View Full Version : UK gaming shops

2014-02-23, 11:32 AM
Hi guys,

I got to thinking, I have one reasonably good gaming shop in northampton. However, it really doesn't do much for d and d. There are a few 4e books (yuk), some dice, but the rest it warmachine, mtg etc.

Does anyone have any favourite roleplaying shops in the uk? (Dnd, not whips and chains, before anyone says anything!)

I'd love to find a place that stocks a lo of playing stuff, I love impulse purchasing things that I can browse and look at in person, the internet is good for deals, but not as much fun!

2014-02-23, 12:34 PM
If you can get to London then Leisure Games in Finchley used to be very good (not been there in years) and Orc's Next in the centre is also excellent. The big Forbidden Planet has some stuff, but those are the only ones I know.

Esvedium Games in Aldershot used to be OK, though despite it being the same company that does most of the importing to the UK I one got a product from someone they supplied when the Aldershot shop did not know it was out yet.

Now looking at the Esvedium Games website they have a store finder for shops they supply - that might get you somewhere, and it might also be worth postal ordering if you know what you want to get without needing to browse.

2014-02-23, 02:04 PM
London might be a bit far for me, but someone else find it useful :) I checked out the website, it sure is handy but not entirely up to date, some the stores that it supplies don't exist in my area any more :( still useful though, just a shame it hasn't revealed any hidden gems near me lol

2014-02-23, 02:10 PM
Travelling Man sells games and comics in Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle and York