View Full Version : Should I be worried

2014-02-20, 01:42 AM
There's a guy in my class who seems to have a crush on me. He pretty handsome and charming at first glance, but he's very socially awkward. He'd say stuff as if he had no clue, like how to date girls, how to make them happy, what constitutes a "romantic evening", etc. Like he doesn't go out and socialise or anything.

His last conversation to me was about his pest killing exploits. He said he had a rat problem, so the first thing he did was go out and buy glue traps. Eventually he caught the rat. Okay, I'm following (sidenote: who the **** buys these when you have traps that kill the animal quickly) but then he says something that disturbs me. He said that the rat was still alive, so he boiled a kettle of water. He proceeded to pour the boiling water from the kettle on the helpless rat, slowly. He went into great detail how the rat was screaming and crying and trying to wriggle away. Then he said he finished the kettle, then boiled water in it again, and did the same thing. The rat wasn't dead by then, it was still breathing. He told me how its fur started to fall off and how its skin was starting to redden and blister from the head. After that, he said he threw the animal into the dumpster - despite it being still alive and horribly burnt. Throughout this, he giggled and smiled, thought the whole thing was funny!

Now, I'm no expert on human behaviour nor am I a good poker player - but is this guy a psychopath and potential serial killer?? I mean, I don't know - he could have been bluffing, trying to get a rise from me, I dunno. And even if rats are pests, that's a really horrible horrible thing to do. I actually wanted to slap him hard for being an ******* but I was worried that he might retaliate with violence. What do you guys think? Shrug it off as some sick form of humour, or keep my distance and maybe even report him somehow? I know that some people like to be edgy, sound tough and stuff but I dunno, cruelty to animals like that seems rather pointless and sadistic to me.

Halna LeGavilk
2014-02-20, 01:46 AM
I would definitely keep your distance. Even if he's joking, I'm assuming you're not interested in the kind of person that would make these kinds of jokes. I would try to stay away from him - it sounds like quite a bad situation to be in.

EDIT: On second thought, this is probably a situation beyond the scope of most people on these forums. You're probably better off turning to a professional for advice. What kind? I dunno.

2014-02-20, 01:54 AM
I don't believe this is enough grounds to call someone a psychopath; it's a fairly common thread for children to dabble in excessive cruelty and more anecdotally, for socially awkward people to not be as grown in up the sense of expected timelines.

But... Yeah. I dunno. If he asks again tell him that's disgusting, terrifying and cruel, and watch his reaction. Inform school authorities, redundantly, if he seems off his rocker enough that you're worried about retaliation. Tell your parents as well, that you're worried a class mate might be after you for petty vengeance and tell them why.

2014-02-20, 02:43 AM
Sounds like someone I know. Might be the mirror.

Anyways, Yeah, Someone who does stuff like that generally have problems, or some may just have no clue it's wrong.

But in any case, keep your distance.

Don Julio Anejo
2014-02-20, 03:13 AM
Not a psychopath, they're not usually cruel, but I'm using the scientific definition of psychopathy, which is a lack of guilt, empathy and self-serving behaviour. Cruelty is not a diagnostic criterion, and actually isn't highly correlated with psychopathy (by lack of empathy, psychopaths also lack capacity to enjoy cruelty).

However, I'm seconding what the above posters have said. There's social awkwardness, which yes, would lead you to talk about things most people would find weird (hell, I still have a thing where I may completely unintentionally offend a lot of people with hyperbole and blanket statements, when from my end I use them for hyperbole).

And then there's social awkwardness (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0773262/).

He might not be violent or sadistic, and the smiling/glee he got from describing it might be simply from talking to you, but the whole rat thing... Makes me very worried.

Don't go screaming to everyone and their mother about it unless he actually does something dangerous/threatening. It may be completely harmless, in which case you're just destroying his reputation for no good reason, or _this_ may cause retaliation if he's actually a cruel sadist.

He might also be an Aspie, if he's also socially awkward in other ways (in which case he's just happy from talking to you and doesn't understand that talking about things like this make people really uncomfortable).

2014-02-20, 03:27 AM
I would report him, somehow. Even if he didn't actually do this, the fact that he thinks it's the sort of thing to brag about mendaciously is worrisome. I wouldn't really worry about destroying his reputation. Honestly, I'd worry about not destroying his reputation. If he's the kind of guy who brags about torturing animals, he should have a reputation as the kind of guy who brags about torturing animals. Other people deserve to know that sort of thing.

2014-02-20, 03:53 AM
Social awkwardness can manifest in many ways. It's quite possible that if he does have a crush on you, then he made all this up because he mistakenly thought you might be impressed by it. Sounds bizarre, but it has some parallels to people who bully others because they're either jealous of them or fancy them. It depends on just how socially awkward he is, and whether this story of his is a significant departure from his normal attempts at conversation.

Having said that, what he described is a significant step up from pulling legs off a spider or whatever, which most boys go through at some stage, usually when they're about six or seven. I would keep your distance from this guy, at least try not to get into any position where you're alone with him. It's probably worth raising the conversation with someone else, maybe a friend of his or someone in a position of responsibility at your school/college, just so they're aware of it and how much it weird you out.

2014-02-20, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by JennyC
He said that the rat was still alive, so he boiled a kettle of water. He proceeded to pour the boiling water from the kettle on the helpless rat, slowly. He went into great detail how the rat was screaming and crying and trying to wriggle away. Then he said he finished the kettle, then boiled water in it again, and did the same thing. The rat wasn't dead by then, it was still breathing. He told me how its fur started to fall off and how its skin was starting to redden and blister from the head.

This is an especially cruel form of animal abuse, and it's almost certainly illegal where you live.

You need to report this person to your local division of Animal Control, anonymously, and have nothing further to do with him. He inflicted hideous injury to a helpless creature and enjoyed its suffering. That's not someone you ever want to be around.

2014-02-20, 02:18 PM
(sidenote: who the **** buys these when you have traps that kill the animal quickly)
Glue traps are just about the most effective type. Rats in particular are clever and will often avoid poisoned food and conventional neck-breaking traps. However, the point is that you check them frequently (so no animal is stuck to them for long) then kill them quickly once you find them. His exploits do sound rather disturbing.

Asta Kask
2014-02-20, 02:25 PM
He definitely doesn't sound like someone I would date. I mean, apart from me being a heterosexual male.

2014-02-20, 02:25 PM
So if we told you "no, he's probably not a serial killer", will you be fine in dating a person that likes torturing animals?
I mean, the fact that you even feel the need to check what we think first is disturbing. You should alredy have all the reasons to stay away from that sadist.

2014-02-20, 02:27 PM
From the information we have here, I would be against any kind of public reporting. It's really hard to tell if what he said was true or not, his motivations, and whether some actual illness may be at play here. Let's not jump to ruining somebody's life off of that.

That said, two things.
1. Confidential consultation with someone you trust is probably good. The Internet can only go so far, and I think you need advice from people that ideally know both you and this other person.
2. If, at any point, you feel physically afraid, you ignore my above advice and seek help right away.

2014-02-20, 02:34 PM
I would seriously not jump the gun and assume he's a potential serial killer or anything of the sort...

My advice is: Talk to your parent(s) about it, and then to your teacher. In that order. See what they think.

If he makes you uncomfortable, sit away from him, try to limit your contact, and have a friend around you often.

2014-02-20, 02:37 PM
"Should I be worried?"

If you have to ask, the answer is probably yes. Seriously, trust your own creep radar and don't feel the need to apologize to anyone about it. I'd definitely report it to someone.

2014-02-20, 04:09 PM
There's a guy in my class who seems to have a crush on me. He pretty handsome and charming at first glance, but he's very socially awkward. He'd say stuff as if he had no clue, like how to date girls, how to make them happy, what constitutes a "romantic evening", etc. Like he doesn't go out and socialise or anything.Odd, but it's hard getting experience when you have no experience. At least as far as dating goes.

His last conversation to me was about his pest killing exploits. He said he had a rat problem ...
~snip~I nearly threw up reading that.
Yes, red flag.

Now, I'm no expert on human behaviour nor am I a good poker player - but is this guy a psychopath and potential serial killer??
I know that some people like to be edgy, sound tough and stuff but I dunno, cruelty to animals like that seems rather pointless and sadistic to me.Potential threat? Maybe. Psycho? Not qualified to answer. "Trying to be edgy" and such? Trying is the operative word, but by the sounds of things he actually did the deed. And seems proud of it. I doubt he'd hurt people he liked but... this guy doesn't sound fun to hang out with.
Use caution.

Killer Angel
2014-02-20, 04:15 PM
Throughout this, he giggled and smiled, thought the whole thing was funny!


Do you really need us to see the obvious?
keep your distance and report him.

2014-02-21, 03:33 AM
What an absolute tosser! I see why you didn't, but you should definitely have smacked him around! Goddarn, that's absolutely horrible.

2014-02-21, 04:41 AM
Torture is torture. In my opinion, you should've let him know that this is not something to brag about, let him know that it's certainly not cool. And if you believe him to have actually done this, you should tell someone with the authority to teach him not to do that in the future.

2014-02-21, 04:43 AM
2. If, at any point, you feel physically afraid, you ignore my above advice and seek help right away.

My advice in a nutshell.

What an absolute tosser! I see why you didn't, but you should definitely have smacked him around! Goddarn, that's absolutely horrible.

While that was also my first thought, I don't think it's a good one. Certainly, enforcing social hierarchy through casual violence on someone who sought validation through casual violence is a positive feedback loop you don't want to start.

2014-02-21, 04:58 AM
Let me break this down for you:

Is this guy absolutely, positively, call-the-courts-and-call-the-cops insane? No. We can't make that call on this evidence alone. So if you're asking if you should appeal to authority, the answer is that you shouldn't...yet.

But here's the thing. You do not have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe he's socially awkward. Maybe he's got a dark sense of humor. Maybe this is part of his one-man traveling show "How to Creep People the Freak Out." None of that matters if he makes you feel uncomfortable. Stay away from him, and if he keeps making you feel uncomfortable, tell him in crystal-clear hundred-foot-tall-flaming-letters unambiguous terms to stay away.

If you do that, and he doesn't, that is when you contact authorities and explain the situation in equally unambiguous terms.

2014-02-21, 05:15 AM
While that was also my first thought, I don't think it's a good one. Certainly, enforcing social hierarchy through casual violence on someone who sought validation through casual violence is a positive feedback loop you don't want to start.

You're probably absolutely right. When someone exhibits this kind of behaviour (assuming the torture is real), I just can't help but feel they're marking themselves as big fat targets for annihilation, for the better of society.

's probably a spur of the moment thing, thinking it through the slightest bit makes it clear that revenge is not a helpful solution. Just, ugh, I can't stand the thought of letting people act this way towards others without some sort of retribution.

2014-02-21, 05:17 AM
How old are you, and how old is he? As someone else mentioned, torture of small animals isn't exactly uncommon among socially awkward/unpopular kids, at least up until about 13, maybe 14. As much as I'm loathe to admit it, I wasn't exactly kind to any field mice or frogs I caught(only those two), all the way up until about age 13 or 14. Not quite to this guys level, but still, not really nice at all. I grew up though and am quite kind to any animal nowadays, to the point where even a person who has a rather "mean" or "vicious" animal will often come right up to me and let me/make me pet them because they can sense I'm a good person.

Now, if he's >14...yeah I'd be a bit worried/disturbed, and certainly wouldn't have anything to do with them. I'd maybe even suggest keeping pepper spray in your purse, because if he becomes obsessed he may try to act on that obsession, despite you saying no(That is definitely something you should do immediately though, Say "I'm sorry, but I'm not really interested in dating you, you seem like a good person(yes, lie), but I'm just not interested". Do not leave any room for doubt.

And yes, before anyone asks, or starts thinking I'm a horrible person, I do realize what I did when I was much younger was terribly wrong, and I feel quite bad over it. I don't even really know why I did it anymore, but I can say I was definitely one of those "odd loner types that were very awkward and very unpopular/non-social". Nowadays I'd rather cut off my own hand before I hurt an animal on purpose. Hell, I ALWAYS pull over and go into traffic whenever I see turtles on the road, just so they don't get run over. Doesn't matter if I'm in a hurry for something, I always stop.

2014-02-21, 06:00 AM
While his behavior is clearly not entirely normal, I have to agree a bit with what Starwulf and a few others hinted at earlier: Sometimes kids torture animals for fun. (I never did, but it's a pass time for many children who turn out to be perfectly normal later) So I would be a bit less forgiving if he's only like 14 or younger.
Whether or not it's been made up is a bit of an issue but from my point of view you should have right away confronted him about this being not funny or anything :smallfrown: If you care enough about it, next time you talk bring it up and see how he reacts. If he seems sensible about it, I guess he may have learned an important lesson, though if he doesn't... well, I'd talk to his parents, or some other authority you trust. I don't think animal control is the first instance to go to in this case but then that#s up do debate.
Of course, if you are seriously scared about him retaliating against you it's a bit more difficult. But while people can sometimes be hard to predict from what you told I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

2014-02-21, 06:09 AM
This guy is a weirdo. I think that calling police on him is a bit of an overkill, but you might want to stay away. And tell your parents.

2014-02-21, 06:30 AM
Stay the hell away from him. Report it, and stay away from him. The kind of kid who'll not only torture an animal to death (oh wait, he didn't even give it the mercy of death, but threw it in a bin where it'll suffer for even longer, alone), but giggle about it like it's a funny little game, is not the sort of person anyone should have to put up with.

I nearly threw up just reading what he told you.

2014-02-21, 02:04 PM
Are you certain he wasn't just saying that to provoke a response from you? How did you respond to that information? Some people get very amused from shocking and horrifying other people.

On a second note, he seems to be prone towards somewhat impractical methods of pest eradication. However, that he didn't kill it would suggest he's not of the killing mindset.

Though I'm curious, did that solve the rat problem?

2014-02-21, 06:53 PM
You're probably absolutely right. When someone exhibits this kind of behaviour (assuming the torture is real), I just can't help but feel they're marking themselves as big fat targets for annihilation, for the better of society.

's probably a spur of the moment thing, thinking it through the slightest bit makes it clear that revenge is not a helpful solution. Just, ugh, I can't stand the thought of letting people act this way towards others without some sort of retribution.

At risk of sounding like a Psycho myself, yeah sure. Kill him, he sounds terrible. But don't condition him to be worse and then release him back into society.

2014-02-21, 06:59 PM
At risk of sounding like a Psycho myself, yeah sure. Kill him, he sounds terrible. But don't condition him to be worse and then release him back into society.

Guys, can we step back from the crazy here? This is one "holy hell!" story and I really don't think the thread has enough info to be making statements like this or the one that SiuiS quoted.

What we've got is that yeah, wow is that some creepy stuff. So safety of the OP is priority #1, and if that's taken care of, I'd personally like to see a bit of figuring out what's wrong with the guy and, y'know trying to get him some help instead of condemning him from society for all time.

2014-02-21, 07:01 PM
There's a guy in my class who seems to have a crush on me. He pretty handsome and charming at first glance, but he's very socially awkward. He'd say stuff as if he had no clue, like how to date girls, how to make them happy, what constitutes a "romantic evening", etc. Like he doesn't go out and socialise or anything.

His last conversation to me was about his pest killing exploits. .... cruelty to animals like that seems rather pointless and sadistic to me.

I'm a trained killer and I will tell you that I have worked with very very few people that sick. RUN AWAY. Even in the military, normal people don't even joke about that kind of stuff.

2014-02-22, 11:49 AM
There's a guy in my class who seems to have a crush on me. He pretty handsome and charming at first glance, but he's very socially awkward. He'd say stuff as if he had no clue, like how to date girls, how to make them happy, what constitutes a "romantic evening", etc. Like he doesn't go out and socialise or anything.

His last conversation to me was about his pest killing exploits. He said he had a rat problem, so the first thing he did was go out and buy glue traps. Eventually he caught the rat. Okay, I'm following (sidenote: who the **** buys these when you have traps that kill the animal quickly) but then he says something that disturbs me. He said that the rat was still alive, so he boiled a kettle of water. He proceeded to pour the boiling water from the kettle on the helpless rat, slowly. He went into great detail how the rat was screaming and crying and trying to wriggle away. Then he said he finished the kettle, then boiled water in it again, and did the same thing. The rat wasn't dead by then, it was still breathing. He told me how its fur started to fall off and how its skin was starting to redden and blister from the head. After that, he said he threw the animal into the dumpster - despite it being still alive and horribly burnt. Throughout this, he giggled and smiled, thought the whole thing was funny!

Now, I'm no expert on human behaviour nor am I a good poker player - but is this guy a psychopath and potential serial killer?? I mean, I don't know - he could have been bluffing, trying to get a rise from me, I dunno. And even if rats are pests, that's a really horrible horrible thing to do. I actually wanted to slap him hard for being an ******* but I was worried that he might retaliate with violence. What do you guys think? Shrug it off as some sick form of humour, or keep my distance and maybe even report him somehow? I know that some people like to be edgy, sound tough and stuff but I dunno, cruelty to animals like that seems rather pointless and sadistic to me.

The exact level of cruelty in this might not hit home since it's rats he's done it to, and since rats are considered pests some people think that you are somehow allowed to be cruel to them. Despite this, I'd say this is very troubling behaviour at any age and certainly hints at some underlying issues. Would you be in any doubt that this was pretty sick if it was cats he did this to?

Detach yourself from this person and inform someone that can provide help for him (teacher, parent, priest or other, but definitely don't try to help this guy yourself) would probably be my advice since this guy obviously needs help of some kind.

This guy is a weirdo. I think that calling police on him is a bit of an overkill, but you might want to stay away. And tell your parents.

You might think calling the police is overkill but I'm pretty sure what he did is illegal in most civilized countries. I wouldn't bat an eyelid calling the police on such a person (but I'd make sure to check the laws first, by speaking to Animal Control or a Humane Society) but then again, I've kept rats as pets so I may be biased.

2014-02-22, 12:13 PM
The exact level of cruelty in this might not hit home since it's rats he's done it to, and since rats are considered pests some people think that you are somehow allowed to be cruel to them.

It shouldn't matter, and if people think it's alright to painfully torture a rat because "it's a rat" then they are idiotic morons.

Asta Kask
2014-02-22, 12:15 PM
It shouldn't matter, and if people think it's alright to painfully torture a rat because "it's a rat" then they are idiotic morons.

They could be cats.

2014-02-22, 12:19 PM
I would keep my distance from this person, and report them to an authority. Rat or not, it matters little since this was a deliberate act to torture something for amusement. Studies have shown that behaviour such as this often manifests to other violent behaviour, which includes assault and murder. Jeffery Dahmer, a notorious serial killer in the US, started with small animals like rats. He simply got bored and moved up the chain. This is not behaviour to be taken lightly at all.

For the people who are going to say rats are pests or it's only a rat, that is completely irrelevant. The person (if telling the truth) still did something incredibly messed up and even if rats aren't your favourite animals, physically torturing one and listening to it scream and enjoying it is horrid. There are animals I dislike very much but I'd never do something like that; I would be barely human otherwise. For example, feral cats give us lots of trouble here but I'd never capture one and torture it, that is so wrong that I don't really need to explain why it is.

2014-02-22, 12:23 PM
They could be cats.

Perhaps to a mouse, but a well sized rat can actually defend itself against a cat. Cats are actually stupid animals compared to rats.

Asta Kask
2014-02-22, 12:50 PM
I've had rats, and I have cats and they are about equally smart. It's just that cats are even lazier than male rats - and that's saying something. The fact is - cats catch rats. It happens. And rats are afraid of cats, they avoid places where there are cats. That evolved for a reason.

2014-02-22, 12:53 PM
My point was that the OP, or the man/boy in question, might not perceive it as being "that bad" because it's rats that are tortured rather than a typical pet animal. Which, of course, is rather silly because every animal deserves to be treated humanely. It's like when people will freak out over eating horse and dog even though they gladly eat cow, pig and chicken, because the former are perceived as somehow more "worthy" of consideration due to their pet status.

Asta Kask
2014-02-22, 01:13 PM
For example, feral cats give us lots of trouble here but I'd never capture one and torture it, that is so wrong that I don't really need to explain why it is.

Don't study history.

2014-02-22, 01:15 PM
I've had rats, and I have cats and they are about equally smart. It's just that cats are even lazier than male rats - and that's saying something. The fact is - cats catch rats. It happens. And rats are afraid of cats, they avoid places where there are cats. That evolved for a reason.

Not to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPK_ij0llc8) rat.

Scarlet Knight
2014-02-22, 01:19 PM
Even if he's normal but awkward, it sounds like you can do better... and guess what? That's ok! You don't have to date everyone who wants to date you.

Asta Kask
2014-02-22, 01:19 PM
No, but to all other rats.

Seriously, one rat proves nada. I can find youtube videos too. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkTAvmzcTzc) Why would rats evolve a fear of cat scent if they were lording it over the cats?

I agree with you that rats are pretty damn smart - especially the female rat. But cats aren't stupid either.

Fun fact - an old test for aggression in rats was dropping them in a cage full of mice and see how long it took for the rat to kill all the rats. I don't think it's used anymore, because a) it's painful to the mice, and b) it doesn't really test aggression it tests hunting behavior.

ETA: Anyway, this is a digression. People have done screwed up things to animals over the years.

2014-02-22, 01:28 PM
I'm just saying that some rats can actually ward off a cat, that video was an example.

That fact sounds like a typical live feeding video on YT because the poster has some sick fascination with watching their animals kill one in an enclosed area. Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--U9m9zE_lY) one.

2014-02-22, 01:41 PM
Cats are predators of small rodents, including rats. That some rats can ward off a cat is neither here nor there; the ability of prey species to fend off a predator is hardly a new thing under the sun. Moreover the dimensions of individual rats and cats can vary quite widely: not all of them are created equal.

I'm not really sure what the point in this digression is, though, and it seems to be drifting slightly off the topic. I think the original point in bringing up cats was that rats are generally considered vermin* so people might be minded to be less shocked about cruelty inflicted on them; had this behaviour been performed on a commonly-accepted companion animal (like a cat) the true malevolence of it would come to light.

*Yes, I know some people keep rats as pets.

2014-02-22, 03:12 PM
There's really no difference, fundamentally. All it does, is show a double standard really. I don't think it's really applicable here as the mindset is still there, which is of greater concern than what species of animal it was.

2014-02-22, 09:33 PM
At risk of sounding like a Psycho myself, yeah sure. Kill him, he sounds terrible. But don't condition him to be worse and then release him back into society.

I'm sorry, what? Even for a joke this isn't particulary funny. :smallannoyed:

Now, to the OP: yeah, sounds like somebody you don't want to have anything to do with. I wouldn't call the cops or anything like that, but I would keep my distance, tell him that no, you are not interested, inform your parents and close friends, and if he ever tries anything again, and you do not want it, THEN you should inform authorities.

Or you could talk to him, tell him you don't consider the story very amusing, and you do not wish him to do anything like that ever again. See how he reacts, and act accordingly.

2014-02-23, 06:30 AM
Or you could talk to him, tell him you don't consider the story very amusing, and you do not wish him to do anything like that ever again. See how he reacts, and act accordingly.

Not sure this would necessarily be a good thing as it puts the OP in a position of being one that helps the person in question which he, if he has serious issues, might construct all sorts of fantasies regarding. In respects to wackos, I believe it's often best to sever contact rather than enable them by promising help you can't actually deliver, or keeping a small degree of contact that might seem like a promise of more contact, if only they manage to "act right".
This kid likely has issues and it's not up to a girl he may or may not have a crush on to fix it, that's what you have mental health care professionals for.

2014-02-23, 07:28 AM
I'm sorry, what? Even for a joke this isn't particulary funny. :smallannoyed:

The way you then proceed to casually dismiss a brutal murder as something that JennyC should probably maybe react to in the future if she comes into immideate danger hirself, reeks of speciesism.

I'm not gonna go ahead and call your post offensive, because I think I understand the environment that conditions you to lack the empathy, but I implore you to take a good hard look at the part you're quoting in obvious distaste, and then the course of action you suggest.

2014-02-23, 08:57 AM
Not sure this would necessarily be a good thing as it puts the OP in a position of being one that helps the person in question which he, if he has serious issues, might construct all sorts of fantasies regarding. In respects to wackos, I believe it's often best to sever contact rather than enable them by promising help you can't actually deliver, or keeping a small degree of contact that might seem like a promise of more contact, if only they manage to "act right".

Hm, might be true. Better to stay away from him in any case. Still, I wouldn't report it to the authorities or anything like that. At least not if he doesn't continue with anything unwanted.

Asta Kask
2014-02-23, 09:00 AM
If nothing else, you have no proof. He could have made things up in a mistaken attempt to impress you.

2014-02-23, 09:21 AM
Assuming you're in high school or something? I'd go talk to an in-school counsellor about it. It's their job to deal with stuff like this. He's obviously making you uncomfortable and did something undoubtably illegal. You have no proof but it does at least create a record of your complaint and the counsellor might have better ideas than the people here. They also have authority in the school and might be able to talk to him.

Childhood animal cruelty can be an indicator of later psychological issues, but it isn't a guarantee. Still, this guy does not sound like good news, so for now keep your distance and don't be alone with him.

There's nothing wrong with being honest and telling him he's being creepy or whatever, just keep in mind that will upset him and you have no idea how he will react.

2014-02-23, 09:23 AM
I don't think this is a real story folks. Neither the post itself or the poster.

2014-02-23, 09:38 AM
I don't think this is a real story folks. Neither the post itself or the poster.

On what basis, other than the user now being banned?

2014-02-23, 09:43 AM
I think it should be pointed out that according to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17047007&postcount=7) post the OP is no longer going to post. I honestly don't know if that is a serious post or not, but I thought it should be mentioned. Also, check the title under the OP's username.

2014-02-23, 09:57 AM
On what basis, other than the user now being banned?

I think it should be pointed out that according to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17047007&postcount=7) post the OP is no longer going to post. I honestly don't know if that is a serious post or not, but I thought it should be mentioned. Also, check the title under the OP's username.

This post more or less sums it up. Can't talk about other threads really since they were scrubbed but let's just say that while the poster was a real person I don't think the story here in was anything more than a cover.

Killer Angel
2014-02-23, 12:09 PM
I think it should be pointed out that according to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17047007&postcount=7) post the OP is no longer going to post.

A weird post, I must say.
Well, that solves also the issues about this thread. Let it fall into oblivion.