View Full Version : Homebrew Testing: the Twisted Spire Group 1 (IC)

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2014-02-23, 12:29 PM
To start you off: You have been hired by an Ian Turbrand, a prominent and leading citizen of Kingsholm, to recover the bones of the Forgotten King, a half legendary figure prophesied to return from the dead to save the kingdom in an hour of great need. Ian is afraid that if his bones are not returned the prophecy of the king's return cannot be fulfilled. Recently a group of Yuan-ti, led by a sorcerer named Xerous, fought adventurers while trying to steal these bones and the items interred with him. While Xerous and his men were defeated, the King's bones were stolen soon after, and Ian suspects a survivor from Xerous's forces, or a member of the Vanguard of Sertrous that Xerous was working for. A tunnel has been found in the Kingsholm graveyard that was not there before and is thought to be the path that the thief took.

Entering the Tunnel: Lightless space gives way to your illumination, revealing a restricted, steeply sloping tunnel that is maybe 5 feet wide and 7 feet tall. Posts of green wood hold up the walls. The air is damp, stinking with rot. How far the tunnel penetrates to the south is lost to darkness.

This tunnel was rapidly and rudely dug in the last month by someone using a combination of picks and magic. In fact, it has the look of an exploratory shaft sunk into the earth to locate valuable minerals.

As you continue down the tunnel the air seems to pulse ahead, bringing with it a scent like that which precedes the storm. The tunnel continues a little further into the darkness.

A concentration of earth power lies ahead.

2014-02-23, 02:39 PM
Prince Tindamel will walk cautiously in the middle of the group, his bow at the ready, shield on his back. He is careful to not stray far from the light. Strange smells often mean trouble. Uneasy, but careful not to lose his head. He chuckles a bit at his unintentional pun. He whispers "On your toes everybody. Could be trouble ahead."

What are we doing for illumination. Near as I can tell, two of us have 60ft dark vision, but me and Techwarrior require a light source, despite our lowlight vision. Dancing lights would only last a minute...anybody have a way to make light?

2014-02-24, 08:56 PM
"Duly noted." Asok-ver replies as he begins to advance with quiet steps. "I'll scout ahead a little bit, just to see if we may have company." As he goes down the tunnel he lowers his head and slouches over. "And hopefully find some more space."

Move Silently:[roll1]

2014-02-25, 02:51 AM
Continuing down the tunnel the roughly hewn tunnel widens into a terrace, at least 20 feet wide and long, with a ceiling rising to 8 or 10 feet. The porch has
no far wall, instead opening into a great, echoing hollow. This close to the cavernous rift, the air seems charged as if a great storm is imminent. The walls of the opening ascend and descend, moving closer together as they rise into darkness, forming a wider space as they go downward. Two humanoid forms lie unmoving near where the terrace drops off into the hollow.

You are entering an earthnode. A concentration of earth energy. The node proper would probably be at the bottom of the shaft.

There are tracks as if from a medium sized creature in boots in the dust by the ledge.

The tracks seem to lead off the terrace.

Rendel Nep
2014-02-25, 04:54 AM
Darya looks about and notices nothing remarkable but looks to the others expectantly, wondering if they might have any insight on the matter.

Intelligence check [roll0]
Survival Check [roll1]

2014-02-25, 05:32 AM
Tindamel apporaches the bodies cautiously, still pointing his bow at them "Cover my back"

2014-02-25, 09:26 AM
"There's a presence in the air here: the power of the earth. There's probably an earth node at the bottom of the shaft here. Otherwise it's hidden somewhere close."

Jacind is tall for a man, and slight of frame. He wears a brown tunic over mail, and carries a bullseye lantern in one hand, and a loaded sling in the other. He has a sword at his side and a spear on his back.

Jacind takes 10 on Spellcraft to beat the first spoilered section's DC (+11 mod)

Rendel Nep
2014-02-26, 04:45 PM
Is that bad? Darya asks hesitantly.

2014-03-01, 01:38 PM
One is a statue of a wide-eyed goblin girl lying atop a dead halfling in purple robes. The halfling still holds in his hand a note with something written on it in an unfamiliar language. 2 large, empty bags lay beside him.

The halfling was shot with multiple arrows, now removed, and his face was bitten by multiple tiny fanged creatures.

2014-03-01, 03:43 PM
Not even going to try that check

Tindamel leans over the bodies, He takes the note, giving it a look over then puts it in his belt pouch. Looking at the statue "Well, That's not good..." He stands up and walks over to the chasm. Putting his bow into his quiver he pulls out a torch and lights it. After a quick look around ensuring nothing has snuck up behind the party he'll drop the torch down the Hollow to try and estimate how deep it is.

2014-03-01, 04:27 PM
The torch falls for about 150-ft.

2014-03-01, 04:39 PM
Jacind looks at the two dead. He doesn't spare much time trying to identify their cause of death, he knows next to nothing of such things. He takes the note and glances at it, trying to decipher the writing.

May your next life be better than this one.

If Jacind can't decipher the note he offers it to the others.

Heal check [roll0]
Jacind knows Undercommon, Common, Draconic, and Abyssal.

2014-03-01, 04:59 PM
The language does not seem to be any of those four, nor is it elven or xeph nor n'mak or giant.

2014-03-02, 01:54 AM
"It's not a good sign, but it doesn't necessitate something bad. I'm more worried about this."

Jacind points out the arrows and snake bites on the halfling.

"Those are snake bites, I certainly wouldn't want a faceful of that."

I suspect that this is the work of a Medusa, but I'm not sure if my character has enough information here to guess that. Can I roll Knowledge (Nature), the skill relevant to identifying a Medusa, to see if Jacind recognizes the arrows, petrification, and snake bites as part of a typical Medusa's tactics?

If so, Knowledge (Nature) [roll0] +5 more if I can use Collector of Stories.

Edit: Oh, and I finished updating my sheet.

Edit 2: What does Jacind know about Earth Nodes?

2014-03-02, 05:10 AM
"Then let us not linger here." He looks over the hollow down at the fallen torch "It looks like down might be the only way. We should start looking for a path down, I don't think a rope is going to reach."

EDIT:Does the note share an alphabet with any of our languages known? It might help us identify what language it is even if we can't read it.

2014-03-02, 02:36 PM
The wounds are in keeping with medusa tactics.

The note's alphabet is unfamiliar, the letters sinuous and winding.

Also remember you can tie ropes together need 150-ft of knotted roe, use 4 ropes.

2014-03-02, 03:10 PM
Is there anything sturdy enough to anchor the rope to?

2014-03-02, 04:04 PM
You can find various stalagmites near the terrace's lip which should prove sturdy enough.

2014-03-02, 04:12 PM
Jacind McAllistrad

Jacind looks over the two bodies once more.

"I think we've bitten off more than we expected. This was likely the work of a Medusa."

Then he looks down at the hole below.

"I have 100 ft of rope in my pack. Do any of the rest of you have any more? Otherwise I have an idea."

If we can sink an arrow tied to my rope as far down as Tindamel can fire, then one of us could hold the rope while one of us climbs down. Then, with a rock (or sling bullet, or something else heavy) tied to the rope, that person could climb down the rope, and throw it back up the hole. Rinse, repeat until Tindamel is left at the top. Then he could probably sink another arrow at the proper distance on the rope on the other side of the chasm such that when he jumps down he the rope catches him about 5 ft. above the ground. With the proper figures, I could calculate how much of the rope would be needed for which portions, so I'm sure Jacind could too.

Rendel Nep
2014-03-02, 05:24 PM
I have no rope but I've got some degree of telekinesis. Useful for tying ropes for example. Darya says.

2014-03-02, 09:11 PM
"No rope, but I do have a whip...of sorts. If you need a few extra feet."

2014-03-07, 06:09 PM
Descending into the pit you eventually reach the bottom almost 200 feet below. When you do you find yourself in a circular hollow about 60-ft in diameter. Dust carpets its smooth floor, thickest near a dozen small holes, near the floor, that lead away from the area. Each hole is about 2 and a half feet wide, large enough that you ought to be able to squeeze through.

The air here feels alive with energy, and thick with the smell of developing lightning. Even the unattuned can sense that this is a place of magical power.

You can intuitively sense how to channel some of the area's power through yourself. By making an Int check (DC 11 + effective spell/power level) as part of using a spell/etc you can gain +1 to your caster/manifester level. In addition by resting 8 hours here and spending a 2nd level spell slot or 3 power points you can transport yourself and willing creatures to a linked earth node somewhere else.

The node's power has been used within the last week.

2014-03-07, 06:31 PM
Once on firmament, Prince Tindamel shudders a bit at his surroundings "I don't like the feel of this place. Sets my teeth on edge" will draw his shield and reach into the back of his neck and rip out his own spinal cord, like drawing a sword from its sheathe. He'll use his deathwatch SLA just in case. and he'll definitely keep an eye on these holes. "The last thing we need is the ground falling out from under us or something coming up from the ground to eat us."

2014-03-07, 06:36 PM
Jacind looks around, sniffing at the air, curiosity overtaking him.

"Hm.. I don't like this, the node has been used recently."

He chants for a moment, and performs a complex hand gesture. He breaths deeply as he tries to reach for the node, and his gaze extends into the magical.

"Now, what's going on do you think? Do you think the tunnels are trapped? Or shall we shimmy on down and see what's inside?"

Jacind casts Detect Magic while attempting to tap the node.
Intelligence (DC 11): [roll0]

2014-03-07, 06:42 PM
"It is not that I worry they are trapped but that whatever manner of beast dug them is still residing in them. And that it is hungry." He ponders this for a moment, letting his spinal cord unfurl into a whip. He walks closer, within fifteen feet of one "Were there a sure way to lure whatever it is out it would be wise to."

2014-03-07, 07:05 PM
"It's probably not likely to want it, but I've got some trail rations. On the other hand, I'm sure a little fire will draw anything out."

Would dipping strips of leather in oil to toss down there long enough to make whatever is down there come out going to take a significant amount of oil?

Also, how many auras does Jacind detect in the area?

2014-03-07, 07:31 PM
No personal experience, but since 1 ounce ~30 mL and the oil used would probably be close to 1 mL a strip I'm guessing, I'd say 1 per tunnel would take half an ounce.

You detect an ambient magical energy all about you, but no other auras.

You don't see any auras, besides the party, with Deathwatch at least within line of effect.

2014-03-07, 07:34 PM
Spellcraft? Take 10 for a 21.

2014-03-07, 07:36 PM
Spellcraft? Take 10 for a 21.

The underlying aura of the node is a mix of universal and conjuration (teleportation).

2014-03-08, 12:20 AM
I'm guessing that's just from the effects of the node then. Correct me if my character would know that's wrong (can't remember where the info on earth nodes are.

Jacind begins tearing off strips of leather off of his tunic's sleeves and dipping them in oil. He tosses 1 lit strip down each tunnel, waits for it to finish burning, gives it about 10 seconds to see what may or may not come out, and then moves onto the next tunnel. He also maintains concentration on his spell (CL 6, duration 6 minutes).

2014-03-08, 12:35 PM
As Jacind tosses the 7th strip into a tunnel, movement can be heard in the tunnels. The odor that wafted from the tunnels grows thicker, an insect stench, as a vibrating thrum as if from the pounding of thousands of miniscule feet on stone comes to a crescendo. Tindamel sees it as countless living creature pour into his field of vision. Suddenly millions of cockroaches spill from the tunnels. They carpet the area, countless little biting creatures. A pair of giant cockroaches emerge from two tunnels on the western side of the node (1 and 10) each as large as their tunnels can contain. Four more, somewhat smaller the size of a dog instead of a wolf, emerge from tunnels about the chambers (2, 4, 8, 11).

One of the larger cockroaches rushes Tindamel, the other rushing Asok-Ver. The charging insects barrel into the warriors, a wave of stench coming with them and filling the entire node sickening everyone within other than Asok-Ver. The cockroaches bite Tindamel (9 damage) and Asok-Ver (10 damage), pulling Tindamel to the ground.

It is now Darya and Tindamel's turns (I'm going to assume you'd have Inertial Armor up, and what archetype would you have active?).

http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd466/Zaydos/Node_zps4a011d2d.png (http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/Zaydos/media/Node_zps4a011d2d.png.html)

Giant Cockroaches 18
Darya and Tindamel: 17
Cockroach Swarm 15
Jacind and Asok-ver 11
Not as giant cockroaches 10

I assumed known of you were standing near the entry holes except Jacind because that would have been putting yourselves in extra danger.

The tiny cockroaches come in both "swarm" and an infinite "carpet of roaches" until its first action the swarm is hiding in the latter (Hide bonus +30, so unless someone can actually get +11 to spot I didn't feel the need to roll for it) though it will reveal itself by attacking when it does so.

The carpet of roaches increases the DC of Balance, Move Silently and Tumble checks by 2, and causes standing from prone to require a DC 10 Balance check (gonna say that's not increased by 2). They have some other effects but those you'll have to find out for your selves.

You are all sickened (-2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for 10 rounds, except for Asok-Ver (it was 2 DC 15 Fort saves, and 4 DC 13 ones, thankfully they don't stack; if anyone has a passive ability to resist or one that can be activated flat-footed let me know).

2014-03-08, 04:13 PM
Shocked by the appearance of the bugs, and a bit disgusted, Prince Tindamel will stand from the carpet of roaches, pulling his spine into its sword form as he slashes upwards on the large roach on top of him.

Taking an attack of opportunity here, I assume

((EDIT: Sweet Christmas! Double 20s!))

2014-03-08, 06:27 PM
Managing to stand, without being bit by the attacking roach, Tindamel strikes it with his sword a deep blow, parts of the roach's head splattering across him. The roach, one half of its head crushed, continues to snap its mandibles as it struggles to strike at Tindamel further.

In 4e terms the roach is bloodied, in Baldur's Gate terms it's Injured possibly Badly Injured.

Rendel Nep
2014-03-08, 11:17 PM
So that's an earth...by the gods they're everywhere! ...eeew. Darya says in a reaction ranging from curious to disgust.
Hold on! she says urgently before manifesting an astral construct.

From a RP point of view I'd say the Craftman because it lends itself more to exploration.
As for the Astral construct, Darya will create a 3rd level one with the Improved slam attack.

2014-03-08, 11:32 PM
As Darya focuses to bring forth an astral construct, thousands of cockroaches crawl up along Jacind covering his body, their bites ripping off little bits of his flesh (1 damage). He is not nauseated.

2014-03-09, 01:17 AM
Jacind dives back, brushing bugs off of his mail.

Should know better than to piss things off without drawing my weapon by now.

As he comes back to his feet, he pulls his longspear off of his back, hoping to fend the roaches off. Having flanked the roach the elf attacked, Jacind strikes with his own blow, furiously hoping to remember a weakness in these creatures chitin.

Jacind dropped concentration on Detect Magic this round, but did he detect any magic beforehand?

Knowledge Check on roaches, with Collector of Stories (I have Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, Religion, and the Planes in case it's not a Vermin)
[roll0] +7 if it's identified by Arcana, -2 from Nausea

Move Action: to a flanking position on the roach attacked by Tindamel.
Tumble [roll1] -2 Nausea, -2 Roach Carpet
Standard Action: Attack flanked roach. If he detected any magic, he'll activate the Hunt the Mad Maneuver, targeting the creature with a Targeted Dispel with a Caster Level equal to IL (5).
Attack [roll2] +2 Flank, -2 Nausea
Crit [roll3]
Damage [roll4] +5 if it is Inherently Magical

Inquisitor's Stance (Mystic Eclipse 1, Stance)
Bonus Damage equal to IL vs magical creatures
Readied Maneuvers:
Hunt the Mad (Mystic Eclipse 3, Strike)
Attack Dispels Magic on the creature
Moonbolt Blade (Luna's Spirit 2, Strike)
Ray Attack with reflection of weapon
Mystic Knowledge (Mystic Eclipse 2, Counter)
Roll Spellcraft as save vs. magical attacks.

2014-03-09, 01:50 AM
Jacind moves behind the bug striking at it and... misses horribly.

No auras. They are vermin. Giant cockroaches are voracious omnivores which attack creatures with powerful mandibles tearing their flesh from them, they are often accompanied by smaller roaches and are capable of flight (you made the base DC but not the DC +5).

2014-03-10, 10:10 PM
Asok-Ver raises his lightsaber slicing at the roach before him, the energy blade slicing through it (9 damage), before (5-ft) stepping away from his companions in case the swarm swoops down upon them.

Two of the four dog-sized roaches fly up into the air, as one moves to flank Jacind and strike at him but misses. The last approaches Darya mandibles snapping at her ineffectually.

The larger two roaches react, one biting at Tindamel again (8 damage) and trying, but failing, to pull him down into the mass of roaches below. The other focuses on Asok-Ver mandibles snapping into his leg (10 damage) and pulling him to the ground.

It is now Tindamel and Darya's actions.

2014-03-10, 10:43 PM
Jacind may have lost his footing coming out of his dive roll, but he was damn certain he wasn't going to let these bugs nipping at him.

What was that saying? You can never have enough fire?

Jacind, having no fire, instead viciously strikes out at the roach with his spear. Hopefully, that would be good enough for now.

Attack of Opportunity [roll0] -2 from Nausea included.
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] -2 Nausea included.

2014-03-10, 10:49 PM
The bug rushing towards Jacind is injured, noticeably, but not dead, the shell on one wing cracked and a hole in the corresponding wing.

It's bloodied!

2014-03-11, 04:12 AM
Damn these things hit hard.
Tindamel will strike at the one that bit him with his spinal blade

[roll0] (including -2 sickened and +2 flank)
[roll1] (including -2 sickened)

Rendel Nep
2014-03-11, 06:47 AM
Darya surveys the situation and frowns. It looks like Tindamanel has become a chew toy to these bugs. She directs her construct to start mashing away with its over-sized maul like arm and moves in on Tindamanel to initiate some much need healing.

Lets fix you up, hmm? she says pressing her hand against his back.

This is kind of tricky... not sure of the spot I'm placing the Astral construct, only where i would like to put it which is somewhere so its flanking any of our combatants. I'll just roll attack and damage on the assumption my Construct doesn't have flanking.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Darya makes a move action to get behind Timandel and manifests empathic transfer on him.

Cautionary concentration check if needed [roll2]
Empathic Transfer 3pp [roll3] Darya takes half...yup

2014-03-11, 10:24 AM
Tindamel's spinal misses the roach by an inch, as the astral construct appears striking at it the powerful blow sliding aside from its carapace.

The swarm does, apparently, nothing.

Jacind and Asok-Ver.

2014-03-12, 01:43 AM
Jacind curses under his breath, wishing he had any real damaging area spells. What he had would have to do.

He steps away from the combat, and holds his spear against the ground, as if to steady himself as he chants slowly. With a flick of his wrist, he evokes bright light, catching most of the massive swarm of bugs in it's area, but thankfully, none of his allies. Having cast his spell, he puts his ungauntled hand back on his spear, ready to keep the enemy at bay.

"Stay out of the light friends!"

Free 5 ft. Step out of reach. If he can't get out of a threatened area, he'll take a move action to Tumble 5 ft. back
Tumble (if needed) [roll0] Base 11, -2 Nausea, -2 carpet
Standard Cast Glitterdust DC 15 Will save or be Blinded, affecting both of the flyers and big bug B. He also attempts to tap the node again while casting.
Int [roll1]

2014-03-12, 10:22 AM
The flash fills the air. The roaches are coated with golden dust, and it is immediately apparent that one of the flying roaches becomes rather disoriented, and rather apparent that the large roach near Asok-Ver is as well.

2014-03-13, 10:14 PM
Asok-Ver springs back to his feet, the carpet of roaches tearing at his flesh (4 damage) as he swings his lightsaber at the now blinded roach leaving a steaming wound across it (8 damage).

The flying roaches land near Tindamel and Asok-Ver (one each adjacent to them) and bite wildly one striking Asok (4 damage). The other two roaches continue to attack Darya and Jacind, shifting towards them as necessary but missing as well.

The large cockroach bites at its source of pain Tindamel, ignoring the construct behind it for now, missing, even as the other snaps blindly at Asok-Ver missing in its blindness.

This returns us to the top of the round with Tindamel and Darya, as well as her construct.

2014-03-14, 12:01 PM
"Damnable creatures of filth, die already" Tindimel strikes at the largest roach, hoping to finish it off

[roll0] (I don't think I'm flanking anymore, but I believe that I am still sickened)

2014-03-14, 03:26 PM
Despite the astral construct behind the roach serving as distraction, Tindamel's attack goes wide striking into a patch of roaches knocking aside a dozen of the thousands covering the ground.

2014-03-14, 05:01 PM
"The light's too bright for them! Push them into it!

Can we get a sketch of the positions of everything, when it gets to my action I'm thinking of Bull Rushing one of the little buggers into the Glitterdust.

Edit: They are Small, right?

2014-03-14, 08:21 PM
Technically there's more space at the bottom but it seems to be away from the combat (I could have cut off the top as well). This is mostly just assuming the group has avoided being in AoO range when casting (such as healing Tindamel)

/ half space (map has them)
r = little roach
R = big roach
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
A = Asok
D = Darya
C = astral Construct
Swarm was last seen in bottom right, but will be back.

2014-03-14, 08:56 PM
Asok-Ver groans through the pain as he tumbles past the roach and slashes at it with his lightsaber.

Moving 9D to flank the roach with Tindimel

Edit: Forgot the +2 from flanking.

Rendel Nep
2014-03-14, 10:26 PM
I guess wee need more firepower She remarks and her face's expression alters to something more wizened. her construct makes another strike at the bug

Switching Darya's Archetype to the Magician.

Astral Construct attacks
Attack [roll0] ( including +2 from flanking) damage [roll1]
In case of Critical threat [roll2]

2014-03-15, 12:39 AM
As the astral construct misses the roach, Darya and Jacind can see a swelling in the carpet about them as it rises up the swarm sweeping over them (Swarm is in H6-8 and I7) biting them ([roll0] damage to Darya, and [roll1] damage to Jacind), even as Asok rolls towards the roach (4G good? Can't actually flank it) and misses it completely.

Darya and Jacind must make Fort saves DC 14 or be nauseated for 1 round.

And it's Jacind's turn (fingers crossed he makes his save)

2014-03-16, 08:45 PM
Jacind frowns slightly, wishing he could help with that.

"Firepower indeed. Some of us learned other arts... I hope you can do that and keep us from falling."

Instead, Jacind ducks and weaves past Darya, sneaking between the roaches and the psion. Having positioned himself on Darya's other side so as to protect him. Then he strikes at the roach that the construct and Tindammel have been attacking.

Move: Tumble through H6 and H7, Jacind now threatens all of the roaches except the small (blinded) roach in E8. (He has a spiked gauntlet and a longspear.
Tumble: [roll0] -2 Sickened, -2 Carpet. DC 15 vs roach in H5.
Tumble: [roll1] -2 Sickened, -2 Carpet. DC 17 vs roach in I7.
Standard: Attack big roach in F5.
Attack [roll2] -2 Sickened
Crit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

2014-03-16, 10:13 PM
Jacind agilely tumbles away from the swarm of biting pests that had flown up in a cloud around him, but his spear misses the roach entirely (I hate these roaches).

The blinded large roach snaps wildly missing completely. One small blind roach snaps at the astral construct and misses, and another snaps at the air. The little roach currently flanking Tindamel bites and strikes him (4 damage) but fails to pull him to the ground, the last small roach bites at Darya but misses.

The big roach continues to attack Tindamel and failing to strike.

Darya, Tindamel, and the Astral Construct's turns.

Rendel Nep
2014-03-17, 02:42 AM
Darya briefly becomes poised to manifest some sort of power but is immediately beset by an overwhelming nausea while her Construct contines beating on the bugs.

Astral Construct Attack
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
In case of critical threat [roll2]

2014-03-17, 04:30 AM
Tindamel spouts out a string of elven curses as he brings his sword down on the large roach.
EDIT: His ancestors hang their heads in shame. This is the one that's supposed to avenge their bloodline?

2014-03-18, 07:46 AM
As the construct and the warrior miss the roach, the swarm moves to cover Tindamel, a cloud of blight which swoops over him. Their biting mandibles tear into flesh as they crawl under armor (2 damage to Tindamel and Darya).

Tindamel and Darya need to make Fort saves or be nauseated. It is now Jacind's and Asok-Ver's turns, you can each roll twice and take the better result on attacks this round.

2014-03-18, 05:50 PM
Having seen the swarm close on Tindamel, Jacind smiles like a hungry wolf.

Finally, a chance for my skills to be of use.

Jacind's spear weaves his spear in and out of reality for a moment before a reflection of his spear bolts towards the swarm, imbued with arcane energy.

Standard: Initiate the Moonbolt Blade maneuver while Spellstrike Channeling a level 1 Spell Slot.
Attack [roll0] -4 in Melee, -2 Sickened, +1 Spellstrike 1
Roll 2 [roll1]
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3] -2 Sickened, +[roll4] Spellstrike

Immediate Jacind provokes an Attack of Opportunity from a small roach for making a ranged attack. If the attack exceeds his normal AC, he'll expend the Hunt the Mad maneuver to gain a +3 Deflection bonus to AC until the start of his next turn.

2014-03-18, 10:02 PM
The bolt strikes the swarm scattering a large portion of it, but the swarm remains (bloodied).

The little roach misses completely.

2014-03-19, 11:15 AM
Asok-Ver grunts as he slices towards the roach with his light saber.

Damage[roll1] Fire


Damage:[roll3] Fire

2014-03-19, 10:33 PM
Asok's lightsaber swishes past the big roach barely as it bites at the Astral Construct behind it. Its teeth tear into the ectoplasmic being, ripping at its leg but failing to pull it down (10 damage).

The other big roach bites at Asok's previous location, still blinded. One of the little roaches seems to have heard Jacind and moves towards him, taking a longspear strike for its efforts and falling to the ground (I hope you don't mind me rolling the AoO to get the enemy action resolved in one post), the other continues to attack the astral construct its mandibles scraping harmlessly against the toughened ectoplasm. One of the non-blind small roaches strike at Jacind but misses completely. The other strikes Tindamel in the back (5 damage; nat 20) but is unable to pull the elf-warrior to his knees.

It is Tindamel and Darya/Astral Construct's turns.

Technically there's more space at the bottom but it seems to be away from the combat (I could have cut off the top as well). This is mostly just assuming the group has avoided being in AoO range when casting (such as healing Tindamel)

/ half space (map has them)
r = little roach
R = big roach
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
A = Asok
D = Darya
C = astral Construct
Swarm is in 5G and 6G-I
Red indicates bloodied.
Dark red indicates heavily wounded (<40% health)

2014-03-20, 06:07 AM
Another swing at the big roach. For justice!

[roll0] and [roll1]

((OOC: Deathwatch is still up so I'd know if anything was at three or less hp.))

Rendel Nep
2014-03-20, 09:46 AM
Darya now finally composed, darts through Jacind before unleashing a volley of searing small darts at the various roaches. Burn you horrible vermin! BURN! she screams triumphantly.

Darya 5 ft steps into Jacind's space and moves to (H9) provoking an attack of opportunity then manifests Energy Missile (fire) DC 17 for 5 PP on F5 [roll0] F6 [roll1] and F7 [roll2]. I don't think it affects swarms but if it does then [roll3] is dealt

Astral Construct attacks F5 [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Crit [roll6]

(Astral Construct fades at the end of this round or next one I think)

2014-03-20, 10:28 AM
Tindamel's sword swings wide as the astral construct pummels the roach from behind and it falls. Darya dodges a small roach then she releases three missiles striking the remaining large roach and the two uninjured smaller roaches. The fiery projectiles strike them, and they fall leaving only the swarm and the injured roach still standing.

The re-rolls were a one round thing (mostly because I knew if nausea didn't strike the mage again a quick evocation would wipe most of the field).

Everything is dying, except one small roach which is dead, the swarm, and the standing small roach which has 3 hp.

2014-03-20, 10:39 AM
The swarm moves back over Jacind and Darya (H6-9), biting at them (3 damage).

It is Asok and Jacind's actions (assuming the latter is not nauseated). I can remember to type up what the enemies do.

2014-03-20, 11:05 AM
Another slash with the lightsaber.


Tindamel sees that Asok is in a fragile state.

2014-03-20, 11:11 AM
The last roach falls, the swarm and carpet of small roaches beginning to disperse back into the tunnels.

2014-03-20, 02:33 PM
"Well, that could have gone better" Tindamel will take out his mug, conjure up some water and wash off his spine before sliding it back into place. "Any thoughts, gentlemen?" he turns to Darya "And lady."

Rendel Nep
2014-03-21, 01:55 AM
Er, Sorry for taking so long. Those horrible bugs were all over me and I wasn't able to manifest anything. Darya apologises.
Um regarding our target...I'd want to hold off chasing them. That was rather tiring and you Tindamel look like you're about to keel over. She says, pointing to the various bite marks he's accumulated.

2014-03-21, 08:23 AM
"It's fine. I'm just glad we survived."

Jacind touches the belt at his waist, set with three white gemstones. He focuses for a moment, and one of them fades to black as his wounds slowly heal. [roll0]

"I believe at this point we need to assess our skills so we know what is and isn't available. I am a warrior primarily, a student of the Sublime Way, and can use it against magical creatures to deadly effect. I also have a small knowledge of arcane arts, though my studies have not been as extensive as I would like. I seem to have an uncanny knack for figuring out how magical items work, and am an accomplished acrobat."

2014-03-21, 09:40 AM
"I am fine, Though I see that Asok is clearly at death's door" Tindamel turns to Jacind "I am a Knight of Dullahan. I excel in single combat, especially with other elves. As you saw, I may use my own spine as a blade, but it may also function as a whip that I can use to entangle my foe, and harm them regardless of their protections. I can see the energies of life and death, and my armor contains a small bit of my soul, allowing me to move more freely than most could. In exchange, I am slowly dying. As of now I no longer need rest, and am healed by negative energy."

Dullahan are Unselee fey that appear as headless horsemen roaming the countryside. They are often depicted as harbingers of deathOn the rare occasion a brave, foolish, or desperate soul has sought out the Dullahan to gain a portion of the power it possesses, these are known as the Knights of DullahanAll Dullahan share an irrational fear of gold. Turning and fleeing at the mere sight of it

2014-03-31, 05:48 PM
Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]

"That's interesting Tindamel... Very interesting. Does that mark you as undead? Or has the power you've gained just altered the plane that fuels your body?"

Jacind offers Asok-Ver a charge from his healing belt [roll1].

2014-03-31, 06:24 PM
"I am not aligned with the undead, nor am I one myself." Tindamel continues "I draw power from a contract, of sorts, with a spirit of death."

Rendel Nep
2014-04-02, 07:09 PM
Not to be rude, but I can't stand the undead. No minds.. nothing to relate to and the smell. if its not clear I'm a manifester. An Avatar to be precise and I can cghange a portion of my powers as required. I'm not sure but I think the relate to various facets of the mind. Darya says.

2014-04-02, 10:43 PM
"That's a neat trick. We should be moving on, any ideas?"

Does the area have any kind of other tunnels that we could fit three easily? Failing that, did we see any other routes on our way down?"

2014-04-03, 06:15 AM
Tindamel looks up "In my opinion, I think that we should attempt to use this node, if it seems that our quarry has used it, then perhaps we may use it as well, if it is possible for us to do so, that is."

2014-04-03, 06:30 AM
"I've already tapped the node once, although it is not so simple and I wasn't able to pull it off the second time while we were in combat."

2014-04-04, 01:24 AM
The tunnels are fairly long, and while you could not fit three abreast and in fact would have to squeeze down the path, you could fit 3 people in any of the 12 tunnels the roaches came from. There did not seem to be any side paths on the way down.

2014-04-05, 11:02 PM
"If we were to make camp, Darya and I should be able to attune more closely to the node, and we could follow whoever used this node last. If we're going to do that though, we should really clear out these tunnels to make sure there's nothing else that's going to sneak up on us in the night."

OOC: Jacind has only three second level slots to work with, but if needed he can use the teleport function. I don't know whether another Glitterdust or Mirror Image is going to be more useful to us than 3 of Darya's PPs.

Rendel Nep
2014-04-08, 12:42 AM
I could do it now if you want, Don't think its going to make me much more tired than I already am. Some chance to heal wounds would be good though. Darya offers.

OOC: Power points being the fluid things are means its not that much more effort. people probably needs healing so I'll blow all the power points there.

2014-04-08, 03:13 AM
"Either way, we should clear out the area before we make camp. Do what healing you will, and then we should proceed. It'll take a long time to attune to the node anyway, we might as well rest while doing so. Then we can go through at full strength."

Jacind looks nervously at the tunnels, thinking back to the sickening stench of the roaches. Once Darya is done with her healing, he stows his spear and draws his longsword, and then leads the way down one of the tunnels. Before entering the tunnel, he draws his a rod and casts Shield and Mirror Image, then stows the rod away.
Jacind uses the last two daily charges off of his rod to Extend Shield and Mirror Image, and attempts to tap the node for power while doing so.

Take 10 would let me succeed, but if I can't take 10 for some reason:
Shield [roll0] DC 12
Mirror Image [roll1] DC 13

Shield gives him immunity to Magic Missiles, and gives him a +4 Shield bonus to AC (which applies to attacks as a Force effect) for 10 minutes, or 12 if he taps the node.

Mirror Image creates [roll2] (+1 additional image if he taps the node) illusionary images, each of which have an AC of 13 and are destroyed by being attacked.

Up to date sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=797927)

OOC: Jacind is at full health, and gave Asok-Ver a charge for 9 points off of his healing belt. He'd like to save the last one in case of an emergency.

2014-04-08, 05:12 AM
Tindamel will bring up the rear, and cover Jacind's back. It's unlikely that he'll face any elves soon, so he will wield his bow, keeping it at the ready to fire at the first bug he sees.

2014-04-10, 10:35 AM
The tunnels walls are small and constricting, too small to successfully wield a longbow, their walls coated in oily, black grime. Tiny, regular sized roaches, scurry in fear ahead of your ingress. As you explore the tunnels you find that they twist and turn.

How long will you risk exploring them without new discoveries?

2014-04-10, 03:41 PM
Well, there's 12 tunnels... Let's say 1 minute in each tunnel for a total of the twelve minutes of Jacind's spells before Jacind turns back.

2014-04-10, 03:44 PM
You manage to find some dead ends that you can't squeeze through but between all the branching of the paths and the slow going of squeezing through the tunnels you haven't explored them all by the time your spells end.

2014-04-14, 01:17 PM
After 8 hours of rest you manage to attune yourselves to the node's energies allowing you to access them. Gathering your companions around you for a moment you feel a sensation of great weight as the world disappears into absolute darkness, and then you reappear in the bottom of a crater in some larger area. The crater seems to be 30-ft in diameter, and its rim obscures the exact nature of the area you are within.

I'm going to allow you to treat the 8 hour rest as a night and regain stuff for the day, but then one of you needs to mark off a 2nd level spell slot or 3 pp.

2014-04-14, 02:13 PM
Tindamel will crack his knuckles and limber up before taking out his bow He whispers "I'll scope it out up there. I'll wave you up if I need you to come quiet, If it's clear I'll call, if it's hostile I'll head back down."and heading up to the edge of the crater peaking over


And and apparently he doesn't realize to keep his head below the rim, or maybe the light just reflects off his armor.

2014-04-14, 11:17 PM
Jacind taps the node while casting Mage Armor, Extended from his Metamagic rod. Before dawn, he gave the most injured member of the party his last charge from his belt of healing for [roll0].

After using his magic to bend space-time and bring the party through the Earth Node, Jacind readies his sling and covers Tindamel's retreat.

OOC: Jacind took 10 on the Int check, casting Mage ArmorAbj at Caster Level 6 as an Extended spell from his metamagic rod. He also used a 2nd level spell slot to use the node.

2014-04-14, 11:32 PM
Ascending the crater Tindamel is able to see out of it. Beyond the crater opens a wide Underdark vista lit by pale light shining through enormous columns that march into the misted distance. The benighted waters of a sunless sea meet a pebble-strewn shore a half-mile or so away. Across that dark water, a city glimmers around the base of the nearest column.

A cobbled road, which emerges from an opening in the dimly glowing cavern wall about a quarter-mile to the left, passes within 10 feet of the crater and continues on to the right. It finally connects to a narrow but elongated stone formation that spans the shadowy sea, reaching more than a mile to the city.

Just across the road from the crater, a strange covered wagon sits. A broad and dusky dwarf, bald but with a white beard, stands in front of it, smiling. He wears a thick leather coat and gloves that have gold piping. Two large gray lizards stand idly nearby.

The grinning dwarf calls out in a deep baritone in perfect Common, "Node traveler, and unless I miss my mark, a surfacer too! I am Bruthwol Coalhauler, a humble merchant! Are you alone or do others travel with you? And would you perhaps like to see my wares?"

2014-04-15, 04:44 AM
Tindamel will sheathe his bow and call down "All clear!" he gets up and greets the dwarf "Mae govannen Coalhauler, I am Tindamel of Clenene. I am afraid that we are not trading today, but perhaps you may supply some information. We seek the last person who used this Node. Have you seen anyone?"

2014-04-15, 10:09 AM
"You have questions? I can try to answer them. An informed customer is a repeat customer! So you're looking for someone? Well I've been camped here for a few days. Not too long ago, a cloaked figure, a female humanoid by shape, emerged from this very node. Perhaps she is your quarry? That person ignored my greetings and stalked off down towards the Oceanbridge," he gestures towards the bridge in the distance, "What has this person done for you to hunt her from the surface?"

2014-04-15, 10:16 AM
Having been given the all clear, Jacind climbs out of the crater and answers the dwarf.

"She is suspected to have stolen something important to a very powerful noble. We were just following her trail, and didn't have any idea this node came all the way down here."

Jacind pauses, and then curiosity gets the better of him.

"What kind of salesdwarf are you anyway. What wares do you carry?"

2014-04-15, 10:25 AM
Bruthwol grins, "That is a good answer, sir! I have many wares and goods, just name your desire!" The grey-skinned dwarf begins opening compartments in his wagon showing various wares.

He has at least one of anything in the PHB costing 10 or less GP except for animals/animal-related goods, lodging, transport, or spellcasting services. For non-Core items ask more specifically.

2014-04-15, 10:42 AM
Tindamel looks over the goods half-interested. A thought occurs, "Perhaps there is one thing you can assist us with, we found a note on our way here in a language none of us recognize." He takes it out "Perhaps you may be able to read it, or at least tell us if you recognize the language. One as well traveled as yourself must be well versed in many scripts"

2014-04-15, 11:08 AM
Bruthwol looks at the notes for a few moments. "I've seen the script before but don't know the language. You might be able to take it to Es Sarch. You can find him in the Dripstone Inn on the Street of Five Hanged, directly north three blocks from Pedestal's south gate." He gestures towards the city beyond the bridge.

Rendel Nep
2014-04-15, 11:19 AM
Street of the Five hanged? What group of individual were so notorious that their hanging was something worthy of naming a street? Darya ponders outloud.

OOC: Darya manifests her inertial armor as a precaution as soon as she recovers her power points.

2014-04-15, 11:43 AM
"Pedestal is an old drow city, at least before the plague hit and other races moved in, and old cities have old stories! One I've heard is that it's named after a group of drow heroes from the Kinslayer Wars when Lolth and her forces fought Larethian's for the surface, another I've heard is that once a powerful drow family controlled the street, but they committed heresy and were executed. 'course I can't say which is true, the street's name is old as memory at this point."

2014-04-15, 03:19 PM
Tindamel's spine tingles as he hears mention of the Drow. Part anger, part eagerness, part fear. He speaks to himself in elven "Into the lion's den" he turns to the dwarf "Thank you, Ai'atar. You have been quite helpful in our quest." He takes his last platinum out of his pouch and hands it to the dwarf "I would like to purchase three sunrods, and you may keep the rest as payment for your information and your silence."He turns to the rest of the party, "Is there anything else, then?"

Rendel Nep
2014-04-16, 06:12 PM
I guess some tips on how to conduct our selfs wouldn't go amiss. Bruthwol got any advice for us? Darya asks. (http://youtu.be/AsjybfVJBCM)

2014-04-16, 07:46 PM
"Listen, Pedestal has no central power. Several groups claim sovereignty, but during bad weeks, the city is little better than a war zone. During good weeks the city is merely lawless. The three big power groups are the Inheritors, House Dusklorn, and the guild. I mean the Assassin's Guild, of course. House Dusklorn is what's left of the drow nobility, a small house but after the plague the only one which still has a priestess of Lolth. Th Inheritors are a group that's moved in since the plague, and no one is quite sure what they want; they claim they want Pedestal free from drow and assassin control. Dosn't sound too bad to me."

Rendel Nep
2014-04-18, 09:38 AM
Thanks ji...Bruthwol. Your expertise is appreciated. Darya says with a subtle smile and then he hands him 10 gold for the trouble.

2014-04-18, 02:17 PM
If aAll things are resolved, Tindamel will lead the party towards Oceanbridge "Watch your backs, The drow are all scoundrels that would slit your throat as soon as look at you. Never trust one further than you can throw them, preferably into a pit of acid." he chuckles a little at his macabre joke. "But in all seriousness, the Tel'gothrim are a scum, not to be trusted and not ones to turn your back towards."

2014-04-18, 02:46 PM
"Is that so?", asks Alusinor, his attention distracted from the shapes dancing over and around his palm. "But if they're the back-stabbing lot you make them to be, couldn't we trust them to betray one another...?" he remarks, half-outwardly and half-thinking aloud.

HP roll: [roll0]

Since describing the class IC is a little off at the moment, here's the gist: Dreamcrafters make temporary stuff out of dreamstuff, mundane en-masse and magic given time and a daily limit. They're also competent fighters/tanks with their own armaments. Courtesy of Zaydos.

2014-04-18, 03:24 PM
"They do. It's part of their alleged 'culture'." His voice drips with vitriol. "The ghost-haired blights' entire society is based on cheating, lying, and murder." He clutches his fists and clenches his teeth, but soon realizes himself takes a breath and relaxes. "That said, be on your guard and stay close, we don't want to get separated."

Take everything Tindamel says about drow with a grain of salt. It's based on stereotypes and racism and the murder of his family.

2014-04-18, 04:53 PM
"For a bunch of scheming traitors, they sound... predictable., he said before he lost his interest, this time to the cavern's higher walls and ceiling. It was quite interesting, how such a huge gap could hold the huge weight it must be supporting.

2014-04-19, 09:28 PM
The duergar accepts the coins with a nod, "Thank you, I hope to deal with you again on your return journey."

Leading the way towards the city there is a cobbled road which leads, in less than half a mile, to an old stone bridge crossing an internal lake. The bridge itself is made from massive blocks of stone, large enough for three men to march abreast in battle formation, or more to walk (15 feet/3 squares wide).

2014-04-21, 12:56 AM
Jacind looks over the edge, looking for signs of any large fish or creatures that might jump out at them while they attempt to cross. He also looks at the bridge itself, hoping to be able to tell without crossing if it looks structurally stable.

Jacind takes 10 on Spot for a total of 9. If he notices anyone else looking, he Aids Another [roll0]

He is also concerned about the bridge's structural integrity. Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Untrained) might be relevant? or possibly Know: Dungeoneering? [roll1] +1 if it's dungeoneering.

And a knowledge check on any creatures he sees in the lake, expending Collector of Stories. (+5 Competence to the skill check that's relevant)
Dungeoneering [roll2]
Nature [roll3]

2014-04-21, 05:18 AM
Tindamel will take point on the bridge, without weapons drawn, Almost hoping that there will be some "Toll Collectors" there to ambush them.


2014-04-22, 09:06 AM
Alusinor will follow after him, fascinated by the landscape, and turning his focus towards the distant roof of the cavern.

Spot, focused above them and/or on the ceiling [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2014-04-22, 11:46 PM
The roof of the cavern is vastly above the group, hundreds of feet if not more.

Investigating the bridge it rises only 2 feet above the surface of the water, but the stone blocks are massive and would take a concerted effort of a large group or a natural disaster to move; not impossible but unlikely to crumble at your feet. Swimming through the water you see a large carnivorous fish, one that likely fulfills a similar role in this sea's ecosystem to that of a shark in surface oceans, they are unlikely to attack you even if you fall in unless there is blood in the water or a swarm of them.

Will you cross the bridge single file, double file, or in some uneven lines?

2014-04-23, 01:06 AM
Seems like single file. Jacind will bring up the rear, with his sling in hand.

2014-04-23, 04:52 AM
I think that Alusinor and me in the front on left and right, Darya in the center behind us, while Jacind brings up the rear.





2014-04-23, 07:30 AM
This double-frontline setup sounds like the most sensible.

Ever since the mention of a shark-like creature, Alusinor's been considering how he could cover the smell of blood in case of a fall. I'll wait on your rulings on how they can interact with the blood's scent, but he'll start making 4 doses of Scentbreaker (FRCS 96, 20gp, mundane alchemical substance. Overpowering smell (pleasant or not) in a grenade-bag, blocks the scent ability of victims that fail a fortitude check). Would dumping it in the water or smearing it on us limit the fish' ability to smell our blood?

Because we all know there's gonna be a fight, and thus blood.

Rendel Nep
2014-04-24, 09:34 AM
Darya will ready. Her plans is limited either blasting whatever jumps out at the group or switching to healing Tindamel or Alusinor depending on how things pan out.

2014-04-24, 10:59 AM
As you move forward with what is probably appropriate paranoia, you see up ahead that a few of the massive stone blocks of the Oceanbridge are cracked and askew. A navigable path yet exists where the corners of the crooked stones come close enough together, but unlike the minor erosion endured by the majority of the bridge, section seems to have sustained damage, possibly from an old earthquake or laborious malicious intent.

2014-04-24, 11:05 AM
(Seems like the forum swallowed the post where I wanted to pass around a bag to everyone and start dumping bags, as i crafted them, along the bridge, hoping the range limits would keep it from eradicating the ecosystem :smalltongue: I'll start doing that now. probably perfume-nuking the bridge gap as well).

How long is the damaged section, approximately?

2014-04-24, 11:07 AM
(you posted it in the OoC)

It is only two blocks which have been knocked out of position,for a total of 30-ft.

2014-04-24, 11:19 AM
Alusinor paused his seasoning the lake and stared at the damaged bridge for a moment, head ever so slightly tilted. That just won't do he mumbled to himself, eventually.

Focusing for a few moments, he lets the silhouettes around his hand to turn into his usual blade, before their shape changes to that of a peculiar crossbow. At the same time, his left hand had been shaping a grapple bolt for it, which he promptly fired across the gap, aiming for the face of the broken stone. Securing the other end with a second arrow, locked in place by hand, and repeating the process a second time, he then proceeds to check the ropes, carefully.

Eventually, as the dreamstuff coalesces into a length of silken rope and a pile of 8 ladders at the side of the bridge, he turns to the rest.

"Anyone who feels like it, hop to it. Gotta hang each ladder from the zip lines, and tie them to each other's ends."

((Anticipated bridge shape: *\__/*, zip lines are *, ropes are slashes and ladders are _. Zip lines are, roughly, at 'bridge level', ladders lower than the bridge's surface. Do note I'm staying at the bridge's edge the entire time, just keeping the far end in range to sustain it.))

Practically taking 20 on the attack rolls, he'll just shoot again if he misses. Actually taking 20 on checking the pinned ropes.

Taking 20 on tying the ladders, presumably split with others to buy time.

2014-04-26, 12:16 PM
As Alusinor fires his first bolt the surface of the lake ripples, and the air grows foul with the stench of rotting fish. Four humanoids haul themselves from the depths, covered in slimy, bulbous fins. Their gaping maws filled with rows of sharp teeth. Even as they emerge from hiding they attack (surprise round), one managing to bite Alusinor (9 damage).

Jacind, Tindamel, and Alusinor react quickly to the revealed threat (You all beat the monsters in initiative).






















The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

V = villain.
A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya

2014-04-26, 02:41 PM
Flinching, Alusinor takes a swift step aside as he shapes the crossbow back to his blade. A kussari-gama came into being in his left hand, which he prepared to swing at anyone taking a step forward.

((5-foot step to F5, full-round action to reshape my weapons. Shouldn't trigger AoO, right?))

2014-04-26, 02:46 PM
Sexy Fish Men! We're doomed! I'm rolling assuming that these things do not have the elf subtype.
Tindamel will draw his shield and spine and strike at the one to the north.

2014-04-27, 11:21 PM
Jacind curses to himself, realizing that he should have been carrying his spear. Any threat would have had to have come to them. Looking over the situation, he decides a solid front-line is more important than him attacking. Skum weren't notably powerful, but he could make himself much more difficult to hit than most with his Abjurations, and the sooner they were taken out, the sooner they could find out what was in charge of them. As a wise man once said, "Skum never have their own plans."

He chants and gesticulates briefly, conjuring a plane of force to protect him. Then he moves to hold the line, drawing his spear but ready to strike with his gauntleted fist as well.

"Try to leave one still breathing."
Jacind casts Shield at Caster Level 5, granting a +4 [Force] Shield bonus, and immunity to Magic Missile effects. Then Jacind takes a Move action to move to F6, and Draws his Longspear as a Free action tagalong to his move.

Can't wait till Abjurant Champion 2. Swift Shield would be really nice here, allowing me to get an attack in.

2014-04-28, 12:26 AM
Alusinor steps away as Jacind moves up to take his place, even as Tindamel stabs down at one of the still half-submerged fish-men striking into the water (The module reminds me that partially submerged creatures have improved cover against things on the surface). Two of the sea beasts begin to attack Jacind, and the other two strike at Tindamel. Tindamel manages to avoid their blows with a combination of agility and protective armor, but Jacind finds a claw slashing his tendon (double nat 20; 10 damage) and another claw strikes his shield of force.

Even more horrific, an alien form of writhing tentacles, fishy scales, and glowing malevolent eyes rises to the surface about 20-ft from the bridge.

It is party turn.























The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

V = villain.
A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya
B = Big Nasty

2014-04-28, 04:19 AM
If that's what I think it is...we may have to try diplomacy, because we are boned.
Tindamel will turn and strike at the fishmonster in G5. if it drops he will follow up with a five foot step to take its place.


2014-04-29, 12:08 AM
Tindamel's first blow fells the sea beast, but he hesitates a bit to step down into the waters. It's shallow enough he could stand without being wholly submerged, but still a disadvantageous position (I want to make sure you realize these things are still in 5-ft deep water; means you have high ground and they have cover, and that I want to double check you intended to step into the water)

2014-04-29, 01:19 AM
Jacind cries out to Tindammel.

"No! Don't go into the water. They have claws on their feet as well!"

Jacind realizes that Alusinor's swirling chain of dream-stuff should efficiently hold the line from here, and dives back to protect their other side.

Best keep the Psion protected.

Jacind has access to some healing, but Darya seems the most capable in that regard.

Jacind will Delay his action until after Alusinor's.

If Alusinor's action does not take out the Skum in G6, 5 foot step to E6 and attack the Skum in G6.
If Alusinor's action does take out the Skum in G6, Move to D5 and attack the Skum in F3.

Attack (Power Attack -2) [roll0] Included bonus for High Ground.
Critical [roll1]
Damage (Power Attack +4) [roll2]

Should that attack not kill the creature in G6, Jacind will get an Attack of Opportunity if it advances onto the bridge (since it can't climb up a 5 foot area which grants Improved Cover as a 5 foot step, it would have to Climb or Jump).

2014-04-29, 01:57 AM
Letting go of his kusari physically and mentally, Alusinor lets it dissipate into dream-motes and curl around his shoulder. Grabbing his large blade with both hands, he swings at the nearest creature, letting go of the blade mid-swing with his left hand and drawing his other weapon in one fluid motion.

Free action to let go of the Kusari-Gama, attack with the fullblade, Quick Draw the Gama.

[roll0] to-hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] confirm
[roll3] critical damage

2014-04-29, 02:05 AM
Allusinor's blade whizzes over the head of the skum, missing by more than a foot, but even as his blade misses Jacind steps quickly back and spears the beast through its head before it can dive below.

It is now Darya's turn.























The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

V = villain.
A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya
B = Big Nasty

Rendel Nep
2014-04-29, 03:29 AM
Calm and steady...Focus Darya murmurs to herself as she paces her breathing.
Gather the energy and Focus. She speak, a bit louder this time with the air audibly buzzing and her hair now standing on end. She puts her palms out in front her in the direction of the two humanoids.
and Release! she shouts as two bolts of electricity condense from her palms zap the monsters.

Concentration check to gain focus [roll]1d20+8[roll] as a move action. Manifest augmented Energy missiles and spend 4 pp to strike the two skum. +2 to the save DC.
[roll0] Electricity damage for F3 and [roll1] for G3
Keeping the Focus for later.

2014-04-29, 10:38 AM
Darya finds her focus hard to obtain in the heat of the combat (rolled the Concentration check, it was less than 12 before mods), even as electricity arcs out hitting the two skum. One snarls, as the energy surges through its body, but survives, the other, though, falls into the water perfectly still.

Alusinor feels a great psychic prodding at his mind, an alien force older than the stone, an ancient will that remembers when the first fish crawled out onto land. This malignant will bores down upon him, attempting to force him to its sway. For a moment his resolution almost falters, but in the end he gathers his reserves and manages to push it back for now.

As he does so the last skum attacks sir Tindamel, a mix of feints and quick attacks from mostly submerged, sending water in sprays around it, but fails to harm the knight, and it then shifts further back into the water submerging itself.
























The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

V = villain.
A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya
B = Big Nasty

2014-04-29, 01:44 PM
Tindamel will Sheathe his spine and shield, then draw his bow. "We've got them on the run, concentrate on the big one"

2014-04-29, 02:34 PM
Jacind continues moving and grabs his sling, then looks to the fleeing Skum, but decides to go for the aboleth thing facing them. He kneels, and then whirls his spear in hand a few times, gathering the reflections and shadows to throw a bolt at the creature, magically enhanced with some of his own essence.

Free: 5 ft. Step to D5, where Jacind's sling is.
Move: Pick up sling
Standard: Attack the aboleth tentacle-thing. Initiate Moonbolt Blade while Spellstrike Channeling a 0th level slot.
Ranged Touch [roll0]
Crit Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2] (Includes Inquisitor's Stance) + [roll3] Spellstrike.

From Zaydos's ruling earlier, if it's a valid target for Inquisitor's Stance and Jacind hits, he now knows that it's a valid target.

2014-04-29, 03:34 PM
Fascinated by the mind that touched his own for a second, Alusinor nonetheless brushes the presence away. Seeing the smaller creatures driven before his teammates, he rushes the attack. Focusing his thoughts, for but a moment, on the anklet he wears, he blinks, only to find himself at a different position. Taking another few steps forward, he taps into the energy stored inside his glove, knowing his next attack is unlikely to miss.

Anklet to H4, move action to I3, standard action to use GotMS's True Strike.

2014-04-29, 03:37 PM
The creature thrashes somewhat when the bolt strikes it, but strangely Jacind doesn't sense that it is a magic using being as would have been expected.

It is Darya's turn.

Rendel Nep
2014-04-30, 08:20 AM
Has everyone got a ranged weapon of any kind? I've got a way of hemming that thing in. Darya says before blasting the creature. She tries to identify her target. What is that thing? she ponders

[roll0] touch attack [roll1] cold damage for 5 power points
Knowledge psionics to possibly identify the creature [roll2]

2014-04-30, 10:02 AM
Darya recognizes the creature as an aboleth, a psionic terror of the underdark which uses their vast mental powers to enslave and control other races as well as transforming creatures into aquatic beasts with its slime. Darya's psionic energy blasts into the creature, and she realizes it does not quite move right in response (It's an illusion and I figure you probably announce this to the party as a free action and would want them to know before posting) moments before the creature turns its mind back to Alusinor once more. This time the powerful mind is able to push through Alusinor's mental defenses, and Alusinor has a last lucid moment as his body becomes not his own (Enslave effect; functions as dominate). He feels its mental command, like the crack of reins, and his body moving to obey stepping towards Tindamel and swinging his kusari-gama swinging at the elf's head striking with unerring accuracy (5 damage).

The last skum also moves back towards Tindamel, making a quick series of ineffectual harrying attacks, even as it focuses on its own safety.

Party (minus Alusinor) turn.
























The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

V = villain.
A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya
B = Big Nasty

2014-04-30, 02:43 PM
"It's a bit crowded here" Tindamel fires an arrow at the adjacent skum hoping to provoke an attack from it and his ally, giving his allies some breathing room to maneuver and cast.


2014-04-30, 02:46 PM
Tindamel does exactly that, missing even as both of the attacks against him hit empty air.

2014-04-30, 03:18 PM
Between Darya's finding, the change in Alusinor, and his own findings, Jacind expects something is up.

An aboleth should have fallen prey to my disruptive technique.

Jacind steps back, taking a moment to clear his mind, and casts Detect Magic allowing his vision to extend to see the eb and flow of magic.

Move to B4
Standard Cast Detect Magic, scanning in a rightbound cone that views the aboleth, the hole in the bridge, and the wall.
Swift Recover Maneuvers

2014-04-30, 04:28 PM
Only the aboleth radiates a (single) magical aura. Well besides your party members. Alusinor does not radiate additional auras than he did earlier.

This indicates that whatever effect he's under is probably Supernatural as opposed to a spell or spell-like ability.

Rendel Nep
2014-05-01, 06:49 AM
Allow me, this should hold him for about a minute. Assuming it sticks. Darya says before spraying Alusinor with sticky binding ectoplasm.

Manifesting entangling ectoplasm 1 pp.
[roll]1d20+6[roll] ranged touch attack.

2014-05-01, 10:04 AM
Darya's ectoplasm wraps around Alusinor even as Tindamel feels something sweeping over his mind, a powerful, cloying force. The malevolence sends his mind reeling, a dark, dread force. Images flash in Tindamel's head, ancient battles in the depths, clashes with primitive reptiles. The weight of years hangs heavy on Tindamel's mind, but his elven nature is somewhat more apt to deal with such a burden and he manages to retain his mind.

The skum attacks Tindamel once more in a futile effort.

Party turn.

2014-05-01, 12:48 PM
Tindamel shouts a taunt "Is that the best you can do, you antideluvian sashimi? Face us honorably, or leave us be!" He'll shoot another arrow at the skum to puncuate his point


2014-05-01, 02:04 PM
Alusinor wasn't about to let the elf inflict that to the creature. Taking a step towards him, he uses his typical routine to swing the large weave of dreamstuff that was his blade, aiming for his adversary's chest.

5ft step (or move action), and melee attack by Longblade.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] crit
[roll3] damage

Additional rolls, to be used in order as needed:
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2014-05-01, 10:43 PM
Tindamel's arrow hits the water beside the skum, and Alusinor steps next to Tindamel and strikes at him but misses due to the warrior's armor.

Jacind and Darya's turns.

2014-05-01, 11:38 PM
Jacind twirls his spear like a baton as he gathers reflections into a bolt, infusing it with arcane energy.

We can figure this out later, away from the aboleth.

Then he hurls his spear's reflection at Alusinor, hoping to bring him down nonlethally.

Initiate Moonbolt Blade, Spellstrike Channeling a level 1 slot.

Ranged Touch [roll0] Entangle should reduce his AC by 2 due to reduced Dexterity. Includes -4 for dealing nonlethal damage and +1 for Spellstrike.
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] All nonlethal.

Move to Alusinor, staying at least 15 feet away.

2014-05-02, 01:03 AM
The bolt strikes Alusinor, but it is not enough to bring him low.

Rendel Nep
2014-05-03, 05:13 AM
Darya blasts the remaining skum so the grop has less to be distracted by.

Energy ray (cold)
Ranged touch attack [roll0] damage [roll1] 3 pp

2014-05-03, 10:13 AM
The skum falls, and the image of the aboleth vanishes into the aether from which it formed.

Party turn.

2014-05-03, 01:19 PM
Tindamel holds out one arm, pointing at Alusinor. His bracer glows faintly red as a black ray shoots out of his finger at his controlled ally.

Firing Ray of Enfeeblement from Blood Magic Bracer at Alusinor

2014-05-04, 01:47 PM
Alusinor stares blankly for a short moment, his armor heavy on his shoulders and his mind filled with hatred for the elf, the only thing standing between him and the Master's task.

Kill... he mumbles as he pushes on to go through his enemy's defense.


2014-05-05, 12:21 AM
Energy saps the strength from Alusinor's arm and his powerful blade fails to even dent Tindamel's armor. As the dream-clad warrior draws back his blade he slips from the precarious ledge he had left himself on falling into the water (of the same square). Alusinor now stands in water, 5-ft deep.






















The (intact portions of the) bridge is in A through F and M through R 4 through 6, and those squares marked with an 'a' are the askew blocks, 'x' is a wall, '@' is an askew block that fills less than half the square (difficult to move onto without ending in the water and to fight in), other squares are water.

A = Alusinor
T = Tindamel
J = Jacind
D = Darya

Rendel Nep
2014-05-07, 09:29 AM
Given the influence he's under, I'm just going to incapacitate him. Darya says before blasting Alusinor with a sonic lance.

ranged touch attack [roll0] [roll1] Sonic energy ray 4pp

2014-05-07, 07:54 PM
The blast of sonic energy causes an eruption in the water over Alusinor's shoulder, but the water absorbs the bulk of the blast (Improved cover is ridiculous).

Jacind our hopes lie with you!

2014-05-10, 01:14 PM
Jacind cannily watches the next few seconds of action unfold. His knowledge of the Diamond Mind discipline and his own intense battle training help him to slow everything down into the fractions needed to calmly observe the situation and make decisions. He drops his sling again and moves quickly. He does a complex dive roll and splashes into the water, at the same moment he strikes at Alusinor with his spear, all before the sling hits the ground.

Free Drop loaded Masterwork Sling into Darya's space.
Move Move to G6
Standard Attack Alusinor with spear
Longspear (Power Attack -1) [roll0]
Crit Confirm [roll1]
Damage (Power Attack +2) [roll2] (Includes Inquisitor's Stance)

2014-05-10, 03:11 PM
Wounded and tired from blows, Alusinor collapses into the water.

2014-05-10, 03:16 PM
After Jacind's surprising strike, the world and dreams surrounding Alusinor faded, replaced only by the dark, and now devoid of sense, voice that part of him recognized as the Master's.

2014-05-11, 04:00 AM
For a moment, Tindamel is concerned of his ally drowning. Then he remembers that tentacled fish-monster is still out there. He knocks his bow, keeping an eye out for it in case it rears its ugly head

Ready action to shoot Abolith on sight

Rendel Nep
2014-05-12, 09:05 AM
Right I think I've got this... HNNNGGGH Darya says as she concentrates on lifting Alusinor's abused unconscious body by whatever armor he's wearing.
Lifting up Alusinor with telekinetic force I think. 5pp.

2014-05-12, 11:52 AM
Allusinor is lifted out of the water and placed on the ground.

Will you continue on (assuming his sword and armor disappear while unconscious) or tie him up and wait here till he awakens?

2014-05-13, 11:24 AM
Tindamel speaks up, his elf eyes on the water. "If he wakes up, will he still be under that...thing's control?"

2014-05-13, 11:44 AM
The spell it is most similar to is Dominate Person, and unconsciousness does not automatically end that. A protection from evil spell would probably work.

2014-05-13, 12:03 PM
"Sadly, yes. The aboleth can put people under a mental control, similar to the Dominate spell. There are a few abjurations that suppress it's effects, but none of them last long enough, and I can't cast them anyway. The best thing we can do is get him somewhere safe, and out of the area. I can attempt to break the effects, but I'm not even sure if it's within my power, and it will take time, possibly even multiple attempts. Darya, how long can you control his body? We should get out of here as soon as possible, before the creature tries something else."

Jacind surveys the area, attempting to figure out the best route for the trio to go without jostling Darya's concentration.

Rendel Nep
2014-05-14, 03:14 AM
Darya shakes her head. I'm not. I merely lifted him up because he's unconscious and unable to fight me for the possession of his clothing. As soon as he wakes up, he'll promptly break free. Also this... doesn't last long. she says as she places Allusinor's body down on the remains of the bridge.

2014-05-14, 04:51 AM
"Without his armor and gear, I'd just barely be able to carry him" He'll put away his bow and kneel over the body. "Though I'm not sure how I'd cross the water with him in tow."

2014-05-16, 01:14 AM
After tying Alusinor you carry him about a mile towards the drowish city. The city looms close now, not too much further, as your bound ally, potentially foe still, begins to stir and awaken from his slumber.

2014-05-16, 01:21 AM
Jacind waves for a halt. His voice is calm, but it's quite easy to tell that he's being cautious.

"Alusinor? How do you feel?"

2014-05-16, 07:02 AM
As Alusinor tries to break free of the dreams around him, he realizes he's bound and hears Jacind's question.

"Like a crowd's whispering in my head. Why am I tied?" A sudden fear creeps into his mind; as much as he trusted his life to the Dreams when he was awake, he hated letting them be unsupervised in his sleep, lest they took initiative.

"Did I do something in my sleep? When did I fall asleep, anyway?"

2014-05-16, 10:51 AM
Tindamel explains, "A giant catfish took your volition from you. It tried to take me as well, yet my superior elven lineage has made me better suited to resist its influence. We are safe now, outside its sphere of influence."

2014-05-16, 12:43 PM
The memories started coming back, the last of them being a mind, more alien than his queerest nightmares, brushing against his. He could still feel its lingering feel, but whether that was an aftertaste or a vestige of the contact, he could not tell.

Realizing what had happened, he looked at his allies one by one. "I didn't... harm, anyone? Did I?"

2014-05-16, 12:54 PM
Tindamel smirks a little, "You couldn't lay a finger on me." He taps his armor, feeling proud.

2014-05-16, 01:18 PM
Alusinor sighs in relief. "All right then." He prepares to withdraw his hand from his belt, ready to offer healing as compensation, when he realizes the weight of his own wounds. With a thought, he used a charge to imbue his hand with healing energy, touching his palm to discharge it.


"Oh, and... mind unbinding me?"

2014-05-16, 02:08 PM
Jacind smiles

"Yes, one moment Alusinor."

Before untying him, Jacind uses a charge on his healing belt on him. He felt partially responsible for the man's wounds. [roll0]

Then Jacind unties Alusinor.

2014-05-17, 08:34 AM
Once his ally is untied, Tindamel speaks up "If we are all done here, we should move. We still have a thief to catch"

2014-05-18, 01:03 PM
As you continue towards Pedestal, the city comes into view. The wide, sloping base of a massive column is built up with streets, walls, and hundreds of elaborate structures. A few glimmer with faint illumination, and here and there, lanterns shed green illumination in small pools separated by gulfs of shadow. Portions of the small city are completely collapsed and obviously abandoned, though others show clear signs of habitation and upkeep. A great wall surrounds the lowest edges of the city, and upon that edifice, hundreds of rusty spikes point towards the cavern's high ceiling. Rotting heads adorn scores of those spikes.

2014-05-18, 01:33 PM
Absentminded and still stiff from earlier's beating, Alusinor's gaze eventually comes upon the walls of the city.

"...pleasant enough place. Guess Tindamel wasn't exaggerating."

2014-05-18, 03:31 PM
Tindamel looks up at the severed heads and can't help but smirk a little "Heh, that won't be a problem for me soon enough" He turns to his companions "Come, the gates of hell await."

Rendel Nep
2014-05-20, 05:53 AM
Let's just try not to get stabbed or sacrificed or incinerated or eaten by spiders. By the gods, this is an awful idea. Darya says, her gazes switching between the ground and the severed heads above.

2014-05-20, 06:21 AM
"All right, shall we? Time to experience the finer Drow hospitality.""

2014-05-20, 02:05 PM
Approaching the city, you see dark stones sagging over the gatehouse. The gaping arch reveals a rubble-strewn roadway, a low barricade of strewn debris, and an ominous cityscape beyond, where shadowed buildings lean above sloping cobbled lanes illuminated by green light from glowing lanterns. When you come within 25 feet of the gate, a gray, pudgy humanoid that has willowy limbs, and flipper-like hands and feet bounds from the shadows, its fishlike head sporting bulbous eyes. It carries a spear and a large shield, and the smell of rotten fish hangs in the air around it. With a gurgling snarl it leaps to attack as its skin flushes red. Two more seem badly hidden in alcoves of the gate house.

http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd466/Zaydos/GateMap_zpsd3bdf9b9.png (http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/Zaydos/media/GateMap_zpsd3bdf9b9.png.html)

The bottom left square is 1,1. The closest of you is 20-ft (4 squares) from the creature.
K = Creature.

2014-05-20, 02:39 PM
((Oh poop, forgot to resize my gear. Unless I do it in-combat at some point, consider it 'readied' for the next scene change))

"Watch out!" warns Alusinor, pointing at the hidden pair as the motes around his palms extend to become his blade, ready to strike down the creature.

Ready a fullblade attack if the creatures aproaches.

2014-05-20, 02:55 PM
Tindamel draws his shield and longsword. He stares down the creature keeping his voice sharp and calm, his eyes like piercing daggers "Walk away fishman, we are not in the mood."


2014-05-20, 03:33 PM
The creature brandishes its spear, replying in a croaking voice, and a strange tongue.

"Die! Surfacers!"

2014-05-20, 03:43 PM
Realizing that they probably don't speak the common vernacular he'll try one more time. He points his sword forward and speaks again, this time in elven "This is your final warning, eyeblights! Let us pass or die where you stand!"


2014-05-20, 11:45 PM

Jacind, taking up the rearguard again, glares back at this strange aquatic creature.

What is this, Aquatic Creature's Greatest Hits?

Jacind hefts his own spear, and calls out to the finned creature in it's own tongue.

"We have no quarrel with you Friend Kuo-toa. We wish only to pass through this gate. Let us pass, and there will be no quarrel between us. A test of our comparative strengths will not end in your small group's favor, even if you manage to kill us. Yes, we can see your allies in hiding, and we are not afraid. I propose that we parley and come to a suitable arrangement beneficial to both of us."

If Jacind's Knowledge check is successful, he uses the creature's name, otherwise, he calls it Friend.

Swift Pop Collector of Stories for a creature ID.
Knowledge (That thing): [roll0] (If it is ID'ed by Arcana, his result is 7 points higher.

I realize that I probably spoke more than is permissible by a Free Action, so if Jacind even has a Standard Action, he'll ready a slingshot against hostile advance. By our last march order, Jacind should be within 1 range increment of K.

Sling [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Inquisitor's Stance adds 5, if applicable.

Crit Confirm [roll3]
Crit Damage [roll4]

2014-05-20, 11:52 PM
You recognize the creature as a koa-toa, an underdark dwelling species noted for their sinister nature and diabolical tendencies. They are not accustomed to the full light of the surface, and resistant to electricity, and it is said their priests can generate destructive bolts of electricity.

Rendel Nep
2014-05-23, 09:03 AM
There's no off chance they wouldn't take a bribe? Assuming they're guard for their district, I'm not interested in having to kill them just because they were doing their job. Darya asks whilst loading her crossbow.

2014-05-23, 10:42 AM
Two javelins fly out from behind the barricade, their throwers revealing their location in doing so. One strikes Jacind (4 damage), the other clangs from Tindamel's armor. The front most one charges Jacind, a sling stone striking out its left eye before Allusinor's blade cleaves it in two. The back pair of koa-toa begin croaking in undercommon at their companion's death, raising their hands as if pleading.

"Pass, pass, you may pass," one screeches, "We will not try and stop you. Do your business surfacers, just spare us!" The other says different words, but the effect is much the same.

2014-05-23, 11:31 AM
"I assume that they're pleading for their lives?" Tindamel asks Jacind "I don't suppose you could demand they give us any wealth they have before passing through. I'd hate for us to leave empty-handed."

2014-05-23, 04:22 PM
"I'll see what I can do, but no promises. Try to look more threatening."

Jacind speaks up to the Kuo-Toa. As he does so, he very slowly pulls the javelin out of his chest, it bleeds for a moment, but as he speaks he casually brushes his hand against his belt of healing and the wound stops bleeding instantly. [roll0]

"I warned you did I not? You humble creatures are not much match for us. We are trained Adventurers. Now, we will have need of your healing supplies, for the trouble you've caused us. We'll accept cash if you have no healing supplies."

Aid Another on Tindammel's Intimidate check. [roll1]

2014-05-23, 04:29 PM
Tindamel sheathes is sword, and very slowly reaches his hand into the back of his neck, tilting his head forward while digging his fingers into his neck, gritting his teeth like it hurts, grabbing hold of his spine and slowly tearing it from his back, slow and deliberate enough to make the pulling of tendons as loud as possible. when its fully out, he lets it hang loss as a whip giving a mad smile and devilish stare at the frogmen.


2014-05-23, 04:43 PM
The two repulsive fish men begin whispering to each other, only a few words of undercommon reaching your ears.

"Wounded him."
"Still ... hadn't seen us ..."

After a few moments they stop conversing looking at you, and croaking out.

"We have no healing supplies, adventurer," it croaks, before adding, hastily and with a hate of surfacers at best barely concealed, "And had we much gold we'd not be fighting such as you."

2014-05-23, 04:57 PM
"They've either got nothing, or aren't willing to tell us about it.

Jacind twirls the javelin in hand like a baton a few times, pretending to ponder what they've said.

"Fine. You can attempt to pay off your debt to us with information. Who other than us has come through this area in the past week? We're looking for someone."

2014-05-23, 05:09 PM
"No surfacers. Least not while we were watching," the speaker says showing spike-like teeth in what is either a snarl or a smile when done.

2014-05-23, 05:23 PM
Brushing the blood off his blade, Alusinor has been paying keen attention to the exchange, almost as if he understood. Eventually, he turned to whisper to Tindamel, trying not to look at the spine directly.

"Any idea what they're saying?"

2014-05-23, 05:46 PM
Tindamel whispers back "Not a Clue. And to be honest, I'm a little insulted, The spine trick usually sends them running." He'll punctuate the point by cracking his spinal cord like a whip.

2014-05-25, 01:38 AM
"They say they've got nothing of use. I don't believe them a single lick, but take that as you may.

Jacind snarls lightly back at the creatures, not impressed in the slightest. He gestures to Alsuinor and Tindammel as he speaks.

"Normally, I'd have my buster sword wielding friend make mincemeat of the lot of you, but you've caught me in a relatively jovial mood. Tell us of who has passed this way, discounting surfacers, and I give you my word we'll let you live when we leave. Otherwise, I'll let them decide your fate. I'm not dumb enough to believe that you have no gold or healing supplies. Your race isn't quite that stupid to take on the terrors of the Underdark so underprepared. There must be at least the tolls you required of others to pass. No healing supplies, bah! You know we fought off an Aboleth, a fearsome Mind Fish, just a few miles back? I'd eat my hat before I stepped into the Underdark so woefully unequipped."

After this one last thinly veiled threat, he fully intends to let his allies decide the creature's fates.

"What's it going to be now? Cough up what I want, or I'll let his nightmare forged blade decide your fate."

2014-05-25, 01:44 AM
The creature raises its hands pleadingly, as it speaks in the language of the deep caves.

"We tell no lie, no strangers have come while we were here save you. A few other returners came, and a group of drow too large to accost, but we do not wait here always. Much time we are away," the creature tries to explain,"In wall, there, it points to the asymmetrical portion of the wall, "we keep what tolls we've collected. We have no healing tools, such magic it is expensive and not easily bought."

2014-05-25, 01:53 AM
Jacind isn't happy, but decides he trusts them enough to not press it further.

"Fine, one of you, give us the money for the tolls you've collected, and we'll be out of your gills in a jiffy."

2014-05-25, 01:55 AM
They look at each other hesitantly, croaking something in their actual native tongue, before a koa-toa hiding in one of the two alcoves on your side of the barrier moves to the indicated wall opening it and saying in undercommon, "Here chest. Take chest."

2014-05-25, 02:00 AM
"What, do you think I was born yesterday? Open it, take the stuff out, set it down, and then back away."

"Keep your eyes peeled"

2014-05-25, 02:08 AM
They open the chest and begin taking out handfuls of gold and dumping it on the ground. It seems like the only container for the hundreds of pieces of gold within the chest that they have was the chest itself.

2014-05-25, 01:52 PM
Soga didn't feel too well, maybe out of remorse for the pittyful creature he'd chopped down, maybe because of the state and probable source of the meat. In any case, it, at least, was best left with the creatures.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'll leave the meat behind. I got plenty of food." he said, pointing at his endless ration pouch.

Rendel Nep
2014-05-26, 12:02 AM
Ugh. I'd be grateful if you did and consider my feelings the same. Darya agrees

2014-05-27, 12:22 AM
Jacind picks up the scrolls and wand, and incants a few short syllables before his vision extends into the magical once more. Assuming he doesn't detect an unusual number of magical auras, he opens the scrolls and attempts to ascertain the meaning of their writings.

2014-05-27, 12:40 AM
The wand radiates an aura of faint divination, the scrolls are protection from energy and cat's grace.

2014-05-27, 04:49 AM
While Jacind is playing with the magic items, Tindamel will count out the coins. Dtermininge that it's at least 200 each he will take 20 platinum for himself and divide the other piles into three piles of 175 gold and 2 platinum. This leaves 2 gold and 2 platinum left over. Doing some quick Math he determines the remaining piles should be:
172g 3p total 202
172g 3p total 202
183g 2p total 203

2014-05-28, 11:16 PM
After dividing the loot it is an easy matter to walk past the cringing fish-men. The city itself is dilapidated, with a great stone spike rising out from north of the center of the city. Many of the buildings look abandoned and even those that are not seem halfway to ruins. You can see other koa-toa roaming the streets, furtive figures fleeting from shadow to shadow, and a pair of duergar swagger down a thoroughfare to the east. It looks like the city is more active towards the north, away from the koa-toa held gate.

2014-05-29, 05:38 AM
Tindamel looks around, a little happy to see a Drow city in such a state "We should head to that Dripstone Inn that coal hauler told us about and find Es to decode that note. Three blocks north, Five hanged street, right?"

2014-05-29, 05:37 PM
After an unexpected result from the raised wand, Alusinor looks at his allies, eyebrow raised and head slightly tilted.

"Ok, that's weird even for me. Anyone know what in the Dreamscape that is?"

He also starts to emntally count time, in an effort to see how long would the effect last.

2014-05-31, 10:42 AM
Tindamel looks to his ally "What's wrong? What did you see?"

2014-05-31, 10:48 AM
Alusinor looks at Tindamel in puzzlement.

"You mean you don't see it? I think I set the wand off, there's colors around it and you guys. Lots and lots of them, like auras. Rings any bells?"

((sorry, I hadn't seen Zaydos' edit to know I should adapt the answer :/ ))

2014-05-31, 12:08 PM
Jacind begins instructing Alusinor, and asking a few questions.

"Try and hold your focus on the effect, don't let it slip away from you. How many auras are there Alusinor? Do they seem to focus around anything in particular?"

Jacind takes off his Healing Belt and tosses it on the ground.

"Did one of the auras follow the belt?"

Jacind is going to ask questions about the effect, and attempt to identify the spell from Alusinor's description. I can RP more questions about the effect, but I'm guessing it's a Detect Magic wand.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2014-05-31, 12:23 PM
"It's us and the wand, for now, and they seem to be plenty" he replies, preparing to track the Belt for auras.

((I'll edit this as Zaydos tells me, as I couldn't know :smalltongue: Also, how many auras around the wand?))

2014-06-01, 02:42 AM
((the aura follows the belt, and yes Jacind can identify it as Detect Magic or Arcane Sight from the information given and with how Alusinor has to concentrate to follow the aura it's the former; the wand proper only has one aura))

2014-06-01, 06:43 AM
"Yes, the colors follow the belt. Are they...magic?", he asks in confusion.

2014-06-01, 09:11 AM
Jacind smiles to Alusinor.

"Yes. That's a basic divination spell that extends one's vision into the magical. I can cast it myself."

2014-06-01, 09:42 AM
"That's quite interesting. It must be fascinating, seeing the world, uh, more than others" Alusinor replied, stumbling to find the right word. Looking at the wand, then back at Jacind, he offers it to him.

"Would that mean you're better suited at using it?"

2014-06-01, 09:48 AM
"Probably. I'd be able to identify the major schools of magic that the wand's power detected, and am accustomed to having to mantain my focus on magical effects. If you had any training in such things, I'd suggest you keep it, but for now I should probably hold onto this and the scrolls.

Rendel Nep
2014-06-02, 09:09 AM
"Oh, now should be the time to mention that if you see any crystals, not gems, more kind of like this one then hold on to them " Darya says while pulling out a long prism shaped gem for the others to see regardless of what seemed to be contradictory information. They're analogous to wands for manifesters and just as valuable.

2014-06-02, 12:31 PM
Soga turned to Darya, nodding. He couldn't tell what was so special about this crystal, but he knew looks could be deceiving. "I'll make sure to remember that, deal."

He paused for a second.

"Oh, I should probably mention... Anything non-magical you might need, don't hesitate to ask. I can tackle some magical objects too, but it's kinda slower and trickier. But ropes, nails, tanglefoot bags or anything like them, I can provide."

Tanglefoot bags? Not such a bad idea...

((I'll 'ready' an action to make a tanglefoot at the first sign of trouble, unless time's an issue (such as when under probable threat but not yet attacked))).

2014-06-02, 02:45 PM
"If that confusion is all settled we should find Es. It's getting..." He looks up "I want to say...late? How in the Nine Hells are we supposed to tell time down here?"

2014-06-02, 04:44 PM
Walking to the north you find the Street of the Five Hanged, and on the far side you can see a larger than normal building. Lights of every hue stream from the windows of this sprawling three-story building. Conversing voices, snippets of song, and the clatter of crockery spill into the street. Odors of exotic tobaccos, yeasty drink, and barbecued meat suffuse the air. The wall facing the street is a sculpted formation of flowstone, like dozens of drooping hands, apparently built up from water falling from somewhere far above. Here and there stone faces leer out from the deposits. This would seem to be the Dripstone Inn that was mentioned.

The street is busier here and duergar, derro, and koa-toa stop their business as you approach, wary glares directed at you from under heavy brows or from out of wide, frog-like eyes.

2014-06-02, 05:29 PM
"It might be best to head in. Partly to not delay our pursuit, mostly so less people can stare at us", whispers Alusinor.

2014-06-02, 05:53 PM

Jacind stares back at all of those who catch his eye.

"Agreed. It also has the benefit of limiting the direction of attack should this go south.

2014-06-02, 06:22 PM
"Relax, and try to act like you belong" Tindamel will walk into the inn first, taking an eyeful of the local color as he does, keeping an eye out for anyone taking hold of their weapons as he does.

2014-06-03, 01:12 AM
Conversations near the entry way go quite as you enter the tavern and many of the patrons look over towards you. Few of the faces look welcoming and most that do look either hungry or insane. Dusky dwarves, derro and duergar, slim drow, and stranger creatures sit or stand in the dozen or so lantern-lit niches scattered about this high-ceilinged chamber. A central bar is stuffed with bottles, casks, pipes, vials, cigarillos, and less familiar paraphernalia. Cloaked in white linen a humanoid figure stands behind the bar. Four servers move about the room, similarly shrouded. A side door apparently opens into a busy kitchen that is alive with the sounds and scents of cooking. From a great stone chair across the common room, a humanoid figure observes, wrapped in crimson robes that have a complex pattern of eyes upon them. Whatever this creature is, you get the feeling that little escapes its notice.

2014-06-03, 09:38 AM
Tindamel will first use his Deathwatch ability, taking note of any undead. He will then make his way across the common area and approach the figure in the eyed robe. "Es, I presume?"

2014-06-03, 03:21 PM
Every one of the servers in white linens, the barkeep, and the figure in the eye-covered robe all seem to be undead.

The figure's face is lost in the voluminous folds of its bizarre robe. An odor like thyme mixed with dirt intensifies as the figure raises an arm in greeting and speaks in a raspy voice. "Yes, I am Es Sarch, and you are a traveler from the sun-poisoned skin of the world if I am not incorrect. If you come looking for me I presume it is because there is information you desire. Ask and we may be able to come to an arrangement."

2014-06-04, 09:02 AM
Tindamel chuckles a little bit, "Brilliant, You have such a nice sense of metaphor for a corpse." He waves his companions over "All we need is a translation and to know if you've seen someone." He smiles "And if anyone has seen anything it would be you, wouldn't it?"

2014-06-04, 10:03 AM
Alusinor noticed Tindamel's wave and approached the figure.

"That's quite the inn here. I'm not sure what the competition was, but you seem to have a good taste. It's rather lively", he addressed the person that ought to be Es.

2014-06-04, 10:47 AM
"It would be me," Es Sarch says, "Show me the note." He looks at it for a few moments before finally saying, "It is a note to someone called Fadheela. It goes, 'I have been delayed. My servants carry the king's bones and all the items of his champions that I could find. Merthuvial I cannot locate. I shall a bit more time trying to find it, but I am sending these on so our rendezvous is not compromised. Please give the Vanguard my regards. I shall be along shortly.' And it is signed Xevon. Where did you find this note?"

2014-06-04, 05:23 PM
Jacind speaks up here.

"We found this in a tunnel from an Earth Node that leads up into the Overworld. We've been sent to recover the items mentioned in the note. What tongue is it? I pride myself on knowing many of the Material Plane's tongues and I couldn't even identify it, let alone understand it."

2014-06-04, 05:40 PM
"The script is flowing and not one I easily recognize myself. I used a certain magical talent of mine to read it. If you leave it with me I might be able to determine the origin of its script within a few days, though," he says, "It will require some research, though."

2014-06-04, 07:00 PM
"Research that costs, I collect?"

2014-06-04, 07:16 PM
The figure nods, "Though perhaps for now it would be best if you told me what else it is you came to ask me, surely just this note was not all you desired."

2014-06-04, 08:21 PM
Tindemel clears his throat "I know this is a longshot, but a cloaked female humanoid with a bow, possibly capable of petrification, was headed in this direction from the node about a day ago. She is a person of interest in our investigation of these missing items."

2014-06-05, 12:23 AM
The figure nods. "I know something of what you speak, a woman named Fadheela has entered the city and has been here before, but to learn more I must expend resources. Thus, I propose an alliance. Aid me with a few tasks which I'd prefer to be accomplished by those outside of Pedestal's power structure. Upon your completion of those tasks, I'll know more of Fadheela. In your debt for favors to me, I will deliver that information to you, what do you say?"

2014-06-05, 01:03 AM
"It depends on the tasks I'd say. Some may be worth a bit more than information. However, that's all haggling and negotiation nonsense. I, we'd, be more than happy to be of service."

Rendel Nep
2014-06-05, 09:08 AM
So long as my soul firmly remains in my possession and isn't bandied about like common currency then I'm OK with it. Darya whispers to the others.

2014-06-05, 10:59 AM
"Fair enough, Favors for favors. What is it you need done?"

2014-06-05, 01:26 PM
The robed figure chuckles, "Not your souls, I don't deal in such. I have two tasks I need accomplished. The first task is the collection of certain mushrooms which grow upon Rikaryon's Isle. Rikaryon's Isle lies atop the Sullen Sea, covered in glimmering fungus which, I have been told, release dangerous digestive and luminescent spores into the air around them. These spores create the dim blue light which I'm sure you saw while traveling to this city, but they also slowly destroy fleshy creatures, including my undead servants. These spores are particularly dangerous to those who have lived in this so-called Great Grotto, and act much quicker upon them. Sending anyone from Pedestal to the isle to collect would mean their certain death, but the threat to surfacers is minimal.

"Growing upon Rikaryon's Isle is a mushroom for which those here in Pedestal will pay dearly. Its cap is a sovereign remedy against the plague that tumbled the ruling drow from their altars and thrones. Journey down to the dock to the west of here upon the Sullen Sea, find a seaworthy craft - a few are left - and head out to the isle. The mushrooms I seek are obvious, black with red spots in the shape of tiny hands. You can't miss them, though you might have to venture to the island's center to find them. Bring me at least 10.

"As for the other task. Are you aware of the disruption in Pedestal's power balance? It continues even unto this very hour, though I must admit that the vacuum left by the fleeing drow has been to my advantage. Consider, though, that the reason the city did and does not collapse completely into chaos is due to my efforts. Nearly everyone here appreciates my influence. But gratitude doesn't last, and others seek to displace me."

The figure's voice falls to a whisper, like air escaping a partially opened tomb, "The Assassin's Guild has decided to seek alliance with the House Dusklorn, the greatest surviving drow house. If my agents were to disrupt this burgeoning accord, I fear I'd do more to cement the relationship than diffuse it. I ask you to eliminate or drive off Elessarwa Nledoor, matron of the house and psychotic as well. I have knowledge of a hidden route into her secret torture chamber, where she slinks away from her duties to house Dusklorn to apply her savage arts to hapless victims she takes from Pedestal's alleys. I have arranged matters so that Dusklorn will believe her death the work of the duplicitous Assassin's Guild. That will be the end of that."

2014-06-05, 02:12 PM
Alusinor leaned in to Tindamel. "Undead servants?"

"So, medicine gathering and political assassination of a rather unpleasant fellow? That's... diverse, to say the least."

2014-06-05, 06:42 PM
Tindamel whispers back Bartender and the wait staff

His pointed ears perk up and he grows a devious grin upon learning the second task, "I find your terms most agreeable. And in return for the Mushroom samples and the neutralization of a drow, we will recieve information leading to the location of Fadheela, correct?"

2014-06-05, 06:55 PM
"Assuming my research proves as fruitful as it ought to," Es Sarch says, "I see no reason it shouldn't."

2014-06-06, 12:08 AM
A couple small lights lit up in Alusinor's head, illuminating a slightly grisly, yet very silly, image. He looked at Es, head tilted in puzzlement.

"This place isn't run by the original 'Five Hanged', is it? "

2014-06-07, 01:26 PM
Es shakes his head, "I am afraid that the street's eponymous five were hanged before even my time in Pedestal."

2014-06-07, 07:46 PM
"Well, that's... a little disappointing, really. Not sure what I was expecting, I guess."

"But you did mention influence", Alusinor suddenly sifts the subject. "I can only assume popularity must play a part in that, and we ourselves rather lack of it around these parts."

"If I may, would you give me permission to boost both yours and ours a tad? A happy hour fueled by me and sponsored by you?"

I'll be honest, that's a stunt I was disappointed didn't come into play, since it's rather weird, completely harmless, and goes to show what a Dreamcrafter can do. So if I may, I'll just use it because :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-08, 09:25 AM
Tindamel speaks outloud to himself considering strategies "As much as I'd like to kill the drow first, we should probably take care of the mushrooms first, and swiftly, before the thing in the water has a chance to recover from its losses." he will turn to Es "Is there any order you would prefer these tasks done in?"