View Full Version : exp/cr/loot question

2014-02-23, 03:27 PM
If your characters pick up a companion because they have similar goals and are going the same direction (so no leadership involved), how does that affect the party average level, experience gained, and loot split among them? Also, where do I find the rules for such?

2014-02-23, 05:16 PM
If the NPC is contributing like a normal party member, then I would think APL would be calculated using the NPC, and the NPC would get an equal share of XP and an equal share of any loot (unless some other kind of arrangement/contract has been agreed upon).

I dont know that you're necessarily adjust the loot/encounters to account for this unless you planned on the party having a tag-a-long. If the PC's decide to go hire a bunch of NPC's to help them do something, then they have to deal with the all of the ramifications that come with that.

Another option would be to treat them like a cohort for purposes of XP.

2014-02-23, 05:31 PM
DMG, starting page 104.

The case you describe would probably fall under "allies"; treat them like extra PCs for a full share of XP and loot.