View Full Version : FR's Exposed Drow City Campaign Ideas

2014-02-19, 06:05 PM
Hey Fellas. I'm at that crossroads point of starting a new campaign and I have an idea that needs be developed.

To start I'm a 3.0/3.5 fan. Never took to the 4th edition ruleset (matter of fact I have a keen dislike of them altogether!) That said, I do however really like the Forgotten Realms setting after the spell-plague in all the upheaval. Moreover it seems that there is plenty of room for creative license.

Now that I've gotten all the above squared away, here's the idea I've got...
How would it all go down if, in the midst of the spell-plague and the massive rifts that ripped through the landscapes- a drow city were exposed?

A few miles down to the middle dark, the cavern roof cracks wide open, large parts of the city destroyed in the cataclysm. And in the midst of all this, Lolth's silence.

There is a hundred years between the spell-plague and when players start play (that is flexible). It can be a home-brewed drow city, but preferably somewhere within effective reach of a known surface town or city at or north of Tethyr or the Wealdath.

I'm at the brain-storm phase of where a fun location would be for this event to happen... and most importantly how it might all go down. Do the drow abandon the city? Who tries to move in, and to what degree of success or failure? Do the drow pour out to the surface? How does the surface settlement discover the exposed city, and at what point?

In the end, I'd like it to be abandoned to a point of being an exploration destination for adventurers... Even to the point of adventurers being able to carve out a base of operations if they should choose to try.
