View Full Version : Pathfinder New Player Race: Flumphs!

2014-02-23, 01:06 AM
I spent some time adapting the flumph aberration monster into a playable race. Let me know what you think.

Flumph Player Race

Flumphs are not natives of this plane, but rather come from an exotic corner of the multiverse closely related to dreams. Flumphs have a difficult time relating to humanoid races due to their bizarre appearance, but are generally good natured and helpful to others. Their history is mired in mystery and suffering on their homeworld and they only recently arrived in our plane. As newcomers, they aim to please whenever possible or else keep out of sight in hostile settlements.

Physical Description: This pale, jellyfish-like creature floats gently in the air, two long eyestalks extending from either side of its puckered mouth.

Society: Flumphs lived under oppression on their previous plane, but often tend toward democratic societies when they have the opportunity to live autonomously of other rulers. More often than not, however, flumphs keep low profiles as productive citizens under whatever government they live under. Flumphs rarely engage in humanoid religious systems, but often adhere to the local laws and faith traditions of the societies to which they belong in order to remain welcome.

Relations: Flumphs were the enemies of the Akata on their home plane, but hold little animosity toward the races of our own. Alas, flumphs are often viewed with suspicion and fear by those unfamiliar with them.

Male Names: Flurrrbyl, Fluttie, Flemphit, Flistle, Florgrnthal, Flanders, Flumphrey

Female Names: Florbetty, Flenessa, Flunetta, Flumphissa, Flannie, Flella

Flumph Racial Traits

+4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, -4 Strength: Flumphs are dexterous, wise, but not exceedingly personable. Their appearance is frightening to some.

Small: Flumphs are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Very Slow Land Speed: Flumphs have a base speed of 5ft

Flight: Flumphs can fly 20ft at perfect maneuverability. Flumphs can hover and therefore have no need land under normal circumstances.

Darkvision: Flumphs have darkvision up to 60ft.

Easily Recognized: Flumphs have an extremely unique appearance and receive a -8 to disguise checks to appear as another race.

Unusual Body Shape: Flumphs possess a rather unique body structure and thus have a difficulty wearing normal humanoid clothes and armor. A flumph can only wear armor or clothing suited for its special needs. Such attire may be purchased or refitted at 1.5 times the base item cost.

Flumph Stinger: Flumphs possess harmful spikes on their underbelly. These spikes function as a stinger which deals 1d4 damage as a natural attack.

Tentacle Balance: Flumphs can use their extra tentacles to help balance themselves and are granted a +4 racial bonus to their CMD.

Nimble Attacks: Flumphs gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

Keen Senses: Flumphs receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.

Acidic Oozing: 3 / per day, a flumph can secrete an acidic ooze onto its weapon that deals an additional d4 points of acid damage. This acid effect remains on the weapon until it successfully hits its target. The flumph may apply acid to multiple weapons, but the effect does not stack with its own acidic effects.

Languages: Flumphs begin play speaking Common, Flumph, and Aklo. Flumphs with high Intelligence scores can choose from any other language.

Alternate Flumph Racial Traits

Flumph Sprinter: This Flumph was born to run. She possesses a base land speed of 30ft. This trait replaces Very Slow Land Speed and Flight.

Wise Diplomat: This Flumph possesses insight into the art of woo. He uses his Wisdom modifier instead of his Charisma when calculating Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate checks. This trait replaces Tentacle Balance.

Stench Spray: 1 / per day, a flumph can spray a chemical stench from the pores on its body in a 20 ft line. This spray functions like the stench universal monster ability, except it only affects creatures struck by the spray, which must make a DC 10 + ½ character level Fortitude save or be sickened for 5 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Alternatively, the flumph can concentrate the spray on a single target within 5 feet. To use this version of its stench spray, the flumph must succeed at a ranged touch attack. If the target is hit, it must make a DC 10 + ½ character level Fortitude save or become nauseated for 5 rounds; otherwise, it is sickened for 5 rounds. The odor from this spray lingers in the area and on all creatures struck for 1d4 hours, and can be detected at a range of 100 feet (creatures with the scent ability can smell it at double this range). This ability replaces Acidic Oozing.

Silent Flumph: Some flumphs hover extra silently and thus gain an additional +2 racial bonus on stealth checks. This ability replaces Keen Senses.

Flumph Items

Flumph Reach Knife: Crafted for their personal use in the farthest reaches of the multiverse, flumphs have developed a highly adaptable weapon. The Flumph Reach Knife can be altered by a flumph as a standard action into either a dagger or longspear suited for its size. On their homeworld, such an item would cost no more than a normal longspear. On other planes, however, such a weapon has a base cost of 300 GP.

Flumph Racial Feats

Flumph Quickened Flight:
Prerequisites: Flumph, Flight, Dex 14
Benefit: A flumph’s flight speed increases to 30 ft with perfect maneuverability.

Flumph Swift Flight:
Prerequisites: Flumph, Flight, Flumph Quickened Flight, Dex 23
Benefit: A flumph’s fly speed increases to 40 ft with perfect maneuverability.

Flumph Acid Attack:
Prerequisites: Flumph, Flumph Stinger, Acidic Oozing, base attack + 4
Benefit: A flumph’s natural attacks deal an extra d4 acid damage.

Flumph Favored Class Bonuses

Alchemist: + 1/5 to acid based extracts, 1 level lower than maximum extract level.

Monk: Add a +1/4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple or trip.

Rogue: + ¼ bonus to stealth and ¼ bonus to feints.

Sorcerer: Add +1/2 to the sorcerer's caster level when determining the range of any spells with the acid descriptor.

Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to wizard's spellbook. The spell must be at or below the highest level he can cast and be of the conjuration (calling) subschool or have the acid descriptor.

2014-02-23, 01:09 AM
/face palm

That... iS...AWESOME!!!!

2014-02-23, 01:15 AM
Shylocke -

Glad someone enjoys it

2014-02-23, 01:30 AM
Wait, doesn't this belong in homebrew?

2014-02-23, 01:35 AM
roko10 -

I reposted it in Homebrew. Im new to the forum, so I was unaware. If anyone can help me remove this thread, that would be very helpful.

2014-02-23, 02:24 AM
roko10 -

I reposted it in Homebrew. Im new to the forum, so I was unaware. If anyone can help me remove this thread, that would be very helpful.
Using the triangular "report" icon below your user information, next to the "online/offline" icon, you can alert the mods to the need to move the thread.

2014-02-23, 04:01 PM
Zimmerwald1915 -

Thanks for the help

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-02-24, 07:02 AM
Am I overlooking the Level Adjustment?

2014-02-24, 07:19 AM
Am I overlooking the Level Adjustment?

It's pathfinder so there is no such thing as a level adjustment (generally people use cr adjustment)

2014-02-24, 07:22 AM
Well done. I kinda want to say that if someone falls on one divide the falling height in half.

Killer Angel
2014-02-24, 07:24 AM
Wait, doesn't this belong in homebrew?

Yes, but this way, it was appreciated also by forumeers that don't look too much at the homebrew section... :smallwink:

2014-02-24, 08:53 AM
Yes, but this way, it was appreciated also by forumeers that don't look too much at the homebrew section... :smallwink:

Pro-tip: Put a link to your most recent homebrew work in your signature. Then go and be active on other subforums.

2014-02-24, 02:23 PM
I spent some time adapting the flumph aberration monster into a playable race. Let me know what you think.

The word "Why?" comes to mind, but hey, whatever floats your goat.

2014-02-24, 02:37 PM
No level adjustment warranted in my opinion. If you calculated race points, it'd come cheaper than a svirfneblin in the Advanced Race Guide, so seems it should be alright for standard play.

As to why, my own setting we've been playing features a plot where a rift to another plan opened and the PCs took it upon themselves to lead to a flumph exodus from the portal to a small island they dubbed "Flumph Island." It thus donned on me, if flumphs, a sentient race, intermingled into the population, what would bar them from learning trades and classes?

2014-02-24, 04:29 PM
As someone who played a flumph back in the 2E day I so wish this was around then....I love it. I may just save this and play this next pathfinder game I get invited to. Perhaps an alchemist....