View Full Version : Psychic Weapon Master builds

2014-02-22, 08:39 PM

I've taken a bit more of a look at the Psychic Weapon Master (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827d)

I love the look of it.

Just out of interest, or possibly to create an NPC in an upcoming campaign, I want to make a PWM build. If anybody feels like being creative with me, please feel free to input some ideas.

What I'm envisioning is a skilled, disciplined Warrior. Katana weilding, Psionics-using, prefering to melee combat but able to fight at a distance. Using no, light or medium armour, being quite agile.

I'm not picturing something overly optimised, just something efficient and fun to play. Ideally, I'd like Ardent 10 / PWM 10 - but unfortunately PWM has so so many feat prereqs, I don't think it could all be squeezed in.

What I'd be looking for power-wise is a few of the basics - Inertial Armour, Energy Ray, Vigor, Share Pain, Dimension Hop, Hustle, Lion's Charge. Mainly buff/utility, a couple of blasts or battlefield control.

So if anyone is feeling creative, I'd love to see some ideas. :)