View Full Version : Character concept

2014-02-22, 09:02 PM
Hello everyone I am writing now to ask for help in making a character. My idea is to make something more or less like a viking elf if that makes any sense. The prefered class would be druid, but I am open to hearing suggestions for other classes, and would prefer to have something viking esque as a weapon. thank you for all your help. oh this is a 3.5 campaign not sure about lvl though.

2014-02-22, 09:35 PM
well googleing viking weapons shows various axes, longswords and shields spears and daggers and bows and arrows so Basically your covered. Druids give shield and spear proficency and elves get bows and longswords automatically so you're mostly set from the get go for extra vikingness check out the Berserk prc from Deities and Demigods bit it has the same BAB as a druid, a worse wildshape bad DR, and no casting but also gives a rage type ability and a d12 hit die so up to you

2014-02-22, 09:42 PM
I would have thought that Barbarian fits the Viking concept better — but maybe that just fits Berserks. Maybe you want to change into a Bear, which is quite Scandinavian — a Druid can do that.

Well you can do the Berserk but with the Druidic Avenger ACF (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger)

This will cost you your Animal Companion.

2014-02-22, 09:44 PM
There's always Warrior skald for bard. Perhaps not as typical as a big fighter type but they definitely have the right flavor and can be pretty effective both in and out of combat.

2014-02-22, 09:54 PM
Thank you for the replies, and yes some classes fit alittle better with the viking type. Though berserkers could be inhabited by the spirit of many different animals they all just had different names which I will not try to type out here because well language barrier. Druid I was thinking of giving him a raven as his animal just to add to it. Druids were big back then in norse and celtic culture I was thinking kind of young druid wondering the world and all.

2014-02-22, 10:48 PM
Horizon Tripper, man.

2014-02-22, 11:09 PM
Horizon Tripper, man.

Its not core only, why would you ever make a horizon tripper :smallconfused:

2014-02-22, 11:59 PM
what is a horizon tripper?

2014-02-23, 01:32 AM
Horizon Walker is a prestige class in core (the DMG). They wander the earth, and get various powers based on regions they choose (usually a minor combat benefit vs. creatures native to that region and a minor to medium significant benefit, like immunity to fatigue and (later) tremorsense).

"Tripper" indicates that there is a "Tripping" build in there somewhere, but I don't know of it. But there probably is some vikingish weapon that can trip, if you want to go that route. Halberd, perhaps.

2014-02-23, 02:14 AM
what is a horizon tripper?

Try this to start:


You can cut out the Fighter levels by taking Wolf Totem Barbarian, which gives you Improved Trip at 2. So, Rgr 1, Bbn 2, Rgr 2... that's 5 levels that let you be an effective fighter, and a good viking.

My suggestion is not to enter Horizon Walker (although it's not the worst idea in the world), but rather stick with Bbn or Rgr. But whatever you do at 6+, you will have a playable and flavorful Viking.

2014-02-23, 02:23 AM
ok guys keep in mind vikings had mystics that went into battle with them, I was more asking for flavor wise things to do to help make him seem more vivking. Not make an elf berserker and call him a viking....

2014-02-23, 02:27 AM
I don't really know what it means to be a viking from a character point of view. The seafaring barbarian angle makes sense, but I dunno if that matters that much. What do you want this character to be capable of doing, such that they'll be sufficiently viking-like in your eyes? It's worth note, however, that an elf druid is capable of entering seeker of the misty isle (CD, 81), and that class seems like it might be capable of fitting with what you want to do. It's pretty good on a dip.

Edit: The point, I think, is that for most things in existence, there's a way to feasible pull it off as a druid. I just don't know what thing I'm trying to pull off as a druid.

2014-02-23, 05:20 AM
Profession(sailor) seems like a must-have. Considering the likely environment, there may be some material in Frostburn that could be interesting.

2014-02-23, 06:11 AM
After further reading it seems a bit like you want to go for something similar to Odin. So I recommend searrching for Norse Myths and building your character based on that. Raven companion and Spear are good ways to start as for spirituality venerate battle discuss it as a higher calling and an important part of your life. Note don't play it as axe crazy like your character wants to kill everything he should respect opponents and take life and death seriously

2014-02-25, 04:52 PM
Thank you All paper Armor that is a very good suggestion and what I was thinking of doing, so great minds think alike. I was planning on him saying his home land is called Alfheim, just to go with the Norse, Celtic thing. If the game goes long enough I plan on taking the prestige Master of the Hunt.

2014-02-28, 04:18 PM
Ok, so I am going to take my druid the route to become a master of the hunt and I get to choose a mount, it says that masters normally choose a stag as there mount but could take of creatures if they chose. Does anyone have any suggestions?

2014-02-28, 04:37 PM
What's Master of the Hunt?

I remember making a Spirit Shaman/Knight of the Raven once, got one spirit raven and on regular raven.

2014-02-28, 04:45 PM
The principle of the hunt is very important to druids.
The master of the hunt is dedicated to this principle in
it purest manifestation. He lives to chase and kin
animals of an kinds. The larger and more dangerous
the prey, the more satisfying the hunt. The rest can be found in the class the quintessential druid.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-02-28, 04:52 PM


Fax Celestis
2014-02-28, 04:56 PM
Thank you for the replies, and yes some classes fit alittle better with the viking type. Though berserkers could be inhabited by the spirit of many different animals they all just had different names which I will not try to type out here because well language barrier. Druid I was thinking of giving him a raven as his animal just to add to it. Druids were big back then in norse and celtic culture I was thinking kind of young druid wondering the world and all.

If binding the spirits of animals is something you're interested in, you could try my druid rewrite. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164574)

2014-02-28, 05:01 PM
No I wouldnt say anything like binding spirits of animals a master of the hunt comes across alot more like say, princess monoke.

2014-02-28, 05:03 PM
I would have thought that Barbarian fits the Viking concept better — but maybe that just fits Berserks. Maybe you want to change into a Bear, which is quite Scandinavian — a Druid can do that.

Well you can do the Berserk but with the Druidic Avenger ACF (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger)

This will cost you your Animal Companion.

You can combine this with the Spontaneous Rejuvenation ACF from Player's Handbook II to make a barbarian with near-infinite HP.

The last seafaring pirate I built was really heavily homebrew (Servant Soul that dipped duelist or something).

2014-02-28, 05:11 PM
You can combine this with the Spontaneous Rejuvenation ACF from Player's Handbook II to make a barbarian with near-infinite HP.
Nah, they both trade away spontaneous summoning, so you can't combine them. They're also both kinda bad, although druidic avenger at least could be decent on a build that's not going to be advancing either feature that much, which pretty much means MoMF.

2014-02-28, 05:24 PM
I never really go for the combining classes thing, like take a lvl of this take a lvl of that. I go druid until I can prestige or I take all the lvls of druid that are on the chart.

2014-02-28, 06:23 PM
I never really go for the combining classes thing, like take a lvl of this take a lvl of that. I go druid until I can prestige or I take all the lvls of druid that are on the chart.
Well, fortunately that's the best way to proceed as a druid, though I'm not sure who was suggesting anything else.

2014-02-28, 06:24 PM
welp if you still like the odin angle here's his horse Sleipnir (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleipnir)

2014-02-28, 09:19 PM
I was wondering what book or website would I be able to look up the stats for a stag? or even a dire stag? Because I cant find them anywhere in the mm.

2014-02-28, 09:52 PM
I know Frostburn has a Megaloceros. Basically, Dire Deer.

2014-02-28, 10:06 PM
and what book would I be able to find that in?

2014-02-28, 10:08 PM
and what book would I be able to find that in?

... Frostburn.

2014-03-01, 04:48 AM
Oh lol sorry about that, I didnt know that was a name of a book I thought it was a campaign setting or something.

2014-03-02, 03:18 PM
The creature from the Frostburn book might work but I dont know if I could get it right off, so still hunting for the basic stats of a stag, either a deer or elk.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-03-02, 05:09 PM
Dire Elk Monster Manual II. Want an elk? Reverse engineer by removing the dire animal template.

No stats, but here's an awesome pic.


2014-03-02, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the heads up about just removing the stats from a dire elk, and bad ass picture thanks man.

2014-03-02, 08:05 PM
Dire Elk Monster Manual II. Want an elk? Reverse engineer by removing the dire animal template.

Dire isn't a template, which complicates this advice somewhat.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-03-02, 08:43 PM
Dire isn't a template, which complicates this advice somewhat.

You're right, I forgot. What with legendary, phrenic, and all the others I see get tacked on all the time my brain just went thataway when it should have gone thisaway.

2014-03-02, 08:49 PM
You're right, I forgot. What with legendary, phrenic, and all the others I see get tacked on all the time my brain just went thataway when it should have gone thisaway.I'm pretty sure there is a dire template, but it might have been 3rd party.

2014-03-02, 08:55 PM
I'm pretty sure there is a dire template, but it might have been 3rd party.
I dunno, maybe. That'd presumably only take you from elk to dire elk though, because there certainly isn't one consistent pattern to the dire template. Probably wouldn't get us anywhere, in other words, unless they included elk or dire elk stats.

Also, legendary is another not-template. Phrenic is fine though.

Sir Chuckles
2014-03-02, 08:56 PM
I'm pretty sure there is a dire template, but it might have been 3rd party.

There's one for Pathfinder.
Aside from that's I've been hard pressed to find one, considering that adding "Dire" in essentially everything else is a complete and total clusterfoozle.

2014-03-15, 12:57 AM
This is somewhat off the topic I put originally but are there any classes for melee that get a bonus for wisdom?

2014-03-15, 02:24 AM
Swordsage and psiwar.

Seriously though vikings where not known for their horsemanship; unless you are a norman. Its kind of hard to get horses on to long boats.

2014-03-15, 03:04 AM
Here are three main themes that I imagine work well for a viking: Raging Berserker Viking, Storm-Shaman Viking, and Mystic Shapechanging Viking. It seems you don't want to deviate far from the druid class so these ideas don't do that much.

You may like the "Druidic Avenger" variant from pg. 51 of Unearthed Arcana.
These are the features:

Animal Companon: None
Fast Movement (Ex): As a Barbarian
Rage (Ex): As a Barbarian, once per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for every 5 levels above 1st. No greater rage, indomitable will, or mighty rage.
Wild Empathy: -4 penalty on wild empathy checks.

On page 58 there's another variant where you gain:

Unarmored AC bonus (As a Monk)
Fast movement (as Monk)
Favored Enemy (as Ranger)
Track feat (as Ranger)

And lose:

Armor and shield proficiency
Wild Shape (all versions)

The first one works well if you want to keep full spellcasting levels. And although you cannot cast while raging, of course, the rage adds to the viking feel. You don't, however get all the rage abilities that a barbarian gets. Losing the animal companion hurts this variant, unfortunately.
The second variant (which I prefer) only has the downside of losing wildshape. You already have your wisdom as high as possible, and getting Fast Movement (which Stormwrack states you can apply to a swim speed if you have one) plus Track and Favored Enemy (I'd pick humanoids for that) definitely add to the viking feel.

If you like the storm-riding viking path you could choose lots of storm spells, like Call Lightning Storm, Control Winds, and all the spells from Stormwrack. Cast Control Weather a lot, and use the Storm Magic Feat from Frostburn (pg 50) and you'll complete the image of Thor. The Stormcaster prestige class (Stormwrack, pg 72) fits this theme like a glove.

Wild feats (Complete Divine, and others), and/or the Warshaper prestige class (Complete Warrior, pg 89) could allow you to keep combat as your primary offense, yet use your magic as a way of enhancing your combat prowess. I think that fits the "mystic" theme very well, and is a very versatile path to take. Druids can make surprisingly good melee fighters, and Wild Feats can give you buffs you want like rage, or swimming ability. And if you like wild feats a lot you may not need to use a feat on natural spell. Chose wisely though! :smallwink:

You can also add to your character some of the storm, cold, and water-based magic items that exit in Stormwrack, Frostburn, and the Magic Item Compendium. Raiment of the Stormwalker (MIC) work while wildshaped, and nothing says viking more than a Dragon Head figurehead on your ship.. especially one that can actually breathe fire (Living Figureheads, Stormwrack, pg 132).

I'd check all of the books I mentioned for additional feats, alternate class features, and magic items. I think I'm gonna go make a viking Warshaper now, because that sounds cooler each minute.. :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-19, 10:01 PM
can sword sage cast spells? like general spells I am thinking of making something like a wind swords man since I am having to change the character I have for this campaign.

2014-03-19, 10:04 PM
can sword sage cast spells? like general spells I am thinking of making something like a wind swords man since I am having to change the character I have for this campaign.There is a completely broken adaptation suggested in the book. I do not suggest actually proposing to use it to your DM.

What do you mean by "Wind Swordsman"?

2014-03-19, 10:07 PM
Well some kind of Melee based character that would cast wind based spells, I know there is a race that has druids I believe can do that

Sir Chuckles
2014-03-20, 12:01 AM
Well some kind of Melee based character that would cast wind based spells, I know there is a race that has druids I believe can do that

Define wind spells. Do you mean literal *whoosh whoosh* "screw you, archer" type of spells, or the elemental that's often associated with lightning?

2014-03-20, 12:22 AM
I dont know much about all the magic in D&D since I normally play melee characters or druids that focus more on Melee and a few simple spells, though I am meaning more wind...as in..well wind..you know whirlwinds,cyclones and that kind of stuff I know there are a few spells for that like gust of wind I think is one and the other is like wind wall of something like that.

Sir Chuckles
2014-03-20, 12:32 AM
I dont know much about all the magic in D&D since I normally play melee characters or druids that focus more on Melee and a few simple spells, though I am meaning more wind...as in..well wind..you know whirlwinds,cyclones and that kind of stuff I know there are a few spells for that like gust of wind I think is one and the other is like wind wall of something like that.

So *whoosh whoosh* "screw you archers".

I'm not sure what you meant by "race that has druids", as all races can have Druids.
Probably the best you an do is Swordsage, and ask the DM to refluff the Desert Wind school as literal hot wind, rather than fire. Mechanically, no change, but *whoosh whoosh* motherpeacher.

2014-03-20, 12:42 AM
There is a race that is in races of the wild that has either druid or clerics that only use wind based spells, and air elementals they cant or dont cast anything else I can recall which. But yeas I am looking to make a swords men that would rely on using the wind spells in unison with his melee skill to over come his opponents. I wouldnt mind asking my new DM except he is really new and kkind of grudgy about reworks on that kind of stuff I cant blame him about it really since he doesnt want to get overwhelmed in his first outing in running a game.

Sir Chuckles
2014-03-20, 12:54 AM
There is a race that is in races of the wild that has either druid or clerics that only use wind based spells, and air elementals they cant or dont cast anything else I can recall which. But yeas I am looking to make a swords men that would rely on using the wind spells in unison with his melee skill to over come his opponents. I wouldnt mind asking my new DM except he is really new and kkind of grudgy about reworks on that kind of stuff I cant blame him about it really since he doesnt want to get overwhelmed in his first outing in running a game.

Well, that's a fluff and roleplay idea, not a set-in-stone mechanic. It's almost never an issue of "can't".

It's not a rework. It's a refluff. Huge difference. It's searing hot wind instead of fire. Purely a visual and aesthetic change.

2014-04-02, 11:47 PM
Sorry to keep kind of bouncing around on ideas here, but I recently played the newest zelda game and I was wondering would it be possible to make a character like Link?

2014-04-02, 11:57 PM
Shaman from Oriental adventures comes with an animal companion. Simple weapons, light armor, with the option of unarmed striking like a monk if you feel like it. Has some spirit flavor in there, and some domains you can use for extra flavor.

2014-04-03, 12:45 AM
Looking at what you want to do, something else to consider might be a Wildshape Ranger if you aren't already hard set on playing a druid. You lose the ranger's weapon specialization, but gain the druid's wildshape, and the barbarian's fast movement. You have a more limited spell casting progression, but could still conceivably fill the role of the mystic while being a powerful warrior. You also wouldn't have to worry about the problem of being disallowed from the use of metal weapons and armor.

2014-04-03, 10:40 AM
Looking at what you want to do, something else to consider might be a Wildshape Ranger if you aren't already hard set on playing a druid. You lose the ranger's weapon specialization, but gain the druid's wildshape, and the barbarian's fast movement. You have a more limited spell casting progression, but could still conceivably fill the role of the mystic while being a powerful warrior. You also wouldn't have to worry about the problem of being disallowed from the use of metal weapons and armor.

I was just about to suggest Wildshape Ranger, for the exact reasons. While an elf druid has proficiency with a longsword, they still can't use it without losing druid powers.

Which Link are you talking about precisely? Many say he's a Warblade, from tome of battle. I've thought of him as rangerish but with a spattering of bard. Also I'm not an expert on TOB, so I cant discredit that idea of him.

2014-04-03, 11:57 AM
Sorry to keep kind of bouncing around on ideas here, but I recently played the newest zelda game and I was wondering would it be possible to make a character like Link?

Well, Link seems to have proficiency in quite a lot of weapons (bow, longsword, bastard sword, boomerang), absolutely no Open Lock, and some limited spellcasting, so I'd go with ranger.
They even get an ACF that lets them reflect spells back at the caster.

2014-04-03, 12:11 PM
Well, Link seems to have proficiency in quite a lot of weapons (bow, longsword, bastard sword, boomerang), absolutely no Open Lock, and some limited spellcasting, so I'd go with ranger.
They even get an ACF that lets them reflect spells back at the caster.

That seems to be more of a function of the Master Sword rather than Link himself. I dont recall link pulling off any spell reflection without the master sword. Of course its never been in the game until the master sword. Would have to replay Majora's Mask to be sure.

2014-04-03, 02:05 PM
That seems to be more of a function of the Master Sword rather than Link himself. I dont recall link pulling off any spell reflection without the master sword. Of course its never been in the game until the master sword. Would have to replay Majora's Mask to be sure.

In Phantom Hourglass, during the Cubus Sister battle, link deflects their energy balls with Oshus' sword, the 'starter sword' of that game. No master sword required.

EDIT: Also, Agrahim's shadow from Link's awakening, Malladus from Spirit Tracks, Vaati from Minish Cap and many more.

2014-04-03, 02:24 PM
Standing corrected then. What would that roll look like? Just attacking the save DC of the spell? Or would you think like a dispel check where its influenced by caster level? But as none of this is RAW, might be better to focus on the rest of the Link mechanics as opposed to this one part. Why WoTC never made a feat or a class around this ability is beyond me.

*edit* again, corrected Spell Turning is a spell therefore, could be turned into a weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spellTurning.htm)

2014-04-03, 02:41 PM
Complete Mage pg. 35.

Spell Reflection, replaces evasion at 9th level.

It does require the enemy to miss though, so I guess Ganondorf just has really terrible aim. Must be his enormous age penalty to dexterity.

2014-04-03, 02:46 PM
More like early life in the Gerudo desert wasn't very helpful to his eyes. Sandstorms, the blinding light of sun refelection? Maybe thats why he was always so mad, all he needed was a pair of glasses.

Either way, get that touch AC as high as possible and its a viable route to go.

2014-04-03, 03:38 PM
Thank you for the replies, and yes some classes fit alittle better with the viking type. Though berserkers could be inhabited by the spirit of many different animals they all just had different names which I will not try to type out here because well language barrier. Druid I was thinking of giving him a raven as his animal just to add to it. Druids were big back then in norse and celtic culture I was thinking kind of young druid wondering the world and all.

The raven would be fitting, Odin usually is depicted with 2 ravens. Their names mean thought and memory, or dream or something. Too lazy to google.

2014-04-03, 09:12 PM
Occult Slayer, complete warrior.

2014-04-22, 02:57 PM
Thank you all for the helpful advice, I am going to go ahead and post this since I dont think starting a whole new thread for it would make sense. The druid I made sadly had to be put on the side lines since the group of five I am in already had two others. So I have been playing a character I came up with that is fairly fun and I am enjoying it but just to be on the safe side since my DM seems to have it in his mind to kill atleast one or two of us before the next couple of sessions are over, That I have rolled up another character. To begin yes this new character is a fighter from 3.5 core, and no he isnt some big beat stick wearing full plate and wielding a giant hammer/sword/axe. The concept for him I am largely drawing from game of thrones, at least things I wish could be changed in it. He is a wood elf that was serving a noble family that sadly was betrayed by those close to them, He was away when it happened and now years later finds himself on a quest to find the two remaining survivors. That is if the rumors hold true, the eldest son and his sister survived and now he is trying to find them and restore there family. That is his backstory, for weapons he fights with twin luna blades.

2014-05-07, 04:04 AM
Hmm...., I think I have managed to kill off my own thread. Not sure if I should be impressed of sad.