View Full Version : Fusion of two PCs..[Epic]

2014-02-23, 11:04 AM
Hello Playgrounders,

I have asked you for help before with build advice for two player characters, one an Orc Barbarian/Dungeoncrasher/Warhulk Ubercharge, one a Githzerai StP Erudite/Slayer/Thrallherd..

Both are now Level 23, and they will be Perma-Fusing...

Now, it just so happens that the CN Orc, Zakulnarr Thrombeksson, was enslaved upon birth, and having won his freedom from slavery, declares war on all slavery, everywhere, forevermore. He is a creature of epic strength, doing his ubercharges for >1,000/round.

The Chaotic Evil Githzerai, Tal'D'Krim, has lost his homeplane of Limbo (destroyed by an Elder Evil), and is on a quest to absorb all knowledge and power so that he may exact revenge. To date this has basically involved absorbing spells from other beings and learning them as psionic powers, and is also now branching into using Assimilate on his newfound Thralls (just took levels in Thrallherd). Tal was introduced at Level 15 and has forever been a source of moral conflict for the group - being evil, he would often commit acts of evil (without the PCs awareness, but -WITH- the players' awareness). Because of this they could not act to do anything about him. The PCs have only caught glimpses of some of what he is up to. Despite this, the fact he is an StP Erudite has made him incredibly indispensable in certain combat and utility situations - he has literally saved the group of multiple occasions.

The two characters have been on seperate planes for the last two sessions. We all have two PCs each and they are off dealing with different parts of the campaign setting. Now, when they next converge...

The Githzerai, in his quest for more power, with his newfound abilitiies (He has learned Fusion and Astral seed), will be looking to the Orc and wanting his physical strength and prowess.

The Orc, seeing the Githzerai's thralls, will likely figure out what is going on shortly. There is a DM rule since Level 1 that The Orc, upon seeing any "Slaver", -must- go into an involuntary Rage and Attack.

Orc attacks Gith. Gith forcecages Orc. Gith does long-winded James Bond villain speech about what he plans to do (i.e. Fusion the Orc, Astral Seed, be forever removed from existance and used solely for the Gith's own aims) and gives his reasons for doing so. Considering we have been playing this campaign for a good year, this is going to be plenty dramatic, "emotional" and have plenty of enjoyment for the other players I hope.. it also offers closure for the Gith character.

Now, what the Gith is -not- necessarily aware of at this point, is that over the last few sessions, the Orc destroyed the God of Magic in the previous session and has now taken the title for himself. He is a Level 2 Deity, who can cast any one spell with any one free metamagic feat, at CL 30, once per day. :smallcool:

So, as the Gith is giving this speech about his plans, Orc is Force Cage, the Orc makes/casts his Wish... "I will allow this Fusion power, but it is -I- who shall come out on top and be in control".. with him being A) God of Magic, and with this being approved by the DM, it's basically allowed..

Perma-Fusion of an Epic Ubercharger Barbarian Deity Rank 2 God of Magic, and an Epic StP Erudite/Thrallherd.

Now to those who say this is horrible unfair and imbalanced, the rest of the group:

Have two epic characters each.
One of them is a Level 15 Deity.
Are Dragons/can change at will between Humanoid and Dragon forms.
Are all playing, alongside me, in a completely ridiculous epic campaign.

So I just wanted to excitedly share this. I'll actually post some questions shortly instead of just venting excitement.