + 1 Paladin

2014-08-07, 01:31 AM
"You're looking for people in the Astral Plane, yeah?" Lyra asked once her stomach had stopped questioning all of her life choices, walking into the room as she spoke. "Even if we could find some, it's a kinda random situation to gather information from I think. I was thinking, what we really need is to learn the parameters of what's going on over there. I have some ideas for getting us some rough data quickly. If we could open a Gate to the Astral, we might at least be able to look through it and see if there's some visible presence of the trap. We could also send objects through the Gate, and maybe...I dunno, expendable creatures of some sort. Undead, maybe. Or Astral Constructs, perhaps." She didn't want to suggest summoned creatures. Even though they couldn't be actually killed while summoned, they were living beings. Summon magic had never been Lyra's forte one way or another, but she'd never had it proven to her satisfaction that summoned creatures didn't suffer pain or trauma if they met violent ends during their summoning.

"The teleporters here would be good to test with too. I know at least one monitor back at the conference tried to teleport in and...pieces got through. They're fixed-point, fixed-target transports, right? That gives us a good control, and since there's several of them, we might be able to identify variations as well. It's actually a very good experimental setup for this sort of thing..."

"Once we can identify what's happening, we can start figuring out how to protect against it. Start sending things in under different abjurations, see what comes through in one piece. That might get us short-term teleport access, at least, although it probably wouldn't be cost-effective in the large scale. It's a start anyway. I know Karl's been researching large-scale abjuration rituals, so maybe if we can figure out the right abjurations..." she trailed off as she realized she was running full speed for the line that separated "discussion" from "rambling".

2014-08-07, 07:37 AM
The books aren't nearly as informative as she would have hoped, there is so much conjecture. And of course they know next to nothing about true necromancy, but there were a few things pointing to a deeper understanding that will require more thorough study. If only she could take this whole library, and this Atropus or whatever else it was wasn't disturbing her undead to such a level that she can't just shove everything in the pit.

Tyrene looks at the approaching paladins, trying to make out what drives them. She knows a little about Atropus, and if she is correct in her assumptions this will get very interesting. Nevertheless she falls silent for a change, and disappears entirely. It is better to be careful than to be dead. She knows that a few paladins will not nearly be enough to stand in her way, but even those who are loyal to Logan might not yet be aware of who she is, and her allegiance. They might just as well see her as an enemy. It's better to let them kill each other, and then she can take the bodies, unless Atropus intervenes of course. But that is a problem for later. For when she has made a plan to gain all that power for herself.

Knowledge(Religion) about the paladins: [roll0]. She uses invisibility as a Spell Like Ability. She moves away from the window after looking, making sure that she takes everything that she wants with her.

2014-08-15, 09:00 AM

The orbs strike the first raptor and leave it recoiling momentarily, but the other five continue their assault. They seem less intent on wounding Unity as they are at subduing her, two of the five successfully grabbing her with their talons and attempting to hold her down.

Roll opposed grapple checks against [roll0] and [roll1]. Take [roll2] and [roll3] damage if both respective grapples against Unity succeed.

Ulwiss, Vefir's Lab:

Vefir interrupts Lyra as her train of thought derails. "A Gate would be riskier than I'd like, given the unknowns, but I guess we can safeguard against that." She casts a Wall of Force on the nearby torus and activates it. A gate opens to the silvery haze of the Astral Plane, separated with all but vision by the barrier. Spiked, metallic devices drift through the plane, seeming to be spaced roughly 30 feet apart and numerous enough to fully occupy and fade beyond the view distance. They resemble large sea urchins, though the apparent single material and no other discernible details leave them as enigmas on par with the knights from earlier. Notably is that the material in use must be different, looking something between obsidian and cast iron instead of the light, silvery metal from the blitz knight's armor. Vefir only stares into the gate, her mouth absently agape as she tries to process the scale of this endeavor.

Florikeme, Hallways (BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rj8HVW3PQ)):

As Gilana makes her way to the archives the paladin taps her shoulder as an image spell from his ring disappears. "We're getting reports of undead slaughtering civilians, supposedly created from people killed by Atropus moments ago. They seem to spread from the collapsed Hallowing areas, and every squad is occupied fighting them to try to keep them off the noncombatants." As they turn the corner to the long hall that leads to the archives, they see two paladins crash through the window in the other side of the archives. It's more immediately clear to Tyrene than Gilana, but one of the paladins is slamming the other through the window, gripped by the head. They both soar into the hallway before the victim hits the ground and leaves a long bloodstain, the aggressor standing on top as they slide halfway across the hallway. Both fey notice the survivor of the two is standing and behaving in a feral manner, and they hear a light sizzling noise coming from her as the space directly around her seems to slightly darken. She puts her weight on her front foot to crush her victims skull as she looks forward at Gilana's group, a smile of sadistic glee forming on her face as she flexes her empty hands in anticipation. The paladin with Gilana instinctively reaches for his weapon as the three dark soldiers begin shifting their forms.

Roll initiative. Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is Florikeme Second Floor. Unknown areas can still be accessed, but you won't know what terrain you're going into. Knowledge (Religion) is going to be the main identifying knowledge check for this new encounter.

Tyrene knows that unnatural strength, mobility and aggression are not usual paladin traits, and even high-ranked ones prefer equipment that doesn't support this style of combat.

2014-08-15, 09:31 AM
Tyrene smiles, at least the creature will not be going after her. She doesn't yet know its nature, but this shouldn't happen. Not without magic. At least it hasn't yet noticed her, but the others might, and they can decide to use her as a distraction. That has to be prevented, for now, they hare her distraction so she can escape this city. For a moment she considers taking to the sky, but that is too risky, there are bound to be enemies that can see her, and when she looks at the speed of this one, escape will be too hard then. If only she could reach a river or the sea, there she would be safe. She longs for the water, not the still water of a bath, but the flowing, rushing water of the sea. To have it all around her, to have her hair float around her head like it should. But no, these landmen just had to build their cities in such dry places. That alone is reason enough to drown them all.

But they're worse than that. Most of them are hideous. And being hideous is a far greater crime even. Merely looking at them hurts. But now she has to keep her focus. Atropus and Aeternus are a threat to her plans, and she will hae to find a way to destroy them. But to find that she needs some time, time to withdraw into study. And she will have to bring her servants back to their normal state, this is just a distraction that she can't use. She carries the books under her arm, and can't put them down. She will have to strike in a way that doesn't require both hands then, these books are too important.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-08-15, 11:15 AM
Had the groups been larger, perhaps...? We went in blind. She shakes her head. No 'if only'. "Tell them to group up with the closest teams and take those they can to safety if they are in danger of being overwhelmed. The dark soldiers are the only way out of the city for the groups and any survivors, if they fall-" Then they came through the window.

It was a gruesome display. "If they fall, none will escape." One of her hands goes to the longsword at her side. She moves ahead of her group, her glance focused on the feral one, meeting its smile with a cold glare.

Initiative 20 in OoC thread

2014-08-15, 01:33 PM
"That's...even in two...but if you calculate for...holy..." Lyra breathed. Okay, credit where due, that was one piece of positive evidence for the "god" column. "Um. Okay. That's...that's okay. We need...what we need is a way to see what these things do and how they work. Most important questions...what happens when they're triggered, and how are they triggered? Given their number, we can deduce that they are likely limited in either proximity detection or effect area. Looks like maybe thirty feet between them, roughly? Account for redundancy and I'd be...comfortable saying a hundred feet as a reasonable safe distance. Since two-hundred feet is still well within range for mid-range spells, though, best to go with that to be safe. No, stop, not necessary for initial testing. Can you keep opening and closing the Gate and raising and lowering the Wall, or is that costing spells? And is there a psion around who can manifest Astral Construct? I figure, we create the Construct, raise the Wall between us and it, open the Gate, send it through, see what happens. Once we know the basics, we can start planning experiments for things like what wards might protect someone."

2014-08-15, 02:34 PM
Unity rebuffs the raptors' attempts to pull her down, rearing back. Her entire horn, were it visible, glows a pale yellow as she casts a new spell. "Let us try something else," she mutters to no-one in particular, a soothing aura settling over her and the circle of raptors. "Calm yourselves."

Casting Calm Emotions centered on Unity (immune to compulsions, so doesn't affect me).

DC 21 Will save or be calmed as per the spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/calmEmotions.htm)

2014-08-15, 10:30 PM
Ulwiss, Main Courtyard:

The first student shyly steps forward as others form a line behind her. More than half look at Mirabelle one more time before walking away, their fear, greed or other flaws telling them she shouldn't be approached.

(I'll assume the handshake is the martial lore test, and go with that just because it's a pretty cool way to handle it)

1. A pale-skinned woman in pale blue robes approaches. "I . . . I'm Saleria Lutin. I'm a human, 23 years old, and I want to help the world, learning as many means of helping it as possible." The handshake indicates no martial disciplines in her knowledge.

2. A strong-built man in green robes that poorly conceal leather armor beneath them. "I'm Nordu Fillatone. I'm a Karsite, 34 years old. My goal is to overcome my disadvantages from being unable to directly use magic, by learning other means to be stronger in a world that favors the mage." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

3. Another man, this one more frail and in dark magenta robes. "I'm Narek Wrimn. I'm an Elan, 25 years old. I want to learn everything, to be someone great that people recognize and adore for his capabilities." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

4. A woman in white robes. "I'm Sarah Vard. I'm a half-elf human, 40 years old. I want to understand the workings of the universe, including the subtleties that magic apparently can't grasp." The handshake reveals no disciplines, but Mirabelle feels her tattoos shiver halfway up her arm during it.

5. A man in blue robes whose mannerisms indicate a lack of self-confidence. "I'm, uh, I'm Mark Pertin. I'm a human, 20 years old. I . . ." He sighs and gathers his thoughts. "I hate magic, it's unreliable and reliant on many factors I can't control, but I learn it because it was the best option before me at the time. I want a power that is reliant on myself, so that the whims of the world around me don't leave me helpless." The handshake reveals no disciplines, but Mirabelle can feel a pervasive paranoia through his touch.

6. A man in armored robes. "I'm Lorfis Vowl. I'm a Snow Elf, 80 years old. I want to be stronger, to be powerful enough to make a difference in the world." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

7. A dwarf woman in yellow robes. "I'm Durvi Furnaldo. I'm a Seacliff Dwarf, 38 years old. I want to be someone, somehow, but I know I can't do that if I'm weak." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

8. A Thri-Kreen, mostly concealed by desert-style mage robes. "I'm Ch'tiko. I'm a Thri-Kreen, 40 cycles lived. I wish to better myself, so I may seek forgiveness from my clutch and have my exile revoked." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

9. A teifling man in black robes. "I'm Kirint Huldi. I'm a teifling, 35 years old. Someone told me years ago that I was never going to be anyone noteworthy. I want to prove her wrong, and return to impress her. But I need to be stronger to do that." The handshake reveals no disciplines, but upon contact the tattoos in her body seem to recoil from him.

10. A fire genasi woman. "I'm Cinda Xerall. I'm a fire genasi, 24 years old. I want to control my element, through all means possible, and be powerful enough that even the primal fire elementals bow to me." Her handshake is strong and aggressive, and Mirabelle detects an inkling of the Desert Wind discipline.

11. A heavily-tattooed raptoran woman, sporting many scenes and colors in her ink. "I'm Avari Yolvun. I'm a raptoran, 29 years old. I want to be the best artist in the world, and I know I can only do that by experiencing more and learning more." The handshake reveals no disciplines, but Mirabelle notices Avari's gaze look to her tattoos before looking back at her, though she can't tell what the raptoran thinks of it.

12. A halfling man, in blue robes. "I'm Mouvlen Mijil. I'm a halfling, 23 years old. My goal is to be the most powerful, most feared and revered person in the Material Plane." The handshake reveals no disciplines.

13. A human man with odd, dazzling eyes approaches. "I'm Bivarxul. I'm a prismatic dragon, 12 years old. I just use this form for convenience here. I have expectations to live up to, given my powerful lineage, and I want to meet and exceed them." As he shakes Mirabelle's hand she feels a splitting headache for a moment, and visions come. Brief flashes of cities and unsettled terrain, some majestic and some desolate. Nothing she recognizes from this age or the past era she comes from. She can't detect any disciplines. Bivarxul does not seem to notice the effect he has caused.

14. A kobold in fancier robes than the others, she speaks in rough common. "I Katchilu, kobold. I live for years 38, and seek to learn sorcery from many other. When I return to Fik, I use my learn to improve other, so they embrace sorcery good. You not use sorcery, but if I learn then I help Fik." Her handshake reveals no disciplines.

A few more people become nervous in the line, and they walk away, too.

15. A frail man who is almost completely concealed in surprisingly thick robes. "My name is Fetilla. My race is . . . it's complicated and I'd rather not say around the others. My age is technically 16, I guess. I want to make the best of life, even with the hardships it has inflicted on me." The handshake reveals knowledge of the Shadow Hand . . . but also no knowledge of any disciplines at the same time.

The line ends, some of those who walked away still linger in the distance, though they clearly do not want to approach for the time being.

2014-08-16, 12:06 AM
Mirabelle nods at each one in turn, smiling at each prospect. She responds to none individually, only meeting their eyes and gripping their hand firmly. Sarah Vard, Kirint Huldi, Avari Yolvun and Fetilla were intriguing, but nothing too concerning, she should think. She slips her glove and her gauntlet back on, the leather and metal forming like second and third skins. She switches in her state of mind, feeling these foreign spells pervade her memory again. She motions for them all to sit in front of her. "I am Mirabelle. I am an Errant Blademaster, a style that is lost to this world. I have been called Iktha. I have been called Ur-blade. I have been called Atha. I have been called Nuvilir. I have been called many names under the endless cycles of the sun. But you may choose, here, to name me Teacher. Curiously, some of you mention that you wish to exceed past a certain doubt you have left vague, or that you wish to overcome a fault in magic. I find this line of thinking of error, for it is in common with another. And right here, right now, I will give you your first lesson:

"The Path is not a kick. It is not a punch. It is not the first strike. It is not the final blow. It is not any one thing. It is not a form perfected, it is not a lesson learned. It is mentality. It is spirit. It is perfection of self, not reflection of form. A school is not a smattering of movements, a collection of ways to harm another. It is not meant for the tool of unthinking, of the unfeeling, of the blind. When you walk the Path, you may only walk. You may not stop, for your body will slowly forget. You may not run, for your mind will not keep up. I spend years beyond what any of you have may think watching the tools of Reshar be wielded clumsily, with no understanding, with no discipline. But am I mad? No. They have only mimicked the Path, they do not walk it.

"If you name me Teacher, if you wish to walk the Path, you must adhere to this: I am showing you the steps. I am showing you the Path. I am showing you not a punch, but flow. Not a kick, but effort. The first strike must be met with the first thought. The final blow must be met with purpose. What schools you learn, but disciplines you adhere to, you must understand them fully. They are not merely strikes, counters, attacks, defenses. They are ways of life. The first nine were Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw, White Raven Passion in movement. Faith in another. The perfection of mind. The perfection of body. Fluidity of self. Unseen force. Unstoppable self. Ferocity of animals. Trust in allies. That was what inspired them. That was what made them. When you follow a discipline, you must follow their ideal.

"I come here to help colleague with world crisis. I make case, I offer trade, and he threatens. He transforms self, and he restrains colleague and your First Brother and your First Sister," Mirabelle says, waiving to Korth and Renna. "So how do I respond? I respond with the Path. I fight him from all angles. I fight like the unstoppable wind. I am uncontrollable lightning. I am the hurricane. I am the flood." Mirabelle draws Lesson out, faster formal thought. "I am the storm." She draws lightning into Lesson, the sharp point and edge lengthening out, and slams it down in the same motion. It holds in the stone for a moment, the lightning extension leaving the rapier floating mid-air for a moment as it fades. She grabs Lesson with her other hand before it falls.

"The Path is everything. The Path is breathing and walking and blood and sweat and effort. It is not easy. You will not be the same. But you will come out stronger. And for those of you who say they must overcome magic, they must learn what magic cannot teach, I will only say this once more." Mirabelle pulls on the magic inside of her mind, feels the weight that she pulls off of Brint. She grows in size, her form sizing up and towering over those who sit. "Magic is understanding. Magic is a mentality. It is effort. It is sweat and blood. It is part of the Path. Brint would not have understood, because he is like thug who only mimics the Path. So I took his magic from him, because the Path is everything."

Using Streak of Lightning for display. Casting Enlarge Person on self.

2014-08-16, 09:38 PM

All but one of the raptors calm down, passively hissing at Unity. The one that remains looks at the others, puzzled, before jumping over Unity and shoving the raptor on the other side. Both disappear in the same manner as the others from before.

Florikeme, Hallways:

The undead paladin strikes first, dashing into the group ahead straight for the friendly paladin. Though she flails her limbs like a zombie, there is far more force and precision involved in this case. She lands three strikes, and when the third connects the other paladin is launched farther down the hallway, falling prone. Two of the dark soldiers move in, one forming his limbs into a large blade on his right and a shield on his left, the other converting both hands into massive sharp claws. They both strike with ferocity, but the undead's wounds heal fast enough that it almost creates the illusion that she is made of liquid, only her armor retaining any gashes. At the end of their attacks the two soldiers recoil away as if their arms were burned. At this distance Gilana can tell that the sizzling noise is coming from the undead's equipment, all holy items trying to reject their owner.

Initiative Order:
Enemy Paladin
Dark Soldier 2
Dark Soldier 1
Tyrene (Still undetected by everyone)
Friendly Paladin
Dark Soldier 3

Ulwiss, Vefir's Lab:

"That's good, summoned creatures don't last long enough after death, if we can even summon them at this point." Vefir says as she uses a ring. After a moment's pause she speaks, "I have a constructor psion on the way, hopefully that will help us out . . ." She trails off as she looks into the Gate. "Is that a githyanki over there?" She points to a piece of debris, floating evenly between several of the devices roughly 400 feet out. A humanoid figure seems to be waving toward the Gate as it desperately clutches what looks like the remains of a githyanki ship. "We may not need that construct depending on how this plays out." She muses, her mannerism showing that she considers the survivor a test subject more than someone in need.

Ulwiss, Courtyard:

The group listens intently, staring in awe at Mirabelle's display. Korth coughs and gets Mirabelle's attention. "Who is Reshar? You mention his name, and his importance yet we don't know the history of him. Enough time has passed that you're the only remnant of the original era of the Sublime Way, so only you can preserve that time through our memories." A few of the others nod in agreement.

2014-08-16, 10:11 PM
Lyra just kinda...stared wide-eyed at Vefir for a moment when she made that comment. Then her eyes narrowed in determination. The githyanki's presence among the minefield meant that even if they were triggered by proximity, it wasn't an overlapping field. There were ways through. "Vefir, I need you to lower the wall on my word. Or to get out of here now and I'll disintegrate it, either one works, but I'd prefer to conserve energy if possible," she said bluntly.

She drew her sword, cutting a quick gash along her arm. There was a particular rite she knew...it was technically blood magic, but it was the nicest form of blood magic she had ever heard of. She began chanting, charging her blood with positive energy; the injury healed, and her body took on a luminous glow from the energy now contained within. Another spell caused a brief glow of pale white light to surround her for a moment, before fading into quiescence. She finished with a single word and complex warding gesture, and her eyes shone briefly with bright light.

"Now," she said, if Vefir was still present. If she had left, or refused to lower the wall, Lyra would once again open an unstable gate that would destroy any matter or energy that shared its space.

And then, without any further hesitation, she would step through the Gate and into the Astral Plane, floating as carefully as she could between the mines towards the githyanki, trying to keep as far as possible from any given mine.

It's not actually blood magic, but that's kinda the most sensical explanation I have here. I attack myself with my sword for [roll0] (and if I roll a one, I'll do it again for another [roll1]). That'll get my hit points low enough that when I then cast Heal on myself for 206 healing, the overflow can spill over to Temporary Hit Points from Extension of Life.

Then I'll cast Extended Fortunate Fate on myself, giving me a 206 point Heal if I'm brought below 0 hit points. And of course, I've got my Contingent Panacea on for 9d8+56 and status removal if I become unable to take standard actions.

And then I'll finish it all off with Delay Death and Death Ward. Which may or may not actually help me if it comes to that, but it's worth a shot anyway.

I...am fairly certain there's nothing Vefir could say that would make Lyra abort this course of action, but obviously this all assumes she doesn't interrupt me with, you know, magic or something.

Also, I'm fairly confident now that these things aren't triggered by proximity, but in case I'm wrong and the lowering of the wall does cause one that's near the Gate to explode, I'll use an Immediate action to cast Delay Death on Vefir.

And here we go. *Gulp*

Current Hit Points: 176/176. +194 Temporary.
Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/6/2/2. (-1 6th level slot if Vefir won't lower the wall and I have to disintegrate it).
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/4/6/5/4/2.

2014-08-17, 10:32 AM
Tyrene looks at the dead paladin. She would love to just leave now, but she will need these Dark Soldiers, one has to survive for her to escape. That is a really unfortunate circumstance, fleeing is so much easier. But if attention must be drawn to her, she will do it like a true sirene. Beauty is the only true way. She has to play, but that requires both hands. No, she will sing, like only the Sarnillan may sing. It will not merely give her power, but also knowledge, and that is what she craves now.

"Fallen one come hear me now
Restless spirit make a bow
Pay tribute to your mistress
Find solace from your distress"

She appears when the song starts, and mystical forces fly from her hand as she strides towards the paladin. Death is her expertise, and the princess of the black seas will not be denied.
Once more knowledge religion: [roll0] about the undead paladin
Tyrene strides to AV19 and casts command undead(CL22, if spell resistance: [roll1]) Save DC 29.

2014-08-17, 08:03 PM
Reflexes make her step back as the paladin was thrown past her. Gilana draws, a small flash of anger as she touches the blade. It shed light as in the Complex, but dimmer. She hears the ding and turns the way of the sirene. If she could control her, all the better, but if not... Then there was the sizzling. Where they so holy and they so not? Questions, time ticking, doors closed.

"Tyrene, they are reanimating quickly, step away from the fallen!" Or not, perhaps she had some insight from her dolls, but if things were as bad outside as they seemed anyone that could oppose these creatures was invaluable. Are you in that category though? She shook her head, not those thoughts now.

Gilana steps forward, weaves in, weaves out, dancing just out of reach of the mockery's claws. Once she has her opening, she strikes thrice.

Free: Tumble [roll0], [roll1] vs DC 40, two 5ft each for 10 ft, activating Improved Skirmish. Moving through BO19, BN20, BN21 to BM19.

Full Attack: +27/+22/+17, would flank and deal skirmish damage, but undead would negate it.
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

A small lapse. She leaves the new doll as is, instead heading back to the paladin that was thrown aside. "Are you all right?" She looks over the wound. He was as important as the dark soldiers, the people would obey a Paladin, and he was the link to the other groups. "If this is just one of them and they could hardly scratch them... If its a slaughter out there, and the raise quickly... they need to save who they can and get out."

Move: BZ19
Standard: Lesser Vigor on the Friendly Paladin

Mostly moving here to get between the Paladin and the NotPaladin. Also to make sure that the last bit of communication got through.

2014-08-18, 09:21 PM
"I had hoped that... his memory would remain." Mirabelle says, laughing, brushing her hair back. Her form shrinks back to her normal size, and she removes the armor on her left arm, piece by piece. Delicate, folded, molded plates of Mithril are removed; some by straps, others by hooks and hinges. The padded undercoat is unbuttoned, unfastened, unbound, and rolled up. She pushes her silk sleeve up, revealing the tattoo on her left forearm. It is moving. It is a silhouette, moving. It is a man surrounded by three, fighting. His arms move simply from one position to the next. Fire traces after him. Wind follows him. He is striking one man in the foot. He is pinning one man with his hand. The other man, struck by an unseen blow, is already fallen. The man is sitting. The man is sailing. The man is walking. The man is still again, in a stance.

"As Korth is First Brother, as Renna is First Sister, I was First Student. Reshar was my teacher." She pauses, and begins the process of redoing her armor. Sleeve. Undercoat. Plating. "In life, Reshar was a scholar, first and foremost. It is he who saw the Path in its shattered steps, scattered around the world, disconnected from one another. He traveled the world for a time, looking to train under Masters of every school, seeking those that would best unify the Path. He commanded skill that I have yet to dream of. But he was a scholar, neither tyrant nor ruler. He sought to learn, and to help others learn. And he did this. He did just this. He found the Masters in their homelands, and learned, becoming the Master himself. He did this with all the disciplines. And once he saw this, once he saw his deed done, he took another: He built the Temple."

Mirabelle smiles, and undoes the armor on her right arm revealing stonework and halls and rugs and furs and hundreds of men and women fighting, moving, eating, learning. One such figure stands near the man on the left arm, and it is Mirabelle. "When he took to travelling, to find the Masters, it was I who went with him. When he took to building, to gather the Master, it was I who built with him. When he took to teaching, to help the Masters, it was I who helped with him. He was the First Master of this Temple. I was the First Student. And together, we taught others the Sublime Way. And then, when time passed, nine Masters from his travels came to us. Desert Wind." The images change on her arm, showing a scimitar. "Devoted Spirit." A shield and mace appear next the scimitar. "Diamond Mind." A rapier. "Iron Heart." A bastard sword. "Setting Sun." An open palm. "Shadow Hand." A dagger. "Stone Dragon." A maul. "Tiger Claw." A claw. "White Raven." A battleaxe. "These nine Masters gathered to the Temple, swore to teach under Reshar's guidance, and thus the Temple became the Temple of the Nine Swords. Together, we taught for many, many years."

"A good Master, a good Teacher, remains with us, even after they pass. They guide, help and see that their students become better and better. At what they do, and with who they are. I was but a soldier, lost in a war in service to a King that none of you would ever know, for a land that has lost its name to time, when I first met him. That day, I became his First Student. And that day, the Path was opened to me. If I am to be your Teacher, I must be do for you what Reshar had done for me: Show you that the Path is open. That the Sublime Way is not a punch, a kick, a strike, a blow. The Sublime Way is how everyone lives, whether they know it or not. It is my duty to teach you this." She smiles, softly, taking them in view. "I know, this may seem daunting, but please, look on the bright side. You all are already in a school! When I first saw Reshar, I was in a tavern! With discipline and practice, you will achieve more than what I can do, in your own time." And she laughs, softly. "Tonight, I must see to my own research. Tomorrow, I wish to see each of you individually. Find me in the order you were in line. The day after that, we will begin. And if you have something urgent, and you need my help, seek me out. Do you have any other questions?"

2014-08-20, 02:01 AM

Breathing a sigh of relief, Unity withdraws to the south, hoping to squeeze through the opening created by the disappearing raptors. As soon as she is out of the cave and has the space, she dashes into the air, hoping to get a better view of what was going on.

Withdrawing as a full action to AH/AI 33, and ascending upwards as far as she can (80 feet if maximum speed)
Spot check, if necessary, to scout the area for unusualness beyond the raptors: [roll0]

Sorry for the late post, I thought I had posted another response earlier :smalleek:

2014-08-22, 08:09 PM

As Unity ascends she sees three more raptors appear below her, hissing aggressively as they are out of range. As she looks back up over the hill she sees something on the horizon. It looks like a small moon, but given its reflective surface it looks like it's made metal. She can't be sure from her current distance, but it seems to look like its floating directly over Florikeme, though without a proper reference for the object's size she can't be sure how close to the ground it is.

You survived! 4500 xp for making some progress in the fight against a single enemy. You're now free to travel again!

Florikeme, Second Floor:

The undead paladin stops and twists her head around toward Tyrene, the terrifying smile remaining. "Foolish half-dead." She growls, her voice indicating her mentality is more beast than person at this point. Gilana rolls past and makes her strikes, but recoils after the first one as her attack as the rapier does no lasting damage, instead conducting an arc of negative energy to the fey's hand that does 14 negative energy damage. The paladin that was launched across the hall stands up and casts a spell (Spellcraft DC 18 Dispel Magic), but no effect seems to be visible. The third dark soldier condenses his ooze into a muscular mass on his limbs as he throws a punch at the undead, throwing his weight in attempt to move the new combatant. The attack hits, but the undead paladin doesn't move and the dark soldier recoils like the others as the negative energy damages him. The undead turns and strikes Gilana, landing two slams dealing [roll0] and [roll1] bludgeoning damage each and 28 negative energy damage. In the split second between the two strikes, Gilana feels weightless. Then the second strike hits and launches her down the hallway towards Tyrene, fortunately she doesn't end up prone as her natural hovering saves her the fall.

The slams are Bludgeoning&Magic for DR purposes. Negative energy isn't reduced.

Tyrene sees that the difference between this undead and the ones she's encountered in the past is simple, yet substantial. Radiating pure negative energy and seeming to be invincible to weapons, and her own influence.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) repost for reference.

Ulwiss, Courtyard:

The new students don't have anything else to ask and they slowly disperse, some chatting with each other and some looking at historic textbooks, obviously searching for signs of Reshar's influence. As Mirabelle stands alone with Renna and Korth in the courtyard an onyx-skinned spellscale in black robes approaches. "You are committing them all to a path littered with death, but then again this is looking more like a time where all paths will eventually be paved with corpses. I am Sargoun, an apprentice in shadow magic. The Perfect Sages have designated me to be your personal guide in this facility. I can also provide limited Shadow Walk between each of our five campuses on the island, if needed. Where would you like to go? Somewhere out of direct sunlight, hopefully."

Ulwiss Lab/Astral Plane:

Vefir looks at Lyra with surprise, "You can't be going in there, I'll grab something else, but you don't leave!" She quickly runs to the other side of the lab for something as Lyra disintegrates the Wall of Force and enters the Astral Plane. As she steps inside she hears faint shouting from the survivor out in the distance, but can't understand what he's saying. As she floats a few feet from the portal the five nearest devices spin, some invisible point of perception on them tracking Lyra. Before she can figure out what they're doing, her vision and hearing are disrupted in an incapacitating pandemonium as all she can feel is pain. Pain as if she's being torn apart and put back together several times over.

Then darkness, and more pain. She feels something slam against her back, as she begins to feel cold, extremely cold. She hears Vefir's panicking somewhere to her left, but can't process the words, as they merely register as sounds with no meaning.

Then the pain stops, and Lyra finds herself floating in a dark void, to one side what looks like an orb with a sky view of the Material Plane floats away, and she notices dozens of other spheres of various emissions and colors, and that she's floating toward one of the brighter ones. The light it emits seems comforting, and she feels herself desiring to dive into that light stay there forever. But just as she's close enough that she should be able to touch the sphere, she stops in place.

"You know what I miss?"
"The old days, when things were simple. There was alive, dead, undead and never alive in the first place. But now we have to put up with the mostly-dead dangling right in front of us."
"I know Corellon, it's getting out of hand."

I hope you feel bad for ruining Corellon's day for making yourself temporarily immortal before throwing yourself in the guaranteed-death zone.

2014-08-22, 09:37 PM
"He really is a god, isn't he?" Lyra - or her spirit - said, no so much to the god(s?) as in their vicinity. It wasn't that she doubted there was mortal power that could punch through the defenses she had placed. And she had been willing to figure that it might, maybe, yet be within mortal power to booby-trap the Astral Plane to the degree she had seen.

But she was pretty sure it would take greater than mortal magic to booby-trap the entire Astral Plane with that level of trap.

For a moment, a wave of despair brought on by the realization of the depths of her own overconfidence made her want to just float there silently, waiting for her magic to expire and lamenting her decision to try to save the world. She wasn't a hero. She wasn't an archwizard. She sure as Hades wasn't a god. She was only a chef.

A chef with enough magic to challenge a Perfect Sage of Ulwiss.

A chef with an extensive understanding of using the planes as a power source.

A chef with what was possibly a unique opportunity to collect information that might be critical to her home world.

A chef that wasn't technically dead for a solid minute and a half still.

A chef that wasn't going to stop fighting for her planet until her heart stopped beating!

Yeah, that moment?


Maybe Vefir would be able to recover her body and heal her before her spell wore off. Maybe someone would raise her. Maybe someone would contact her spirit, or she might find a way to send information back home. Or maybe not. But if the only thing she could do to even try to help her people was speed-interrogate one or more deities, then that was flame-blasted what she would do.

"Apologies for the lack of obiescense, but I very probably have less than two minutes, plus or minus whatever time-warping shenanigans may or may not be going on around here. Can you provide me with information about Big A? If so...the most important questions I have at the moment are: How did he trap the Astral Plane? What exactly are those trap things and how do they work? How did the githyanki and its ship survive the minefield? What is the extent and current disposition of his forces? What is his next move? And is he really a god?" She realized she didn't currently have a body to tell her that she needed to stop to breathe and so consciously paused there.

2014-08-22, 10:31 PM
"Aye, but death pervades no matter what path you take. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sargoun, I am Mirabelle. Do you have a center for those who see afar? Divination is the term, correct? I must speak with someone who can aid me in hunting down a few objects I hid away." Mirabelle smiles, extending a hand to shake.

2014-08-23, 07:57 AM

Corellon chuckles before answering Lyra. "Your urgency is misplaced, or in fact unnecessary. Delay Death doesn't strand someone in the void between life and death, only various other factors."
"Botched undead, the soul being damaged upon death, basically anything that keeps a death from being normal."
"As Pelor said. We're not entirely sure with your case, as we've been busy scrying around for Aeternus."
"He's not a god, at least not yet. If his creations were divine, then we would have felt the imprint. Part of the agreement between all of us to allow limited access to everyone's domains, so we do end up 'feeling' when large amounts of divine energy are used."
"But it's still an undertaking we should have detected. Especially since he has control over Atropus."
"Lucky break for us. While we can't use divine power to perceive it, we can very well see a giant hollow mechanical shell floating above a negative energy deadzone."
"I should explain your current situation first. When a person dies, their soul traverses this void to the plane of whatever god claims them, based on their devotions or merit usually."
"It's an instant process for most people, so they don't see the difference."
"If you had actually died, I'd have claimed your soul for your artistic and whimsical spirit. Pelor is the second closest qualification for claiming you, so that's why he's able to speak with you, too."
"It would be best if you didn't linger here for too long. The fates of those stranded here vary. Some wander farther beyond and become vestiges, living an unknown existence. Some decay as they wander out, their fate likely connected to the existence of certain aberrations. Those that stay nearby are claimed by something else in here, though we're not sure what."
"Very few souls still reside in this area, and we don't know much about them."
"Oh, but your questions! We don't see any gith survivors in the Astral Plane, in fact it looks like Tu'Narath is blocked in. That said we don't know how the traps work either, as pass-through teleportation is visually imperceptible, and we weren't aware of the traps until everything in that plane either died or hunkered down. Additionally, Aeternus is a mystery figure."
"Not his original name, to be sure as we can't ping him with divination."
"Or we are and not realizing it."
"He could be anyone in the crowds. Or someone in a locked demiplane."
"It's only been a few hours since this war began, so information is still lacking."

Ulwiss, Main Campus:

"That might not be possible, as all of our diviners are preoccupied with gathering and relaying information. The corpse you brought us has only been under study for a few minutes and already more and more resources are being diverted to understanding it. The Perfect Sages understand that we can't win this war in a day, but it's not on our terms whether it even lasts that long. I'll still take you to our divination center to see about your request." Sargoun dryly replies, accepting the handshake with lazy firmness. Unlike the other student mages, the spellscale doesn't indicate anything as to whether he's impressed by or in fear of Mirabelle.

The passage 70 floors up the main tower takes only a second. This floor appears to be one giant room, the curved glass ceiling indicating that this is the floor where the wider base of the architecture ends. Varying enchantments and colors occupy the different panes, and a massive variety of mirrors, crystal orbs and telescopes litter the room, all in use. Sargoun approaches one of the younger mages using a mirror and whispering something in her ear. Sargoun turns back toward Mirabelle, along with a female orc with azure hair, which is clearly colored by an image spell that's just barely misaligned with her natural hair. "I'm Garatha, one of the divination graduates. I can spare a few minutes for whatever you need from my skillset."

2014-08-23, 10:10 AM
"Thank you, Sargoun." Mirabelle says to the spellscale, before turning to the half-orc. "Hello Garatha, I am Mirabelle. I need of your sight to find a few weapons I had hidden away in the previous millennia. I need to get to them. Someone may have found one or several, and I must gather them back again. Would this be within your realm of capability?"

2014-08-23, 11:05 AM
That, admittedly, had an effect on Lyra's priorities. She'd risk her life to save another. She'd give her life to protect her world. But it struck her (especially since she was currently talking to literal incarnations of a confirmation that she was probably going to have a rather enjoyable afterlife) that it would be a good idea to attend to the state of her soul. "Um. So I'm sold on the 'not lingering here too long' idea. That strikes me as an eminently sensible plan. But how do I leave? Do I go with one of you or...?"

2014-08-23, 05:15 PM
This was new, or so old that feeling it again made it seem new. The last time was during the war... is it as bad as at the court? These thoughts were nonsense, but better to see through and around it then dwell on on pain running down her hand, arm and chest. It takes her a moment to steady herself. Another part of her just wanted to lay down or run. Facing it again could mean more of this, perhaps even... No She shakes her head.

"...and this is just one." She could not risk its touch again. Once upright, she lowers her longsword while her free hand clutches her side. She closes it into a fist, and inside draws out as much power as she can from her pool. Those nearby can hear a sound like water freezing, which grows louder and louder.

Not much left... As always when she played this game, a part of her was almost lost in the flow and tried to pull the rest of her in. If I fall in it might not give me a chance to wake. If I miss or it brushes it off... She shakes her head as the creaking intensifies. Then in one swift motion, with which the noise finally stop, she projects a razor sharp shard towards the undead paladin. Throughout the surge, the euphoria and doubts, Gilana watches it fly as if it were the only thing in the world.

HP: 52/151
PP: 53/270
Damage Reduction: 7/Cold Iron
Armor Class: 40, +1 Dodge on the undead, +2 Skirmish if she moves
Note: Sidestep Charge for +4 Dodge if charged

Free: Wild Surge +3, Surging Euphoria (+1 Moral Attack, Damage and Saves). Dazed if [roll0]=<15
Standard: Fully Augmented, Empowered, Wild Surged Crystal Shard (15pp + 3)
- Touch Attack [roll1]
- Damage [roll2] * 1.5

Move and Swift: Pending

2014-08-24, 08:05 AM
Florikeme, second floor

Tyrene looks at the strange creature. She is filled with an intense hate. How dares it resist her? That alone is sufficient reason to tear it, its creator and Aeternus from existence. But not yet. She needs knowledge, she needs time, and power. Most of all she needs power. She knows the strength of the dead, and their few weaknesses. Normally she would send her giants to fight, but those weaklings are screaming. It shows once again that only the Sarnillan has true power.

And does she really need these hideous creatures? They can't be trusted, they would give her to that pompous fool of a Logan who also still has to be killed, without the interference of any of those gods. She doesn't need such protection, but then again, she's no air-breather. She's too beautiful to be harmed. But here there is only one true option. She has to leave, and do it quickly. This is no place to stay, this whole city is lost. So she does what her heart tells her to, she turns invisible and flies away.

Tyrene uses a cl 15 invisibility and flies to AD18. Unfortunately she can't run, yet. Then it will be 450 ft per round for 14 rounds, and after that just 180. Tyrene will escape in the old-fashioned way, this whole thing is getting her nowhere.

2014-08-24, 08:57 AM

"Well you were supposed to come with me, but you made sure that mostly-dead was the most dead you could be for that moment."
"This is a significant grey area for us, particularly because we can't influence this area."
"The void you're in isn't even a three-dimensional space, but you see it as such as that's the only way your mind can comprehend your surroundings. Don't think about it too hard."
"If you can't somehow will yourself back to being alive, then I guess we just have to wait."
"I'll divulge any discussion you want, whether its relevant to the conflict or normal topics like what would be the first thing you want to try cooking once you finally let go and join my realm."

Ulwiss, Divination Center:

"The previous millennia, huh?" Garatha takes a closer look at Mirabelle, brushing aside her hair and making the bad coloring illusion stand out even more. "You're human . . . there kobold or elf in your family tree or somethin', or are you just a lich with a damn good disguise?" She steps back and turns adjusts her mirror, "What'ves, just another clown in the clown college so most of us don't think much of unusual stuff. Scrying specific items isn't very easy normally, unless they're custom-enchanted, which I assume is the case?"

Florikeme, Second Floor Hallways:

As Tyrene flees, she sees Gilana's crystal shard gain temporary mass from the invested energy as it slams into the undead paladin, obliterating the entire torso. From the limbs sprouts a quickly regenerating bone structure that connects the body back together, but it isn't enough as the form gives out and collapses into dust. The dark soldiers examine the remains from a few feet back, clearly not wanting to feel the sting of negative energy again. "One of the squads reported being able to damage these things normally after hitting them with a solid turning, though it looks like you hit her hard enough to not need that." The paladin limps over to the group. "Even then, I don't know how to fight this. How are we supposed to evacuate everyone?"

Gilana managed to burst its entire HP total in one attack, which I guess bypasses the regeneration part of the gimmick. 7000 xp for Gilana and Tyrene (the former gaining more for being more in the fight, and the latter for surviving the ill-planned assassination.)

Undead Paladin:
-Servant of Heironeous Helmet, Florikeme Design (Current condition and effects unclear).
-Servant of Heironeous Armor sans-torsa, Florikeme Design (Full-plate armor, obviously needs repair, unknown effects).
-A cubic foot of dust left behind by the undead's natural disintegration.
-532 gold
Normal Dead Paladin:
-Servant of Heironeous Armor, Florikeme Design (In need of minor repair, unknown effects.)
-Mithral Longsword, Servant of Heironeous Embellishments (Intact, unknown effects.)
-498 gold

2014-08-24, 09:43 AM
Tyrene doesn't stop flying now that she has turned invisible. Gilana has betrayed her and her lack of clear violent action will have been seen as aiding their enemy. Instead she heads to the hole in the window. She will head to the clear sky and then the deep water, where she belongs and where she will be truly free. There she is fast and in the true element. No more of this harsh air, but soft water. She will escape, and find Maral to take her to the sea where she will be safe. She needs time so she can plan how she can take Atropus for herself and crush this Aeternus and make him her servant.

She will first have to escape the city, but these creatures can't see the invisible and she will fly covered from the sky.

Tyrene flies outside and looks around for an escape path.

Knowledge religion: the undead things: [roll0]
Knowledge geography: where is the sea? [roll1]
Spot: surroundings: [roll2]

2014-08-24, 09:47 AM
"No, just human, and older than most. Like Brint, for example. But most people will be older than Brint in due time," Mirabelle says, giggling at the half-orc's attempts to distinguish her blood. She removes the armor from her right arm, and motions for the half-orc to view the images that accompany her story. "Yes, all were. They grew with the wielder; as they wielder grew in strength, so did the blade. Let's start from the top. Desert Wind. It was a scimitar, born to the school of its namesake: Desert Wind. It was made by for a wealthy merchant in an ancient city in a lost desert, forged from the planes of earth and fire by Haqim, an efreet. It was then taken to a djinni named Malaq, who weaved magic so great, of spells to protect and slice, despite his hatred of the efreet, who made the blade. And the merchant, who had spent so much coin into this blade, now found himself penniless and alone. The blade, meant to be his final defense, now became his only. He fled, and was caught, by a devil prince. And though his fate was to die each night and reborn each morning, the scimitar itself was lost to time."

2014-08-24, 10:00 AM
The sound of the crystal shattering had rarely been so melodic. Gilana takes a deep breath and turns to find an empty hallway. After a moment she nods, runs her hand down her side and moves to join the rest of the group. "I'm not sure. I can craft one more shard like that, maybe two, but after that... Make sure Logan knows, all the groups too. Contact is deadly, at least until a turning. If they can't be turned, then they need a massive amount of force, else one should flee. Beyond the Grand Crusader, is there any other high priest? Someone close to Heironeous that could turn them...?" There was one more.

"Tyrene?" She calls out to the empty hallway. "How different is a Paladin's turning from what you do? Could the way you control them maybe have an effect?" She lets the question linger. She could not have teleported, perhaps she was still nearby.


If there is no answer, then it seems she was wrong. She knew no one else nearby, and there was possibly little time. She shakes her head. "If there are more of these, then... we need to get who we can. We go to whatever team needs our help most, but tell all others to regroup. We travel as a pack, deal with things as they come, traverse the most densely populated areas and get out quickly if we must, with who we can..." She did not like the words aloud anymore then in her head.

Someone with powerful turning or a group in danger, we go there, all while the others regroup. It all depends on how they are holding up.

Gilana's Longsword should be at +2 now, so she'll take the one off the ground. Beyond that, there's little else she can carry, (though she'll have a use for the gp in spell components in the future). Might be best to store the rest in the pit. Take the Helmet and place it in the free glove of storing.

Side: Her Longsword
Right Hand: Florikeme Longsword
Left Glove or Hand: Rod of Magical Presicion
Right Glove: Florikeme Helmet

Also casting Lesser Vigor to heal a bit while this is happening.

2014-08-24, 11:42 AM
Will herself back to life. That sounded...implausible, but she didn't really see as it could harm her current situation to try it. But how would one go about it? She immediately rejected any idea of merely concentrating on her body, or her memories, or what she had left behind. Lyra was a trained mage, and didn't buy into that kind of 'your mind makes it real, clap your hands if you believe' stuff. No, magic had specific rules and functions and if you knew how it worked you could make it work for you.

"This...void. It's not actual space, but any time a mortal dies...pretty much anywhere, they pass through it instantaneously to reach the outer plane where they're supposed to go?" Lyra asked, mainly for clarification. There was a new hint of distraction in her voice. Her mind was working overtime now. Partially because she was trying to come up with a way to use what she knew to somehow A) get back to her body and B) get her body out of its current position when she did. Partially because she was recall something that might serve as a feasible backup plan. And partially because she had gotten an Idea...

Knowledge (Religion) check to recall whatever I can about how ghosts come into being, because Lyra's probably just that stubborn if it comes down to it :smalltongue:: [roll0].

2014-08-24, 07:56 PM

Unity makes note of the strange moon-like object that may or may not be over Florikeme, perplexed. Was it even a moon? Normally astronomical objects stayed in the heavens... or so she thought, at least. Was this the work of Logan, or Aeternus - or someone else entirely? Something seemed very strange about it, either way, and so she began the flight back to the Olsworth capital.

Assuming it takes longer than a minute to get back, G. Invis falls off

Shield: 15 minutes ( - time it takes to get back to city)

Sorc spells: 5/10/9/9/6/3/4/2/5
Cleric spells: 5/6+D/4+D/3+D

2014-08-25, 12:09 AM

Half an hour later, Unity arrives back at Olsworth's capitol, still under minor turmoil as the populace remains panicked and confused. As she approaches the palace a royal guard casts a fly spell and intercepts her, "Halt! Identify yourself!" He shouts, pointing his staff at Unity.


Corellon sighs before speaking again, "We aren't entirely sure ourselves, its mainly conjecture based on accounts from the few souls that get delayed on their arrival, but still make it intact."
The voices of both deities begin to fade, "Like he said, don't think about it t-"

Darkness once again . . .

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Lyra opens her eyes to see a swirling mass of colors dangling a few feet in front of her, then she gets her bearings and realizes she's staring up at some kind of bizarre light fixture. The pain is back, not tearing like before, but dull. And she definitely feels intact. "She's awake! Come over here and help." A female voice with a heavy undercommon accent shouts over to her left. As Lyra turns to look she feels the crippling pain come back in full force on her neck, and the reflexive flinch turns every dull area into a sea of unbearable pain for a few moments, the scream she expected to make being a weak, wheezing exhale. Only some of her back and the left side of her face are devoid of pain. She sees a half-drow woman in white robes step over her and casts a spell, surging more positive energy through Lyra but it still doesn't alleviate her suffering. "I'm Palzuri, the Perfect Sage of Healing. Just try not to move. Can you understand me?" An apprentice healing student comes into Lyra's field of vision along with Vefir, the former watching with anticipation and the latter diverting her gaze, sullenness replacing her normal lighthearted idle behavior. Vefir casts a spell on Lyra and holds a deep blue orb in front of her, "The link is active, if she's mentally intact. If not, then I don't think even the telepathic speech assist will help her."

Ulwiss, Divination Center:

Garatha takes in the story then turns towards the mirror, grabbing it on both sides as she appears to gaze into her own reflection. "It's not on the Material Plane. The Nine Hells is my next guess, but they are difficult to scry on. I should at least know if the scimitar is there." After about 20 seconds of intense staring she shakes her head and turns back. "I wouldn't recommend it. I managed to ping it to Phlegethos, and narrow down the location to Abriymoch. Even if planar travel was possible, you'll probably either be digging through obsidian or trying to pry it out of the hands of some powerful outsider, possibly Gazra or one of his underlings."

Florikeme Captiol Airspace:

Tyrene sees the city in far worse condition than when she was last outside. The Hallowing is gone, except in scattered locations that are besieged by the black lightning and regular zombies and skeletons that are wandering in from outside the city. The buildings are either damaged or destroyed as various figures, likely undead similar to what she just saw, leap after survivors with their unnatural speed and strength. Behind her she hears crumbling, and sees a surprising concentration of these new undead rapidly leaping up the citadel, their gaze set on the metallic surface of Atropus above them, still vastly out of reach even as some try to leap towards it from the highest point in the city. As she watches them climb and fight she understands more. These undead are animated with so much negative energy that they naturally radiate it, fully healing themselves the instant they are struck. They are strong and durable, but are weak to those who can suppress their emanation or strike them down in one blow.

As she looks out to the horizon she remembers that the oceans are distant, and the nearest sea is the one to the northwest. If she can safely fly north for an hour, she'll reach a river that flows there, hardly 50 feet deep. It will still get her to open water by midday, and is her most viable way to escape without magical means.

Florikeme, Second Floor Hallways:

As Gilana picks up the sword she feels a surge of confidence, and a slight urge for justice. Multiple good auras radiate from the sword, which she gets the gut feeling will be useful even if she doesn't know what they are. The paladin nods and sends the orders. He also uses Lay on Hands to heal Gilana fully as Logan flies in with eight dark soldiers of questionable mental states in tow. Several seem to unconsciously shift their mass into various indistinct and dangerous shapes while the others twitch or pace when idle. "What did you tell them to do? It's a slaughter out there! And on top of that, Tyrene doesn't have a cyst! I can't have these soldiers track her with Necrotic Scrying, and I have no idea whether its her or Atropus responsible for these new undead I'm getting reports about!" He looks down the hall toward the archives and sees the bloody smear towards the decapitated paladin, and the dust pile with partial armor. "Our own were turned, even through the Hallowing?" He steels himself as his wings idly flex and his sword hand spins his sword in place without him noticing, the stress and adrenaline from five centuries ago flowing back into him.

2014-08-25, 12:54 AM
~I'm...I'm here. I un-und...understa-a-ahh...gods...ow...~ Lyra sent, a telepathic whimper. She had...she had had an idea. Something she had wanted to try. It- another flash of searing pain scattered her slowly coalescing thoughts once more.

She reached for her own well of positive energy. Not a spell. She...didn't feel up to a spell at the moment. She just reached blindly for the soothing warmth of life energy that rested within her, desperate to heal the pain. Her personal latent magical defenses were fairly potent, but she had always been fairly physically frail, and her pain threshold was not great.

~What...what happened?~ she asked. After a moment, she clarified the question with, ~After I charged li-like an imbecile in...in...into a m-magical d-d-death trap?~ While she didn't deny that she probably deserved a lecture, she really didn't want to hear it right now.

Gonna burn, eh, let's say 30 points of Healing Hands on myself. If I have any conditions within its power to remove, I'll also spend the necessary points to purge them.

2014-08-25, 01:37 AM

Unity halts, hovering in front of the royal guard. Part of her is confused for a moment, while another part is understanding - of course the guard would stop her. She was no longer merely Terressa - she was now the Twilight Unicorn. "I am the ascended form of the Dawn Unicorn, Terressa. I am here to reconvene with Lady Lanulir regarding the state of our nation at this tumultuous time." She looks down to the ground, then back to the guard. "Shall we land? I do not wish to cause the Guard any more trouble than it is no doubt already going through."

2014-08-25, 02:44 AM
Olsworth, Capitol Palace:

"We can land, but I still need to confirm your identity." The guard says. When they touch on the ground, he signals two of the other guards. "Go ask Lanulir what she knows about this, and you, run an identity check on Terressa and see if this is a known form of hers." He turns his head back, staff still pointed. "Everyone here knows Terressa, and would definitely know if a unicorn of your appearance came here before. I've organized multiple units to watch you from a distance. If you're one of Aeternus' chosen, his agent, then we'll capture you properly or make sure you don't come back out of the ground."

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Lyra hears her own, unnervingly distorted, voice resonate from the orb in front of her, a very disconnecting experience as her damaged form leaves her trapped away from her only way of communicating with the others. Her magic doesn't alleviate the pain, and still leaves her unable to move without intensifying it. Vefir seems to choke back a sob of relief, and Palzuri nods toward her. Vefir speaks slowly as she tries to suppress her emotions. "Well . . . you remember your classes here, right? One of the mid-level courses you did well in was a history class on experimental warfare and esoteric magical theory. The lesson about Plane Shift." Lyra did. A frenetic halfling by the name of Fortan taught the class, and was obsessed with anything that was off the beaten path of academia. He had taken a liking to Lyra's work, and was one of the few to support her to the end of her time there. One of his lessons was about Plane Shift. He said the common understanding of how it worked was that a Gate was made during a single unit of time on top of the target, and they were shoved through instantly before it closed . . .

"BUT!" Fortan shouted as he slammed his hand down on his desk, startling the drowsy students. "There were several brilliant minds that didn't accept that! One such mind suggested the theory of static alignment, and was immediately expelled from the Arcane Order before they removed his identity from their records." He began to pace between the students desks, stepping at desk level with the use of Air Walk. "Static alignment, he said, also explained more about how the planes actually worked. Instead of pushing matter through a portal, Plane Shift altered a property present within all matter and energy, similar to how lodestones reverse their magnetism when struck with lightning evocation." He was now at the back of the room and walking towards the next aisle to pace through. "If he named this property, we don't know it, but it means all planes overlap with each other in varying states of correspondence. In essence, it is the state of our existence, and he proposed that the Astral Plane was the neutral point for this property, an inevitable path to cross over whenever this alteration occurred." Fortan was back at his desk, turning around and slamming his hand on the desk again, startling the same students from before. "In this case, the implication of improper planar travel are severe. Say I gave you a silver fork as a plane shift focus, but the handle was actually steel coated with silver! If you were to plane shift with that, two destinations would be designated. Of course you can't exist in two places at once, aside from past and/or future selves, clones and whatnot, but the spell would try anyway. Part of you would follow the direction of silver, and the rest would follow the direction of steel. You might find you legs missing, or you might collapse to the ground, dead because half of the mass of every part of your body is elsewhere, also dead. What if it could be weaponized? A plane shift with no destination chosen is one with every plane chosen. If a person were subject to this kind of plane shift, it would be identical to Disintegrate, except the dust would be trace particles of blood and flesh in potentially any space in any of the planes, and it would work regardless of how healthy the target was." The halfling begins to act calmer, his voice becoming more serious. "So why was the theory brushed aside, decried as the product of a hallucination, and the theorist deposed? Did the Arcane Order want that kind of power for themselves? Not likely, as if they did pursue that kind of power then you'd know as they'd be running this island, along with the rest of the Material Plane. No, they understood the responsibility of being a mage." He points to the students. "The responsibility of someone who plays with the workings of the universe. If you find something that will inevitably lead a new arms race, or undo reality, you don't pursue it. If possible you destroy the means of finding it, or put in place ways to protect it. If we pull at the threads of the multiverse then it will end up just like a cheap sweater, an unraveled, useless mess."

"Well what I saw that . . . thing do to you, it backs up the theory." Vefir said, snapping Lyra back from the memory. "It tore you apart faster than you could heal yourself. I had to use Time Stop to safely pull you out, but by that time you were already just part of a torso and some of a head, kept on the brink by Delay Death." The assistant healer holds up the remains of Lyra's outfit to show what Vefir meant. The full plate had barely enough mithral to be reforged into a shoulder guard, and the clothes she wore with it were barely enough to make a pair of socks now.

Palzuri speaks, "It took several Restorations, but your body is intact. I don't know what to do about the pain, though. It's usually with amputation victims that spend great lengths of time without restoring the lost body part. But it should go away upon restoring the body, even people that graft other limbs to themselves don't suffer from this. It's an old form of medicine, but physical therapy might be the way to go. Once we go through a proper mental evaluation, since a good third of your brain was gone from that . . . injury before I restored it."

2014-08-25, 04:14 AM

"Of course. I understand your precautions," Unity says, bowing. "But you will most likely not find anything on this form... it is a new state of being for me. I assure you, however, that there are no other unicorns to whom the name Terressa belongs." After hearing the guard speak of capture or defeat, were she to be one of Aeternus' pawns, she simply closes her eyes and nods. "I am an enemy of Aeternus, just as all the world's people are. But if you decide that capture is necessary, then I will not fight you. Not after fighting for Olsworth's peace and safety for so long..."

Afterwards, she stands rather still, not wanting to provoke the guard with any more movement.

2014-08-25, 05:01 AM
Florikeme Airspace
Tyrene looks and keeps flying. She has to reach the water. Reaching safety will take time, but it's better than falling into the hands of that Logan, or this Atropus. Through the river she can find the sea, and there she will be safe. Once she is outside the reach of Atropus she can release one of her giants to carry her. They do not tire and can maintain a high speed indefinately, faster than she can keep up even. She still tires, they never do. Resting in its arms she can then Think about what to do, and get the required sleep. Once the sea has been crossed she can then soar again, crossing the land before continuing under the waves on one of her giants.

She heads to the river, where she hopes to find safety. Her spells of invisibility should keep her safe until she reaches it, and she backs it up with other magic, making her imperceptible to any undead. She is silent, which might go against her nature, but it is possible, even for the sirene. She needs the water, she longs for it. She wants to leave this trap. Nevertheless she keeps looking, she keeps listening, she can't afford to be surprised.

Tyrene heads right to the river, and casts hide from undead, which will last for almost four hours. She has her spell-like invisibility active, which lasts for fifteen minutes, and when it runs out she will be continually casting the spell from her bard list. Each of these castings lasts 8 minutes, and she has sufficient spell slots left to make for another 72 minutes. Once she is in the water she will abandon the invisibility, and just swim along the bottom, where she will be quite hard to detect. She goes with the flow, but I don't assume that it will be very strong, so that won't really matter.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-08-25, 10:18 AM
If two come at once- It won't happen- One more shard- A misstep- Some way- No time At least none of the groups desperately needed help. Or they can not answer the- No They needed a strong turning, a large beacon of positive energy. Sitting here is doing nothing- It was just one- Neither will- NO

"Thank you." She tries to show none of her thoughts, though she would be hard pressed to state them right now. She tightens the grip on the new longsword, it was soothing at least, slightly calming, while the Paladin heals the wounds. May I last more then its last wielder.

The sight of Logan was comforting, until it became clear again that it was Logan.

"Right now, to regroup. We heard the crash and ran into one of the new ones." She gestures to the swords last holder. "It could have done the same to any one of us. It... made for a change in the plan. The Sirene... She was here, she tried to do something, but new one just turned to her and mocked her. These aren't hers, she'd never let her dolls insult her. Once we downed it, she vanished."

"The Hallowing is broken and these things are surging of negative energy. One of the groups said turning made them vulnerable, but I don't know how lucky they were or how strong the turning needs to be to be reliable."

and its safer inside then in the streets, isn't it? Her left hand goes to her forehead.

"We- No, I've wasted enough time already. I planned on moving to join the groups as they met up. We would cover less ground then the original idea, but it would let us deal with the new undead. We should get going, unless there's something I'm overlooking."

The turning. If there are too many, if they fail... It's positive energy, large amounts of positive energy, maybe if...

PP: 37
Also, spending an action to recover Psionic Focus

2014-08-26, 12:35 AM
Lyra let out...well, some sort of breath. Kinda hard to tell, but it had roughly even chances of being a sigh, a wheeze, or a sob. ~O...okay then. Alright. Thank you, both. You saved my life,~ she sent. ~I think...I think I should rest. But...but maybe I can still...if...~ she took a steadying breath and began attempting a spell.

I'm gonna pause there 'cause I still kinda don't know what condition Lyra's actually in. I'm kinda under the impression that she's physically healed but nonetheless in extreme pain, but the telepathy voice thingy suggests she can't actually speak, so I suppose it's also possible that she's still currently basically a torso and most of a head. In any case, if it is possible for her to cast spells with Verbal, Somatic, and Material components (maybe she can bum the latter off Vefir or Palzuri) she's going to cast Prying Eyes.

Current Hit Points: ???/???.
Warmage Spells: 6/7/7/6/6/6/5/2/2. (-1 5th level spell if she's able to cast the Prying Eyes).
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/6/4/6/5/4/2.

2014-08-30, 06:03 AM
Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Lyra fails to cast her spell as she realizes her material components pouch isn't on her, but her fingers still respond to the motions and she manages to weakly say the verbal component. Vefir realizes what she's trying to cast and speaks. "Oh, don't worry. Palzuri already mentioned that she was able to fix the damage." She grabs a small mirror from the table beside Lyra's bed, holding it so that aasimar can see that her whole body is there, clothed in a patient's gown. There's not even evidence of scarring, or even lost hair. "The pain from the injury might just be lingering for a while, so you should try to move and talk on your own in small efforts. It's likely that casting and physical movement will be hard to do normally until that's dealt with, but working to overcome it might be the best way to go if it turns out we don't have the time to fight this war when it's convenient for us." She leaves the orb in Lyra's hand. "This will also give you limited telekinesis along with the telepathic speech, but try not to grow reliant on it." She walks away with Palzuri to give space to Karl, who has just arrived, his expression grim.

"Hey, I heard what happened. Apparently it was luck that Vefir's Time Stop lasted long enough for her to save you. I . . . I'm not sure if you're in a state to be studying, but I brought the materials you asked about. A dimensional travel almanac, a required material for Planar Shepard curriculum. A copy of The Golemmancer's Almanac, and a grafting encyclopedia." He puts those three books on the desk besides Lyra, then hefts out a larger stack of books from his bag of holding. "Your old research notes on Zensibar's ritual magic," He places that stack and brings out a smaller and more disorganized stack of notebooks and papers, "And my findings on the subject." He steps back and retrieves a single piece of paper as his expression darkens. "Aeternus has struck again, and this time it's more serious. There's a legend of the remains of a primal being or something of the sort, in the form of a moonlet, that seeks to end existence. The most common name for it is Atropus, and quite a few people have theorized that it is an infinite source of negative energy that would nullify even divine power that comes in contact with it . . ." He catches himself in his rambling and looks back at Lyra. "Less than an hour ago, a large, metallic moonlet appeared over Florikeme and began flooding the country with a massive concentration of negative energy. Evacuation is in progress, but it looks like the region will be a deadzone. I spoke with Fortan about it, and he mentioned that every madman to speak of Atropus in the past described gradually increasing evidence of its approach that we should have seen, with late-stage effects being what they're seeing in Florikeme. We're at an agreement that Aeternus not only has control of it, but its emissions, too."

On the other side of the medical ward, behind several dividing screens, Lyra can also hear Vefir and Palzuri arguing, the former sounding more distraught than before and the latter sounding like a scolding parent.
"You should have let her die! Resurrection spells don't come with this consequence."
"I . . . I know, but I wasn't sure."
"About what?"
"That she would want to come back."
"Her? Really?"
"She doesn't contribute from her own volition. Cooking and casual study of magic are her hobbies, and she only took more study to magic because people were interested in her breakthrough and kept saying that she could do more with it."
"So . . . she's only driven by duty?"
"Barely. But she doesn't consider her own lasting impact on the world. She walked away from Ulwiss to continue being a cook, we've only heard of her fighting in defense of herself and others, and she threw herself into the Astral on a bold whim to try to rescue survivor in there."
"A survivor? How?"
"A piece of githyanki ship was apparently in small safe spot, along with a crewmember. Both were gone by the time I looked back after dragging Lyra back through the gate. But what I mean to say is that Lyra seems to be a reactionary person, who doesn't commit to anything and only goes along with any initiative out of her own feeling of obligation to make use of her talents."
"And you think that she would take dying as freeing herself from those obligations, and presenting the opportunity of revival as a commitment that's too daunting for her?"
"Exactly. We can't afford that loss. She and Karl are the only people with proper familiarity with Zensibar's scale of magic, and while having Karl's defensive designs is important, I don't think we can win this without someone who knows how to use it for aggressive application. And we've already lost so many other mages from the trap in the Astral Plane . . ."
"Fine, I guess. But this degree of phantom pain is new to me. Her whole body is back but its still telling her that its being torn apart. Restoring it whole through a resurrection spell would have been better, but I understand your concern about that risk. Just hope that this doesn't leave her spirit broken, too."

Olsworth, Capitol Palace:

The guards nervously wait with Unity, the various passing citizens looking at her with confusion, recognizing neither the hero nor the villain within her. A few minutes later Lanulir comes to the gate with four of her personal guard. Again, the unicorn receives the look of a stranger. "Who are you?" she asks. Her voice is wary, but not fearful.

Florikeme, Second Floor Hallways:

Logan listens, though his passive itch for battle continues to show. "Ok. I guess Tyrene would flee at this point. If we can't make contact with her after this, one of us has to make sure that she's declared a dangerous third party to this war, so that we mitigate the potential chaos from her actions. I also agree with your current evacuation plan. I fought one of those undead on the way up here, had to burn my entire Lay on Hands energy in order to kill it." He looks at the sword Gilana is holding. "I guess we have to make the best of the situation. That sword comes with the Heavenly Burst and Holy Surge enhancements. You should also pay attention to other weapons from the fallen, since there are some Truedeath weapon crystals that circulate through the armory." The assisting paladin raises his hand for silence, frowns, then speaks. "The evacuation site is compromised, the first group found the town already wiped out and swarming with undead. No sightings of the new kind, yet. We'll need a farther dropoff point to get outside of Atropus' influence range, however far that is."

The half-celestial, once so passionate and formidable, strikes the wall in frustration. "I don't see how we can save everyone. Can we even save enough, however many that is? I should declare the city abandoned immediately, gather as much of our stored equipment as possible and leave so we can fight a better battle." Logan strikes the wall again, cracking it, but showing that even his strength doesn't hold up to the natural might of the undead that Gilana slew. "But is that even justice for those that die here? . . . I don't know." He slumps against the wall, his anger showing signs of subsiding into despair.

Florikeme, Northwestern Region:

Tyrene only sees undead in concentrations rivaling armies from back during past wars, none of them noticing her as they make their journey towards the capitol. She reaches the river without much of a problem, and she realizes that her enveloping pit has gone silent. Peering inside she sees the sea giants holding down the blitz knight corpses, all of them animated at this point. "I do not know what caused me to lose control. We will keep the new servants in line until they come to understand you." One of them says.

The bottom of the river drifts at a strong pace, leaving Tyrene time to magically read the rest of the materials and process everything.

The reports between the various zealots of Atropus vary greatly, but the overlapping details stand clear. The moonlet itself is an undead, appearing on the surface similar to the moon, though theorized to be petrified flesh instead of inert rock. The range of influence should effect the entire Material Plane in a lesser degree than what is currently happening to Florikeme, but Tyrene can already feel the effect fade even more as she drifts downstream. Its goal is to wipe out all life, in attempt to wipe out the gods. Divine magic has no effect on it, and is likely vastly vulnerable to its influence.

The reports mainly come from the accounts of a fanatical undead ixitxachitl that was captured by the Florikeme navy during the last war. Apparently the Leviathan massive sea creature spans most of the Material Plane, a physical incarnation of chaos. The information gathered from interrogations indicate that the Leviathan is capable of destroying the world when awakened, but that its worshiper's intentions where to only partially awaken it, so that the Material Plane would be flooded. The book contains the details of awakening the Leviathan, and mentions that the key to the ritual, the Abyssal Shard, is stored in Florikeme, with only the top two ranks of Heironeous paladins knowing its location and means of accessing it. There are also several spine locations listed, which are noted to be under constant watch.

An organized collection of research notes and the journals of the members of an expedition into the northern Frostfell. Apparently three hundred years ago, Florikeme equipped an expedition team to venture farther into the Frostfell. Two barriers are referred to in the notes, as points where the increasing cold makes normal travel impossible. At the first barrier point, the environment becomes so cold that unprotected organic matter freezes, living or dead. The second barrier refers to a point where parts of the air begin to liquefy, making it unsafe to breath and creating a sea of a thin fluid too cold for expedition to enter. The researchers theorized that if they managed to go far enough north, they would encounter a point where no air or liquids could naturally exist, though scouting with flight proved too difficult to find this point.
Several details of interest were noted:
-The sea of liquefied air is too thin to properly hydroplane on, and attempts at swimming or floating within it are likely extremely difficult, according to tests done with ice-based constructs.
-Magic appears to become gradually impeded by the extreme cold, especially fire magic. An expedition member saw better results by using a casting method he saw in the Frostnorth country, but its not listed here.
-Between the first and second barriers, the team found an archeological fragment several hundred meters down in solid ice. They did not have the resources to retrieve it, but were able to use divination to determine that it matches no know historical era. The fragment is of unknown material, but about the size of a person, thought to be part of the architecture for one side of an ornate doorway. There are no details as to the exact location of this finding. A footnote from less old ink says to refer to the Lost Gate findings.
-At the second barrier, where the expedition couldn't stay beyond, the team noted consistently impeded light in a certain area. Traveling along the barrier, they saw a section of the liquefied sea completely encased in darkness. Using a See in Darkness effect showed a blank sphere at the bottom of this section, clearly separate from the floor of this sea but not of a material they could identify. The team could not agree on whether this was built by someone, a new form of matter that fell from space or a byproduct of impurities in the sea that had a higher freezing point. Psychological decay among the expedition team became pronounced at this point, prompting their return.

The accounts of a raid on a previously unheard-of cult, discovered when some of their servants crossed paths with Megidyme investigators who were trying to confiscate historical scrolls that were rumored to induce erratic visions. Florikeme was contacted about this cult, and a team of their paladins found the main lair within Noswane. The cultist were found to be insane, fighting with berserker tactics but quickly dispatched anyway. The center of their lair contained several statues with no sign of wear, but clearly ancient from external details. The raid team noted that the statues were unnaturally terrifying to look at, and several members spent the rest of their lives on reduced duty due to nightmares and hallucinations. Unfortunately a cave-in forced the forces to leave before being able to gather the amassed scrolls or further study the statues. When an excavation crew dug up the chamber several weeks later, they found no signs of the statues, the scrolls or the cults. Due to some of the maddened paladins rambling about visions of alien creatures and the statues bringing death, this topic has been put on in the same category as other "world-ender" threats.

A collection of different dead-end archeological studies over the past few thousand years, each studying a fragment of an unknown structure found in different places on the material plane. The newest notes connect each of these findings, theorizing that they were parts of a structure designed to directly connect to the Far Realms. None of the pieces are currently accounted for, lost in the chaos of different wars. The a rough blueprint puts the discovered pieces as accounted for roughly 70% of a freestanding gate. A footnote points out that the fragment found in the Frostfell expedition is likely the last piece, noting that Florikeme couldn't agree to budget a second journey to find and excavate this fragment for storage.

Unlike the other books, this appears to be a pure speculation piece from a mid-ranked Florikeme official, all of the material is dated between 150 years ago and as recent as four months ago. The earliest piece talks about concerns of the newest model of constructs Mechanus provides for security during the peace conferences, citing a surprising lack of transparency in the make and functions of these new designs. At this point the topic is immediately moved to the top-level threat watch, on the basis that the law-driven plane/machine has had no need for discretion in the past, aside from kolyarut missions, and for that reason must have an extremely important reason to withhold information. The next entry talks about the attempt to identify the cores that the conference security inevitables contain, a topic which the constructs refuse to elaborate on, and have yet to be properly classified. The remaining entries talk about four encounters with a special kolyarut line that calls itself Obligatum, the most powerful construct design that Mechanus has deployed to date, and notably using the same enigmatic cores as the peace conference inevitables. Each time one is encountered it has refused to share its goal and has either ended up disappearing or dying to a security force during an attempt to break into an archive storage. The entry from four months ago talks about a kolyarut that Florikeme forces managed to detain within the capitol city, who identified itself as Obligatum IX. At this point Logan ordered a larger team to study this case, citing concern for what Mechanus wants to do that has killed off 8 of the most powerful constructs to ever leave that plane. Florikeme did release Obligatum IX shortly after, on the fact that they had no legal reason to continue to detain him. His whereabouts became unknown after that point.

Details of a suppressed plague from before the last war. The symptoms appeared to be similar to diseases that created undead, except the visual symptoms were infestation by worms and maggots, which eventually consumed the entire victim. The horrifying part was that the victims were still alive and sentient, becoming living masses of vermin. The plague, which was identified to spread through rare species of snakes, worms and flies, was quickly contained and traced back to a small island. The current location or status of the island is unknown, and the notes suggest that it was most likely destroyed during the vicious naval skirmishes with Sarnillon during the war. Apparently a few people are tasked to regularly search for signs of the resurfacing of this plague, though no new reports have been added.

Samples of a new form of ooze were found on a carcass an Ulwiss student studying abroad four hundred years ago, declared missing for several years. The transcript of his journal indicates that he discovered something that changed him while he was traveling through Orith, saying that the "flesh of Zargon" would revolutionize alchemy. The journal eventually turns more sinister, as the student starts to speak of Zargon as if he worshiped it, and then began talking of drowning the world, and the gods the ooze he was carrying. The samples were analyzed separately and the following was determined:
-The first sample was several ounces of a pale, green slime that slowly self-replicated when exposed to air. When used as the base fluid for animation, the resulting ooze acted on its own will and aggressively tried to consume everyone in its path. This sample was completely destroyed afterwards.
-The second sample was a far thicker slime, opaque and dark green. This sample was not used for animation, as merely holding the vial would cause divine power to malfunction on that person. Was promptly destroyed after confirmation that it didn't exist elsewhere in the known world.
-The third sample was similar to the first sample, but contained a foreign contaminant. The student boasts about this "improvement" in his journal, but never specifies what it actually is or does. Due to mishandling, this sample was spilled on a researcher. At this point the contaminant fully merged with the slime as the resulting fluid began to consume the researcher. The victim managed to isolate it to her arm through sheer willpower, and under containment and observation began to use mental command to shape it. After several months of study the researcher finally lapsed in mental state, and the slime consumed her. Logan Silverkin intervened on the project at this point, preventing the destruction of the ooze and asking for further study, the details of which are pointed to be listed in other material.

Through the redundant and mistaken information, there appears to be some studies by certain holy warriors who sought to better fight the undead by figuring out how they were made from a reverse-engineering standpoint. Every undead Tyrene can think of is listed here, with theorized animation methods for each.

Tyrene can now use Create Undead to create any specific non-template undead creature (the new one you just fought doesn't count), assuming she provides a corpse of a creature with the matching minimum HD, and the right resources (ask me in advance, since I'm not going to try to find/list them all at once).

The two books contain wildly varying theories on positive and negative energy, and their alterations when channeled by a divine being. While it provides no useful information for now, Tyrene believes that she can better understand Atropus and its new undead if she gets a better chance to study them and figure out which theories hold more water than others.

The three books contain accounts of fighting against the Verix navy and the methods they used against the Thylle armies, and various experimental designs provided by Thylle researchers that were rejected for using some form of morally questionable practices, including necromancy. Tyrene can't make much use of this information, but she realizes it would be of great value to the Sarnille merfolk (and Levic to a lesser degree, depending on how much they compromise their standards), who could create new aquatic defenses and war machines with it. The only blueprint that interests Tyrene is that of a heavily modified undead whale to be used as the aquatic equivalent of mobile fortress, though the methods for animating it properly are not specified. No specific armaments are listed for it, but it leaves room for massive customization and versatility.

This accounts the details of Sample 3 from the Uncategorized Ooze entry, after Logan personally oversaw its study. It appears that after the initial scientist was consumed by this slime, which showed that it would yield to the victim's willpower, the slime was sealed in an unspecified demiplane and tested on some of the captured Verix spies. Eventually they found a breakthrough in their research, as allowing the ooze to saturate in the Plane of Shadow left it with mild shadow magic properties, and altered its stabilization point so that it would only partially consume a person in most cases. Testing then moved to volunteers who showed that there was great potential in advanced soldiers, though doing so left them unable to use divine power. About one hundred years back, a large debate came up with Logan and the other paladins over the morality of using the ooze due to the fact that it severed a person's connection to the divine, but Logan's militant vigilance won over, and he even convinced them to infuse Mother Cyst tissue into the ooze samples that were prepared for testing. 40 years back they finally found an acceptable formula, and began rare covert operations using limited numbers of these new soldiers, after using the cyst properties to permanently destroy all of their highest-threat war prisoners and capture spies. The source of the Mother Cyst tissue is not listed, and neither is the location on the Plane of Shadow where they let the slime absorb shadow energy, but the book states that the demiplane still holds the original sample without researcher alterations, along with all of the research data in full detail.

2014-08-30, 08:16 AM
"Annoying. Who in this... Abriymoch... would be able to defeat one of the Sages? Brint, specifically?" Mirabelle furrows her brow in annoyance, shifting her focus. "Another weapon. This is Tiger Fang, born of Tiger Claw." The image on her arm shifts to that of a tiger, prowling, crawling. It stiffens, and is shown to be the image on a kukri. "Its first tale begins with Khasparat's father, dying, and bestowing the blade to his only son, and the Rajah who refused Khasparat to join battle. His village was attacked by lizardfolk, and once defeating a second group of them who had snuck into the village, the Rajah only scolded Khasparat for endangering himself. A great tiger attacked the village later, and Rajah heeded his father's blood, and killed the great beast with the love he bore his father; this time, the Rajah was impressed, but still disappointed. Last, with desperation, Khasparat asked the Rajah to join the army. But at the time, an enemy of the Rajah, an ancient spell wielder, attacked him in the dead of night. His guards were put to sleep, and demons were summoned, and all Khasparat saw was a chance to prove himself. He slew the demons, and slew the spell wielder, but not before he dealt a fatal blow to Khasparat. And as Khasparat, the boy, was dying, the Rajah told him he had could not have done a greater honor for his father."

2014-08-30, 10:01 AM
The flight is tiring but when she dives into the flowing water Tyrene feels much better. No longer restricted by the surface world, no more of the harsh air on her skin. Her hair flows like it should, unbound by gravity. She truly is in her element, where she belongs. The taste of the water lacks the salt, but everything is better than the air. Her worries are washed of her during these first few moments. She an finally think clearly again, without having to remember breathing. The sounds are much cleaner as well, and she sings again, emptying herself of the air.

After a while the cries fall silent, and she feels invigorated. She releases one of them. He carries her shell, a beautiful bicalve in pearly white. There are blue lines running through it, all perfectly shaped. She slips into it, but doesn't yet allow it to close, the river remains a dangerous place. The giant carries it as he rushes through the water, unseen and undetected by those above it. They don't even think that there might be someone under the surface. Those air-breathers are such fools. She runs her fingers over the books, her voice restored to its true state. She learns much during these moments, but she will need more time, time to truly study it all.

When the sea is reached the sirene turns her attention to the blitz knights. Most of them are useless, powerless even. She swims into the hole and starts to play on her shellflute. The instrument was made to be played in the water, on the land its sounds are misformed. The tunes start to flow over her servants, and they follow her unspoken command, ending them forever, except for one, which receives other notes from Tyrene's music.

Command undead is cast on one of the blitz knights, the rest are destroyed by the giants. They aren't needed anymore, but one 'prisoner' can always be useful.

By the time she reaches the sea Tyrene starts to feel a little hungry, and her hatred has returned. Logan is such a fool, as is Gilana. Their irrationality will be why Aeternus might still win. Those insane notions of mercy, they might be entertaining, but certainly don't make any sense at all. She wants to hurt someone.

She folds herself into a foetal position and closes the shell, letting the giant carry her through the sea. He was instructed to warn her the moment a threat appears, and if a fishing ship happens to pass by, Tyrene wants to have some fun. The darkness surrounds her, and a new kind of silence comes. She starts to read, unhindered by the lack of light. She needs to know more about the properties of negative energy, she needs a way to deal with the threat of Atropus to her toys.

2014-08-30, 10:54 AM
"I will keep an eye out, and will return it once this is over." She looks over it gingerly. Allow me to continue your fight, at least for now. Still there was the nagging feeling that there was no time for such thoughts.


"The original site was 15 minutes away, I discarded others do to travel time. Refuge at Megidyme's capital would be the closest choice, but if we can only make one trip... Salsem's doors are also open." What could she say in regards to justice to a blade of Heironeous. "Justice will come when the ones responsible answer. I... do not think we have the strength to do so now. Those that have died today may have to wait, but their justice it will come as long as the will to bring it remains."

"The other soldiers are still on the streets. I sent them out there... I cannot stay inside while they deal with the brunt of this. That and their numbers may more valuable then that of the armory or..." She shakes her head and holds her tongue. She may be doing it already but she could not bring herself to speak of the higher value of one life over another. As if keeping it in the back of her mind were to hide it. "They are grouping up with any civilians they could find. We may still make a difference if we can ferry a few more or buy them time. We split a few of us here into the armory, the rest joins the front... and we retreat."

The 3 soldiers and Paladin that were with Gilana to the armory, while Gilana and everyone else head to where the other groups are meeting. Then we Shadow Walk out.

2014-08-30, 01:01 PM
"G...gods," Lyra forced out as Karl relayed what he had learned about Atropos. "B-...bu..." ~But surely the paladins there can-~ she halted mid-sentence. She remembered Logan's actions at the council, and that strange dark creature that had taken him out. Had Florikeme been betrayed?

Part of her, the same part that told her to go charging into an astral minefield to try to save a random githyanki, insisted she go immediate to Florikeme, do what she could to help the evacuation, heal the injured, destroy the threat to them. It seemed like such a good idea, like the sort of thing that anyone should just get up and do if they heard something like that.

She had empirical evidence to the contrary.

No. Without teleportation, she couldn't get there fast enough to do anything. In her current state, she would be nearly defenseless against attack. Even at full strength, her magic would be insufficiently powerful to overcome such a force as Karl described. She had always managed to get by on pure power. She wasn't an adventurer, never before now had she put herself in a situation that really tested her limits. She was used to being able to roll over any opposition and fix any problems by stepping in personally and throwing magic at it.

That wouldn't work any more.

It was time to start fighting smart.

~Thanks, Karl. This should keep me occupied for a while. Can I ask you one more favor? If you could have an apprentice come by periodically in case I find references to other books I need to look at, and maybe bring me some parchment, a quill, and a spell component pouch, that would be great.~

~We do still need to try and learn what we can about those mines. The two possible defenses that spring immediately to mind based on what we know now are antimagic and perhaps dimensional anchoring. Neither are...actually useful, because both would block teleportation too, but if they work - especially the anchoring - we'd at least have more information to work with. We should also test whether force and prismatic effects are capable of blocking them, although I'm not sure how valuable that would be. Ethereality and incorporeality might work too, although to be honest I'm not actually 100% sure what happens when you try to teleport or enter the astral plane while ethereal under normal circumstances. I'll let someone know if I come up with any more ideas on that end.~ She had to give credit to the trap. Using teleportation magic offensively as a counter to teleportation was a clever way of making sure the most likely defenses against it still wouldn't be useful.

With practical matters attended, she had one more thing to do before focusing on the research. ~Vefir?~ she sent, a bit more intently to get a slightly louder voice from the crystal.

2014-08-30, 05:20 PM

Though she had expected to be received as a stranger, the treatment was not exactly as she was expecting. "I am still the Terressa you know, though my appearance has changed," she says, calmly. "I do not know if you remember, but at one point - long ago - my soul was torn in two. I became the Dawn Unicorn, and the creature spawned from the event took the name Azerrett - the Dusk Unicorn. When she was slain, my soul attempted to heal itself - though it still bore the scars of that event. It could not fully heal..." She looks off into the distance behind herself, towards the cave.

"The site at which old Azerrett was struck down held a portion of my soul still. I did not know it when we spoke earlier, in the palace - you recall, when I attempted to Scry upon Azerrett? - but with this last fragment returned to myself, I became whole again, and at the same time, something greater." Her eyes flash from gold, to white, to black, and then back to gold, and she holds her head high.

2014-08-30, 08:49 PM
Ulwiss, Divination Center:

Garatha stares into the mirror again, taking less time than the last check. "I see it. It's in the Darkwastes, just sticking out of the ground." She motions to one of the other diviners, asking a couple questions about the geography there before resuming her answer. "It's in the Dead Desert, specifically. Not much of a country there, mostly plains of blackened desert all the way to the coast. Hm . . . I see a Kreen clutch in the distance from the weapon, but identifying which one isn't really possible." She provides a map of the Material Plane, circling the Dead Desert and noting 'Tiger Claw' beside it. "Oh, don't mind telling me several of these stories at once. I can multitask, and I'm really working at my best when I'm concentrating on two or three tasks simultaneously."

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Karl nods before walking away, "I'll look into that. In the meantime, I'll see if I can structure the ritual circle to saturate a plane. It might not be high power, but if we can find a subtle way to deal with the mines then it would open up planar travel again."

As the wizard walks away, Vefir returns and Lyra can see in the elf's eyes the doubt she has about her. "What do you need?" She calmly asks.

Olsworth, Capitol Palace:

Lanulir pauses before she steps back, worry taking over her mood. "You . . . you merged your soul with Azerrett?" She looks away for a moment, considering the situation. "I'm sorry. I know it's you, but I can't let you in. You acted somewhat odd before you left, and now I think I know why. Azerrett is influencing you, and no matter how sure you are that you're in control, I can't risk it. My people are becoming more worried by the hour, and if your control slips, if you do something that causes more doubt . . ." She stops, steeling herself. Unity can see that she's trying to be strong on her own, trying to make herself the leader she needs to be for this crisis. "I can't let you into the palace, and I . . . must ask you to leave Olsworth soon. Your presence is a risk now. Maybe if you show the world that you are still a defender of it, I can let you back in without worry." She points to the moonlet in the northeast. "Florikeme is being overrun with undead as we speak, as Aeternus has brought . . . whatever that is over the capitol. The Heironeous paladins there have retracted their call for war against Verix, but this is still a serious conflict. We need people with your power out there, actively preventing any more damage." She begins to choke up, but regains her composure as she holds back her tears. "If there's anything I can provide for you before you leave, please ask. I know you're not my enemy, and I want to hope you're still my friend."

Thylle Continent, Northwestern Sea:

Tyrene spends a few hours peace as she studies the notes (listed in the spoiler of the last update). As she travels along she receives another Correspondence from Turrince. "Are you safe? Heard about Florikeme's current state. Getting more inquiries about you from their paladins. I'm stalling them, but may have to officially disavow you from Milqough to maintain ceasefire with Thylle, and make all supporting efforts unofficial."

When she reaches an hour from the part of the Salsem shore where she can spend the least time crossing land, she determines from the Leviathan notes that one of its spines is close by. A 20 minute detour to reach, though she doesn't know what she'll find there or whether its safe.

Tyrene's spellss are restored during this downtime period.

Florikeme Capitol:

Logan nods in agreement, still looking for the resolve to continue being a leader as he follow Gilana and the others. As they reach the entrance to the citadel and make it onto the streets, Logan stops and leans against another wall, having another attack of despair. "I just got a sending that we've lost contact with all but three of the groups in the city that are gathering refugees, the surviving groups are almost here though. The two groups in transit outside the city are moving their survivors to Megidyme." Gilana see large mass of skeletons shambling their way towards them from the distance, with the citadel behind them looking like an anthill infested with a colony of the new undead, continually failing to jump towards Atropus, though some are making a considerable effort by launching each other in rapid succession to get close. Staying near the citadel will keep the overwhelming sea of regular undead from reach the group soon, but there is clearly the risk of the undead throwing themselves at Atropus falling back down onto the group and starting a fight.

2014-08-30, 09:35 PM
~Thanks, Karl,~ she sent.

When Vefir returned, she took a steadying breath. She'd heard enough of the argument, and the truth was...it hurt. ~Vefir...I want you to know, you saved my life, and I deeply appreciate it. I'm in your debt. Even...given my current state, I'd rather live than die, resurrection or no resurrection. So I want to thank you again for what you did.~

"B...bu..." she took another long, painful breath. "But with...with that s-said..." her body began trembling as she started pushing herself up on an arm that was swearing it did not exist to support her weight. "I would have c-c-come ba-ah-h-h back! I have f-friends here. I h-ha-have family!" she managed, slowly, shakily, face pale and drawn, to force herself by sheer will into a sitting position, to face Vefir squarely. "I have a...a stuffed...salmon r-recipe that y-y-you would not believe. I..."


"I have...a th-th-thousand things to l-live for. And I am n...I am n...I am not going to just give...give them up because...because..."

She wavered, nearly fell back, but took another paid of long breaths and managed to continue. "Because this is my home. My world. And it is worth fighting for! To death and back!"

Her piece said, she finally collapsed back down to the bed, overcome with the pain. But after several long seconds, her voice came again from the orb.

~He's not a god. I learned...I saw Corellon and Pelor. They couldn't tell me much...but they told me he's not a god. He's not divine. He can be stopped.~

2014-08-30, 11:15 PM

"Your trepidation is understandable," Unity admits, nodding to Lanulir. Careful listening would reveal a strange mix of irritation and sorrow in her voice. Gazing towards Florikeme and the object above it, Unity steps back, her wings unfolding in shock. "Florikeme, overrun by undead? I would scarcely even think such a thing were possible..."

When Lanulir offers aid, Unity pauses for a moment. Friend. She takes a deep breath, tucks her wings back against her side and closes her eyes. "Do you know the status on Grand Crusader Silverkin? I believed, after the attack on the conference, that treachery may have found its way to him - but I am beginning to doubt that assertion. If he is in fact innocent of such, then I will need to contact him." She opens her eyes again, looking into Lanulir's. "If you could provide a Shadow Walk spell to speed me on my way, I would deeply appreciate it. I will do all I can once there."

2014-08-31, 03:16 AM
A chill ran through her at Logan's words. It had been her order, they followed it. Ideas out of her mouth, nothing more, and now most were gone. Gilana heard the rest, but it took her a moment to truly listen to it. They were not supposed to be overwhelmed, she as supposed to be there to prevent that. Yet... Later, this can wait until later. The three left, they are the ones that matter now.

She had to do for them what she could not do for the others. Delay the undead, buy the remaining groups time. She steps ahead of the group, eyes fixed on the undead. Their behavior was so strange though. Why the need to reach Atropus? ...and how will it react if they reach it? For a moment, a hum comes from the silk band on her head.

There was also the theory. She couldn't turn as the paladin's could, but she had traveled and seen a source that, if not divine, was natural. A part of the great wheel. As dangerous an energy as what fueled these creatures, but if it could be channeled and directed... They may have taken the Astral, but if she could still pull walls and putty from it, she may still be able to make this connection. How they'll react though... She looks over the paladin and soldiers. If it works, will they recognize the source?

She had ideas for both answers, but first she had to see if they the connection could be made. She waits for the mass of bone to advance, watching the leapers as best she can. Once they are close enough though, once the clash is only a matter of time, she dashes forward. She comes to a halt only feet from a skeleton in the vanguard and places her hands before her. Once again, a hum from her diadem, all the while she focuses on the connection, finding the path to the Positive Energy Plane and trying to let it out.

Freedom of Movement, Psionic from her Psicrown

Waiting until the mob is within 60ft of her position, which should be a bit ahead of the paladins and dark soldiers. As soon as that occurs:

Move: Dash forward 60ft, trying to get as many of the mob in front of her.
Standard: Celestial Conduit: 9pp, DC25 Reflex or [roll0] damage in a 120ft line.
Swft: Hustle from her Psicrown [roll1] vs DC 20

If successful, she'll dash back, no directly to the group of paladins and soldiers, but some 20ft from their direction.

2014-08-31, 02:26 PM
Mirabelle's hair stands at the back of her neck as she hears of Tiger Fang's location. She breaths, sighing, as time disappoints her. "Well, that is much better than in a different place altogether. Who would leave it there? That is not where I left it. But ah, I know where to look now. Thank you. I did not want to bore or overwhelm you, but I can see I won't be doing the latter. You don't know how much this means to me." Mirabelle pauses, forming a map in her mind of where to head first. Fire spouts next, in bursts, before the image of a rapier, simple in design, appears. "Next is the rapier Supernal Clarity, of Diamond Mind. It is the model of which I have made my own rapier, Lesson.

"Supernal Clarity was brought to the Temple of the Nine Swords by my teacher, where it was stolen by the Rakshasa Kaziir-Thet. I never knew why he stole only this blade, and I did not ask, for I cut his throat, and made his allies watch. But Supernal Clarity's story began before this: for it was made by a githyanki by the name of Veselka, who used dragonfire to craft it. It was her finest work, and when Reshar came to the githyanki, he took the sword as reward from her, after besting their finest warrior. These are the beginnings and the middle of its story, however. When the Temple fell, and the swords were, for a time, scattered, it was wielded by a man named Radigan. This man tried day and night, for years, travelling, to grasp at the power he sensed in the rapier. He eventually found his way to the Astral Plane, and who should he see, but Veselka once again. He offered Supernal Clarity to its maker, claiming he was unworthy. She declined, knowing her time with this, the quintessence of her work as a swordsmith, was over, but instead asked Radigan to guide her to Reshar. When they found us, in our home by the sea, we spent a great deal talking, before she slumped to the floor, dead. Her spirit finally free, at last.

"Next is the Eventide's Edge, of Setting Sun, a short sword of mithral ore." A flash appears in the tattoos, which shrinks, forming a blade's edge. "In the time when the Temple was alive, there was a ship full of Setting Sun students, coming from the Isle of Dawn, in search of us. Their ship was torn apart by a kraken, and the only survivor was a young boy, who for days floated on a half-empty cask, before walking upon an unknown island, his only possession, this sword. In that first day, he found himself enjoying his new home, eating fruit and small game, when he was attacked by a giant. Tall, strong, brutish, the hill giant and the boy were surprised to see that this small blade knocked aside this larger foe, before the boy stabbed the giant in the neck. The next day, the boy went uphill, lighting a bonfire, in hopes of a ship noticing him. Instead, another giant, enraged at the death of his kin, found him. The giant attacked the boy, and like the first, his blows did not connect at to their target, and he found himself shoved off the cliff, with the boy having nary a scratch. Months passed. The boy was still on the island. He decided to try and strike a deal with the giants, approaching their Chieftain, who had long ordered his tribe to avoid the boy. The boy had seen the giants offering tribute to the kraken, and asked to ride with them. The giants, however, planned to offer the boy as sacrifice. But as their raft approached the krakens' lair, the giants could not find the boy! Indeed, he had seen a ship to the west, and had jumped out into the water to swim to it. They could not see the boy, thanks to the setting sun. When the kraken resurfaced, it took the giants as offering, while the boy returned to civilization."

The shining blade on her arm disappears now, turning into sunset, turning into night, and a blade, blacker than the night, forms. "This is the dagger Umbral Awn, of the Shadow Hand. A cursed blade for a cursed discipline. I first learned of this blade when Reshar offered it to the old Shadow Hand Master of old, giving it as both a gift... and as a warning of what Shadow Hand does to the untrained. We begin, however, with arrogant Yustek. Yustek was a man, a boy, whose own overconfidence led him to believe that it was not he who delayed his training, but his master's fault. He thought long on the meaning of Shadow Hand, and his own limited mind led him to believe that because Shadow Hand is brought forth from shadows, that he should become a creature known as a shadow, to gain true power of Shadow Hand. He died at the creature's hand, no more for the better. The dagger's story continues with Maristev. Yustek's death served as warning, but Masristev had his own misguided notions. Because Shadow Hand works from Negative Energy, he should learn how it works, analyze it, to further his own mastery. Because travelling the planes was beyond him, he chose what he thought was the next best thing: to become a vampire. Finding one, he explained his intent, and the lord happily obliged. He ordered his minions to attack, and Maristev was felled by the energy he sought to understand. But because no vampire killed him, he remained dead, his remains sent by the vampire to the Temple, warning others of this poor decision. The dagger passed to Kunwar. During the time of the Temple, when they had to make long journeys, the masters of Shadow Hand asked allied spellwielders to take them through the Plane of Shadow. Kunwar convinced a master to let him come along, but he strayed from the path, away from the master and the spellwielder, the first chance he could, to find a quiet place and meditate, for this he saw was the best path to mastering Shadow Hand. But the Plane of Shadow is not a good place to be, for Kunwar was lost, and was killed by a nightshade. We recovered the dagger later, and we had to put down what was controlling Kunwar's corpse."

Mirabelle pauses. "Sorry, it has been a long time since my tales have been told. There are four more to go."

Black and White fill her arm now, shining and bottomless, wrapping in and in and into itself, until a blade appears. "Faithful Avenger was a cold iron falchion, of the Devoted Spirit. Devoted Spirit is different from other disciplines, in that it was made for purpose. Any purpose. And Faithful Avenger was made to be an extension of the wielder's will. Its past is varied. Jurrik wielded it to defeat a black dragon. Lorissta used it to fight the tyrannical Black Eagle Baron. When Lorissta fell, one of the Baron's own lieutenants used it to raid villages. Henrikel the Just destroyed an evil elemental node. Norbrand the Bold slew a gold dragon, when his slave operation was under threat. And it has found its way through history. It was there to throw down Acereak. It was there to destroy the wands of Orcus. And it was there when nations, long forgotten, were destroyed."

The image now shows fists rising and falling in unison, praising a sword of simple craftsmanship. "The first sword. It is Kamate, of Iron Heart. In goblin, it means, it is death. It was made before elves or dwarves first made weapons. It was made first, above all. Before civilization, a hobgoblin tribe sought shelter from a great storm. A tree outside the cavern they slept in was struck by a bolt of lightning, destroying the tree. The chieftain, seeing this, reasoned: if stone can be shaped by sky-fire, so too, can metal. This was new to his people. Thus metallurgy was made, and went the first blade was forged, the chief wondered aloud what he had made. The tribe's shaman responded: 'It is death'. And thus the first blade was passed down through the generations of hobgoblins. Kuyibet was one of the earliest wielders. He fled from a horde of dwarves, bent to kill him. He ran for days and nights, through cliffs and mountain pathways, until the hobgoblin was at the peak of the land. With no way to escape, he turned to face his end. But the sky opened and lightning split it. A great crevasse opened then, at the foot of his pursuers, and they hurteld into the depths, leaving the hobgoblin alone and unscathed. While hobgoblins hate to admit it, Kamate has no always remained with them. There are stories of taking Kamate back, through force of arms, or even treachery, but the most important one? It is the one known to the true students of Iron Heart. Reshar, before he was Master of Nine, came to the hobgoblin monastary of Ur-Thaldaar, none of the swordmasters thought he would live, let alone master Iron Heart. But my beautiful Reshar completed each test and mastered each challenge, learning the secrets of the fiercest and most difficult school of bladework. Years later he returned to Ur-Thaldaar to take on his second apprentice. Magya Ghor followed us to the Sunspire Mountains, where he himself became one of the Nine Masters. He and I left some time later, returning nearly a century afterwards. We came with the nine weapons. One of them was Kamate, who we liberated from a dragon's hoard. This show of respect for Magya Ghor's people created a bond of honor between them and the Temple, and all hobgoblin tribes in the area. So strong, that when the Temple was besieged by the exiled masters with their armies, more than a thousand hobgoblin warriors marched to our aid. But when these hobgoblins fell with the temple, so too did the lasting peace between goblinoids and the other races. I buried the sword with Magya Ghor. I pray it is still there."

A mountain appears next on Mirabelle's arm, and from it, a dragon rises, forming a sword, and the mountain reshapes itself a hilt. "We have come to Unfettered, the greatsword of Stone Dragon. There once was an elderly dwarf weaponsmith, named Thungrim, who was once a slave to frost giants for many years. Because of this, he was given a servant to do his heavy lifting. A goliath by the nam of Kanithiak Amunugathua. He took quickly to swordcrafting, and together, both master and servant worked in secret for a long time to create a special blade, which they dubbed Unfettered. It gave hope to Thungrim, something he had not known since before he was enslaved. He was not commanded to make the weapon, and if anyone found out about it, he would be punished greatly. This disobedience, along with the youth of Kanithiak, gave Thungrim the will to survive, despite the labor and mistreatment from his captors. When Unfettered was nearly completed, his slavers suspected something was amiss. The overseer thought Thungrim too weak to operate the forge, but the dwarf's vigor grew each day. Investigation of the forge brought the sword to light, hidden in scrap metal. Both master and servant were closeby, but too tired to stop the giant. The giant, however, took the sword, and swung at the goliath. But! Thungrim stepped into the blow, saving Kanithiak from death. The dwarf fell at the goliath's feet, sword still in his body. The goliath raged. He drew the sword, and slew the overseer, and fled, with the bloody blade still in his hands. Years passed, and Kanithiak became a mighty chieftain of a goliath tribe, but he was still at a loss as to waht to do with the weapon. Should he reward it to one of his captains? No, jealousy over the blade would cause strife. But still, his days leading the tribe were dwindling, so he decided: he would leave on his own terms, rather than be defeated by a youngster, or sent away by a lamenter. So he told them: he would take one last journey, and spend three days alone in the wilderness, communing with Kavaki the Ram-Lord, and the other gods of his people. So the chieftain set out on his path, alone, but to his surprise, the inspiration he sought came not from the gods, but from a mortal: a human named Reshar, who himself was on his spiritual journey of enlightenment. While I watched on, the two told their tales, and Kanithiak knew instantly he had found the rightful inheritor of Unfettered. In a desolate mountain cave, he presented Reshar with the weapon, entrusting him with its future. Kanithiak, his task now complete, lay down on the cold stone. He would see Thungrim, he friend, once again. His soul, scarred by his early captivity, would truly be free."

Mirabelle pauses again, pinching the corners of her eyes and bridge of her nose, sniffling back tears. She takes a moment, then speaks again. "I am sorry. Kanithiak was a great man. I had thought that he would be a Master of the Temple, when they first spoke."

The image on her arm shows a castle, with birds flying overhead. An army approaches it, and a sword falls from the sky, stopping the army. "This is the Citadel Blade, a longsword made of adamantine. Its full name is Blade of the Last Citadel. And it is the pride of White Raven. There are no tales of its forging. But the first story of the blade is of great knight Iulian wielded it against an army of giants, attacking a mountain outpost. Knowing that his tower was the last line of defense between the giants and the valley below, he and his men fought to the last man, before the stronghold fell to the marauders. Iulian's squire, Terras, took up the Citadel Blade to defend his fallen lord. Defeated, wounded, dying, the squire woke long after the battle and raced down the mountain in pursuit of the giants. He was too late to save the townsfolk. Hurt by his failure, he rode for days until he found a village that was yet unharmed. He tried to drown his guilt, but still it haunted him. A man tried to bully the boy into giving up the blade, and in a rage, Terras drew the sword, and killed the man. He fled, in horror, but still, his guilt followed. Years later, a paladin rode out of the frontier, his mount ragged and gasping. He reached a small village that was walled, and upon entering, he warned all about an approaching horde of orcs from the hills, destroying all in its path. They scoffed at this revelation. Orcs had not been seen in this area for years. Defeated, the paladin hung his head, asked for a fresh horse, then left the way he came. The next morning, his body was found miles away, surrounded by dozens of orc corpses. His shield was sundered! His armor was broken! But his hands still clutched the Citadel Blade! And no one knew his name. He received a hero's funeral, and the townsfolk placed the blade on his grave. They dared not touch the sword out of fear of some strange curse, for only the wicked and soon-to-be-punished desecrate a paladin's grave. But one evening, just as a full moon was rising above the horizon, a white-haired warrior visited the town, searching for the weapon. He told them, the weapon's destiny was to stand to defend those who could not defend themselves. So calm and just in the man's display, that the townsfolk led him to the hero's resting place. The warrior bowed his head and meditated, and stood there for three full nights. When light came on the fourth day, both he and the Blade of the Last Citadel were gone."

Mirabelle sighs in relief, the last of the Nine Swords' tales told, and clears her head. "There is one more blade I wish to find. But it will be later. Much later."

2014-09-01, 10:21 AM
Tyrene answers Turrince: "I am safe, I escaped Florikeme after narrowly preventing Logan from starting another war. I am on my way home. Will proceed in disguise."

The information in the book suggests that a part of this Leviathan could be nearby. So maybe, just maybe, this little trip will give her something after all. And Aeternus doesn't seem like a complete fool, so he might take such actions as well, it would explain why Florikeme is the first target, it almost is as good an explanation as the one that she had given herself earlier, that he simply hated the paladin. Which of course is a completely sensible view.

She flies closer to the location, once again changing her appearance to that of a priestess. She looks for clues of what she might find and readies herself to do what she likes, she already feels a little pang of hunger...

Once again Tyrene uses polymorph self to become a half-celestial priestess. She still has the robes afer all. Disguise: [roll0]

She looks for enemies: spot: [roll1] and approaches. If she sees the good guys she will approach them in the open, if there are undead she casts hide from undead and approaches with a little more care.

2014-09-01, 09:52 PM
Thylle Northwestern Sea, Leviathan's Spine:

Tyrene shortly reaches the location marked on the map without encountering anyone, no sign of land or structures visible for miles over the open sea. It takes a 1000 feet swim below the surface to discover the tip of a spire-like cliff jutting about 70 feet out of the seafloor. At the very top she finds a large-sized hole in the top, perfectly cut, and recent as the natural deep-sea plantlife has yet to grow back over the exposed surface. Beyond the hole her darkvision reveals a hollow shaft within the spine, starting at about 15 feet wide and expanding to about 30 feet at the edge of her vision.

She can hear metal scraping against stone coming from farther beyond, though the sound is surprisingly high-pitched for metal in the water.


Lanulir nods and sends for the court wizard. "Stay safe, Terressa." Olsworth's leader sadly says as the world around Unity shifts to its representation on the Plane of Shadow. In the direction of Florikeme she sees fragments of a sphere begin to form as Atropus is brought into the memory of darkness.

A few minutes from Florikeme's capitol, an interesting opportunity presents itself. From here, Unity can see through the incomplete shadow equivalent that Atropus is actually two layers. A main sphere that takes up most of the space within, but then about a thousand feet away from its surface, the metallic shell that is its surface has yet to be completely painted into the Plane of Shadow. There appears to be plenty of empty space inside this layer, with several floors and rooms oriented to the gravity of the central sphere. But a mile below, on the surface of the city, she can see buildings begin to twist and deform as they react to the damage taken in the Material Plane.

The city won't last much longer, yet an opportunity to board Atropus presents itself. Watching the rate at which the city deforms and the shell completes, Unity will likely only have time to take one of these chances.

Florikeme, Capitol Streets:

The beam of positive energy tears a line through the undead, causing most of them to collapse to dust before the opening closes up again. As she ducks away towards one of the side streets to draw them away, Gilana sees Logan watching. "Right, the only thing we can do is fight. And that's something we can do very well." He stands up and flies toward the mob, invoking his holy symbol to obliterate a large section of the group. As they undead explode around him Gilana sees that he looks the way he did back at the conference, bearing the face of someone who would throw himself at the tide of evil, even if his effort alone wouldn't be enough to hold it back. The dark soldiers follow his lead, dashing in and fighting headlong into the horde. Gilana notices that these soldiers can't fight very well, many of them are struggling with keeping their ooze in weapon or shield shapes, and a couple seem to have just given up on control and instead barrel into the nearest undead with their mass thrashing between various indistinct but extremely sharp shapes.

The undead are clearly weak, but in this quantity it is still in question as to whether they can hold out long enough for the other groups to arrive.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is the sheet labeled "Florikeme Street Level".

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Bay:

The guilt of her accusation and the sting of Lyra's insistence that she was wrong keep Vefir silent for a few moments, unable to bring herself to look at Lyra. "I . . . I'm sorry." She softly apologizes. "I'll leave you to your work. I need to go consult the other Sages and the professors. Thank you for dragging back some hope from the brink of death." As Vefir walks away Lyra sees Palzuri's assistant approach, with several unfamiliar herbs in hand.

"Since we can't magically numb your pain, I did remember a bit about Karsite medicine. Supposedly they use these plants for something they call an . . . ana- . . anasomething. One of our students is a Karsite, surprisingly enough, and he pointed out how much will dull the pain and how much will simply knock you out. I can't guarantee it will help, but its a start." She sets the herbs on the side table. "I'm Sephen, by the way."

Ulwiss, Divination Center:

Garatha takes in the stories, nods and turns back towards the mirror, cracking her knuckles first for some reason. She stares into the mirror for several minutes, during which Renna and Korth give curious looks, and seem to question whether she's still conscious towards the end. She finally turns back and takes a deep breath. "Supernatural Clarity looks like its in some holy-themed palace. Though its being carried by some kind of humanoid that seems to partially eaten by a black ooze. My guess is someone got afflicted with that Umbral stuff a nasty variant of undead have, though I can't tell what or where this is, besides that its on the Material Plane. Eventide's Edge . . . is just gone. I can't find it or even ping it to a specific plane. Same with Unfettered and Faithful Avenger. If they still exist, they're either in some planar space we don't know exists, or whoever is carrying them has a really powerful form of anti-divination on them. Umbral Awn is in the southern Frostfell, I think. Yeah it has to be. Darkfrost spiders can't get to that size in the northern Frostfell because of the predators there. Also it's lodged into the back of a colossal darkfrost spider, so I wish you luck with that one. Kamate is in the Underdark, looks like it's an important display piece in one of the drow colonies. And then there's the Citadel Blade . . ." She pauses for a moment. "I got a glimpse of the stuff in that weird knight's neck earlier. Point is I saw something similar when I was looking for this weapon. It was a weird metallic room with the same kind of stuff going through the surface, and the sword was just floating in the middle of the room. Not like a magical kind of floating where it's stuck in place, but just kinda drifting in the center like there was no gravity. You probably know this better than I do when I say that you may want to forget about looking for that one."

2014-09-02, 12:45 AM
At least here, against such a tide, Logan's fury was admirable and justified. He wouldn't fall to these creatures unless they drew the attention of the new breed. It was the new dark soldiers that she worried about. Some were more instinct then sense, and here... "We just need to hold and wait for the others. Give them ground if needed, but don't let them surround you."

If they were more instinct, Gilana did not want to see them cornered. She dashes back and up the walls, let them try to reach her, it would take them long enough for her to finish. Her reserve was almost depleted, but she scrapes just enough to sculpt one more beast. A dragon, of sorts, though seemingly made out of smoky glass and modeled after one of brass. How accurate she could not say, appearance was, for now, secondary. She had to watch the skies and be ready to intercept the leapers. They were the real threat, though she hoped her beast could help thin out the lesser one's numbers. She needed its fire.

Free: 2 10ft steps to AN33, 10ft up the wall.
Round: Manifesting Astral Construct (13pp) for a construct with Energy Bolt (Fire) as its menu C option.

It would appear and act at the start of her next round.

HP: 180/180
PP: 15/307
Damage Reduction: 8/Cold Iron
Armor Class: 40, +2 (Skirmish) if she moves
Note: Sidestep Charge for +4 Dodge if charged

2014-09-02, 01:40 AM
~No apologies necessary, Vefir. I just wanted you to know,~ Lyra sent.

~Anesthetic, is the term,~ she replied offhand to Sephen. Lyra was, actually, very knowledgeable about the processes of mundane healing techniques. It proved quite useful when directing pure positive energy to deal with things other than simple physical damage. ~And that would be wonderful, yes. Thanks, Sephen.~

She knew that trying to do research while on painkillers wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world, but flame-blast it, she was hurting too much to act tough, and doing research in pain wasn't exactly cantrip-level effort either. She'd take the herbs (or let Sephen administer them, although if he seemed uncertain about it she'd offer direction), and then start on the research, using the telekinesis provided by the orb to hover the books in front of her, although per Palzuri's suggestion on physical therapy, she'd turn the pages physically. That was...about as much physical action as she could manage at the moment anyway.

She'd focus first on her notes on Zensibar, in particular trying to piece together something useful regarding Karl's Circle. Practical knowledge, at the moment, was more valuable than theorycraft.

Correct me if I'm taking liberties with Lyra's medical knowledge, I'm kinda assuming the healers here just have plenty of magic to heal things with and thus don't actually have much interest in mundane medicine (i.e. ranks in Heal) whereas Lyra's got a solid +26 there. If they do have extensive mundane medical knowledge but things like the herbs are just very location-specific and wouldn't be available due only to high skill ranks, let me know and I'll edit the post.

2014-09-02, 01:59 AM
"Supernal. Of the sky. A holy place with undead? How worn does the location look? Could you see any holy symbols?" Mirabelle brushes her hair back. Unfettered, Eventide and Faithful Avenger missing entirely. And Citadel Blade was... did Aeternus have one of the nine? Trouble, trouble, trouble. But Tiger Fang and Umbral Awn... those two were known. Those two were possible. Desert Wind could be possible... eventually. But what about Supernal? Who dared to touch Supernal? "Thank you for your assistance Garatha. You have been very much helpful." Mirabelle says, attaching her sleeve armor back on, cloth, leather, plating. She turns to Sargoun, approaching the Spellscale. "Sargoun, I need someone to take me to the Southern Frostfell, someone who can shield me from the deep cold, and someone who can help me talk to spiders. Do you know anyone who can help me with these things?"

2014-09-02, 02:44 AM
Thylle Northwestern Sea, Leviathan's Spine

This is wrong, the book didn't seem that recent, something must have happened here, and it has happened only a short while ago. The scraping sound is peculiar, it doesn't belong on the bottom of the sea, but somewhere else? That might be. Eiher way, something is working there, confirming her suspicions. The guardians of such a site wouldn't do that, no, it has to have come under attack. Only Aeternus could be behind it, and this could be a fine opportunity to find out more about what he wants, and how useful he could be.

She slips outof the white robes, they are heavy and easily visible. She places them back into her pit which she keeps in one hand, ready to unleash her army. She however keeps the priestess' body, at the very least it would confuse her enemies. She uses several spells to prepare her attack, she doesn't want to needlessly endanger herself as she swims to the shaft, carefully slipping into it to find what is there.

The sirene is silent, she keeps to the sides as she hides from any enemies. She is careful, more careful than she normally is in the sea. This should be her domain, all the seas are. It simply is intolerable that anyone would hide anything from her.

How long ago? Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]
Swim: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Hide: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]
Listen: [roll5]

Added to this she casts Hide from Undead(230 minutes), Spell-Like invisibility(16 minutes), Undetectable Alignment(24 hours), and just before entering Mirror image(8 minutes)

2014-09-02, 09:49 AM

Glancing from the city below to the metal abomination above it, Unity is taken aback by the revelation. "That's no moon..." she mumbles ominously, to no one in particular.

Her mind is torn between landing and seeking to save those on the ground, and seizing the opportunity to end the threat of the weapon above it. They are dead already...let it go. Destroy the weapon. A voice hisses in her mind - her own voice, from ages ago when it once belonged to a different body. You cannot be sure of that... A softer whisper protests, but with a shake of her head, both fade into mere echoes of the past. There is no time to waste - it must be ended. More than just Florikeme is on the line - the entire world's at stake.

Her shadow-form surges towards the manifesting shell, praying that she would reach it in time.

2014-09-06, 06:16 AM
Ulwiss, Divination Center:

Garatha looks back into the mirror. "The temple looks well-maintained and . . . hang on, it's falling apart right now. Whoa, someone just punched this guy through 4 walls into open air . . . That's Florikeme's capitol! And now Supernatural Clarity is just lying in some rubble in the stre-" She steps back and seems to shiver. "The city is swarming with undead. The last place on the material plane where undead should be . . . that country is in some deep trouble right now. This probably goes without saying for all of the weapons, but you're probably putting yourself in unnecessary danger to collect them."

Sargoun shakes his head and responds to Mirabelle's request. "We need as many of our students here as possible, so I cannot order anyone to help you beyond the island nor can I leave. There are a few spells and magical items that will protect you farther into the cold, but the ones we can spare won't help you past the point where the air isn't safe to breathe, which occupies part of the Darkfrost Spiders' known roaming patterns.. Additionally, the Darkfrost Spiders are notoriously aggressive and territorial, with past studying indicating that they bear basic animal intelligence, so talking with them will be of no help." He pauses and thinks before finishing his response. "The students who you have recruited may be helpful in some ways, and will not be barred from following you beyond Ulwiss if they choose to. Just don't talk to any of the students with the more esoteric ideas, as their desperation for results and recognition has left them severely exaggerating the safety of any experimental magic or devices they might offer to help."

Arillian enters the room in a hurry, looking around before he spots the group and approaches. "Oh, there you are! There's important changes going on. Apparently Aeternus has control of something called Atropus, and is currently using it to destroy Florikeme. Undead are overrunning the country and everyone is predicting the casualties to be almost the entire population there. Logan retracted his call to war against Verix just before the reports came in, so whatever remains of Thylle won't be wasted on the wrong conflict." His expression changes to that of poorly-suppressed worry. "And there was an accident here. Lyra entered the Astral Plane through one of our Gates, and the results were pretty nasty. She's in the medical ward for now, though I heard she won't be in fighting condition for a while."

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Sephen nods before she mashes up the right mixture of herbs into a pungent paste that Lyra is barely able to choke down before leaving her to rest. The pain fades enough for Lyra to hold the papers in her hand without much discomfort, but she finds the study to be difficult. Lapses of focus leave her having no memory of reading certain paragraphs, and in a couple places entire pages slip from her mind. But fortunately the concepts come to her naturally, and she makes some progress in better utilizing the spell circle techniques.

As she finishes reading through her old Zensibar studies and Karl's notes, she receives a Correspond. "It's Vefir. I wasn't really paying attention to my lab when I was dragging you to the medical ward, but I've found most of your equipment here intact. Looks like it was all launched through the Gate and across the room instead of being destroyed, and the magical auras seem slightly different, though everything seems to still be functional. I also got Brint's staff identified for you, and left a note with it about what's stored on there. One of the students will be delivering the items soon once he finds replacements for your destroyed armor."

Lyra counts as going through a resting period, regaining spell uses. No equipment will be lost from the injury.

Ritual Magic Update:
Lyra can now augment spells of up to 5th-level using ritual circles, and can predict within 10 spell levels and 5 rounds the time and energy that a specific metamagic-based modification requires.

Thylle Northwestern Sea, Leviathan's Spine:

Tyrene determines that the hole was cut less than an hour ago. As she slips through and descends into the depths of the spine, the scraping noise slowly gets more louder, and with an eerily consistent pace. Along the way she discovers bits of flesh, still leaving faint trails of blood in their flow, though Tyrene cannot identify what creature this flesh belongs to, nor the means that damaged it. Eventually the spire expands beyond 100 feet wide, and in the center at the floor she discovers the source of the noise among a far higher concentration of flesh chunks. It appears to be a metallic box, barely large enough for a halfling to hide in, with four long, clawed limbs gripping the floor as a smaller protrusion drills into the surface beneath it, producing the noise that echoes in the room. The drilling ceases suddenly, and the echo fades.

A deafening tone emits from the object in a brief instant, and it immediately lets go of the surface, retracting its limbs into its body as it turns toward Tyrene. A singular glass orb in the front stares in her direction as a faint red light shines from within.

Roll initiative.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is Leviathan's Spine Battle

Florikeme Sky, Atropus Outer Shell Interior:

Unity slips into the metallic shell a few minutes before the Plane of Shadow can properly seal its equivalent. Interior details are still incomprehensible from Shadow Walk, but moving back into the Material Plane provides a better view. She finds herself hovering within a room that is oriented sideways to the ground, though she notices that Atropus is exerting a lesser gravity that causes her to slowly drift towards the room's floor. The room is unmarked, and appears to be made from steel and 20 feet from floor to ceiling though no walls are visible within her darkvision, only 5-foot thick support beams that are spaced 50 feet apart in a square grid pattern. Sounds of machinery echo from all directions, though the sound is diffused enough that it is little more than a metallic rumbling.

Florikeme Capitol, City Streets:

Logan dashes in again, this time speaking a single word that blasts nearby undead to dust, directing the dark soldiers to continue pushing them back. As Gilana floats up the wall and creates her construct, she hears faint screams in the street to the southeast of her and notice the undead from that direction moving toward the noise instead of her.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2014-09-06, 10:33 AM
"Danger? Yes. Unnecessary? No. The blades are unique, and are... different. You will see, once I have them again. But why are undead in such a holy place?" Mirabelle asks, turning back to Sargoun. "Does this world not possess druids anymore? They spoke to wolves and birds, I recall. Could the same not be done with spiders? I spend my time in the Frostfells these days. I know the dangers. I still must go. Besides, I am doubtful your craftsmen would be so keen to part with them for free. Hmm. Perhaps I should reach for Tiger Claw first? And no, Sargoun, they are students, not yet even begun their training. They are not ready to accompany me on things such as these. Best that they stay here, safe, warm." Mirabelle looks to the newcomer, and raises her eyebrow. "That would explain why there are undead there, then? What is an 'Atropus'?" She freezes when she hears of Lyra. "Sargoun. Take me there now, please."

2014-09-06, 01:49 PM
Lyra was kinda passing in and out as she studied, cursing herself for lack of discipline every time she found herself staring uncomprehendingly at a paragraph. She kept at it, though, and was just pulling the Planar Shepherd's book over (if there was any information to be had about whatever weaponized plane shifting those mines had hit her with, that'd be a good place to look) when Vefir's link came through. ~Oh, awesome! Thanks, Vefir.~ she sent back.

She turned her attention to the next book, once more trying to force herself to concentrate past the side effects of the anesthetic. Fortunately she wasn't otherwise particularly physically tired. All the Restorations she had received made fatigue a non-issue.

2014-09-06, 02:46 PM
The mob seemed to be no match for Logan and the soldiers. The new breed was the real threat, until they show, they should be able to hold. You may not be needed- Not to assist them, at least. Here. As she hears the scream, she redirects her thoughts and channels power from her silk band. No time for missteps, not now. Thankfully, none come. Haste, she needed haste.

"There's someone down there!" She hollers to the crusader as she makes her way south. As he glass dragon comes to be, she wastes no time in giving it a purpose. Come, hurry She leads by example, rounding the corner over the sea of bones and trying to find the source of the screams. She hoped she was not too late.

Swift (Hustle) + Move: Glide to AO57

Astral Construct (Dragon):
Move: Move to AM53-AN54

She should still have a standard action, as should the construct, to be used depending on what she encounters on the southeastern alley.

2014-09-06, 08:29 PM
Florikeme Capitol, City Streets:

As Gilana floats around the corner she sees one of the rescue groups, consisting of five dark soldiers and one paladin sheltering a small group of civilians who are in a panic at the sight of the undead. The paladin sees Gilana and shouts, "Where are the others?!" On the roof of the building behind them, she sees two of the more dangerous undead skid to a halt by the edge, ready to pounce on the crowd.

Ulwiss Main Campus:

Sargoun leads Mirabelle and the others to the medical ward as he replies, "Well, druids are a bit of a rarity on the island, though I guess we've never tried taking their mindset when studying the Frostfell wildlife. The ones who study here aren't inclined to enter such a hostile environment, though you may find some druids in the Freezeplains or Noswane that are more comfortable with travel there."

"But Atropus, that's a grave matter. I've only heard about it from the remaining texts of crazed cultists and a couple of divine theorists, but I understand the basic idea. Some primal being that was either on par with or even greater than the gods we know of once existed, though we don't know how far back. Eventually this being perished, but its head became an undead the size of a small moon. Every mention of Atropus associates it with death, negative energy and undead, and study of it is one of the few explicitly banned topics here, as we could only be sure that finding some way to summon or interact with it would only bring a cataclysm upon us. I do agree with Arillian that Aeternus likely has control of it, since it would make sense for Atropus to be indiscriminate in its destruction, yet it's over the country with the most powerful divine-based military. And with the range of its influence being far smaller than past predictions make it out to be." He finishes as they enter the medical ward.

Lyra makes decent progress through the Planar Shepherd textbook, which puts much emphasis on understanding what a plane's native wildlife is, and also understanding an ecosystem that may become imbalanced if certain non-native creatures are forcibly removed. This reminds her that she doesn't know what the native plane of those mines are, though banishing them without knowing where they'll go could be even more disastrous than leaving them in the Astral. As she finishes the book she sees Mirabelle, Korth, Renna and Arillian enter the room, led by a black spellscale in black robes.

2014-09-06, 09:03 PM
Mirabelle smiles as she enters, happy to see her ally intact. She approaches, pulling a chair with her to Lyra's side. "There was this time I needed to kill a Black Dragon for a... thing. Needed its blood for a drink, a dish and a sword. Long story, I wound up half in its mouth, my pelvis and down dangling out of its mouth. It swallowed me, of all things! Can you imagine how rude that is? And angry, I tore through its stomach, leaving the thing to die from internal wounding. A man of the cloth rushed to my upper half, which was walking towards him on hands, and put me back together. Apparently, and this part I cannot back up, I was cursing the entire cave, the gold, the dragon, and spines. You know how much you need a spine? You need it quite a bit. The man of the cloth made a joke when I was put together: I guess you can say, you were a dish with a kick to it. I punched him quite a bit while laughing. It looks like you went through much worse than that, and you look much prettier than I did when I recovered. So call me green eyed, for I am envious of your ability to not be dead." She sits in the chair, leaning forward, face turning serious. "It is good to see you are doing well. I think it is fair to say you have had a worse time than I." She pauses, smiling again, leaning back. "Most dreadful of things, I was not able to drink the drink you recommended to me during the conference. I had it in my hands when I rushed to the fray, in fact. Left it there."

2014-09-06, 09:28 PM
Lyra was, at that moment, rather happy for the pain-killing herbs. They kept the laughter from hurting too much. ~Yeah this...this is about how I'd expect getting eaten by a dragon to feel...~ she agreed. Her lips didn't move, but her voice came out audibly from the orb she was holding. ~I was stupid. Overconfident. Jumped into a situation I knew nothing about, and would have died had Vefir not pulled me out of it.~

She snorted at Mirabelle's last remark. ~One of the great tragedies of the modern age,~ she replied with feigned grimness. ~I could really go for a Pixie Spritzer right now.~

The "feigned" part of the "grimness" went away. ~It's crazy, Mirabelle. The Astral Plane...I mean...we can't confirm that the place is actually infinite, because we have no way to actually explore it all. You know? And it is filled...just...filled with these crazy devices. Spiky little things...I was thinking they might detonate or something if you got too close. Figured, they probably aren't too dangerous individually, but if you're being whisked instantly across the plane by teleportation magic, you're gonna hit a boatload of them and be blown to pieces. But it's nowhere close. Each one, best I can tell, will blast you with...with...I honestly still don't know. It's some sort of energy I couldn't identify. Our best guess so far is that it's like a weaponized cross between a Plane Shift and a Disintegrate. I had enough positive energy running through me to basically rebuild my entire body from a few drops of blood twice over, and it punched through my defenses, tore me up faster than I could heal...I've never seen that level of just focused magical destruction before. And he has those things scattered throughout the entire plane. They're not one shot either, best I can tell. They're fixed, repeating traps. It's...it's artifice on a scale I can't even imagine.~

She took a shuddery breath, forcing the despair from her thoughts. ~Did you hear about Florikeme?~

2014-09-06, 09:36 PM
"I heard. I was told when I was told about you." Mirabelle sighs, running her hands through her hair. "And I heard about this... Atropus, thing. It is concerning." She pulls Lesson out, laying the rapier on her lap. "This blade is called Lesson. I made it when I still traveled with my teacher. It is based upon one of the Nine Blades that were present at my Temple before it fell, a rapier by the name of Supernal Clarity. Its name meant Understanding From Above. I hid it away, long, long before your time. I was with a far looker just before I was here. Supernal Clarity is in Florikeme. Atropus makes retrieving it... difficult. Second most difficult, if you would be believing."

"Also, am student of the Way. Am not arcanist. What does Shapechange, Great Slide, Cheat and Brilliant Blade do? What is their function? Am able to use these for time being."

2014-09-06, 11:25 PM
Ah. Spellcraft. Magical theory. A perfect distraction. ~Cheat's a spell you teach to your apprentices to see which ones are trustworthy,~ she said with a slight smirk. ~It's a novice's spell. Makes mages who have finally gotten cantrips down think they're all cool because they can swindle drunk sailors at cards and dice. It alters probability in minor ways...makes a die more likely to roll well, or a coin more likely to land on the number you want, or makes it more likely that you'll draw good cards, or something. Maybe helps you choose well in rock-paper-scissors? It's not powerful enough to affect magical dice or cards, or alter fortune on any serious level. It lasts a few minutes and works once during the duration, so you can cast it beforehand, and it is an actual probability alteration, it doesn't like change the markings on a card or make the coin flip an extra time or something. So it's hard to prove, but still, someone who's alert enough and trained in spellcraft is likely to recognize it for what it is.~

~Greater Slide is a minor telekinetic spell. Moves a single creature up to twenty feet in a straight line, parallel to the ground. It's a good way to practice moving something with actual weight around for mages seeking to develop more advanced telekinetic powers, and can be useful if you need to move someone somewhere closeby right now.~

~Brilliant Blade is a powerful investiture spell. It temporarily enchants a weapon to transform its business end into brilliant energy, a sort of light magic that passes harmlessly through non-living matter. Armor, shields, parrying weapons, solid walls, whatever. It'll pass right through them, but if there's a flesh-and-blood enemy on the other side, it'll still hit full-force, just as hard and sharp as ever. Downside is the weapon also can't harm nonliving matter while the spell's in effect even if you want it to. Undead and stuff. Not sure if it would work on those steam guys, either. And it doesn't help too much against big beasties with tough hides. But for fighting armored enemies? It's great.~

~Shapechange...it's what Brint used to turn into that Gloom. Probably the most powerful polymorphic spell there is. Its transmutation, but back when I had classes here, there was a big debate that it wasn't just shapeshifting, but full-fledged reality-warping magic, like half a step below granting wishes. I dunno if that's true or not, I kinda suck at transmutation, but it wouldn't surprise me. You can turn into just about anything, depending on how strong a mage you are. Size isn't a factor, and you can even turn into like, incorporeal stuff and whatnot. Lasts a long time too; three, maybe four hours for most mages capable of casting it. Crazy thing about it is, it can duplicate even supernatural powers of the form you turn into. Like, become a dragon, and you can breathe fire, or whatever. And if that weren't enough, you can keep changing forms the entire time, pretty much fast as thought. It's polymorph though, so there's a bunch of little gotchas and stuff regarding your own capabilities and how it interacts with stuff you're wearing, and blah, blah, blah. They have a seminar on it here I think, like two weeks on the finer points of polymorphing or something. Super-complex magic.~

2014-09-07, 12:00 AM
"I see. These were all spells that I took from Brint, so I had no idea what they were. Shepechange sounds very nice. It was having a very nice weight when I pulled it. Your kind has come a long way. Spell weavers in my time were never so organized or grouped." Mirabelle begins tapping on Lesson with her finger. "Do you know how long it will be taking for your recovery?" Mirabelle perks up at a thought, and turns to Sargoun. "Sargoun, do you know anyone who could be getting a message to Logan for me?"

2014-09-07, 01:14 AM
~That you...took from Brint?~ Lyra asked.

She managed a slight shrug. ~No...I don't. Physically I'm healed. But it still hurts. Especially when I move. I don't know why, or how long it will last.~ She gave an annoyed huff. ~Interesting trivia fact? There are like...very few spells that actually just remove pain. It seems like it would be a lot easier than actual healing, but nah. Mark me, when this is all over, I'm researching a spell to negate pain. Use Status as a foundation. A personal-use, long-duration Status spell that provides you with precise, instantaneous information about your current physical state while simultaneously providing total immunity to pain because you don't need it anymore. That is on the list. Slotting it in just after "Defeat Aeternus" and just before "Cook a turducken."~

2014-09-07, 01:30 AM
"Yes. A student of the Way can eventually take spells from a spell wielder. They possess a weight that I can tear. It is... advanced." Mirabelle raises her head, turning to Korth and Renna. "Not a word to the others. Sargoun has brought this up, and the lesson you gleam from Umbral Awn is warning. Do not be filling heads with dreams. It falls under things possible down the long, long road." She turns back to Lyra. "I don't know. Removing pain from recovery sounding like thing that is needed sooner. Fun trick for you. One school of the Way lets you both heal yourself and remove hindrances. Am wondering if it is letting you out of this harshness. And out of the strange words you are saying, I am knowing turducken. My squad sargeant had one made for us during one of our leaves. Very thick. Expensive, too."

2014-09-07, 03:14 AM
Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Sargoun waits a moment to respond, turning to greet one of the arriving students who is carrying a bag of holding. "Ah, do you have it?" The student nods and hands something to the spellscale before placing the bag of holding on the table by Lyra's bed. "Your equipment. Good thing mithral full plate is the staple armor for battlemages here, or I would have had to pull one of the artificers off of the defense effort." He then produces Brint's staff and leans it against the table, before nodding and leaving. Sargoun hands Mirabelle a silver ring with five evenly-spaced emeralds embedded on the outside. "I noticed you didn't have a communication device earlier, so I called ahead for one of these. It uses Correspondence, a psionic version of Sending that works well for conversations. It's the best unit we can spare, so it can only be used once per hour."

Brint's staff (34 charges):
Sequenced Energy Immunity (Fire) (Dragon Magic p. 80), Transmute Stone to Lava (Spell Compendium p.222); 3 charges per use
Reverse Gravity (SRD); 1 charge per use
Greater Stoneshape (Spell Compendium p.208); 1 charge per use
Mage's Magnificent Mansion (SRD); 1 charge per use
Brain Spider (SRD); 1 charge per use
Call Kolyarut (Spell Compendium p.42); 7 charges per use, note mentions unknown alterations to the spell and a recommendation to not use this this function of the staff

2014-09-07, 03:17 AM
"Around the corner, to the North, the grand crusader himself is there!" As she points in their direction, she sends the order Now, start clearing the way.. The glass dragon responds, heaving out a stream of flames towards the skeletons. As the flames burn, she flourishes the fallen's sword and glides onto the ground and through the crowd.

They mocked her... there's malice in them. Can they be goaded? She felt no joy at the prospect of what would come if they could, but she had few options. She could take one out now, but it would be her last shot, that had to be held. She had to trust in the intelligence.

She navigates through the crowd seamlessly, but as she passes the paladin, she whispers a few words in his ear ("On the roof, turn them as soon as they approach") before moving on, stepping before the crowd and the new breed on the roof.

Once again, a flourish which ends with her sword pointed towards the monsters on the roof. "Dare to come down and I'll cut you to ribbons!" Her stance makes it clear that she's waiting to attack them to get in reach to strike at them. ...and hurt nothing but myself. Are they sentient enough to realize it? She could do nothing but wait and see, her eyes focusing on the closest one.

Standard: Astral Construct: Energy Bolt (Fire), along AN. DC 14(?) Reflex or [roll0] Fire damage

Standard -> Move: to AV65, ground level.

HP: 180/180
PP: 15
Damage Reduction: 8/Cold Iron
Armor Class: 40, +1 Dodge on AW67, +4 from Improved Skirmish
Note: Sidestep Charge for +4 Dodge if charged (will not perform any AoO)

I'm honestly hoping these things are a bit sadistic. She has a much better chance of surviving the pounce then those civies. If the Paladin does use a turn, but comes up short, she'll toss her last Alter Fortune his way and pray.

2014-09-07, 03:37 AM
"My thanks in abundance, Sargoun. If you would excuse me, Lyra, Sargoun, Renna, Korth," Mirabelle says, taking the gift. She rises, slipping the ring on, and doing her best to activate it.

I'm not actually sure if this still has the ten minute manifesting time. What is the ML on this?

"Logan. Mirabelle. Am at Ulwiss. Need information. Supernal Clarity is in Florikeme Capitol. Rapier. Powerful. Belongs to me. Need back. Need whereabouts. Yours and its.

2014-09-07, 01:14 PM
Tyrene knows that she will have to fight to destroy this thing. Luckily she won't have to do it herself but she will need space. She swims away from the edge of the pit, and from the bottom. She releases her giants, four of them rush to cut the drone to pieces while one takes position above, and the other below the sirene. She starts to play her tune of death while the giants do their work.

Tyrene moves to ab19 50 ft above the surface. She casts inspirational boost, and activates her talisman to start inpire courage at +4. Four of the giants surround the drone and attack. They hit at +32 and do 4d6+35 damage. This already includes the minuses from the water. Unfortunately I find doing rolls on my phone really hard so I want to ask if someone else could roll for me.

2014-09-07, 08:38 PM
~Thank you,~ Lyra sent/said to the mage, actually quite a bit of relief in her voice. She didn't consider herself someone who was particularly attached to material luxuries...but she could admit that the thought of going up against the forces of Aeternus without the magical gear she had put together over the years was kinda terrifying.

2014-09-07, 09:57 PM

With a faint flash of golden light, Unity's body mends itself, and she attempts to orient herself with the room's floor. What a strange labyrinth...I wonder what possible purposes it could serve? She ponders, looking about the darkness. Another glimmer of light shrouds her horn, and she scans the area for magic, slowly moving in one direction.

Converting Remove Curse into CSW, using DM Twin to heal myself for [roll0] x2 HP.

If I don't explode horribly, I also cast Detect Magic and begin moving north?ward (or up I guess), spending the 3 rounds every 60 feet to study things in front of me, until something happens and I explode and die horribly she ceases concentration on the spell, or until I find a wall.

Will make more Spellcraft checks if necessary, but here's a couple:


Also, moving silently at half speed: [roll6]

2014-09-08, 04:18 AM
Leviathan's Spine:

The storm giants assault the drone, but it manages to make quick maneuvers to dodge most of the attacks, only taking a heavy dent to its shell from one of the attacks. It immediately turns towards the floor, and Tyrene sees a red flash before she feels shockwave of an explosion erupt from the floor, forcing up a thick cloud of dust around where the drone was.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) updated.

Ulwiss, Main Campus Medical Ward:

Logan sounds mostly annoyed as he responds. "The city is lost and I'm prioritizing survivors, with this war I couldn't give a damn about your claim to ownership! If it's still in the city when I'm done, then feel free to go get it yourself!"

Sargoun nods and lets Mirabelle use the ring as he turns towards Lyra, "I can also supply one for you as well, if you want. If you plan on traveling after you recover, then it's best that you have a means of keeping in contact with your allies."

Atropus Outer Shell, Upper Hemisphere:

Unity explodes horribly Unity continues upward along the shell for a good 15 minutes, seeing no magic auras and no change to the environment besides the gradual decrease of the floor's slope. When the floor reaches a 70° angle, she finally sees some of the sources of the sounds. A 50 foot diameter metal pillar is emitting a massive amount of rumbling and a noticeable amount of heat, and the unicorn can hear similar sources roughly 100 feet to the left and right of this pillar. At its base appears to be a large shaft downward with an oddly-designed ladder. The rungs are rectangular and spaced to be their width apart, only sticking out a couple inches from the flattened edge of the pillar they're attached to. The rumbling coming from the pillar makes it impossible to hear anything nearby or down the shaft.

Florikeme Capitol, City Streets:

The two overload zombies take the bait, tipping over the building's ledge in unison before kicking off and diving towards Gilana. The paladin focuses on his holy symbol, and Gilana can see the faint aura of darkness around both of them vanish before they land. One of them is intercepted by a dark soldier, and its face turns to shock as the ogre-like fist of ooze stops it dead in its tracks. The other strikes Gilana for [roll0] bludgeoning damage, and the same force she felt from the last strike like this slams her into the ground, dealing [roll1] bludgeoning damage from the impact. The civilians stumble back in fear against the northern building, but are fortunate as the remaining dark soldiers finish off the two main threats. The weaker horde of undead continues to approach from both sides, but the Astral Construct manages to slow the west-sides advance enough to keep it from reaching the survivors for the moment, though now the streets on both sides are cut off at ground level. Gilana can hear Logan yelling and the sound of his wings as he speeds down the street towards the group. As he flies over the crowd he shouts over, "Get them to a rooftop! We need to funnel the undead or we'll run out of ways to hold them back!"

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1waIGXmmnyoXvjAXE-7D8uwuXH9ZoCTVueSEEpjn_-5Q/edit?usp=sharing) now has descriptions for both nearby buildings on entrance options.

2014-09-08, 05:26 AM
It tries to flee her, but Tyrene thinks that the drone is up to something, something that might even hurt her in the long term, and that simply means that it has to be stopped. It probably created some sort of explosive force to dig deeper into the pit, escaping from her giants. The dust hides everything, but that won't stop Tyrene. Nothing can stop her if she doesn't want to be stopped. And this spine is her toy, not Aeternus'. She orders her giants to pursue, and to tear the creature outof its hiding.

Tyrene maintains her bardic music and swims 20 ft down, accompanied by her bodyguard giants. The other four reach for the drone, trying to initiate a grapple. As soon as one has grabbed it, all the others will start beating the drone with their greatswords, hopefully knocking it outof the fight.

The four attacking giants use listen to pinpoint the drone (usually dc 20)

Giant 1: [roll0]
Giant 2: [roll1]
Giant 3: [roll2]
Giant 4: [roll3]

EDIT: I forgot about the freedom of movement, so I noted the results that I should have gotten next to some numbers.

Giant 1: Touch Attack 1: [roll4], miss chance: [roll5]
Grapple check: [roll6]
Touch Attack 2: [roll7], miss chance: [roll8]
Grapple check: [roll9]

Giant 2: Touch Attack 1: [roll10], miss chance: [roll11]
Grapple check: [roll12]
Touch Attack 2: [roll13], miss chance: [roll14]
Grapple check: [roll15]
If the other has already take a hold of the drone:
Greatsword 1: [roll16]48, miss chance: [roll17], damage: [roll18]51
Greatsword 2: [roll19]50, miss chance: [roll20], damage: [roll21]58
Slam 1: [roll22]42, miss chance: [roll23], damage: [roll24]26
Slam 2: [roll25]38, miss chance: [roll26], damage: [roll27]32

Giant 3: Touch Attack 1: Touch Attack 1: [roll28], miss chance: [roll29]
Grapple check: [roll30]
Touch Attack 2: [roll31], miss chance: [roll32]
Grapple check: [roll33]
If the other has already take a hold of the drone:
Greatsword 1: [roll34]43, miss chance: [roll35], damage: [roll36]56
Greatsword 2: [roll37]32, miss chance: [roll38], damage: [roll39]52
Slam 1: [roll40]49, miss chance: [roll41], damage: [roll42]30
Slam 2: [roll43]44, miss chance: [roll44], damage: [roll45]36

Giant 4: Touch Attack 1: [roll46], miss chance: [roll47]
Grapple check: [roll48]
Touch Attack 2: [roll49], miss chance: [roll50]
Grapple check: [roll51]
If the other has already take a hold of the drone:
Greatsword 1: [roll52]40, miss chance: [roll53], damage: [roll54]60
Greatsword 2: [roll55]38, miss chance: [roll56], damage: [roll57]54
Slam 1: [roll58]49, miss chance: [roll59], damage: [roll60]28
Slam 2: [roll61]43, miss chance: [roll62], damage: [roll63]30

2014-09-08, 07:55 AM
"There are survivors? Do you need help? Do you have a way to evacuate? Flight? Teleportation? Give me a location. I am at Ulwiss, I can try and find someone to take me to you."

Mirabelle walks back over to Lyra, leaning on the chair. "Two birds, one stone, is your saying? Logan is evacuating survivors, and he may know where my blade is. Going to try and help him evacuate, if I can find someone to teleport me to him."

2014-09-08, 08:39 AM
All in all, it worked well. She enjoy the ground or a moment before willing herself off in upright. Perhaps she could have struck him on the way, but if the turning failed, it would have been another surge through her arm... and that force, like before. Was it pure strength or was there something else in their touch. Later, the walls of bone are closing in. What now?

A wall would have to be intricate, maybe too intricate, to act as stairs... and cost too much. We won't be able to wall them off. She looks around trying to find an answer before settling on the chained door. She didn't have the strength to break it, not now at least, and shattering it would take the door as well ...and too much power. No, something cleaner... Ah!

She glides to the chained door to the south and snaps her fingers, making a rod appear in her hand which she quickly holds against her side with her upper arm. Another snap and the helmet she had taken appears and she quickly, carelessly, places it on her head. How long ago were they laughing at these tricks...? Warm thoughts for calmer times. Focus.

She runs her free hand over the chains, touching key links, making them vanish, reappear and clatter on the floor. She stops only when the door is no longer barred and pushes it open. Unless there are immediate threats in view, she focuses as the rod vanishes back into her glove, just to make sure there are no immediate threats out of view. If not, she turns and moves aside, showing the way to the civilians. "In here!"

Lots of free actions, I think I have new found respect for Gloves of Storing if this works. Also, tumble ranks are great.

Free: Stand from prone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#freeStand) +40 on the check
Free: Move to door (2 10ft steps with DC 40 Tumble check, should only use one)
Free: Glove of Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gloveofStoring), Rod out.
Free: Glove of Storing, Helmet out
Free: Glove of Storing, Link from chain in, out, falls to floor (repeat as needed until chain is useless)
Move: Open Door
Standard: Touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) (5pp), to make sure the building is clear, and look around corners from now on (60ft range)
Free: Move to AY65 with the rest of her 2 10ft steps.

Astral Construct: Energy Bolt (Fire) [roll0] down AN
Not sure how this would work, but it'll advance into the mob if possible, over the skeletons. If it starts taking damage from AoO (DR 10/Magic) it'll hold its position. I'm trying to get him as close to the door as possible.

HP: 158/180 (no damage from the crash, 22 from the blow)
PP: 10
Damage Reduction: 8/Cold Iron
Armor Class: 40, +4 from Improved Skirmish
Note: Sidestep Charge for +4 Dodge if charged