View Full Version : I'll Give it My Best Shot!(3.5)

2014-02-22, 12:47 AM
After a long, reluctancy I've decided to make an attempt at an Epic Level Campaign! Slightly terrified, after seeing a very terribly failed Epic game, I've come to the Playground for reassurance and help. I figure with all the great minds here I can run a very fun, challenging and engaging campaign!

So without further a do; what do I ban, what makes monsters scary at high level games, what world would be best to run an epic game in?
Also what level should I start at? I was thinking Lv. 30 but that could be a terrible mistake, where do you usually start for Epic?

If I've left anything out let me know and I will try my best to answer/add whatever is needed.

Thanks to everyone who replies!

2014-02-22, 01:09 AM
Let's see, Metamind's Schism ability + Timeless Body manifestation allows for permanent complete invincibility. Nightsticks + Ruby Knight Vindicator can, if not ruled a certain way, allow for infinite actions per round. Basically, don't allow stuff that would make the character get infinite actions or complete invincibility. That includes Pun Pun.

Overall, don't really worry. Epic level isn't as much of a power surge for anyone except casters who an take Ignore Material Component at level 24, which will only really allow them to cast spells like Forcecage as often as they want.

2014-02-22, 01:12 AM
Let's see, Metamind's Schism ability + Timeless Body manifestation allows for permanent complete invincibility. Nightsticks + Ruby Knight Vindicator can, if not ruled a certain way, allow for infinite actions per round. Basically, don't allow stuff that would make the character get infinite actions or complete invincibility. That includes Pun Pun.

Overall, don't really worry. Epic level isn't as much of a power surge for anyone except casters who an take Ignore Material Component at level 24, which will only really allow them to cast spells like Forcecage as often as they want.

I've heard limiting Epic Spellcasting is a good decision?

This will be my first Epic game so I will be asking many questions over the course of this thread, bear with me, all!

2014-02-22, 01:14 AM
Don't include epic spellcasting.


Don't do it.

The rules are so extremely wonky. I honestly don't think a campaign can function even a little bit with it as written. Even close to as written.

Rocket tag in d&d is already ridiculous. Epic spellcasting means your campaign is over before it starts.

2014-02-22, 01:28 AM
Don't include epic spellcasting.


Don't do it.

The rules are so extremely wonky. I honestly don't think a campaign can function even a little bit with it as written. Even close to as written.

Rocket tag in d&d is already ridiculous. Epic spellcasting means your campaign is over before it starts.

Duly noted!

Limitations on Teleportation or should I just have anyone worth their salt have defense against that?

2014-02-22, 01:28 AM
uhhhhh Whats the name of that stone that blocks teleportation?

2014-02-22, 01:29 AM
uhhhhh Whats the name of that stone that blocks teleportation?

Haven't heard of it! Sounds more than worth a look though!

2014-02-22, 05:57 AM
Weird Stone. CL20 item. I think it costs 200k. Stops all incoming teleportations within 6 mile radius. This includes teleporting around within that 6 mile radius. You can port out just fine though.