View Full Version : Mage of Thedas

2014-02-22, 01:35 AM
I want to make a mage from Dragon Age: Origins. I have decided the best way to do this is actually psionics, because it works more similarly to a man a system (I may get small pp regen to account for a relatively weak character).

This (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Spells_(Origins)) is a list of the spells. I'm really only looking at the four schools (primal, creation, spirit, and entropy).

Some (primal, grease) are pretty easy, but others (walking bomb) are somewhat less easy (to my knowledge of psionics)

Tldr: I want psionic powers that emulate the spells on the linked page

2014-02-22, 09:46 PM
There is a spell that does d6 (I think) x HD points of damage if a creature dies while under it's effect. It's an arcane spell, though, and for the life of me I can't remember the name. Has a picture of a kobold exploding after dieing froma rrows next to it, though.

While the spell doesn't do damage while the target is alive, it should work for walking bomb, no? Maybe you can convert it to a psionic spell?

2014-02-22, 09:49 PM
I know I know that spell (good catch), but i'm as blank on the name.

2014-02-22, 09:59 PM
The spell in question is Fatal Flame (Complete Scoundrel p. 99).

2014-02-22, 10:14 PM
You could us the spell point variant magic system.

2014-02-22, 10:23 PM
I considered it, but the limited powers known for psions matches up better to the limited spells of DA Mages.