View Full Version : [IC] Magic vs. Might

2014-02-23, 04:17 PM
Each of you stands in the local tavern, as the last glimmer of daylight passes and dusk fills the open sky. It's a quiet spring evening. Two guards sit at the bar being served by the bartender, while a group of commoners chat in the corner, and the workers clean the tables. Why are you here? What is your goal?

2014-02-23, 04:22 PM

Heledir broods at a table in the corner. So far the leads she had been given had proved to be false. A person sees a common beast--a wolf, a stray cat--at night and he thinks he's seen a demon. Well, maybe others would prove to be more knowledgeable. Tomorrow she would ask, or look, around a bit and see what could be done.

2014-02-23, 04:31 PM

'It would be best to make haste from this place...'

Arland Vanus sits in a nearby booth alone, uncomfortably.

'My message is delivered. My business is done, and I should leave, before I attract the attention of Templars. Though, this is a comfortable place... and the prospect of returning to the weariness of court life is not exciting... I will stay a few more hours. Yes...'

He continues to sit alone.

2014-02-23, 04:32 PM
Alysha Ironheart: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17058762&postcount=13)

Seated near the bar; a dwarven women lightly slams down a mug of what used to be an ale with a pretty reasonable head...for a human colony..

Foam still caught on her upper lip from the first of probably many more ales to follow, Alysha boisterously shakes the empty mug towards the bartender in hopes of getting another without having to move her poor, tired legs a step farther.

'I made a good coin today; Gotta find something more permanent..or a good lead though' she thinks to herself.

2014-02-23, 04:38 PM
Where be the noble Templar?

2014-02-23, 04:38 PM
Talsius is enjoying some time off-duty. The Templar orders an elven wine and sits at a table to enjoy it.

The elf keeps his brown cloak open enough for others to see the Templar crest underneath it. As a Templar, Tal's priority was to “Defend against the curse of magic by any means possible.” He wasn't sure if he knew exactly what that meant, but he was determined to figure it out.

Tal sipped at his wine while contemplating his new life as a Templar.

2014-02-23, 04:43 PM
The bartender refuses to serve the Dwarven woman anymore ale, fearing that she may soon pass out with even a single drop more of alcohol. Two Templar recruits walk in of the same division as Talsius. They bring in a bounty and demand that the bartender give them information on the person in question immediately, putting a blade inches away from his throat.

2014-02-23, 04:45 PM

Well. Interesting, but not my problem.

Heledir nevertheless shifts slightly closer in an attempt to hear what the guards are saying.

2014-02-23, 04:46 PM

Arland continues to sit in his chair, but has noticed the wine-drinking Templar, and the others. He is attempting to appear inconspicuous and does not react.

2014-02-23, 04:47 PM

"Hey!, I could Drink your sto...." Alysha starts to argue with the innkeeper about cutting her off when some armored soldiers decide to interrupt and put themselves between her and that darned innkeeper.

2014-02-23, 04:49 PM
Talsius finishes his drink, then approaches his comrades. It seems like his precious time off-duty was cancelled.

"What's the issue today, boys?" He asks the other two initiate Templar. He glares at the bartender, using his eyes to give a message of 'You should give them the information they want.'

Intimidate: [roll0]

2014-02-23, 04:53 PM
The Bartender hesitantly expresses what little he knows of the man on the bounty. The Templars start searching the entire bar, asking around to find what more they can.

Heledir - You can roll a perception check to see if your heard any details
Arland - One of the Templar recruits comes up to you and asks you of the contract
Alysha - After speaking to Talsius, the other recruit asks you for info
Talsius - Your comrade asks you to help question some of the people in the tavern. He tells you that a rogue sorcerer has been on a rampage

2014-02-23, 04:56 PM

Heledir inwardly groans as the Templars start questioning the other patrons. Great. More meddling.


2014-02-23, 04:59 PM

Heledir inwardly groans as the Templars start questioning the other patrons. Great. More meddling.


You overhear them speaking about an Elven sorcerer aged about 112, whom has been destroying government buildings. They say that they wish the king of Greenroot would have never passed that law to make magic legal.

2014-02-23, 04:59 PM

"Information on what?" Alysha asked confused; this recruit has asked her for information, but very opened endedly.

"I am in the business of knowing many things, but you might need to be more specific hun.."

2014-02-23, 05:01 PM

"Information on what?" Alysha asked confused; this recruit has asked her for information, but very opened endedly.

"I am in the business of knowing many things, but you might need to be more specific hun.."

The recruit asks if you have seen the man depicted in the picture

2014-02-23, 05:04 PM
"Oh? I've only arrived yesterday myself. I've not seen an elf for at least...a month, if your not counting any that might be in this bar at least." she says with a grin.

"Does he seems to have a reason? or is it just general arson?"

2014-02-23, 05:06 PM

Arland raises his eyebrow at the Templar before gazing away aloof.

"Sorry, sir, I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm here on business and haven't been in the area more than a couple days."

2014-02-23, 05:11 PM
Talsius approaches Heledir with direct intent. "You! Girl! What do you know of this situation?"

2014-02-23, 05:12 PM
Arland - The Templar questioning you accepts the answer you give him, "Very well", and joins his buddy speaking to Alysha, noticing her arcane robes.

Alysha - A second templar walks up to you with a look of hatred on his face, the crest he wears glows and he speaks to his ally, "Fredrick, this Dwarf be a wizard!" They circle around you and unsheathe their blades, "Dwarf, come with us or prepare to die!"

Heledir - Talsius stands before you in the midst of this conflict, asking about the Elven sorcerer

2014-02-23, 05:15 PM

"Girl"!? Those high and mighty Templars...

Heledir looks at the Templar, outwardly indifferent. "I've been in the wild for the past few months. Not had contact with anyone." She then glares and turns back to her mug.

Then she hears the commotion over by the bar. Yes, those high and mighty Templars...magic-users might be bad, but murdering people who've just been sitting and minding their own business is worse. She gets up and heads towards the Templars.

"The barkeeper would probably appreciate it if you did not spill blood within his property. As would the dwarf. Go about your own business and find your man. We are in free territory, here."

Diplomacy:1d20+2 Rolls in OOC.

2014-02-23, 05:17 PM

She doesn't move from her chair and stares icily at the templars.

"Magic is Legal here, as long as it's not used in unlawful acts, You have no right to demand me to go anywhere with you."

She puts her right hand on the table with a slam.
"If you wish to break treaty and become lawbreakers yourself, then have at thee, I will defend myself."

Intimidate(No Ranks): [roll0]

2014-02-23, 05:19 PM

Arland keeps watching the situation unfold.

Well, this is auspicious. Now they will be distracted. Though it may still be too risky to try to leave...

2014-02-23, 05:22 PM
Tal wasn't worried about the dwarf starting a conflict with his fellow Templar. Dwarves were known for talking big, and he knew nobody could be foolish enough to fight a Templar.

He continued his efforts with interrogating the girl in from of him. "Probably some wildling practicing some illegal magic, I bet." Tal says with a taunt in his voice.

2014-02-23, 05:27 PM
The Templar's are successfully intimidated and begin to back away, "I hope to see the king of this nation dead by the Blade of the Empire!" They storm off forgetting all about their comrade who remains here, seeking answers. The bartender mumbles some insults as they pass on out, and one happens to hear this, rushing back putting the the tip of his blade right to the bartender's throat, "Take that back you vile, goblin-fleshed fool!" Some of the commoners begin to rush out of the tavern in an act to avoid conflict.

2014-02-23, 05:31 PM
"Oi Oi Oi..." Alysha says; walking over to the hot headed Templar.
"We just went over this...illegal acts do include spearing bartenders...even if they DO cut you off, Now Off with Ye, get a thicker skin if ye are going to travel.." she grins.

"Need I inform the guards about the threat you lot just shouted about thee king?"
Intimidate(No Ranks): [roll0]

2014-02-23, 05:34 PM
Talsius stops what he is doing and moves to interrupt the fledgling Templar. Talsius prepares to shove him away from the bartender.

"He did nothing wrong! Leave before you make a mess of things!" The Templar yells with authority. He was relatively new to the order, but he at least outranked these pups.

Intimidate against the Templar: [roll0]

Preparing an action to bull rush the fool.

2014-02-23, 05:38 PM

Arland is still doing nothing, the slightest hint of a grin appearing on his face.

This is starting to get entertaining. Perhaps I don't need to leave so soon...

2014-02-23, 05:39 PM

The ranger eyes the situation. The most level-headed of the templars seemed to be getting thing back in control. Hopefully. She stays standing, just in case.

2014-02-23, 05:44 PM
Gerald (The aggressive Templar) shoves away the Dwarven woman, and continues to yell words of rage to the Barkeeper. Then, Talsius comes charging at him and knocks him to the floor. Gerald is still quite hesitant to leave, "I.. I.. I cannot leave..." However, Fredrick comes back into the tavern, "Gerald, leave now! You are making a mockery of yourself" The combined intimidation cause him to walk out of the tavern alongside Fredrick.

2014-02-23, 05:46 PM
The barkeep approaches Talsius, "You sir have just saved my life, and for that I owe you a debt of gratitude"

2014-02-23, 05:46 PM
The Templar acknowledges the bartender with a nod, but says nothing.

Talsius looks to the dwarf, but does not move to help. He simply says, "Are you alright?"

2014-02-23, 05:49 PM
"Geez, You'd think that Templar had a Fireball in his pants." Alysha says to nobody in piticular.

She turns to the templar still here and gives a small start at him asking afte her health.."Yes, I am..." She gives a small bow toward him"Thank you, I'm happy to see there is some of thier order that have a sense of honor still"

She then turns to the bartender; "Another Ale maybe? One for this gentle sir here too?"

2014-02-23, 05:52 PM

Nice to see some still have some common sense.

Heledir returns to her seat, but still keeps an eye on the happenings at the bar.

2014-02-23, 05:58 PM
Talsius looks at the bartender and speaks with the same authority in his voice that he used with the younger Templars. The way he spoke, though, wasn't as aggressive. "So if you don't know anything about this destructive sorcerer, perhaps you can point me out to someone that does?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-02-23, 05:59 PM
The barkeep turns to Alysha, "Actually I have something much better to offer. You see, to accept bounties in this kingdom one must have an officially registered guild. Problem is that can take months to complete. However, considering you look like the adventuring types, I was hoping you would accept my old guild's title. I no longer use it, as the guild disbanded years ago, but it is still registered and will prove to be a quite rewarding occupation. Only thing is, it requires a minimum of three people to be taken on by, and there are only two of you.

2014-02-23, 06:00 PM
Talsius looks at the bartender and speaks with the same authority in his voice that he used with the younger Templars. The way he spoke, though, wasn't as aggressive. "So if you don't know anything about this destructive sorcerer, perhaps you can point me out to someone that does?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

"I'm sorry but I know nothing, what do you think of my offer though?"

2014-02-23, 06:02 PM
"I'm not doing this to collect bounties. I'm doing this to protect the world from careless magic-users."

2014-02-23, 06:04 PM
"I'm not doing this to collect bounties. I'm doing this to protect the world from careless magic-users."

"Yet, I fail to see how such a goal will ever be conceivable, without the necessary funds to accomplish it. Please, take this title... it's all I can offer."

2014-02-23, 06:04 PM
"Hmm. I was Looking for more of a longer occupation"
Alysha Murmers loudly past her hand covering her mouth in thought.

"What does Guild Leadership...Membership entail? I'll need more of the specifics before I would try to convince others to join in such a venture."

"I would be a good way to legally assist in taking care of those who use magic illegally, along with broadening horizons..one could even open up a shop with some backing if something like that becomes well known"

2014-02-23, 06:08 PM
"Hmm. I was Looking for more of a longer occupation"
Alysha Murmers loudly past her hand covering her mouth in thought.

"What does Guild Leadership...Membership entail? I'll need more of the specifics before I would try to convince others to join in such a venture."

He turns back to Alysha, "It requires nothing of anyone. The main point of a guild is to open opportunities, rather than bring drawbacks. It's mainly just a title stating that you're worthy of accepting jobs from officials. In turn, you help rid the world of bandits and beasts while gaining a decent sum to use for your own goals.

2014-02-23, 06:09 PM
"Surely guilds must answer to someone; else everything they do could be seen as a lawless venture..."

2014-02-23, 06:12 PM
"Surely guilds must answer to someone; else everything they do could be seen as a lawless venture..."

He nods, "Yes, as I have stated, they answer to the officials of the kingdoms. Not all nations recognize guilds, but you will be surprised to find that most will have jobs for you."

2014-02-23, 06:12 PM
"Surely guilds must answer to someone; else everything they do could be seen as a lawless venture..."

"Right! Such as those damned Mages that are destroying everything in sight."

2014-02-23, 06:14 PM
ImperialSunligh - A commoner walks up to you and gossips about the conversation taking place, "Can he really just pass on his title like that?"

2014-02-23, 06:17 PM
Alysha turns to the templar and the bartender with a icy look

"Oi, one at a time" with she turns to the bartender.

"I'd be interested", with which she looks to the Templar

"You should be too, what do you think those three are going to report about you to whomever you answer; you "should" of followed them and reported in immediately I imagine. Their probably measuring a noose for you as we speak.."

2014-02-23, 06:24 PM
"What are they going to say? That they accidently started a fight with another Templar?"

Tal set his fingers on the bridge of his nose between his eyes in thought and sighed. He was low on funds, and perhaps this guild idea would help him find some Mages that needed to be put in place. "Fine, then. I'll join this guild."

2014-02-23, 06:26 PM
The Bartender claps his hands, "Wonderful, now all you need is one more member and you're good to go"

2014-02-23, 06:27 PM
"Good Good, Might you live long enough to regret it" she laughs and turns to the bartender..
"Three you said right?" she asks rhetorically to with she turns to the rest of the tavern floor in high spirits.

"Hey, Who wants to join a guild?" she yells into the establishment, not really caring to keep it quiet as she is sure anybody who cares has already heard what they were talking about..

2014-02-23, 06:46 PM
Having followed the conversation from her corner, Heledir is a bit surprised by the dwarf's...abrupt query. She allows herself a tiny grin. Efficient, this one.

She stands and heads towards the little group. "Heledir Ayvani. I've been hunting demons for a while now, and being able to collect a bounty on them would be quite beneficial for me. Supplies don't fund themselves. I would like to join your guild."

2014-02-23, 06:48 PM
Having followed the conversation from her corner, Heledir is a bit surprised by the dwarf's...abrupt query. She allows herself a tiny grin. Efficient, this one.

She stands and heads towards the little group. "Heledir Ayvani. I've been hunting demons for a while now, and being able to collect a bounty on them would be quite beneficial for me. Supplies don't fund themselves. I would like to join your guild."

The barkeep laughs, "Ah, it appears you have found no trouble finding a willing recruit. I hear the king has a job open right now, I would suggest you three go out and see what it's all about.

2014-02-23, 06:51 PM
The Dwarf reaches out a open hand to Heledir; hoping the action is pretty universal.


"Hmm. They King eh? Should probably inform a guard about the Templar's to, nothing concrete, just to keep an extra eye out."

2014-02-23, 07:00 PM

"Yes, well, such as things are", Arland dismisses the gossip.

He later overhears the others' conversation.

The king has a job to be done? This is beyond our kingdom's notice... Perhaps I shall join them, if only to see what has them so vexed... could yeild some important information, or if nothing else, some fun...

Arland approaches them.

"You may only need three for your guild, but might I join you in the king's mission? If it is dangerous, you may be in over your heads, especially with rumors of demonic troubles and such... Besides, it seems a profitable venture."

2014-02-23, 07:08 PM
"Ah, Then you wouldn't mind joining us in this guild it appears we've inherited" Alysha says pretty undiplomatically.

"It's unlikely they'd look to kindly on non-guilder's taking on this stuff, else they wouldn't bother with guilds"

Alysha Sighs, "Doesn't seem like membership will entail much beyond keeping it lawful anyhow, I don't think one of the founding members would allow anything but" she says with a gesture to the templar still in thier midsts.

A Thought seems to occur to her and she turns to the bartender
"What is this guilds name that we're inheriting anyways?"

2014-02-23, 07:12 PM
Heledir looks at Alysha's hand for a moment, then grips it for a brief second in what could possible pass as a handshake. She nods curtly at the templar and the latest comer.

"If you're done, I suggest we find where we need to go and head out."

She turns to the barkeep. "And where might we find details of this job?"

2014-02-23, 07:13 PM
"Ah, Then you wouldn't mind joining us in this guild it appears we've inherited" Alysha says pretty undiplomatically.

"It's unlikely they'd look to kindly on non-guilder's taking on this stuff, else they wouldn't bother with guilds"

Alysha Sighs, "Doesn't seem like membership will entail much beyond keeping it lawful anyhow, I don't think one of the founding members would allow anything but" she says with a gesture to the templar still in thier midsts.

A Thought seems to occur to her and she turns to the bartender
"What is this guilds name that we're inheriting anyways?"

"Ah yes, you shall be known as the Guild of the Undying Blades

2014-02-23, 07:15 PM
Heledir looks at Alysha's hand for a moment, then grips it for a brief second in what could possible pass as a handshake. She nods curtly at the templar and the latest comer.

"If you're done, I suggest we find where we need to go and head out."

She turns to the barkeep. "And where might we find details of this job?"

"The town choir in the market square should know all of the details. Seek him out and ask him of this job."

2014-02-23, 07:15 PM

He quickly replies to Alysha,

"Mm, yes, I suppose I could join your guild, for now at least. I do have business elsewhere, but... it can wait."

2014-02-23, 07:18 PM
"Then I suggest you all make haste, before this quest is taken."

2014-02-23, 07:20 PM
Talsius follows the group to the market square when they decide to leave.

2014-02-23, 07:20 PM
Alysha Stares at the bartender coldy.
"Your...real...Wha...Oh never mind.." with she leaves her sentence hanging as she pinches her nose between her eyes in exasperation.

"Lets...Lets just go". she says as she heads back to the table she had taken the night before to collect her stuff. "I'll need to collect my donkey on the way out of town though after we check out this job"

She turns back to the motley group that's come together. "Names Alysha Ironheart" with which she heads towards the door.

2014-02-23, 07:23 PM
"Talsius Ne'Dolo." The elf nods in greeting as he pulls his cloak's hood over his head as he leaves the building.

2014-02-23, 07:26 PM
Thanking the barkeep, Heledir shoulders her gear. I suppose I'll have to actually interact with the others.

She heads out with the others to the market square. "Does anyone know where exactly the town crier can be found?"

2014-02-23, 07:28 PM
As the doors to the tavern are opened, you feel the sun's rays of light filling the room. It is mid morning and the city is quite busy with talk of a nearby bandit group going around. Commoner::"Did you hear that there's a bounty for some bandits being offered?"

2014-02-23, 07:28 PM

Arland follows them out of the inn.

"I am known by some as Arland," he says, avoiding making his nobility obvious. His intentions are not illegal, but he still would prefer not to draw attention to his espionage.

2014-02-23, 07:32 PM
Alysha walk up to a random person.
"Could you point us to the town square?, We were told we needed to speak with the town crier" she says as she extends two copper she pulled from her coin purse towards the random pedestrian

2014-02-23, 07:36 PM
Alysha walk up to a random person.
"Could you point us to the town square?, We were told we needed to speak with the town crier" she says as she extends two copper she pulled from her coin purse towards the random pedestrian

"Ah yes, the town square is just across the tavern, travel straight ahead about 100 meters. You can't miss it."

2014-02-23, 07:42 PM

Heledir follows the group in the direction they were pointed, listening to some of the chatter of those nearby. It seems we're going to have to deal with a bandit problem.

When they reach the square, she looks around.

((If the town crier is not immediately obvious:))
She taps a passerby on the shoulder, but unlike Alysha, does not offer any coins. "Where might we find the town crier?"

2014-02-23, 07:46 PM
As you enter the town square, you hear the Town Crier shouting, "Attention everyone, the king is currently offering a great reward for anyone whom will clear out a nearby group of bandits outside the city walls."

As you all come to speak to him, he explains that the reward offered is 800 GP and fame amongst the citizens.

2014-02-23, 07:52 PM

I could live without the fame. But more funds are always nice. She addresses the crier.

"We would need directions or a map."

Turning to the others, she asks, "Does anyone need to prepare anything? If not, does everyone agree to accept?"

2014-02-23, 07:54 PM
"Bandits? We have Mages blowing buildings up, and we are worrying ourselves about bandits?"

2014-02-23, 07:58 PM
"The Templars bothering us earlier are probably more suited to a crazed mage that has a political agenda; unless you want them mad for stealing their bounty on that too?"

"Hmm, I might need to quickly research or acquire armaments, I've only my staff in that regard." she says thoughtfully. "Do you'd think we'd be safe taking them in the afternoon or evening?"

2014-02-23, 07:58 PM

Heledir turns to the templar.

"Aye. Your mages would probably blow us up, too, along with the buildings, if we tried anything."

2014-02-23, 07:58 PM
/Out of character: Just going out of DM for a second to say that if you have not seen it already, we were talking about switching to roll20 next weekend. I think it will provide a much better and smoother experience for everyone.

2014-02-23, 08:01 PM

Arland thinks a moment, While this is hardly the news I hoped to find... I could use the money for... personal comforts.

"I am... more prepared than I look.... I could use the funds. I say we accept."

2014-02-23, 08:04 PM
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to build allies, as long as I get back to the mission soon.

"Very well. Lets find these bandits and teach them a lesson."