View Full Version : [PF] CR of this monster?

2014-02-23, 01:42 PM
Hello All.

I would like someone to double-check my math on this please...

Base monster: Will-o-Wisp (CR 6)
Template: Infernal (+1 CR, so far CR 7)

So far so good....but then I'm adding 8 levels of sorcerer.

So, per the rules, a willowisp is probably an "Skill" type monster (uses invisibility and surprise rather than going toe-to-toe). this makes sorcerer not a key class and so any added levels are 1/2.

So, 8 levels of sorcerer would add 4 CR. for a final CR of 11.

Is my math right?

(I know that CR's are largely spitballs and guidelines at best...but I at least try to keep close to the numbers...)